"All in all, I think it’s a probably a good sign that conversations like this are starting to happen, that people aren’t afraid to talk openly about these issues. Progress."

Bloody hell! Gupta wouldn't have said ONE thing, admitted a single thing, or engaged in this convo at all, had it not been for Rogan literally forcing him to.

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But I did enjoy the post, and appreciate all the info you're giving us. I just think you were a little "too easy" on Gupta. They need to have their feet held to the fire.....

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Thanks Jeff. Great stuff, as usual. There's a new interview with Dr. Malone (the lead developer of the mRNA vaccine technology). If you're interested in common sense, logic and reason you should have a look. Imagine if this guy was running the show as opposed to that toad Lord Fauci.


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Thanks for recommending this interview. I've listened to Dr Malone many times, but have not heard him speak so candidly on the obfuscation & suppression of research by govt agencies & big Pharma.

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“Once upon a time... that was like 10 minutes ago!” Hilarious. Had me laughing out loud. Thank you. God bless you and keep inspiring you with wisdom and humor and knowledge. ‘Preciate tremendously what your doing. Thank you!!!!

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I just got the mandate notice from GE. I really didn't think they would do it. I'm pathetic, but I've been crying all morning. It's hard to be strong when the tyranny just keeps coming.

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As an employee of a federal contractor, I have recently been told the same, only they are allowing medical and religious exemption. Check into that and I will be praying for you. (By the way, I did cry in front of my employer when I heard.)

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everybody please stay strong! an interesting thing to do (if you have a minute) is to call airlines and request unvaccinated pilots for your flights . I did for a private charter company and they were stunned at the request. I mentioned the Delta airline incident...God bless America

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What’s with all the humility pitching? Is this a symptom of a new malaise sweeping through the medical cabal who’ve been groomed into compliance by big pharma for decades? More whining for HUMILITY: “In summary, even as efforts should be made to encourage populations to get vaccinated it should be done so with humility and respect.“ Sourced from this gem that concludes these experimental transfections are not really working. But you still should get one. So. https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/s10654-021-00808-7.pdf

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We have a small group of people who are hoping to have community discussions on this issue in Upstate NY...any suggestions on a format or venue? Any help would be appreciated!

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Thank you. 👏🏻❤️👏🏻

Did you see what Keith Perry did?

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