Apr 25, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers


I'm glad you realised that Narrative 2.0 is just a show, a sham, something to placate the masses possibly just till November. There is no sincerity to it. It is a lie.

As you said, its far from over. But with the headwinds lighter its the time to drive home the advantages: in court, in the media, around dinner tables, and most importantly at the ballot box

The war goes on

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Do not wait till November. They will be able to accomplish too much during that time. Please share your experiences with the members of Congress who passed laws such as the 21st Century Cures Act (2016) for and the PREP Act (2005 and 2020) which provide liability protection. The proposed ten billion+ dollar Cures 2.0 Act is looking to add to vaccination research with experimental antimicrobial drugs and expanding "real world evidence". First boosters, next drug subscriptions. See rightingthewrongs.org which rank reps by their potential for righting the wrongs cause by these over-complex, massive, vague (yet very specific at the same time) laws that have caused so much damage over the past two years.

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Apr 25, 2022Β·edited Apr 25, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

πŸ’―β€οΈ You had me at β€œsplenetically”. Hold my beer while I make that donation and get my casserole out of my trailer’s easy bake oven. Outstanding, Jeff. Outstanding.

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Almost fell off my gator, there. Giddy-up, you ornery lizard!

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Apr 25, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Operation multiplier done! Thanks for remembering the military. I have young adult sons that wanted to join the military but do not want the jab. In addition, the state colleges are requiring the jab to attend. The fight is far from over.

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So sad good amazing young adults like your sons want to join but rightly so, saying no to this stupid jab. My son is currently in the AF fighting for his religious rights. Many others fighting are going through massive discrimination. Those who fight for our rights should have rights as well. It’s not the same military anymore.

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So sorry that your son and the others are going through this. Thank him for standing up and fighting for freedom on our own soil. Thankfully my son got out of the Army last year before they started forcing the jabs. He said the difference between Trump as Commander in Chief and this placed into position evil puppet was noticeable on day ONE! And it was going downhill fast when he got out. 😒 We should be defending our military much harder than we are. 😞

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Thank you and my son said same. So glad yours is out and πŸ’― agree something more should be done! They are amazing men and women and deserve so much better πŸ’•

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One of my students was forced into taking the first two jabs while on deployment, though he didn't want them. He has decided to separate early rather than risk a third jab. I pray he (and all of our military members) will be all right, though I know there will be casualties.

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I think many more will be doing the same as your student after seeing what they are seeing and yes praying for our military for sure!

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Ironic huh? They fight for our freedoms yet themselves do not enjoy the same freedoms

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But all the illegals can come on in without vetting or jabs!! 😝

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Apr 25, 2022Β·edited Apr 25, 2022

Amy, I'm in the same boat. I have a son that is graduating from high school in a few weeks. He has always wanted to join the military. We sat down with a Navy recruiter about a month ago and learned that the jabs are required to join. The woke leaders in the white house can't figure out 2 + 2. The military just administered sign on bonuses b/c according to the recruiter, not as many young people are joining, current military are not signing new contracts, and career folks are taking early retirements... we all know bc it the jab mandate. We don't know what to do...

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Same thing for the Medical Career, young person in our family wanted to go into medical school RN the vaccine is mandatory.

Because she doesn’t trust our National Health Department decides against medical education.

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This is so awful. I don’t know what options are available re religious exemptions, but Jeff has some very helpful posts under β€œResources” here on his blog.

I don’t know what your young person is considering, but perhaps looking at naturopathic medicine, homeopathic physician (yes, that’s a real thing!), or midwifery is an alternative for her. I’m so sorry that our beloved professions are excluding people of character.... πŸ˜“ Perhaps this is the intention.

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We need many many more skilled alternative medicine practionors, and, for the current sick care, let's make more corporate billionaires, system to naturally collapse. So, sounds like a plan to me.

Also, look up Catherine Austin Fitts, and the Solari Report's questions to ask before accepting the contractual offer to receive a free and fully indemnified medical treatment. It's pure gold, and almost everyone who has utilized it appears to have received exemptions/exceptions.

Also, the Pacific Justice Institute's information on religious exemptions is very valuable.

U.S. Immigration has a form to fill out as well for religious objections to "vaccinations."

It works also, from my petsonal experience. Blessings to everyone doing the work; every time WE make THEIR agenda fail, or very, very difficult to achieve, the closer we are to stopping them entirely and regaining our freedoms and our democracy. Go C&C Army!!

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Thank you !!

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Unfortunately, I believe they intended to hurt our military on purpose 😞 and it worked. We are losing the best and brightest to early retirement and not signing on for more years, and low recruitment. It’s obvious why. It is very unfortunate.

But your son is not alone. Everyone who stood up in the wake of this scam had to regroup. I watched God open new doors and adjust people’s careers with new opportunities. Although it’s not the direction your son and millions of others wanted to go, I believe lots of people are finding new careers and a new path they never imagined and are happy about it.

I am sad for this generation. But, I believe God can and will bring good where the devil meant to bring destruction, chaos and despair. The enemy tried to steal our hope, and in some cases succeeded.

We just need new perspective and resolve. We are in a war. War is ugly. This generation will see more warriors rise up to defend freedom in various ways than we’ve seen in a long time. We are seeing many people get creative and think outside the box we’ve been slaves in. Your son will be one of them! He is already standing against tyranny and his eyes are open.

Blessings, Hope and direction to your son as he forges his way in this messed up world. May he rise up and be the man he already is just for wanting to serve in the first place! πŸ’ͺ🏻 πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

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Have them look into their local sheriff's department. There are a group of sheriff's, across the country, that belong to a Constitutional fraternity. (Sorry, I couldn't find the link info!) I truly believe this is where we need patriots--the military is lost, but your intelligent, young men can fight the battle for our country in a different way!

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Great suggestion. Sheriffs and deputies with integrity are going to do a lot more to protect our country, its people, and its freedoms than soldiers indoctrinated in our progressive military and sent out on our imperialist wars.

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This might be helpful: https://cspoa.org/

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That's it!! Thanks, Eric!

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Yes! This!

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My son got a rotc scholarship to attend college. He was going to join the Air Force. He ultimately turned them down (he still could after a year) and decided not to join. A very painful decision, but a right one.

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We live in a pretty decent neighborhood in NE Florida, but I still have stickers on my windows. One says: "You'll probably have better luck at the neighbors, they ask questions first....I don't." Of course, there's a pic of a 44 mag.

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If you're found in here tonight, they will find you here in the morning

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Sounds like some of the stickers we have around our house. "Lead. The other precious metal."

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"We don't dial 911." "There's nothing in this house worth dying for."

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'Due to the rising price of ammo, no warning shots will be givin'

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"Break into this house and you'll be begging for the dog to show up."

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Apr 25, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Governor DeSantis has rightfully become so popular because he stood up to do the right thing when it didn't SEEM popular. There was a mountain of crazies stacked against him in the beginning, when he was all alone, and he did it anyway. He risked re-election to stand on principle. Spine of Steel πŸ‘

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The man can read, use his own brain, weigh the costs of various choices, choose as wisely as possible given the information at hand, and then stay the course while everyone around you is running in circles screaming with their hair on fire....

We all need to learn to do the same!!!

If more Americans could read, (I am being sarcastic here, but really, what is so damn difficult about reading the mask studies, the history of "lockdowns," or the covid19 injection trials??? Actually looking at the above would have precluded all three!)

comprehend what they read, make their own health care, business, and educational choices, and then stick it out under pressure, we would not be in this situation at all.

Education. (And having a spine!) Actual Quality Education...History...Civics... Biology... And moral education as well.

It would have saved us from this catastrophe.

We need to create it. Or we will be easy prey for these criminals again in the future.

: )) Just my opinion... ..

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Yes, we must do it for our children. I know I'm stating the obvious, but isn't it high time for the FDA or CDC to issue a warning about the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine for the safety and health of children? https://leemuller.substack.com/p/is-it-time-for-the-fda-or-cdc-to

The FDA issued a warning when bad infant formula affected babies, and a voluntary recall was made. The CDC's COVID-19 Task Force uses the VAERs data to present findings for children since December of last year, and we can see the wide array of adverse effects children are experiencing. What criteria are the FDA or CDC waiting for before they raise a red flag or what incidents need to happen before Pfizer/BioNTech issues a voluntary recall?

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You would think a warning would have been given long, long ago. Why hasn't there been one? I think it's obvious -- doesn't fit the narrative.

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Apr 25, 2022Β·edited Apr 25, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Donated. Thanks for the third reminder Jeff. I don’t like to interrupt my C&C morning devotional.

Seems that banning C-19 injections altogether and hauling some folks off to the hoosegow might be more appropriate at this stage.

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A basic tenet of a healthcare professional used to be β€œAbove all else, do no harm.” Apparently that went out the window along with the Patient Bill of Rights and individualized care decided upon by a patient and their physician. The Federal Government ruins everything it gets involved in and I can testify that it’s happened in healthcare.

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Apparently similac doesn’t pay as well as Pfizer. That’s the long and short of it. It’s not about safety. Never has been. It’s about money.

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Apr 25, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Jeff, we're all so glad that a regular lawyer and non-political warrior, such as yourself, decided to NOT mind our own business and NOT keep a low profile! Thanks for using your skills and strength to fight and to ENCOURAGE - put courage into! - this C&C Army and many others!

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Apr 25, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Thank you for giving hope! I watched the epoch times piece with Dr. Richard Urso who also shares hope . He made a great comment. I’ll paraphrase but he said he’s never looked to the NIH, CDC or FDA for guidance. They aren’t physicians. They don’t treat patients. They analyze, research, regulate but they don’t practice medicine. And they are corrupt. Now he, with over 17,000 doctors, are forming a better healthcare alliance for the patient.

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I watched this too & I really admire Dr Urso. He is so knowledgeable and seems like a sincere, caring person/Dr. Our country needs this new healthcare group of likeminded Drs like him. That is how a healthcare professional should be.. He & Dr. Kory & Ryan Cole & Dr McCullough are the model heroes

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Apr 25, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Multiplier done. I love that Jeff does these. I’m unemployed at the moment so have to be more careful where my money goes. At least this way it actually makes a difference

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My two boys were vaccine injured when they received the required American Academy of pediatrics vaccines to attend public school … We have spent over a million dollars β€˜recovering them’. Not one penny of compensation from our government.

there have been a LOT of warrior moms fighting this fight for 25+ years now…. And we have made very LITTLE actual progress … in winning against this evil vaccine force.

The entire vaccine industry is a sham.

CA, NY and CT have lead the way in discrimination against vaccine injured and non vaccinated children. Removing religious exemptions and mandating vaccines.

In 2019 NY state excluded 26,000 NY state children from access to public school because they would not comply with the vaccine mandates for public school attendance

The parents that make that decision do not make it because they are uninformed. They make that decision Because they are the MOST informed.

This fight has been going on WAY BEFORE COVID!!!

As people pointed out- the experimentation/atrocities carried out on our military service men and women are criminal. They’ve been used as lab rats. And so have our children … historically…

And now …all of humanity.

There’s just been a new awakening among the masses because of the sheer SCALE of these mandates for the c-19 vaccine and the subsequent injuries and deaths caused by the vaccine.

I pray- that together …. As Jeff said… we can create change- that collective power can create change… as more warriors come to this issue of our lifetime… that is long overdue.

Vaccines have been destroying health, lives and families for decades now.

I pray-

for everything that becomes visible is light. Therefore, it says: β€œAwake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ will give you light.” πŸ™πŸ»

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I'm so sorry for all you've been through.

I have to say, though, that it IS a "backdoor blessing" because now there are SO many more parents aware of how harmful ALL vaccines can be/have been! I never heard of The Children's Health Defense Fund before 2020. Now, I refer others to them a lot!

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Yes, I count my blessings every day.

The covid vaccine probably would have killed my two boys, but I had the prior vaccine injuries to inform my future vaccine decision making.

And For that, I am grateful.

Many parents didn’t find out their child was metabolically vulnerable until this c-19 vaccine …and it was too late… and their child was completely lost.

Robert Kennedy is such a blessing. Brilliant. Unwavering. His advocacy gives people and parents like me hope… the same as Jeff has. ❀️

Mahatma Gandhi knew the vaccines were bad- 70 years ago

He said- Even if you are a minority of one, the truth is the truth.

Vaccination is a barbarous

practice and one of the most

fatal of all the delusions

current in our time.

Conscientious objectors to

vaccinations should stand

alone, if need be, against

the whole world, in defense

of their conviction.

- Mahatma Gandhi

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Wow. Really? I had no idea Gandhi spoke out on vaccines.

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Most of Gandhi’s quotes and writing on vaccines have been censored online now

…Go figure!!

Go to Childrens Health Defense website (it won’t let me forward a link)

And put in the search engine

March 08, 2019

Gandhi- words from 100 years ago on vaccination

You can read a short excerpt there

I read some of his writing and there’s a great quote- but now I can’t find it

Basically said

And I’m quoting from memory-

When you introduce a vaccine into any population, you get new diseases.


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Vaccination, instead of doing good, works considerable mischief by giving rise to many new diseases. Even its advocates cannot deny that, after its introduction, many new diseases have come into being.

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I recall a few years ago, there were kids getting a "mysterious polio-like" illness. I could be mistaken but it seems like there were small clusters of this paralysis type illness in the western/mid US.. Drs didn't know what it was or what caused it. Then all of a sudden, I didn't hear about it anymore. I wish I'd known about the dangers of vaccines when my kids were babies in 89 & 91.. I had no idea the amount of damage they cause. My own mom wasn't aware of this and I didn't know anyone at the time who spoke out against them. My daughter has full blown ADHD and my son had ear infections, and stayed sick the first 3 yrs of his life. He had learning disabilities all through school. I never once thought this could be caused from vaccines. COVID era has really made me look at things differently. I didn't really know just how much corruption and power big pharma has. I stopped watching the news years ago. This world is truly lying in the hand of the "wicked one" and in the last days

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Thanks. I’m happy to know this.

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Me either. When I carried my 10 pound 2 month old in for the 2 month Well Child visit and flipped through all the papers they gave me that summed up all his shots I had a thought β€˜what if those parents that claim vaccines cause autism are right?’ Never in my 15 years as a nurse (practicing nowhere near vaccines) had I ever thought I would entertain this thought. My thinking has evolved so much since that day and I really have the branch covidians to thank. If they hadn’t went Mach 10 on Covid I would’ve gotten the shot and likely given it to my child as well.

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People are not persuaded by what we say- but rather by what they understand

I’ve done national advocacy for over a decade in the realm of chronic childhood illness

We have a sick generation of children.

You’re realizing

Not ALL those mothers who claim vaccines hurt their innocent babies are crazy…

Maybe 5 mothers are crazy

Maybe 50…

Maybe 500 moms

But not thousands!

My advice to you and your sweet new baby is- ALWAYS trust your mother’s intuition

It’s guardian angels whispering in your ear- protecting you and your child

You are your child’s sole protector. Not the government. Not your MD. Do not do anything YOU don’t want to. They make you feel like you have no choice on the AAP schedule… there’s lots of strong arming…. Sign this waver saying you acknowledge you’re putting your child in harms way… but do not be bullied!!

it’s really no different than the c-19 vaccine mandates.

You are the parent.

You have a right to choose NOT to do vaccines for your child- if you do not want to. Stay strong to your gut feeling. You do not co-parent with the state.

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I agree. I never thought the moms were crazy I just believed what we were taught in school: those theories have been β€˜debunked,’ etc. Now I believe the CDC/NIH ran those studies like all Pharma-run studies because those agencies are captured and corrupted by Pharma to create studies that have the desired endpoint

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❀️ indeed!

The movie- Vaxxed covers this issue nicely - CDC coverup regarding MMR vaccine

If u haven’t seen it- it’s worthwhile

It’s a great movie for a new parent to see

Before they decide if they’re gonna give their child the AAP schedule of vaccines

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I have seen it.

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This is really heavy. Quite depressing actually on how bad this medical tyranny is. We have a long way to go. At least we're getting organized and active.

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Please share your experiences with the members of Congress who passed laws such as the 21st Century Cures Act (2016) for and the PREP Act (2005 and 2020) which provide liability protection. The proposed ten billion+ dollar Cures 2.0 Act is looking to add to vaccination research with experimental antimicrobial drugs and expanding "real world evidence". First boosters, next drug subscriptions. See rightingthewrongs.org which rank reps by their potential for righting the wrongs cause by these over-complex, massive, vague (yet very specific at the same time) laws that have caused so much damage.

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Excellent comment thanks

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Excellent speech.....last 2 years encapsulated, summarized with a nice red bow on top.

"The good news is we’re awake NOW. They have our full attention, this time".

This is the most important, the veil has been lifted.

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Apr 25, 2022Β·edited Apr 25, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

It seems that C-19 has exposed so much that everyday folks like me didn’t see. I saw the tip of the iceberg and thought it would eventually go away on its on. I have my own problems to deal with.

But then it hits. The Titanic starts its downward path. Now ordinary people have to pay attention. I’m wide awake, thoroughly aware of so much evil. Disney, evil?? Who would have guessed?

I donated my $22. Thank you Jeff, for giving us the opportunity to make an impact.

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Apr 25, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I'm one of those ordinary ones, and a Democrat* to boot, who's finally starting to pay attention and has new respect for freedom of speech (and religion, and the right to bear arms). This Covid s***show has been a huge wake up call for many of us.

*or an ex-Democrat Libertarian? Classical Liberal? Politically homeless anarchist? not sure any more...

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I have been out knocking doors for candidates since early March (too cold in Mo in Jan & Feb), I hate to exercise, so this is a two-fer - I am getting exercise, AND promoting good local candidates, now focusing on state and county races. I have talked to a LOT of people who say, they are D's, but they are feeling like the party no longer represents them. My response, you did not leave the party, the party left you. And the R's are not monolithic, they vary from moderate to far right. Which is a mixed bag when it comes to messaging, but at least it says that we still think for ourselves. Yeah the 2 party thing sucks, but I campaigned for Ross Perot in 1992, and all that did was help Bill Clinton get elected. So yeah, think we are stuck with it.

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I believe Ross Perot was threatened to drop out! Thank you for that hard work!

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Yeah, it was a long time ago, a little fuzzy on the 'why' he dropped out. I was between jobs that late spring/early summer so volunteered in between bouts of job hunting since I had some free time. About the time he dropped out I got a new job, so was disappointed, but this was pre-internet, so my sources of news at the time probably didn't tell the truth anyway.

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His dropping out was fast! I have always thought it strange. Clinton’s…

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Maybe he didn't want to be suicided. πŸ€”

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You will find your way once you break down the dogma! I was a life long a Christian and still am a follower of Christ, but see that we have been lied to all of our lives. Do a deep dive into spirituality and you will find your answers and peace!

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Great stuff, thanks

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Jasmine, I am right there with you. Me too.

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Disney is a huge heartache for me. So many good memories with my son and our trips to Disneyworld. They need to suffer a huge backlash for turning on families in favor of the perversity of wokeism.

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Absolutely. I believe there are two ways to speak to corporations. 1- through prayer;

2- through the wallet, since they are in business to make money.

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Amen amen

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Apr 25, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Donation happily made. I flew the day after the airplane mandate was lifted and what a joy it was. What amazing work those folks are doing! And you!

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Apr 25, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

donated, thank you for all that you have done for us. Now look at France and the outrage they have knowing that their election was stolen, just like it was here. We have to keep fighting, there are more of us than them and they know it!!

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I grew up in a political house, went out knocking doors with my dad in elementary school, and the big silver lining to Covid for me was the short term pain of losing friends but the long term gain of making a whole lot more new ones. I was always paying attention, but most of my friends pre-2020 thought of me as this slightly over-zealous political nerd. With all my regular activities cancelled in the Spring of 2020 and many of my friends afraid to leave their houses, I went on a scouting expedition, and found LOTS of conservative groups who were meeting in person, organizing, and advocating for sanity. I found my tribe, and we will continue to fight, inform and campaign (or run) to stop this insanity. Oh and the other silver lining -- Coffee and Covid!!! Thank you Jeff for the daily dose of optimism that is sorely needed some days when it seems like the whack a mole is never ending!!

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Very inspirational. Thanks for sharing!

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Thanks, I see too many disheartened/discouraged people out there. I was there in 2020. Self employed, all my projects cancelled, and other than a few home projects to do, I was climbing the walls and annoyed with family and friends who bought the narrative. An acquaintance shared one group, which led me to another group, and another one. I tell people 2 things: quit reading news on social media, and get out and DO stuff. and two, read Jeff's blog every day!! Not that I still don't get frustrated some days, but just tell myself, that is what the left wants. Not gonna give it to them!

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Apr 25, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I really enjoy your writing and all the excellent points you write about. And you help bolster our resolve and determination.

This articles deserves a β€œstanding O”. Great job Jeff!

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