I just wanted to call everyone’s attention to the letter RFK Jr. sent the FDA putting them on notice that the Children’s Health Defense is prepared take legal action if they approve the injection for children under 5:


You can use this Children’s Health Defense form to add your voice and send his letter to FDA VRBPAC committee members:


Let’s save some little ones! 🙌

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Jun 13, 2022·edited Jun 13, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

RFK Jr. is a hero.

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If you had told me two years ago that I would someday think RFK Jr was a hero, I would have said you were crazy. Crazy!

RFK Jr. is a hero.

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I forwarded that info to all of my peeps yesterday. It took 30 seconds to send your remarks to the powers that be in your state including the two deranged people in our White House. Thanks for posting here MAA. 😘❤️🙏💪

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Thank you, Laura! 🤗

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Jun 13, 2022·edited Jun 13, 2022

Sent… I have this cynical suspicion given the midterms that this unprecedented media push to brainwash the parents of children under 5 has a far more ultra calculated purpose… that the children, babies receive nothing more than saline so no reports of injuries or death can be reported anywhere, thus just before November we’ll see a media sensation of absolute 100% success to boost the miserable failing support of this administration… I personally believe both parties are paid off and are one and the same, but the scripted media needs a win to bolster the woke at election time… just sayin…

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Maureen you might be on to something. If nothing positive happens the dems are going to loose big time and rightly so.

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Jun 13, 2022·edited Jun 13, 2022

Maureen, for the children's sake I hope you're right about the saline! In the big picture, however, this shot madness has to stop.

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Oh Maureen. I fear you are right. I would put nothing past these terrifyingly evil people. But I guess we have to be ok with it to save our babies????

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Absolutely not!! We will be perpetuating the lies and disinformation by going along with this madness!! Fight back and show these evil people that we aren’t that stupid!!

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They won't be able to hide the "trial" data though. tobyrogers@substack.com has a good summary today.

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It’s sinister

They need the liability shield/protection of getting the covid vaccine on the pediatric vaccine schedule…

evil is among us

Our children are seen as a commodity …

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Jun 13, 2022·edited Jun 13, 2022

Ernest Ramirez LA county CA (searhes will provide several link options).

His son was 16 when he died. Mr Ramirez blames the death on getting a c19 shot. He had his son receive the shot thinking he was protecting him from an awful disease by taking a safe and effective shot that would not only protect his son but protect others in the community. A sense of duty, for the common good.

You may have already read his story. He has stated an official with FEMA called afterwards and offered him money to change the cause of death on his child's death certificate to "Covid".

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I think he is the gentleman who testified in Senator Johnson's round table in November. Together with that girl in a wheel chair, i just sat there crying. And hardly anyone even noticed because 1. it was on election day and 2. none of the regular press said a word about it

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Yes, I shared Ernesto’s heartrending story in this piece:

• “Letter to the Washington State Board of Health” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-washington-state-board?s=w)

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He spoke at a conference I attended in Columbus, OH in May. Of the 200+ people in that room, I don’t think there was a dry eye. It was gut wrenching to listen to. I was able to shake his hand and tell him how very sorry I was for his profound loss.

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Thank you for the gift of this letter!!

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He’s my favorite Kennedy!

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You cannot save the little ones from parents who seek to destroy them. As with abortion, the children lose.

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Thank you for the link, I happily signed it!

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Sent out to all of my community action team members just now! Thank you for posting this!

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Thank you, Margaret - I will share this very helpful information with our state-wide freedom and medical freedom advocacy groups!

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It's very easy, I sent the letter to my reps in SC this morning.

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CDC - Certain Death Coming

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Jun 13, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Ouch. I guess they've strayed far from their Mission Statement of making our health better? Instead they collude with their buddies at Big Pharma.

Again, the top CDC official is Jewish like ALL THREE BIG PHARMA companies. How's that even mathematically possible?

Combined with the same folks running social media and big corporate media. All pushing for our demise at the end of a poison needle. And if you point out facts about the Jab, you get de-personed. And if you point out who runs the show, you can't as it's anti-semetic.

Interesting setup they have.

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The tops Jewish leaders in Jesus' times paid the Jewish crowd to yell crucify him. They chose the murderer over the Savior and they are still doing it. There are more good people than bad people but the bad people tend to have more money to silence the good people. Nothing is different under the sun. It is still a battle of good over evil. The only difference is we have Jesus Christ Son of God the Father who paid the price for our sin and stupidity and He saves us for the next life of perfection in a perfect new world.

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I often listen to Amir Tsarfati, a Christian Jew. He is very saddened that the majority of Jews are nonbelievers and reject Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, and will go through the Tribulation to come. 😢

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As per Scripture:

Romans 11:25 For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in.

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I love Amir and he even has a sense of humor. A must in life today!

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You outed “them”… bravo 🙌…. I don’t know who this incredibly truthful articulate woman is, but as the short succinct title states… “she nails it” https://www.facebook.com/100000289686373/posts/pfbid0asm8Ru2EYVgh5QCBwkLS1rEVQennTin6h8YyT5DH8VQf8F8dx58ioQeh2eGLDY4Vl/

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Maureen...thank you person with a girl sounding name. I saw that video before but at the time I did not know how to save it.

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You’re welcome!

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Based Florida Man. Holy Crap Based Florida Man....you ripped the Jew bandage off. I say Hooray for you. Don't know if you follow Brother Nathaniel but if you do you know how vile the Jew Boys Club is. To those who can't help themselves but scream Anti Jew whenever the Jewish religion (Or Cult) is mentioned....Not all Jews are scheming power addicts. I say that despite the fact that I wanted to marry two Jewish Princesses at different times back when. But both of the fathers told me to take a flying leap. NO...Jew dads are not bigots. They just don't like Goya(s).


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Funny thing about "anti-semitic." From what I've read the original Abraham-line Judahites, who were "chosen" to reveal the religion of one God, were wiped out in 70 AD & only their converts remain. Supposedly, DNA studies of Jewish people today do not show semitic heritage. They are a mish-mash of various European lines, largely Ukrainian, Polish, Moldovan, Russian & some others.

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Mary...Good for you. It's true. There are no purebred Jews anymore. Just Hodgepodge Jews. Also known as Pretenders.

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Very interesting!

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Eric....Don't forget Rochelle Walensky's theme song:


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Jun 13, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

"It seems weird that they’d go after the most successful electric car maker at a time when the Biden Administration’s brilliant plan is to “transition” us all to electric vehicles. Weird."

This is after Elon declared that he's no longer voting Democrat.

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Jun 13, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

And they are using the FAA to keep SpaceX from launching their new Starship in Boca Chica TX due to 'turtle habitats' or something. The approval keeps getting delayed.

Also they have the IRS and FTC all over Elon in a punitive way.

Just like any of us who get too big for our britches and don't mask up and Jab up.

Frozen bank accounts for wrong think? Coming up.

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Jun 13, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

And Does Bill Gates still have the billion dollar short on Tesla stock? Does he know the Government is going to go after Elon… he’s probably funding the investigations

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Jun 13, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

The government is going to destroy Musk...

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Let's hope not. We need someone to stand up to these Fascists.

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This would be a message for us little guys from speaking out when even the richest guy in the world gets screwed for being covid truther. I hope he out fights them.

Just laughing at their 'I stand with the latest thing' that Elon does is very damaging to The Narrative. Progress!

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“Government: there is nothing they cannot and will not break if we let them.“. —@boriquagato

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There may be hope; TPTB have been trying to destroy Trump and he's still standing. Unfortunately, I think Musk's businesses are much more vulnerable to government games than Trump's businesses were/are.

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Jun 13, 2022·edited Jun 13, 2022

A “friend” replied to my fb post last night that Biden is a God-fearing man who’s doing his best in a divided country. That 30 percent true believers group will never see it and I’m starting to think most of the middle 40 won’t either. They want as much government as they can possibly get.

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want- does anyone know how to edit on the app. I can only edit on the website.

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Jun 13, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

“I can’t rationally explain this, please don’t ask me to. But these folks are highly motivated, very committed, and well-organized.”

I bet Elon can explain it: they are 95% bots and paid influencers.

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Can’t wait for what happens after that. Biden is certainly abusing his power in going after a citizen under the guise of attacking a company. Sending his government goons after Musk. Just another Among a mountain size abuses of the citizenry Biden is unleashing.

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Sounds like Obama's Volkswagon fixation. I'm pretty sure the CEO of the diesel car maker called Obama an idiot, and Obama thought "I can kill 2 birds with one stone here", hurt somebody who denigrated me and remove some serious competition for the electric car craze. Like, does anybody think that "cheating" on emissions tests was only done by VW? These emissions tests that are done at low idle do not properly represent the Per Mile environmental emissions. Diesel cars are actually cleaner than gasoline cars and cleaner than electric cars (in terms of lifetime carbon footprint).

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"There are TONS of jab-happy parents on twitter RIGHT NOW who cannot wait to inject their very young children with the experimental drugs, and these parents are kicking up a ruckus, aggressively lobbying politicians, and firing salvos of hotly-worded, demanding, and threatening email campaigns at the FDA. I can’t rationally explain this, please don’t ask me to. But these folks are highly motivated, very committed, and well-organized."

PAID. They have been paid. That is why you can't explain it....they are being paid. It is disgusting and evil.

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Email campaigns. Who knows if they’re even real people? Could be a bot farm in Moldavia.

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I was thinking the same thing

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That’s exactly what I thought. Also REAL parents’ campaigns talking against the jabs are suppressed.

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Jun 13, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Jeff, you don’t need Facebook; they need you! I’ve never been on FB and have no desire to give Jeff Zuckerberg any more $$$$ to promote lies and liberalism.

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I filled up my car this morning and damn near tripled its value.

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Yes, yes and yes... It's the general population that's the problem. An unwavering trust in all things mainstream....news, Hollyweird, healthcare, etc....with nary a critical thought in their pea brains that are helping to nail the coffin shut.

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I think is was back in the 90s that the education establishment was trumpeting its teaching of critical thinking. Well, either it failed at that as it has with every other subject, or its definition of critical thinking was the criticizing of every non-leftist concept.

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Do I have to carry a nail puller with me all the time now? 😔 or get back to the gym and change my wiener arms to arms of steel to keep the lid off me.

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It's a "monkeypoxplagueapocalypse"....right smack dab in the middle of a tampon shortage. Where's my yoga ball?!

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This looks like a job for Monkee Men !!! Or is it This looks like a jab for Monkee Men !!


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If you squint, Fowchie looks a lot like a monkey himself - the squinty-eyed little cockroach that he is!

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You don’t have to squint to see the monkey.

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Jun 13, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Since Greg Phillips threw down the offer to Musk that he could use geotracking to identify bots (ie they never ever move from one location, unlike regular cell phone users) this becomes an increasingly interesting issue. Betting they would find WAY over the 5% figure the board and company represented to Musk in the deal. 😉

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Jun 13, 2022·edited Jun 13, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Pro-Jab parents-Medical pioneers or mini Mengeles?

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Jun 13, 2022·edited Jun 13, 2022

How do we know these ' Twitter Parents' are for real? Bots or paid?? It's scary if true.

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Also - more than 80% of parent are NOT excited to jab their infants and toddlers. WE are the majority! Call the FDA today - I just left a message and sent my letter from RFK Jr to Biden and my two senators and US Rep.

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Same here! Look at us making friends on Substack. We ALL have so much more in common than we think. Interconnected!! So much love!

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I sent my comment to FDA a week or so ago, for whatever good it does. I may have shared this here before, I'm not sure, but I cannot get past this. Our niece has already had her thirteen year old son jabbed and is ready to have her four year old son jabbed as soon as possible. This poor child recently told his grandmother, "We can't touch people who aren't vaccinated. But I can touch my brother and I'm not vaccinated, but he is. I will get mine later." That is so incredibly sad to me. Telling this child that some people are untouchable, like lepers, or Jews, or something. This attitude in adults leads to atrocities. In children, it's due to abuse by the adults. In case you're wondering, I am not jabbed, so I am keeping my distance so I won't traumatize this family.

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Sadly, when we are young children, we believe our parents know the truth about everything, so whatever bias and prejudice is said is their truth. My son and DiL don't want their kids jabbed (13 & 4), and we remind ourselves to be vigilant and watch out for any meds the doc office wants to administer.

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Yes, we must be vigilant. I don't trust a doctor to give me any kind of vaccine at this point. I am fortunate that I don't take any prescription meds either. I have lost trust in our health-non-care system.

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J6 is a campaign contribution tool since Biden-flation will consume so much of what was once called "DISPOSABLE INCOME". No doubt candidates are finding clever ways to import contributions from off-shore and foreign countries.

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Maybe she would consider this? "The study, published 31st May 2022, aimed to prove that Covid-19 vaccination effectively protects children against multisystem inflammatory syndrome. But unfortunately, they discovered the study authors discovered the complete opposite." https://expose-news.com/2022/06/13/fully-vaccinated-children-suffering-autoimmune-disease/?cmid=57f4767f-2b66-44c7-bf08-89eed3ed7c60

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I have to admit my brain is completely blown by parents eager to inject their tiny kids with this experimental junk for a disease that is absolutely no threat to them. I regularly feel like I'm living in the middle of a society which has gone completely insane.

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Oh no. Scot Adams is going after the scamdemic HARD. Dilbert's company has dropped software and is becoming a Big Pharma company, to make big bucks! They are making a pill to be mandated by the government. Smart huh! Profits galore.

Scroll down a few frames and see how Pointy Haired Boss asks Dilbert how to manage the trial data. Dilbert says it will take time to do it right. Boss says that sucks. Boss asks Wally how he'd manage the trial data. Wally says, we just need a meeting to find out how you want it to look. Boss smiles!


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I'm kind of surprised to see this and wonder what happened in Adams' universe. He lost me when he became a covidian.

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It was funny as he admitted we were right (the Jabs are bad), but he said 'you guys got it right, but for the wrong reasons'. He got so much ridicule for his contortions to support the scamdemic.

But he is an astute observer, and I think he's seen the light.

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Awww. I liked the Dilbert cartoons. I'm going to miss that going forward since Scot Adams will probably be disappeared now.

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Important read (and graphic photos) at Dr. Jessica Rose's substack about Amyloidosis:


Amyloidogenesis of SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein


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Back in the early nineties when the Hep-B vaccine came on the scene I was a NICU nurse. Our patients were newborns who were either premature or had some serious health problems and we were REQUIRED to offer that vaccine to the babies before discharge. To administer that injection I had to get a parental consent from signed. I’m telling you, you would not believe how many parents would not even read that form even after you explaining how serious it was and practically begging them to read it. I was astounded at the lack of concern! I would have already had a discussion with them regarding what was & was not a high risk group, how the disease was transmitted and the deficiencies of the vaccine they were allowing to be injected into their low risk newborn A very very few actually would read the permit and fewer yet would refuse the shot. I actually felt like kissing those few. Should not have been surprised though because I had ALWAYS encountered the same attitude about circumcision. But that’s another discussion for another day.

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Thanks for the inside information. We're just so comfortable and unquestioning of the medicine offered.

And circumcision - another big medical crime built from lies.

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