“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.”

― Voltaire

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That guy sure has a lot of quotable quotes….

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You'd almost think that this kind of garbage has been going on forever. 😁

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Right?! All the more reason to end it I suppose…the more ya’know…

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Thank you for sharing the encouraging news about “Buck the CDC!” This is certainly a significant step forward and should indeed save lives.

Emphasizing early treatment and patient choice are vital, but this does not appear to explicitly address the greatest cause of hospicide—namely, incentivizing murderous protocols such as remdesivir and ventilation.

What’s to stop hospitals from continuing to treat their COVID patients to death for profit? Patients also need to be educated about the dangers of these treatments so they aren’t coerced into submitting to them, even when they do have choice.

My “Letter to Governor Ron DeSantis” outlines the dangers of incentivized hospicide and shares both research and heartbreaking casualties of the CDC guidelines. Since you seem to have Governor DeSantis’s ear, Jeff, I would be grateful if you would encourage him to read my letter as it could help them understand and address this murder-for-bribery loophole:


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Educate patients, yes, or at least try to. But many resist. There is hope for the ignorant, but not for the willfully ignorant. Those folks will indeed suffer under the loophole. And perhaps lead to natural selection of the wise. And the brave. 😔

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I’m with you. The news on Covid is generally excellent and Uplifting these days.

But I cannot remember another time when generally good news has caused so much angst and misery.

Some people seem allergic to good news and would not give up their idiotic nonsense habits.

I recently had a conflict with a ‘scared’ parent (a nurse!) complaining about my child and me refusing to wear a face mask while in a childcare center, managed& owned by a healthcare company, for healthcare employees.

She questioned me about “doing my part”. I Totality lost it.

Days later, I’m still not wearing a face mask and my child takes it off as often as possible. He was 2 when the madness started! 2 years later, his face must be covered, every day!

Luckily, the teachers are 100 % in agreement and disapprove the need for masks and they accommodate the kids removing their masks when the parents are not around. Crazy!!!

A large majority of parents, all healthcare employees are stuck on “doing our part” phase and masking their kids age 2 +, every day, for long hours a day.

And the parents Have been wearing face covers all day at work, for 2 years.

Many of my healthcare workers are pushing for vaccines mandates and face masks. They make their voices heard as many times as possible.


What happened to the medical professionals of US?

If they spent 10+ years of their life in Med school to preach, endorse and believe stupid protocols, restrain their breathing long hours/day and always accept “pill/shot for illness” for all episodes of care - I’m done with ever trusting anything they recommend/do.

Unless some unforeseen trauma, we now have a big sign in our house, which, right next to freedom and health, it says “stay out of the hospital”!

The sad part (subject to change soon) - I work for a massive medical system. I’m dissatisfied and disappointed daily for what I see taking place, every step of the way.

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Mine are being masked for 6 months. It didn’t stop covid from going thru the daycare. They still masking them because of the orders above, and teachers are very zealous. I’m loosing patience. Still hoping next week will bring some change… Some people would say change the daycare but it’s tough because some little kids have hard time adjusting to new environment and I’m not the only one to make this decision…

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Yes, I’m with you on the disadvantages of changing childcare centers :( as well as the value of kids interacting with each other and being kids.

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Yep, this governor is bending the knee to corporations that run hospitals and giving a bullshit weak solution

Still they will kill people, because we don't all have advocates or good doctors

Stupid market system mentality... Well guess what DeSatanis? Let people sue and if it's frivolous there's no problem for these hedge fund hospitals

F that guy, years ago he passed an anti protest bill that was later deemed unconstitutional...

He's just another authoritarian

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Great article! Thank you!

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Man, do I ever want to move to Florida. It's a sad commentary on the state of our world when an elected official so consistently doing the right thing is so astonishing and rare.

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Jeff, thank you for motivating the positive spark within all your readers to take action! Your messages have carried my family through some dark, isolated days. Bless you and the work you are doing!!

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Jeff, we're gutted like you and for you. We hope all patriots agree with you that "our corporate hospital system is irretrievably broken". The sooner we all realize we've hit rock-bottom, the better. The same can be said for our "corporate church system (all churches are incorporated!)", our "corporate food system" and our "corporate / gov't school system." Only a tiny percent of patriots have left these 4 main evil systems. We need to leave them all and go back to basics ... God's way (home doctors, home worship, home / local food, home school). Let's roll!

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Eisenhower warned of the Military Industrial Complex. Industrial Complexes have permeated ALL of our institutions.

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I quit my church because of the rank hypocrisy and total capitulation to the powers that Jesus and the prophets warned us about. They have gone to satans side. The monsters probably laughed their arses off when they got the churches to empty.

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This is wonderful news. Floridians are blessed to have people like you and DeSantis exchanging oxygen and carbon dioxide down there!

So. Please make a T-shirt. It just needs to say "So" on it. That can be your campaign slogan when you run for office.

What's happening in Florida is similar to what happened in Alberta in 2002. The Provincial Health Brownshirts tried to seize charts from the office of an MD practicing Functional Medicine. She fought back and ultimately had a law passed giving MDs the right to use other treatments, as long as they could be shown to safe and as long as they could show evidence that they had adequate training.

It just shows you what courageous, tenacious citizens can do to fight back against the Conventional Medicine/Pharmacoindustrial Complex.

Keep up the good work and God bless you, Jeff.

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My snowbird elder friend still thinks the gov is some evil creature as she sits in her Florida lanai sipping iced tea and moving about freely. She will jet home to Illinois in April ready to vote the destroyers back into office this year.

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Well what happened to that since 2020?

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Alberta threw away the rules just like everywhere else and squelched the time-honored practice of using prescription drugs off-label. The College of Physicians and Surgeons also encouraged physicians to rat out their colleagues who dared to speak out against the Party line. Mass Formation Psychosis was rampant in the MD community.

In their defense, the docs actually seeing patients in hospital were trying to intervene in train wrecks where 50 cars had already gone off the tracks due to improper/absent early treatment. They were seeing a lot of unnecessary deaths.

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My brother is retired and very active physically, has an inquiring mind, and reads- a lot. From the start, he identified that being put on a ventilator was nearly a death sentence. It's been 30 years since I worked in a hospital setting and I didn't keep up with the ramifications of the bureaucracy. Not until the past several months by finding this site and the links shared did I realize how the government had taken over healthcare and instituted treatment protocols.

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The Russian conflict is a perfect cover for world leaders to sweep vaccine injuries and deaths under the rug. The news cycle will include nothing of this and the truckers pushing for freedom. It will be as if nothing ever happened. Russia, Russia, Russia. It works every time.

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And just like that, the news is all about this war, pandemic ended. 🤦🏻‍♀️

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FYI - the Epoch Times mention you specifically as instrumental in drafting the new policy. Very cool! But I'm still mad as hell that the corporate hospitals (which is apparently most ALL of them) will not pay for what they've done. 😡 And I suspect that their "hospitalists" will continue to do as they wish. Very few hospitals allow private docs to round and write orders anymore.

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I believe the hospitals will continue to do EXACTLY as they have been doing. Because the hospital policy will not change at all - regardless of any new State guidelines. Mark my words - I worked as an RN in hospitals for years. Back when they were not "corporate" in nature. Back when they actually cared about patient care and not the bottom line. And even then they had their policies and very little could budge them. Now it's all about the money and the majority comes from CMS.

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I took some clothes and necessary personal (her teeth!!) items to a friend yesterday morning who is trapped in the hospital. Not with Covid but patients are trapped nevertheless. She ended up there from an emergency call in her home. . I could not see her so I watched these bags disappear down the hall. To my knowledge she has not received them yet. This is a tiny rural hospital run by a giant medical complex. Because of her situation she is totally under the control of governmental agencies of several sorts now. No family. I have no legal standing here. She is incapable of advocating for herself. Illinois.

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You may not have any legal standing currently but if she awake, alert and oriented, she CAN designate you, in writing, as her point of contact person and you should be allowed to see her. There is place on her hospital chart to do that. I'm astounded they are still keeping friends/family from patients.

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No she is mentally and emotionally challenged. She goes along with everything and says what they want to hear. There is another friend who is keeping track of her bills and is a contact for the original county agency. but they are under no obligation to give us information. There is a brother not far away who I believe will be dragged into it eventually. If they return her to the current second floor apartment with no elevator she will be trapped again. The last time I was going to take her grocery shopping she could not stand up and I had to call EMTs to get her upright and into her apartment. Both of us friends trying to help her are in our middle 70’s and in no shape to handle her. The help she needs is above our pay grade. I expect she will end up in a nursing home or best case scenario an assisted living place. She is much younger than us.

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Criminal!! Who developed these protocols and how do we get them changed??

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Can be the patient's medical power of attorney w/o being a relative. If friend wants help, possibly download a form from a state bar association, and have her sign with notary present. Hospital should have someone or get independent to come in.

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And we can say we knew him before he became mainstream.... 😀 All famous and stuff...

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Ukraine is indeed the replacement for covid, and, like covid, is completely manufactured. Taiwan/China may be joining soon as well. Looking forward to your coverage.


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Yep state of emergency- must stay home and vote by mail and cement the coup come Nov 😊

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Explain how it’s manufactured. Genuinely curious. Putin is not playing. He’s serious.

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Just because it's manufactured doesn't mean it's not serious or people aren't dying. But the supposed enemies in this case are all taking orders from the same people at the top, which can be inferred through WEF ties (can't be proven, but if you've learned anything from covid, this shouldn't be a surprise).


He doesn't mention Biden there, but Biden has given speeches at the WEF. They are all ideologically united. There is no genuine conflict between East and West, just theater. Read the alt market article which explains the strategy behind the conflict. Cui bono?

The Joe Rogan interview with Nawaz also touches on this.

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Thank you-I’ll take a look. My relatives don’t live there but do live in Eastern Europe and are still worried.

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They probably should be concerned.


Again, just because it's manufactured doesn't mean it's not going to cause real problems. That is entirely the point, because it provides opportunities for the authoritarians to provide authoritarian solutions.

The World Economic Forum is a quasi-governmental group of globalists (authoritarians) led by Klaus Schwab. They are one of several such groups that promote the globalist ideology and coordinate the actions of their members which include heads of state from around the world as well as business leaders. On the plus side, you can search anyone's name plus "WEF" to see if they have connections to this group and easily figure out whose side they are on. The list of names and companies may surprise you.

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and the thing is none of this is new, its all been under our noses for years

the UN agenda 21, -2030, lockstep the "NWO" , its already to late for a

lot of peole to do something about, they have the silent weapons in use

already, the forecasted populations predictions are looking accurate

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I agree, the term "manufactured" is the wrong word. The timing is "orchestrated" to introduce a distraction while injecting more free money into a failing fiat money Ponzi scheme. The Vaccine money is failing in the stock market so investors now switch to growth in military spending. It's a desperate scheme of disaster capitalism to keep the global economy from tanking.... Russia’s elites have not suddenly decided to go it alone, they are part of the globalist cabal as much as any of the other Western elites are. Putin is a former young leader of the World Economic Forum (WEF), he regularly meets with his friend Henry Kissinger and Russia joined the Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution Network (part of the WEF) last year.


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Indeed that’s next, after the Olympics 😢

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Great news on the Florida corporate hospitals having to allow other evidence based treatments for COVID. I have a HUGE problem with how our hospitals have "evolved." The move to hospitalists was a bad one in my opinion. I don't doubt that there are good doctors who are hospitalists, however, they are employed by the hospital and therefore beholden to them above the patient. I also have seen how the communication between primary care docs, specialists, and hospitalists can be murky at best and often contradictory. Our hospital systems are badly broken.

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Murky is such a kind word for the communications that are "fubar" (effed up beyond all recognition- some may not know or recall). Many of these people are little more than professional residents, with not much more expertise or knowledge than a medical school grad who is starting a residency. Family member has been in hospital 4 times in past ~30 months and for all of the supposed advancements of e-charts and bedside access to charts, very rarely did any member of the staff "know" information. I guess because information is literally at their fingertips, they don't find a need to know anything about the patient, meds, treatment, etc. Heaven forbid if there is an urgency or emergency- - "just hold on while. I look it up, gotta login first, hang on, I'm getting there. . . ."

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Florida's new health policy is certainly a giant step in the right direction. Imagine letting doctors actually be doctors, allowing doctors to work alongside their patients for the best treatment for them. Wow! Thank you DeSantis.

It's a heck of a lot better than what's been occurring in hospitals:

Hospital protocol kills


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I hope it helps that people are getting their stories out there. Another eye-opening site is https://www.realnotrare.com/. Personal accounts from the vaccine injured.

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Thank you for this link.

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Thank you for this link..

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Patriots, I know this feels overwhelming. Let me add one insight & encouragement to my earlier comment agreeing with Jeff that the "corporate hospital system is irretrievably broken" and adding the same for our "corporate church system", "corporate food system", and "corporate school system". The reason I hadn't mentioned is simply CONFLICT OF INTEREST. For example, the american corporate church is irretrievably broken because it has literally sold out to gov't (research the secrets of what your church cannot say in exchange for being a 501c). One of God's most important sentences is "True religion is taking care of orphans and widows, and not being polluted by the world". If we simply think about what goes in our eyes, ears, and mouths, we must put in good physical & spiritual food and good school teaching, and we don't need the corporate hospital system. That one sentence helps avoid all 4 "irretrievably broken systems".

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I realized something was very wrong when not only did my 30 year traditional church close, but complete silence from my minister who I had been friends with for a decade. I kept messaging him that we needed to reopen and silence. That was the original gut punch of CoVid I never got over. After 3 months they reopened but with protocols in place. I found a non traditional church that was scripture sound and joyful to gather. It has been a blessing. While I have moments of despair, I now feel this is a revival God planned.

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Thank you for your comment Laurie. What God wants, though, is even more earth-shattering than you might expect. Most people will reply with a similar comment about finding a 'better' church. The red-pill comes when you step back and realize that your new church is still a government church ... it has a 501c and has sold out. The pastor may be nice, many are, but they are deceived or are wolves in sheep's clothing. Can you imagine what Jesus would say if he attended with you? You don't have to. Just look at both times he went to the temple and was furious and overturned tables. The pastors of his time were acting similarly. They had sold out. Can you imagine Jesus finding out your pastor has created a 501c and agreed not to share the truth about certain things? And that 99.9% of pastors take a salary and use almost all donations for staff salary and rent, when Jesus was a carpenter and Paul was a tentmaker? Yes, the pastors have all their pat answers, like Paul accepted money. But they are deceived or deceiving. Paul was travelling and certainly was never on a cushy salary, and he lived poor and destitute and gave to the poor. Solution? Share the truth with your friends there and then have a gracious meeting with the pastor. He can easily revoke the 501c, get a supplemental job if he doesn't have a skill or trade, and the group can pay for the building or meet in homes and sell the building and land and give to the needy. Do you think our home church network has 501c's, salaries, etc? Life is so simple when we're willing to seek the Truth and obey. Please let me know how it goes. It would take a lot of courage to do, but you would be richly blessed more than you can imagine.

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Brian, I'm a Catholic and I can tell you that our parish priests are not afraid to speak the truth (even about certain Bishops!). I won't tell you where I am, because one of our priests doesn't need the publicity (🤭), but there ARE good ministers out there, willing to be martyed for the truth. (Like the pastor from Canada who is, yet again, in prison for speaking out )

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Why doesn't the media cover these ministers?...oh, never mind.

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Hi Julie. Thank you for the respectful different opinion. Again, there are born again pastors, but Jesus was primarily angry with the pastors of his age, not others. It would be great to have a discussion with your leadership. But God wants them out of the government system. The question must be asked why are they even part of a system especially with the pope at the top and all the indisputable evil that has been exposed.

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Thank you. I will look up the 501c info. I believe my former church is just sheep. What’s left of it in any case. I am not even looking right now for another. Every church goer I know is in the same place—deceived. I try to say some things in a womens Bible group but nada response. Plaintive denials. I ask God for the words I need but I’m not doing very well at it. I attended a house church for a bit back in the 90’s. It was the experience I feel I need now but have no idea how to find one or even find those like minded people to invite to my house. I’m praying about that.

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Is this happening in Orthodox Churches in America too?

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Of course, unfortunately. Just like Jeff has helped us learn to ask basics of hospital and school systems, all you have to do is ask if the church is a 501c, though often there will even be an indication on its website.

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After months of online only, when they reopened, my former church declared they were mandating masks out of love not fear 🙄

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Any churches playing the libtard 'must wear masks' card is a no go for me.

Would Jesus submit to a muzzle?

Would Jesus take a mandated jab from the Romans?

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Would Jesus cover the image (of us) which was made in the form of God?

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Laurie, also, remember these churches are businesses by their own admission (inc's, companies, corporations!) The pastor may not have like masks anyway, but it's certainly a way to draw in more customers like you (er, I mean visitors). It's a competitive industry, like other industries. I know this all sounds hard to believe, but the truth is hiding in plain sight for all of us to see and act on. Also, if you think the pastor from your old church may be deceived, and not a wolf, you might consider what responsibility you have to graciously confront that person too. One of hundreds of lies within the church is that people should just quietly disappear if they see a major problem. Of course that's not in the bible. Yes, we don't cast pearls at pigs, so if you're convinced the old pastor is a wolf, that's different. But God commands us to speak the truth in love, not hide in love. Again, one of many lies is the excuse that we are generally never to speak. Actually, we are to speak in most cases, just in love. And Jeff is a great example of that. The easy thing would have been for him to remain quiet.

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My church makes it mask optional but not really, still serves food and was open after the first lockdown. Easter last year was PACKED. The priest was coughing but he kept going. This is my experience with the Orthodox Churches I go to. They never did a “vaccine event” or anything like that. We were able to still kiss the icons the cross, get communion you name it. Even held a huge picnic with live music after mass.

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Titus 1, particularly verse 11, explaining how a deacon should conduct himself, especially not preaching something for filthy lucre (money, how being a 501c can sway what comes across a pulpit).

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My church Godspeak has been open this whole time with the exception of the initial 2 weeks to “flatten the curve” farce. It’s an incredibly free scripture founded church. Not looking forward to trying to find a new one when I move.

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Dang! So Putin beat Biden to the punch! Now what's Biden going to talk about March 1st?

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Gonna go to default script, blame former POTUS, DJT for all of it.

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The "temporary blip" in the cost of living.

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Free Fed money is drying-up on the Covid scam...The new free money future is in war... the old stand-by... This is critical to keep the Ponzi scheme from collapsing.

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they also want our eyes of of the UN for their latest treasonous piece of paper 194 leaders

are going to sign on the 1st of march, just more oppression

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I'm concerned about the pharmacy part. Without any teeth to punish pharmacies that refuse to fill prescriptions, why would they change their current modus operandi? My father is a Florida physician who has treated dozens of covid patients with HCQ but getting the drugs is tricky, using mom and pop pharmacies, etc.

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Jeff, If Gov DeSantis becomes President will you be his VP or the new Governor?🙏

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You really think he’ll run for President? I call the Gov of S.Dakota as VP.

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Who knows what will happen! I like her too!👍

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Jesus, i hope DeSantis runs and Trump doesn't.

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DeSantis is all about taking power from the people. Trump supports empowering the people. I don't understand why anyone would want to give what little power we have left to the government. Isn't that the path to communism?

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Could you provide an example or two of how DeSantis is "all about taking power from the people"? I have a HUGE problem with his signature on SB 7014, but your comment has me perplexed, so examples would be appreciated.

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Have faith Jeff and my fellow coffee aficionados!!! We are creating a parallel medical economy too! It's scary but first step is opting-out of the Medicare program but this can be fairly easily done! For any other doctors out there, the AAPS (Jeremy Snavely) is immensely helpful with this but I am thrilled to help anyone as well! My email is ALlifestylemed@protonmail.com, please contact me if you want help (and have patience if I get inundated with emails from other docs wanting out!)!!

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I agree....The history of Allopathic medicine is a disaster

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Yeah, I think the only way forward out of this mess will be to provide an alternative. Email sent. :)

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