Apr 4, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Generally, when looking at travel, tourism, hotels, or vacation / entertainment stuff and the like, there is always a lot of emphasis made on "Traveling Safely". Implicit in this sort of marketing that catching Covid is dangerous and shouldn't happen

This is a legacy psychological artifact at this stage which needs to go. For example, I've removed the "Stop the Spread" email signatures from our corporate emails months ago because... why not? Tons of people are out and about with covid happily infecting their friends and family and nobody cares about it. As long as airlines, hotels, cruise liners and so on continue this pretense that protecting us against covid is something they should be doing... the insanity will continue.

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Yes, like anything else the left pushes, the premise is wrong. For instance, masks. The argument for them is based on the error that they DO something. And then your argument follows naturally…do something about what? A cold? The insanity makes my un-indoctrinated head on my unvaccinated body spin.

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I just spoke to a fully vaccinated neighbor (who also had Covid), and has been sick all weekend with flu like symptoms. She swears she always wears a mask, but the problem is other people aren't wearing them! I told her the mask doesn't work, yet she still said that she has to be very "careful" & will wear 2 masks sometimes since she doesn't want to get Covid again........ Being "careful" doesn't apply to wearing a mask, yet some people refuse to believe it no matter how much they get sick!!!!!

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Did she wear a mask prior to 2020 to guard herself from all of the other killer viruses, germs and bacteria then? Did she go to events and places and distance herself from all of the contagious people around her? Did she drive her car to and from places constantly thinking about death from auto accident? Probably not and her chances of dying in an auto accident are much much higher than contracting some kind of virus and dying from that. But when a person is made aware (by propaganda brain washing) that they are going to die there is no pulling them back from the brink. She now lives in total fear of death to a much higher degree because of the brain washing that had gone on for over two years now. I pity her and all of those who cannot handle the fear of death. The propaganda has created a whole new kind of mental illness.

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I’m not going to tell you what neighbor can with her two masks. I go everywhere no mask since February. If the business requires it I say oh gosh silly me I left my mask at home can I borrow mask? The always give me one and I throw it away on the way out. Not spending one penny on face masks.

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Stop complying and refuse to wear a mask. As long as people go along with the insane practice, it will continue. At some point doesn't it make sense to stop patronizing those establishments? There are plenty that do not require masking. Masks are a symbol of compliance to a very dark and ugly agenda.

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Visited my internist's office today for bloodwork.

Sign at the building entrance: "Please wear a mask to keep everyone safe!"

Sign on the door: "Mask Required. Please."

Inside, sign at the desk: "We are requiring our unvaccinated patients, those with autoimmune diseases, and colds to wear a mask. Let's keep everyone safe!"

Employees sitting at said desk: Masks below their chins.

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β€œPlease” means β€œMasks not mandatory but we’re going to nudge you REAL HARD into wearing them!”

Re: the employees, the mask message was only for specific patients. It’s an employee free-for-all!

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Agree 100%. I have boycotted annoying places in my sh*thole city.

I would never have believed that it’s better to shop in New Jersey instead!

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Last month the librarian offered me a mask, so I said that I'm leaving. Just wanted to return a book on time -- they now don't require a mask, yet the "well-read" librarians are still all masked up!! Scary people......

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The library for St. Aug Florida had a large LGBTxxx display when you come in. Was so over the top. Most of the staff are cool-aid hair, nose ring wearing tattoo people. What a mess.

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Next time put on your nun costume πŸ˜‰

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It is making people sicker. Here is south florida there is a new respiratory disease for dogs. Sounds like covid for dogs. Coughing sneezing shortness of breath pneumonia says should pass on it’s own if not go to vet and prepare to spend more than you would if human has covid. πŸ˜‚. Considering mask for dog? You think might work for dog?

I don’t think crazy needs a mask she generally doesn’t like other dogs. Walks away from them. Prefers people. I in turn prefer dogs to people so we are perfect for one another.

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All the eye rolls! Nothing makes sense anymore. πŸ˜…

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Wearing 2 masks will absolutely work since it compensates for other people not wearing one. Science!

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There was an email sent out by health side stating that due to the fact the mask causes your breath to hit your eye lids and eyes patients were seen to have allergy or some sort of infection. The solution was to tape the top part of mask to face and to make sure to clean eyelids and eyelashes properly. So not even damage to eyes made medical side think wait ... maybe we should ease up. I’m no longer required to wear a mask at least I think I’m not sure I am done listening. I just don’t wear it. The medical side patients are required to wear masks and I have been to see the eye doctor and they did tape mask to face. I was so angry blood pressure went up Bc can’t complain. πŸ˜–it’s crazy.

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They, perhaps, confused eyes with glasses which get foggy from the breath. Especially bad when somebody wears a mask when driving. I remember that issue because I wear glasses myself, although, I refused to wear masks long time ago.

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No it is an issue with germs or some infection that passes to eyes and recommended eyelid cleaner. The eye center has seen significant uptick in eye infections determined it was your own breath redirected at eyes and eye lids this isn’t normal. I stopped wearing mask beginning of this year. Prior to that I wore only when inside a store or building or required. If no one else wearing then I removed it. Lately I forget to grab mask. If a business requires then I ask for it if don’t have it ask for you mind? I don’t like masks all have said ok.

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You’re so β€œUn-β€œ!

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Wish I was un-aggravated and un-annoyed and un-angry about all the stupid stuff happening these days!

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Here, have some Un-Cola for your troubles.

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I'm not sure it's correct to say "tons of people are out an about with covid happily infecting their friends and family".....the more accurate thing to say is, "tons of people are out and about NOT with covid because they are already immune to it and they are back to living their lives again."

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Or they're happily out and about and not worrying about it...After the initial weeks of not knowing what we were dealing with, then recognizing the astronomic levels of baloney being dished out, I then chose to walk in freedom and peace, feeling sorry for those who have been scared out of their minds, while also wanting to scream at them to open their eyes, think for themselves, and not to fear!

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My baloney has a first name.

It’s C-O-V-I-D.

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HAHAHAHA. If I was on my phone there would be many laughing emojis here.

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Let's run with that...My baloney has a second name, it's F-A-U-C-I.

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LOL. Who owes who a Coke??!’

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Ready??? . . .

My baloney has a second name.

It’s F-A-U-C-I.

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Great minds and all that!! I'll send you a coke if you send me some chocolate!

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But the original comment by @bash said people were out "happily infecting their family and friends" which is just not true. That makes it sound like we don't care if people get sick. Of course we do. Most reasonable people stay home when they are sick and go out when they are not.

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Yes, the above comment is my suggestion for how it could've been worded.

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Absolutely! I keep saying it, government and businesses have no position to prohibit people from catching flu (smoking, eating junk food, getting sunburn, rock climbing etc).

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Let’s remove that awful term, β€œSocial Distancing,” too!

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It should have been "Physical Distancing" in the first place - nothing "social" about it!

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Antisocial distancing.

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Yes! At least that’s an accurate term.

Single-speak is so refreshing!

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Do hospitals have to return the covid bonus money they received for the misclassified covid deaths? I wonder...

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As soon as I heard about this, Richard, I asked the very same question.

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You are so funny! That's like asking all the tax payers to send back their $600 bucks and all the rest of the (another big laugh) stimulus money. LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!

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No. No, it is not the same thing as asking all the people in this country who had no control over whether the freaks in D.C. sent them "money" returning that "money". The choice -- once the "money" came -- was whether to accept it or not/spend it or not. In the case of the hospitals, they actively chose to cooperate with the misuse of PCR as the "gold standard" for diagnosing "COVID" -- a complete fraud. The hospitals chose to cooperate with the change to instructions for completing death certificates, resulting in fraudulent numbers. Hospitals chose to admit into ICUs patients who arrived so sick they needed serious care--this the result of withholding of early treatment. Hospitals chose to vent many of these poor people and/or put them on Remdesivir, a drug known to be a killer. And what did they get for their participation in fraud? Cha-ching!

Everything I just listed (and lots I didn't) the hospitals chose to do. Now that the frauds and lowlifes are backtracking and "correcting" death certificates as other than "COVID", Richard's question is a legitimate one, a very serious one, and one that needs answering. It is also anything but "like asking all the tax payers" -- people by the tens of millions forced into unemployment--to send their pittance back vs. the millions and millions received gladly by hospitals for π™©π™π™šπ™žπ™§ π™₯π™–π™§π™©π™žπ™˜π™žπ™₯π™–π™©π™žπ™€π™£ π™žπ™£ π™©π™π™žπ™¨ π™˜π™§π™žπ™’π™š.

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Can't you just hear the hospital administer saying, "Well, everyone else was doing it."? As my mother used to say to me as a child, "Just because everyone else is jumping off the bridge you do not need to." I share your frustration with the "criminality" of it all.

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Nope. Not the same at all. Hospitals are complicit in diagnosing things as covid and covid deaths when they knew it was a lie. Medical establishments knew it. They participated in the numbers game and they knew they were getting money for every diagnosis and death. They got money they should have never gotten. So just because they are backtracking now doesn’t mean they should get to keep all the fraudulently obtained tax payer money. If someone takes money under false pretenses shouldn’t they be required to give it back? It’s basic. Isn’t that why the courts have such a thing as restitution? Because what the criminal did was wrong and therefore is not entitled to keep what doesn’t belong to them.

EVEN IF you wanna give the medical establishment the benefit of believing they acted in good faith with what they did….. are they still entitled to money they were never supposed to get in the first place? Wouldn’t you and I be required to give it back?

So why would they be allowed to keep money they weren’t supposed to even get in the first place?

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Hasn't that been the difference in so much of what we have experienced in the past few decades? "They" are held to one standard and "We" are held to another. The majority of the "hospital corporations" will fight to keep what they already received and spent. That's why they have full legal staff, right Jeff? We on the other hand, if the IRS said "You are paying back the stimulus sent in error" they will figure out a way to get that back out of us. It's all kind of like the new criminal mentality since they know the police are defunded, unstaffed and demoralized by government politicians and officials. They know it's a free-for-all and they will take advantage of the situation for as long as possible. I wish your plan for restitution would happen but I truly doubt it. Knowing our current admin, they will just print more money!

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Apr 4, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

It's funny that cruise ships used to report a full boatload of norovirus in the past and shrugged it off. Then covid came and they masked and jabbed up. The cruise lines are a full boatload of you know what

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They might as well drop the warnings! The following very recent story is about a cruise ship, with 100% vaccinated crew/passengers, that still ended up with COVID cases during the cruise:


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OMG! So they find that 100% vaccination does not work. They dock and unload all of the passengers that have covid then they fill the ship with new passengers and take off again. Oh the insane stupidity of it all.

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I totally agree

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Yep.... Cruise Planners, a huge company of franchise travel agents who sell cruises, among other things, just did their annual awards on a ship. The entire ship was full of top producing VAXXED agents and they brought a whole bunch of them home sick. This is what we call.....a clue! ;)

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We need to defund the free, bogus covid tests. End PCR "tests," end the fear mongering.

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I work for company has a health system hospitals and clinics my employer stopped the testing of unvaxxed. Said be of so many vaccinated not needed but the truth is there test shortages and govt not funding so quickly anymore. Since in SoFlo employer required to pay the hit to bottom line finally caught up. Capitalism is king.

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Applause, applause...... (I don't know how to add an emoji of hand clapping).

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Bc after a week of eating to the point of sickness a little Norovirus comes in handy! The truth is cruises look to sell tickets at higher prices until hit break even. The point where price for passage covers cost of ship and sailing. The rest of the passengers to sell out ship sold at a loss. With break even number of passengers the cruise lines then look to up sell liquor specialty restaurants tours at the destinations shops etc. Cruises make money off the sales once you leave port and ships love the full sale days Bc that’s when make a ton of cash. They never need to fill to capacity just to the point can make money off extra spend on board.

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I did not know that. Very interesting. Thank you!

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Had boyfriend was finance revenue specialist at a cruise line. Prices drop after reach break even and cover cost of ship operations. Never want to be first few that book on a cruise.

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I feel like the cruise lines and airlines were forced into these mandates in the knowledge that anyone accepting unjabbed passengers would have MSM outlets following every cruise to sensationalise every single Covid case. Plus many of their destinations require the jab. I guess when these loosen the cruise lines can too.

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Apr 4, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Honey I shrunk the Covid numbers πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

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Honey, we could have shrunk those covid numbers all along! πŸ’«βœ¨

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Apr 4, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Ahhhh. What a way to start my Monday off! You're the best!

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So, the CDC says that, essentially, if I start sneezing it's not an automatic death sentence as it once was? Progress of a kind.

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Apr 4, 2022Β·edited Apr 4, 2022

Remember when Fauci was going around network television saying that a positive HIV test was an automatic death sentence? And with the treatments he mandated, it was.

La plus ca change . . .

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Yes, I remember that. He even stated that just living in a household with someone that had HIV could catch it just from normal interactions. This caused many to ostracize those with HIV. AND HE WAS WRONG! He suppressed the use of drugs that would have helped. He wanted a Vaccine....which never happened.

Video Resurfaces of Fauci Warning β€˜Household Contact’ with AIDS Patients Could Put Kids at Risk


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Has he ever been right???

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He sets a good bad example.

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True. Just watch the "Clown in Chief" in action:

Video: Biden Bumbles Around Fake White House Set, Admits β€œNot Sure Why” As He Gets ANOTHER COVID Shot


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It isn't a video. Just a photo of Biden receiving vax. No audio.

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The top of the page has a picture of Biden receiving vax. If you scroll down the page you'll see several "twitter" videos. One of them has the heading, "Biden gets his second COVID booster shot: "I'm not sure why I'm doing it on stage." If you click on the blue arrow, the video will play.

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Receiving vax??? receiving saline solution....what a joke

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He's the king of evil. Everything he's done for the past forty years has been purposeful. Depopulation has been his plan and in the mean time using dangerous drugs to treat the sick, that he has patents on and makes $$$ from.

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Not an automatic death sentence for the unvaxxed. Not so sure about the vaxxed....especially those boosted.

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Have you sneezed in public lately? A sneeze or cough will clear a room or line instantly. I have to announce spring hay fever not covid but some still looked concerned. It’s kind of funny. My 75 year old mother sneezes on purpose to get people out of way quicker.

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I've yelled out "Run!", a few times after sneezing or coughing in a grocery store.

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It’s a good way to find personal space in a crowded room. πŸ˜‚

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Apr 4, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Omicron XE.

This reminds me of the days when Micro and Soft will release all those versions of windows on a yearly basis. Windows ME (Millenium Edition), Windows XP (eXPerience).

Now Omicron XE (Xbox Edition???, I don't know🀑).

I'm sure some verison of Omicron XELGBT+QIA will be downloadable through 5G connection.

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XBOX edition! Hahaha! Thanks for the laugh!

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It can demagnetize the stripe on your credit card and also cause milk to go sour.

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Yeah, is it iOS or Android? I have an iPhone, so am I immune??

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Omg, I sent Elon musk a message last week probably along with many others to buy twitter and sort out this censorship nonsense. And guess what. He didπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ’•πŸ’•

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Now message him to buy Disney.

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Or hit it with a juicy, several hundred terawatt EMP. Lord knows, he has enough electrical engineers working for him.

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Glad he listened! He is now the largest shareholder beating out Blackrock's and Vanguard's institutional holdings, but not their combined holdings. I sure hope his stake translates to some power in the boardroom ~ can't imagine him making the buy if it didn't.

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Do you have any advice for my 401(k) going forward ? :)

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Crystal ball?

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If it's correct more than 50% of the time, I'll take it! :P

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Retire early. You never know what tomorrow may bring.

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Apr 4, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Meanwhile, here in NJ, my friend’s county is forcing her now to pay for her required (by the county) weekly tests β€” $70 each! So the pressure to take the clot shot is still strong here and in other parts of the country. Such tyranny!

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My local Audubon society just recently started up their guided bird walks again after a two year hiatus. However, they are requiring boosters in order to participate in these OUTDOOR events! I don't live in CA or NY; this is Nebraska, for crying out loud! For the most part, it's the mask mandates we've been fighting here. I have part time/seasonal jobs with the both the city and the county, and neither jurisdiction has made a peep about requiring the vaccine. But the Audubon society is gonna keep everybody "safe."

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Time to design your own bird walks. Looks like everywhere, those that value freedom must create their own way. Must resign, must move, must make major changes --- we did. (Seattle, WA)

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Apr 4, 2022Β·edited Apr 4, 2022

Ugh. The only solution I can think of, would be for ALL participants to tell them you won’t participate unless no jabs/masks/tests are required. Oh, and tell them it’s not their job to keep you β€˜safe’. This is so pathetic!

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But you know there are people who won’t go unless everyone is vaccinated πŸ™„

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The crazy part is that you are right. Just saw a post from someone saying he’s glad to retire soon because his employer is rescinding vax mandate. I wonder what he’ll do for grocery shopping or any other indoor/outdoor places. Will he forever stay home and have someone else do shopping for him?

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The success of all the brainwashing/fearmongering is quite disturbing.

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Apparently they did not read this from the NIH. Birds catch coronavirus' and have been. They have not kept the birds safe. :( So. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16537157/

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Craziness is everywhere! So sorry.

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This is one of the issues we've been calling out when folks get excited about ending a mask mandate. There are employers and businesses that specifically end masks for yhe jabbed. They still make masks required for the uncrowd, or proof of negative test and masks for the uncrowd. Based on the epidemiologic evidence, it's bullpucky. Uncrowd not spreading, not shedding, not source of mutations.

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Still mandated at my employer in Florida even though it’s illegal now. They are even paying bonuses to people to get the booster and are doing the 6 foot thing if you don’t have it. Crazy….Jeff, anything more on removing these restrictions?

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Have you sought legal advice and legal action through the State of Florida (to pay for the legal action) which is supposed to be provided via the law DeSantis and the legislature enacted last Nov?

Any employer breaking the law needs to be pursued legally to stop them. You’re employer obviously will continue until someone legally forced them to stop.

Isn’t this the perfect example of a company that needs to have legal action started against them?

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Apr 4, 2022Β·edited Apr 4, 2022

Yes, there are still booster mandates at some companies- crazy… on a positive note I just read an opinion article from WSJ that even fda advisory’s don’t agree on booster. All I can think of Narrative 2.0 baby! Even better in the article it says that dr Offit (I believe the one of a few that authorized the shots etc) said he advised his 20 something son not to take 3rd shot!!! Of course not because they don’t work but because the first 2 are protective enough against serious illnesses and death. I even don’t care about his explanation, I’ll take it!!! The pressure to take the 3 shot aka booster is very high in 20 something- at least this is additional talking point with them…

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I don’t believe a word that comes out of Offitt’s mouth, he’s been lying for decades.

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Yes, but him even mentioning that he’s telling his son not to get a booster gives me more ammunition to convince a young person brainwashed by constant covid porn to withstand peer and companies pressure to get a booster! The pressure is insane. Young people looking for work being asked if they got a booster before applying for a job!

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Every single young person needs to read the names and ages on these lists. In the 2021 list these are (were) some of the healthiest young people in the world. The list of US athlete deaths in 2020 were old people dying mainly of old age. Each one should decide the determining factor from the 2020 list to the 2021 list. In 2021 the increase is undeniable. Sudden. Unexpected. Mysterious. Fatal. https://airtable.com/shrbaT4x8LG8EbvVG/tbl7xKsSUIOPAa7Mx



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Does everyone want to be a tyrant? Or in control of others? If they had done any valuable research they would know this is insane. I think ppl like to make stupid rules. Welcome back to high school.

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Apr 4, 2022Β·edited Apr 4, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Travel agent here: unfortunately the CDC announcement about cruising doesn't make much of a practical difference. EVERY cruise line still requires vaccines. Some, like Norwegian, have NO exemption process in place. They require it from 5 yrs old (as does Disney Cruise Line). Most cruise lines will still allow those too young to cruise without it. NCL won't even let a 2 year old onboard right now since they can't be jabbed. Carnival has an exemption application process for those adults who can't be poked; I had one client apply for a medical exemption and Carnival not only denied it, they cancelled her booking on the spot. She had at first planned to ask for a religious exemption but Carnival quietly removed that option from the drop-down menu on their application the first of this year.

As far as the CDC lowering its warning or whatever: people who are cruising don't care what the CDC says. Many got the jab for the purpose of being able to cruise (I keep saying, everybody has a price). For the CDC to remove their "warning" doesn't matter, as they lost creditability with cruiser clients at least a year ago.

I have passed up maybe a dozen free cruises the past several months. I ALWAYS reply to the invitation with my opinions about their stupid mandates. I tell my story about what mandates have done to destroy business. I'm on the frontlines. Believe it or not, they do typically reply. I'm am continually thanked for my "support" of the industry, and promised better times are coming...

Cruise line phone hold times are INSANE. Some of them have recordings we have to listen to for hours on end, saying the long wait is because of the "high demand for cruising". How's that for spin! In truth, they are giving cruises away. The backlog of calls is from people cancelling, or people with longstanding accounting issues from past cancellations. I have had clients cancelled 3, 4, 5 times and it's a hot mess. Like all things COVID, we should all know there are smoke and mirrors in place. Just thought y'all might like an insider's viewpoint.

(PS to quote VIRGIN in the YAHOO press announcement: GROSS. That socialist Richard Branson has made it very clear they are going to require the vaccine for a very long time. My whole team cancelled our November cruise on this principle.)

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Wow! Thanks for the industry-insider info. Seems as cruise companies are among the worst covid tyrants.

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For sure! And they are totally in bed with the CDC. They blame their rules on the CDC but they actually want them. They are the worst for "covid theater". It's all about selling the public what they want to hear...but from my seat...they are doing it wrong.

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Considering all we've learned about the injections wouldn't a boat full of fully injected ppl lead to MORE infections??? Upside down world indeed. I'd take a mandated uninjected jab cruise over these for sure.

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Bought my kayak, paddle, and flotation vest over the weekend. First opportunity, ready for cruising down the Little Miami River with son and grandchildren.

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We held out hope they’d come to their senses and only recently canceled our July Alaska cruise due to the covid shot requirement. We’ve taken well over a dozen cruises with family and friends the last 20 years and were planning to make cruising part of retirement life. The first line to come to their senses will get all of our future business but this July we’re going to Yellowstone instead.

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You are so right. I have told cruise line after cruise line, drop your requirements and you will crush your competition! COVID theater isn't working any more! The people are wise to the scheme! haha

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Thanks for the inside scoop. Until they drop any and all mandates about vaccines, masks, getting off the ship, etc., I will not be cruising. I was an avid cruiser too, up to number 18.

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Apr 4, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

"failure to treat will now be considered wanton disregard" - About freaking time!!!!! Yea ha Kansas. What has been going on is medical mass murder. Withholding treatments and letting people suffer and die is murder. The state medical / pharmaceutical boards that blocked HCQ/IVM/Fluvox need to hang. The rest of the cowards in the medical system who would not speak out need to be called out for their cowardice.

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Kudos to Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody as she submitted this lawsuit on 29 Mar 2022: http://myfloridalegal.com/webfiles.nsf/WF/GPEY-CCYHZH/$file/Mask+Complaint+as+Filed.pdf Twenty other states, including Kansas, joined the lawsuit as plaintiffs against these lowlifes (I do try...but I simply cannot help myself): Walensky, Berger, Becerra, Pekoske, Mayorkas.

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I do even have to look. Oregon is never on a good list. :(

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You do have good people out there, though. Have you heard of the grand jury petition submitted by Oregon State Senators Linthicum and Thatcher in partnership with Dr. Henry Ealy? Their petition includes the same violations of the ACA that Moody's lawsuit highlights.

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Yes, it's going no where fast. Republicans and Conservatives in Oregon get about as much attention from the talking heads in Salem as the homeless get a home.

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Apr 4, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I sent your paragraphs about the military win at Peterson to a friend whose son was "less than honorably discharged" from the Marines this winter for not getting vaccinated. It was his dream career and he was treated like a criminal and a prisoner before sent home at 20 years old. She cried when she read it.

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One day they will be vindicated with good health when others have lost theirs. Life is difficult without good health! Nothing is worth giving that up. My 28 year old son was prepared to quit his woke corp job if they forced it but luckily for him it never came to that.

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Apr 4, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

FluBros: 'It's the flu, bro'

Lefties/RINOs: 'no OMG it's the plague'

Turns out the FluBros were right.

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Apr 4, 2022Β·edited Apr 4, 2022

C & C friends - my sister-in-law works at a hospital not even with patients in the finance section. She was recently told that she needed to get the booster to continue working. This is at a hospital in Boston. I’m wondering if any of you have any suggestions of how I can help her to get this taken off of her. I must add she’s also handicapped and she said that in her first religious exemption and even asked her doctor for a note and at that time both got denied !!!

Blessings for your help friends!!!!β€οΈπŸ™β€οΈ

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This site has legal help for religious exemptions: https://lc.org/exempt

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Please keep encouraging her to fight. This is not the mark of the beast but it is a precurse of how it will be done.

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Don’t bother with medical unless its to ingredients of the vax, even the previous allergic reaction to one vax will prompt them to say take another one. Religious is harder to deny if filled objects are done properly- see the link below.

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Don't see your link listed.

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Apr 4, 2022Β·edited Apr 4, 2022

Sorry, meant to say Eric’s link below is good. Just need to think carefully about ALl of your religious objections

https://www.thehealthyamerican.org has lots of good info

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