Your write ups bring me so much joy!

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Yes! I've come to look forward to it so much.

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The holiday video was so funny. I spoke to a coworker she is liberal I never mentioned vaccine Bc figured she would be first on line. Yesterday she told me had third vaccine and if I was getting boosted. I told her respect your decision but I have serious concerns about triple boosting an experimental vaccine. She looked surprised. Have you had covid aren’t you afraid etc? The questions kept coming. I told her I do all vitamins and take HCQ as prophylactic. She looked at me oh you are trumper! I said had nothing to do with trump he pushed the warp speed I never agreed. WHO admitted HCQ works. NIH on its website has IVM as a therapy. She was all confused. Then asked why didn’t you lose your job? I said I wrote a letter with religious exemption and they approved it.

I felt bad bc she looked deflated. Three boosters she has had. I don’t know how still standing? She asked about IVM and if I took horse version. I’m not a small woman but no where near horse size. 😂. Maybe I’m like a tiny pony. I said I have human version just in case I develop symptoms.

I think the liberals are starting to fall off the vaccine wagon. Maybe I should have mentioned to her. Poor woman.

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"Then asked why didn’t you lose your job?" Was she disappointed that you were still employed?

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Possibly, because I wasn’t afraid and submitted the religious exemption. Nothing to fear but fear itself. She believed our employer wouldn’t approve exemptions. Her loss.

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RE fat storing COVID: Wasn't it the "experts" at the FDA who made us all fat by promoting carbs carbs carbs?

RE Omicron: In that it's about as severe as the common cold yet requires a vaccine, I fully expect the CDC to announce a war on the deadly cold virus followed by Big Phama announcing that, out of the blue, they have a cold vaccine that we'll all have to take every two months in perpetuity.

RE the suspension of jabs for healthcare workers: Let's watch COVID stats during the pause to see if there's a big spike.

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Yeah the food pyramid is a classic no brainer for those that believe in trusting the experts - NOT.

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What do you mean? It works great. Eat everything they suggest and pretty soon your body is shaped like a pyramid. Unless you only drink diet sodas. Then you only are shaped like a pear.

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they're just looking for trouble now, omicron does nothing but the parrot media just continues to spit out whatever the cdc/fda/wh throw out at a press relase.

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They forgot “wreck the balls with bouts of palsey, falala lalala. It’s the season to be balsy, falala lalala”.

For some reason all of this works with Christmas Carols.

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Great info and amusing, as always. I am a little surprised (ok - I'm not surprised at all) at the John's Hopkins cardiologist's explanation re: CV and fat cells. That's not how/why obese people are more at risk. The explanation I heard, from Dr Malone, I believe, is that the cytokine IL6 has an affinity for adipose cells, which is released in response to an inflammatory event - like infection with CV19. The more fat cells one has, the more IL6 is stored. The enmass release results in cytokine storm - a hyperimmune response that caused the death of many CV19 patients. Cardiologists should stick to figuring out why so many young, fit men are developing myocarditis ...

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Also, the Dems have given up on Nikki for Governor. They have a new darling - State Senator Annette Taddeo. Whose claim to fame is flipping District 40 from Red to Blue in a special election and then being re-elected. They love she is Latina - born and raised in Colombia ... ???

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Movie theater butter popcorn buy one get one free for a box of 12 at the Winn Dixie 😄 Nikki Fried = pot head

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Why is the Ag Commissioner responsible for "shall issue" carry permits? Idiotic.

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I am suffering from an overload of virus minutia. It hides in fat, your ears, your big toe, camps out in your navel....but only if your Swedish and own a platypus, blah, blah, blah. People get sick, I'm sure of it. It'll be okay. Thank God our highest installed politician is focusing his efforts on this Omicron sniffle thing.

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I love DeSantis, but he needs to stop the irresponsible vax lies his Dept of Health is putting out, such as this email I got back from DoH:

"Effective 11/2/21, CDC authorized the Pfizer vaccine for children 5-11. Contact your pediatrician to discuss vaccinating your child and schedule vaccination. You may also schedule at pharmacies, county health depts & local clinics...WHO classified a new Variant of Concern called Omicron, and is coordinating with researchers to better understand it...The most effective way to protect yourself and loved ones from variants is to get vaccinated. As of July, over 99% of new COVID-19 infections, hospitalizations & deaths nationwide are unvaccinated. While it is possible to become infected even if vaccinated, it is exceedingly rare, rarer still that vaccinated people require hospitalization or die due to COVID-19. Other mitigation including frequent handwashing, social distancing & wearing a mask in public also greatly reduce your chance of being infected."

It's one thing to say vaccines are authorized & available. It's another to push them without honest disclosure of risk despite evidence they're vastly more dangerous than Covid for the young -- and for older people too if not denied access to effective treatments like Ivermectin, HCQ, zinc, D, budesonide nebulizer & monoclonal antibodies. DoH makes no attempt to provide honest disclosure of evidence the shots are ineffective, short lasting. causing variants. Over 19k Americans reported dead, for obvious reasons only a tiny fraction of adverse reactions are reported. Those pushing the vax are accomplices to mass murder, even if they oppose mandates.

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Political move?

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I don't believe DeSantis would trick folks into death shots like that, but he needs to be lobbied and provided credible figures and studies, since he's "all about the science".

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I don't think he knows about it. See below

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Yeah, I read it again. Could have just as easily come from the CDC. 🤮Total bs. I don't know anymore.

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I wish Jeff would activate his list on this. I think DeSantis would put the kabosh on it.

Also activate on his idea for a Florida program to provide cheap preventative Ivermectin, HCQ, Zinc, D etc to all takers. Florida could negotiate the price of the packages, and contract with doctors for a phone, zoom or in-person consult price. Could be done out of the monoclonal clinics.

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Maybe he'll check in today.

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Benefit of the doubt: I figure DeSantis just doesn't know about it. He wouldn't unless he used the public email address to contact DoH about covid and got the form reply. DeSantis and Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo need to be lobbied.




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I'm certain Ladapo knows the deal. Wasn't/Isn't he associated with Frontline Doctors?

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I'm not sure Ladapo knows. Again, he would have to pretend he's just anyone and use the public email address to get the automatic reply. Yes, it's my understanding he was with AFD, which makes it a huge 1947 Nuremberg Code violation if he does know and doesn't stop it.

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Dude, I am so ready for the Reiner Fuellmich/David Martin portion of this worldwide fiasco. My general feeling is, however, that Dr. Death and those of similar ilk will never even experience a trial. Fraudci, in all likelihood, will be dead and gone...........progress of a kind.

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There will be no trials, not if Trump wins, not with Trump still lying about "safe and effective". Incapable of admitting a mistake. He'll hire another Deep Snake AG like Ruby Ridge Bill Barr ("Epstein committed suicide") or Jeff "The Gimp" Sessions.

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How about "Chest pains by an open fire?"

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Myocarditis nipping at your nose.

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You guys and gals rock. I am amused.

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"Committee?? We don't need no steenk'n committee!!! We de FDA, mahn!!"

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So I was curious about the companies mentioned suspending the vaccine mandate and I came across an union website.


Is this for ALL Verizon employees? From corp offices to the employees at the stores? Are Verizon employees unionized? Or is this union website just happen to be posting information on about it on their website since it's relevant to what's going on in the country?

@Jeff, I think it would be awesome if you could provide links to things like this. If we ever need to send a link to someone showing proof we easily grab it from a good known source. Even if we need it to defend our position showing how major companies are suspending vaccines.


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Back to big picture: no pandemic to start with…the death numbers (albeit inflated) of this virus still do not support the “emergency”. On top of that, the experimental drug isn’t working anyway. It’s never been a vaccine. Yet the narrative continues to chug along and all logic is propelled out of its way.

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Funny video! We have to get beyond this nonsense before we only have fond memories of "normal"!!

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Corona this and that... What virus? It's all a scam like polio and smallpox were


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Thanks for the LOLs this morning with that video at the end! Great article too, as usual.

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Thanks for the laughs! Jingle bell Palsy!! I’ll be chuckling all day.

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