I think it's easy to forget that students are rarely the ultimate culprits when it comes to the loan issue. How about the perverse incentives created by government overreach and an enforced narrative that "college is for everyone"? These hurt not only the financial wellbeing of students and society, but also the quality of the education itself, with so much monopoly money propping up useless postmodernist basket-weaving "academic" programs.

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Raising $120k for the HFDF is phenomenal, Jeff! Thank you for using your Operation Multiplier powers for the good of humanity!! 🙌

I would like to nominate Dr. Tess Lawrie’s World Council for Health (https://worldcouncilforhealth.org/) as a future candidate for OM.

Yesterday, I had the privilege of meeting with Tess, Shabnam Palesa Mohamed, and Devyn (their tech guy), and we are teaming up to stop what arguably poses the greatest threat to humanity and freedom in human history: namely, the WHO’s attempted power grab (https://drtesslawrie.substack.com/p/urgent-my-video-call-with-the-who) via their proposed international pandemic treaty and the amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) up for discussion at the 5/22–28 meeting. If approved, the IHR amendments would end national sovereignty starting in November and give the WHO dictatorial global powers to declare a “pandemic” and force countries to submit to their edicts or suffer economic sanctions, withholding of international aid, etc. An unelected bureaucrat and likely war criminal would have the power to impose a “OneHealth” dictate that supersedes democratically elected nation-state policies.

We will be embarking on a multi-front effort focused first on stopping the IHR amendments as well as the ongoing #StopTheTreaty (https://worldcouncilforhealth.org/news/2022/03/pandemic-treaty/45591/), followed by a #StopTheWHO campaign to deal a lethal blow to this nearly omnipotent arm of the WEF/globalist agenda.

The WHO held a sneak-attack meeting a couple weeks ago and only allowed 48 hours for public comment in response to their coercive question (worded to imply the inevitability of the treaty) limited to 250 words. Here is the response I submitted:

• “Letter to the WHO” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-who)

And here are some resources with more information:




The WCFH’s April 11 General Assembly Meeting is exceptionally informative:


These three videos are excerpted from that General Assembly meeting, and I recommend everyone watch them:




Anyone interested in following the WHO’s power grab and our efforts to stop it should follow Tess and me on Substack as we will be publishing a series of articles on how people can help us #StopTheWHO:



Jeff, please email me (if you’re on my mailing list, you can reply to any of my newsletters) if you would like to discuss more details privately.

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Apr 29, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

All these people full of vaccine juice and then adding more unknown medicines like paxwhateveritscalled... They're gonna have all these drugs doing stuff to their bodies and doctors/scientists will never be able to figure out exactly what's wrong with them.

People are obsessed with pharma.

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Apr 29, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

The colleges and Universities must be held accountable for “Overcharging & High tuition costs” because the US Government backed them! Kids signing 4 loans that they not be able to pay back with a degree in which they may never find a job or it pays low. Colleges have become social gathering/indoctrination centers to produce not academics and educated, critical thinkers but useful idiots who become weakened citizens of the government! Please pray for this country and start talking to educate the masses...say when you are standing in line at the check out counter. You would be amazed at the high % of people who have no idea of their country being destroyed from within!

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Apr 29, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

"This week, Moderna and Pfizer both asked the FDA for expanded EUAs for the jabs in kids over 5."

Repeat after me: There. Is. No. Emergency!

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"Climate change is going to increase the risk of new infectious diseases" Not to worry Joe's got this. We have a "Commander in Chief"🙄 who wants our armed forces to engage the enemy with earth friendly non-fat yogurt propelled surface-to-air bran muffins. We're good.

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Apr 29, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Student loans. That’s a hard one, Jeff. Maybe suits should be brought against universities and colleges so they have to give a good faith estimate of what certain degrees will rack up. I have two grandchildren who have racked up mounds of student debt and are working in non-related jobs for much less than they were told their degree would offer. They’ve been told the only way to a higher paying job is to get their masters.

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doctors seem to spend their entire careers in various states of bafflement

i remember when they were baffled that i reversed my diabetes but when i told them how by doing keto they said ooh thats dangerous!

ive never been healthier and havnt been near a doctor for anything other than a blood test since

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Apr 29, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Thanks again Jeff Childers.

Yes indeed our founding fathers of the Constitution were extremely discerning and wise to follow after the governing principles God established, remembering the year of Jubilee when everyone got a reset.

However, It is clear that in order to truly solve our problems we must strike at the root of those creating them.

This horde of creeps must be removed otherwise we’ll be running around putting out fires on and on.

This illegitimate regime can’t solve any problems they may have inherited such as our catastrophic student loan “program”.

They’re only concerned with creating creating conditions of chaos and destruction for its quite obvious wealth distribution is their ultimate goal, destroying the backbone of America the working middle class.

I’m looking for a trigger someone or some event that will succeed in igniting the seething anger of 75% of the population. Who I believe are God honoring, family loving patriots who want nothing more than to be left alone to live in freedom.

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Student loans are such a racket. I used to work in higher Ed and saw so many lives made harder by student loans. The one thing the Obama administration did right was to crack down on for profit schools and force them to show outcomes for their students (that is to say Jobs) in order to be able to offer federal loans to students. Not just empty promises. That was one policy I was sad to see go when trump took office because there was nothing else put in its place. Sadly these types of institutions (and it’s not limited to them by any means - colleges are creating so many Masters level programs because they are cash cows) target veterans because of their GI bill. But what happens when these people who are not prepared for college start attending a crap school that gives them no support and they flunk out? They don’t have a degree yet they still have the debt and not enough of a balance left to try starting over at another school. (Your federal student loan amount has a lifetime limit) Yes I agree that personal responsibility is part of the equation but so many of the people this loan program hurts are first generation college students who don’t typically know what to look for in a college. They think degree = job but there are a bunch of steps in between that they don’t know about. So many institutions prey on that and it makes me so mad.

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Apr 29, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Great C&C again. Unfortunately for Michigan families with college students, the Governor will veto anything the Legislature does on prohibiting mandatory jabs for college students. There ought to be a law setting a high watermark on how often a Governor can use veto power in a given year. Ours must hold some kind of record. I think she issued 137 vetoes in the first year of covid. I didn’t count after that. She will only negotiate on budget monies and will generally get her way against a Republican led Legislature who continually tell their constituents, “nothing we can do.” A mirror of DC is this bunch. But our eyes are open now and we are fighting back!

Why oh why are these ‘people’ testing when they have no SYMPTOMS? There is no such blooming thing as asymptomatic! And I wish some of the medical profession would have the guts to say it out loud. I am still amazed at how I can attend almost any sporting event, indoor entertainment now and not see a mask, but go into any large retailer/superstore and they are still dotting the landscape. 🤦‍♀️

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Ya know, Isn't the vp of the US triple boosted, and taking PAXlovid? why isn't she on Redemsivier? (sp)

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Apr 29, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Jeff, you didn't mention this tidbit, so I'm assuming you are unaware.

"In 2005, the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act (BAPCPA) made all educational loans, public and private, nondischargeable absent a showing of undue hardship (an impossible standard to meet as interpreted by courts across the country)." This bill was heavily supported by... you guessed it - Joe Biden. https://www.natlbankruptcy.com/make-student-loan-debt-dischargeable-in-bankruptcyagain/#:~:text=In%202005%2C%20the%20Bankruptcy%20Abuse,by%20courts%20across%20the%20country).

The change to the bankruptcy laws helped fuel the flood of loan marketing and giving to students, which led to higher tuition costs, which led to colleges competing for students, thus the building of non-educational things like lazy rivers and rock-climbing walls.

After 5 years of college, in 1998 I had about $20,000 of debt (and I never went to Panama City for spring break). I have an engineering degree and got a good job, lived a mostly frugal life for several years, made extra principal payments every month and paid it all off in 5 years. People who make mistakes have to learn from them, sometimes the hard way. That's what builds character and leads to better future decision making.

I agree with you that the solution is to change the bankruptcy laws. There is no moral hazard in doing that, and debt forgiveness will lead to more irresponsible borrowing (a lot like amnesty would lead to more illegal immigration). The real problem is that the Democrats never met a moral hazard they didn't like.

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"At the moment, I would say it’s just a little mysterious. There are a lot of potential explanations for what’s going on. They’re all speculation, and it has to be much better studied.” - Oh, NOW they want more studies. Nice

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Apr 29, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

ADE is real.

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Apr 29, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

"Comanche warrior Elizabeth Warren"

How dare you mis-tribe her like that. She's Cherokee, not Comanche! :P

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