Jun 17, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Thank God I live in Florida. Seems we have the only sane governor in the country.

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The key to being normal is to just be normal. What a concept. Allowing people to make personal choices is obviously too revolutionary for some people to handle.

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Jun 17, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Considering how often โ€œFlorida Manโ€ has made the news who wouldโ€™ve guessed our state would be the normal one. ๐Ÿคฃ

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A state with python event. ๐Ÿ˜‚ good for Jeff on the discussion of liberal vs conservative. If there is liberal faint of heart here then need to find another blog. On YouTube and other social media they call these people trolls. Need to troll elsewhere.

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I used to identify with liberal choices, but as you state, the so called liberals now are in fact tyrants. There is nothing liberal anymore on this side of politics. I saw a pamphlet yesterday where Bill Clinton stated the US is losing its democraty. He is right. Nothing democratic about the US at all, and indeed, a few conservatives are speaking up for the people. Johnson and Paul come to mind, and a few others. I think we the people should throw the whole shebang out and go on with these few. DeSantis president, and the other handful form the houses. All these bloodsuckers can rot in hell. No pension and no health care either!

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Speaking of the Clintonโ€™s. Probably not mainstream but check this out.


I donโ€™t hang myself often but when I do I shoot myself in the chest as well. Dark comedy here but another Clinton advisor died under suspicious circumstances. Check out the article.

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wow! he shot himself and then hanged himself ! supernatural !

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the liberals were always tyrants. the whole liberal and progressive movmeent was and is inherently authoritarian. The idea that gov ( which is just a monopoly of force and violence over a given geographic area) could be used to make the "better" is fatally naive. As the cliche says , the road to hell is paved with good intentions. One group believes in an ideological cause like "ending poverty" and thinks they can use the state to engineer a better society. Another group are just opportunists and just exploit the movement and get in bed with the idologues for gain. The result is the modern progressive liberal movement where you have people. The practical effects of the ideological "war on poverty" is a permanent underclass and inner city decay. violence, breakdown of the family, drug abuse etc. Think about prohibition in the US in the 1920s. There were the Baptist religious types who wanted alcohol banned cause they thought they were fighting a moral cause. And you had the bootleggers who profited from the fact that alcohol was illegal . These groups had a strange alliance. The result was a disaster. the true conservative vision dictates that governments only ligit fucntion is to protect life and property. TO act as a totally impartial referee. Not an easy goal.


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Every act of oppression has a counter action. I like the libertarians with the belief of limited government. Power corrupts absolutely. Look at the Clintonโ€™s old looking more noble with age but have a line of corpses in their past no one could believe until google Clinton body count and there is a concerning trend. Governor overblown is dangerous. I gave 50 bucks to the Harriet woman have to start somewhere? Cheney out is a good start.

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If politicians and people in media advocated this it would make government and media irrelevant. And thats what they are most afraid of: being powerless and irrelevant

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I was just about to write, we have one sane governor in the US, when I saw your comment. I live in Georgia and am disappointed Kemp ordered the poison, but Florida is not far away. Just in case. I know how to get there !

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Come on in, the water is fine. Just stay away from the big cities Tampa, Miami, etc...

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Thanks ! not a city person here. Small town GA for now. But if things come to a turn I won't hesitate and find me a small Florida home base !

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Can you sponsor a couple of refugees from canaduh? We promise to work to pay our own way.

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Wish I could. Lost my job in February so Iโ€™d be unable to prove the finance requirement.

If you can find a way down here, we do welcome freedom lovers.

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Yeah! I donโ€™t want him to be 6 because what if Florida goes crazy? Where can I go then?

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Nowhere left that I can see. I wonโ€™t leave anyway. As a fifth gen native Iโ€™ll fight for my state until my last breath.

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I dunno, Hungary is looking pretty good these days. Or maybe, like friends of mine, the upper reaches of the Amazon River where tyical natinal politics is all but unkown and if somewhat known, moslty ignored.

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I used to think Hungary was a good option until I found out Orban is a WEF young global leader. That eliminated it for us.

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Jun 17, 2022ยทedited Jun 17, 2022

the guy in power in Missouri is sane, he's just a f**khead when it comes to laws regulating businesses. at least he and the atty general have made good moves regarding the federal attempts to destroy civil rights. the official Missouri medical state of emergency ended last August, better late than never. too bad the feds are too deeply embedded in the racketeering to do the same.

unfortunately MoGov has not taken it to the extreme of admitting the worthlessness and dangers of giving kids the inoculations du jour.

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May God bless DeSantis and the incredibly important work heโ€™s doing. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

Let freedom reign.

โ€œThe Florida Department of Health earlier this year became the first state to break with CDC guidance by advising against the vaccine for healthy children between 5 and 17, saying the risks outweighed its benefits.

The state of Florida has had the recommendation from five and up for a while. We are the first state to do that. And now, from the 6 months to 5, the state's recommendation holds," DeSantis said. "It's a recommendation against doing it. That's different than saying you can't. You are free to choose; that's not an issue.โ€

It makes me think

All we hear about is the swamp

And how people get into office and then cave to corporate interests, etc

Well deSantis doesnโ€™t on some very important topics.

And he still runs the state!

Itโ€™s inspirational

That it CAN be done!!

All these other politicians

Are just choosing to play along with the existing swamp.

DeSantis is showing the average Americanโ€ฆ things could be different -with better leadership.

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I couldn't agree more with your assessment of the Liberal/Conservative changes although I think you are giving the Republican party too much credit. Republicans and Independents (the people) are now the defenders of freedom and traditional human values. There are some Republican politicians who are courageous enough to buck their Corporate masters but not nearly enough! And seeing the change in the Democratic Party and their supporters morph into a Fascist regime has been breathtaking! I would never have believed it. It has to be a form of mind control and social engineering. I see it in my friends and they are so prickly about it that we can't even discuss it. I'm trying to find a rational, intelligent Liberal I can discuss it with so I can understand it.

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Jun 17, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I agree about the Republicans. Far too many seem to have ties with the Democrat movement. I'm beginning to wonder if we can trust any politicians who have been in DC for more than four years. It's like they become possessed (bought off? Blackmailed? Threatened?) once they enter that zone. ๐Ÿค”

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They need to publish Epstein's black book. Then we need to clean house. I'm guessing 80% of entrenched Republicans are on that list.

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OH myโ€ฆ now youโ€™re reading my mind. Thereโ€™s a real interconnection I thinkโ€ฆ between Epstein turning up deadโ€ฆ suspiciouslyโ€ฆ bill gatesโ€ฆ and creepy Peter Nygard (from Canada) who has been charged for sex traffickingโ€ฆ and they all knew one another and had homes in the Bahamas โ€ฆ and they all had connections to high ranking US and international officials

Hereโ€™s what I think-nation wide right now- our kids are being overtly sexualizedโ€ฆ Kids as young as preschool and first grade.


The sexualization of our kids is intentional. Who is funding that in this massive social media PR and policy campaignโ€ฆ Someone with deep pockets and strange abnormal sexual proclivities

sounds like conspiracy theoryโ€ฆ but many things doโ€ฆ before theyโ€™re accepted as truth.

Parents need to open their eyes. Our kids are being sexualizedโ€ฆ and to what end or propose?

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one big bog of dirt. All of them in there. All of them have dirty hands. I saw an interview with a girl who had been in there. Awful. Nastiest of the nasty people, right in there with beagle molesters. A special place in hell for these creeps.

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I would bet Soros and his evil brethren are funding this sh*t.

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This is Disturbing.

Soros wanting to decriminalize โ€˜sex workโ€™ ... Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation also funding


And then recently saw this-

Loudon County, VA! That book, โ€˜Seeing Gender,โ€™ is very alarming to me as a parentโ€ฆ that some young kids are being exposed to and have access to that โ€ฆthrough a public school system. if you Google the book you can get sample pages

This is a quote from the book Seeing Gender. โ€˜Everything feels โ€˜unnaturalโ€™ at first, but then it becomes normalized.โ€™

UH huh. Sounds like something a predatory groomer would say to a child.


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Yep! John Roberts comes to mind, so your comment applies to Supreme Court justices too.

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and his secretary's, too

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Follow the $$!

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Corrupted. Lobbying. I think thatโ€™s why they sit there silently doing basically nothing to stop this madness. Uniparty. Iโ€™d love to hear, SPECIFICALLY, what Republican members have ACTUALLY DONE. When all this crap began, I hoped theyโ€™d oppose it. Nope. Crickets.

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So many in legislative branch are introducing bills and 'going on record' for talking points that are nowhere near the top 20 issues faced by this nation.

Some apparently are trying to look hardworking as representatives so they have stuff to talk about as talks of the 2024 primaries gear up.

Maybe some of the others heard that the Lord is coming and they should look busy.

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Julie...most newbies in Congress are approached by someone from the Israel lobby and 'encouraged' to sign an Oath of Allegiance to Israel pledge. If they do then they get campaign money from Israel. If they don't then the money they would have gotten, instead goes to an opponent of the newbie Congress member. (Who will sign the pledge) You are correct, the DC environment is possessed and no exorcists are allowed inside the DC borders.

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Thumbs down on the Israel Lobby part of the comment. Agree with the rest of the comment. Our Congress people are corrupted by many offers of campaign money from all kinds of sources.

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Jun 17, 2022ยทedited Jun 17, 2022

while Congress-critters are corrupted by many financial and other incentives, why exclude one of the most pervasive and influential lobbies in the federal government (Israel?)

pointing out that a government and their foreign lobbyists suck doesn't reflect on the people they rule any more than that does here.

but if you self-identify as supporting the Israeli government rather than just the Jewish people themselves, you won't like it when said government's heavy handed influence over legislation is pointed out.

back the people of a nation, not the State which keeps them subservient.

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You do not believe that the Israel lobby seeks pledges of Loyalty from new Congress members? If that is the case then watch this video. The Pledge part starts at 3:00.


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it was pointed out to me on a reference to exorcising the FDA that there isn't enough holy water. that goes even more so for the rest of the government.

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The holy water shortage was also planned.

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Thumbs down about what...the Loyalty oath, or that you don't believe the comment?

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Agreed. There are a scant few Republicans that I believe are true, honest patriots. It is so sad to see that our own party is corrupt and easily paid off.

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Jun 17, 2022ยทedited Jun 17, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I'm center right. Each election cycle I spend hours looking at what the candidates say they are going to do vs. what they have actually done. Then I vote on who I believe will do the best. I'm planning on once again spending hours looking into each candidate for the midterm cycle. Then I'll cast my vote for the best independent or Republican candidate. Then I'm planning on writing lettres to the Democrats that would have normally received my vote. I'll explain that at any other time I would have voted for them but I can't support the current insanity of the Democratic party.

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More people should take this approach instead of blindly voting along party lines.

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Now why on earth would any of the people that you didn't vote for even care about your vote? I commend you for due diligence but I think it is much easier for politicians to buy votes via entitlements and money give-aways than to actually appeal to the voters, the legal voters I might add. We have so much work to do..... Keep up the fight.

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You definitely have to do your homework.

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Jun 17, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Steve ~ You are so right about Jeff giving the Republican Party too much credit! Establishment GOP/RINOs are a large part of the "Republican Party". A better name would be the UniParty, where the aforementioned Republicans join with Democrats to advance the globalist agenda. Until we get rid of the GOPe/RINOs, we effectively have a one party system.

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Jun 17, 2022ยทedited Jun 17, 2022

If you read the book "Woke, Inc", you will realize the social engineering is intentional - divide-and-conquer strategy. It's so much easier to rob us all blind when we are too busy fighting with each other to notice. To find a rational, intelligent Liberal, look for the people who are fans of the Dem/left guests that Tucker routinely invites on his show: Jimmy Dore, Glenn Greenwald, Tulsi Gabbard. These are people who have held onto their classical liberal beliefs despite being smeared by their own party. We have to find common ground with these people in order to change the system. I think they are coming to the realization that the only solution is massive downsizing of our irreversibly corrupt federal government - ending subsidies and regulations.

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Not much different than the tactics used by the โ€œelitesโ€ after Baconโ€™s Rebellion.

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That's because many folks identify as 'liberal' because they like the label. But they don't act liberally.

As someone who, in my youth, would have happily identified as liberal, I no longer see the point. It's become a nice little label to hide behind while you act like an authoritarian. That's not to say there aren't people who would call themselves liberals who actually in accordance with liberal values. I just think people like to identify with the idea even if in practice they're just authoritarian leftist wankers. They're no different in principle than their authoritarian counterparts on the right.

Now, whenever I hear them talk about 'protecting democracy' or 'rights', I vomit (metaphorically) a little. It's a never ending stream of drivel.

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Does anyone else here recall that, during his campaign, One of Obamaโ€™s main campaign promises was to stop lobbying, and never hire lobbyists? Turned out to be a blatant lie.

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He also promised transparency but then prosecuted and imprisoned whistleblowers that even the Bush DOJ refused to prosecute.

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OBama was the biggest political disappointment of my adult life. He turned out to be just another hack politician who served the elite and lined his pockets. He was nothing special!

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The one promise he did keep was to fundamentally transform the country. Gave me the willies then.

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Jun 17, 2022ยทedited Jun 17, 2022

and then, Citizens United.

give corporations the rights of individuals so they can further influence the already voting-machine-manipulated elections.

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That was a huge disappointment for me.

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ah yes, the Red and Blue wings of the Republicrat Uniparty.

us (as in we, not US) independent voters may be seriously outnumbered by those who self-identify as republican or democrat, but citizens who support either side of the Party are welcome to join the exodus from the Church of the Lesser Evil at any time.

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You're not outnumbered when you add in all of the people who don't even vote. The % of voters who call themselves Independent continue to increase.

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Jun 17, 2022ยทedited Jun 17, 2022

over 40K of us in Missouri were counted as voting third party in the 2020 national election. mostly libertarian, a few thousand green and constitution party voters.

about a 400% increase over what I saw in 2016, though not enough to have shifted the Uniparty vote totals even though they always try to blame us for their loss here.

I always find that argument funny, since beside the fact there aren't enough third party votes counted to tip the balance between Uniparty wings, most of us independents would never vote for their garbage lesser evil candidates anyway.

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I am afraid none are left. I used to tend dem, and several of my friends are, or rather, former friends. The only one who woke up is no longer voting dem either. They have gone down the drain with the biden troop. They changed their talk full 180 degrees soon as the presidency was in. There is even a clip where they all state no jabs no mandates, funny to see how only a few months in, they had totally changed. So did I.

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and "the vaccine will prevent you from catching COVID" which also didn't take very long to reverse position on

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It's the shot. Both sides have gone Looney Tunes.

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Jeff- you could not be more spot on in your fine assessment of how the parties are no longer what they were historically. I am actually a registered DEMOCRAT! Now I would never vote Democratโ€ฆ because theyโ€™re not liberal at all. Theyโ€™re intolerant. Thereโ€™s been a definition change of โ€˜liberalโ€™.

Just like theyโ€™re trying to redefine- EVERYTHING.

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Are you familiar with Brandon Straka who started the #Walkaway movement? He's such an inspiration!

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I follow some of his content. After reaching the end of his House Arrest (ankle monitoted), he has been speaking at events along with others that offer a cross section of society. They represent a situation that they have maintained their beliefs while the Dem party has moved so far left

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Jun 17, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

We might also remind Dr. Gold that the Apostle Paul did some pretty memorable writing while imprisoned on Patmos.

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Looks like we can pencil in a multiplier in the next 2 months

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Jun 17, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Wasn't that John? :)

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Jun 17, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Right. Paul was in Rome. But they both did some great "prison" writing!

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Yes, John on the Isle of Patmos!!

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The apostle John wrote the book of Revelation while in a prison mining camp on the island of Patmos. I donโ€™t

believe the Apostle Paul was ever held there. But if you have a reference I welcome new information.

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I stand corrected - named the wrong apostle . Guess I should have had more coffee before typing.

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Sorry to be such a perfectionist. As if I always get it right ๐Ÿ˜

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For sure!! Thx for that reminder 47!

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Jun 17, 2022ยทedited Jun 17, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Thank you for sharing the Nicaragua and Russia military happenings! I read about it previously and knew, something is up ๐Ÿ‘€

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Have to disagree about the Republicans being the freedom party. Both parties have authoritarian tendencies. Other than DeSantis most Republicans have not been outspoken against covid mandates. I do appreciate Rand Paul's questioning of Fauci and Ron Johnson's advocacy on behalf of the jab injured, but that's about it. At this point in our political journey we should not categorize ourselves as left or right, Democrat or Republican but rather as authoritarian or anti authoritarian.

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I agree although I think there are some lower level/less known/more local Republicans who have been on the side of freedom. I see zero democrats on this (maybe Tulsi Gabbard but that is pretty much it and forget local or state level politicians). But I definitely have been disappointed by so many so-called conservatives who just went along with the mandates. I find especially infuriating (and baffling to use one of Jeffโ€™s favorite words ๐Ÿ™‚) how many Republicans insisted that businesses should be able to force customers and employees to wear masks or get the jabs. They said it was the businessesโ€™ right to decide how to run their business ๐Ÿ™„ and that people could work or shop elsewhere if they didnโ€™t like it. I donโ€™t see how businesses making medical decisions for employees and customers equates to โ€œbeing free to run their business as they see fitโ€, it really has nothing to do with it. There are plenty of laws restricting businesses from discriminating against people or forcing them to do certain things (bosses canโ€™t force or coerce their employees to have sexual relations with them for example), and no one sees a problem with that.

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In NYC we are still prohibited from working outside our homes if we are not jabbed. Maybe just as well as I don't want to be around all those quad vaccinated people and their virus shedding chronic covid...

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Wow, I didn't know that they held this position.

Jeff, where do we focus to demand actions to end All pandemic measures - no required flu shots, c19 shots, No masks outside, in stores, No isolation and quarantine of uninfected people, asymptomatic people and more importantly, to stop discrimination of people baseds on a shot of toxic mRNA brew.

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Tulsi Gabbard was on the list of Young Globalists. She has become a favorite of the Tucker crowd but has she ever voted against her Democrat compadres? I have yet to see a DC Dem step out of line to vote against something put out by them.

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Thatโ€™s why I said โ€œmaybeโ€. She did only vote โ€œpresentโ€ on impeaching Trump and has been willing to criticize Biden and Harris and others. But she might just be controlled opposition.

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Iโ€™d also add Thomas Massie to that pathetically short list of Republicans standing up to the Covid regime.

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Let's not forget a multiplier recipient Ron Johnson from the great state of Wisconsin. Tom Tiffany is also on my list and they are both my representatives. I will knock on doors for either of them and I have never done that for anyone running for office. How about a DeSantis/Johnson ticket in 2024?

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I agree with your statement on both parties having authoritarian tendencies, but politicians can be controlled by their voters at least to some extent. Almost all of the resistance to the pandemic response came from the right, from Republican voters, governors and media. The authoritarian tendencies come from the 'establishment' of both parties. Trump helped overtake the establishment of the GOP, but then he caved to the DC establishment n March 2020. But the neocon establishment of the GOP left the party years ago - will they come back and try to retake the party? I almost expect Liz Cheney will set up permanent residence in Maryland or VA and try to run for Congress there as a Democrat. I am really hoping Trump decides not to run in 2024 so we can see if the anti-authoritarian (populist) wing of the GOP can retain control. Trump has been nothing but a disappointment since March 2020 and the people who are changing parties or otherwise migrating to the right are not doing so because of him. That gives me hope.

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Jun 20, 2022ยทedited Jun 20, 2022

No, there is more. Mike Lee and Thomas Massie come to mind. Theyโ€™ve been outspoken. Dr. Scott Jensen's is running for Minnesota governor, he has been very outspoken and was investigated by the medical board. I agree though there could be so many more.

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You said it much better than I could. Three years ago I considered myself "very liberal" and, while not a Democratic Party supporter so much, was more anti-Republican. Since then, outside of a few outspoken Republicans on Covidโ€”DeSantis, Paul, Johnsonโ€”I'm still pretty down on Republicans because they are authoritarian in other ways. Meanwhile, the Democratic Party has been taken over by appalling wokeness.

A pox on all their houses, that's my current attitude.

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Well said. You worded this better than I did, in my comments.

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Not a democracy. We are a Constitutional Republic. It's right there in the Pledge of Allegiance.

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Probably why they moved to stop the Pledge being said daily in schools. Keep the kids ignorant as to what we really are.

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I think ACLU or similar went whack on the pledge when "under God" was added. I was in elementary school when we were told we could no longer say the pledge.

As for explanation of a Constitutional Republic or a Democracy, I don't recall much in school about the foundations for the US system, only the repetitive American history classes that covered the same stuff each year.

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one nation, under corporate rule, with liberty and justice for the rich.

the end.

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The good ole American Communist Liberties Union? They are certainly not what their name implies.

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Who moved it and where ? Iโ€™m

In FL, Miami to be specific, and kids are saying it every day before the class starts.

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And explained in detail in the 'user manual' for the Constitution, The Federalist Papers.

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Excellent book. I have a copy of it as it was included in at 3 classes I had in college, but then I was a Poli Sci/History double major. I have to dig it out and try to convince the spawn to read it.

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You are so right and I try and point this out endlessly and nobody seems to get it. So Iโ€™ve given up :-)

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Please don't give up. The opposition has, consciously and deliberately, I believe, subconsciously taught people to believe wrong things simply by using words to mean something else and repeating it endlessly, helped by their media megaphones. 'Sex,' a biological term, has been twisted into 'gender,' a grammatical term with 3, not 2, categories, to allow the notion of multiple 'genders' to become what 'everybody knows.' 'Republic,' nearly forgotten now, has become 'democracy,' as in 'save our democracy,' which translates to 'carry out our color revolution.' Every time you point it out, another person might be hearing you for the first time. Even if they don't take it in entirely the first time, perhaps they'll hear it again later.

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Jun 17, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Jeff, I have been a democrat all my life yet now itโ€™s almost embarrassing to say that because of the โ€œworkโ€ mindset of the politicians running the show now. I have always felt I was on the side of those concerned with the rights of the little people and the underprivileged. Not any more itโ€™s not the same party, itโ€™s been taken over by persons who want to destroy our constitution and every thing our country has ever stood for, a sad state of affairs indeed.

I look forward to reading C&C every morning to keep me as informed as I can stand to be! Thank you for wading through the muck so I can relax and stand on the promises of our God!

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If Fauci croaks, my overall sentiment would be somewhere between jubilant and ecstatic. (No way the little runt took the real shots that have been doled out). I would much rather he be convicted of every single charge that David Martin has so eloquently laid out. They might have to send me to the funny farm if that happened. I mean c'mon....participating in mass genocide should have dire consequences.

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Two mass genocides. Don't forget the AIDs crisis of the 80s. Refused to sanction the use of off label drugs and pushed AZT which is a toxic deadly drug. At least he's consistent...

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He's a medical serial killer.

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Sadly, he'd probably become a martyr of some sort. "If only more people had taken his warnings seriously, he'd still be with us." or some such nonsense.

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At the very least Fauci should spend the rest of his days in an orange jumpsuit because of thisโ€ฆ

Fauci refused to answer whether or not members of the FDA vaccine advisory board were receiving royalty payments from pharmaceutical companies. Rand Paul keeps asking those hard questions that the little rat canโ€™t seem to answer.

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His lack of answers speaks volumes.

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Maxine Waters announced C-positive status also yesterday. Another public favorite.

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well duh, Covid is obviously "racist."

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Oh, no!!!

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How many times does that make for her? Sounds like she needs another booster!

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Make it a double boost!

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That poor bag of bones just can't catch a break.

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and I totally don't believe he's taking the garbage that is Paxlovid. C'mon man. No way.

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If Fauci is unvaxxed, the Paxlovid will help him. Only the vaxxed have the COVID rebound effect. Which reminds me, our VP took Paxlovid and didn't get a rebound infection, so she isn't really vaxxed either...

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Great observations. But I bet they are taking Ivermectin and not Paxlovid.

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Wouldn't surprise me. Per FLCCC, a lot of Congress Critters took Ivermectin.

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Alice, I have kind if missed this whole Paxlovid thing. I thought it was the Pfizer version of ivermectin but decided long ago to not ever take it because Pfizer made it.

Iโ€™m not vaxxed. I didnโ€™t bother learning anymore about it.

So, Pax causes harm if someone is vaxxed?

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I agree. It's just a way for him to get his groupies/followers to take Paxlovid if (I mean, WHEN) they get covid. A friend's SIL tells her, "Whatever Dr. Fauci says. I got the second booster because Dr. Fauci said it was time. I'll get the next one when he tells me to, etc..." So, if the SIL gets covid she'll request Paxlovid 'cause that's what the great and terrible Oz ( whoops! I mean Fauci) did when he had covid.

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Yes. I wondered how long it was going to take Russia to figure out how to militarize our borderโ€ฆ in response to the US militarization of the Russian border and the subsequent proxy war weโ€™re having with Russia. Putin is no fool.

Not long. Apparently.

Prayers this doesnโ€™t escalate. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

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Jun 17, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

My blood ran cold with the Nicaragua - Russia story. Jeff, you have a real knack for drawing out the unseen critical story lines for our country; what we need to keep an eye on. This is what I missed the most when Rush passed away and you are taking this over handily. I think many of us are crafting our media consumption carefully through substack and it gives me a lot of hope that I can follow data driven facts, eliminate the propaganda, and come to my own conclusions. Your method of succinctly combining political, legal and medical spheres with humor and hope gives me a launching pad from which to decipher the world on a daily basis.

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Jun 17, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

The whole biolabs thing makes me feel like we are walking into Stephen King's book 'The Stand'. Yikes! If we don't sleep walk into WW3 (see Russia in Nicaragua) or have a total economic collapse we can rest assured that Joe will lead us through all this unscathed. I'm investing in brass and lead. Just sayin'

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@Craig Agreed! The Stand has been a background thought for the last couple years.

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I think a lot of people will be investing in those 2. Been watching the price of ammo skyrocket for over 2 years now. Used to be able to get 9mm for $0.12-$0.15 a round.

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Jun 17, 2022ยทedited Jun 17, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I'm really surprised you have not mentioned the huge qui tam lawsuit against Pfizer by whistle blower Brook Jackson. I'd love to hear your input after what happened yesterday with Pfizer admitting that no fraud was actually committed since the government knew they were committing the fraud.

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My heart broke yesterday when I heard about Dr. Gold. As with everything when dealing with crime syndicate scum, do not admit guilt!!! As some of us did (before we lived in FL), we refused to comply. We defied the elected and unelected scum's "orders" to adhere to the one-way signs in grocery stores or to stand six feet apart or to put on a slave rag. The worst that happened to me? A cafรฉ in Nashua, NH refused me a cup of coffee. In the "live free or die" state, those "good" people refused to serve a cup of coffee because I refused to don a useless, dangerous, polluting, nasty slave rag. The U.S. Civil Rights Act? Why, these fine "Americans" don't need no stinkin' Civil Rights Act.

Dr. Gold needed to know that lesson. She did absolutely nothing wrong -- yet admitted that she did. Never do that!! Just like the weak-willed, weak-kneed "Americans" that surround us who thought that if we were all just good boys and girls and obeyed, these freaks would relent. By obeying, every single person aided and abetted this crime while also encouraging the freaks to keep on keepin' on. And here we are.

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Sources are stating Dr Gold's punishment includes:.

- $10,000 in fines

- 12 months probation

- $915 per month probation fees ($10,980)

- confiscation of weapons

- can't apply for credit without permission"

Is this another example of precedence & evidence of what j6 committee is drumming up; creating political crimes and punishments?

Commenters are saying that felons have faced less financial penalty and probation.

Did she plead guilty to a felony or a misdemeanor?

What is this bs about confiscated weapons and effing with her credit starus?

(Info from @SaveLibertyUS)

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Just want to shut her message off!!

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Jun 17, 2022ยทedited Jun 17, 2022

Well, yes, but I wanted to inform others about finding the additional conditions of her sentencing, and the flagrant ways that they are picking and choosing the people to prosecute, the political crimes angle, and the obvious way they proceed with apparent impunity.

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"She pleaded guilty in March to a misdemeanor charge of unlawfully entering and remaining in a restricted area of the U.S. Capitol..."


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Misdemeanor is what I had seen but the heaping helping of sentencing made me doubt

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It's almost as if we are living in a Banana Republic...

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Jun 17, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Jeff, you're channeling Eric (Imaginary Hobgoblin) with that "phone call" conversation with Garland! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

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I sensed a disturbance in The Force.

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An unavoidable part of our flawed human condition is the tendency to make mistakes, yet instead of accepting our failings and seeking to learn from them, we retain an innate proclivity towards seeking to attach fault onto others. Whether attempting to place a recognizable face onto an abstract problem, or to simplify the issue into an easy answer inhabiting a single responsible repository, the history of humanity is the history of blame.


Simone Gold has been the face of opposition and targeted for her outspokenness this whole pandemic

She has sacrificed much for the greater good. She is a woman of principle and we need more doctors like her.

I bet the whole J6 committee was salivating over her sentenceโ€ฆ for โ€˜crimesโ€™ they perceive she committed against the doctrine- well before J6.

I will pray for her while she is in jail. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

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