Jeff, I know your speech today will be informative and inspiring! I know we all wish we could be there!

And now here are some good words from God via King David who hadn’t even met Joe Biden:

I would have despaired unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord

In the land of the living.

Wait for the Lord;

Be strong and let your heart take courage;

Yes, wait for the Lord.

β€” Psalm 27:13-14

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Yes… thank you for reminding us of those words from King David…..and to remember God is Still and Always in control.

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After a day yesterday of hearing just too much disheartening news, I had to give myself a good talking to and put my nose where it should be, in my daily Message readings. Thank you for the reminder.

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Laurie, it is my belief that we will win this war. For me, willful ignorance (ignoring what is in plain sight) is a harbinger of hopelessness and despair. Many of the sources I study indicate that although the 2020 election was a win for our enemies, this was just one battle. In the end-God Wins. And yet, we still must endure upcoming battles and endure complacency among our peers and within a corrupted government. Blessings, and please smell the roses and feed the birds!

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Listening to the Bible in a Year for the first time, have read it, but not straight through. Very comforting and encouraging. As you so elegantly express, it is the Word of truth and life.

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One of my favorites. In the land of the living says so much. He is here. He is with us. Listen to the song β€œGod is With Us” by God and Country. It moves me every time. Powerful. When I’m driving and it comes on the SiriusXM Message channel I roll down the window and let it rip!

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The Blessing is a great song. Elevation Worship...Kari Jobe and Cody Carnes. The long version on youtube is the best. For the last 2 1/2 years I have only listened to The Message.

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Awesome song. I sent it to my women’s Bible group. Thanks!

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Me too. The last year.

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It's such a good song. I heard it yesterday on "Message" when I was pulling into the garage and had to sit in my car and listen to the whole song before getting out of my car.

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I will check it out! Thank you.

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Janice just found out about your site. Here are two groups worth checking out. They both are putting the Psalms to music.

Psalms Project, he’s doing in in order and if you follow him on Facebook they give away the first cd.

The other is the Sons of Korah. They do theme albums. In Scripture Korah led a rebellion against Moses, and was swallowed up by the earth.( Numbers 16) His sons went on GODS & Moses side, and David gave them the honor and job of serving in the Temple.

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Thank you, Chuck. I will check them out.

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Love love love that song

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I get goosebumps listening.

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β€œAlmost Home” is one I’ve played on repeat countless times.

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Dancing on the Waves. Very inspiring. I like to you tube it while I’m walking in nature.

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I so wanted to be there this weekend, too. What a fabulous line up of speakers and great organization. Thank you for all you do, Jeff.

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"I sympathize with their plight, I really do. But America needs folks in the federal agencies to DO SOMETHING. Speak up if you can. Whistleblow. Leak when you can, legally. Find a way to help. Don’t just complain about it. Don’t just wait out your retirement and punch your ticket."

Jeff, you are so right about this (as well as many other things). These people need to speak up. By sitting by and watching things unfold, things have really escalated. Covid shots for 6 month olds have been authorized. People have been mandated (and the military and healthcare workers are still under mandates) to get these shots. Some areas (NYC, for example) are planning to mandate covid shots for all school kids and daycare kids to attend this fall.

Silence has allowed this to snowball. Maybe these federal agency workers are not getting the Vax and not letting their kids get it. Maybe they are telling close friends and family members not to get it. Maybe they have fake vax cards, etc. But if they continue to sit by, things will also continue to progress. Eventually this crap could be given to us all by force. AND their fake cards, etc will no longer protect them because "the powers that be" will know (by a scan or somehow) if a person has really gotten the covid shots. They must speak up!!

Many of these federal agency workers are probably horrified by the atrocities of the Holocaust. They may wonder how that could have happened. Well, it happened because people like them saw things that were wrong and didn't speak up.

Too many sit by and wait for someone else to do something. They wait for a hero to swoop in and save the day. You don't need super powers to stop wrongdoing.

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I do not sympathize with their plight. If these NIH/CDC/FDA people aren't screaming from the rooftops by now, they are complicit. They can rot in hell!

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Agree. They are mass murderers. The "just following orders" defense won't cut it at the final eternal judgment.

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I just commented on just that but don't see it yet. I am in 100% agreement with you. I'm just filled with rage that people who are truly in the know have taken the cowardly way out. They could have saved so many lives. I'm sickened by this.

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Lockstep among governmental employees is guaranteed due to fears of loss and impoverishment. Loss of job means loss of retirement benefits. Loss of home means Blackrock buys your home after you've been evicted. Fear is a great tool of influence. Hence federal employess are not likely to challenge the edicts imposed by Big Pharma. We need to get off the Matrix grid.

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At this rate we will be impoverished regardless they should not think they are safe because they are quiet dollar soon to crash your retirement worthless but what is worse they will have sold their soul to the god of money and cowardice

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Feds 4 Medical Freedom sent out an email yesterday thanking Jeff and the Coffee & Covid Army for raising $86,116.59 in one day! They also provided a link to Coffee & Covid so I expect Jeff will gain more followers to this substack. Thanks to all and it's never too late to donate if you missed this Operation Multiplier. Donation link provided in their email: https://secure.givelively.org/donate/charitable-allies-inc/feds-for-medical-freedom

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By the way, Novavax used aborted fetal cells in testing phase. https://libertyjournal.substack.com/p/novavax-used-aborted-fetal-cells

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Novavax's spokespeople are being very squirrelie with their language. Prime example to always listen for what is not being said.

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Good information. Thank you.

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You’re welcome. Trying to spread the word to religious objectors since the government-sponsored media is trying to push the narrative that the Novavax shot is the perfect shot for those who objected to the mRNA and J&at vaccines. There really is no difference since Novavax also used fetal cells in testing phase.

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I graduated from Boston College and just sent it to the President, Father Leahy. BC is the largest Catholic university in the country. He has not allowed any religious exemptions. Not one. Dr. Horman Norchasm has a daughter that attends, and he helped to write a petition protesting the booster for students who already had two shots and had been infected. Father Leahey was unmoved. A sophomore that took the booster had a stroke. Last I heard, there was a lawsuit in the works over that one. But with the liability protection, I don't know how far they're going to get.

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I used to roll my eyes when reading commenters warning of their malign influence. Used to...

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No one hates Jesus like the Society of Jesus (Jesuits) hate Jesus.

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Correct. St. Ignatius would roll over in his grave if he were to see what's become of his order.

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I noticed :(

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You should also provide this info to Liberty Counsel at www.lc.org. They are doing some amazing work to protect the rights of Americans.

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Yes they are. I actually subscribe to them. I'm subscribing to so many. I'm on information overload right now. I'm doing everything I can, including regular emails to my state and city elected officials in Boston, so that they get access to alternative information.

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Bless you, PJ!! Keep fighting, informing!!

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Thank you for all your work and the info!

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Jesus said, 'What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul? ' Matthew 16:26

This same scripture should be in the minds of all college students and their parents if the school is requiring gene altering shots. It works the same with employment. It comes down to making a choice between life and death. Not school. Not a degree. Not employment. Not a paycheck. But life or death.

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I have always resonated with this wisdom. Of note--one of my favorite songs by Loggins&Messina is "Golden Ribbons"--which was written when Vietnam was the war of the moment. The line they sing at the end of the song as a reoccurring passage is: "What does it to avail a man

To gain fortune

And lose his soul?"

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Trying to hit like won’t recognize it

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Yes--i've noticed this. Something about being a reply to a reply to a reply...chain thingee.

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Wow!! The Priest that pushes mandates seems to not have much faith in our Devine healer!! He would have been a good right hand man for Hitler!!

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The local Roman Catholic priest refused to give his members religious exemptions to the vax, so my Lutheran pastor met with each one and wrote a letter, which was accepted by the hospital mandating the shots.

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what an amazing pastor!!

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The Pope has made a mess of it. BC is out of control. Some of the smaller Jesuit schools have not mandated boosters. JCU in Ohio last spring said they would not mandate boosters. We'll see what happens in the upcoming fall booster campaign. Some of the key faculty who were fighting the mandate gave quit and the seniors who were fighting graduated...hoping the underclassmen still there who were protesting are organizing.

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The Pope is awful. Look at his pro-life leadership in regards to Xiden and Piglosi. So of course the Jesuits would be all-in on poison death shots for the common cold.

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The pope and the Catholic Church and other churches (mine included)… have disappointed me during this whole mess… as they’ve aligned swiftly with government

And they have a history of doing that during difficult times.

I read this- the words still ring true all these years later.

Edith Stein wrote an urgent letter to the pope. Stein, born a Jew, had converted to Catholicism in 1922 and had become a nun and a respected Catholic educator. In her letter, she argued:

Everything that happened [in Germany] and continues to happen on a daily basis originates with a government that calls itself β€œChristian.” For weeks not only Jews but also thousands of fearful Catholics in Germany, and, I believe, all over the world have been waiting and hoping for the Church of Christ [the Roman Catholic Church] to raise its voice to put a stop to this abuse of Christ’s name. Is not this idolization of race and governmental power which is being pounded into the public consciousness by the radio open heresy? . . . Is not all this diametrically opposed to the conduct of our Lord and Savior, who, even on the cross, still prayed for his persecutors?

she was eventually murdered in a death camp as part of the Holocaust.

I have left my church and now spend time β€˜in God’s word’ … not man’s.

Everyone should read the Bible.

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Even Edith Stein did not "leave the church" and abandon Christ's Sacraments. Use discernment in these contradictory end times, yes; but perhaps do that AND remain with Christ in the Eucharist.

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Loyola U in Maryland is mandating boosters while some of the public universities are starting to stop the jab requirement.

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Jul 15, 2022Β·edited Jul 15, 2022

You should send him this link and tell him to start watching at about minute 3. Former Blackrock exec and whistleblower Ed Dowd has the receipts - from the life insurance industry policy payouts, the disabilities from the corporate side and also the funeral home stats. 61,000 millennials ages 25-44 dead within months of the corporate jab mandates. 61,000 healthy, educated young working professionals. They did not die from drug overdoses, suicide, or from skipping their cancer screenings. Ed took it one step further... watch the video .. towards the end he explains that he and his partner had to take action some way, so they have been going around to colleges and universities and showing them the data. They then tell them that when they get sued, which they will, and they come for their endowments, they will not be able to say they didn't know. So they'd better stop the jab mandates at the schools while they can do damage control.


Sadly, most Catholic colleges are anything but, and haven't been for decades. The corrupt clergy like McCarrick, Cupich, Molloy, etc. need to be rooted out and the whole USCCB needs to be scraped. It's so painful to see this. https://www.complicitclergy.com/

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Question: is the no college mandates group the same who put out the google docs which had info on which colleges had v and b mandates?


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Jul 15, 2022Β·edited Jul 15, 2022

Thanks for all of your work. Suggestion: maybe update with Novavax also?

Will try to recruit some people for them.

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We were at BC graduation this past May and, not being familiar with the college, I was wondering what their stance was--I suppose mainly wondering because they're Jesuits. What a shame.

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Is there liability protection for the schools, workplaces etc or just Big pharma?

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There is no liability protection for schools, workplaces, etc.

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Then the student who got injured should sue the school.

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My objection centers around the immoral mandating and violation of bodily autonomy. The law and the EEOC administration manual require the controlling organization to presume my belief is sincere, not agreed to as truth.

Additionally, SCOTUS has held prior that the belief could be new even at my current place of employment. Even if I suddenly changed it, they can't just say it doesn't qualify.

Because of these things, they cannot disapprove my "no vaccine" belief.

Search for Section 12 of the EEOC manual. It's pretty clear.

Also, Robert Barnes (lawyer) on locals covered it extensively.

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MY BODY MY CHOICE. Why is this hypocrisy not a point of news and discussion? Yes, I know. Evil will take the path given, but I can't stand it. Private companies can mandate whatever they want...and they do. We are forced to subject ourselves for the money...the better the paycheck, the more they have control. I agree...you can NEVER get your health back and apparently a hard worker can now make bank on side jobs because the lazy unemployed do not want to work and when they do work, the finished product is total shite.

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They should also object on the grounds the vaxx is not safe nor effective.

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That unfortunately will likely always be rejected.

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Yes. However in BC especially there are exactly ZERO exemptions.

"No jab? No job."

The federal travel mandates were "suspended" on April 20th.

Not job mandates...

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So much for Novavax being the great hope in vaccines. Turns out they're just peddling more of the same ol' same ol' crap.

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Didn’t all of β€œvaccine”-makers??

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Yes they all used aborted fetal cells in the testing phase, but the media is trying to convince us that Novavax doesn’t have any connection to abortions, which is false.

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Thank you. Sent it off to a bunch of people.

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But America needs folks in the federal agencies to DO SOMETHING. Speak up if you can. Whistleblow. Leak when you can, legally. Find a way to help. Don’t just complain about it. Don’t just wait out your retirement and punch your ticket.

If you take action to help, you’ll like yourself more, and things will work out fine, one way or the other. Just think about it.


A coward dies a thousand times. Will you sleep soundly with your government pension knowing you could have prevented pain and suffering?

Where are the FDA drug reviewers like Frances Oldham Kelsey, who kept Thalidomide due to safety issues off the American market and saved babies from being deformed and handicapped? Kelsey was the second woman to receive the President's Award for Distinguished Federal Civilian Service, awarded to her by John F. Kennedy in 1962.


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"I know what I'm participating in is wrong, and maybe even evil, but I can't stop doing it because then people won't give me money."

And these are supposedly the "good" people in the FDA and CDC? Good grief, I think I'd rather throw in with the vaccine zealots at this point, at least they believe in something.

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Every time you hold back the truth, you make fear more important than love. This is why the depth of your ability to love will always be mirrored by your ability to be honest.

Unknown author

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Sort of ironic that the multiplier this month is to help federal workers with the vaccine mandate. Just sayin'

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Ivana went into cardiac arrest. They found her at the bottom of her stairs and don't know if that contributed to her death. But for sure she went into cardiac arrest. So it's interesting to me that Epsteined is trending on Twitter, but clot shot is not. And you're not thinking about the cardiac problems related to the injections either Jeff? Sincere question.

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He stated she died β€œsuddenly & unexpectedly”. This is his subtle way of saying she died from the clot shot, the heart dart but nobody will of course talk about it (🐘 in the room)

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Mark Crispin Miller has an excellent substack. He provides a weekly recap of those worldwide that have died suddenly and/or unexpectedly.

Mark Crispin Miller | Substack


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Thank you

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Well, I just found out a 33-year-old cop in Massachusetts who died suddenly and unexpectedly actually committed suicide. So when we get the information that a death is from a cardiac related issue, I think it's important to note.

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I know not everyone does obits these days but our local suburb newspaper has gone from one or 2 obits a week, to 3-5 every week. At least one every week mentions 'died unexpectedly' without mentioning cause of death. Not all of them are elderly. Sad - I know suicides are up, and I know heart conditions are up, and sad that I am reading obits for people I don't even know.

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Ditto here in the N E GA mtns. Lots of "sudden cardiac issues" in folks 40 and up. The PTB are soooo puzzled by it all.

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I'm not sure if I believe coroner's anymore. All this suddenly and unexpected and no one connecting the dots? Like the medical community i.e. coroners?

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There are no autopsies for the most part.

Coroners are signing certificates.

Embalmers (if bodies are not cremated) and funeral directors (some are one and the same) are discovering "cause" of the "effect" (sudden massive myocardial infarction) or thrombosis (stroke) and speaking amongst themselves or to John O'looney and other colleagues.

These sudden deaths are quickly becoming an epidemic which can no longer be hidden thanks to Naomi Wolf, Jessica Rose, Dr. McCullough et al, and all the brave Partigiani of the Plandemic.

Including the author of this Substack.

By the way: fired members of the Canadian health and aviation, military & police sector such as freetofly, the RCMP and military groups such as mounties4freedom.ca and Canadamarches.ca and other mandate dissent organizations in Canada desperately need someone exactly like you Jeff, to help direct the Crowdsource funding necessary for our legal fights, etc.

Jeff: you are BRILLIANT and unstoppable.

By hook or crook, I will eventually find a way to escape this political and medical tyranny and make my way to your and Dr. Stillwater's neck of the Florida woods.

You guys, and Governor DeSantis, give me SO much hope that I will survive this insanity. Whenever my hope wanes, I tap in for a booster.

Thanks for all you do for those whose voices have otherwise been silenced, are alone and have been disenfranchised from "polite" society, and have had their livelihoods literally (illegally) stolen.

Cheers from B.C. (Wish that stood for Baja California but alas... not there yet.)

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yes Jeff is brilliant and unstoppable. We are all lucky to have him, and all the others you have mentioned, as well as Dr. Byram Bridle, one of Canada's own!! https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/my-interview-with-dr-byram-bridle?utm_medium=reader2

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And Trozzi.

And that firebrand in Alberta, forget his name.

And Jessica, another great Canadian Truth WARRIOR.

And Dr. Alexander.

And Drs Mel Bruchet and Nagase.

And our Frontline Canadian Nurse who took the slings, arrows & bullets at great costs.

And James Topp.

And Tamara Lich.

So many heroes. πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦

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Plus he put a little vax emoji at the end of the paragraph.

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I saw that

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I saw that

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exactly! Jeffs subtle

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pfizered not epsteined

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I doubt anyone is going to live into "old" age anymore. Correction: the unvaxxed will.

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He put a shot syringe at the end of the sentence. I sort of figured that he was implying the jab

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yes, I looked again and saw that. This is all so sad!!

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Ummm....I thought the little needle emoji after the news on Ivana said it without saying it?

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Do we know if she had a bad heart prior to 2020? That is always another good question for heart related deaths. Professional athletes with no prior heart conditions, musicians with no prior heart conditions, young people age 15 to 30 with no prior heart conditions, all of these people should be in the vaccine data but we know the government will not do this because, why? We might ALL figure out it is a killer clot shot, a gene altering drug, an immune killer, and whatever else it is doing to healthy bodies. EUA = Experimental Use Authorization.

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It's the msm trying to deflect from the real cause - clot shots and to maybe link epstein to Trump since they failed the first time. Again- MSM lies.

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Some good news from behind the Blue Curtain in the Liberal World Order Capitol...

NYC Teacher fired for refusing to get jabbed gets reinstated WITH BACK PAY by NY judge...


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I am a new arrival to Coffee & Covid. Love it! I share it to my FB feed.

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Welcome, friend!! 😎 🌴

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Putin nailed it……”The ruling classes of the Western countries, which are supranational and globalist in nature, ……..a model of totalitarian liberalism”.

We aren’t supposed to be nodding our heads in agreement with his statements, are we? And yet I am. So sadly.

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Yeah. What on earth does it mean when Putin looks like the sane guy in the room?

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It means our media that's lied about everything, including saying Trump and DeSantis are totalitarians for supporting freedom and we're cold-blooded killers for not wearing masks or taking poison jabs, are lying about Putin saying he's a totalitarian and a cold-blooded killer. That's what it means.

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Must not forget he’s KGB/GRU and red. Most likely doing what he’s told. Unless many prayers on his behalf have been answered, it may also be that other less malevolent actors have noticeably worsened.

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If you've read his bio and interviews since he appeared on the scene in the 1990's Putin wasn't a true believer in the surveillance totalitarian state that was the USSR. He was not a high-level guy in the KGB. He loves his national sovereignty, not global government. He rejects the intrusive malevolent surveillance the KGB practiced turning family and friends against each other. Something our western leaders have embraced and latched onto drunk on the power it gives them to eliminate opposition.

This is what Alexander Solzhenitsyn spoke of in his interview with Forbes in 1994 that my other comment in this thread links to. The former Soviet bloc peoples know what living under a repressive propaganda totalitarian regime looks, sounds and feels like, and have been better able to reject the pandemic and cultural propaganda we've been subjected to since 2020 than western democracies that trust their leaders are benevolent actors and the systems impervious to totalitarianism.

Solzhenitsyn predicted the US and Europe would need the new Russia as an ally in the near future as he saw The New World Order Pres. Bush was constructing begin to form. He notes the new Russia is not the old Soviet Union, and the West would be well-advised to recognize that.

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No. But we are. Anyone else afraid to hit the heart button? We will be put on a list if we engage. Is speech really free if you worry about your views on every little thing and how it will be perceived or collected by the powers that be and used against you?

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No, I am not afraid and will not allow myself to be. That’s how they win.

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Jeff, thank you for leading with the military story. I am working with many deserving service members who are hoping for the injunction to be granted. We are talking about some of our most experienced Air/Space Force members, most who have been to combat for our country. They deserve our support!

With that, please keep in mind that this potential injunction and the one in place against the Navy only protect those with religious accommodation requests (RAR) submitted and USMC/Army members remain unprotected from this un-Constitutional medical tyranny. While the RAR is a vital right of our service members to serve while protecting their faith, we have tens of thousands more who did not feel they had a religious basis for accommodation and are being summarily removed from service as we speak (er, type, or something). Many of them with a decade or more of service. It’s a tragedy and a true national security crisis when our nation can little afford it.

Please, everyone, keep them in your thoughts and prayers and, Jeff, if you find one of these groups still fighting in court who are worthy of a multiplier that would be another truly noble and needed cause!

Thank you for your daily words, Jeff!

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That brings up the question of whether the USMC can mandate the jabs separately when they are under the Department of the Navy. Any veterans know?

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They can because they have a separate policy and process for accommodation requests as delegated by SECNAV. So, while USMC and Army are clearly executing the same summary denial of their members’ Constitutionally-protected rights, they need a separate injunction or a class to be certified to include them.

Liberty Counsel is arguing a case for DoD-wide certification. A great organization to support in this fight:


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If you are an FDA or CDC employee keeping your head down and your mouth shut to keep your job, shame on you. Here you are whining and complaining yet continuing to collect a bribe as a paycheck when so many of the rest of us have become unemployed because of the corruption you support. You are the only people who can stop the 'liberal totalitarianism' by whistle blowing and leaking what is truly happening which only you have access to and yet you are worried about retirement. Guess what, if we continue in this direction you won't be able to retire anyway, so man up.

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The common un-vaxxed "worker" is now unemployed. With no multiplier.

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They’re just following the $$.

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The $cience as it were

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YESSSSS! You are exactly right they are the only ones who can really stop the madness.

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Since today's C&C quotes a Russian, I will quote another...Anton Chekhov..."laughter through tears"...that's my reaction to all the "Good Times" Sir Jeffrey so eloquently characterized. Great read. "Good Times" carries the same irony as "Epsteined". I have been calling the CDC the Center for Disease Continuation and Perpetuation. I think we could all come up with new monikers for the FDA, given that first initial. But I cannot imagine the inner turmoil the true scientists are enduring with all their tacit approval of lies, lies, lies. I agree with Sir Jeffrey. Do NOT comply. Speak up and reclaim your self respect and love for your compatriots and fellow human beings! When you obey the Word of God there is NO TELLING HOW YOU WILL BE BLESSED!!!! My prayers will target growing God's courage in these individuals. I know Jeff Childers will inspire his audience today, as he daily inspires this army of Freedom Lovers!! God bless and THANK YOU!!!

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F*ck Da Americans ie; FDA

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i have zero sympathy for any employee of any government agency. they have participated in mass murder and the destruction of life on the grandest skill the world has ever seen.

however, i will have empathy for them if they speak out and suffer the consequences as I and many others have done.

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"Just following orders" just doesn't cut the mustard in my code of ethics! Cheers!

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It wasn’t a valid excuse after WWII either

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The idea of "accountability" has been buried by the magnitude of liars for hire within Govt and the Media.

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"... that means NOBODY believes Epstein killed himself. Nobody."

Well, nobody that is except Bill Barr, who also saw no election shenanigans.

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Exactly. Why on earth did Trump bring him on? Shortly after Bush Sr died and yet some would have us believe its all β€˜part of the plan.’

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totalitarian liberalism... of the "Liberal World Order"...Putin hit the nail on the head!

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Inspire those attending the MomsforLiberty. It will be great. Thank you as always and a big fist bump.

For those on here living in Michigan, SUM is releasing a video interview of all five GOP candidates running for Governor. August 2 is the primary. I urge every Conservative out there to watch and decide for yourself who you want to vote for in the primary. I know who I am voting for. 4 of the 5 candidates would all be good choices and they share more things in common then not, but you need to be informed. The only way we beat Whitmer in November is to unite behind whoever wins. The media has given almost no time to the GOP candidates so everyone should take the time to listen to the interviews and then vote.

I thank God, for Jeff rounding up the available news because social media does nothing except fear monger and the msm really just wash, rinse, and repeat. It is astonishing to me that I didn’t see it earlier, but the same politicians appear 7 years down the road complaining about the same things.

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Give a hug. Forget the fist bump.

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We actually had a pastor when he came to our church 9 years ago would fist bump all the kids as they left the sanctuary. The kids all loved it. Believe me, as a grandma, I learned the importance of a hug during lockdowns. I HUG everyone now. πŸ˜‰

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My grandson and I have our own special fist bump. They can be as fun as a hug, just not a replacement.

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We have our Primary in Arizona on August 2nd as well. I'm dedicating this coming Sunday to figuring out all the candidates. For Governor, I thought I knew who I was voting for. I know who the brave and outspoken person is that I truly want to lead our state, but my thoughts have now turned to strategy. Which candidate can beat the Dem side. Which candidate might the Independents vote for.

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Yes, so ready for change on Mich gov office!!! I’ve voted absentee already and will back the GOP winner!!

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I think 1 of the 5 would be the best choice! πŸ˜‰ The only one who has stood up and said and done something for the 2 1/2 years!

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I listened to two of the five’s interviews. They are each about an hour, but they are asked to be specific. Kevin Rinke really surprised me with how concise, informed, and what a business mentality he would bring. He didn’t try to talk around any subject but had concise plans for every question Ron asked him. Tudor Dixon, on the other hand, talked around everything. She has been unimpressive in debates, and was what I expected in the interview. Tomorrow, hopefully the other 3.

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