Fauci is having another "Relapse" of Covid??? Quick, get him into an ICU Vent'em, 1000 ltrs of Redemsiver, STAT.

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I confess, I had some perhaps unChristian thoughts in that direction.

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What’s unchristian about ensuring he gets the “standard of care” forced on others?

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And approved by the NIH, CDC, HHS, NIAID, and every corporately run hospital in the country using this protocol got paid for it! C’mon man!!

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sauce for the goose (you and I) is sauce for the gander (phautchee)

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Except the philanthropaths get to do their own thing. https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/anatomy-of-a-philanthropath-dreams

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Well there is that angle… 😀😀

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Just in case anyone needs a refresher course on the "standard of care" offered:


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I find it very interesting that so many lay people know so much about this deadly protocol... we’re not even physicians and we can see from the results it produces (data) that it is deadly and that there is a financial incentive to use it despite its negative outcomes. Which then leads me to, “if we can see it, certainly the healthcare professional must be able to see it; yet still they do it, apparently without complaint or outcry.” Why? Do we have a character deficit as well as clinical knowledge deficit? Are our professional classes corrupt and rotten to the core? It makes one wonder.

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There is a huge disconnect. Maybe they don't want to see it. My husband's 40-year old cousin got her 4th covid shot a few weeks ago. Yesterday she tested positive for covid. She says it's a mild case. I asked her how she got covid because she's had 4 shots. She gave me the standard, "It would have been worse if I hadn't gotten the shots." I pushed on and said but they originally told you that you wouldn't get covid if you got the shots. She told me they never said that --- it was that it would be mild. I told her that they (even former Senator Joe Biden) said that you wouldn't get covid if you got the shots. Then it changed to you wouldn't get a severe case, then it changed to you wouldn't end up in the hospital, then it changed to you wouldn't die. Well.....all of that is untrue. All of those things have happened and are happening to the "vaccinated". I told her that they keep changing the narrative. Then she said maybe because the science is changing. I told her that even Dr. Birx recently said that from the beginning they didn't know if the shots would work --- they only hoped and wished they would. The response I got from the cousin was, "Well, I don't know" and she changed the subject.

My friends that have experienced adverse events from the shots (shingles, etc.) are told by their healthcare provider that the covid shot doesn't cause shingles, etc. But how can they ignore it? I don't think they ask people with blood clots, myocarditis, etc. if they've had any of the covid shots.

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It’s easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled. Someone who has convinced themselves to take 4 shots of something that has been irrevocably proven not to work is never going to admit - without the hand of God - they have made a mistake. The “it would have been worse without the shots” defense is at once both genius and stupid. Genius in that it sounds so convincing and seemingly difficult to argue with, and stupid in that it has never been scientifically proven and is indeed almost impossible to prove. It’s not a scientific defense, it’s a tenet of the “safe and effective” religious cult.

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Argghhh!!! Family members infuriate me.. my own mother said she loves Clown 🤡 man in office and they cannot get enough of J6 trial episodes of BS. I am done educating and helping those who are blind- my prayer daily is Lord Open the Eyes of The Blind!!! It used to be I couldn’t see who didn’t know Jesus and the truths that he brings to our life with his love, but now I can see it immediately when I ask them what and who they believe in!! Prayers for your cousin!!!

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Yup, don't ask, don't tell.

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“It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.” —Upton Sinclair

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I would add that it is difficult to get a man to understand something when his peace of mind and sense of his place in the world depends on his not understanding it. Most people don’t want to know they were wrong, perhaps deadly wrong, about the jabs. If they acknowledge that, then they’ve no choice but to consider who lied to them and why? Then they’re forced to pretend the public health bureaucracy is not what it appears to be, and is in fact totally corrupt and actively lying knowing their lies will kill Americans and their children. They will also have to pretend not to know that almost every facet of American life, almost every institution from political, commercial, media, academia, and law enforcement has been bought off by big Pharma and are themselves pretending not to “understand.” Such realizations by someone trying to maintain a peace of mind and their sense of an “ordered world” are cataclysmic and can easily send one into a downward cycle of despair. Ask me how I know. Not everyone has faith in their Creator nor the sure knowledge of how the story ends for them. Without that Rock of Refuge, a true understanding of the depravity of man and what is happening in the world is too awful to contemplate for many. Thus they cling to pretending not to understand.

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That is one of the best quotes I've ever come across. Thanks for bringing it back to my attention!

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Amazing isn't it? Took mom to see an ENT doc at a local hospital today. I see 'mask required' signs everywhere-everyone is wearing masks, and this guy comes over to me and mom(carrying two masks) and says--you'll have to wear this to enter the hospital. I say, "Where was that mask made, China? ...because if it's made in China, I'm not putting it on. I'm not inhaling graphene nano-particles into my lungs...I know you probably think I'm a conspiracy wacko..." So he goes over to the box and reads the manufacturing info, turns to his peers, "Yup--made in China." They are all in lockstep. The zombie apocalypse is in full swing.

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Well there are these “not so warm fuzzy” verses:

The Lord tests the righteous and the wicked,

And the one who loves violence His soul hates.

— Psalm 11:5

The face of the Lord is against evildoers,

To cut off the memory of them from the earth.

— Psalm 34:16

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Yes, the Imprecatory Psalms call down God's judgment on evildoers. Though we can't take things into our own hands, we can certainly pray that God punishes those who deserve it.

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Absolutely! The Psalms give us some great direction in prayers for justice to be done, and confidence that it will be!

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oh He does indeed keep records, and never forgets. EVERYONE will get their due. Its just that we, as we go on about our daily business here, most often do not see justice being done. That gets US back to"trust in God".

And there is no wrong in "rooting" for justice to be done.

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Yes, the only path toward maintaining sanity and hope is knowing that there is a holy, just, and righteous God in charge of the universe. And that he will mete out justice.

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Yes, which is very comforting from the perspective of being covered in Christ’s righteousness. So thankful for His goodness toward me.

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Me too Janice!! Sometimes it is really hard not to think that way!

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I’ve had a lot of those lately

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its called Schadenfreude

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I actually clicked on the ❤️

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Give him the safe and effective 'standard of care' that has been given to SO many others..who are now 6ft under.

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It couldn't happen to a more deserving person. He's starting to feel the heat from his master - Satan. I hope the hounds of hell rip him a new one as payback for the beagles.

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never mind about the doggies. I'm thinking about the HUMANS in this nation whose deaths are the proximal and causal results of his twisted policies, self-enriching investments in Pharma, lies promulgated as medical truth, and lies foised upon the rest of us tocover HIS selfish penchant for yet even more wealth.

mRNA "vaccines" "developed" by companies under his protection, then distiributed at great profit to himself?

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If they're the type to do something like that to dogs research shows they will eventually harm other humans. Those that allowed this are just as bad.

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He looked very healthy for an 82 year old, face job and all. What is the hidden point of all of this? There’s always a reason.

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I've been thinking about that. I think the most likely reason is an attempt to continue the dying narrative. They need covid to go on forever, people to keep taking the boosters forever, live in fear, cancel life, wear masks, etc. And mindblowingly, enough people still take their cues from the little rat for this to work with at least one big chunk of folks. (Unfortunately I know and live amongst many of them.)

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In a rational world, folks would see that the “treatments” don’t just not work, but sicken and kill. But these days there are more genders than rational thoughts.

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😂😂😂 “More genders than rational thoughts”! Good one Janice!

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BOOM!!!! Tenring

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Yep. I keep seeing scared looking folks getting out of their cars at the post office, stopping to put the dread mug nappie across themr faces, no sanitising face or hands before or after handling the mask, same well used mask has been batting about in the car these past few months , skulking on into the post office to take care of whatever. The clerks, some of them, still wear the fool things, some don't. Some are so paranoid they even wear those silly floppy loose blue gloves, lest they catch anything from the letter being handed over the counter ...... a charade of "comlaince" and "safetly" but breaking nearly all of the "standard protocols" and ignoring reality all in one go.

Amazing how duped the population t large have become. Gummit sez JUMP I sez HOW HIGH on the way up.

Nah. I just ignore it all, try not to laugh out loud too often, and go about my business as if nothing of consequence is happening, which IS the case.

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Although here in Oklahoma I am not seeing very many masks, there are still a few, and I catch myself grumbling to myself words like "oh brother" and "I'm so tired of stupid" and "give me a break". Then the Lord reminds me to walk in freedom and have joy in spite of it all. What can I say, I'm a work in progress!

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I should qualify that comment by adding EXCEPT IN MEDICAL BUILDINGS where one would hope they’d know better.

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Yes, I believe that is why whenever I happen to watch television, mask wearers are sprinkled throughout the programming: commercials, reality TV, sports, and even the Weather Channel still has a mask on Mr. Frog. I hate the lies.

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Probably a good observation although I cannot confirm because I can’t stand to look at him. Evil little creep.

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I would bet that there is nothing wrong with his health, he never took the vaxx or any of his death drugs. Talk about psyops! When something is so obvious, maybe these incidents are being used to JAR the last of the sleepers??? Whose really in control?

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Maybe he’s going to fake his own death and disappear from the public scene before justice catches up with him. While justice catching up with him would be even better, I’d take this option too.

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“It’s such a powerful virus that even the best medicines can’t fight it so we better take more drastic measures to kill you I mean lock you down I mean help you protect grandma!”

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Fauci is an animatronic, just like Biden.

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BTW, I saw a rep from White Coat Waste on Newsmax. Another NIAID funded Beagle experiment starts in a month ~ apparently a repeat experiment using 108 Beagle puppies.

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Absolutely horrendous!! Makes me physically ill thinking about those poor animals. :(

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Me too ~ 😿

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Disgusting - what can we do to expose this cruelty?

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All I know to do is call Congress Critters and donate to White Coat Waste, who work to stop taxpayer funded animal experiments: https://www.whitecoatwaste.org/

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Thank you

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Perfect opportunity to ask Fauci why he didn’t go into a hospital and get Remdesivir and a ventilator, hmmm? Also would’ve been fun if he’d gone to an emergency and been told, ‘go home and take Tylenol; come back if you can’t breathe’.

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Ha, I posted my comment before I saw yours. I wonder how many others think the same as we do...

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All of us who hate evil, I suppose...

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Love that!! Let him a taste of his own medicine!!

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He probably also needs another booster.

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Re: Vatican and monkeypox - I kinda wondered what punishment God would enact after the Pope claimed the Covid jabs were "a gift from God". Pope don't know the diff between a gift from The Almighty and an invoice from Pfizer?

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And they have been mercilessly pushing parents to vaccinate their children. My daughter (not Catholic) attended a Roman Catholic service on Christmas Eve (yes, Christmas Eve!) with her in-laws, and the priest's Christmas Eve sermon was directed to kids, telling them that, like Mary and Joseph protecting Baby Jesus, their parents were protecting them by having them take the jab. My daughter caught the priest on the way out and told him what he did was shameful. I've been told by others that this is not a rare occurrence. What they're doing is pure evil!

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Good for your daughter! 👏 👏 We need more like her!

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Good for your daughter!!!!!!!!!!

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There are definitely good priests & bad priests

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True, but this policy of encouraging priests to push vaccines in their homilies comes from the highest levels of the church. The Vatican has put out lots and lots of information about COVID for congregations, and the vast majority of it is pushing the shots. I have Catholic friends who are very upset about it.

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It's not just the Catholic Church. About a year ago Francis Collins of the NIH (a self-proclaimed evangelical) held an outreach to high profile evangelical pastors urging them to promote the vaccine from the pulpits. The pitch was that taking the shot was the Christian thing to do under the guise of love thy neighbor. The fact that so many of our Christian "thought leaders" fell for it hook, line, and sinker without a shred of critical thinking is not reassuring.

Many of these same people have been quiet as a church mouse in the wake of Roe being overturned, apparently afraid to provoke the left's anger by acknowledging this great victory. Be very careful who you follow for spiritual leadership, many have shown themselves to me more concerned with the opinion of man than pleasing God.

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Way too many Christians captured by this evil!

Our church of 12 years showed its true socialist colors when they complied with all local man-dates, without any discussion whatsoever of the biblical command to “not forsake gathering together,” or “it is better to obey God rather than man.” Not one whit. And then they shamed everyone who questioned the church requirements for masks or social distancing with reminders of how well we must love others and care well for those who feel afraid during these uncertain times, those who have immune disorders, etc (is it just me, or did the prevalence of folks with “weak immune systems” suddenly blow up when mandates hit? Like, suddenly there are scores of folks needing careful sheltering from lurking disease. 🤔. And those of us who questioned the man-dates were thusly told to shut up.)

So ridiculous.

Even the Christian Medical and Dental Association swallowed the koolaid. They submit amicus briefs to courts often to support rights of conscience, right to life, etc. But when CMS man-dates went to Court... 🦗🦗🦗.

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Jeff C, your comment reminds me of how disappointing it was when Franklin Graham promoted the vaccine. It shows that people of influence can have “feet of clay”.

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Some of these churches and church leaders may be paid off to promote the vaccines. I have heard it's a "thing" with social influencers on IG. Someone I follow in the Christian music industry reported that he was offered a great deal of money to promote the vaccines on his platform. He is against it and declined but I wonder how many took the money.

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Yes, me too. Other notable examples include Russell Moore of the Southern Baptist Convention (though he's gone wobbly across the board as of late) and other SBC leadership. Gone are the days of steadfast Baptist leaders like Charles Spurgeon I'm afraid. We're non-denomination Protestants but I've felt a real kinship with the Baptists that I fear is drifting away.

I don't think there is corruption here but just good old-fashioned vanity. Many of these leaders saw this as the way to safely be on the "cool" side of an issue rather than being seen as stodgy, old Bible-thumpers. They trusted the wrong people and abandoned critical thinking in exchange for the admiration of the world. Not the first and certainly won't be the last.

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Same! Very disappointed. But I was already disappointed by his support of this illegitimate regime and theft of our elections too. That’s when I turned him off and quit listening to a word he said. So I wasn’t surprised when I heard his promoting the injections too.

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You're absolutely right! Some of the top evangelical church leaders were pushing the vax as hard as anyone. Christianity Today was, as you write, stating that it was your Christian duty to get the shot. I am blessed to be in a local conservative Lutheran congregation whose pastor was not on board with the narrative, although he believed that certainly everyone has the right to make his or own decision. I know that the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod did not take a stand for or against the COVID shot but let its members decide for themselves.

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We're not LCMS but both of our boys attend an LCMS high school as we found it was the best local choice once it was clear that had to get out of public schools immediately.

Their principal and the board of directors have been absolutely fantastic on this issue, invoking both bodily autonomy and the use of fetal stem cells in the vax development. In fact, our state (California) was threatening to require student Covid vaxxing and the school made it clear it would not enforce it and file a lawsuit in opposition on First Amendment grounds. Fortunately the law failed as even some of the left-wing lunatics are starting to realize the problems with the vax.

The problem I have with most Christian "thought leaders" is that they are incredibly naïve and shallow thinkers, we're not talking Augustine of Hippo here. How can it be a Christian duty to take a non-sterilizing vaccine that does not stop transmission? How is that biblical? On the other hand there are numerous biblical prohibitions on "pharmakeia" (used in the original Greek) but we are assured by modern translators that it has absolutely nothing to do with drugs. Quite convenient.

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During all of the Covid fiasco I switched from a church where the priest was saying to mask if you weren’t jabbed to a church where the priests never mentioned Covid, and most parishioners chose not to mask. I had been at the previous church for 10 years

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Like you Natalie, I’m LCMS, and I appreciated the stance of our church. The letter from our Synodical President was well done. However our local Pastor was disappointing. His wife is a nurse and the CDC influence was evident. He never said anything from the pulpit, but he posted that ridiculous “I’ve been vaxed” status on social media.

The response of so many people of faith has been sadly disappointing. It was divisive and heart wrenching to see people blindly following the world rather than trusting God.

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Well said. The vaccine is the golden calf

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Many Catholics, including myself, are not pleased with the leadership of Pope Francis

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I am a cradle catholic. Born and raised. I’ve been getting away from Catholicism fir some time. The Pope giving communion to pelosi and then meeting with her is the final straw. The hypocrisy of the Church is mind boggling. I am through. Done.

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Remember Judas, chosen by Christ. No church is perfect, but church teachings can be

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As are we!

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I hear you. The true Church is still here. SSPX. It is being cracked down on by abortion-loving Francis, so you know it is the true Church. Look online for masses and watch from home. It may bring you back, it brought me back after 30 years.

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I know of two priest in Santa Fe, NM that have been vocal about the evils of the vaccine and are advising their congregations to vote out those politicians who are pro abortion. They are unique however in their stance.

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Unfortunately, the courageous are always outnumbered by the weak. It's a flaw of man, but I do wish more of our priests, by nature of their vocation, could find their courage through Christ.

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This makes me sick and angry!

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They were celebrating PRIDE MONTH a little too much - what happenes at the sistenth chapel stays at the sistenth chapel....

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And he mandated all Vatican employees get the jab. I miss JPII 😩

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Me, too, and I'm not even RC, I'm Protestant, in the Puritan Presbyterian tradition.

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I did not know Vatican City hosted festivals

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Apparently Vatican City is a festival😩

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And since monkeypox seems to be affecting men having sexual contact with men = vatican. Not surprised at all. Portugal has a 92% fully vaxxed status so that makes sense too. And I do understand that there are a lot of great priests in the church etc. I am not anti catholic etc.

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If lightning ever begins striking evil doers, I think the Vatican may be the first hit.

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It actually did strike the Vatican. Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zt9bhVtWmU

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Yes, maybe a small warning back in 2013. But you know I’m talking about a Sodom and Gomorrah type of strike…nothing left but smoke and ashes.

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Was that the pope, or popess of NY, Gov. Hochul??

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Yep! It's more like a "gift from Satan"!

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I don't believe the Creator punishes. Willfully acting with evil intent however carries retribution for that individual. I won't say soul, because I think most have sold theirs for fame & fortune.

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The Creator absolutely does punish evil. Stories of it are all through the Old and New Testaments. I replied to your comment on the Vatican referencing Sodom and Gomorrah, a punishment rained down for the same sin that we see at the Vatican now.

But your understanding of retribution is correct. What we generally see are consequences of bad behavior, or evil…some call it karma, you know? What goes around, comes around. I don’t call it that, but it IS retribution. Very few people like to hear the word Sin in our culture today, and that’s a huge part of our problem. Because sin carries consequences, as surely as night follows day or gravity holds you to the earth - it’s a law of the universe that God created.

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My comment to you would be something like, the Creator identifies Himself to man.

He does not receive any man- made religions or approaches no matter what brand they are whether they be formal religious institutions or self made.

God certainly rewards those who diligently seek after Him.

And He does not reward those who have a stiff neck and refuse to follow after the right conclusions.

Having acknowledged we have a Creator we then must find Him, it is every man’s sole life’s purpose to seek after and find God. This is made difficult because of darkness of the world.

Believe me when I tell you God is angry with the wicked everyday.

Finally God the Creator will reward those who comply and punish all those who refuse.

Men don’t like hear this and I understand but it is the fallen nature speaking which causes us revolt.

The Scriptures best teaches the manner of God the Creator.

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Gift from or an invoice from Pfizer, haha that’s good

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Please do your work and don’t worry about us. Sending you prayers. I’m so grateful to be a part of this awesome group. I love the multipliers. It’s awesome having a visible effect on people fighting the good fight. Don’t let your guard down. I love you and C&C!

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Same here, Chile!

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I’m pretty sure I’ve shared this verse here before, but for some reason, it’s a recurring theme. Maybe it’s because of all the wicked people doing wicked things and suffering “rebound” in one form or another.

“Let the wicked fall into their own nets,

While I pass by safely.”

Psalms‬ ‭141:10‬ ‭NASB

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Oh, man, warn us next time! How do I get it out of my head😫

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😂Sorry. Don’t cancel me.

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I had that photo on my phone from last year when I pulled it up to compare it to the one I took of an opossom who sneaked into our garage when we had the door up one evening. Dead ringer. :D

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Ukrainians buying mega-mansions with government money? I had not realized that Zelensky uses the BLM playbook.

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Yep! I have read and heard that Ukraine is one of the top three most corrupt countries in the world which is exactly why I have not donated any money to them. I feel sorry for the people, but how do you know if your money is getting to the people who need it??

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It looks like the Russians will have to expose all the corruption, biolabs, money laundering etc by our government and all its agencies since we no longer have an actual press Corp or Justice department who does that. Transparency is a must.

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Heluva note when Americans have to turn to "enemy media" to see behind the progressives' curtain.

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Our government and its agencies are the enemy of the people. They are operating on their own agendas to their own masters. Definitely not thinking of us.

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You Beat me to it! LOL

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