Just read your blog. Sent to me by a Patriot neighbor! LOVE IT!!

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It’s as if Biden just declared war on half the country and encouraged the other half to shame, shun and fight. And he doesn’t even try to hide the lies anymore, knowing he will have air cover from the liberal media.

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Outstanding report Jeff and team!! Scary times

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Okay...you are truly FANTASTIC!! You write the passion I feel inside. If I had your ability to draft such a masterpiece, it would say exactly the same things. Thank you!! Your piece on pastors and Bishops spoke to my heart as well because my church has also been silent and that has troubled me greatly during this time. I feel like they’re going along to get along and that’s fearful, not fearless. You spoke the frustrations I have felt these many months. Thank you, again!

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I am a Federal employee (who's already had COVID incidentally) do you know any lawyers who specialize in federal employment law or EEO law that would help me as I put my exemption request form together?

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I just found you last week, amazing reading that makes me laugh at the stupidity raging in our world today! I appreciate your daily dose of Coffee and Covid!!!

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If tyrannical people in Gainesville are retiring, then it's time for conservatives to step up and run for those offices and positions of our local governments. Maybe it's time to harvest the seeds that have been sewn. Stand up for our freedoms.

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Such a great overview!

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