I’m over moneypox. Over so much now. We now have a larger camper that can go off grid. Some large lonely areas around here are looking mighty good. Room for a garden. Spotty cell coverage. We went 2 weeks in Wyoming without service in June. It was WONDERFUL. Didn’t miss it at all.

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We’re doing the “on the road” travel this summer too. I quit my airline job in May because I saw it crashing. I won’t even bother chancing a flight that will be delayed or canceled. The airlines don’t have enough of any of the required employees to safely continue the aviation industry; ATC, ground crews, pilots and flight attendants. It’s going to get a lot worse before it gets better. No future pilots in training, private or military. It’s now a hazardous job for extremely low pay. With the Climate Saving regulations being imposed over the next decade, many airlines will fold. Part of the global plan to keep us “locked down” where we’re easier to control. Only the elite will jet, with no concern for their carbon footprint.🤔

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I was going to visit a cousin in las cruces this fall but fares are so high and I’d have to make 1 or 2 stops to get there—it’s just too much uncertainty for me along with what you relate. My daughter and grandson are flying in this month. I hope delays don’t wreck the visit. Have fun traveling—there are incredible people out there in our country. Ready to help and seem NORMAL.

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just the way they planned it...

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Was on 2nd leg of a flight departing ATL Thursday. Delayed because copilot simply didn’t show. Hope he’s alive.

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I knew a friend of the flight attendant/wife of the first Delta pilot who died, in flight, the day after he was released from his 14-day waiting period after getting the forced jab. Keeled over his controls in cardiac arrest; 34 years old and had just passed his flight physical, in perfect health. The co-pilot safely landed the plane and Delta denied, denied, denied. But it was sadly true. He’s not the only one, we now know from the truth seekers. And pilots, throughout the industry, are well-connected.

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It seems like this is part of "build back better"? No air travel unless you own your own jet and oilfield

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Yes, the “elites” are mad that things like travel and luxury goods have been democratized so they no longer have the monopoly on those things. They don’t have the outward markers of their superiority to separate themselves from the commoners. And they want them back.

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You are so right!

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I agree Cyn, As a pilot for a large fractional even we compete for quality F/O's. Some make it through IOE (initial operating experience ) for those not up on the lingo. Some don't . Pilot training costs are thru the roof.

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So sad but true!

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I'm with you. I've been telling my husband for years that we need to find some land on the backside of some hard to reach mountain somewhere and get off the grid...

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Many of us have been saying this...sigh. I saw someplace in Mexico - 625 acres - group is starting a "non intentional" community.

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I’m ready! A community of tiny homes! Sign me up!

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I love the idea of intentional community. Many on ic.org seem very woke.

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We can start an “awake” IC!

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Only problem with that is no Dr or hospital care.

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Here’s the problem: people believing they need regular medical care. I’m 59 and don’t intend to ever subject myself to the Medical-Pharma Complex again.

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I would much rather go to a hospital/doctor in Mexico than USA.

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I don’t think Solidarity Health Share is woke. It is a community shared health plan.

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I couldn’t agree more

I just looked at a small 25 acre ’farm’ for sale in a rural state

And I just sent my teenage son to two weeks of sleep away camp- no tech allowed, no internet access… way up in the mountains…. And Making him do a survivalist overnight.

American culture and tech are ruining these kids …and family life.

Bring back the 1950’s!

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Little House On The Praire!!

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We also have a large trailer and are 3 months into a four month sabbatical on Vancouver Island. If has been wonderful and while most places have wifi some don't. The only time I miss wifi is when I am unable to read the many substacks I am subscribed to. I love starting my day with Coffee & Covid.

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We enjoy boondocking. We get into some wild areas then. Wyoming has tons of spots like that. This summer we bathed in natural hot springs in Saratoga Wyoming. Free and open to the public. There were 3 pools—less hot, hotter, and one called the “lobster pot”. 🥵😱. Best trip ever!! 2 moose sauntered past our campsite one morning while having our coffee. On the other side of the mountain stream.

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💯 agree. Soooooooo over monkey pox. Don’t care one iota!!!

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We recently purchased a little over an acre land in Central Florida for our bug out. The land is out in the woods and use to have a mobile home, so the well and septic is there. Needs to be upgraded but it's a perfect spot to put a camper. It's AG so we can put up a AG pole for electricity and we have camp land that we can build on and grow crops. Now the hunt has been on for a camper, but the prices are so high and difficult to find the right one for our family. The land also is surrounded by many lakes with lots of bass, when we get the well working we can literally survive out there. I'm so glad there are like minded folks out there, because it's getting super alarming with all that we are seeing.

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May God bless your plans! Sounds like your own Garden of Eden.

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Except coffee & Covid of course! ☕️

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Well yes. I’d have to binge read ☕️n C when in town getting some supplies.

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You know camper sale is through the roof now. Repairs are backlogged so many people working on their campers! Having this idea. Out of residential areas. But satellites are everywhere so be able to camouflage your camper. Keep in mind the phone tracks us even with GPS turned off. Maybe they even let us escape. Their organic seed backup is us. We surely will not cause any overpopulation it will be hard. Like 200 years back. Some might like this but it will be hard.

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Yes the camper sales are through the roof and unfortunately they are being cranked out with little to no quality control. We love our trailer but have had lots of issues with it in spite of regular servicing. We meet people all the time with trailers and trade horror stories about all the problems experienced.

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We got a really good one after weeding thru junk. GeoPro one of the brands by Forest River. Quality finishes. A used 2022. We had their smallest for several years. A queen bed inside and lift up the back for micro, fridge and sink. Worked great but we’re in our middle 70’s and needed something bigger. Hubby is now getting more solar capability rigged up and other hacks. We’re not at the point we think we will ever have to bug out but could conceivably live in it for emergencies. We are very resourceful. And did without for many years—we can do it again. We do live in a very rural area already. Phones will be the least of our problems.

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Love this, Janice!!

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The saddest part of the flight 'issues' is the stupidity of the general audience not to see why, easily. I hope all get super stranded and FIGURE IT OUT LIKE THE DUMBSHEETS THEY ARE!!! Jabbers just killed our airline industry, and these folks will go down complaining their flight is cancelled? Sit at home and contemplate their own idiocy while they wait for their jab injuries to take their toll. Good Morning!

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You are right! Some people just cannot seem to make the connections with the jabbed pilots and canceled flights. The jabbed pilots are the ones getting really sick, so they cannot fly. Personally, I wouldn't want to have a jabbed pilot flying my plane. He would probably "die suddenly and unexpectedly" while flying the plane. Thank God for co-pilots. Lets hope they are not jabbed as well!

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I’m retired from the airline industry and it’s not that simple. We can’t become myopic. Layoffs (Covid), fuel prices (flights cut), early retirement, and scheduling issues are huge. It’s a ripple domino effect whenever they hire - everyone has to be retrained as they move up. Our union contracts aren’t flexible and schedulers keep panicking and paying overtime. Then pilots get tired and call in sick.

Yes, I see some unexpected deaths in my “death” emails, but most were retired already. We just aren’t hearing about pilots losing their medicals in large numbers… although I believe that accounts for some of the problem and it will increase over time. It’s rarely just one thing…

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Agreed. It is rarely one thing. Still, adverse events to the jab are being suppressed aggressively. Why? Doctors who treat outside of "approved" continue to be hunted. Why? Let's jab children! Why? Let's promote masks! Why? Let's sensor the truth, the experts and debate. Why? It is simple. Profit and control over health. All we are seeing is man made including the supposed virus. Does anyone remember how good things were in 2019? It is only 2022. This situation today is 90% man made. The 10% you write about is the ripple effect of what is the man made destruction of America and our Constitution.

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Thanks Kathy, for the other factors you listed. I know Charlie Lindbergh had some serious regrets about the birth of the commercial avaition industry, even he could see where it was going and what it would do to the earth in the long run towards the end of his life. I see the industry being scaled back massively, or even disappearing entirely in the next 10 years. For one, insurance is becoming impossible, and will become moreso in all facets of business. And we may even realize that being able to fly around the world quickly is not really a great boon for the heath of humanity. Tourism economies are inherently fragile. Small bush pilots are needed, but commercial avaition is about to become extinct perhaps. I for one will not miss it. Maybe we could focus on eliminating the chemtrails instead? They are a clear and present danger, from our own military pilots and I can only hope the spraying ends as well with the damaged pilots. Strange gifts these days.

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Jacq, It’s been bothering me about contrails being ice crystals and not spreading out… think about your tea kettle on the stove - that’s not ice crystals… or vortices off wing tips on a humid day on takeoff, or even off of ships… contrails do spread out and last for hours.

I think we need to follow the “real” science. Some of these sites make things up… it makes us look stupid and then people don’t listen to us when we’re right …perhaps it on purpose - misinformation misdirecting I don’t know…

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I love flying and hope the travel part opens up again… just like I loved going to Canada to see the polar bears and want to go back to see the beluga whales! But not right now…

I’m not a chemtrail believer… at least not from commercial aircraft. I don’t doubt we’ve been sprayed - I just don’t believe it came out of commercial airliners unless it’s a strange fuel additive that can survive high temperatures. Military- maybe? But those spoofs you see of the pilots with chemtrail patches and the switch that says “chemtrail” - that’s pilot humor (and our window washer switch relabeled). And the weather airplane pitot tubes and the ballast barrels just look scary - but aren’t. 🤷‍♀️

To me that’s the hardest part about everything nowadays …what is miss- information and what is truth?

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Betcha a dollar, the more you look at wrt to chemtrials, the more you will see it as quite real. The Dimming video is here https://rumble.com/v18aocz-the-dimming-documentary-exposing-the-global-climate-engineering-cover-up.html

Recent military whistleblowers (Kristen Meghan) on the huge amounts of Strontium, Barium and Alum being dropped. https://youtu.be/QoxcKYlbHxk and German https://youtu.be/w4Phln_z7-E

Patents from the last decades on the equipment for dispersal. Ground soil tests show unprecedented amounts of these elements now in soil that did not have them before. Makes the plants die, and burn faster, hotter. Catherine Austin Fitts take is this huge apparatus is incredibly expensive, and partly where our retirements are being squandered.

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I don’t doubt they’re spraying, but I’ve made contrails my whole career as an airline pilot!

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I hear this. And yet--as I type this quick reply, looking at the ADS flight tracker, Monday at 11:29 am--over the N.American continent we see the figures: 14,701 flights in transit. I've been tracking flight stats for many months and 14,000 plus is pretty dang busy, if ya ask me.

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Thanks RTT, that is interesting to be able to track that I will check it out. 14700 x 100 people min so 147,000 lives hang in the balance, with pilots who may black out anytime. Geez.

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Yes indeed. I've crunched the numbers as well. Scary stuff--a big reason I have no intention of flying anywhere soon. That said--I did read a few months back that one airline[?] was not allowing vaxx'd pilots to fly. The other question has to do with a known fact: a certain percentage of CV-vials were a placebo--hence, no adverse reactions for the lucky lotto winners! We have no way of knowing how to verify the details via VAERS due to the fact that many people(like my sister and bro in law-who now have peculiar symptoms) don't consider that their health issues(Lupus for one) were caused by the experimental drug. Many folks I have questioned don't even know what VAERS is! Talk about a lack of "informed consent!"

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You may want to find Ashley Everly on fb and other social

media. She has compiled all the Vaccine ingredients (that we’ve been allowed to view) and all the BLACK BOX warnings in the vax inserts. Lupus is def a possible adverse event for many shots.

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That sounds like the service workers union in our school district. Their contract has a whole chain of people that have to be offered the substitute job (for example cafeteria worker who called in sick) and by the time they have contacted all of the people in the correct order, the school day is over!

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This is the best writing about the pilot issue that I've seen: https://etana.substack.com/p/us-freedom-flyers-safety-and-liability

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Leigh Dundas (human rights lawyer) on the west coast has a big lawsuit against pilot vaccines. I don't know the status of that---it's probably still making its way through the legal system.

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That was an excellent compilation of what is going on in the airline industry. Maybe a multiplier for the Freedom Flyers defense fund would be in order. That industry really does affects us all. Thanks for the link.

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I agree, I think we need a multiplier for them. Sadly we need it for so many.

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I donated $100 since my son is an American pilot but a multiplier sounds like a great idea. These people with turned-upsidedown-lives need help.

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ThIs is terrifying.

At any time, any flight, pilots are crossing their fingers that they can fly one more flight with200 people on board, so they can provide for their family. Truly the mandate is a life or death decision. One person’s decision can affect many. Unfortunately those who were went along with the jabs to “save their community” are being EUA damaged and putting others at risk. Pilots, bus drivers, metro trains …

Lord help us all!

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Thank you so much for putting this link in, I did donate, it is an abomination what is going on in America. I feel like I am in the Twilight zone. Again thank you for sharing this link.

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I agree! Y’all, READ this! ⬆️⬆️⬆️

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Excellent article!. Thank you.

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But mainstream media isn’t talking about injected pilots and staff. They blame it all on other stuff.

I mean, my friend recently BOOSTED her 10 year old daughter. People like that won’t see reality regarding their safe and effective shots.

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I know, I am so appalled by parents who do this!! It is awful.

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I have a brother in law who has worked for the FDA for 30 years + and a nephew who is a recent commercial pilot. Both took the jab. Both are clueless. Both get offended if you bring up the topic. CHD had a great show recently on this subject. https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/shows/good-morning-chd/5rQMMsXJk0

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Buyers remorse deep, when it is your life at stake, even deeper. If even 1 real reporter worked at the NYT this would have been very different, I hold that particular newspaper especially culpable. Many I know would jump off a cliff if the NYT told them to do it, and looks like they effectively have done so, whether they know it or not yet. Rude awakenings indeed await. best Scott

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I think it is against the FAA regulations for pilots to fly within a certain amount of time after taking an experimental drug. I also think that many pilots have refused the vaccine that is why there are shortages.

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I have a pilot friend who took early retirement from his airline in order to avoid the jab. Multiply that by thousands and you have one reason the industry is broken.

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Revealed: Greg Pearson 'Vaccinated' Pilots Are Flight Risks (Video) - RAIR


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The FAA is corrupt.

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Not just the FAA, all of the government agencies, are now owned by the pharmaceutical industry, or at least that is how it appears. I don't trust any of them, and will do the opposite of what they say.

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I’m just gonna leave this here: https://www.cnn.com/2019/06/03/politics/faa-nominee-delta-alleged-whistleblower/index.html

It was so egregious that the Department of Labor was forced to rule in her favor, even though Dickson had by then already been sworn in as FAA Administrator, and even though Petitt’s union, ALPA, actively opposed her:


Nevertheless, despite this and the 737 Max debacle, this man remains in charge of the FAA, having signed off on ignoring their own rules to pave the way for airlines and the Biden administration to try to force these experimental shots on every commercial pilot in America.

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At one point, the military was banning pilots from flying for something like 2 weeks after getting the jab. That tells me one thing: THEY KNEW!

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Affadavit of LtCol Patricia Long


Air Force to WASTE millions in taxpayer money by discharging trained, experienced, pilots over COVID-19 vaccines – NaturalNews.com


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I know a pilot who says it’s absolutely a combo of the retirees who retired so as not to take the clot shot, and injured pilots and flight attendants. He and his pals noticed over a year ago that their newsletter had exponentially more listings of flights for others to fill in, exponentially more retirements listed and exponentially more deaths than the typical few. When they began putting 2+2 together, balking at the mandates but unwilling or unable to retire, and asking questions abt the rise in deaths, his airline simply stopped publishing the newsletter!

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This is all true!! My pilot friend has said the same exact thing. There will hardly be a aviation industry in a couple years if they keep going down this path

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I wonder what happened to investigative reporting. You would think a real journalist would want to tackle the sudden and unexpected pilot shortage story. Note: pilots are required to regularly meet with a flight surgeon for checkups. I wonder if the ones who didn’t leave over the mandates are suddenly and unexpectedly grounded from flying. Journalists? Hello journalists are you out there?

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The last 2 years, I've thought a lot about the movie "A Few Good Men" and the line "You can't handle the truth!"

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This is a document from pilot’s groups discussing shortage of pilots related to vaxx injury.

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This is the kind of thing I would expect someone like Sharyl Attkisson to investigate.

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I am more worried about the long term effects that the pilots have. Blood clots heart attacks while flying. I pray to GOd every time I get on a flight. I pray for the pilot to stay alive while flying. Scares me even more then flying before. The airlines industry is going down In flames, pun not intended

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“No jab, no job” for pilots.

Many jabbed pilots have new illnesses or conditions which present months later. If they don’t report symptoms which would ground pilots continue to fly. If they report any condition that prevents them from flying they would be grounded, some permanently. If they have an “event” and it is found the pilot knew the pilot could be sanctioned and fired.

A horrible mess.

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I heard they are tripling up on flight crews 'just in case' so that makes even fewer personnel available. I think everybody still flying would now be jabbed, sadly. All those planes will soon be sitting there, grounded and empty. We can use them for hotels.

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I try not to fly anymore. I have had too many flights outright cancelled. I'd rather take much longer and drive because I at least know I will get there.

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But have you noticed the crazies on the road since this all began? I mean EVERY time I venture out there seems to be someone with a death wish driving insane. It is almost scarier than flying.

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My husband and I have noticed the same thing. It's like drivers have basically forgotten the rules of the road. We've been on the road for 3 months pulling a 26 foot trailer so lots of time to observe this startling change in drivers.

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Lots of protected class folks are virtually immune to traffic laws. They're not likely to get pulled over and when they do, nothing of consequence will happen. From a cops perspective, it's high risk and zero rewards.

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My thought is that they are driving like they are playing a video game.

Start noticing - Most of the crazies are males in the millennial or X age group.

In a virtual world you don’t die and the other cars are virtual so no one else does either. Cutting in front with inches to spare is how the games work.

Ugh. Virtual, physical Idiots.

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The drivers that make me crazy are the ones that constantly weave in and out of lanes trying to get ahead only to end up at a red light a few minutes later.

And drivers that hog the outside lane driving at a snails pace causing people to pass on the inside lane.

And drivers that never look at their rear view mirrors and are oblivious to all other traffic.

And those red blinky things on the rear end of cars are actually meant to be used.

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An Indiana state police officer did a really funny video a while back on this “amazing technology” (tongue in cheek) that allowed you to let people know if you were going to turn or change lanes 😁 It was hilarious 😂

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Yes I have thought of the video game thing too, but I noticed it all got much worse after Covid. Like being on lockdown had a boomerang effect that when they “got out” they all went crazy. Or like they thought they were going to die of Covid so it didn’t matter if they took risks while driving.

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And you can take whatever you want even a case of water and not have to strip or be manhandled and then sit like a sardine.

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Road trip yep

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The WEF wants to eliminate commercial air travel. I flew from B'ham AL to Chicago and back a couple of weeks ago. Short lines, good flight, no issues but it was a direct flight with no stops. I think the news stories about air travel problems are intentionally wildly exaggerated. We checked the delays/cancellations on the boards in both airports both ways, and it was about 10%. Yes, the jabs are causing it but also exacerbated by boomers retiring and younger people's poor work ethic.

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Good points, Lisa.

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I might be a bit phobic about flying anyway but thinking about the pilots who were jabbed in the cockpit, how safe is that flight? But beyond that if only jabbed can work for an airline what about the mechanics on the ground and are they short workers also?

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My hubs is a 35+ years airline mechanic and refused the jab. When the job disappears, he will take his retirement and do something else. Trusting God to provide. 🙏🏻Meanwhile, he’s doing his part to make sure the planes he works on are fixed correctly. PS: I hate flying. 😀

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Yea, I'm in solidarity with the pilots who skipped the jab mandates on this one...They can get in their stupid EV and drive to their destination. (I'm not a pilot)

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Are you still working or did they boot you?

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Sorry, I meant in solidarity, I'm not a pilot. I'll edit...

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Exactly. No

One wants to address the elephant in the skies. Or room!!!

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So I can be stigmatised for 6 months and banned from cafés/restaurants/clubs etc. for being unvaccinated but if I were a gay man, suggesting that I limit my partners or lifestyle would be discriminatory? Ok - I’m beginning to get how this works!

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It's a bit ironic that stigma itself has been stigmatized. We are not allowed to criticize or cast shame on anyone's behavior no matter how hedonistic or self-destructive. In fact we are required to celebrate it.

Anyone else notice that the behaviors causing the destruction of society are exactly those condemned in the Bible? I don't just mean homosexuality, but hedonism in general, living for one's own futile pursuit of pleasure rather than God's glory. That's a heck of a coincidence right there.

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You can add gluttony to that list. Bill Myers recently did a show about obesity in North America and it was very telling.

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I was just going to mention that. Not only acknowledging it but normalizing and celebrating it on magazine covers.

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Amen and AMEN! The problem was Lot was instructed not to look back at Sodom and Gomorrah - so which direction are we to look when S&G seemingly surrounds us?

"I look up to the mountains and hills, longing for God’s help. But then I realize that our true help and protection come only from the Lord, our Creator who made the heavens and the earth."

Psalms 121:1‭-‬2 TPT


Lookup, Seek the Kingdom of GOD first.

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Some coincidences defy logic.

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"That's too coincidental to be a coincidence" -Lawrence Peter "Yogi" Berra

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HEALTH ALERT: Top 10 Monkeypox Protection Products to Keep You Safe at a Pride Event

- The Buttigieg, duct tape, schlong protectors, masks, chastity belts and other Monkeypox protection products to keep you safe while attending the next Pride event.


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All about who you are!

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“ Just the other day, I was chatting with Michelle about various friends who’ve died or gotten sick after the shots, or whose previously-healthy kids now have new, difficult post-jab chronic illnesses. We were talking about how it’s hard, because you WANT to talk to them about the vaccines, but there’s nothing anybody can do but treat the symptoms anyway. Even if they believed it, it would just make them feel guilty or remorseful. So we keep our big mouths shut, frustrated.”

Yep. Exactly.

It feels pointless to say anything, because the house has already burnt to the ground. And at the same time it feels like ignoring the ginormous elephant in the room to say nothing. It’s so frustrating.

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MIL got colostomy and pacemaker, now recently moved to rehab. Recent visit she said "all of the sudden I started falling apart". I know, my husband agrees, but it's not worth it to say.

She recently lost a son to aneurysm, also.

God is in control and thankful for the gift of faith in His son Jesus Christ.

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Struggling with this too as people do not want to hear they may have poisoned themselves. Pointing it out can come across as being insensitive at best and even gloating in the worst case.

One thing I've tried recently is to suggest the possibility of long-haul Covid and direct them to the FLCCC treatment protocol for it. It's nearly identical to the vax injury protocol as both are caused by the spike protein (plus FLCCC brings up the possibility of vax injury in their material so it could plant a seed). Not sure if it's working yet but at least people don't automatically reject it out of hand.

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All of us could probably identify with Jeff’s statement about how we WANT to talk to people about post-jab illness and injuries, but it’s pretty much impossible. Although I like your suggestion of directing them to the FLCCC website, it also reminds me of a hard truth I learned a few years ago. I used to think I was being helpful by suggesting things that worked for me (health wise), I have a “fixer” personality and it’s difficult, because No One wants to be fixed! Or at least not by a non-professional. So I join with Jeff in biting my tongue, and keeping my mouth shut. At the very least, I’d like to say, I’m sorry the jab didn’t work for you.

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Freebird, I am a fixer too. I can't help it, I spent my career solving problems. I am a semi-retired jewelry designer and my job was to create new from old (i.e. grandma's diamond) or to design a wedding ring for her active lifestyle. How to update, and recycle. Anyway, I approached the job as helping people, figuring out what was right for them.

Plus, I egotistically think I know a lot about how to treat illnesses ... you know, I spent 35 years going to naturopaths 🤣🤣🤣 makes me an expert, haha!

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Hi Karen, nice to meet another fixer! Fixing is a conundrum, because we truly want to help people, but I've learned that it's very irritating to some people. And like you, I've gone to Naturopathic doctors and educated myself in regard to supplements and diet to manage my health problems after finding no help from allopathic doctors. So I could suggest a remedy for almost any condition under the sun! 😂😂 For example, I cured my Plantar Fasciitis with a supplement, but I don't think anyone ever believes that it's a simple vitamin D deficiency!

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Excellent advice Jeff! Long live the FLCCC!!!

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I tried to send someone to the vax injury FLCCC (they never did have covid) and said ‘I’m sending because I care’ all I got back was ‘I know you do’.

But now after their recently traveling to Boston and coming back with covid, I can maybe resend. Maybe 😉

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