If they push back on Tucker, it might attract more attention. Best to ignore it.. Most mainstream news watchers will have never even know.

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Im a fan of the walking dead series and there is some cannabalism in that show but not graphically depicted

But the pressing question is:

What happened to the baby girl?

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So the whole Pizzagate/adrenachrome things really have some merit. I wonder if ordering from Wayfair was really ordering children. So many things I could have lived the rest of my life without knowing. Satanic forces are having a field day.

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Whew, Jeff, you had me almost reaching for a glass of wine instead of a mug of coffee! I kept checking email and substack. 😬

☕️ vs🍷

The day would have been ugly.

Thanks for all you do here and in your day job. Hope all is well!

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The whole cannibalism, child sacrifice, child trafficking, Ukraine story all has ties to the Deep State and Biden. I am relieved that Homeland Security may actually be looking into some of these allegations because the Swamp Runs Deep in DC, deeper than us "normal" people can even imagine. More than nepotism, money laundering and generalized corruption. The truth will come out in the end.

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Does anyone know about the Jim Caviezel film about child trafficking that was supposed to be released last fall but still isn't out? I saw him interviewed about it and saw a trailer. He said that there were people who were trying to keep it from being released, and it sounded like it was an effort from major players, though he named no names. I would love to know what's happened to the film and to Jim Caviezel. I know he and Mel Gibson have both made seemingly outrageous statements about children being sacrificed. Those things seem less and less outrageous with every day that passes.

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It's all going to come out, finally. As insane as it is, there has been a cult of individuals involved in human trafficking, slavery, ritual sexual abuse of children, and child sacrifice.

In some instances this ends in cannibalism.

And these "people," (I'm using this term very loosely,) have acquired many positions of power in our nation. Frankly I do not believe we would have experienced the past 2 years, almost 3 now, of insanity, wickedness, death and destruction without there being many of these types involved.

Satanists all. Keep digging Jeff. This rabbit hole goes DEEP.

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If it weren’t for Covid we would still be blissfully unaware that our whole world is headed straight to hell. I can’t help but think that God has allowed this worldwide Covid hoax to happen so that we will wake up. Jeff’s more serious update on July 21 was surreal and today’s column is just as unbelievable.

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My brother in Australia is the same way. He has debunked every source sent and refuses to look at his wall. He told me I was living under a rock for not getting the shot. I replied that he was living in a bubble…when it pops, many will be dead, infertile, or just plain crazy.

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Dear Tucker: Wait until they find out that if the public upon being around people had just rinsed their noise and throat with it would have washed away the virus. Checked on their vitamin D level and kept it above 50. Took available drug therapies that cost pennies. Most people would have been ok without those experimental shots. So much damaged caused............

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What the hell happened to the baby girl?

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So as for cold showers = no because you will get SADS. Stay stinky and stay safe. But not too long of a warm shower since you would be using resources and causing climate change. Got it. 😆 lol. But perhaps tptb should add dog sitting as an activity to avoid since it may cause SADS like it did with Ms. Rauscher. Good grief.

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The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently released new data showing a total of 1,341,608 reports of adverse events following COVID-19 vaccines were submitted between Dec. 14, 2020, and July 8, 2022, to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). https://libertyjournal.substack.com/p/covid-vaccine-adverse-events

A member of the House Intelligence Committee has warned Americans not to use DNA testing services, because the data collected could be used to create bioweapons targeting individuals or groups. https://libertyjournal.substack.com/p/dna-can-be-used-against-you

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Vaccines are a leading cause of coincidences.

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That Utah/Cannibal/Bison/Ukraine/Soros/Baby-sale/HSA summary is seriously the weirdest thing I have read in at least a year. Just... what the heck? And also... what. the. heck?

After reading that, I expect the next relevant headline to be about the tragic accidental death of a sheriff in Utah, TBH.

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Biden's Rules for Success: If what you're doing isn't working, don't stop what you're doing, simply re-define the meaning of failure.

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