I work in grocery for a large supermarket chain here in Oregon. I come into close contact with hundreds of people everyday. It’s the vaccinated people who keep re-infecting each other. Then again what do I know? I’ve been labeled a selfish pig and a conspiracy theorist for not getting vaccinated… just my lay opinion

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Same story at my office of about 80 people.....it is a small number of people, but those contracting covid, AGAIN, are all vaxxed. Then there is me: healthy, 40 years old, unvaxxed, have covid antibodies (yet no clue when I had covid) just chugging along. Heck, I have yet to even swab my nose for covid in 2.5 years :)

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They may be getting covid over and over, but don't you know that if they weren't vaxxed it would be SO MUCH WORSE! (At least that's what the poor folks have been told and for the most part believe.)

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Yes, that claim, "it would've been so much worse" boggles my mind. These people all seem to have conveniently forgotten that last July the Hair Sniffer in Chief told everyone that if you get the shot you won't get covid!

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Worse than the unvaxxed who don't get covid over and over?

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That was always the gamble. Stay unvaxxed and get it good and proper. That could mean asymptomatic, mild cold, full fever and occasionally severe for some. Overall, the main risk factors were relatively clear (with some unknown immune system issues for a few but pretty much most of the risk could/would have been mitigated by early treatment protocols (had they not been hampered).

But yes, the " you can get it again even if you're unvaxxed/recovered" chorus is a nice tagline. It's true (like a cold) but disingenuous. If it's progressively milder and ends up just being a mild cold/nuisance for the unvaxxed (which makes sense both biologically and appears to be evident in reality) then I doubt they will care.

The same may not be true of multi-dosed mRNA folks. We shall see.

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Read that mrna DOES remain in the body for a good period of time unlike the lie they told us. Also sudden adult death syndrome is a very real thing in ours and many other countries of vaccinated people.

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And the cdc scrubbed their website in July to hide the lie they spewed about just that very thing. Liars 🤥🤥

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" If it's progressively milder and ends up just being a mild cold/nuisance for the unvaxxed ... then I doubt they will care"

Can confirm. I had it early in the year, with sniffles for a few days followed by hangover-level headache for several more days, and fatigue/weird occasional dizziness for a week. Had "something" again more recently, very mild sniffles for a day or so, and would have thought nothing of it if not for the very distinctive headache the day after that, which I've never had from anything else other than the time earlier in the year. And yes, I don't care.

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But the poll would assume people are honest with themselves. The mental gymnastics people put themselves through to justify their decision to buy the narrative continues to amaze me.

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Yep, hence the call for all this added spending for 'mental health'

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mRNA compromises (damages) the immune system. Period. And just because it's not yet a universally accepted truth, doesn't change the truth itself.

I don't want war, nor anarchy, and I see it coming.

As the masses in USA & globally, accept the reality that 1. they were horribly lied to and 2. watch their loved ones die FROM the very thing they were promised would save then and 3. reconcile that their previously lost loved ones' were lost due to lies, what other logical conclusion is there?

I dont see the masses wounded by these heinous crimes settling for mere removal from office...

Couple all that with ineptitude of 1st world Gov't germane to inflation or CRT or BLM or or or and again, I can't see how this resolves or balances back to happy normal without MAJOR conflict. Wish it weren't, but, there it is. Grateful for Jesus'love comfort and peace. It is all that keeps us sane as we watch Hell coming to life

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People forget that our bodies need to get used to viruses little by little as children do.

If possible, allow your immune system to do its work.

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Same except I am positive my husband and I had covid in Jan 2020, we were both positive for antibodies in Dec 2020 and that was the only time we were sick. Have not been sick since either other than a scratchy throat and congestion a couple of weeks ago, since my sister turned me on to the zelenko protocol back during peak hysteria. I did have to do one nose swab test before a colonoscopy last year (joy of being over 50) Amazed at how many of my friends who have been so dang test happy, going to get tested every time they sneezed.....

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Same with my co workers constantly testing themselves and their children each time they have a symptom. Craziness.

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Good for you, Kim! Stay strong!

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"have covid antibodies (yet no clue when I had covid) "

Just went thru my first RO infection. No clot shot, well into my 50's, so pretty good run to not get it. Made the mistake of a week in Cabo with a lot of early golf, beach/poolside tequila, and the people soup that comes with travel. Probably nicked the immune system just enough to let the RO in. Having said that, only really had 1 day of noticeable symptoms that prompted an in home test. Achy and a little sluggish. Aside from that one day, considering the mild symptoms it represented I would never have taken a RO test.

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Well natural immunity doesn't generate money so it doesn't count.

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Here’s a crazy one. My unvaxxed naturopath has had covid three times. The last one this last spring kicked his butt. Maybe he had two colds and one bad flu? 🤷‍♀️ I was curious but didn’t grill him for info, it was on my dime 😂

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Well then that also goes back to the tests - how accurate are they? I know early on they were running maximum cycles to pick up everything as covid (and the flu disappeared) but think they changed the guidance after Biden took office to make them less sensitive so they could say he cured it. But haven't kept up with the test accuracy stuff. I just lump all that in the 'suspicious' category.

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That's kind of ironic your naturopath got it bad. He should be the healthiest, most vitamin boosted person out there!

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Odd isn’t it? He works in a 5 doc practice so thats a lot of people in and out, and has high school aged triplets that they had later in life, and the kids all got sick … he blamed it on that. Still weird that the last one was the worst.

I’m going to show him the lysine/arginine article.

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And I’m unvaccinated 🥴

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Same here! 62 year old male brain tumor survivor and I haven’t gotten sick, I recently tested for antibodies and I have them. Can’t remember being sick anytime the last three years 🤷🏻‍♂️

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Just read you’re also nonvaxxed, you are one of the categories they targeted, vulnerable, ha! Such evil!

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I stood my ground and endured everything the politicians, CDC, MSM, medical establishment, family members, friends could possibly throw at me. I didn’t cave or give up an inch 💪

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Victor, I am in awe of people like you who have been able to hang tough for so long amongst the covid hystericists!💪

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Aug 15, 2022·edited Aug 15, 2022

Here in Australia, you need to be jabbed to work in Woolworths and Coles, 2 of the biggest grocery stores. I think Blackrock is a major shareholder of woolworths.

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Horrendously inhumane 😢

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🤔 interesting.

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Sad… 😢

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And ironically, the (Aus.) federal government has NOT mandated (most of?) its employees to get the shot (though it's strongly encouraged, and mostly assumed that everyone has).

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Proud of you, Victor! Stand strong!

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Especially hard to hang tough in Oregon with Komrade Kate at the helm. She’ll be out soon, she’ll be out soon, she’ll be ….

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We’ve been through too much with Kommie Kate as the Governator. I pray that a change is coming our way 🙏

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Thank you! I’ve been raked over the coals for past two years by the vaccinated. But I stand my ground. If I survived brain tumor surgery three ago, then I can survive anything ❤️🧠🙏

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I survived mine in 2018! Not vaccinated either and trust in God with my life completely! Of course living in Oregon we have to be tough because we live in the state of hell run by the devil and his chosen demons. Someone has to live here to witness to the lost and confused.

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Very true. The psyops are real.

Glad you’re ok Debra 🤩

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And Victor!!!

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Same, YYR!! Victor you are an inspiration! Continue to stay strong!

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Im a doc and ive been called selfish and a coward to my face by other doctors in my community for not taking any shots even though i actually offered my shots to one of my older semi retired partners early on and i had natural covid in aug 21

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It takes giblets to withstand the immense pressure that’s been placed on medical staff to comply, and to do so alone in many cases …I’d call that the opposite of cowardly 👊🏻

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Glad to see some in your profession who still have the courage to stand up against this! Good for you! Willing to bet that most of us on this substack have been called one or more names in the past 2.5 years. It's what the left and their brainwashed minions do.

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People want vindication for their decision and you are refusing to supply that. They don't want to be responsible for their poor choice. If they are going to become ill from the shot, they want everybody else to be in the same boat. Gotta be part of the herd - no independent thinking allowed.

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I said the same thing weeks ago, but this has to be repeated over and over again to get through to people. Actually, you said it better than I did.

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Covidians don’t want to get bogged down with the pesky facts, especially the facts you can see with your own eyes, you know, the facts right in front of them. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Good job standing strong! 💪🏻 You are a warrior!

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We all are warriors, I work with a lot of them. When they’ve had enough, lookout!!! 🇺🇸

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My daughter works at a facility (NYS) where they weren’t mandated to get the jab, but they had to test every week if they didn’t. There were only 2 holdouts who didn’t get the jab and my daughter was one of them. I can’t tell you how the others discriminated against her and shunned her. Some even harassed her. Since then, some of the guys who took the jab have been out with heart problems. They’re only in their 40’s and they are very frail and weak. They are supposed to return in Sept, but it doesn’t seem likely because they have too many problems. Not one word has been said in jest to my daughter anymore. They are mute when it comes to the vax and Covid in general.

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They are all sweating bullets as it slowly dawns on them that they've been "had bad" and took a series of experimental gene therapy injections with often irreversible side effects for a disease with an IFR of 0.3 (CDC May 2020) and the current variant is half that.

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I shared a similar story about my daughter’s workplace, although ours has a happier ending 😊

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So… the ones doing the bullying kicked the bucket, I presume?

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LOL. That's cold man. Funny as hell, but cold. Real cold.

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I am glad that you still have a job given the jab mentality in OR. I have friends in OR and I have been surprised at the complete job of brainwashing that was done to them.

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Hmmmmm. Sounds like Michigan!

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I also have not gotten jabbed. I work with the public and never closed my business. I did however get COVID in March 2021 on vacation. I say it’s the best thing that happened to me! Saved me from feeling like I HAD to be jabbed. Been exposed since and have not even had a sniffle.

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Absolutely !

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You're not a selfish pig. 🤗 You're a smarter, & therefore less equal, pig!

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Aug 15, 2022·edited Aug 15, 2022

Thanks. There was one lady doc in my community who publicly told me I should “show my manhood roll up my sleeve and get the shot”

I told her and everyone else that I would be happy to show my manhood to her anytime if she thought she could handle it

I was not raised to shy away from bullying

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Aug 15, 2022·edited Aug 15, 2022

This cracked me up, and I appreciate the sentiment. A friend was offered a job with a huge medical system - though working from home 95% of the time. She holds a medical exemption but the “system” who offered her the job wouldn’t honor her ME, nor an RE, which she legit has religious reasons not to get the shot, too. A lady “helping her” said to “Just quit messing around & GET the shot! Medicine IS Science!”

The things people come up with…

I wanted her to say that if medicine IS science, why the heck won’t they honor her legit medical exemption, granted her by her own doctor— you know, of MEDICINE.

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"Less equal"...that is a very key phrase.

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Hi! Fellow (well, former) Oregonian here! Lived there my whole life until last year when we escaped to a more sane and conservative state. :-) Where in Oregon are you??

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We fled Oregon too. 40yr Oregonian. We were In between Portland and Salem. Heading back soon to visit family/friends. Wish I could get more excited about it. 😏 Nothing says welcome home like a drive down I-205 with the scenic view of homeless tents and garbage strewn all over. 😞

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I remember, we talked on coffee and covid about a year ago and I think you were near Canby, right?? We were the ones who had most recently moved from Portland to Mt. Angel, which was lovely but when Covid hit, things were still too restricted, and we didn't want the kids having to wear masks or the work pressure to be vaccinated (which was of course everywhere but worse in some states than others). You're in Florida now, right? I took the kids back to Oregon in March to visit family and wow, it underscored how grateful and blessed we are to have left. Not the values or ideology I want to instill in my kids. Have a safe trip!

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You have a good memory. 😂 I’ve went back once last year and thought I might feel glad to be “home”. Nope. Ended up cutting my trip short instead. Trying to fill my time, this time, so I don’t sit around feeling homesick for Florida 😂

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Ugh. We farm in eastern Oregon. Family farm, so we can’t move the land. We stay fairly isolated, but Kate has long tentacles - the new gun law for the November ballot being the latest debacle. These people are nuts, and the independent gubernatorial candidate is a democrat trying to wear wool. Plus the Republican Party is fighting internally—they undermined our best R candidate (McQuisten) and big money 💰 helped put Drazen in. Drazen is our R candidate and right now she’s leading in the polls 🤞🏼

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I understand. There are a lot of people who cannot just pick up and move. If not for a new job offer back then we wouldn’t have been able to get out either. Browstain has very long criminal testicles ehem… tentacles. (Sorry. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Couldn’t help myself).

I liked Drazen before we left but I’ve been hearing a lot of mixed stuff about her. Uncovering where her funding is coming from and such. Is she legit or is she a sell out? The Republican Party in Oregon unfortunately is a joke. Can’t take them serious at all. With the mail in ballots Oregon has never had, nor will ever have a legit fair election. It’s soooo bad there. I’m sorry. But I do applaud all of you who are still there fighting. You are heros to me!

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I live in Salem Oregon. I have the good fortune of working with a lot of freedom loving Americans here 🇺🇸

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Yes! 🙌 💪🏻 keep fighting!!!

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Salem Oregon! In Governor Kate Browns territory 😉

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We were in Mt. Angel, so super close! I volunteered at St. Germaine's sometimes if you're familiar with it; it's the PRC right next to the Salem PP!

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Thank you for your continued perseverance in these crazy times. YOU are one of the real heroes, imho. Hubs and I have always said we don't know how you guys do it. You were there the whole time, with your masks, working long days to keep us in the food. Thank you!! We shop in Ontario OR and live in Idaho and I know how militant OR is. Terrible.

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My brother just had blood clots on his lungs..............almost died. No one in our family will even consider it was the vaccines.

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Interesting how the connection is so lost...if the heart doc would only tell the truth! I wonder if he will have more clots.

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Shaming was a huge piece of the corrupt vac. Program. Now, if you were to write your local paper and expose the local public health officer, med staff, and hospital administration which supported that corruption ( now very much proven and documented ), ...well, a little payback is a start...local leaders hate to be called out in their communities...that's where we can help prevent future corrupt actions ( already in place )!

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Many of us have been active in analyzing the various components to the Psyop; and the horror is on display when considering how Hospital Admin's don't seem committed to healing or authentic healthcare. The "shaming" is a symptom of a mentally dysfunctional health care system. What we have seen are all the indicators of a system that appears to discount human care in deference to profit and lockstep obedience to a very sick program. Physician heal thyself!

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Except the local media was all in on the shaming

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Of course they were and still are. The MSM is a complicit collaborator in maintaining the charade.

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I have done about 4 such letters, but it is time for another...thanks Doug for the perspiration...j

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Oregon never listens to anyone or anything but the drums of the Dems. Mail in voting since 1988!

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But so much light has been shone onto the vermin that I gotta think ( and try once more ) to convince the masses that the power does lie with the people, we just need to be smart and active in using it. I'm too old to go to war again, but.....

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With an oink oink here (you)

And an oink oink there (me)

We were right all along

And that's a thought that they can't bear.

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Victor, wear those labels like a badge of honor! I do, as I silently chuckle. ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

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I find the exact same at my work!

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Keep the faith, Victor. As I see it so-called "conspiracy theorists" are just saints of the "Spoiler Alert"...next time someone accuses you of believing conspiracies are fiction, you could reply: "ya mean like the Mafia?" Forbes reported that 500 new Billionaires were created out of the pandemic. I call it a Con's Piracy! pax

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Thanks for the morning update even though you are under the weather. Rest up! I pray you feel better quickly.

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Jeff, if you don't test for covid, it ain't covid!

Feel better soon!

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Isn’t that the truth!

Why test for a summer cold/flu that will help keep the numbers high for the scam?

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Sad to see 30,000 Floridians took booster recently. As long as people keep taking covid experimental biologicals covid will continue. These are the same people who will get covid again an again. When will they learn these are ineffective and unsafe injections. They do not prevent the transmission nor contraction of covid. Why are you taking these injection? Why are doctors continuing to recommend them, when they know better?

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Fauci recently said that he could not understand the unvaccinated, wondering if their motivation is political or something, and that the reason covid is still around is because of them. He never stops the falsehoods!

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His pants should have caught on fire years ago.

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As el gato malo has said in his substack (Bad Cattitude)..."Disembler, Disembler. Thine pantaloons have combusted". One of my favorites!

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Don't forget the regally attired noble feline picture that accompanies it! ;)

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Love it!!!

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Only 5 years ago? 😂

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He is laying the groundwork for a scapegoating campaign. They are doing the same in Canada:https://viralimmunologist.substack.com/p/fiction-disguised-as-science-to-promote?utm_source=%2Fprofile%2F60901543-dr-byram-w-bridle&utm_medium=reader2

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Because CDC just changed guideline, the new narrative will be that the jabs helped us get to this point, and since all the jabbed have essentially had covid at this point, they will talk about "hybrid" immunity conferring the most protection (i just read a paper claiming this). Then you can still keep pushing the clot shot and boosters, but they will need an updated one as people are clearly backing away from boosters.

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All you have to do is look at cruise ships............all vaccinated and still had lots of outbreaks on the ship. Media keeps it from being in the news.

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Silly you, being all logical and scientific! That ship sailed some years ago... Ha, see what I did there...

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If you read the DOH Florida web site information, we are doing a poor job of educating the public. Why? I have emailed and called many health officials and I receive no response. When new information comes out, this information should be updated/posted on the DOH web site in every county. For example: Over 1000 adverse events of significant interest were recently released from Pfizer! This is their data! What could be more important than to inform the public? Or how about recent declaration from the world council for health demanding a world wide halt to all covid injections? Or how about links to therapeutic protocols?

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I would say the evil ones believe they’re on a roll with their depopulation goals and are hell bent on preventing the truth from interfering.

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I agree. Also, the evil ones use COVID as the distraction as they forge forward with the destruction of America. We see now how the real goal is to lessen the population, weaken those that survive, weaken our military, crush the US Dollar, usher in a digital currency, censor free speech, control the media, hunt those that oppose, rig elections, control the food, do not protect our border while we send money to Ukraine to protect their border, poison our youth with communist propaganda, support monopoly businesses, crush small business, enforce injustice against conservatives, on and on it goes. How people don't see what is so obvious is mind blowing. They will bring the population to it's knees until the enslaved are begging their captors for relief.

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Quite the comprehensive list! It’s a good thing we survivors love a good challenge🫣

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Scott, you summed it up very well!

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Jeff, try 3,000 mg L-Lysine. (1,000 mg at morning, noon, night). It prevents the virus from relocating. It’s part of the Shingles protocol that has worked amazingly for family and friends, and myself. It helps if you can limit eating foods high in Arginine (coffee, chocolate, nuts, fresh foods). Just Duck Duck Go Shingles Diet. I swear by it! Good Bless and I hope you feel better soon!

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Duckduckgo is captured.

Use Brave.

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I'm getting a bit nervous about the RUMBLE video platform announced "business combination" with CF Acquisition Corp - https://tinyurl.com/bdzbaxss

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Oh crap. Thanks for sharing. I mostly have ditched You Tube for Rumble. Now what!?!

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Avoid Bitchute. They are beginning to censor videos and the platform too frequently fails to play the selected video. It just sits there and spins.

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Odysee - Superior to Rumble in many ways - Here's my channel - https://odysee.com/@NewsParadigm:f

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I use Brave, but it is linked with Chrome. I have seen it, inadvertently. I was looking for a link or something and it came up as my mouse was resting. I see it every now and then, but it doesn't show up when I look. I think it is the dirty little secret of Brave.

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Brave Search can use Google or Bing to pull up extra results when it has trouble finding what you want, but I've only ever seen it do that when it explicitly asks you if you want to, and click the link to do a google/bing.

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I do not use Brave search. I use Duck with a Brave browser. And...I do not have the option clicked to use Google or Bing to give me more results. So...there is that.

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I take one every morning, but should increase…. Arginine foods are my favorite 🤩

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Ministry of Health in Germany stated on July 20 that 1 in 5000 vaccinated suffer serious reaction and they offered some website or email for people, I don't remember. which.. ( I saw it on a Greek website). The truth is slowly eeking out here and there but you still have the lies, coverups and censorship from our media. Every singlecday on the Greek newsite I look at, another sudden unexplained death in an otherwise healthy individual is reported. Many know why and the conservative site I read always qualifies by saying 'vaccinated ' person before stating their untimely death...

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According to a response to an official request for information from the German Techniker Krankenkasse insurer, the number of billed cases of vaccine-related adverse effects needing medical treatment skyrocketed in 2021 compared with 2019 and 2020. https://rairfoundation.com/germanys-largest-health-insurer-reveals-1-in-25-clients-underwent-medical-treatment-in-2021-for-covid-vaccine-side-effects/

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s supply links. These arguments are terrific but SO much more effective if people can quickly

hit a link to verify.

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Staggeringly high uptake for this thing being over. Depressing.

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They are probably woke snowbirds from up north that descend on Florida every winter. Encourage them to get every booster, vaccine and protocol out there. Too many snowbirds. Hopefully less will be in Florida and even less will make it back north. 😉

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30,000 IS a lot! I’ve seen some Floridians stopping in at Target to get boosted like it’s an order at Starbucks. But when taking into consideration overall population here in Florida… that’s less than 1% of the entire state ‘choosing’ the jab

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I wonder if it's the same 30,000 getting boosted every month, because "more is better"? Some people, you just can't...

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Well, as Jeff might point out, there are probably at least 30,000 demorats in Florida so they have a decent size pool to draw from. Time to let natural selection run it's course.

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Excellent questions to be shouted from the housetops!!

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"The narrative suggests that Biden is playing four dimensional chess", Biden couldn't play Tic-Tak-Toe against a chicken.

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Spot on! And would be 😂🤣😂🤣😂, if it weren’t so 😢😢😭

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If he did, the chicken would win. Guaranteed!

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Total destruction on purpose under the cover of incompetence. Can't hold insane accountable for their actions.

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ZOMBIE ALERT: How Insane are Washington Post Readers? (Unhinged WAPO Zombies Lap Up RUSSIAgate 2.0!)

- A sampling of the UNHINGED comments posted on "FBI searched Trump’s home to look for nuclear documents and other items, sources say" showing HOW INSANE the regime's minions have become!


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Prayers that you feel better soon, Jeff. Thank you for posting even though you’re sick. What a trooper.

The earth is the Lord’s, and all it contains,

The world, and those who dwell in it.

For He has founded it upon the seas

And established it upon the rivers.

Who may ascend into the hill of the Lord?

And who may stand in His holy place?

He who has clean hands and a pure heart,

Who has not lifted up his soul to falsehood

And has not sworn deceitfully.

He shall receive a blessing from the Lord

And righteousness from the God of his salvation.

— Psalm 24:1-5 NASB1995

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Ah, Janice. Thank you.

Love “Who has not lifted up his soul to falsehood

And has not sworn deceitfully.”

Our Lord always provides encouragement to us.

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Been feeling pretty miserable myself for a few days. Is it Covid? IDK. I’m on the No Test No Covid bandwagon. Been taking HCQ but no help. Started Ivermectin yesterday. Every member of my family who got jabbed got Covid. After they were jabbed. Most of them were very ill. I asked my brother how that jab was working for him. Hmm. He hung up on me. LOL. All the non jabbed got Covid too. Except me. Do I have it. No I do not. Hope you improve faster than me. One cup posts just not enough to start our days!

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Xlear Nasal spray has been clinically shown to kill viruses- it's the xylitol. It almost worked immediately when my daughter did have covid two weeks ago.

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Thank you. I’ll see if I can procure some. We live on our sailboat and my lovely wife is off for a few days. So I have no transportation. But I do get to suffer alone. Which is probably better. Haha. I have been doing the peroxide rinse. It seems like now it’s better for a bit. Then worse than better. So maybe better will stick around longer. Appreciate the tip.

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Salt water gargle? That will also kill any viruses lurking in the back of your throat.

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Amazon carries this nasal spray. Used it all through Covid and never got it. Still use it once in a while if going to crowded places.

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Keep deep breathing and get your free vitamin D-sunshine!

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Dr.Zelenko has a prevention ZStack and a Therapeutic ZStack that have worked for thousands of people with “Covid”. I hope you feel better soon but my experience has been that it lingers for awhile. Take care.

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So glad to see your post about Xlear Nasal Spray. I currently have 4 bottles of this product in my medicine cabinet. I did research about it last year and was very impressed with the information.

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This works great too! Slows viral replication so your immune system, if not thwarted by the jab chemicals, can naturally fight off the virus. Sovereign Silver Bio-Active... Link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0006OU0AU?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share

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I saw that information also, then spoke with a woman who had founded/run integrative medicine (all modalities) for many years, told me xylitol is correlated with cancer - the cells can’t break it down, something like that. I have not researched, I have no idea what has been found. I still have a bunch of the nasal spray, I use it sparingly - as I do with all things OTC. It does help a lot with desert-dried nasal passages. I’m on the back end of life with no children/grandchildren so I have far less at stake if something bad does happen with my body. (I just want to stay away from the hospitals.)

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Aug 15, 2022·edited Aug 15, 2022

Xylitol is correlated with killing cancer cells: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32275922/

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Thank you for the ljnk. I have never developed the skill for evaluating research, however the abstract hopefully is an honest summary. I will continue to use, in moderation.

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Yes, highly recommend,

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Awake people here at C&C know we are bombarded with toxins on a daily basis. We know this impacts our immune health. To optimize our health, we have adopted practices as we learn. For what it is worth, we filter our water twice, we do our best to eat organic, we grow our own organic produce, we eat clean/quality animal protein, we have dropped 99% of processed food, we exercise and get plenty of sleep. This is the lifestyle change that has helped us.

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Wise information! Thanks! We do the same and it has really limited our "sick" days dramatically.

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Congrats for taking back control of your health! We are all going to pass at some point but doing it gracefully and maximizing health along the journey is our goal! One thing I forgot to mention, topicals we put on our skin.

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Zinc is the viral replication inhibitor. Need it with either IVM or HCQ as an ionophore for cell entry - can use Quercitin as well (not stating using all together)

Also High dose Vit D (50k iu per day).

Finally mouth wash gargle and nasal lavage with saline + povidine iodine. Mutiple x per day while not feeling well.

Agree with Cyn 2000+ mg C daily

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Up your Vitamin C dosage as well; all slow viral replication.

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Aug 15, 2022·edited Aug 15, 2022

50,000 iu of vit D per day? Don't you mean 5K, and not 50K? Excess vitamin D is stored in fat. Doses of 40,000 (40K) iu and above, per day over a month is shown to cause toxicity in humans.

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50,000 a day for less than a week, while ill, will provide benefits without toxicity.

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30,000 a day will keep you very healthy and will not cause any ill side effects. There is an alternative doctor who wrote a book about the optimal Vit D dosage. I'll look and see if I can find the link.

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My doc prescribed me 50k of Vitamin D per week.

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If you check out the cchfreedom website you can see that if you have low vitamin d levels (like most of us up north) the recommendation is to try to bolos the amount of vit d in your system by taking up to 50000 units per day. I had a dr several years ago recommend this high of a dose as we don’t get much naturally occurring vit d in these neck of the woods. Btw tried this with dh when we needed to 😉 was on the mend in 24 hours.

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With regular vitamin D, it generally needs to be taken prophylactically (in advance of getting sick) because it takes a week or so (IIRC) to metabolize into the form that actually provides benefits. So taking massive doses while sick is likely not going to help much unless the illness drags on for a long time.

I do recall reading about doctors giving patients the post-metabolized form (calcitriol, I think) as part of acute COVID treatment, but I'm not aware that you can get it easily as an individual.

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Quercetin OR IVM, not both together. Not sure how it works with HCQ.

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It's okay to take both, just not at the same time. I offset each by 12 hours, i.e. took IVM and waited 12 hours to take the Quercetin.

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Excellent advice

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Asked my "fully vaccinated" sister who contracted it in January after a trip to Palm Springs (must be vaxxed to enter the US from anywhere, including Canada) "so how are those jabs working for you?"

Got an eyeroll...

We don't talk much any longer.

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My family doesn't really talk much to me after there was a big hullabaloo last winter when my elderly parents refused to see their first great grandchild because my side of the family refuses to be vaxxed.

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They've divided us.


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My "vaccinated" nephew has been majorly sick with covid for the past week (better now thankfully though not 100%). This is the third time he's had covid, all since getting vaccinated, each time worse than the last. Other "vaccinated" friends are laid up with it too. Even when they don't have covid many of them are chronically sick with respiratory infections. That's not to mention possible vax side effects. I honestly fear for the future of my jabbed loved ones.

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People I know who have kept talking about getting vaccinated can't understand why they keep getting sick and just don't feel well. They are catching everything out there. I really can't say anything to them...

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I know, it's tough. I've started speaking up with some people telling them not to get any more shots. They're incredulous but I feel I have to get the information out there, hoping it makes them think.

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We were at a birthday party yesterday for our one year old grandson. Almost everyone there is unvaxxed. I was having a conversation with a receptive non-vaxxed guy about the toxicity of the gene therapy shots and all the lying that was done etc etc, and my triple vaxxed, very dense sister in law was standing nearby with a shocked deer in the headlights look, listening but saying nothing. Now that evidence is trickling out about the shots, she is more ready to listen. No telling what she is thinking now, but I confess to enjoying her obvious consternation after all her righteous comments over the last year about how getting all the shots and booster made her feel giddy with joy at contributing to humanity, with the accompanying tones of superiority over having made that choice.....unlike the rest of us heathens. Hmmph.

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Yeah it's hard not to feel schadenfreude. I do hope for the spiritual and physical wellbeing of the formerly smug vaxxers that they realize and repent of what they've done. There's some satisfaction in having been right, but that kind of disappears for me when I see the effects on my vaxxed friends.

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My mother use to say all you can do is all you can do. After that effort the ball is in their court. I've given up on several people who just won't listen. Got a phone message from a vaxxed and boosted good friend who had covid and the final sentence of the message was "And YES, I am glad I got the shots". Oh well, I tried.

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Yup, that's all you can do. There is a very unfortunate and sad principle that you have to leave people to their destructive courses of action if they will not listen. Hard but sanity-saving.

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I have tried so hard to convince my daughter not to get the vaccine. I have sent her quality studies, articles, all sorts of information that she has completely ignored!! So frustrating.

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I cried when my adult daughter got the vax for work- she may never be able to have children because of the vaccine.

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Praying for my vaxxed friends and family!! Hoping they all got the placebo.

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I see the same thing Susanna

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We have to be brave. I am not pushing my stack, but I write what I think. I try. This was my last blog. It is simple and short. https://sadiejay.substack.com/p/redefining-definition

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Thanks for sharing that. Good encouragement to speak up.

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Hope you’re feeling better Jeff!!! I recommend colloidal silver. Won’t keep you from getting sick but it sure does help!!

As far as desantis goes, why on earth would he run for president? Will he eventually? Of course. But he’s young and prob in no hurry with 3 small children. Why on earth would he run against trump? The media is so dumb!!!

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A couple of kinds of people run for President BUT most are not so serious people who need attention for themselves (aka raise $, sell books, get talked about, get a cabinet position to eventually make $ etc) or for a pet cause... Then there are the others who are more serious e.g. have a fire in the belly as maybe they are powerhungry (Killary...) or just think its their turn (Romney, McCain, Dole etc)...

Hard to see DeSantis doing it by himself in 2024 as he may turn out to be another one hit wonder like Scott Walker who could not talk about much else beyond standing up to the unions...

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Aug 15, 2022·edited Aug 15, 2022

DeSantis is being run by new, establishment, masters to retain MAGA voters while they dispatch Trump. Hiding in the basement while changing out key staff and this tepid rebuke of FBI is telling. The FBI is not "enforcing laws." They're lying on affidavits and spying in order to destroy political opposition for the uniparty.

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Sadly, I fear this may be true. If McConnell finds him useful that way, they’ll direct the funds and resources his way.

I learned a lot from this American Thinker article from yesterday. Highlights how we need to get smart, smart, smart. Wary as serpents, innocent as doves.


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…and equally learned as much from the comments, as with C&C reading the comments offers a feeling of community among peers often with interesting recommendations

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I absolutely love the comments sections, and you are so right; they are a wealth of knowledge and encouragement.

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Interesting what Jeff provided about DeSantis coming out of the bunker and now making a clearer, stronger statement about the FBI raid. Is he declaring that the rumors he’s moving to the dark side due to political ambitions are false? Or is it deep deception to dispel those rumors and maintain his following? With all my heart I pray the first is true.

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Aug 15, 2022·edited Aug 15, 2022

I saw DeSantis' speech live on Real America's Voice. It sure sounded like a stump speech going over his accomplishments/qualifications for president versus campaigning for Kari Lake. Further, he never mentioned President Trump by name and the Mar-a-Lago raid was just one item in a laundry list of egregious actions reflecting our politicized justice system.

Link to full speech: https://rumble.com/v1g1en5-gov.-ron-desantis-full-speech-unite-and-win-rally-in-az-august-14-2022.html

[Edited to add link to speech.]

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Yes. Just from that little video clip, he seemed sanitized. 😢

Well, I’m thankful that we can recognize the signs now and not just have disconcerting feelings in our guts.

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Thanks for the link! I love AT but didn't get there yesterday. DeSantis seems like he has good intentions, but he"s not wealthy and needs a bigger base than FL to raise money. I recall him meeting with big nevertrump donors in Nantucket last week. We need a deeper bench, I think we're developing that in the red states. AGs have been holding the line.

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Spoiler alert: the article is about how McConnell can be dethroned.

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I think they are planning something for trump. Should be interesting.

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It's never dull...😂

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Totally agree!!

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Aug 15, 2022·edited Aug 15, 2022

Do we see the tide turning? My daughter works at a medium sized law firm in Dallas. When she refused the jab, the head of the firm asked her why not, and encouraged her to do so. He now congratulates her on NOT taking it. To his credit, he is a kind, strong Christian man, and never pressured her to take the jab, but like most people he believed the lies of media and medical establishment, and thought it was the obedient thing to do for the good of society.

She sent me a copy of a letter he wrote to Dr. Peter McCullough, who is also a Dallas resident. His letter tells of him being triple vaxed and yet still getting covid twice.

Thankfully he found a caring doctor who gave him good treatments and recommended Dr. McCullough’s book. This attorney has seen the light! He has purchased 25 of those books and is on a mission to spread the truth. One of those he proselytized, is also buying and sharing books.

This is how it works folks. I’m praying for many more people to be enlightened and share the truth of what’s happened over the last two years. This story was the most encouraging thing I’ve heard in a while!

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That is so encouraging, thanks for sharing!

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Feel better soon Jeff!

I am appalled at how many truly believe this raid was all about trump conspiring with Russia and/or China to sell nuclear secrets. People actually believe this-because that’s what the msm is pushing. Unbelievable. Not one shred of proof.

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Those are the same people who also believe that all of the covid shots work, and masks.

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Just because you feel “sick” or something coming on does not mean you have covid. We need to STOP perpetuating the lie. Every time I hear “I have covid” or my so and so “has covid” I roll my eyes 🙄 and smack my face 🤦🏼‍♀️. Stop the phony “tests” and stop saying I have covid. Just stop. Until we rise up and STOP this madness it won’t go away. Go back to the good ol days (2019) when we just said “I’ve been sick”

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Jeff, sure hope you feel better soon! Thank you for COVID and Coffee. It is my go to every morning. Comment: I have read countless times that the COVID virus has never been isolated so detecting a covid specific virus is not possible. I have read that the PCR testing is bogus and has been bogus from the start. Should we be looking at these statistics OR should we continue to remind ourselves that these are in fact worthless and not statistics at all? Why have we not, state wide,adopted the many inexpensive protocols for treating whatever virus is going around? Promoting and Adopting the many therapeutics ends the drama.

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Agree completely, Scott!!

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I’m afraid the placebo’s went to the “chosen” ones, like Big Pharma execs, certain politicians and the globalists who know what the vaccines do.

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Hopefully Rep Jordan does something with the fbi whistle-blower information. It is time for republicans to actually BE Republicans. No more uniparty or controlled opposition. We elected you, not, you doing us a favor. If you can't then leave the party and go with miss piggy et al.

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If Covid is being confirmed by the fraudulent PCR test, then they really don't know anything at all, do they? It could be a cold, an allergy, a runny nose, the flu, anything or nothing really. So why do they continue to publish these studies as proof when they don't prove anything at all? And why do you report it as if it means something?

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Exactly. That “test” should’ve been chucked into the garbage two years ago. If people stopped “testing” every time they felt something coming on we’d go back to 2019 when if you got sick you just stayed home! Nobody needed any test. You just stayed home! And it got passed around each season. 🙄 STOP THE RIDICULOUS TESTING. And for crying out loud stop saying you have covid every time you don’t feel good people! 🤦🏼‍♀️

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Agreed. I am pretending that I am living in the pre-COVID times. I refuse to get tested for COVID!

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I’ve never taken their phony test EXCEPT one time! And it wasn’t by choice. My husband and I had to take a work business trip -we weren’t given an option-out of the country in January for a week. Aaaaand because we live under tyranny we were required to take their “test” in order to get into the other country and then to come HOME!!! 😡 I hated and despised every moment.

Funny part - we’ve been healthy for this entire time. No muzzles. I got sick pretty bad in January 2020 and not sick since. My husband got really sick in January 2022 weeks before the trip, for the first time in years. He took the Zalenski protocol all year of 2021. Anyway. I cared for he and my son at the same time. I Never got sick.

I go and test negative. My husband “tests” for the trip and it says positive. He calls his boss and says we aren’t coming. Honestly we were glad because we didn’t want to leave the country anyway. His boss says- any symptoms? He says nope - Boss says go test again! My husband goes to the same place to the same guy and tells him test me again. The dude is dumbfounded and says it’s gonna come out the same. My husband says just run another one. This time one hour test because we have to be on a plane the next morning. Imagine the dudes surprise when it is negative! Hahahaha 😂 The doctor dude was like he a was robot that short circuited! Steam coming out his ears and everything. Hahahaa. He could not for the life of him understand how that could’ve happened. My husband smiled and said see ya!

We weren’t the only ones (hundreds of us) on that trip that tested positive and retested the next day and got negative. And the vaxxed ones on the trip - had family members at home that were sick and couldn’t come!

The test was and is bull$h$$. It was all a psyop of fear. I’m sad so many still “test” and say they have c 👀 vid.

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Of course the test is B.S. Kary Mullis himself said if you crank of the number of cycles you can find just about anything in anyone. And he said the test was NOT created or suitable as a diagnostic tool. If the test is run at high enough cycles, the viral remnants found can't be distinguished as "this one is covid, this one is flu, this one is another coronavirus".

As a nurse, my daughter has had to test twice weekly for a stupidly long time. A couple of months ago despite feeling perfectly fine, she tested positive. Next day she tested again, and this time it was negative.

The BS with all this is so thick you need a chain saw to cut through it!

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Yes! Saw the interview with Mullins back in April 2020. Shameful what they did. Criminal actually.

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Me too, Ellen.

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Same here!!!

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The common cold actually is a covid variant. #s 229E, NL63, OC43, and HKU1 (from the CDC website)

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Yes as are all flu viruses. But when the general public hears COVID they think DEATH! And that’s the way they want it. Fear is the perfect control.

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Publish because the sheeples believe everything they hear/read!!

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But why is it on this site, patting ourselves on the back because we were right when these studies essentially mean nothing?

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I have my phfizer two dose jab-( 6/2021) .

I’m on my THIRD Covid-19 infection . Wish I didn’t succumb to the pressure of getting vaxed to travel. People.. don’t get vaxed! Learn from us dumb jabbers!

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You are not dumb. The pressure to get jabbed was extremely high. It was everywhere - radio, TV, internet, stores, billboards, mails, etc. You could not escape it. They manipulated people and unfortunately, they caused you to succumb to the pressure. The fault lies on them, not on you. I imagine it is not something you wanted, but the pressure became too much. They caused hundreds of thousands (probably millions) of people to do something they did not want to do. They have blood on their hands.

Our family is unjabbed and trust me, the pressure was high everywhere - jobs, schools, college, you name it. I can’t believe our family came through this unscathed - some of us had close situations of just giving in.

The important thing is you are now awake to all this corruption and you can wake up others.

May God watch over you through this 3rd infection and may you not have any other ill effects from the jab.

You got this. You are strong! 💪

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You're not dumb, you were victim of a nefarious plot. Feel better soon.

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