"Kidnapped our human rights and the vaccine is the ransom..." that's a really effective framing of the situation. Kudos to the Croatian guy.

At this point the CNN brand name is completely in the toilet. I wish someone would give me a survey, "What do you think of when you hear the word CNN?" "Sex perverts and wieners." "What about news, fairness, truth and honesty?" "Nope. Grabbing, groping and going to jail. That's what I think of."

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CNN - Certifiably Nuts Network

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Communist News Network....Censoring News Nightly.....Certainly Not News.....the list is endless.

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You don't want to be in a sentence that has, "Grabbing, groping and going to jail" in it.

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What's the difference between politicians and mobsters?.................Sometimes mobsters go to jail.

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"... [Omicron] could still possibly, maybe … you never know! … result in enough infections to totally overwhelm our fragile and brittle health systems."

Even were that true - and it isn't - how in the world can it be argued that saving one "fragile and brittle" sector of an economy is worth devastating all the rest, and destroying the society that supports them all to boot?

Boris is truly an imbecile. But what else should we expect from a grown man who combs his hair with a balloon?

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..."with a balloon." Now, that's funny!

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And I thought I had a bad hair day. Then came Boris. Now I love my hair

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If they weren't on different sides of the pond, I'd say Boris and Bernie Sanders have the same stylist...

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Excellent writing, some hearty laughs were had too! Thank you.

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....."milking the reptile.".......oh no, you didn't! : )

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I thought I heard it all but I never heard that one before.

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My thoughts exactly!

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Burping the nephew; decorating the Yule log; badgering the witness; tapping into your potential......

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Bending a bone...

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I literally LOL'd.

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Saluting all the commenters this morning. You guys left me nothing to say……… almost. :)

1. The media hysteria continues to surpass absurdity, along with UK of course.

2. Yay Croatia!! I wonder if that guy will be found floating in the Adriatic?

3. Jeff: you continue to become even more colorful, if that were indeed possible.

4. Trying to embrace all this optimism in the face of psychotic denial, coercion and subjugation of freedom.

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This is the best morning read! (Snark before coffee is an excellent way to start the day!!)

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Snark with coffee is even better!

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Wish Jeff could bottle up some of that great sarcasm! We'd actually take that jab to keep our sanity :)

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The scary thing is here in Michigan, people are truly getting sick from CoVid. I just received word from a friend that her 43 year old daughter is slowly recovering from a nasty bout of it. Her daughter was on the cutting edge of this nastiness working as a nurse for a large aged care facility in the Detroit area. She was one of the early whistleblowers on the Governor’s movement of CoVid patients into nursing homes, killing huge groups of seniors in this state. Her daughter testified before our Legislative committees, but the matter was tabled because the AG in this state, declined to prosecute. Her daughter refused the jab, but her husband did so because his workplace forced him. She spent a year working among CoVid patients and never got sick. She ran a 102 temp for 8 days. They sought help from the Frontline doctors who wrote a script for HCQ and ivermectin. Only one pharmacy in this whole state could they find that would fill it. An Indian pharmacist runs it, gets his ivermectin from India. Her daughter was denied monoclonal antibodies from one doctor, finally found another doctor who would give them to her. The second day she has been without fever. In this state they are finally giving the monoclonal antibodies out to the unjabbed. It’s shocking how many people are coming down with it after being boostered. Two jabs now qualifies you as unjabbed if you get CoVid in this state. That’s why, along with testing of college and high school students daily or weekly is making our numbers appear runaway. Having dealt with CoVid in September, I now fully believe the jabbed are shedding viral loads onto the unjabbed.

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The age-related health threat posed by SARS-CoV-2 is extremely steep.

That means if anyone of working age & in reasonably good health gets infected, they’re almost certainly NOT going to die. Even to be hospitalised is very unusual.

SARS-CoV-2, assuming it even exists outside of a computer, I’d simply nothing like the Doomsday event that the mainstream media want you to think.

It’s also reproducibly easily treated in most cases with well understood, safe, low cost generic drugs.

I declared covid19 THE most readily treated respiratory viral illness ever.

As a reminder, this means that these “vaccines” were never necessary.They are also all but ineffective. As you’ll know, they are also extraordinarily toxic, causing more injuries & deaths than all other vaccines added together since VAERS was set up more than 30 years ago.

Best wishes,


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I'm unclear on the story: was the daughter jabbed or not?

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Sometimes the opposition posts stuff... just sayin'

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I post on this substack often. I am not opposition. I am simply trying to relay what is happening in other states to further the CoVid narrative

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The daughter was not jabbed, her husband was.

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Keep in mid...Covid-19 is a constellation of symptoms not unlike the seasonal Flu and the purported SARS-CoV-2 virus has not been certified to exist. Since the vaccines are causing so many Covid-19 symptoms it's helpful to know if the patients had a prior Covid-19 shot or a recent Flu shot.

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Harold - what do you mean when you say “SARS cov two virus has not been certified to exist?

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A Method called "Koch's Postulates" is the scientific gold standard for determining an infectious agent like the alleged SARS-CoV-2 virus, however this critical step was left out. Even the CDC admits it and Dr. Kaufman's video explains this problem step-by-step. -- Christine Massey's interview is another approach to getting the gist of the SARS-Cov-2 deception and Dr. David Martin has followed the patents to prove there is no "novel" coronavirus.

(1) The non-existent virus; an explosive interview with Christine Massey and Jon Rappaport


(2) The CDC actually claimed that no SARS-CoV-2 virus isolates were available when they decided to use the PCR test to determine who was infected with the phantom virus that purportedly causes the flu-like symptoms of COVID-19.


(3) Dr Andrew Kaufman | Koch's Postulates... Have They Been Proven For Viruses?


(4) SARS-CoV-2 NEVER EXISTED - Dr. David Martin


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Thank you for your comprehensive summary..

In science as in so much else, “proving a negative” is literally impossible.

I understand the arguments that challenge the very existence of this virus. I think that they have merit. But out in the world of fear, they believe in it. It’s of no use whatsoever to attempt to persuade ordinary folk not to be scared, because this doesn’t exist. Probably. Not definitively.

I want to be clear that I’m not criticising you. As I’ve said, I find dubious the existential claims for it.

But because I cannot prove it doesn’t exist, I must persuade from alternative reasoning & facts.

There is no shortage of blindingly strong mismatches between what they’re telling us & what’s happening. On top of that there is much scientific proof that statements made to the public by governments & their sci/med experts are totally lies.

Because it’s impossible to prove something doesn’t exist, I have to analyse & consider both possibilities, and that’s what I continue to do.

All the best,


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Thanks for taking the time to respond. It's a great honor that you cruse Jeff's fabulous C&C substack to read the entertainment I post.

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Thank you Harold. I will watch and read to understand more !! Appreciate the insight.

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I cannot say about the influenza shot, but she was not jabbed. That is the strange thing about the Virus. There is no one main symptom that points it out. When my husband and I had it, mine felt like a sinus infection. Headache and loss of taste. No fever and no difficulty in breathing. Husband’s started out as a gall bladder attack or feeling like the attacks he has had previous. Pain in the upper right stomach area, nausea, but no fever at first. The fever came after he was sent home from the ER the first time with nothing but vitamins. Two days later he was spiking a 101 and over temp and the diagnosis was double pneumonia. Normal flu or cold viruses do not develop into pneumonia in someone who has never had pneumonia before, though my husband had had a flu shot earlier.

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I’ve heard Covid defined as

Creation Of Vaccine ID, which may have been the greater purpose. It’s interesting that the psychological part of this seems to be conditioning people to receive something they don’t want in their body to fully be able to participate in society. Sounds familiar....

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Covid is a fake disease to justify mandate of a bioweapon vaccine

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The next variant will be totally asymptomatic. So then you will need a couple more shots so it will show.

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Your blog is the highlight of my mornings. A sincere thanks Jeff.

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Lots of laughs and good news this morning. Thanks, Jeff! Now if I could help my friends and family get out of their propaganda-induced stupor. If the omicron double-speak doesn't do it, I don't know what will.

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I have long been aware that the quality of, or lack thereof, thinking and acting that woke culture is bringing forward is so degraded that it will foster the very worst in us. CNN is the leading edge of that, though Ghislaine Maxwell is a great example of this lack of quality in a life as well, even if our court system's participation in the grift sheds no light on it. The beautiful thing is that a quality life is a just a choice away for everyone, no matter their station.

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I have a friend who asked me some time ago whether I planned to follow the mandate(s). My reply was simply, "I cannot be mandated."

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(12/13/2021 - Mercola) Dr. Robert Malone Reveals Denial of Vaccine Dangers Has Been Federal Policy Since 1984

Ironically, Dr. Robert Malone points out that in the 1984 Federal Register,10 it’s stated that posting information into the federal register about vaccine risks that jeopardizes vaccine uptake shall be suppressed.

“So, it’s a clear federal policy going back to 1984,” Malone says. “This is the way they’re going to handle things. And they’re going to handle it with the noble lie of saying, ‘No, there are no risks and what we’re doing is fully justified’ …



HHS Made Vaccine Deception LAW Back In 1984: They HAVE To Lie About Safety To Push Vaccine! (Tim Truth)


Federal Register / Vol. 49, No. 107 / Friday, June 1. 1984 / Rules and Regulations (Page 255 of 268)

Page 255 of 268 of the document (A federal mandate to claim "Safe and Effective" at all costs.

"FDA emphasizes that the lots used in the clinical trials submitted in support of the license were properly judged to be safe for purposes of the initial licensure decision and that, in view of the technical nature of any possible deficiencies in the lots, FDA does not believe, that action to revoke the license under § 601.5 is warranted. However, although the continued availability of the vaccine may not be in immediate jeopardy, any possible doubts, whether or not well founded, about the safety of the vaccine cannot be allowed to exist in view of the need to assure that the vaccine will continue to be used to the maximum extent consistent with the nation's public health objectives. Accordingly, because of the importance of the vaccine and of maintaining public confidence in the immunization program that depends on it, good cause exists to issue these amendments as a final rule effective immediately. The fact that the amendment relieves a restriction also justifies making the rule effective immediately."


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So many... coincidences. 2021 was the Year of the Coincidence.

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