Aug 12, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I have to say that some of my favorite posts of yours are the ones in which you explain legal terms, procedures, and strategies to us non-experts. Thank you for exposing the machinations of our department heads, figureheads, talking heads, and decision-makers.

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Jeff somehow makes things clearer for my pea brain!

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Agreed, I like the education

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I agree!! Im in sales. No legal training here. How Jeff navigates through content, quotes, actions and statements facinates me. Like you, I really appreciate how he breaks it all down in both how his mind & law works.

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Yes, I *always* learn many useful terms, concepts, and perspectives. But the funny takes and witty word pictures make me smarter, too. 😃

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Aug 12, 2022·edited Aug 12, 2022

Yes I really enjoy this too!!!

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DJ Trump will begin posting on Telegram beginning Monday. Sign-up now. He needs subscribers to kick-start the site. - t.me/MrPoolofficial45

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Ditto. Jeff, your nuanced legal explanations are very clear and help us to cut through much media blather.

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Well well well, on Tuesday I told the Mayo Clinic scheduler on the phone that I would not be making an appointment with a certain doctor there because last year he pressured me to get the shot. And now the CDC has changed Covid Law. Coincidence? 🤷🏻‍♀️🤔

Scripture for today:

I will lift up my eyes to the mountains;

From where shall my help come?

My help comes from the Lord,

Who made heaven and earth.

He will not allow your foot to slip;

He who keeps you will not slumber.

Behold, He who keeps Israel

Will neither slumber nor sleep.

The Lord is your keeper;

The Lord is your shade on your right hand.

The sun will not smite you by day,

Nor the moon by night.

The Lord will protect you from all evil;

He will keep your soul.

The Lord will guard your going out and your coming in

From this time forth and forever.

— Psalm 121:1-8 NASB1995

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My physical last week was very different from last year's! Last year it was all about covid shot, this year no mention of it, just what am I thinking about FLU shots. 🤔 I think they're trying to assess the damage to medical and pHarma credibility. They got an earful.

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They’re probably just gonna add Covid crap to the flu shots and not say anything. They modify those every year anyway and nobody bats an eye.

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Aug 12, 2022·edited Aug 12, 2022

Haven’t got a flu shot in 15 years. Suggest others skip from now on as well.

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I agree, haven't had a flu shot since I was forced to take the first flu shot in the military, or get an article 13, reduction in pay and rank. But I was 21 at the time, now I am in my late 60s. Nor will I ever take knowingly a vaccine for anything. What ever the definition they use.

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I heard that they will start doing that with the military. They have NO choice about what is injected into their bodies.

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Why bother with flu shots? Dr. McCullough says they are only 15% effective. The pneumonia ones are even less so at 9%.

Haven't had one in years b/c they make me sick and the only time I did have one in 1999, I got the flu to welcome in Y2K. Now I know the reasons for both.

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All the jabs they’ve ever made are garbage.

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I have been reading this psalm often lately.

The idea of shade also at the end of Isaiah 4. Has been making me pray how to make our home a place of shade from the heat and shelter from the storm.

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Aug 12, 2022·edited Aug 12, 2022

Once again, Janice, the BEST response for such a time as this. When I just want to smack the powers that be, the deceivers, the ones in cahoots to control others while enriching themselves, lying 24-7 to do so, you whip out a scripture I’ve known and loved forever which sets my mind back to what really matters. I LOVE knowing all the things C&C /Jeff teaches and I love the scriptures that help me intentionally place the awfulness on the back burner and the knowledge straight from God onto the front burner.

I appreciate you both so

much, Jeff and Janice!

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Praise God. But it should be Jeff…

And lots of smart people…

And maybe Janice…

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I agree with KC also, thank you so much for printing the word of God, it gives my soul comfort.

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Check out Todd Herman too.

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Well, good job, Janice! Make some more phone calls, I say😃

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For me, Psalm 73 which I memorized many years ago and goes on "auto-pilot" when I start reciting it, is what I find comfort in during these evil days.

The first section ends with "This is what the wicked are like: always carefree, they increase in wealth" and Asaph then bemoans how scandalized he is until he enters the sanctuary of God. Then he understands their final destiny:

Surely you place them on slippery ground

You cast them down to ruin

How suddenly are they destroyed, completely swept away by terrors

As a dream when one awakes, so when you arise O LORD, you will despise them as fantasies...

A time is coming when the wicked will no longer prosper, in their arrogance they will no longer threaten oppression. The LORD will destroy all who are unfaithful to him.

Make the Sovereign Lord your refuge!

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This is one of my absolute favorite Psalms, Janice! Psalm 91 and Psalm 46 I say daily as well. It’s medicine for your soul!

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Aug 12, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

At least we can say the CDC has accomplished something that few others can lay claim to. They've united the entire country. Of course we're united in our distain and distrust of the CDC, but still, it's something.

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United on “paper,” but divided in mind from their being gaslighted, brain washed and psyopped for 2 years about Covid.

The Covidians are having a meltdown. I doubt it will cause them to say “sorry Mom for shutting you out of our family’s life for 2 years, how about coming for a long visit?” Or “hey Dad, now that that that’s over how about we come for a visit?”

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True. It took many years for those who didn't already see through their crap to come around but, yes, now both sides would like to see them disbanded.

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I just spent 3 days with my brother and his career-long, retired in 2019, emergency nurse and trust me, they haven’t come around. I overheard her speaking with adulation in her voice about Fauchi, and also how happy she was that more Brokeback pox shots were coming available.

He spoke of one ball player who this year alone lost 3 mil in salary cuz he wouldn’t take the shot. I said ‘good for him’. He asked incredulously ‘wouldn’t you for three mil? I said NO!!!

They think I’m nuts! 🤣

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Good Health is PRICELESS.

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I say this all the time! I remember the commercial decades ago that said, “When you have your health, you have everything!” I GET IT NOW at 59. So true!

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(I should have waited to post earlier - sigh.) It is truly incredible how brainwashed some medical personnel are who see the evidence EVERY day and yet see nothing and are in complete denial! Mind-boggling!!

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I wouldn't take it for $3M either!

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Sure, I’m tempted though! It will come in handy when dems keep raising our taxes, and help make up for inflation and IRA losses too. 😉

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I completely understand. For a second, I thought I should ask my husband if he'd take the 💉 for us...😂

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Thought the same thing, we are finally united about something.

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Aug 12, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

The DeSantis "Veteran teacher program," is a stroke of genius for conservative Americans. Real world experience on why subject matter they're teaching is important. I've seen SOME teachers who've gone straight from college to the classroom...and well, this 20yr vet says they're the civilian equivalent of a 2nd LT.

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I completely agree. They need men to balance out the schools filled with neurotic women.

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Aug 12, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I am a female Vet

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And a doctor, at least its getting more and more common for women to be doctors, but many people think that veterans are men, I guess because of all the focus on PTSD and homelessness… it’s usually men who are in the spotlight.

Thank you for your service.

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I was a military instructor for many years. I'd probably not do well in a classroom of today's youth, unless they wanted to be there and were focused...eh....that ain't happening...

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As a former Drill Sergeant, the kids wouldn’t want me either. : )

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And you would likely be exactly what they needed, but their ‘mamas’ would be on the warpath about how their ‘little darlings’ were being treated. Cell phones are a curse in the school environment. Those mamas are instantly alerted if the offspring feel ‘dissed’.

One anecdote from a learning disabilities teacher I shared an office with at the urban middle school: she was bending over a student’s desk in the classroom, when a male student in the row behind said “Ms. XYZ, get your butt out of my face!” She was naturally outraged and demanded that he call his mama and tell her what he had said. So he got on his cell phone and told his mama that he had been told to call and tell her he had said, “Get your butt out of my face to a teacher. The mama told him to put the teacher on the phone, and when he did, mama said, “Well, Ms. XYZ, did you have your butt in his face?”

The schools in urban areas are full of this. It’s the norm. And those who need discipline do not get it. Students in trouble are just the ones who have been perceived to violate someone’s civil rights. And of course some groups could never possibly do that because it must be acknowledged that they are victims of the institutionalized racist, homophobic, gender phobic, whatever.

My heart bleeds for the innocent who have no choice but to endure this day after endless day. Sons and daughters of single moms or dads with small incomes are trapped.

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So many of these kids need structure, boundaries and tough love. Too many little assholes. My 12 year old was just telling me after starting a new school how "So many of these kids need a parent to yank their chain"

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lol. No, they would not. 🤕 🤛

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Yes, I am also a Veteran, and there is no way, the kids would want me, as a nurse, I had a pt tell me, that I reminded her of Catholic Nuns, lol, we got a great laugh out of that.

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They need you. But their mamas get outraged if anyone tries to discipline their darlings. They’re off limits and everyone knows it.

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I was an art teacher in the early 80’s. I hated it, and really didn’t feel prepared to teach, even with a college degree. Its not for everybody.

Did you take classes to teach in the military or were you just a natural? Now I’m curious.

And thank you too.

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The ability to teach, like many things, is really a talent which some people have and some people don't (I do NOT). I value those who do whether they have a teaching degree or not. My husband, an electrical engineer, is probably the best math teacher I know. I've seen him take advanced concepts and break them down in such a way for my kids that even I - 38 years out of high school - understand them for the first time! I second the comment that we need more men in the schools - especially the younger grades.

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I was recruited to be a troop trainer right out of basic. I was platoon leader a number of times during basic. I went to Drill Sergeant school soon as it open up to women. I was a bit if a natural being the oldest of 6. My Mom was divorced in the late 50’s so I started troop training early.

: )

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When I was in, we had an instructor's training course you had to go through, along with the fact you had to be MOSQ, meaning qualified in your position.

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Then you would agree that most Veterans are men.

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I’m a retired deputy and many female deputies I worked with are military/former military. Makes sense I guess.

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Decades ago, the vast majority of school principals were men. Then came the militant feminist push. My observation was that more tiers of ‘management’ were added, the men moved up the ladder and women principals rapidly became the norm.

I said then and I say now, working for most of those women was like working for your mother, who happened to be neurotic. There were no minor issues. Everything required major focus and action. There was no satisfying them and the arrogance and displays of superiority were off the chain.

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One anecdote from a fellow teacher at the urban middle school, where I spent 8 horrifying years: She was bending over the desk of a ‘learning disabled’ student (she had no choice but to ‘blend’ into the regular classroom) when a male student in the row behind said, “Ms. XYZ, get your butt out of my face.” She was outraged and demanded he call his mama and tell her what he had just said. He called her right there, as cell phones are always with them. After telling his mama why he was calling and what he had said, mama told him to put Ms. XYZ on the phone. Then mama asked Ms. XYZ, “Well, did you have your butt in his face?”

This is common, mamas to the rescue. Civility is all but dead. This is why teachers are in short supply.

Discipline is for the innocent students who violate/offend someone’s sacred civil rights and are accused of being racist, homophobic, gender insensitive, etc.

Many of these are the sons and daughters of single parents, struggling to survive and seeing few options.

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My wife recently reunited with a friend from her 20's. Back then, the friend had a lifelong dream to become a teacher. She finally achieved that dream and just finished her first year teaching in a public middle school.

Which is great right? (You know better of course.)

She's lived to see her life's dream become a nightmare with violent teens running wild, using their cellphones to record her and call in the authorities like the school principal who always takes the side of the students.

Of course, the minority kids who call the classroom shots cannot be questioned. Because THASSS RACISSSS

Beyond sad

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Which is why I home schooled my 2 boys even though both parents worked full time.

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Neurotic women. Hmmm. What do you call the dingbats on the Fargo school board who have removed the pledge of allegiance from the schools because there is “no liberty and justice for all” and because the pledge mentions God, which is an insult to non-Christians. Really?

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I call them dangerous useful Idiots

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Male Karen’s.

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I believe they are known by the pronoun "karens". Lol 😆

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Anything is better than a good portion of the teachers/groomers employed now.

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Tim Ive never met a 2nd LT. or an Ens. who knew much either out of the academy or college. Unless they were a Mustang. (previous enlisted). Cheers

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We had one that myself and another NCO would intentionally salute him with our left hand as he approached, in unison, like clockwork...he'd sometimes turnaround with this puzzled look...even asked us once. haha...

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Right? I still tell stories about my brainless, power hungry 2nd LT.

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Does anyone else feel like they want to slap Liz when she refers to the Republican Party as "my party"?

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Have you seen the ad her dad did for her campaign. I think I'd rather be shot than have to watch it again...

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What strikes me about the ad is her father brazenly states that Liz’s sole purpose in Congress is to thwart Trump at every venue.

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Yea, it's kinda stunning in its audacity. He blatantly states that her job is to make sure Trump is never president again. I guess they get points for being honest...

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Yes. Trump's destruction is her sole ambition. If there's any time left over for the peons that elected her, she might do something related to her job....

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At least he’s truthful about it!

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He looks so mean, bitter and angry! It reminds me of his power hungry overreach as vp to Bush 43.

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Like father like daughter.

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Her dad would gladly shoot you too. 😆 Too soon?

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Oh my, I completely forgot about that!

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Me too. LOL

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I lost it when I saw that ad! I wasn’t sure if he was even still alive! What’s up with his cowboy hat? These people are nuts! They have NO SHAME. My friend lives in WY and no one likes Cheney.

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It was so cringe. 😬

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Well, just go on a hunting trip with her father and you just might get shot.

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Her Dad might be able to help out with that. Lol

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No, thank God.

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I just want to smack her 99% of the time. Does that count?

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Yes, yes. Every time I see her face. I believe she may have been dropped on her head as a child. More importantly, why does the GOP allow her to remain in the Republican Party?

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🎶🎶‘It’s my party and I’ll cry if I want to...’🎶🎶😂

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I know. Miss piggy was kicked out. Only rinos like her

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Oh, yeah!

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Whenever I find myself hoping that the people behind the cruel, discriminatory measures taken against the unvaccinated find themselves eating bologna sandwiches in a medium security facility for a few years, I am brought back to reality by remembering that no important figure whose recklessness nearly crashed the economy in 2008 ever served a day in jail. Heck, they even got to keep their ill-gotten gains.

What a world we live in.

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Aug 12, 2022·edited Aug 12, 2022

And I'm afraid even when the Republicans take over in 2024, is that administration actually going to admit to the overwhelming carnage of vaccine injury and pay damages to those individuals? I just fear it's too big of a beast that no one is going to want on their plate. Talk about a need for a class action lawsuit. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see Ran Paul throw Fauci in jail, but that won't help the Maddie DeGarary's.

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No. We the people should not pay damages. Only Pharma or no damages. If we the people keep bailing everyone out this keeps happening. Only until people realize that taking Pharma products is at their OWN risk will they stop taking them or demand change. I, for one, am against our government (AKA our tax dollars) paying for damages.

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I say we take salaries and pensions from Fauci, Biden et al., and use those :)

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Yes, that would be a great place to start!

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Don't disagree but the government mandated that thousands of Americans take the jab in order to earn a living and feed their families. 2 Billion to Ukraine, but nothing to those who lost their lives or livelihood because the government said they had to. My point is, no one is going to pay... financially or criminally.

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America has a vaccine injury Court that is paying out big $$$$ for damages done by other vaccines. There are so many claims that you have to hire a lawyer to get any pay outs. There is a book called "The Vaccine Court 2.0" by Wayne Rohde. They have not started payments for Covid Vaccine injuries. Although our insurance industry is paying for some care for vaccine damaged..........which isn't called that in the medical industry.

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Big pharma will be paying any fines with OUR tax dollars.

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Absolutely, right on target! The government already pays out too much of the peoples hard earned money to the irresponsible.

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What about all the military men and women who (for the most part) were forced into vaccination? Crimes against humanity. A lot of people willing signed up but a lot of them were forced. I am so furious with the whole shit show we call U.S. government.

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I’m still waiting for Rand Paul to prove he’s more than noise and drama. It’s like he has a leading “controlled opposition” role. Someone has to vent the mounting steam pressure from enraged patriots from time to time or the pitchforks will come out. I think Trey Gowdy got an Oscar for his performance of that role back in the day. He could make you think something big is coming now! His Benghazi Hearings were just classic.

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No way they payout vaccine injury claims. At least not in any meaningful way. There is not enough money! They already ran into that problem with autism when they slammed that door shut by cherry picking a couple cases and saying those rulings applies to all future cases. This would be an even bigger problem.

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Hannah Poling’s family got $5million for her autism case! And lifetime care $$$ on top of that. She was a perfectly precocious kid with a vast vocabulary, very bright. After her vaccines, she descended into total isolation, no more eye contact, no more singing, very few words, the whole thing. Tragic.

Interesting read, but don’t look in go ogle. Duckduckgo sold out, too. Look on BING. The case was in my home state, GA. Of course, her parents are

like, biomedical professors or something and really knew their stuff. Not sure who litigated, possibly RFK himself??

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That is why there should be a public health plan / policy to repair / rejuvenate the inate immune system i.e. health / homeostasis of the body. I'll continue to implement mine with my patients and sphere of influence. Praying for our country 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

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Aug 12, 2022·edited Aug 12, 2022

I brought this up to the resident Karen at work. About the lockdowns and isolation and discrimination against your choice. The bitch said "Tough! Deal with it. I had 2 family members die of covid. The lockdowns were to make sure no one put someone else at risk." I replied that she and all those at risk should have stayed lockdown and the rest of us could go live our life. I admit. I will not be upset when she's gone from this world. Sorry. But this is the mindset you are dealing with from the covidiots.

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I’d lose it! She’s a stupid person…literally. Her attitude is responsible for the deaths of her family members. I doubt ANYONE she knows has died of CONvid. They died of comorbidities or not getting proper care: D, C, Zinc, Quercitin, Ivermectin, HCQ, exercise, etc. People like her are dangerous and unfortunately are running our governments.

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They are lost. They will never admit they were wrong. Nobody in the groups I hang with—all jabbed—say anything about Covid now. Nuthin. No bragging they got a booster etc. not everyone knows I’m unjabbed either. But they do relate when some certainty jabbed relative tests positive for Covid snd the hassle. But it’s a so what tone not making any connection to the cognitive dissonance they are so scarily displaying.

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She blatantly stated it was all for selfish reasons. Her and her family's security. Our wants, needs, desires and rights be damned. I am hot under the collar right now.

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hating the unvaccinated was one of the most cruel times I have every seen in my life, Especially from the president of our united states Joe Biden.

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I agree with you. I’ve never seen anything like it in my 59 years. Pure evil…

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When Joe Biden scolded us for not getting vaccinated, I think that's when I did an about face on the Democratic party...Bah-Bye. Will vote Republican for the first time in my life. (And in all fairness, DT would've been shoving the vaccine down our throats too.)

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DJT I don’t think EVER would have made the jab mandatory! In all fairness. Gimme a break!

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Yup I had a former friend who got really angry at me in May 2020 after her comment that “we should shut down all of the stores and just go out for emergencies” to which I responded that there were other issues like people’s mental health and livelihoods at stake. She accused me of not caring about people dying of Covid. It made me angry that she dismissed all those other needs because as a well paid essential worker (both she and her husband), she had no concerns about the shutdowns and was hardly affected by them. The sheer callous selfishness couched in “caring about others” made me livid. I hate it when people pretend to care about others but are really only serving themselves.

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I felt the same about all my senior friends. (In our 70’s). There was NO concern for how these lockdowns were affecting working people or the poor—especially concerning paying bills, feeding their families and keeping a home. .even when younger families were losing jobs or struggling in their own families. NONE of us retired sacrificed much monetarily at all if we had enough to live well. I saw the callousness of their attitudes from the beginning. A signal to me that many had already lost their minds to fear. I had turned everything off at the beginning so I wasn’t being infected by the fear porn. This one decision early could be a reason I’m still alive or not injured. I thank God for that.

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We self quarantined when we got back from a month long trip to the UK, Wales and Ireland. Cut our trip short. Got home March 15, 2020. Hubs still had to work. He works on the Bering Sea. So, after kowtowing to their ridiculous demands of quarantining, testing and mandating all the shots and boosters to keep his career, we are almost ready to retire. But, our nice nest egg is now worth half of what it was during 45's reign. They are making us poor. I am sure his liberal company will make another booster mandatory. Yet the super liberal owner of the company presides over the crew and makes them all be vaxxed. He lives forever with no side effects while the rest of his kingdom are now starting to show issues. The first jab was mandated in April of 2021 and it is all very traumatizing. We were in a much better position a year ago to tell them to shove it and walk away. But, the way they did it was, a few days before the first jab, they let him know it would be coming and he had no choice. Then they set up a shot shack on the pier and told the crew to come down, line up and get the shot. Women yelling at them with big arrows telling them which way to go and to stay in line. Hubs said he could tell what it felt like in Nazi Germany to be a Jew forced into something horrible...just a little taste. It was disgusting. And...they are still spouting boosters. He is due for his second on his next rotation.

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Made me hot too. So many humans are despicable creatures now. They need to go back into personal physical lockdown so we don’t have to hear their nastiness. Obviously they have already locked down their minds. Finish the job covidiots.

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I have become self-consciously aware that everyone around me, no matter the subject or the medium of communication, it's all the same: me, me, me, my FEELINGS, my needs, my wants, my desires - they are all-important and the only thing that matters is me. No wonder "pronouns" are sooo important! The only thing that matters are your FEELINGS. Americans have been possessed by a spirit of Gollum - MY PRECIOUS, MY PRECIOUS! And I'm not being metaphorical.

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I know! So many jabbed acquaintances and friends have gotten Covid and they just brush it off, like they never heard of 95% effective. Blows my mind.

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Well I had a brother die BECAUSE of the lockdowns!!! 😡😡😡 So she can just go to h*ll 😡

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Yes. ASAP. I am not obligated to forgive straight up evil.

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Yeah. There’s that. Only you and I sitting in our own house are subject to the full force of what passes for the law these days.

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Is it wrong of me to picture Fauci and Birx and Adams and Redfield and oh, so many others, in orange jump suits waiting for their food to be scooped out on metal trays?

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Not wrong at all - as long as they are on gibbets.

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No. But then I am picturing several different scenarios —if you know what I mean. 🤔

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And Dr. Simone Gold, America’s Frontline Doctors, is in a federal lockup. All she’s done is help people. We truly are fighting good vs evil. We must stay strong spiritually and never become what we are fighting against (and we’re human).

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Yes, absolutely! There is no doubt in my mind that this is a spiritual battle, at its core.

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Can the parallel to Nazi Germany be any closer?

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They'll never see punishment and I'm not willing to hold my breath waiting. Asphyxiation ain't my jam! The red wave isn't gonna create itself. We need to share C&C with everyone we possibly can so the info is shared between more than loyal readers.

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After two plus years of this plandemic the CDC still will not concede. This new turn around “might “ be a sign but as long as communist Joe and rat face Fauci are around I doubt it. Here, in Philadelphia, they announced only 68 ppl working for the City were still not vaccinated so if an exemption was not approved they were fired! I’m a federal employee and still work from home so I’m safe but id be fired if I worked for the City. They need to stop all these mandates along with these new (and never should have been placed) guidance. Any Dr or nurse who still believes this crap needs their heads examined. We need more mental health. Just look who’s “trying” to run this country. It’s Howdy Doody time!

Have a good weekend C&Cers.

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I worked for a major city and was forced to retire years early after 23 years (no test/no jab). My bf lost everything after 17 years (no test/no jab). He’s still extremely upset how the city treated him. If you had told me that cities would treat their workers like this, I wouldn’t believe you! What’s next?

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"rat face" - I see the resemblance.

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Yes, they are still declaring an “emergency” for Cvd. This will never end until they end the (fake) emergency.

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The plaintiffs in the Canadian lawsuit need financial help to keep going. The lawsuit has cost them over $160,000 so far. They have a GiveSendGo and it’s called The Canadian Freedom Litigation Fund. Shaun Rickard created it - he and another fellow brought the lawsuit last December. You can follow the case on there and also on Facebook - the group is called Durham Dissident. Durham is a city in Ontario FYI.

I am not affiliated with them but I did donate immediately upon hearing of the plans to bring the lawsuit, and then of course I’m continuing to donate. The Canadian media so far is not covering this except for a small Toronto Sun article that was poorly written.

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Sounds like a good one for another C&C multiplier.

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Shoot, was just typing in a similar response and you beat me to it. 👏

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That would be amazing, thank you for suggesting this!

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Although I appreciate your concern and empathy for the Canadians, I’m more concerned about our country and Americans; America first because no one will come to our defense. We spend 6 weeks at a resort in Scottsdale every winter and there are a lot of Canadians there. Very nice people but when they were allowed to travel and started coming back to the resort, most of them were asking every if they were vaxxed and I never heard them denounce Trudeau or their mandates. I attempted to explain the truth of the whole Covid hoax and dangers of the vax and it fell on deaf ears.

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Are you serious???? No thank you. We have been affected major by this. I would have nothing in common with these “nice” people. Many of us are still fighting “a war” in the USA. I’m sure that bothered you just a bit.

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I think you misinterpreted my comment.. What I was saying is take care of America and Americans who have been deeply affected by the Covid hoax and mandates and vaccines first! I’m not interested in a multiplier for Canada!

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plus they wipe out our food and gas supply in towns close to the borders

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I looked several different ways - cant find the group on FB.

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Same problem here. I've been searching for it....nada. FB probably scrubbed it. GRRRRR

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Ok....thanks! I thought maybe I was searching wrong somehow!

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The group Facebook page is at


It is set up as a private group.

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Canadians are going to have ALL their guns taken away by Trudeau after the first of the year. Another prison state like Australia now on our border.....

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Canadians are going to have all their guns taken away from them by Trudeau at the first of the year. Another prison state like Australia now on our border.......

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What are you gonna do about that?

Imo, that is where my line is drawn. Come for my guns, and I will die in the shootout.

But so will they.

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Ditto! But then again I said that about jabbing children and instead I see parents submitting their babies to the executioner.

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Oh!! Silly you. You must have missed the JB presser where he made sure to let us know that the government has fighter jets to use against WTP. Our lil' ole guns are no match for the big bad government when they want to get rid of all these pesky taxpayers.

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Aug 12, 2022·edited Aug 12, 2022

Why does Garland always look like he's scared and going to cry?

Are y'all familiar with Panorama Education? This is Garland's son-in-law's company that was being protested against last year. The company doesn’t use the term critical race theory (CRT) on its website but groups have claimed that Panorama uses data collection as a pretext for school officials to push controversial ideas about race, identity and sexuality. Anyhoo.... yesterday it was announced that Wyoming is the first state to terminate its relationship with Panorama. I hope others follow suit. https://openthebooks.substack.com/p/wyoming-is-the-first-state-to-terminate

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Good news, maybe. Missouri schools were supposed to stop Common Core. My bf's daughter was still in the school system at the time and said, "yeah. They 'took it out', but they are still teaching it."

I used to work for a textbook publisher. They were always trying to revamp ways to teach children reading, writing, and 'rithmatic.

But the homeschoolers only wanted the Dick and Jane books, as far as the reading part went. THEY knew the way to teach.

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In Florida any textbooks that had hints of CRT or woke content were culled. Editors were allowed to resubmit them after the offending content was removed.

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Aug 12, 2022·edited Aug 12, 2022

Yes!! That is good news indeed! Go Wyoming!

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In his statement yesterday, Mr Old Lady Garland said something along the lines of, "All Americans deserve fair and even application of the law, and the presumption of innocence."

I'm sure all the various Jan. 6 defendants will be glad to hear that.

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After he said “no one is above the law” and in this head saying “except me, Pelosi, Fauci, Biden, Pfizer, Moderna, CDC, FBI, FDA…”

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Yeah somebody made a great meme about that.

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So nice of the CDC to finally let me know that my husband lost his career for no reason whatsoever 😳

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I’m sorry. My SIL barely survived remdisivir and the vent last October and her state job forced her to jab this spring to keep her job and pension. It’s so evil that some of these places won’t even want to give this up. They are literally possessed snd enjoy doing this. Satan must be laughing his arse off.

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I think you, and all C&Cers, would enjoy the newly released book by Dr Peter McCullough and John Leake: The Courage To Face Covid-19. I might have to qualify "enjoy". It's a good book but it will make your blood boil. It will make you glad we did a multiplier for him. It could be seen as extending the multiplier by buying the book. You will love and respect Dr Mc Cullough even more.

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he's my favorite

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So they didn't kill her the first time, and they needed a second bite of the apple, so to speak. Straight. Up. Evil.

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Yup. She had to look high and low to find the JNJ. The perhaps somewhat safer one demonized by the mRNA crowd and every other now evil entity around. She retired last week. So they held this over her after nearly dying a few months ago before she could retire with her pension in 2 months. 8 lousy weeks. Illinois and her corrupt state union.

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I'm retired but my buddy who still works for the military may be forced into the same situation with his retirement. He will not submit. He will let them fire him and then he will take them to court. He's smart and he takes no enemies. It may take awhile but I do not doubt he will win. But either way, he will still be alive. The jabbed are literally the walking dead. I always wondered what all the zombie movies were about. Now I know. And the "woke" are the mentally walking dead.

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This whole thing has revealed the real heroes among us and even in myself I have a strength and determination I never knew I had. You too. I doubt the evil doers had any idea what they might be creating and empowering. Narcissistic and blatant sociopaths that they are. They will see and fear in time.

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We're in Massachusetts, home of "big pharma". They are headquartered in Switzerland of course, but they run many of their operations right here. MA has lost it with this one. I will never trust these tools ever again.

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That is disgusting. These people can rot in hell as far as I’m concerned 😡

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I live in the glass house of NY which is run by a woman likely poisoned with botulism toxin given the permanent elevation of her eyebrows, but the governor in IL is someone equally despicable. That man's family is messed up! I hope your SIL is okay long-term (and yes, if forced, I'd say go with J&J too).

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my daughter-in-law told me that witch in NY and her family have "big pharma" investments in Albany. (my DIL lives upstate and homeschools my grandson and has never injected him with any of big pharma's "vaccines", and never will.) so corrupt, the whole lot of them!! sick sick sick!!

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They won’t even say sorry. Just blissfully skip down the sidewalk off to their next adventure.

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Absolutely. These people are spiritually sick.

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That makes me so angry, I’m sorry, that is so wrong 😞

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So wrong. Especially because my husband did IT and was working full time remote for over a year at his career. They would still not accommodate his request for a religious exemption.

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So sorry for the family’s loss! Can he reapply now? Can anyone? It would be good for victims and the economy.

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that will not work in my husband's case for more than one reason, not the least of which is the betrayal he has suffered by his (Harvard affiliated) employer. There is no trust left. None at all.

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I don't feel sorry one bit for these psychos who want permanent lockdown policies. I actually relish in the fact that freedom gives them anxiety. I realize my perspective is a bit twisted, but they are the ones who caused all of this.

For people who think the FBI is a valuable organization that 'just needs to be reformed', I'd remind them of Ruby Ridge, Waco, PatCon OKC 'missing tapes', Richard Jewell, Fast & Furious, cover up of Saudis involvement in 911, Crossfire Hurricane, and Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping plot. I can imagine the morale at the organization is about as high as that at the CDC and FDA. The FBI is a completely unnecessary organization and it needs to be gutted or abolished.

I held either a secret (L) or top secret (Q) clearance when I worked at a Dept of Energy site for 7 years. The notion that Trump had classified documents related to nuclear anything in the oval office that were packed up and shipped to FL by accident sounds completely ludicrous to me. Classified documents simply aren't handled that way - they are kept in a safe at all times. Someone had to present the classified documents to him in order for him to possess them in the first place. This is going to be Russiagate 2.0 with massive amounts of speculation because as Jeff said, it's very unlikely we'll get to see the affidavit. But we're supposed to believe that the FBI allowed Trump to sit on these classified nuclear secrets for 18 months before doing anything? Nope, it's another hoax. It's more hopium for the Dems. The good thing is that it has fired up Trumps base and serves as a distraction to the things that motivate Dems.

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Exactly right. Classified documents are controlled under strict protocols. It's all a pack of lies for the walking dead.

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Expect lots more Booms before November- they are running scared.

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They didn’t become corrupt yesterday. There’s been decades of horrid malfeasance with no accountability. I see them as irredeemable.

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And why were the FBI camped out at MAL for 9 hours? Installing secret surveillance cameras perhaps?

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Well said!

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“In what looks a whole lot like the CDC taking advantage of the public’s focus on the Biden Raid”

Ever since the raid, I’ve been keeping a close eye out to see what news they are trying to bury by focusing our attention on the red dot. This could be it.

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Aug 12, 2022·edited Aug 12, 2022

I don’t think “they” would hide semi good news. Hiding another half trillion in aid to Ukraine, or withholding funds from African countries who buy anything from Russia, or another person’s home being raided, yes.

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Ah, but it’s bad news for them because it’s an admission that the past two+ years of catastrophic policies were a failure and totally unnecessary—in other words, they detonated the global economy and caused the deaths, poverty, and suffering of millions for absolutely no benefit, which is basically what all of us reasonable people knew and were censored for warning them about two years ago.

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It looks like to me they are only admitting a downgrade of the pandemic starting now but not keeping the state of “emergency.” Disgusting both ways.

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My guess this is the Occasional Indulgences phase of Biderman’s Chart of Coercion (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-tyrant), and they will crack down harder after midterms if they still have enough seats to do so.

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They've ended the state of emergency? Do you have a source you can share for that?

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good post as always...

It is my perspective that the best way to get to the bottom of the Covid insanity is to somehow do many all cause morbidity mortality, vaccinated versus unvaccinated studies.

The GOOD news is the control group is still there, so this can be done retroactively at ANY time. In particular it would be awesome to take say the 10 highest reported Adverse events from VAERS, and do studies on those adverse events, comparing like demographics, vaccinated versus unvaccinated.

I think the numbers would robustly prove deep and deadly vaccine harm. Add in detailed autopsies on the vaccinated dead, and proof of vaccines as the likely cause of excess mortality would be existent..

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Igor Chudov, Naked Emperor, and others are pointing out this sort of thing on their Substack platforms.

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And this is why the ‘powers that be’ will release ‘the kracken’ in an attempt to prevent such studies. I believe it will happen, but it will require a fierce battle.

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Check out Steve Kirsch on SubStack. He’s the master of COVID analysis!

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Perhaps some wealthy individual - Steve Kirsch perhaps - could establish a database to track those who didn't take the jab.

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I would not want that. If it got into the wrong hands. Nah. I don't want to be on any lists.

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There is a UK group soliciting the never-vaccinated to act as a control group.

You can read about it here: https://www.vcgwiki.com/index.php

You can join the control group at: https://www.vaxcontrolgroup.com

Their mission is "To collect the long-term health data of the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine-free from every country, so we can provide the missing control group to the SARS-CoV-2 vaccinated; thus enabling independent and transparent, comparative analysis of the mass vaccination policy."

Participant info is anonymized and free to researchers.

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I want to do this! any reason why I should not ??? Before... I sign up ?

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I completely agree but I have become frustrated when even obvious truths are either ignored or dismissed. I love a lefty and whenever I bring any dissenting opinion they just assumed I'm wrong or that it's irrelevant

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Same here.

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Aug 12, 2022·edited Aug 12, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

They aren't very coordinated, are they? Just six days ago it was being "reported" that the crew was planning to extend the Covid emergency declaration.


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They intentionally don't see any relationship between the two policies. Further, without the emergency declaration, the EUA for the "vaccines" has to go away...

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And several states have declared emergencies for monkeypoxx. The EUA’s are meant to become a permanent staple in America

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You would think, this should be the Real Headline News! Also will the Lawsuits begin en masse??

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I think they saw the rising anger of the masses with the raid at MAL and decided to throw us a bone to quiet us down.

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I was thinking that the emergency can now be canceled. Silly me that will never happen.

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Does the left hand know what the right hand is doing???

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I can't tell you how satisfying it is as a Canadian to see the evidence that there was no science. We always knew there wasn't, but now they've been forced to admit it. So much evil and suffering for nothing. It was scary to live through, and I hope and pray there will be justice.

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