I just called the Governor and Senator Perry and thanked them.

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Thank God we live in a state with leadership that supports liberty. Thank God for the inspiration of Jeff, and his Coffee and Covid. Thank God for all of you have have made this effort happen!

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Thanks Jeff. You're updates have really cheered me up. Sitting up here in Vermont waiting to possibly be fired - it gets depressing. Curious thing is that I work for a very large federal agency -- over 200,000 people in the department, and every day or so we get an email "You must be vaccinated by Nov 8!" And then at the end of the email it says ("if you are requesting an accommodation, we must have your request by Nov. 8. We will provide you with instructions on how to do this, soon." It's been weeks and weeks. So far no instructions. They told us to "stop sending in your accommodations requests" until they tell us "how." It's maddening. If only 20% of our workforce requests an accommodation -- that will be over 40,000 people. And in some places, like Texas, they % could be much higher. I figure they don't know what to do.

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Huzzah!! You Smart Patriots must be buttah…because you’re on a roll. Keep at it and may the rest of the Republic follow suit. I suggest a House of Cards logo for the annual celebration day! 🃏 💪🏻🇺🇸

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I've been peppering the Governor's email about all of the safety concerns for months. Looks like the Doc has finally got him to come around. Since we, the poor, slovenly, unworthy, lowly, people, will get our butts handed to us in a court of law if we bring up safety issues, MAYBE.....just MAYBE.... we can start to crack this egg with DeSantis and Co. at the helm. Let's keep the pressure up! We are dealing with some evil sonsabit*****!

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I believe the reason Florida’s is dropping like it is is because we have reached Herd Immunity. The CDC chart on the recovery rate for the age groups is the reason why Governor DeSantis, AG Moody and SG Ladapo are doing what they are doing. My thoughts on COVID back in April of 2020 were that we should Prophylax the vulnerable, and let COVID spread through the population because of the CDC recovery numbers. Because Governor DeSantis opened up the State 13 months ago Florida now has Herd Immunity. We are the luckiest people in America and the World to have this group of leaders.

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The issue of vaccines contaminated with metallic and other "debris" gets stronger each day. Would it be too rich for Dr Ladapo's blood to take testimony, evidence and/or affidavits from willing, credentialed investigators.?

The exceedingly high VAERS mortality and injury numbers would justify an investigation in this direction with a mission to "rule-out" quality control issues as established in the Italian study and encountered with the Covid-19 vaccines in 2021. (California and Japan)

Dirty Vaccines: New Study Reveals Prevalence of Contaminants


"New Quality-Control Investigations on Vaccines: Micro and Nanocontamination" (2017)


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Might as well keep blowing the lid off this. The evidence is irrefutable. https://www.wanttoknow.info/h/coronavirus/covid-vaccine-cover-up

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The, actions speak louder than words, news just keeps getting better! So encouraged by what our Governor, AG, Surgeon General and legislators are doing to protect the freedoms of We The People! I love that they protected businesses from liability and I love they are now protecting the people from businesses! Sad that it had to come to this, but standing ovation for the forward progress.

I also know the importance of keeping the extreme pressure on them. I would like to be part of the army of telephone warriors, however, I am not sure how to be part of the team. Could you please help me know how to get involved with this?

Thanks Jeff!

Keep up this very important work!!

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Not to be hypercritical, but I don't see the chart referenced. I'm not used to seeing that tracked, but it sounds like it's all good for FL, so I'm happy!

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Fantastic news

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recently moved back to Florida from Virginia. Th dumbocrats ruined that once beautiful, vibrant state

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Jeff. Where is my 5Day!! I am ready send me my list I am very convincing ready to lobby. We can’t lose our democratic republic. Did you know the 3.5 trillion bull had Claus in it to force all states to have i come taxes? They want red states blue snd ruin Texas and florida. We need to call and never waiver. I am ready!!

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I wish my Governor (wolf-pa) had half the backbone this crew did. I am under mandate by my employer presently (Penn State University) but am doing my best to fight it until it truly comes to losing my job...I can't lose my job, who among us is in a position to anyway?? I wish I were, I'd be fighting to the death on this one. My blood is boiling that we don't have state officials capable of seeing this from a PRACTICAL and LOGICAL angle rather than POLITICAL and how it affects their future prospects. AMERICAN LIVES. That's what it affects. Wolf, you had my vote initially but you won't get it again. I am not alone, and the old saying fits perfectly...."WHATS DONE IN THE DARK, ALWAYS COMES INTO THE LIGHT". God have mercy on your pathetic political souls, unlike the mercy you have forced upon Pennsylvanians. Same to the other state officials from every state that isn't standing up for its people like Florida! That press conference gave me chills and brought tears to my eyes I could not hold back. FIGHT FOR YOUR RIGHTS PEOPLE, and if you don't know what they are you need to learn them NOW before they are diminished any further to where we simply won't notice the daily infringement we are subjected to by many many forms of authority. KNOW YOUR RIGHTS.

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AnonymousOct 23, 2021

I work in Blanton bottling hall at Buffalo trace and we still have t wear mask even though no state mandate.

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Way to go Jeff! 👍

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LOVE IT ! I did read Perry's 452, and was wondering by him restricting the protections to "citizens of the US", if it could get struck down as unconstitutional based on 14th Amdmt equal protection ???

All in all, and as much of a skeptic I am of the legislature, I am pleased, and thank you so much for giving us the 5-day, I've been on it with everyone for months

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