Even when you present Real Data- Real Science .. people are in a Zombie Mode and Refuse the Truth!!!! I so so appreciate Jeffs writing and humor .. if you don’t laugh πŸ˜‚ at this ludicrous tyranny then you will constantly cry 😒! There are many waking up and when Trump returns - We the Patriots Need to be Ready !! βš”οΈπŸ›‘βš”οΈ

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I warned Dr Gold of AFLD over a year ago that they would be infiltrated. Now it's happening. One thing I don't understand about Governor DeSantis' new State Surgeon General is that he thinks these Experimental Gene therapy injections are great. They aren't. They don't prevent COVID, injected persons can transmit it, partially because their viral loads are 251 times the load of someone who is un-injected who gets COVID. COVID recovered are protected for Life, that's why I've never needed any of the 72 vaccines your kids get jabbed with by their Pediatricians. I've taken Flu shots up until 4 years ago and a couple of others, but thats it. They are teaching Heresy in Medical Schools these days. How many of you know that back in the '40s '50s and '60s when a child got Measles all the Moms would get together and have Measles Parties for all the kids who hadn't gotten it? Each kid would get a small inoculum and then be immune in 2-4 weeks. It's kind of like a vaccine. That would end the spread in a neighborhood. Those old childhood diseases were dying out by the time the Polio vaccine and the later vaccines were introduced. When a virus infects a person who survives it, it mutates into a weaker version. That is what has happened to all COVID recovered. However these "vaccine Escape" mutants spread more easily, but are not more virulent despite what you hear from Darth Fauchi. These injections do not prevent COVID, nor do they stop the spread of COVID, so what good are they? The injected who end up in the hospital after getting it again are dying at a greater rate than in 2020. The most injected places now have higher rates of death in hospitalized patients than in 2020. All vaxx data collection stopped the end of June because that is the when injection protection began to wane.

Spikes Kill.


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Thanks for everything you do Jeff.

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I thoroughly enjoy reading this every morning. So refreshing and well yea.. science...haha. Gotta love it!!

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Have you seen Nikki Fried’s speech? And the article she released about the efficacy of masks? She gave β€œdata” on the mask mandated districts having 1/2 the Covid cases as unmasked. And it’s Facebook approved.


(Yes, she is running for Governor soon. )


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Would you let someone inject you with Anti-Freeze? Probably not.





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Love your stuff. Question: My sister has a friend that is a nurse in Tallahassee, nurse told my sister its a shame the people dying with out "the Jab" one recently that die she tells my sister had lungs like concrete. Never heard that one before - in FLorida why oh why didn't the hospital give any patient the monoclonial treatment.

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Hospitals only give useless remdesivir and vent people. It’s where the $$$ is. Antibodies are outpatient only, and yes, it’s wrong. Early treatment at onset of sickness is the only answer, and you have to do it yourself. Get drugs lined up ahead of sickness and be ready. IVM and HCQ work with other things like zinc and azithromycin. I like the Zelenko protocol and you an search for it online. Also FLCCC protocols. All good. Stay away from hospitals.

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This whole plandemic is about to implode in biblical proportions from every single corner

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What Whistle Blower worth anything real ever got a 60 Minutes interview followed by a live TV testimony in Congress? Only Fake 'Whistle Blowers' get that.

The real story behind Facebook’s terrible, horrible, no good, very bad week


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I'm new to your work here and thankful for it. Your comment on Tesla was interesting to me. The car is fantastic, from the looks of it, but I don't understand owning shares of Tesla. It's a momentum move for sure but if push came to shove at this moment in time, your investment would be a total loss (unless you do some of the tricky accounting they do). I get the SAAS concept with software but a car company. I'd love to buy you a cup of coffee and hear you make a case for it. I've heard it done and it's possible but I would only put money I'm willing to lose in that pot. I'm also not certain that a move out of CA and into Austin (is that even in the state of TX) is a positive move. Thanks SO much for what you're doing!

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My friend who runs a hedge fund says I should sell it all. But I love the company and don't have a make-or-break investment in it.

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That's a great way to be in it and it is a beautiful ride!

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Keep up the snark. Snarkedness? Snarkarama? Snarkadidilly?.....Well, you know what I mean.

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The Arrest of the Aussie Cossack:


The video is one that has extra long Ads. The way to get around it is to click the FF arrow which takes you to the next video, and then click the back arrow in the Browser window. Thet gets rid of the ad.

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COINTELPRO has snuck back into the picture.

The Citizens' Commission to Safeguard Freedom


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https://plandemicseries.com/ Have a great weekend everyone!

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