when are the rest of the governors going to learn from desantis ?

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Aug 5, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

There is nothing to learn, this is not some new legal concept. Any one of them could have done this previously but they have not due to cowardice (looking at you Texas, Missouri, Ohio, etc.). Virtually every governor has this power.

DeSantis is a new breed, a Republican with an actual backbone. And he's not doing this in South Dakota or Alabama but in Florida, where he won by less than a percentage point. He is single-handedly turning Florida into a red state. It turns out people like leaders that are competent, morally upright, fearless, and value the well-being of the public over that of screeching activists, corrupt media, and oligarchs. Who would have thunk it?

The fact that DeSantis is the only one doing this is pretty damning. Where the hell is Abbott while Soros prosecutors are destroying big cities in Texas? What about Doucey or DeWine or any of these other worthless stuffed-shirt Republicans?

Burn it down and start over. Thankfully Kari Lake looks like she might be the start of that in Arizona.

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Every conservative in Texas has been asking where Abbott is for the past two years. Many counties defied him openly and regularly (Travis County - Austin - just does the opposite of whatever he says).

It's so bad people are actually afraid Beto has a shot at winning. Beto.

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OTOH, I do have to give Abbott credit for the illegal aliens on busses to DC and New York thing. Anything that drives the left into this much of a tizzy is by definition a good thing. His inconsistency is what's maddening.

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Aug 5, 2022·edited Aug 5, 2022

That’s Abbott just tossing hush puppies

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I love the way you expressed this 😆😁

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Abbott was at the WEF in 2020. I think that's the answer. That and we have a number of young leaders and WEF members in this state. We really need to look out!

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that vermin is everywhere isn't it

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I wish SOMEONE who was in the WEF and the young leaders program would tell in detail what went on in their "training".

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Check out Dr. Malone’s website that provides tons of info on the WEF and who attended the young leaders training and who is apart of it. You can download the list in excel. https://maloneinstitute.org/wef

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There are a few who left the herd, but I don't know if they ever told. I have not kept the link to the dissidents. I hope someone can find out !

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Abbott and many of the “conservatives” in Texas don’t know what the word means. The state has been red for so long and had it way too easy - government creep was allowed to take root. Look at Texas ERCOT and their ridiculous “green” energy policies, yearly car registration “exam”, outrageous property tax increases every two years, the list goes on. Texas may have voted red, but true conservatives most of them are not. I was rooting for Huffines to go against old Beto, but too many republicans in the state are “satisfied” with Abbott. Sadly he is not of the same cloth as DeSantis and never will be. Praying Texans don’t vote for the idiot Beto as it is sad to think at this point in Texas history he may actually have a chance.

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Aug 5, 2022·edited Aug 5, 2022

Having grown up in NY, living in Midwest states that tend to be red except for the big cities was a refreshing change. However, I was appalled by all of the Republicans and so-called conservatives here who defended the masks and jabs by saying that business owners should be able to run their businesses as they see fit. To me, that is basically saying a business has more rights than the individual. They always say that people can work or shop elsewhere if they don’t like it, but I think that is a poor argument. 1) because if a whole sector (like healthcare) is requiring the jab, or all businesses are requiring masks, it’s not so simple to change jobs or shop elsewhere. Yeah, alternatives are possible but why should people be forced to get a new degree or change careers, or shop online only, because of these unjustified mandates?? 2) Businesses are already limited as to what they can ask of their employees (and rightly so)—they can’t require that an employee sleep with the owner or manager, for example. No one (at least no one who is reasonable) would tell a person in that case that they should just go work somewhere else if they didn’t want to comply.

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Agree with you completely.

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my daughter is a doctor working for a "chain" and they have made her get 3 vaccinations to keep her job. Also, told her if she prescribed outside the hospital protocol she could pack up and probably lose her license. Not a written policy, just a helpful hint. Of course got covid anyway.

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of all people, that is NOT the one who should win. But with a weak person in place, an even weaker person might

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Our RINO MO governor most certainly won't since he originally came to office after St. Louis' Soros backed Kim Gardner's bogus lawsuit against Governor Greitens forced him to resign because the RINO Republicans would not back him and a lack of money. Apparently, from an insider I know who worked in the administration, Greitens was starting to clean house. Much needed in our capitol city.

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So Greitens was "a good guy"? From what I've seen of him in the MSM, he's a snake. Is that incorrect or (more likely) biased? Was the forcing of Greitens from office a hit-job, ala Watergate? I'm genuinely curious.

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Missourian here...not a Greitens fan. I'm not sure what happened to him while governor was right, but he did resign as opposed to fighting it out. Was that the right thing for the state? Dunno. But if he didn't do the dirt, might he have come out clean like Trump?

Lots of questions there. I've met and spoken with Greitens, and there's a definite feeling of "not real" in his conversation. I am glad neither he nor Hartzler are in our Senate. Hartzler has been in the arena long enough she owes a lot of people a lot of votes, and from her actions and votes I don't see her being a fighter anymore.

Eric Schmitt...good or not so much? As AG he often lagged in action when we needed it. Then he'd suddenly put up a lot of lawsuit action, but follow-up was hard to find. I guess we'll see.

I would love to have seen McClosky get the position. Whether or not he's adept in the political system I don't know, but I do know he's fighter for the Constitution. That's from personal interaction, as I've been fortunate enough to have spoken with him and had him speak a couple of times for our groups.

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It was definitely a hit job because he wasn't an inside Republican just like Trump. They couldn't control him as they could the Lt. Governor. As soon as he resigned, the lawsuit was dropped! The supposed pictures of him threatening his former lover never materialized. I was saddened to hear that his marriage broke up. He may be a snake. I most certainly did not vote for him for U.S. Senator as we had a tried conservative Christian candidate in Vicky Hartzler. The media totally ignored her because she is a fighter and could have become another Josh Hawley, whom we conservatives love!

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Huuuum…..sounds like Hartzler would have been better than the winner, Schmitt?

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That is definitely my opinion!

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DeWine is a disappointment, to say the least. We realized this a few weeks into the cv apocolypse. Unfortunately the OH GOP couldn't get it together to primary him due to infighting.

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Aug 5, 2022·edited Aug 5, 2022

Holcomb was the same. Huge disappointment. Pandered to all the Branch Covidian zealots. Kept endlessly renewing the mask mandates and the state of emergency 😡 A lot of us tried to get our libertarian candidate elected but while he did better than any other libertarian ever had, it was far from enough. I suspect some manipulation of the vote but it’s hard to know if it was more that or people going with the “safe” choice to avoid a Democrat win.

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Very well stated! Totally agree! 💯

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The governor in Missouri is feckless.

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I think to acquire courage one must first do something that requires it. Then as it is exercised, it increases. Perhaps we should pray that God pushes the rest of them to take that first exhilarating step.

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Yes, pray other governors will exhibit the courage Desantis does!

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It seems like Greg Gianforte of Montana has done some good things but I am sure could do more. I would love to hear opinions on him from any C&Cers in Montana!

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There’s a guy in Montana who has a Facebook page called, I think, Liberty Bozeman. There’s also a country DJ named Dave Wooten who posts a lot.

I should tell them about C&C

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Ooh yes it would be interesting to get their take!

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Precisely and Amen!

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When he becomes president 😉

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Yeah, what about wuss Mike Dewine? He has no backbone.

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Live in Cincy & totally agree

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Ugh Holcomb (or Holscum) is the same 😡😡😡

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Our only consolation is he can't be elected again.

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Michigan's never will!!

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Aug 5, 2022·edited Aug 5, 2022

When Florida is the most profitable economy in the country.

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If they learn by example, soon.

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when he becomes president

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Thank you! All the Republican governors seem to want to imitate Trump, as if the past couple years never happened. Get with it, people!

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God bless, protect, and multiply the efforts of Governor DeSantis and every other leader and citizen willing to stand up against tyranny and lawlessness.

“Your hand will find out all your enemies;

Your right hand will find out those who hate you.

You will make them as a fiery oven in the time of your anger;

The Lord will swallow them up in His wrath,

And fire will devour them.

Their offspring You will destroy from the earth,

And their descendants from among the sons of men.

Though they intended evil against You

And devised a plot,

They will not succeed.

For You will make them turn their back;

You will aim with Your bowstrings at their faces.

Be exalted, O Lord, in Your strength;

We will sing and praise Your power.”

— Psalm 21:8-13 NASB1995

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I look forward to your Bible quotes. They help ground me each day. 🥰

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Me too. Here’s another gem:

This I recall to my mind,

Therefore I have hope.

The Lord’s lovingkindnesses indeed never cease,

For His compassions never fail.

They are new every morning;

Great is Your faithfulness.

“The Lord is my portion,” says my soul,

“Therefore I have hope in Him.”

— Lamentations 3:21-24

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Some of our "enemies" are not necessarily bad people. They are ignorant and misguided. They've been lied to and gaslighted . THey have been propagandized to so intensely that they have been terrorized and traumatized. I dont want these people to burn or die. I want truth and justice.

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Those I do not consider the enemy. God takes into account what someone knows and judges them accordingly. The truly evil ones know what they are doing.

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I see these kinds at the grocery store still wearing masks. I feel sorry for them, so fearful and ignorant...

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They remind me of the dwarves at the end of The Last Battle…

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Yes I believe this. Although I admit I still feel some resentment towards them because they are enablers. I think the RFK Jr book about how to talk to liberals (though I recognize not all who are pro Covid hysteria are liberals) might be a good tool to use to help figure out how to reach them.

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I'll admit resentment also. If not for the people who go along we could have stopped most of the damage. We have power in numbers but the majority of citizens won't see it or do t see it. Fearful and cowardly.

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Is that in his The Real Anthony Fauchi?

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Aug 5, 2022·edited Aug 5, 2022

No it’s a separate book. You can download it for free as an ebook from this site:


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Thanks! I appreciate it. ❤️

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You’re welcome! Hope you find it useful!

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Glad you posted the address!

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Amen. Thank you Janice. God bless you too!

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I just subscribed to your posts. :) 😘😘😘

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This should be repeated as a prayer by all of us each day. Words are powerful! This is what is meant by “moving mountains”. Thanks Janice 🙏

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“For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven,

And do not return there without watering the earth

And making it bear and sprout,

And furnishing seed to the sower and bread to the eater;

So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth;

It will not return to Me empty,

Without accomplishing what I desire,

And without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it.”

— Isaiah 55:10-11

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Governor DeSantis is simply beyond anyone’s expectations of what good governing means. And Warren should thank his lucky stars he isn’t in jail, yet.

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He is really a shining example of how a good governor should act.

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Maybe there is a laptop from hell version 2 that was left in his office when he was ousted.

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Aug 5, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Just a quick comment regarding online Survey sites like Ipsos. I frequently take surveys for a little extra cash (gift cards really) and have found that 90% of the time when asked which party I affiliate myself with and I choose Republican, I mysteriously am no longer eligible to take that survey. Since then, I decided to choose Independent and rarely am I disqualified. Things that make you go Hmmmm. Just sayin....

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When answering those pesky qualifier questions I will claim to be on of their obscure ethnicities, with a GED making over $200K/year. Their algorithms have no idea how to process that.

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Lol-I do the same thing, I say I’m a non binary progressive than I say I love guns, or whatever.

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I love it!!

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Love how you mess with them 😆😂

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Have you, dear comment reader, or anyone you know ever taken any of these opinion polls? Why have I never been asked my opinion? Why have my friends and family never been asked their opinions in polls like these? You’d think, with 6 degrees of separation and all, that someone in my sphere would have taken a poll at some point, right? How are these polls conducted?

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They are all lies to back up a narrative. I am sure you can skew any poll by the way you ask the question too. It reminds me of the tests you would take in Glamor magazine as a teen. To see if I was a natural free spirit, preppie or an ice queen. I knew what answers to pick to get my desired result. Lol

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Aug 5, 2022·edited Aug 5, 2022

Hah! True. I remember those teen magazine quizzes. I distinctly remember one telling me once I was a “doormat” though, and that clearly was not a result I was seeking.

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I wanted preppie and I got it. 😅😉

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lol lol - I'm sure you are NOT!!!

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😊 I most definitely am not. It was showing the limits of its ability to categorize. I hadn’t yet figured out that a teen magazine was not a place to find soul searching answers.

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Or the ones on FB that all have the same outcome.

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We sometimes get phone calls for opinion polls. We have made it a practice to never respond not knowing who is on the other end of the line.

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I have been asked to take civiqs polls. They are online. Since I don’t have a landline and do not answer phone numbers I don’t recognize, don’t think I could ever take a Rasmussen poll.

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They don't really want to know my opinion!

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Very selectively!

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One phone poll many years ago in NJ. Of course, back then I was a registered democrat, but never voted that way.

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Can you share him with your northern neighbor, Ga? Ours isn't aweful...but we don't trust our elections(no way Raffensburger got elected..)

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We still have a lot of work to do in Florida especially in Broward County.

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And we need to revisit all the “health regulations” embedded in our laws.

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However, you have the support structure to do so.

Do you know if Florida is scouring its financial sectors if ESG usage?

That's my next concern to be brought up- but with our state treasurer.

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Raffensperger literally stopped audit that would expose his stolen election ! https://www.georgiarecord.com/did-cherokee-co-election-attorney-repeatedly-lie-to-board-before-audit-vote/

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Don't I know it!

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Please share

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I am so glad to live in the free state of Florida under the governance of a true leader!

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Me too! Can we get a clone of him for Commiefornia?

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Aug 5, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Hi Jeff. You know I love your blog and your witty sarcasm! One thing to point out to you and other commentators who are committed Christians. I think we need to stop playing their game of using their identified pronouns like they do to describe LGTBQ. It normalizes it. We should refer to them only the way we would have what, 5 years ago, maybe less? She and He. We are not insane, let's not play into their insanity by normalizing it.

The same for saying she has a wife/husband and was in a marriage. That normalizes these gay unions, which are not and cannot be marriage, since marriage by Biblical definition is between a man and a woman. My daughter was in early high school I think when this became a thing and struggled with why I was against gay marriage. I told her, let them call is 'smarriage' if they want, but it isn't marriage.

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Yes! I am so tired of the alphabet mob, which is such a small % of the population, being militant assholes. Excuse the smutty term. Hubs and I like to watch Survivor. We discovered it a few years ago, so we got to watch it all in 2 years. They have turned a family show into a giant therapy couch. Very disappointing, but it is the way of almost EVERY show on TV. A big FOXTROT YANKEE to those who are shoving this down my throat.

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Foxtrot Yankee. Good one. This pilot knows the code aand loves it ;)

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Slowly stopped watching each of my former favorite shows over the last several years. Partly me getting old, or for a while too busy with work, but looking back I see that they have also all been ruined by the Left. Leftist lies are no fun; not entertaining at all.

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Agree completely - just like "men who have sex with other men" - nope, that's not what it's called. They are homosexuals - period! Call a spade a spade!

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Or perversions

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Aug 5, 2022·edited Aug 5, 2022

Marriage by biblical definition is between man and woman. By secular definition it's not just between man and woman.

For the longest time I opposed same-sex marriage, because same-sex couples received all the rights and benefits of traditional couples under the law, so there was no need to emasculate the term "marriage" for the selfish benefit of same-sex couples.

But then it occurred to me that for years, for centuries, for millennia, "marriage" by the biblical definition not only included, but was often characterized by, forced unions, unions for the sole purpose of consolidating land and property, or power, or kingdoms. Marriages were arranged, with NO input by the two celebrants. For nearly all of human history and marriage history, marriages were not so holy or pure of intent, and in fact love between the two people was at best a passing element, if any element at all.

So given the long and often ignominious history of the practice of traditional "marriage", I no longer consider "traditional" marriage, as manifest by 2,000 years of its history, to be untouchable.

Heteros have no more a claim on the sacrament of marriage than does anyone else. We certainly haven't been good stewards or practitioners of it through the ages.

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Aug 5, 2022·edited Aug 5, 2022

Classic baby with the bathwater argument. Good things can be abused, that doesn't make them bad in and of themselves.

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Classic straw man argument. I never said marriage is bad in and of itself.

What I *did* say was that "heteros have no more a claim on the sacrament of marriage than does anyone else. We certainly haven't been good stewards or practitioners of it through the ages."

What I also said was that "given the long and often ignominious history of the practice of traditional "marriage", I no longer consider "traditional" marriage...to be untouchable", meaning, "reserved for hetero couples".

Those are very different from saying that marriage is bad in and of itself, which is what your comment implies I said.

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Perhaps the most important consideration is what God says it is. Man is always changing his opinions and mores to fit his desires. Marriage is between a man and a woman. If men sin with respect to marriage, it doesn't change what marriage is. It only points to the sins of men.

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Which is precisely why, IMO, government should get OUT of the marriage business. It's not a secular concern. No one should be required to get a marriage license from a secular authority.

The government can weigh in on the legal or tax or whatever aspects of *unions* between two people, without laying a hand on the *marriage* question. If states or the feds recognize civil unions, for example, as being permitted to file joint tax returns, fine. That's the language. Civil unions.

Let the religions hash it out over "marriage". Get government the hell (pun intended) out of it.

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I absolutely agree!

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Re: LGTBQHow about a new definition? : Liberal Gaslighting Transhumanist Bolshevik Quorum.

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Wow the rule of law, Ron DeSantis is fearless!!

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Absolutely love this Governor! He is the man!

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Hooray for DeSantis for kicking a soros minion to the curb! 😄😁 And hooray for Russia for sticking it to an entitled serial spouse abuser. 😁😄😉

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Anti-American entitled serial spouse abuser.

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Finally, someone on the left got what they deserved.

Still waiting for Russia to go after the “other” ones. You all know who I’m talking about. The bio-lab/Covid creators located right here in the good Ole US of A.

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Aug 5, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

For what it’s worth, Mr. Orban’s comment was an homage to Davy Crockett, who said “You may all go to hell, and I will go to Texas.”

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For an American to pay such homage would be one thing; for a Hungarian to do so is quite impressive.

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Love that!!

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We have a Soros backed governor in this state, along with her two henchmen/henchwomen, not sure what they are, who were planted specifically to make Michigan a blue state the likes of neighboring Illinois. Pages of campaign donations are showing up, clearly showing campaign finance laws are egregiously being broken, they are not even trying to hide it, but nothing will be done. Michigan Supreme Court justices are shown to give donations to the Governor’s re election bid, far exceeding the legal limit, but nothing is being done. Yet, Republican candidates running for office were kicked off the ballot for improper signature canvassing. The Michigan media surreptitiously covers nothing of the outright lawlessness of this Governor’s office. Russia sound familiar anyone?

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My husbands whole family lives in Michigan and they have pretty much given up. They will never leave as it is home to generations upon generations of large families. We visit every year plus some. It is so sad. They have no idea how to even fight because it is so bad.

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If we give up, they win. It is as simple as that. No more burying our heads in the sand. They must VOTE! And tell all their friends and family to vote. Talk about voting straight Republican. They are not perfect by a long shot but they are better than the left. Have discussions, face to face with friends, family and neighbors. Don’t rant on fb. Community groups are the only way we fight this. We need a red tsunami in Michigan.

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They still vote. They still talk to family and friends. They don’t rant on FB. Their heads are not buried in the sand. But they are losing hope anything will change. Just being honest. They have been beaten down over the years. They are tired. That’s all. That’s it. Oregonians feel the same way. They still fight, but it feels like a loosing battle. Both states have been taken over by communist America hating, criminal organizations. Barring an act of God that delivers them……

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Oregonian here agreeing with you.😮‍💨

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California has become hopeless dominated by the Democrats. What few Republicans get elected to the legislature have less than zero power. There are a great many more Republicans and Independents in CA who would now vote Republican IF THEY BOTHERED TO VOTE!!! Voter turnout is pathetically low. In the recent recall Newsom election there was something like a 30% turnout overall, but it was solidly Democrat in voter numbers (undoubtedly a lot of cheating went on, too). What to do?

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I get where your family is becauseI have been there myself. There are times when I just want to go back to my church, my friends and family, far from the political realms in Michigan, but covid changed all that and I can’t unsee all that I now know. I’ve watched people all over Michigan band together. We only win this if we start locally in our communities and spread outward. There are more of us then them, they are just organized and have megaphone media that covers for them at every turn.

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My family in Western Michigan has been doing their best with large donations and support to conservative candidates while openly sharing their thoughts with anyone who will listen. They are small business owners so they have somewhat of a platform but it still feels like paddling upstream in rapids. I feel for them (and you). The Michigan governor is just awful.

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Susan, in case they don't know about these groups:

Please suggest to them that they scroll through the videos on this site, from Rescue Michigan, aaaall the way back to the beginning, in 2021. These are hard-nosed, realpolitik conservatives who are fighting back, and they tell other people how to do so as well. I am in Florida, but have nonetheless repeatedly shared the video on Candidate Recruitment and Vetting (12/8/21). https://rumble.com/c/c-588133

They might also profit from looking at the website for The Virginia Project, which went from issuing a mission statement to sweeping all statewide elected offices for Republicans in only 24 months, in a state that most had concluded was trending so far blue that the game was over. It's only over when the opposition convinces people that there's no use fighting back. https://virginiaproject.com/

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Thanks so much! I have no idea if they're aware of these groups so I'll share this.

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This is from Ron Armstrong, one of the heads of Stand Up Michigan. He goes over the primary. We had lots of wins! They were local or regional so we didn’t realize it., but great wins. He also tells us what we need to do next. Well worth the half hour listen.


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Ron is so right! "It's only fractured if we let it be fractured." Thanks for sharing this. As I wasn't very familiar with her, I was surprised to read the comments that folks say Dixon is weak. That's a bit unsettling. In the few Dixon interviews I listened to, I thought she was strong, though am sure those who commented know far better than I do. I feel similar about our Kari Lake--not that she is weak, but that she is too focused on only two issues including election fraud and border control. Both are VERY important, but to capture as much vote as possible, she needs to begin speaking more about inflation and general integrity. Needless to say, I'm concerned about the November election.

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Please suggest to them that they scroll through the videos on this site, from Rescue Michigan, aaaall the way back to the beginning, in 2021. These are hard-nosed, realpolitik conservatives who are fighting back, and they tell other people how to do so as well. I am in Florida, but have nonetheless repeatedly shared the video on Candidate Recruitment and Vetting (12/8/21). https://rumble.com/c/c-588133

They might also profit from looking at the website for The Virginia Project, which went from issuing a mission statement to sweeping all statewide elected offices for Republicans in only 24 months, in a state that most had concluded was trending so far blue that the game was over. It's only over when the opposition convinces people that there's no use fighting back. https://virginiaproject.com/

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Michigan is a mess!!

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That's why my family picked up and left Michigan to move south. I spent the vast majority of my life there but we simply couldn't take it anymore. Our move south was a personal disaster (our new house was destroyed by a tornado and we lost pretty much everything) but not so much that we would ever move back. Michigan is well on its way to being the next Illinois.

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I recently saw someone who had a Dana Nessel political sign. I’m thinking WHY??!! 😳

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Aug 5, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

The SOROS machine appears to be as popular in America as sitting by a furnace in Death Valley.

First Uber progressive SanFran RECALLS and sends their SOROS DA Chesa Boudin to the curb and

now Governor Ron DeSantis Magnus sends another one packing!!!

God Bless and Protect America!!!

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I keep wondering when Soros is going to leave this earth and go to his just reward in a place that is very, very hot. Of course, there are others who will take his place, sad to say.

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God gives all many chances to repent. Maybe that's why Georgie Boy is still here!

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Aug 5, 2022·edited Aug 5, 2022

Yes we definitely need to see more of this!!

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I pray Victor Orban has good security.

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Aug 5, 2022·edited Aug 5, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

"Tucker seemed very pleased that somebody had finally taken action ..."

Action is what DeSantis is all about, as opposed to the vast majority of the GOP which is all about talk talk talk and then ... more talk.

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Supposedly, she was being paid $1M to play in Russia (I wonder if she did her taxes properly?) AND she was flying in on charter flights and treated as a VIP. The suspicion is that she was bringing such substances in the past and customs was looking the other way - until they decided not to look the other way... FOR LAUGHS:

RUSSIAsteria: Best Ukraine Hypocrisy Memes (Brittney Griner is Desperate to Return to Racist USA!)

- Some hostages (Black lesbian basketball player Brittney Griner) are more equal than others, blue check Malcolm Nance tires of Lvov's charms, David Camera Hogg reappears & more Ukraine hypocrisy memes!


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Why are folks basically joking about the fact that someones life is going to be totally upended (ruined?) for a little weed? We need to be better than this.

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I just find it off putting and hypocritical that all the so called good Christian identifying folks are cheering on locking someone up. Don't know if you fit that category, but either way, it certainly doesn't come from a place of love and forgiveness.

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Disagree. I wouldn't say cheering. The bottom line is that she broke the law in a foreign country and is now paying for it. We can disagree with the harshness of the sentence or sympathize with her but it really is a sign of the problems that we facing now with all the BLM stuff and anti police attitude. Just because you think a law or punishment is harsh doesn't change the fact that it is a law AND a crime. She should have been smarter and now she'll have a chance to learn and appreciate what she had in the US. Same thing that goes for all these poor CRIMINALs that are being treated harshly by the police. Funny how I've never had a problem with police violence. Probably has something to do with the fact that I don't break the law......just saying.

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Maybe you would have a problem with police violence if it happened to you for doing things like peacefully exercising your right to free speech.

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I would because that's illegal....

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With all respect, I really don't care about your opinion on Christian behavior. The world, which knows no shame, has tried and succeeded for far too long in convincing Christians that they should be ashamed for not submitting to the world's wickedness. The world thinks love is allowing children to have their bodies mutilated. The world doesn't forgive. It demands struggle and reflection and ultimately submission.

No more. Jesus Christ is King over Heavens and Earth. I stand with Him. He loved us enough to die for us so that we might find forgiveness. If you want to truly understand what love and forgiveness look like, start there.

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Their idea is to trade Viktor Bout, a notorious arms dealer known as “the merchant of death," to get her back when she admits she broke the law and there are other Americans in Russian jails who are not celebrities or are from groups with special status in the west who may be completely innocent...

The Whelan case though is plain weird and murky - almost smells either of a setup by our govt's or Russia's OR a badly thought out/planned intelligence operation:

"But in 2008 Mr Whelan, who had achieved the rank of staff sergeant, was discharged from the marines for bad conduct."....

"It was due to his knowledge of Russia that he had been asked to attend the wedding of a fellow former marine in Moscow on 28 December, his brother David told the BBC's Newshour after his arrest."



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Lots here in the US jailed for the same, but even smaller amounts of drugs. We are no better, I think this is part of what the Russians are pointing out. The outrage is a joke to me.

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I agree.

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Because she’s a traitor to our country. Screw her. She’s getting what she deserves. She thinks she’s above the law, just like all the other Dems.

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Another partisan. Figure it out folks. Both "sides" are evil. Two wings on the same bird of prey....

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No. Pay attention to the lives being ruined by her kind, pushing for Jan 6 political persecution. A little poetic justice.

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Dude, wrong forum for trying to shame people who think differently than you. We’re inured to that tactic, and ancillary manipulative ones. Catch up, won’t you be a good boy now and catch up?

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Pointing out hypocrisy is shaming? Snowflake much?

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Did she push for political persecution, or are we just lumping people together? Before this happened I doubt hardly anyone even knew who she was.

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I didn’t hear about her before but now I have and she has made clear statements that align herself with the Marxist, Crucible crowd that, as Bongino puts it, “hate you and want you dead.” Complete statement: “We think of the left as people with bad ideas. They see us as bad people with ideas.” I don’t pity people who think me bad and want me dead for just having my own ideas. There are plenty of other worthy causes to be an ally of.

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I see an interesting recurring theme from a lot of commenters. We like/love/appreciate the freedoms here, but seem to be fine with state oppression as long as it's against people we disagree with...

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Just saw a local kids’ race that we have participated in several times has gone virtual 😡 Why???? I am so so so sick of all the Covid paranoia taking away fun activities.

Friends in other states (even some red or purple states) have said the masks are still in place in some contexts and it makes me livid that this is still being allowed.

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Everybody will get a trophy too. A virtual one, of course.

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Aug 5, 2022·edited Aug 5, 2022

Well a medal and a t-shirt (neither virtual). Trophies and special awards are for the actual winners (top three). I have a little different perspective on this as a runner. I know there are lots of people for whom running even a 5k is a huge challenge and a big accomplishment, so I think a medal for their efforts is fine. Especially since there is still special, extra recognition for the winners, the three fastest runners.

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Aug 5, 2022·edited Aug 5, 2022

But, RunningLogic, how does one participate in a virtual race? 🤷‍♀️

Hence the virtual trophy.

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Also, some people can’t attend live races because of their work schedules or other obligations but still want to feel like they are a part of it. It’s also a way for the race company (many of which are small local businesses) to get a little extra money. It’s not really my cup of tea, but if other people like to do them, it’s no skin off my nose. They should do the virtual races if they enjoy them and get something out of them, why not?

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You do the race using your own timer (watch), within a certain date range, on whatever course you choose. You can do it alone or with others. But there is no official time, no field of runners, no after party or anything, unless you organize it. Once in a while I do these for the t-shirt and try to race with a friend but they are generally not worth it because the whole point of a race is to be with other runners competing on a certified course with official timing. So we’re opting out this year (unless maybe my son really wants the t-shirt, since he has all of the ones from previous years, but not sure about that).

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So it very well could be that the organizers couldn’t get a permit for the event due to public safety. The lack of police and the overrunning of the local urban core by homeless “campers” has made events very expensive both financially and politically. Apparently elections have consequences...who knew?🤷‍♀️

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Just read that masks are required in San Diego schools again. Requirements started in the middle of summer school. No warning of course.

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This idiocy has GOT to be stopped!!!!

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A virtual race? Lolololol that's absolutely hilarious

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It’s definitely a dumb name because you don’t actually run it virtually 🙄 I’ve done a few (there are even apps that record your time for the race) and depending on how you do then, they can be fun, but nothing like a “real” race.

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