I have a great hospital story about an elderly relative. In her 90s, in poor health for years feverish from Covid. The admitting doctor told the family "if you bring her in, she's not going to come out alive."

They took her home.

She's fine.

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God bless that good doctor. Glad to hear your relative is okay.

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Yes- exactly. We're feeling very grateful to that doctor. Not just that he spoke the truth as he saw it but also that he was clear enough about it that her children had the permission they needed to bring her back home. They had been getting a lot of pressure to get her into the hospital and it was starting to get to them.

[I don't think we need that permission from doctors! but for many people in this society it helps...]

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Same story here. Took my father in law home, contacted doctor through FLCCC, telehealth visit, carried out protocol as instructed. He’s doing great.

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My 80 year old Father-in-Law was admitted to an unnamed hospital in the Northeast Region. When the doctor arrived some time later he asked if he had been vaccinated. “Nope.” My Father-in-Law then asked if he was afraid of him. No answer. The doctor never once got within 6 ft of him.

I have always been under the impression that people who enter the medical field do so out of a sense of responsibility; an inner calling to serve the greater good, resolute and fearless. This current bogus emergency situation has ferreted out those who entered the field desiring prestige and a healthy paycheck rather than healthy patients. Perhaps another manifestation of separating the wheat from the chaff?

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The altruistic physician is rare. From observation while working in healthcare for over 40 years, the reasons the majority of doctors jad in common were -- Income and job security combined with having hamily connection. Often, they have parent or other family members who are doctors. And like other professions, there is a lot of 'who you know' that smooths the way for acceptance to medical school. And now, think about the connections that you've learned about with FDA, big pharma, big government, career politicians, and family ties among them all.

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SADLY I don't think this is what's happening. The good are leaving and the bad are staying and being rewarded. .A type of Gresham's Law of hospital operations?

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This is absolutely outrageous let me say that again EFFIN OUTRAGEOUS that any American citizen would have to go through what is described above in order to avoid being abused / killed by a hospital. Thousands of dollars in major medical premiums paid so that these sadists can perform experiments on us!

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Sadly, “healthcare” is the 3rd leading cause of death in America. Facts.

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Jan 31, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

This is terrific. What incredible value to your subscribers!

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If push comes to shove, I recommend not worrying about AMA paperwork. Being physically out of the hospital would be the most important thing to focus on, and paperwork can be done later. When I was in medical school and working in a large urban public/private combination hospital in one of the largest cities in Florida, it was not uncommon for patients (usually drunk, drugged, or demented) to discharge themselves, particularly from the ER, by getting up and walking out. We never tried to stop them. Some walked out with IV tubes trailing behind them, and their derrières showing as their hospital gowns waved in the breeze as they departed. I was taught in my residency training that touching, just touching, a patient against their will constituted battery (as in 'assault and').

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THIS! That's what I don't understand. Why aren't people just getting up and walking out? Except for patients who are obviously unable to get up and walk out. Those are the cases that are more difficult and need a lot of help. Otherwise, if I am able to get up and walk out, problem solved.

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Because we are a society of whiney victims who have been trained to see a doctor for every little ouchie or their bad life choices. This is harsh but unless people take a stand and take responsibility for their lives STOP taking these useless tests for a virus that by most accounts does not exist it is only a computer generated model see Insilco, it's a cartoon if you will.

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Yep. Just get up (obviously if able) & walk out. All the paperwork does is tell u that your insurance company may not pay for your stay. So.

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Jan 31, 2022·edited Feb 1, 2022

But are they even allowing Leaving AMA with Covid?

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If the patient can walk, and is walking out, their only recourse is to manhandle the patient. If even touching a patient against their will is battery, what is grabbing you and carrying you back inside, I wonder? Battery and kidnapping?

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Good Point! Thank you

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Sage advice, much gratitude to you Jeff Childers. I am not a lawyer or doctor, but my sister is a doc in Florida. I’m a guy stuck for now in Commie Cali. I’ve studied this covid stuff nonstop since the start, smelling globalist rats right out of the gate. I’ve canceled an orthopedic surgery since I want to stay as far away from any hospital as possible. I’d rather have a permanent hitch in my giddy-up than risk being thrown into a covid (mental) ward over a faulty test. Hate to write this, but I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s OPEN SEASON ON SENIORS these days. Golden years seem to be in short supply. Today’s post is s keeper!

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There are good doctors to be found here. I got covid and had a rough go of it but I was able to find a good doc to help me out.

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Consider yourself very fortunate you found a doctor whose hands aren’t tied and isn’t brainwashed by the top down narrative.

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Amen. When 19 mos. into covid your PCP is telling you to go home, take care of yourself and go to the ER if you have trouble breathing, you know you need a new physician. Translated: she didn't believe there was any such thing as early treatment.

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Here in NH, any doc affiliated with a hospital system is parroting exactly what you said. A friend’s husband is basically being held hostage in the hospital on a vent. They refuse to consider any treatment other than remdesivir - not even vitamins! It’s beyond evil.

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I agree, evil doesn't seem like a strong enough word. I usually use demonic, because that's the origin for all this. I cannot imagine being in your friend's position. As I said in an earlier comment, we have POA and advance directives signed and notarized, but as Jeff points out, you pretty much need to put signs up and film everything. Any resources you can give her including making sure they are not continuing to give him remdesivir (run!deathisnear) - like physicians Jeff lists in his document, has got to be a help.

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He’s off remdesivir but still on vent - I shared Jeff’s post with her - lots of great info, best to have in advance.

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Jeff, you can't imagine how necessary this guide is and timely. We've had to watch from a distance as a dear friend has been hospitalized having no idea how she's being treated. Even though she did IVM and has a good immune system, something else happened with her lungs and early treatment. One night, she refused a vent 3x. She's very informed about covid treatment. The family got called in Saturday and I felt like they were killing her with their protocol bc she was doing better the day prior. She made it through the night - lots of people praying - and the doctors were stunned I think.

We are prepared with POA and advance directive forms about covid treatment that we had notarized. We use the FLCCC prophylactic protocol and have IVM on hand. But everything in your draft tells me how important it is to have your ducks in a row way beforehand. Thank you!

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Jeff, you’re concerned about getting canceled off of substack? That’s concerning.

I no longer use Twitter or FB. Only GAB and Telegram. Please consider one of those platforms as well.

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Agree. Jeff please create Telegram channel. We don’t use Big Brother’s apps such as Twitter or Fakebook. Telegram is the way to go for now. 🙏🙏

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I second Gab. It will be the last platform standing, among those that allow free speech.

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I think he meant FB with his "canceled again" comment. He's been in FB jail recently (maybe even twice?), but AFAIK he hasn't been "canceled" by Substack at all.

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I love MeWe, and Jeff is on there. No censorship and interface is just like FB, and groups also have their own chat. Have Telegram but hate the interface, still don't really get it.

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Please consider getting on to GETTR!

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Sadly GETTR is another censured platform. It’s a controlled opposition of Fakebook. If anything, Gab is the one to use. But Telegram is preferred for group communications and information release.

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I think GETTR is pretty good. Haven't noticed any censorship, yet!

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MIC(medical industrial complex) will not cure you. 95% of all covid patients are deficient in vitamin D3. Daily prevention is the only way out of this. See Dr. Zeleko protocols are proven. https://vladimirzelenkomd.com/

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Dr.Zeleko's protocol is a start, however not broad enough.

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I read through your rough draft on covid. Obviously you do not know how bad hospitals are here in Bellingham, WA. In the past month we have had three male friends admitted, all above the age of 60. One passed away after 22 days of admittance. (and being forced to be on the ventilator, he was improving on steroids, then they stopped that, he began the decline and it was a ventilator and flat on his back! His wife got to see him twice, and the second time was when he had flat lined and was being given CPR as he died!) The other two, thank God, survived the hospital trying to kill them, and telling their loved ones they were going to die. All three men were unvaccinated, and there is an obvious disdain by the staff for folks like this. Secondly, the loved ones are not allowed in. Seriously, how can they advocate or monitor the care or lack of it when loved ones are kept out of the loop. They even have had police stationed at the main exit door of the hospital to prevent patients from leaving without discharge papers. This is like kidnapping! Prison! Seriously, we are all terrified that if an accident were to happen to any of us, or a health emergency of any kind, that if we had to go to the hospital, we would never make it out alive. Dr Ardis has medical directive papers on his website that can be downloaded and notarized. We are planning to do this, give appropriate documentation of this to our lawyer, and carry it with us at all times. Yes, we are deathly afraid of our hospital, and have come to distrust all most all medical staff, especially the doctors. And to think that before this covid thing, we had the highest praise for St. Joseph Hospital, here in Bellingham. Now there is terror!.

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What you say is so true! My family and friends live in Washington and Oregon and they will die at home rather than step foot in a hospital over there. I'm trying currently to get paperwork in order and ivm on hand for my aging parents over there. This by Jeff will hopefully help in an emergency, but I worry if I cant get over there in time to help advocate and save them. It weighs on me.

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Try the FLCCC Alliance @covid19criticalcare.com. Check the listings for Doctors or Nurses in those States that network with pharmacies giving life saving treatments at home. The pharmacies can overnight recommended meds to you if needed.

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Yes this works! You can get a telehealth visit in less than an hour and they will

Actually treat you , instruct on how to follow the protocol and prescribe meds. It works.

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Jan 31, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Thank you for this. Needed.

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Jeff, I have been helping people for over 6 months with information on covid (all aspects) as well as physically going to homes to help those in need. FYI, No fancy initials after my name but my group, "Nightingales" theme is "Bridging the gap between healthcare and home". Here's my thoughts on your first draft.

1. In MN, many hospitals do not even allow their patients to have visitors. This is long after they are covid contagious. In one of my "peeps", she couldn't see her husband for 6 weeks until the hospital said he was dying. They were allowed to see him and his stats improved soon after due to that physical touch and presence of family. He is still alive two weeks later. WE NEED TO FIND A WAY FOR THESE PEOPLE TO SEE THEIR LOVED ONES.

2. Based on #1, we need a list of hospitals nation-wide that are allowing visitors and allow alternative treatments. I understand that will be a short list, but we need it. I am trying to find a hospital right now to transfer a "peep" to (from MN) and cannot find one anywhere close. Please help.

3. Even with a patient advocate form in place, if the hospitalized patient is coherent, the staff will default to the decision from that patient, rather than their advocate and will refuse to allow the advocate to be part of that decision-making process. Who do you know that is very sick and in the hospital that can make well-thought-out decisions for their healthcare and not be coerced into compliance when being told, "This is all we can do to save your life"? How do we fight that? My current peep has on their hospital paperwork that "No decision can be made without consent of the patient advocate". We will see how that goes, but I'm not crossing my fingers.

4. We need lawyers in each state that are doing what you are doing. These hospitals need to be sued...

Any advice would be helpful, as I am contacted every day with these situations, and the frustration continues to climb.

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Jan 31, 2022·edited Jan 31, 2022

Wow! Todays post was both eye opening and a little frightening. But carry on we must! I have attached a link Matthiesen, Wickert & Lehrer, S.C. regarding laws on recording conversations in all 50 states. Last updated 1-13-2022. I hope this is helpful. https://www.mwl-law.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/LAWS-ON-RECORDING-CONVERSATIONS-CHART.pdf

What would be even more helpful, is if there was a way to compile a list of different hospitals and their Covid protocols so if you have to go into a hospital for ANY reason, at least you can make an informed decision about which hospitals you choose for necessary surgeries.

In addition, it would be GREAT to have a list of Doctors in different States, who are not bowing to the Narrative and are willing to treat with Ivermectin, Fluvoxamine and or Monoclonal antibody treatments.

Finally, Thank you, Thank you Mr. Childers, and God Bless you!

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but the biden regime has taken away the use of monoclonal antibody treatments for the whole country. THAT really tells us every single thing we need to know about this plan/scam (as if we needed further proof anyway)

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I wonder if Florida could opt out of the FDA?

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Check out FLCCC Alliance @covid19criticalcare.com for a list of doctors and nurses in the U.S. actually saving lives.

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Most helpful, Thank you!

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Excellent points, I totally agree! I’ve tried every way I can think of to search up info about our local hospital and their covid policy but can’t find anything at all that’s helpful. The lack of available info seems intentional which is disgusting and infuriating to me. I’m horrified at the thought of any of my loved ones ending up in the hospital for any reason. What a sad state of affairs this is. Thanks for your thoughtful comment and yes thank you Jeff for all your great work!

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You are very welcome. We all have to continually share thoughts and information and I Love the information I am able to gather here.

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If only more lawyers were like you, Jeff. Your work during these trying times is nothing short of a Godsend.

Switching gears....does anyone have any updates on the fight against the CMS mandates? Anything happening in the lower courts, or is it pretty much a lost cause? My hospital set the deadline for the first shot for 1/27, and as of now, at least 751 employees have been put on unpaid leave. Thanks again, Kavanaugh and Roberts, you sellouts.

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Thank you Jeff! I personally would love to have a list of local ‘non-corporate’ hospitals and providers so that we don’t even get into this mess should a medical emergency arise. It has been difficult to find this information (probably exacerbated by the fact that I am not a big social media person). Any nudges in the right direction are greatly appreciated. We are in north east Florida (Jax/PVB area).

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I would love the same information here in central Florida. I have no idea how to find a doctor with common sense and the courage to treat a patient correctly nor if there is a hospital anywhere around that would be even safe to enter at all. If I knew how to find this information I would compile a list. We need this list to be nationwide too!

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My mother-in-law went to an urgent clinic in the Ocala area. She had covid (omicron it seems. She’s 90 and recovered just fine thankfully). She likes the doctor there. He prescribed a zpac and steroid nebulizer. She recovered at home. I thought that was very promising. If that’s where you are I can try to get his info.

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There are some hospitals that hasn’t been rooms prepared to practice iatrogenic

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A bit too far... but thank you!

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Check out FLCCC Alliance @covid19criticalcare.com to find a list of doctors and nurses in the U.S. fighting to SAVE lives.

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Thanks! For some reason I can’t find a list of providers on their website. Otherwise I really like it for the protocols which we have printed out and stored with our arsenal of covid meds :)

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Hi! Go to the Ivermectin tab at the top, then select the Covid-19 Providers tab. Scroll down and then search by State. Once you connect with a doctor or nurse, they can recommend prescriptions for whatever you may need.

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Great thanks! I found it. Unfortunately nobody local where we are.

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Not to worry! The doctors and nurses will ship to you no matter where you live. We were six hours from the closest doctor and they shipped to us. Don’t give up and also try calling more than one doctor if needed. They will definitely help you.

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I had a situation very similar to what you explained today. On July 4, 2021 I went to the ER with extreme pain in my side. Long story short I tested positive. Immediately sent to Covid ward. Turns out is was my gallbladder about to rupture but I was told because of my test they couldn’t operate for 4 weeks! My husband just walked into my room, past objecting nurses & insisted that I be tested again. NEGATIVE! So I got the surgery😊. Thank God!

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