☕️ Coffee & Covid ☙ Friday, October 22, 2021 ☙ BROBDINGNAGIAN MOVES 🦠
The Governor, the Attorney General, and the Surgeon General make an historic announcement in a jaw-dropping press conference; the Attorney General steps in to help with the Orange County case...
Shout out to my good friend: it’s “Friday, Friday, Friday!” Today’s roundup includes the announcement of a new worldwide holiday, called 5DAY Victory Day; the Governor, the Attorney General, and the Surgeon General make an historic announcement in a jaw-dropping press conference; the Attorney General steps in to help with the Orange County injection mandate lawsuit; Florida State Senator Keith Perry quietly makes his own Brobdingnagian move against mandates; I link you up with the FDA’s public-comment page in case you want to weigh in on jabbing little kids with drugs having no long-term safety data; and yet more good news about Florida’s Covid figures, disappointing the media and the public health experts.
☎️ YOU DID IT!!! Almost, anyway. We’ve moved the needle all the way into the red. As you probably already know, and as I discuss in more detail below, yesterday Governor DeSantis announced the calling of a special legislative session within the next few weeks to tackle private employer injection ultimatums. I am confident forced masking will also be added to the list. We will make sure it is.
I just want to say this. They told us it couldn’t be done. Two months ago they said a special session was a cooked goose with a little apple in its beak; it was over. March would be the soonest we could possibly get any helpful legislation. But we said “NO.” We said we didn’t accept that. Nope. We doubled down on the pressure instead — and it worked.
I am so proud of you guys! I declare from this day forward, October 22 shall be known as “5DAY Victory Day.” At least, it will be known that here on C&C. Mark your calendars and celebrate! And, who knows, by the time we’re all done? Maybe everyone will call it that.
And guess what? We are STILL just getting started. We’re going to push even harder and faster now. If you have felt your 5DAY duty flagging, it’s time to be encouraged and double down. CALL. Let’s land this plane.
🍾 It is “5DAY Victory Day” here at Coffee and Covid. Yesterday morning, Governor DeSantis held a press conference in Tampa, Florida to make a huge announcement. A number of my clients from my upcoming lawsuit attended — doctors, nurses, and critical healthcare workers. The Governor announced that Florida would be calling a special legislative session within the next month, to address injection mandates.
He pointed out that businesses were one of the first groups that the legislature took care of early this year when they passed sweeping liability protection. But now businesses are acting ungratefully, by threatening to fire folks who don’t want and don’t need the shots, or at least, don’t want to let their employers tell them what medical treatments they have to get. He’s right.
Here’s a link to the video of the press conference: [ABC Action News - WFTS - Tampa Bay - Governor DeSantis press conference from Clearwater | Facebook].
DeSantis began by saying:
“We need to take action to protect Florida jobs. We have a situation now, unfortunately, in our country where we have a federal government that is very much trying to use the heavy hand of federal government to force these injections. You have a lot of folks that actually believe that the decision should be theirs. We believe in having basic medical freedom and individual choice. Your right to earn a living should not be contingent on Covid shots.”
He said this about Biden’s invisible OSHA mandate:
“We’re going to exhaust every legal option we have. We feel very very strongly about a very quick and successful challenge if this OSHA rule every gets promulgated. They are so far off of having any legitimate authority to do this thing. … And then the medical CMS — where they’re threatening the medicaid and medicare funding, we’re going to exhaust every legal avenue that we have there.”
Then, Governor DeSantis was joined by Florida’s Attorney General, Ashley Moody, who gave a full-throated defense of citizens who are facing odious and unethical injection mandates. She began by saying:
“I’ve never been more proud to live in a state that fiercely protects its people with a common-sense, pragmatic, amazing governor, but at the same time fiercely protects Floridians’ freedom and the interests of this great State…right as we speak, there are people across this nation and in Florida being forced to upload papers to a database to show they have been vaccinated. Think about that. We are in the United States of America. The Free States of America. And we have folks having to upload documentation into databases because of the mandates of this federal government. It will not be tolerated in Florida or accepted.”
She continued:
“In every way possible, Governor DeSantis and I will push back against these unlawful and unwise mandates. Let’s first start with the fact that how in the world can you go into a situation where you have an economy that depends on folks working and mandate, where you are going to lose thousands of workers across the country?”
AG Moody pointed out the bizarre irrationality of firing critical workers who are literally needed to support civilization itself:
“And our first responders in cities like Chicago and Seattle are being forced to resign? When nationwide we are seeing unprecedented vacancies in the ranks of our law enforcement and first responders? That is dangerous. Absent-minded. And I can’t believe a leader of a free country like the United States of America would ever get behind anything like that.”
Absent-minded, LOL.
Finally, Florida’s impressively-credentialed new Surgeon General Joe Ladapo spoke. He started by saying what we’ve all been thinking all along:
“It’s like you wake up each day and you wonder what new, unprecedented policy step some leader … at the executive level is coming out with. We don’t know what’s coming next. What we are talking about here today is really an example of extreme policies … that are implemented without thinking about whether they make sense, or thinking about their risks and benefits and what the implications are.”
Then, Dr. Ladapo took on the silly idea that injection mandates can somehow erase Covid from existence:
“These vaccines are not preventing transmission. Sure, they may reduce the likelihood of transmission, and even that is questionable depending on how far out you go. I’ve heard some leaders say things like, ‘well, we’ll create safe workplaces by mandating these vaccines.’ They’re really decoupled. The infections can still happen whether people are vaccinated or not. That’s very obvious. Remember, these people were telling you that all these breakthrough infections…were rare. Well, they’re obviously not rare. In fact, they’re common. And that’s the truth. So this idea that the vaccine mandates are needed to create safe workplaces is a complete lie. It’s continued to be repeated. And you should know, it’s not at all backed up by science. The science says something that’s completely the opposite. And that’s a fact.”
A complete lie! Here’s what I’m wondering. I know that if you question Fauci, you’re questioning SCIENCE. He told us that. But I wonder if it goes the other way too? Like, if you question science, are you also questioning Fauci? Is there some rule of symmetry that applies or something? Anyway.
Dr. Ladapo next spoke eloquently about the deleterious health effects of unemployment compared to the trivial potential benefit of injection mandates. Then, he said possibly the most significant thing that I’ve heard to date from any state-level policy leader. This could be a GAME CHANGER:
“Why are some people not comfortable with these vaccines? Part of the reason is … the climate of scientific dishonesty about the science. Whether it’s natural immunity — denial of that in the face of data — or in the case of the vaccines, open and honest discussions about effectiveness and safety. There’s been dishonesty about that. The reality about how safe these vaccines are is not public. It’s not public because … healthy people who’ve had adverse reactions to the vaccines, there’s been a concerted effort to prevent this types of stories, these experiences, from receiving the attention that they obviously should receive. That’s a real thing. Instead we see shaming and smearing. Americans can sense that there’s total dishonesty about the safety of the vaccines. That’s one of the things the Governor and I are going to work on. … So these reactions are uncommon? Fine. Let’s talk about them. Let’s talk about how uncommon they are. Let’s talk about the myocarditis in children. Let’s talk about some of these other reactions that patients are receiving care at the NIH — the National Institutes of Health — for, but are not being publicized. Let’s have an open discussion about risks and benefits, and let’s be honest. … So the Governor and I … we are going to work together on this tireless and endlessly … we have your backs. We’re to go work like hell to help you.”
Total dishonesty about the safety of the vaccines! I am SO curious about these injection-injury cases he said are being secretly treated at the NIH. I can’t wait to find out.
You see what he’s really saying there? Dr. Ladapo and the Governor are about to open Pandora’s box and see what’s inside. To date, no top state official ANYWHERE has ever questioned the official narrative of the “safe and effective” injections. Well, Dr. Ladapo just did. And he said what we’ve all known — public health officials have been LYING and LYING. Lying liars.
Folks, I don’t need to tell you this. But if only ONE STATE publishes the real risks of the injections, the real harms that are happening to a lot of folks, the whole house of cards could tip on over. Make no mistake: this is direct pushback against the federal government. Florida is saying, okay, you want to ram these mandates through? Fine. We’re going to rip the lid off this nice little narrative you’ve got going here. So there.
Tipping points. It’s about to get real. Finally.
🔥 AG Moody filed an amicus brief in the Orange County vaccine mandate lawsuit yesterday supporting the firefighters and first responders there who are being threatened with being sacked if they don’t take the shots that the deranged, out-of-control mayor of Orange County demanded. So.
🔥 As if the Governor’s blockbuster announcement weren’t enough anti-mandate news for yesterday, Florida State Senator Keith Perry filed another draft bill in the Florida legislature yesterday. You may recall that last week he filed a draft bill that would make forced masking illegal (SB 452). Yesterday the busy senator updated and replaced that bill with SB 592, and filed another proposed bill (SB 594) that would make employers who mandate Covid injections meet stringent safety requirements first. The requirements include things like available high-quality long-term safety data, and that the drugs actually stop infections. It would provide for a private cause of action and attorney’s fees for employees whose employers violate the provisions.
It would also strengthen the protections for various exemptions. Here’s what the draft says:
“… a person may not be required to receive a COVID-19 vaccine under this section if he or she objects, in writing, on grounds that receiving the vaccines used to prevent SARS-CoV-2 or COVID-19 conflicts with his or her moral, ethical, religious, or philosophical beliefs.”
So it would REQUIRE employers to accept exemptions, and would deep-six all this silly “exemption approval” nonsense. I do see one problem though. Since it says “he or she” and “his or her,” it omits about 200 other gender pronouns. So there’s that. But apart from that, I think it looks GREAT. I think SB 594 was EXTREMELY well drafted. Whoever drafted that deserves a nice bottle of something. He likes Blanton’s and Buffalo Trace. Just saying.
Want to read the draft vaccine safety bill for yourself? Here’s the link: These bills could be put on the table for the special session, too.
What monster would be against safety?
💉 Just a heads up. The FDA is currently taking public comment on their loopy idea to vaccinate kids aged 5 and up with a drug having no long-term safety data. Astounding that they’d even CONSIDER it, but that’s where we are these days.
If you think you might like to comment about their glorious childhood injection gimmick, here’s the link: [Vaccine Advisory Committee Public Comment Page | FDA].
You know what to do.
Florida now has the lowest Covid infection rate in the continental United States. Take that, haters. During his press conference yesterday, DeSantis cited early treatment including monoclonal antibodies, and pointed out that Florida’s R0 value — shown on my chart — is well below zero, meaning that Florida’s infections are STILL dropping. So.
There you go, folks. It’s a terrific Friday! Celebrate and I’ll see you back here in the morning for more.
Join the C&C Army!
You can also find me on MeWe, mewe.com/i/coffee_and_covid.
I just called the Governor and Senator Perry and thanked them.
Thank God we live in a state with leadership that supports liberty. Thank God for the inspiration of Jeff, and his Coffee and Covid. Thank God for all of you have have made this effort happen!