☕️ Coffee & Covid ☙ Friday, January 28, 2022 ☙ GOOD SCENARIOS 🦠
Happy Friday, C&C! Today’s roundup includes new Operation Multiplier orders and a ton of good news.
Happy Friday, C&C! Today’s roundup includes new Operation Multiplier orders and a ton of good news.
🪖 OPERATION MULTIPLIER: It’s Governor DeSantis again, because he just confirmed Dr. Joe Ladapo as surgeon general. More on that below. Dr. Ladapo is a member of America’s Frontline Doctors (https://americasfrontlinedoctors.org). Just think about what that means for a second. It took ENORMOUS political courage and capital for DeSantis to confirm this appointment, probably over the advice of party regulars. Let’s show the Governor that his courage is appreciated, and let’s show other Governors what happens when you make the big moves.
Now that we have a contact on the Governor’s fund-raising team, I got them to setup a special C&C multiplier page to make it easy. Check out the special URL. Unfortunately, they thought we wanted donations ending in ‘8’, so just ignore those and donate any amount ending in a ‘2’. Guys, I don’t need to tell you how important this is, the fact I could ask for this and get a quick response: we are talking and they are listening. Let’s keep talking! (Last time it took me two weeks to connect with someone to review the records and calculate how much C&C gave — about $60K total).
Not to mention, it’s absolutely CRITICAL — no matter where you live — that DeSantis is re-elected. It might be the single most important race going.
Multiply governor DeSantis right now by donating any amount ending in a ‘2’. Do it RIGHT NOW: (https://secure.winred.com/rondesantis/thank-you-c-and-c). Don’t read any more, just take a second and do it now, then keep reading today’s post.
I PROMISE that you’ll feel GREAT after you do it. Let’s beat the previous Operation’s numbers, even if just by one dollar. Let’s do this! Let’s show them what C&C can do.
🔥 In terrific news, Florida’s new surgeon general, Joe Ladapo, previously acting under a temporary appointment, was permanently confirmed yesterday. During the confirmation hearing, democrats asked Dr. Ladapo a variety of trick questions designed to score political points and trip him up. By and large Dr. Ladapo handled the questions gracefully and effectively.
The Orlando Sentinel reported that the hearing was “contentious,” referring in part to Senate Democratic Leader Lauren Book’s repeated questions for Ladapo to give a yes or no answer on whether or not vaccines are effective against Covid-19. The Sentinel reported that Ladapo declined to answer the question directly, explaining “‘Yes or no’ questions are not that easy to find in science.”
The Sentinel also whined about Ladapo’s failure “to endorse masks.” Poor Sentinel. Apparently Ladapo said, triggering reporters everywhere, that masks hadn’t been shown to have any significant effect of the spread of Covid. The horror! The Sentinel indignantly countered that “most public health officials” say masks are an effective way to slow transmission.
Um. I guess the Sentinel’s reporters haven’t exactly been keeping up with current events. (https://tinyurl.com/3x2cw7k4). I get it. Things are moving fast. You have to pay attention.
Ultimately, in an embarrassing display of childish petulance, democrats WALKED OUT of Ladapo’s confirmation hearing and refused to participate in the vote. That’ll teach people to question masks! So anyway, Dr. Ladapo ultimately was confirmed unanimously, an impressive accomplishment in these fractious times. Congratulations, Doc!
As noted above, Harvard-trained Ladapo is a member of America’s Frontline Doctors, which focuses on early treatment of Covid, and which has filed a number of lawsuits challenging junk vaccine science and otherwise supporting civil rights. Dr. Ladapo signed the Great Barrington Declaration, which called for a focused protection approach instead of a mass vaccination policy.
Ladapo’s appointment is driving the pro-lockdowners even crazier than they already are, which is to say, they are giving bedbugs a run for their money. Hopefully now that he’s been confirmed, Ladapo can act with more freedom, politically speaking.
Ladapo’s appointment and confirmation was an extremely bold political move by Governor DeSantis, and is the reason we are multiplying him again today. If by some tragic accident, you have made it down here without having multiplied him, PLEASE go back and multiply him RIGHT NOW, in any amount ending in a ‘2’. Then come back and finish!
CORRECTION: Ladapo was confirmed in committee, with his confirmation vote now heading to the entire senate, where a final vote to confirm is comfortably expected.
UPDATE: I have been contacted by national media already who wants to know about how our support for Dr. Ladapo goes given the “controversy.”
💉 The Hill published an article this weekend headlined, “Pfizer CEO says frequent boosters ‘not a good scenario,’ hopes for yearly vaccine.” Well. Pfizer’s CEO Albert Bourla didn’t admit to any, er, problems, of course not, safe and effective and all that, but instead focused on the logistical issues. When asked about people getting booster shots every four to five months, he explained, “This will not be a good scenario. Once a year — it is easier to convince people to do it. It is easier for people to remember. So from a public health perspective, it is an ideal situation.” Uh huh.
The article reported on an interesting Fauci comment also backing off of frequent boosters. The maniacal doctor is reported to have said, “We would hope — and this is something that we’re looking at very carefully — that that third shot with the mRNA [vaccine] not only boosts you way up but increases the durability so that you will not necessarily need it every six months or a year.”
Is “boosts you WAY UP” a technical term or something? WAY up? Way? So dumb. Anyway, the point is Fauci’s comment means they don’t know whether booster protection will last, be “durable.” They DON’T KNOW. How could they? There hasn’t been enough time.
Anyway, it’s good news that they are backing off the boosters, for whatever reason.
🔥 Alert Internet researchers noted that OpenTable’s recent “State of the Industry” report revealed that, but for a couple exceptions, most big cities’ restaurant reservations have plunged. Here’s a sample from the rankings, from best to worst:
Miami: +14%
Las Vegas: +1%
Houston: -13%
Denver: -26%
LA: -41%
Boston: -48%
Brooklyn: -55%
DC: -59%
Manhattan: -64%
San Francisco: -66%
Cambridge, MA: -75%
And guess what feature the only two cities in the positive range have in common? That’s right, no mandates or passports. And how about the eight worst on that list? Yep. Mandates AND passports. So.
🔥 Last week, a federal judge in Texas entered an order blocking Biden’s injection mandate for federal employees. Judge Brown cited the Supreme Court’s recent decision blocking the OSHA Mandate, writing that the federal employee mandate was “a bridge too far.”
Many commenters predict the decision suggests the federal CONTRACTOR mandate is also due to be stayed. An article in Bloomberg Law last week discussing the ins-and-outs of the contractor mandate was headlined, “The Federal Contractor Vaccine Mandate Is Unlawful, Too.” I agree.
👨⚖️ Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer, a Clinton appointee, unexpectedly announced this week that he will retire, soon, creating an opportunity for Joe Biden to appoint his successor. Interestingly, Justice Breyer has been a long-time critic of the “major questions doctrine,” which the Supreme Court just used to overturn the OSHA Mandate.
At the White House announcement, Breyer completely mangled and stumbled through the first lines of the Gettysburg Address but still sounded ten times more lucid than the man who will pick his successor. Breyer probably should have just looked over Lincoln’s famous speech before he took the podium; it can happen to any of us.
For his part, Joe Biden rambled like usual and while speaking, slowly took a mask out of his wallet or something and handed it to a masked aide standing several feet away. Biden walked to the aide to hand him the mask, since the aide clearly had no idea what was happening, and quickly stuffed the mask in his pocket. Why, Joe? Why take it out if you’re not going to use it? What on Earth was he thinking, if anything?
Anyway, Biden promised that he will nominate a black woman to replace Breyer. Because diversity is the most important thing that we need on the Supreme Court. Obviously.
Whoever it is, the appointment will not change the political character of the Supreme Court much.
🔥 It’s not over! According to Fox News, with the current funding for the federal government set to expire next month, a letter signed by “a growing number of Republicans” pledges to pull support from government budget legislation including language funding vaccine mandates. The effort is being led by Representative Chip Roy of Texas. “Will at least 10 of the 19 GOP senators who voted to punt last time now stand up for health care workers or not?” Roy asked. “We’re going to find out.” Yes, we will.
In case you wanted to let any Senators know about your opinion, you can find their contact information here: (https://www.270towin.com/elected-officials/contact-us-senators).
🔥 On Monday, the day after the DC mandate rally this weekend, the one I spoke at, Senator Ron Johnson held a five-hour hearing on vaccine safety. Many of the doctors who spoke at the rally testified on Johnson’s committee. As it happens, while I was navigating through the DC airport Monday morning I nearly literally ran smack dab into attorney Tom Renz, and we had a nice chat by the concourse slidewalk. Tom previewed his intended testimony to me, and it was already a doozy.
Later that morning, Renz testified before Johnson’s committee that he has recently received shocking information from multiple whistleblowers within the Department of Defense. The DoD has apparently been tracking the military’s vaccine mandate and recording adverse event signals among our troops. The information came from the Defense Medical Surveillance System (DMSS), which tracks billing codes for medical diagnoses among service members. (By the way, this could easily be done through CMS as well for the population at large, if the government were so inclined.)
Among other things, according to Renz, the data from DMSS shows a dramatic increase in the first ten months of 2021 in certain diagnosis codes, over the prior 5-year average for the same diagnoses:
— a 300% increase in miscarriages (4,182 vs 1,499)
— a 300% increase in cancer diagnoses (114,645 vs 38,700)
— a 269% increase in myocardial infarction
— a 291% increase in Bell’s palsy
— a 467% increase in pulmonary embolisms
— a 471% increase in female infertility
— a 1,000% increase in neurological diagnoses (863,000 (!) vs 82,000)
Renz pointed out that the 2020 diagnosis codes for the same conditions do NOT show similar increases, which seems to rule out Covid-19 as a possible cause. Renz told a reporter for Blaze News that this was just “the tip of the iceberg,” as numerous other diagnosis categories have also increased exponentially.
Renz presented a sworn declaration from one of the military doctors who came forward, which states, “It is my professional opinion that the major increases of the above discussed instances of miscarriages, cancers, and disease were due to COVID-19 ‘vaccinations.’”
It’s great news that these brave doctors are coming forward to raise an alarm about these issues, and that it is getting into the permanent congressional record.
🔥 According to Wealth Professional, a Canadian finance magazine, lots of entrepreneurs are leaving Canada because of its lockdowns and mandates. According to the article, the CEO of an Ontario wealth management firm has now been living in Costa Rica for two months and “has no intention of returning until Ontario no longer requires vaccination passports.”
The Ontario CEO also says he knows of 30 other business owners who have left the country and may eventually take their businesses with them. He said the 30 entrepreneurs — along with thousands of employees who generate millions of dollars a year in taxes — have left Canada for the southern U.S., Mexico, and Costa Rica in the past four months.
“Life is very different here than in Canada. There are no restrictions. There are no vax-passports. They closed the special ICUs in the hospitals a month ago because of a lack of cases,” CEO Arthur Salzer told reporters.
In Costa Rica, doctors typically prescribe ivermectin and Vitamin D for Covid infections.
If it represents a trend, and it seems likely that it does, this is great news for freedom-oriented countries and certain U.S. states, which are benefitting from the influx of capital and high-achieving individuals and businesses. Think about it — UNSUCCESSFUL businesses and those LACKING capital can’t afford to move. It is the most successful firms and individuals that are the most mobile. Brains, ingenuity, and creativity are draining out of the pro-lockdown areas like water running off a beagle puppy’s back.
🔥 The highly-respected journal Science published an article last week headlined, “In rare cases, coronavirus vaccines may cause Long Covid–like symptoms.” Uh oh. The subhead says, “Brain fog, headaches, blood pressure swings are being probed by NIH and other researchers.”
While the article carefully repeats the mantra that the syndrome appears to be ‘rare,’ and says over and over that Covid-19 risks are worse than risks from the injections, it is telling that Science felt secure enough to even mildly challenge the narrative that the injections are completely safe and effective.
The article describes Brianne Dressen’s story. She has never had Covid but took the AstraZenica vaccine in clinical trials. She says that by the evening after her injection, her vision blurred and sound became distorted—“I felt like I had two seashells on my ears,” she said. Her symptoms rapidly worsened and multiplied, ultimately including heart rate fluctuations, severe muscle weakness, and what she describes as debilitating internal electric shocks. Yikes.
For a period up through early 2021, Dressen had contact with NIH researchers who were studying the side effects. And when Science contacted Pfizer for a comment for the article, a Pfizer spokesperson wrote, “We can confirm it’s something we’re monitoring.” How about that?
Science acknowledged the 800-pound hypodermic in the room, noting that the scientific community is “uneasy” about studying vaccine side effects. You don’t say. “Everyone is tiptoeing around it,” said Resia Pretorius, a South African researcher. “I’ve talked to a lot of clinicians and researchers at various universities, and they don’t want to touch it.”
Gosh, I wonder why?
Science also reported that Pretorius said she and her colleagues have seen up to 20 other patients with chronic problems following vaccination. She says these include Long Covid–like symptoms such as brain fog as well as other clotting concerns like deep vein thrombosis. Pretorius said she suspects any of the vaccines could sometimes trigger subtler clotting issues. She says she has preliminary evidence that vaccination can lead to microclots — although noting that in most cases they go unnoticed and quickly disappear — an effect she and a colleague saw in their own blood and that of eight other healthy volunteers, which they sampled after their vaccinations.
The journal also reported that dozens more patients reporting postvaccine complications found their way to Avindra Nath, clinical director at the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, and Farinaz Safavi, an NINDS neurologist. “I promise you we will report your issue and other cases we are reviewing now,” Safavi wrote to Danice Hertz in March 2021. Hertz is a retired gastroenterologist who lives in Southern California, and has developed debilitating side effects after one dose of the Pfizer vaccine.
The researchers were all careful to note that “correlation is not causation” but were confident that correlation exists.
The best news is that journals like Science are now finding that they are able to publish articles like this at all. As researchers learn that they are not alone, and find out who else is working on similar research, the pace of information should pick up.
🔥 According to an article in Fox News, Florida is crushing it for tourism, setting new records, even for pre-pandemic periods. 2019 was already a record-setting year for visitors, with about 131 million coming to the state. For 2021, with data only available for the first three quarters, the numbers are even higher. The article quotes tourism officials from around the state using words like “remarkable.” So.
🔥 Cases and hospitalizations in Florida continue to trend down. As of yesterday, cases in Florida were down 33% over the previous week. Hospital admissions were down 16%, and its hospital census was down 11%. ICU bed use was down 10% in the prior 5 days. Great news.
🔥 Finally, even though this is COFFEE & Covid, I would be remiss if I failed to mention a new study out of the UK finding that RED WINE may reduce chances of being infected by Covid-19 — making the popular beverage potentially more effective than injections against Omicron.
“Our study suggests that subjects who usually consumed red wine and white wine and champagne above guidelines, and sometimes consumed 1–2 glasses/week fortified within the guidelines appear to have chances to reduce the risk of COVID-19,” the researchers noted.
This is great news for C&C readers who don’t get around to reading the blog until AFTER work. Now you don’t have to feel left out! I hereby officially adopt red wine (white if you can’t stand it) as the official back-up beverage for Coffee & Covid. You’re welcome.
Have a fantastic Friday and I’ll see you back here tomorrow morning for your free refill.
Help us spread optimism and hope! https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/p/-learn-how-to-get-involved-
MeWe: mewe.com/i/coffee_and_covid.
I belong to a Bible Study group that meets once a week. While most of us are in our 60’s, there are a few in their late 70’s. The older ones when the lockdowns started, literally did not leave their homes for 3 months. They had groceries delivered, washed plastic bags. They wore masks religiously when that first started. As someone who hadn’t bought any of this hogwash from the beginning, I had to practice very restrained patience when we finally started meeting in person again. When the vaccines came out, they nearly trampled one another to get the two shot wonder, even though the rest of us voiced concerns about it. Omicron, flooding this state since December, may have been the blessing in disguise, because even though media and hospitals tell us otherwise we all knew vaxxed were getting Omicron right and left. Now, 10 months later, they all declare they won’t get boosted. That may seem like inchworm progress but it is such a frenetic state as this with fear porn pedaled hourly, it is a big deal. But we need to get universities and schools off this mandate wagon. That’s where their intent lies.
To add to today's good news. From Virginia: New AG Jason Mirayes issues legal opinion that state universities cannot mandate COVID-19 vaccines for students. https://files.constantcontact.com/d3e83e11901/e247bd43-59d8-4738-9c1f-5862d916c981.pdf