Sep 3, 2021Liked by Jeff Childers

My understanding is that zinc is highly toxic to all corona viruses. Zinc is the bullet and hydroxychloroquine, HCQ, is the big gun that delivers the zinc into the human cells. The control freaks in our government and lamestream propaganda media have done all they can, including outlawing the use of HCQ to treat Covid - because it works. The little gun that will also deliver the zinc into the cells is a health food store supplement called quercetin. Stock up on quercetin, vitamin D, vitamin C, and zinc. Take smaller doses to prevent infection, take larger doses to treat it should you become infected. If you can get ivermectin, lay in a big supply of that as well.

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Yes IVM will be scarce as hens’ teeth very soon. Even the paste. If you have farm animals get your paste now!

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Also highly recommend quercitin/zinc combos and have taken it for over a year. So far so good!

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Sep 3, 2021Liked by Jeff Childers

Really miss this community on Fb.. it was actually making it fun to use that scum platform .. great write up as usual and another score for Disantis. Praying hard for him .

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Sep 3, 2021Liked by Jeff Childers

Awesome news and writing. As usual, your insight is pithy and spot on

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Sep 3, 2021Liked by Jeff Childers

Thrilled to hear FL will fine those requiring the vax. Could it be our calls are working? 👍😀

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Here is my message to Medium.com- reference de-platforming:


Do you dispute that you are attacking free speech through your actions? Don’t you realize that science is the continuous challenge of existing beliefs to refine our of understanding of reality?

Are you too young to remember, “I may disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it”?

Would your organization have de-platformed those who theorized that the earth was not flat?

It is truly sad that a communications venue would choose to censor and restrict the free exchange of ideas. Medium.com is a huge disappointment for me. I truly pray you will re-consider your policy and embrace freedom.

Captain Michael Miller


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On Sep 3, 2021, at 11:02 AM, Medium Member Support <members@medium.zendesk.com> wrote:



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User? Head Loser.

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Thank you Jeff! Amazing to see your new site up so fast.

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Sep 3, 2021Liked by Jeff Childers

Amazing!! Florida… Land of the Free!!

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Sep 3, 2021Liked by Jeff Childers

Thank you sir, you’re a great American indeed!

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Sep 3, 2021Liked by Jeff Childers

It’s going to be a good thing for Gainesville to see that stadium full! Our local businesses rely on it.

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Sep 3, 2021Liked by Jeff Childers

Miss you on Facebook!

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Sep 3, 2021Liked by Jeff Childers

Thankyou,Sir!!! Definitely Good C&C this TGIF !!!! 🙏🙌

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Sep 3, 2021Liked by Jeff Childers

Best witty humor to go with my morning coffee! Thanks for keeping things sane and reassuring! Love all you are doing!!

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I have had to subscribe to this page since Facebook isn’t showing your status to me anymore. In fact, when I attempted to reach this page from Facebook it completely logged me out. It happened to me twice. This is absolutely insane. Every bit of info you post is factual and they are censoring the hell out of it now.

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Looks like Woodcock and Walensky finally got the memo. Put the pause/halt on the BiteMe admins push toward the Pfizer booster. Finally ....

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What needs explanation is that, if our media and federal government are truly looking out for us, why do they only push vaccines that are steadily declining in effectiveness? Why aren’t we hearing more out there about effective treatments like the monoclonal antibody treatment that was FDA approved in December 2020 and is free to all Floridians? I heard that CO offers it but you have to meet an age threshold. Not so here in FL.

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