A remarkable comment published in the journal Virology; sperm problems linked to jabs; bad news for boys who want to swim against girls; unanticipated sanctions consequences; Ukraine news; and more...
While glad the swimming council made that announcement on one hand, I have to wonder at how many crazy parents will push to mutilate their boys before the age of 12 so they have a chance to compete in women's sports. In any normal world, that number would be zero (or at least really close to zero), but these days with parents bringing kids to drag events and such, even forcing them to watch - I just don't know.
That decision is a great start - and it would be even better if all of the trophies/medals won were retroactively corrected. I'm not going to hold my breath on that, but it should at least stop/slow all of the announcements about "Lia" setting more records and taking first place.
I'm just glad they FINALLY made that common sense decision. I've wondered where all the women's right activists have been regarding this issue. They've been pretty quiet.
I guess that thwarts Lia's dreams of competing on the USA women's Olympic team......
The thing that worries me when I hear this is… will it encourage some kids to transition earlier than they might have otherwise…
BEFORE 12… to halt puberty… is insanely young!!!
What 12 year old knows themselves enough to make that permanent decision????!
There are now 65 gender clinics in the US staffed and waiting for gender confused kids to walk through the doors... and the way I see things unfolding… the books and policies kids are being exposed to at school… they’re being groomed for early transition at a time when they have zero idea who they are…
I read something a while back that there are plans for 250 clinics nationwide. The article said the average cost of transitioning is $150k. It’s all about the Benjamin’s. If we’re to believe we have 1% Transgendered in the USA. 3,400,000 x 150k = $510,000,000,000. Correct me if I’m wrong, I’m terrible at math. Five hundred and ten billion? How do we achieve these customers? In California we mandate it. Like outlawing wood burning fireplaces, but requiring sprinklers and solar panels in all new construction. Go back 10-15 years, mandate making it legal for 12 year olds to get birth control and abortions. Then mandate you have to support gender choices. Incrementalism.
Our children are now thought of as commodities… plain and simple
I remember a time when kids would wait for the sears catalogue to come so you could look through and make a list of toys you wanted…
Kids no longer play with toys. They’re stuck on devices… and now our kids are marketed PRIDE and LGBTQ … to them- that’s looking like something they can PICK …if it interests them or peaks their interest
I believe some people are trans
But they’re gonna capture a huge percent of kids that are looking for identity- which is actually totally developmental normal during that age…. And kids that are depressed, socially unsuccessful and looking for community…. and neuro-diverse kids are very vulnerable to all this marketing…. So how many kids are going to get caught up in this … who are not actually TRANS- but just confused adolescents!!
They’re seeing it already… there’s a HUGE percent de transitioning and now talking out about how they got caught in the transition trap … kids who starts to medically transition…. Wanted to stop in the middle… and were told they needed to see it through
I was a teacher so I have a child development background
And I have known a lot of children in my lifetime
I’ve only seen one child I thought was truly trans - since birth
I’ve never seen anything like it
The Family definitely had genetic endocrine growth hormone issues- for sure … the kids were very small
I believe This little girl was always male
From the onset … never wanted anything to do with girl toys… even as a young child
She dressed like a boy, played like a boy, even as young as 2-3 yo … refused to wear a girls bathing suit… the mother was super feminine, wanted all the girls trimmings- dresses and bows and that little girl just flat out refused… there was something atypical about her daughter from the onset
That profile …
Is NOT the new trans profile
Not at all
The new profile is kids just decide one day to BE trans… they decide… they PICK it
And I agree
Most of the new trans kids are struggling in some emotional way and think being trans can fix it…
Like the kids in high school who decide to be goth… there’s a media push to make trans cool… celebs that are androgynous are currently cool.
But the new trans kids are typically kids with underlying mental health issues…. underlying medical and developmental issues too (some of them- endocrine issues maybe??)
‘gender dysphoria’ is a DMS-5 dx
Wondering when the powers that are controlling all of this… Are gonna try to change the DSM-5, diagnostic criteria! Stay tuned… sure it’s coming.
I completely agree. It’s part of the mass psychosis sweeping the world. Beware, beware, beware! We’re not dealing with sane people and lunatics are dangerous!
More of crazy clown world and the intentional destruction of humanity brought to us disguised as "Science." The shortage of clear thinking by adults is going to be the end of their children - children who are being allowed to make life-changing decisions before their brains are capable of doing so. This is what will follow many of those choices:
"When Chloe was 12 years old, she decided she was transgender. At 13, she came out to her parents. That same year, she was put on puberty blockers and prescribed testosterone. At 15, she underwent a double mastectomy. Less than a year later, she realized she’d made a mistake — all by the time she was 16 years old. Now 17, Chloe is one of a growing cohort called “detransitioners” — those who seek to reverse a gender transition, often after realizing they actually do identify with their biological sex. Tragically, many will struggle for the rest of their lives with the irreversible medical consequences of a decision they made as minors."
I can imagine adult children will be suing their parents and associated healthcare practitioners involved in approving and seeing to their dissection and transformation at the whim of their immature emotional brain. We've got an insane world.
Its something to keep an eye on. Right now a kid that young can't make that decision. The parents would have to consent. It is also, currently, illegal in most states and some countries for doctors to do those surgeries on anyone that young.
I know an MD who refused to continue to see a child who was going to transition with parental support … he said in good conscience he couldn’t be a part of it…. The science and outcomes are unknown… and as a result they went after the MDs medical license.
the AAP is fully supporting kids in their transitions and if an MD speaks out against it… they’re being attacked, silenced and threatened
Same as the MDs who speak out against the covid vaccines
And same as the MDs who used ‘off label treatments’ - and helped early covid patients
The medical establishment now cancels any MD who dissents or speaks out against the accept doctrine - by threatening to revoke their medical license
We must "out" the agendas of these evil medical boards. They belong in prison. Have killed 100s of thousands. Pharma's attack dogs all.
But, the doctors are responsible as well for not speaking out and fighting harder for their patients rights health. They allowed this wickedness to grow under their feet and strangle them.
It's a matter of "follow the money." States, hospitals, physicians are tied to federal funding. So look no further than the top of the pyramid - Washington DC. From there the evil agenda emanates.
quote: "gender clinics in the US staffed and waiting for gender confused kids to walk through the doors"
n they are NOT just wiating for their prey to wltz through their doors. These "technicians" have gotten state laws changed to where school "counsellors" in some states can usurp parental authoirty, secretly arranging for kids to start hormone thearapy and special counselling, even changing state lws such that kids being groomed and direted this way can be removed from their natural families agaistn parents; wishes, essentially stealing htem, while state "helth" agencies take ver and fund everything on MY nickel.
In my tate bout a year ago a family had their 12 year od daughter conscripted by these beasts, mercifully found out what was happening, and when the daughter came home from school the next day they packed up enough into their van and drove into the next state. No official papers had been started, so they managed to escape the tentacles of that racket. In a new enviornment, andparents suddely becoming ware, went to work to restore what had been missing, the girl very quickly became a normal healthy well balanced young woman and quite content to be one. The techs at these clinics have learned how to promote and play their evil way , misreperesenting the whole game as normal and healthy and :in the best interests of the child". Of COURSE this racket generates megabux for their plying of their evil trade.
It sounds fantastical… essentially making the family medical refugees.
But I wholeheartedly believe you.
Especially after the last two years!!
I’ve seen it before… Elizabeth Wray and Justina Pelletier… two teens who were essentially taken prisoner by Boston Children’s hospital … removed from their parents care and placed under custody of the hospital - for months and months… and only freed through legal channels. And in both cases- the parents found innocent of wrongdoing.
It’s sinister.
Pure and simple
It’s hard not to see all this as a battle with evil/the devil- honestly.
Munchausen by proxy allegations are common against parents who have medically complex kids -when the medical establishment can’t help/treat them …and /or explain what’s going on with them.
And It’s been my personal experience that a pretty big percent of these medically complex kids-…. that don’t fit a particular disorder or medical profile…. tend to actually be vaccine injured kids (by the AAP vaccine schedule)
Anything else, well, you are in your own "two spirit" world. Good luck and long life, but competetive sports are out, unless you are in the appropriate category for your DNA......
And "transitioning" children is violent child abuse in my world. As is any adult interfering in any child's sexuality in any manner what-so- ever. And that includes talking to them the adult's sexual 'identity' 'persuasions' or 'lifestyles.'.
More young men who are naturally firmly heterosexual have been preyed upon by homosexual older males than you can possibly imagine. Dig in and research. It will blow your mind.
This is a conversation for parents and children. Not for teachers and 'groomers' lurking in academia or medicine attempting to raise a new generation of prey for the pedophiles and gay male ranks.
Before puberty how could anyone have any concrete knowledge of their sexuality??
And if you are young, confused, sexually repressed, high on some party drug, you become easy prey for these unscrupulous predatory men. Males get sexually preyed upon just as women do, except it's by the gay and bi-community instead of the straight side, and even more "taboo" to talk about than a woman being raped.
This insanity, pedophilia, pornography, child sexual abuse and human trafficking all must end. We are in a crisis in this country and it is the children who are being targeted. And not just by the sexually confused, highly medicated, socially disturbed, gunmen. (Or rather "gun child.")
Insanity is running the show here in America a lot of the time. We have got to develop some compassion, some decency and some common sense. And A LOT more moral courage.
Know that the media makes it seem like there is much broader support for these events. Makes you feel alone or in the minority etc. But I agree that there are some evil, f--ked up parents in this world. Always had been.
I thought this at first as well. It’s now just giving parents a deadline to make a HORRID decision. But I also have to wonder if these kids would even be in a place physically or mentally after this to compete in collegiate-level sports. After reading stories of the horrid physical problems they have such as constant infections, it seems like sports would be out of the question on their radar.
"To date, when comparing the advantages and disadvantages of mRNA vaccines, vaccination has been commonly recommended.” - I've read and re-read this several times and still don't know what it means. Gonna need some dressing with this word salad.
I actually liked it. The author is putting a period on the unquestioned efficacy of the vax…to date…So far…Up to now… benefit to risk comparisons, it’s been recommended. Period.
Thus far. No more.
Reading between the lines, the time has FINALLY come to acknowledge that the Risk (disadvantages) outweigh the benefits (advantages).
If essentially "everyone" takes the jab, then it's impossible to say any shot injury is a direct result of the jab. At the very least, it's a huge coverup, at the very worst, something nefarious is afoot.
People are still getting boosted. They brag in public about it. I was over hearing a conversation between nurse and patient she announced had been to Spain needed to return and was getting her fourth jab on that day. This was in March. She was happy about it. People still believe in jab. I don’t know when the other shoe will drop on that but I’m praying soon. Worried about all these people and myself. They are going to create super viruses that I wonder if won’t affect all the unvaxxed. Concerning.
I know someone who just got her 4th shot, and no doubt will be lining up for the 5th one as soon as she can due to having an IgG immune deficiency. She keeps insisting that she has to keep getting more boosters because she is immunocompromised. She already started having heart symptoms after initial series too. I've seen people warn her on her feed to be careful, that continued shots are suppressing her immune response more, but her response is always "no, no, I need them BECAUSE I'm immunocompromised." She just doesn't get it. She will only believe the line she's been fed by the Gov. I am also immunocompromised and so thankful I actually did my research from day 1!
Sadly, when the powers-that-be have threatened to cancel anyone not towing the party line, you go with whatever you can get away with to drop hints without completely losing any ability to say something. :(
I can certainly appreciate that. But when you're dealing with people who have been sufficiently "conditioned" it is impossible for them to read between the lines. You need "The Megaphone of Truth and Clarity." ( Cue BIG BOOMING VOICE).
I should amend my comment. I don’t “like” it per se, but it’s encouraging to see a small concession IN Print, that opens a door to questioning the effectiveness of the vax. It’s a small, vague opening, but nonetheless…of course we’d rather see a bold, clear statement of what WE KNOW to be true.
I'm not that hopeful- it's the kind of statement one makes in an academic paper that allows any conclusion drawn by the reader to be right. It is also beautifully uncommitted statement, to let the writers take any stance on future papers without having to explain awkward previous paper. My academic hats off to them 👏👏👏for either being to stupid to realise the Damocles knife edge they are walking by subject matter, or by thumbing their nose at current establishments narrative, in a way that gets no blow back🤔😉
Coffee went airborne after this one in Andrology: “Since misinformation about health-related subjects represents a public health threat, our findings should support vaccinations programs.” SHOULD. But they don’t. And misinformation can get our credentials yanked. Kind of like what they did to Meryl Nass and are now doing to McCullough and Kory?
Also worth noting - to date, any "disadvantages" of the mRNA shots have been largely silenced. "There are no disadvantages, so take your shots or you're killin' grandma!" is slowly changing to "maybe, possibly, someone somewhere might have a negative reaction". Unfortunately, not changing fast enough to give freedom to those who actually _are_ affected. :(
I was hoping that the wedge recently provided by the FDA's saying that J & J's product should only be injected into those who "can't" inject the others would initiate more being published about the contraindications to these harmful injectables, but I haven't seen much ...
It is a letter to the editor in Virology Journal that references various studies. The author, Kenji Yamamoto, is playing the usual word games in order to get the letter published.
Reads like they're giving an out to distance themselves from the "mRNA shots are safe/effective and everyone should get one" narrative. It doesn't say outright the normal narrative - studies show that you need to take them. It doesn't outright say "hey - maybe these shots _shouldn't_ be recommended", but it does seem to imply that the comparisons might start leaning the other way in _not_ recommending the shots.
It means "the morons have commonly been recommending these toxic shots, but we have no idea why!" ; ))
No one administering them had any idea of the long term consequences. So unless Covid was a death sentence for all, there is no way to know, without long term studies, which is the higher risk, for any individual. And, now that we know they don't stop infection or transmission, (which we knew from the beginning, actually,) the "toss up" is which of the two evils-- Covid and the Vax, or just Covid, is worse. I chose the latter.
We will see who wins in the end.
But at least there are some very small signs of life in the mainstream lately!
so the writer has won the contest. He wrote soemthing the censors passed, but it is so meanilgles YOU cannot comprehend what he meant. Meanwhile, the raw data in the "study" provides solid cause for questioning the safe ane effective" aspects of the poke in the arm".
READ the raw data, study the graphs, they YOU decide whether those injectioins are "afe and effecgive". The study's authors finessed an end run round the "accepted whiz-dumb".
Agree. They wanted to show off how "youthful and vigorous" he is and stuck a near 80 year old on a bicycle. Instead he looked like a bumbling fool who wasn't up to the task, about as predictable as the rising sun. Only our elite could do something this stupid. You never saw Queen Elizabeth or Leonid Brezhnev on a bicycle.
As someone who's got a lot more gray hair than I used to, I realize there's just some things I did in my 20's and 30's that I should not be doing anymore. There's no shame in it, people slow down as they age. His handlers apparently missed this basic fact of biology.
No doubt! I’m several years younger than ol’ Joe, but smart enough to know that my bicycling days are behind me. When I see some idiotic photo op gone wrong like this, it makes me wonder if they (the handlers) aren’t setting him up on purpose? Who in their right mind would think of this hair-brained idea?!?
If it helps, Nanshee does not automatically become VP unless Uncle Joe and kameltoe both die, one must be appointed by new prez and confirmed by senate.
I didn't see it - and no desire to. I saw the various memes, but when I read about the toe clips I had to wonder what anyone was thinking putting any old man on a bike with toe clips. That sounds like it's just asking for trouble.
RUSSIAsteria: Best Biden Falls of His Bike Memes (Its Putin's Fault!)
- Its all Putin’s FAULT, Build Back Better summed up, the economy has fallen and can’t get up, meanwhile in Russia/China/North Korea and more Biden falls off his bike memes!
Hey Jeff, before you send those bikinis back you might think about putting on a little fashion show. An exclusive offering guaranteed to drive up readership. I'm certain you only chose the most tasteful pieces.
I've been following el gato malo since the start of the pandemic, one smart cat! but never have heard said whether the writer is a man or a woman. Seems more likely to be a female just from the tone - doesn't really matter, just curious. And what are your thoughts on the pfossible pfizer pfutures scenario? Seems plausible.
I think el gato malo is being too optimistic, in part, because I believe censorship by the media (including academic journals) and Big Tech will continue to ratchet up. Anomalies in excess death/disability will probably be explained by Long COVID. And I do believe that a fair portion of our population will never accept an alternate hypothesis for what they see happening around them with their own eyes.
I was quite excited by the Brook Jackson lawsuit initially, but Pfizer's motion to dismiss might succeed purely on the basis of Contract Law. As one of their lawyers said, "We may lose on this issue because their contract imposes … none of the normal checks and balances on quality control and consumer protection that we fought for decades in this country...". See the American Greatness and Epoch Times articles below.
I recently saw an interview of Dr. Naomi Wolf, whose group has exposed a lot of fraud in the released Pfizer trial documents. The results of their work is documented at https://dailyclout.io/pfizer-documents-part-one-the-wolf-teams-findings-so-far/. During the interview, Dr. Wolf announced that the lawyers in her group will be filing a lawsuit. I'm sure they are aware of what's going on with Brook Jackson's suit, so perhaps they have found another way to pursue the fraud. I sincerely hope so.
Finally, timing is everything. Litigation is not quick and so many of our institutions have been operating with impunity. I am fearful that we have not made enough changes to ensure fair midterm elections, which means we might not have the power to slow down/stop the planned demolition of our country required by the The Great Reset. I'm praying that I am wrong and that el gato malo is right!
Perhaps you are right, you are following this more closely than I am. But sounds like Congress needs to close the 'other transactions' loophole. The truth is out there, but too many don't want to hear it.
Sperm have a different genetic makeup the rest of your cells. Remember meiosis and the chromosomes being copied, crossing over occurs and then they are randomly divided? Then they go from diploid (2 sets of chromosomes to haploid 1 set. (Also sperm dont have much cytoplasm or organelles)
As sperm mature in the testicles they are attached to nurse cells that keep them alive and protect them from being killed by your immune system. sperm are pretty fragile.
We also know that the vaccine mRNA ends up in large amounts in testicles (and ovaries and livers and hearts and kidneys) and therefore are producing lots of spike protein. Not to mention studies showed that is it possible mRNA to be reverse transcribed in the nucleus of cells and become part of the dna in the nucleus. (Something they assured us COULD NOT happen)
Pretty complicated procedure making sperm. What could go wrong ? There could be multiple mechanisms interfering with sperm production. Sounds like one is our hyperactive immune system starts destroying the developing sperm. I would expect egg cells to have the same issues.
I read in some article that prior to covid we have NEVER approved any drug that accumulates in the ovaries or testes for just this reason. Too risky. But I guess the .0001% chance of a healthy young person dying of covid was determined to outweigh the risk of being unable to produce healthy children? Or maybe to the manufactures and creators saw this as a designed and desired side effect of the vaccine. Gates has wanted population control for decades.
Yep, found out my 16 yo's girlfriend and whole family got the shots. I told him not to marry her if he wants kids. I hope by the time he marries, we know for sure the damage to sperm and eggs so the pure kids can make wise decisions if they want kids.
Well I'm thinking if these covid shots had been around sooner I could have saved lots of money on birth control pills. Plus saved myself from potential health risks from using them.
It seems that it's pretty effective birth control for a double vaxxed man. AND we can only imagine how much safer boosted or even double boosted men are.
It’s hard to fathom that what Biden is doing is exactly what the WEF wants.
Recking the United States economy in an all blitz has been the plan from the start. All the players are united in the ongoing effort to remove America’s self sufficient economy.
Along with this main agenda it appears that some of these rich elites have personal side projects. as well. Such as Bill Gates who is adamant in destroying the beef industry, chemtrails induction and depopulation.
We all agree the radical left progressive pedofiles are lovers of themselves.
They have been overtaken by a dark ideology which is viscous and utterly uncompromising.
This leaves them unable to do or say anything constructive.
Notice all they do is lie, deceive and lie so more.
The U.S. economy hasn't been self sufficient for quite some time. The electronics industry relies on rare earths mining and China owns or has controlling interest in most of them. Our overall reliance on technology has given them more control than most realize. Part of the reason they're cozying up to Russia is they have one of the largest untapped sources of rare earths.
Also, Russia provides 33% of the worlds need for neon gas, that red gas is the only way sophisticated lasers can make semi conductors.
Guess who use to provide the other 50% if you say Ukraine move to the head of the class.
Those facilities have been destroyed which makes Russia basically the sole provider of red gas needed to run very precision lasers, including many other delicate machines and equipment needed in hospitals.
"While ... these results may seem concerning, from a clinical perspective they confirm previous reports regarding vaccines’ overall safety and reliability "
How does a study narrowly confined to sperm count confirm overall injection safety and reliability? It doesn't and it can't. An honest scientist wouldn't make such a claim.
The vaccine is neither safe nor effective. It provides a temporary resistance to covid which quickly wanes while damage from the spike protein continues for as long
A time period as they have studied. It damages the immune system, it causes clots, strokes, heart attacks, heart inflammation and damage, repeat covid infections, menstrual cycle irregularities, sperm decrease and decrease in sperm mobility, miscarriages, a syndrome where the entire lining of the uterus sloughs off in on big piece, Bell’s palsy, various neuropathy and neurological issues such as nerve damage and paralysis, tinnitus, severe allergenic reactions which have resulted in death. Sudden adult death syndrome … to name a few.
Follow the real science not the $$$cience. I’m happy to provide studies showing all these side effects. Do not get the vaccine. And if you did, you need to be checked for heart issues twice a year and should consider treatment to prevent vaccine injuries.
Amen! I agree 100% that this vaccine was meant to kill people. There was a TED Talk that Bill Gates did years ago where he actually admitted that they were going to use vaccines to reduce the surplus population.
"the new policy only lets swimmers compete in women’s events if they completed “transitioning” before age 12."
This means the single, Munchausen-by-proxy, mothers will be clamoring to castrate their sons at 5-6 years old because gold medals aren't going to win themselves.
Eve Roissy states: I Just saw a 'Stand With Ukr@ine' banner on a friend's page:
Folks, please realize that Russia and Ukraine are on the same damned side - or at least Putin and Zelensky are. THEY have not gone to 'war' against one another - they have gotten THEIR PEOPLE to do that. As usual, this is a war of the 1% of the 1% against the people - ALL of them - a casual culling that can be made grander if the power structure so desires, while fulfilling many OTHER agendas, as with WW2. What happened there?? Same story. A power structure controlled bogeyman was set up and the rest of the world sent to 'fight' him. Ever wonder why Buckingham Palace, in the MIDDLE of London, wasn't flattened when the rest of London was? How long will it take before we understand that ALL WARS ARE BANKERS WARS? How long will it be before we keep falling for these SAME manipulations?? There are no 'countries' as we think of them, as far as the power structure is concerned, and all the divisions we think are real - like race, religion, culture, BORDERS - are CREATED DIVISION. Keeps the power structure STRONG and us right where they want us - ready to KILL ONE ANOTHER the moment the next manipulation comes along. This is why I say to you that even PATRIOTISM is a gross and well-thought out manipulation.
There is only ONE true division and ONE true enemy: it is the 1% of the 1% of this little world against ALL THE REST OF US. Wise up, folks!
I just read about it yesterday & already have forgotten the name, but the General that stepped in & stopped Obama (it involved Syria) remains in the same position.
Also, there is a massive difference between ordering someone else to take a risky jab & risking US suicide.
Russia's hypersonic capabilities are way ahead of us. They could literally nuke each major coastal city from Boston through DC with a single launch, with no warning. China's hypersonic tests (which are less advanced than Russia's) came within 24 miles of target. The difference between being instantly vaporized & dying in firestorm. I watched video of a kalibre strike yesterday. Soldier lying in bunker, behind him a silent lightning flash & then black, then lost signal.
.The neocons are armchair warriors grasping at straws. The Generals are realists. They'll go far enough to get $$ for new weapons. They won't commit suicide.
The name is Austin and yes, he was around for several significant Obummer failures and was background only until Bidumb brought him in to orchestrate even more failures. Like the rest of those he has appointed...
I've been following Gonzalo on Twitter and YouTube since March. He didn't give details of his incarceration, and he was careful with his criticism of Ukraine for about a week or so after his return, but he hasn't been holding back since then. Yes, he is being monitored and watched, but he doesn't seem to care. He is also frequently on a channel called The Duran. I'm just saying that I don't think he is compromised.
I follow others on Ukraine as well, and watched a recent talk by Mearsheimer yesterday. They are saying this war isn't going to end anytime soon because all sides are too determined to be "the winner".
With that said, I agree with you on the US military. From the beginning, it has seemed as if the US State Dept wants further escalation and the US Military doesn't. Will wiser heads prevail? I don't know. This is definitely fear-porn from Gonzalo which is unusual, but what he is warning is definitely a possibility which can't be ignored. The other thing which happened last week is Russian airstrikes in Syria at the US Al Tanf base. There was very little coverage in the media because of Jan 6 hearings.
The real question is whether or not the people in power see a multi-polar world or WW3 as a bigger existential threat to US/Western interests. One or the other is going to happen.
I followed Nightvision until he disappeared. Moon of Alabama also gives excellent analysis. And stacker Mark Wauck follows a lot of good analysts & then adds his take.
Retired General McGregor gave an excellent summary yesterday.
Intel Slava Z gives Russian propaganda (generally backed by video & photo evidence).
Putin himself said this (phase?) will be over in the fall.
I have read they had 2 laser weapons in testing. One has been successfully used already, incinerating drones.
The other is a space laser that can supposedly take out satellites.
My guess is that is what they would use ahead of nukes. Sans internet, we'd be fighting blind.
I follow Moon of Alabama as well. That's where I got the link to the recent Mearsheimer talk. Their post today is a must read. When I read things like it, I have to wonder if the Ukrainians can hold out until the fall.
Sperm study misleads by using median, rather than average or simply presenting the small data set. Could be nearly half have zero motility, median would be the same:
The vaccine is neither safe nor effective. It provides a temporary resistance to covid which quickly wanes while damage from the spike protein continues for as long
A time period as they have studied. It damages the immune system, it causes clots, strokes, heart attacks, heart inflammation and damage, repeat covid infections, menstrual cycle irregularities, sperm decrease and decrease in sperm mobility, miscarriages, a syndrome where the entire lining of the uterus sloughs off in on big piece, Bell’s palsy, various neuropathy and neurological issues such as nerve damage and paralysis, tinnitus, severe allergenic reactions which have resulted in death. Sudden adult death syndrome … to name a few.
Follow the real science not the $$$cience. I’m happy to provide studies showing all these side effects. Do not get the vaccine. And if you did, you need to be checked for heart issues twice a year and should consider treatment to prevent vaccine injuries.
Joe can't even go up a flight of stairs or ride a bike yet alone run a country. I believe this destruction is planned in order to institute the New World Order. What will be interesting is who will be the ultimate leader of this order.
Regarding Ukraine, it does seem as if Joe is hedging his bets with both sides which I think will ultimately backfire. Farmers, throughout history, have used lots of different forms of fertilizer so depending on Ukraine and Russia seems to be a convenient excuse to continue not to produce the necessary food.
While glad the swimming council made that announcement on one hand, I have to wonder at how many crazy parents will push to mutilate their boys before the age of 12 so they have a chance to compete in women's sports. In any normal world, that number would be zero (or at least really close to zero), but these days with parents bringing kids to drag events and such, even forcing them to watch - I just don't know.
That decision is a great start - and it would be even better if all of the trophies/medals won were retroactively corrected. I'm not going to hold my breath on that, but it should at least stop/slow all of the announcements about "Lia" setting more records and taking first place.
I'm just glad they FINALLY made that common sense decision. I've wondered where all the women's right activists have been regarding this issue. They've been pretty quiet.
I guess that thwarts Lia's dreams of competing on the USA women's Olympic team......
I agree
I’m relieved they took a stand
The thing that worries me when I hear this is… will it encourage some kids to transition earlier than they might have otherwise…
BEFORE 12… to halt puberty… is insanely young!!!
What 12 year old knows themselves enough to make that permanent decision????!
There are now 65 gender clinics in the US staffed and waiting for gender confused kids to walk through the doors... and the way I see things unfolding… the books and policies kids are being exposed to at school… they’re being groomed for early transition at a time when they have zero idea who they are…
I read something a while back that there are plans for 250 clinics nationwide. The article said the average cost of transitioning is $150k. It’s all about the Benjamin’s. If we’re to believe we have 1% Transgendered in the USA. 3,400,000 x 150k = $510,000,000,000. Correct me if I’m wrong, I’m terrible at math. Five hundred and ten billion? How do we achieve these customers? In California we mandate it. Like outlawing wood burning fireplaces, but requiring sprinklers and solar panels in all new construction. Go back 10-15 years, mandate making it legal for 12 year olds to get birth control and abortions. Then mandate you have to support gender choices. Incrementalism.
And I believe once someone transitions they are on medication (hormones?) for the rest of their life. So more money to big pharma.
I’ve fortunately never experienced the need for hormones, but close relatives have told me that trying to get them right is a nightmare 😩
I agree
Follow the money
Our children are now thought of as commodities… plain and simple
I remember a time when kids would wait for the sears catalogue to come so you could look through and make a list of toys you wanted…
Kids no longer play with toys. They’re stuck on devices… and now our kids are marketed PRIDE and LGBTQ … to them- that’s looking like something they can PICK …if it interests them or peaks their interest
I believe some people are trans
But they’re gonna capture a huge percent of kids that are looking for identity- which is actually totally developmental normal during that age…. And kids that are depressed, socially unsuccessful and looking for community…. and neuro-diverse kids are very vulnerable to all this marketing…. So how many kids are going to get caught up in this … who are not actually TRANS- but just confused adolescents!!
They’re seeing it already… there’s a HUGE percent de transitioning and now talking out about how they got caught in the transition trap … kids who starts to medically transition…. Wanted to stop in the middle… and were told they needed to see it through
It’s my opinion, Some cases- Are child abuse
And gross malpractice
If under the age of 21, I say it’s always child abuse. And at any age, gross malpractice.
“Some people are trans”
Not buying it. Trans is a mental/emotional disorder. Don’t fall for it😊
I was a teacher so I have a child development background
And I have known a lot of children in my lifetime
I’ve only seen one child I thought was truly trans - since birth
I’ve never seen anything like it
The Family definitely had genetic endocrine growth hormone issues- for sure … the kids were very small
I believe This little girl was always male
From the onset … never wanted anything to do with girl toys… even as a young child
She dressed like a boy, played like a boy, even as young as 2-3 yo … refused to wear a girls bathing suit… the mother was super feminine, wanted all the girls trimmings- dresses and bows and that little girl just flat out refused… there was something atypical about her daughter from the onset
That profile …
Is NOT the new trans profile
Not at all
The new profile is kids just decide one day to BE trans… they decide… they PICK it
And I agree
Most of the new trans kids are struggling in some emotional way and think being trans can fix it…
Like the kids in high school who decide to be goth… there’s a media push to make trans cool… celebs that are androgynous are currently cool.
But the new trans kids are typically kids with underlying mental health issues…. underlying medical and developmental issues too (some of them- endocrine issues maybe??)
‘gender dysphoria’ is a DMS-5 dx
Wondering when the powers that are controlling all of this… Are gonna try to change the DSM-5, diagnostic criteria! Stay tuned… sure it’s coming.
I completely agree. It’s part of the mass psychosis sweeping the world. Beware, beware, beware! We’re not dealing with sane people and lunatics are dangerous!
More of crazy clown world and the intentional destruction of humanity brought to us disguised as "Science." The shortage of clear thinking by adults is going to be the end of their children - children who are being allowed to make life-changing decisions before their brains are capable of doing so. This is what will follow many of those choices:
"When Chloe was 12 years old, she decided she was transgender. At 13, she came out to her parents. That same year, she was put on puberty blockers and prescribed testosterone. At 15, she underwent a double mastectomy. Less than a year later, she realized she’d made a mistake — all by the time she was 16 years old. Now 17, Chloe is one of a growing cohort called “detransitioners” — those who seek to reverse a gender transition, often after realizing they actually do identify with their biological sex. Tragically, many will struggle for the rest of their lives with the irreversible medical consequences of a decision they made as minors."
I can imagine adult children will be suing their parents and associated healthcare practitioners involved in approving and seeing to their dissection and transformation at the whim of their immature emotional brain. We've got an insane world.
No words- Heart breaking… ❤️🩹
We’ll lose a whole generation of kids
Same as we have to autism …
And then there's the story of Ryland Whittington featured recently in the press and on Fox News.
Had not seen that story. Thanks for sharing.
Like everything else a
‘One size fits all’ approach to anything medical- is likely a bad and dangerous idea
Every person is unique
And I’m the first to admit there’s a lot we don’t understand about the human body and mind
I just pray a lot these days- we need God’s guidance to navigate these extraordinary times 🙏🏻
Its something to keep an eye on. Right now a kid that young can't make that decision. The parents would have to consent. It is also, currently, illegal in most states and some countries for doctors to do those surgeries on anyone that young.
I know an MD who refused to continue to see a child who was going to transition with parental support … he said in good conscience he couldn’t be a part of it…. The science and outcomes are unknown… and as a result they went after the MDs medical license.
the AAP is fully supporting kids in their transitions and if an MD speaks out against it… they’re being attacked, silenced and threatened
Same as the MDs who speak out against the covid vaccines
And same as the MDs who used ‘off label treatments’ - and helped early covid patients
The medical establishment now cancels any MD who dissents or speaks out against the accept doctrine - by threatening to revoke their medical license
Comply- fall in line- or you’re out of medicine
There’s zero room for discourse
It’s shameful what’s happening
We must "out" the agendas of these evil medical boards. They belong in prison. Have killed 100s of thousands. Pharma's attack dogs all.
But, the doctors are responsible as well for not speaking out and fighting harder for their patients rights health. They allowed this wickedness to grow under their feet and strangle them.
It's a matter of "follow the money." States, hospitals, physicians are tied to federal funding. So look no further than the top of the pyramid - Washington DC. From there the evil agenda emanates.
quote: "gender clinics in the US staffed and waiting for gender confused kids to walk through the doors"
n they are NOT just wiating for their prey to wltz through their doors. These "technicians" have gotten state laws changed to where school "counsellors" in some states can usurp parental authoirty, secretly arranging for kids to start hormone thearapy and special counselling, even changing state lws such that kids being groomed and direted this way can be removed from their natural families agaistn parents; wishes, essentially stealing htem, while state "helth" agencies take ver and fund everything on MY nickel.
In my tate bout a year ago a family had their 12 year od daughter conscripted by these beasts, mercifully found out what was happening, and when the daughter came home from school the next day they packed up enough into their van and drove into the next state. No official papers had been started, so they managed to escape the tentacles of that racket. In a new enviornment, andparents suddely becoming ware, went to work to restore what had been missing, the girl very quickly became a normal healthy well balanced young woman and quite content to be one. The techs at these clinics have learned how to promote and play their evil way , misreperesenting the whole game as normal and healthy and :in the best interests of the child". Of COURSE this racket generates megabux for their plying of their evil trade.
Parental rights are being eroded.
It sounds fantastical… essentially making the family medical refugees.
But I wholeheartedly believe you.
Especially after the last two years!!
I’ve seen it before… Elizabeth Wray and Justina Pelletier… two teens who were essentially taken prisoner by Boston Children’s hospital … removed from their parents care and placed under custody of the hospital - for months and months… and only freed through legal channels. And in both cases- the parents found innocent of wrongdoing.
It’s sinister.
Pure and simple
It’s hard not to see all this as a battle with evil/the devil- honestly.
I looked this up .. wow there is a page of Hospitals doing this to many children https://failuretolisten.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/children-that-have-been-victims-of-bhs.pdf..
I live near Boston and I’m ashamed of our city and it’s rules. This Revolution of the people can’t come soon enough
Munchausen by proxy allegations are common against parents who have medically complex kids -when the medical establishment can’t help/treat them …and /or explain what’s going on with them.
And It’s been my personal experience that a pretty big percent of these medically complex kids-…. that don’t fit a particular disorder or medical profile…. tend to actually be vaccine injured kids (by the AAP vaccine schedule)
So. 🤨
They were being shouted down for objecting. Much like J.K. Rowling was for objecting to trans being allowed into women's bathrooms.
Two xx = Female
One x, One y, = Male
Anything else, well, you are in your own "two spirit" world. Good luck and long life, but competetive sports are out, unless you are in the appropriate category for your DNA......
And "transitioning" children is violent child abuse in my world. As is any adult interfering in any child's sexuality in any manner what-so- ever. And that includes talking to them the adult's sexual 'identity' 'persuasions' or 'lifestyles.'.
More young men who are naturally firmly heterosexual have been preyed upon by homosexual older males than you can possibly imagine. Dig in and research. It will blow your mind.
This is a conversation for parents and children. Not for teachers and 'groomers' lurking in academia or medicine attempting to raise a new generation of prey for the pedophiles and gay male ranks.
Before puberty how could anyone have any concrete knowledge of their sexuality??
And if you are young, confused, sexually repressed, high on some party drug, you become easy prey for these unscrupulous predatory men. Males get sexually preyed upon just as women do, except it's by the gay and bi-community instead of the straight side, and even more "taboo" to talk about than a woman being raped.
This insanity, pedophilia, pornography, child sexual abuse and human trafficking all must end. We are in a crisis in this country and it is the children who are being targeted. And not just by the sexually confused, highly medicated, socially disturbed, gunmen. (Or rather "gun child.")
Insanity is running the show here in America a lot of the time. We have got to develop some compassion, some decency and some common sense. And A LOT more moral courage.
All have vanished in too many places!
I agree
Common sense has evaporated
And One of the most disturbing things that’s going on is… if a parent has one of these mixed up adolescents that suddenly decides they’re TRANS
The parents are being told by society, the media… some MDs and the current doctrine
That if you don’t affirm your child’s gender transition - as their parent - you are
1. putting your child in harms way- you’re likely to damage them psychologically- they’re more likely to commit suicide
2. You’re a bigot for not affirming
So there is a real strong arming of parents that’s currently going on to affirm these kids
A parent that decides to NOT AFFIRM is getting looked at sideways … like the child needs to be protected FROM the parent!
The issue is VERY confusing and mind bending for parents in this situation
And the parents are being told YOU SHOULD AFFIRM your child’s transition
When there’s no science to support that … it’s like listening to the main stream media narrative about the vaccine and it’s safety…
Same playbook is being used for the trans agenda
It’s safe and effective… go ahead and do it.
And there’s no science to support either
And you’ll be red flagged, lose your child/ children, job, house etc. and we thought the nazi’s were horrible.
All his records should nixed! He is a legit man. Ladies should get all their titles/ awards back!!!
Know that the media makes it seem like there is much broader support for these events. Makes you feel alone or in the minority etc. But I agree that there are some evil, f--ked up parents in this world. Always had been.
I thought this at first as well. It’s now just giving parents a deadline to make a HORRID decision. But I also have to wonder if these kids would even be in a place physically or mentally after this to compete in collegiate-level sports. After reading stories of the horrid physical problems they have such as constant infections, it seems like sports would be out of the question on their radar.
"To date, when comparing the advantages and disadvantages of mRNA vaccines, vaccination has been commonly recommended.” - I've read and re-read this several times and still don't know what it means. Gonna need some dressing with this word salad.
I actually liked it. The author is putting a period on the unquestioned efficacy of the vax…to date…So far…Up to now… benefit to risk comparisons, it’s been recommended. Period.
Thus far. No more.
Reading between the lines, the time has FINALLY come to acknowledge that the Risk (disadvantages) outweigh the benefits (advantages).
And yet they've approved the death shots for children as young as 6 months old.
They're afraid of the loud ones who want to offer their children to Molech.
Much like the killers of unborn children, dancing nude in a church covered in symbolic baby blood. Makes them happy. Monsters.
If essentially "everyone" takes the jab, then it's impossible to say any shot injury is a direct result of the jab. At the very least, it's a huge coverup, at the very worst, something nefarious is afoot.
People are still getting boosted. They brag in public about it. I was over hearing a conversation between nurse and patient she announced had been to Spain needed to return and was getting her fourth jab on that day. This was in March. She was happy about it. People still believe in jab. I don’t know when the other shoe will drop on that but I’m praying soon. Worried about all these people and myself. They are going to create super viruses that I wonder if won’t affect all the unvaxxed. Concerning.
I know someone who just got her 4th shot, and no doubt will be lining up for the 5th one as soon as she can due to having an IgG immune deficiency. She keeps insisting that she has to keep getting more boosters because she is immunocompromised. She already started having heart symptoms after initial series too. I've seen people warn her on her feed to be careful, that continued shots are suppressing her immune response more, but her response is always "no, no, I need them BECAUSE I'm immunocompromised." She just doesn't get it. She will only believe the line she's been fed by the Gov. I am also immunocompromised and so thankful I actually did my research from day 1!
One of my boosted friends just came back from Spain, in a coffin.
Yeah what happened? Got covid in Spain?
“Sudden death”, but the spouse did test positive.
Terrible! What happened?
“Sudden death.”
It was kinda a tongue-in-cheek comment. Getting a little tired of having to read between the lines.
As am I. I can play that game when necessary, but the older I get the less patience I have for it.
Sadly, when the powers-that-be have threatened to cancel anyone not towing the party line, you go with whatever you can get away with to drop hints without completely losing any ability to say something. :(
I can certainly appreciate that. But when you're dealing with people who have been sufficiently "conditioned" it is impossible for them to read between the lines. You need "The Megaphone of Truth and Clarity." ( Cue BIG BOOMING VOICE).
I should amend my comment. I don’t “like” it per se, but it’s encouraging to see a small concession IN Print, that opens a door to questioning the effectiveness of the vax. It’s a small, vague opening, but nonetheless…of course we’d rather see a bold, clear statement of what WE KNOW to be true.
I'm not that hopeful- it's the kind of statement one makes in an academic paper that allows any conclusion drawn by the reader to be right. It is also beautifully uncommitted statement, to let the writers take any stance on future papers without having to explain awkward previous paper. My academic hats off to them 👏👏👏for either being to stupid to realise the Damocles knife edge they are walking by subject matter, or by thumbing their nose at current establishments narrative, in a way that gets no blow back🤔😉
Coffee went airborne after this one in Andrology: “Since misinformation about health-related subjects represents a public health threat, our findings should support vaccinations programs.” SHOULD. But they don’t. And misinformation can get our credentials yanked. Kind of like what they did to Meryl Nass and are now doing to McCullough and Kory?
We need to tar and feather every single individual attacking those heros.
My parrots are molting. Should I save the feathers? 😁
🦜If you have a flock. We’ll need a LOT!🦜
I’m a fan of tar and feathers. 🪶
They’re trying to take McCullough’s Board certification too I believe. There’s an address on the email Steve sent so we could email too. https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/i-challenged-abim-to-a-debate
Also worth noting - to date, any "disadvantages" of the mRNA shots have been largely silenced. "There are no disadvantages, so take your shots or you're killin' grandma!" is slowly changing to "maybe, possibly, someone somewhere might have a negative reaction". Unfortunately, not changing fast enough to give freedom to those who actually _are_ affected. :(
I was hoping that the wedge recently provided by the FDA's saying that J & J's product should only be injected into those who "can't" inject the others would initiate more being published about the contraindications to these harmful injectables, but I haven't seen much ...
It is a letter to the editor in Virology Journal that references various studies. The author, Kenji Yamamoto, is playing the usual word games in order to get the letter published.
Until now, someone, somewhere (not us, ever) has weighted risk vs benefits & recommended the vax.
Reads like they're giving an out to distance themselves from the "mRNA shots are safe/effective and everyone should get one" narrative. It doesn't say outright the normal narrative - studies show that you need to take them. It doesn't outright say "hey - maybe these shots _shouldn't_ be recommended", but it does seem to imply that the comparisons might start leaning the other way in _not_ recommending the shots.
Coded writing for; This is really screwed up, y’all!
Speaking of that, look at this: https://jessicar.substack.com/p/when-you-hear-bnt162c2-run-dont-walk
It means "the morons have commonly been recommending these toxic shots, but we have no idea why!" ; ))
No one administering them had any idea of the long term consequences. So unless Covid was a death sentence for all, there is no way to know, without long term studies, which is the higher risk, for any individual. And, now that we know they don't stop infection or transmission, (which we knew from the beginning, actually,) the "toss up" is which of the two evils-- Covid and the Vax, or just Covid, is worse. I chose the latter.
We will see who wins in the end.
But at least there are some very small signs of life in the mainstream lately!
Change "when" to "despite" and it'll make perfect sense.
(Yes, I get that you were being sarcastic! But if you do change "when" to "despite" it actually does make sense.)
It's a perfect phrase, with all right keywords but it DOESN'T say that the vx is good.
See...now that makes sense!😉
so the writer has won the contest. He wrote soemthing the censors passed, but it is so meanilgles YOU cannot comprehend what he meant. Meanwhile, the raw data in the "study" provides solid cause for questioning the safe ane effective" aspects of the poke in the arm".
READ the raw data, study the graphs, they YOU decide whether those injectioins are "afe and effecgive". The study's authors finessed an end run round the "accepted whiz-dumb".
I don't care if he is old, I laughed my A$$ off when I saw Sniffy Joe fall off his bike this weekend!
Putting him on a bike, with toe clips, even, is elder abuse.
Agree. They wanted to show off how "youthful and vigorous" he is and stuck a near 80 year old on a bicycle. Instead he looked like a bumbling fool who wasn't up to the task, about as predictable as the rising sun. Only our elite could do something this stupid. You never saw Queen Elizabeth or Leonid Brezhnev on a bicycle.
As someone who's got a lot more gray hair than I used to, I realize there's just some things I did in my 20's and 30's that I should not be doing anymore. There's no shame in it, people slow down as they age. His handlers apparently missed this basic fact of biology.
No doubt! I’m several years younger than ol’ Joe, but smart enough to know that my bicycling days are behind me. When I see some idiotic photo op gone wrong like this, it makes me wonder if they (the handlers) aren’t setting him up on purpose? Who in their right mind would think of this hair-brained idea?!?
No toe clips on the video.
There are toe clips in the photo of the president and first lady riding together. He has them, she doesn't.
Your right ! I went back and watched the video again. I guess he needs one since he’s such a hardcore bicyclist !
We are one clumsy presidential hematoma away from kamala and Nancy overtly running the spectacle, with no need for use of the 25th amendment.
If it helps, Nanshee does not automatically become VP unless Uncle Joe and kameltoe both die, one must be appointed by new prez and confirmed by senate.
Isn’t that a comforting thought? 🙄
I didn't see it - and no desire to. I saw the various memes, but when I read about the toe clips I had to wonder what anyone was thinking putting any old man on a bike with toe clips. That sounds like it's just asking for trouble.
Maybe it was (asking for trouble)!
Maybe they were trying to off him?
Bubble, I laughed my ass off. Hey, he's an evil dude. Would have been better if he drove his bike off the pier into the ocean.
Why pollute the ocean?
Yeah, what did marine life ever do to deserve that???
Oh, clam up.😁
I need to make it my screen saver.
Arte Johnson did it sooo much better.
Me too this guy is a total buffoon we have in White House
RUSSIAsteria: Best Biden Falls of His Bike Memes (Its Putin's Fault!)
- Its all Putin’s FAULT, Build Back Better summed up, the economy has fallen and can’t get up, meanwhile in Russia/China/North Korea and more Biden falls off his bike memes!
Have you seen the video by the Saudi's on Joe and Kamala? It is hilarious. Look it up on you Tube!
Yea, I saw that somewhere - don't remember exactly what it was but that it was something the saudis had done...
He needs his training wheels back.
Hey Jeff, before you send those bikinis back you might think about putting on a little fashion show. An exclusive offering guaranteed to drive up readership. I'm certain you only chose the most tasteful pieces.
Two articles by el gato malo about the Israeli semen study exposing flaws in the data/conclusions:
That's one smart cat!
I've been following el gato malo since the start of the pandemic, one smart cat! but never have heard said whether the writer is a man or a woman. Seems more likely to be a female just from the tone - doesn't really matter, just curious. And what are your thoughts on the pfossible pfizer pfutures scenario? Seems plausible.
I think el gato malo is being too optimistic, in part, because I believe censorship by the media (including academic journals) and Big Tech will continue to ratchet up. Anomalies in excess death/disability will probably be explained by Long COVID. And I do believe that a fair portion of our population will never accept an alternate hypothesis for what they see happening around them with their own eyes.
I was quite excited by the Brook Jackson lawsuit initially, but Pfizer's motion to dismiss might succeed purely on the basis of Contract Law. As one of their lawyers said, "We may lose on this issue because their contract imposes … none of the normal checks and balances on quality control and consumer protection that we fought for decades in this country...". See the American Greatness and Epoch Times articles below.
I recently saw an interview of Dr. Naomi Wolf, whose group has exposed a lot of fraud in the released Pfizer trial documents. The results of their work is documented at https://dailyclout.io/pfizer-documents-part-one-the-wolf-teams-findings-so-far/. During the interview, Dr. Wolf announced that the lawyers in her group will be filing a lawsuit. I'm sure they are aware of what's going on with Brook Jackson's suit, so perhaps they have found another way to pursue the fraud. I sincerely hope so.
Finally, timing is everything. Litigation is not quick and so many of our institutions have been operating with impunity. I am fearful that we have not made enough changes to ensure fair midterm elections, which means we might not have the power to slow down/stop the planned demolition of our country required by the The Great Reset. I'm praying that I am wrong and that el gato malo is right!
https://www.theepochtimes.com/pfizer-moves-to-dismiss-lawsuit-from-covid-19-vaccine-trial-citing-prototype-agreement_4481422.html (paywall)
Praying hard every spare moment!
Perhaps you are right, you are following this more closely than I am. But sounds like Congress needs to close the 'other transactions' loophole. The truth is out there, but too many don't want to hear it.
Sperm have a different genetic makeup the rest of your cells. Remember meiosis and the chromosomes being copied, crossing over occurs and then they are randomly divided? Then they go from diploid (2 sets of chromosomes to haploid 1 set. (Also sperm dont have much cytoplasm or organelles)
As sperm mature in the testicles they are attached to nurse cells that keep them alive and protect them from being killed by your immune system. sperm are pretty fragile.
We also know that the vaccine mRNA ends up in large amounts in testicles (and ovaries and livers and hearts and kidneys) and therefore are producing lots of spike protein. Not to mention studies showed that is it possible mRNA to be reverse transcribed in the nucleus of cells and become part of the dna in the nucleus. (Something they assured us COULD NOT happen)
Pretty complicated procedure making sperm. What could go wrong ? There could be multiple mechanisms interfering with sperm production. Sounds like one is our hyperactive immune system starts destroying the developing sperm. I would expect egg cells to have the same issues.
I read in some article that prior to covid we have NEVER approved any drug that accumulates in the ovaries or testes for just this reason. Too risky. But I guess the .0001% chance of a healthy young person dying of covid was determined to outweigh the risk of being unable to produce healthy children? Or maybe to the manufactures and creators saw this as a designed and desired side effect of the vaccine. Gates has wanted population control for decades.
And eggs aren't replaceable ~ lifetime supply up front.
I've been telling my two unvaxxed teenage boys they might be a hot commodity in the future. Nice work if you can get it!
Haha. They get to be studs ?!!
Deuce Bigalow...
I am waiting for the egg research to come out. Someone has to be looking at it. It's not like many eggs aren't being collected for IVF.
Yep, found out my 16 yo's girlfriend and whole family got the shots. I told him not to marry her if he wants kids. I hope by the time he marries, we know for sure the damage to sperm and eggs so the pure kids can make wise decisions if they want kids.
Survival of the fittest in play. The smarter unvaxxed population vs the vaxxed ones. Weeds out the dummies.
I hope not. It’s going to be pretty devastating to the economy. Both from deaths to having to provide medical care for chronically Ill people
Looking back into my late teens to early twenties I can state unequivocally that my semen had almost zero concentration or focus.
Well I'm thinking if these covid shots had been around sooner I could have saved lots of money on birth control pills. Plus saved myself from potential health risks from using them.
It seems that it's pretty effective birth control for a double vaxxed man. AND we can only imagine how much safer boosted or even double boosted men are.
(I'm being sarcastic here).
Eric...got any funnies on this from the sperm paper, page 6:
"Samples produced after third (buster) vaccination dose were excluded from the study"
The word "sperm" makes me squirm. Or was it "squirm" makes me sperm? Either way, "Sperm paper" leaves me speechless.
Eric - "buster" shot wasn't my typo...it's in the article. Anything about the 3rd shot busting up anything?
3rd shot samples excluded from the study?
Sounds like "deSEMENation" to me!
Go to your room!
Oh...that's good!!! 👏👏👏👏
It’s hard to fathom that what Biden is doing is exactly what the WEF wants.
Recking the United States economy in an all blitz has been the plan from the start. All the players are united in the ongoing effort to remove America’s self sufficient economy.
Along with this main agenda it appears that some of these rich elites have personal side projects. as well. Such as Bill Gates who is adamant in destroying the beef industry, chemtrails induction and depopulation.
We all agree the radical left progressive pedofiles are lovers of themselves.
They have been overtaken by a dark ideology which is viscous and utterly uncompromising.
This leaves them unable to do or say anything constructive.
Notice all they do is lie, deceive and lie so more.
The U.S. economy hasn't been self sufficient for quite some time. The electronics industry relies on rare earths mining and China owns or has controlling interest in most of them. Our overall reliance on technology has given them more control than most realize. Part of the reason they're cozying up to Russia is they have one of the largest untapped sources of rare earths.
Also, Russia provides 33% of the worlds need for neon gas, that red gas is the only way sophisticated lasers can make semi conductors.
Guess who use to provide the other 50% if you say Ukraine move to the head of the class.
Those facilities have been destroyed which makes Russia basically the sole provider of red gas needed to run very precision lasers, including many other delicate machines and equipment needed in hospitals.
"overtaken by a dark ideology"
diversity is our strength.
I know, I misspelled "strife."
"While ... these results may seem concerning, from a clinical perspective they confirm previous reports regarding vaccines’ overall safety and reliability "
How does a study narrowly confined to sperm count confirm overall injection safety and reliability? It doesn't and it can't. An honest scientist wouldn't make such a claim.
The vaccine is neither safe nor effective. It provides a temporary resistance to covid which quickly wanes while damage from the spike protein continues for as long
A time period as they have studied. It damages the immune system, it causes clots, strokes, heart attacks, heart inflammation and damage, repeat covid infections, menstrual cycle irregularities, sperm decrease and decrease in sperm mobility, miscarriages, a syndrome where the entire lining of the uterus sloughs off in on big piece, Bell’s palsy, various neuropathy and neurological issues such as nerve damage and paralysis, tinnitus, severe allergenic reactions which have resulted in death. Sudden adult death syndrome … to name a few.
Follow the real science not the $$$cience. I’m happy to provide studies showing all these side effects. Do not get the vaccine. And if you did, you need to be checked for heart issues twice a year and should consider treatment to prevent vaccine injuries.
Amen! I agree 100% that this vaccine was meant to kill people. There was a TED Talk that Bill Gates did years ago where he actually admitted that they were going to use vaccines to reduce the surplus population.
That quote is from the sperm study, not the Virology letter.
You are correct; got my articles confused and will delete my comment.
"the new policy only lets swimmers compete in women’s events if they completed “transitioning” before age 12."
This means the single, Munchausen-by-proxy, mothers will be clamoring to castrate their sons at 5-6 years old because gold medals aren't going to win themselves.
Speaking of Ukraine.....
This is from the fantastic Mark Crispin Miller substack:
Americans, you want to die? If so, then keep on cheering for Team Biden's suicidal provocation in Ukraine
Eve Roissy states: I Just saw a 'Stand With Ukr@ine' banner on a friend's page:
Folks, please realize that Russia and Ukraine are on the same damned side - or at least Putin and Zelensky are. THEY have not gone to 'war' against one another - they have gotten THEIR PEOPLE to do that. As usual, this is a war of the 1% of the 1% against the people - ALL of them - a casual culling that can be made grander if the power structure so desires, while fulfilling many OTHER agendas, as with WW2. What happened there?? Same story. A power structure controlled bogeyman was set up and the rest of the world sent to 'fight' him. Ever wonder why Buckingham Palace, in the MIDDLE of London, wasn't flattened when the rest of London was? How long will it take before we understand that ALL WARS ARE BANKERS WARS? How long will it be before we keep falling for these SAME manipulations?? There are no 'countries' as we think of them, as far as the power structure is concerned, and all the divisions we think are real - like race, religion, culture, BORDERS - are CREATED DIVISION. Keeps the power structure STRONG and us right where they want us - ready to KILL ONE ANOTHER the moment the next manipulation comes along. This is why I say to you that even PATRIOTISM is a gross and well-thought out manipulation.
There is only ONE true division and ONE true enemy: it is the 1% of the 1% of this little world against ALL THE REST OF US. Wise up, folks!
"Folks, please realize that Russia and Ukraine are on the same damned side - or at least Putin and Zelensky are."
Couldn't agree more. Here's why: https://edwardslavsquat.substack.com/p/israeli-pfizer-shill-tedros-pharma
Gonzalo is compromised.
Plus, even if the Biden admin gave the order, the military would refuse. Apparently they've stepped up before & refused an Obama order.
With today's military there is no certainty. Many in top leadership positions seem compromised, such as General Milley.
They succeeded in "vaccinating" the military with an unproven drug.
I just read about it yesterday & already have forgotten the name, but the General that stepped in & stopped Obama (it involved Syria) remains in the same position.
Also, there is a massive difference between ordering someone else to take a risky jab & risking US suicide.
Russia's hypersonic capabilities are way ahead of us. They could literally nuke each major coastal city from Boston through DC with a single launch, with no warning. China's hypersonic tests (which are less advanced than Russia's) came within 24 miles of target. The difference between being instantly vaporized & dying in firestorm. I watched video of a kalibre strike yesterday. Soldier lying in bunker, behind him a silent lightning flash & then black, then lost signal.
.The neocons are armchair warriors grasping at straws. The Generals are realists. They'll go far enough to get $$ for new weapons. They won't commit suicide.
I hope you're right.
The military has changed since my husband and I served. We still have friends serving.
The name is Austin and yes, he was around for several significant Obummer failures and was background only until Bidumb brought him in to orchestrate even more failures. Like the rest of those he has appointed...
No, it is not Austin, which I would remember. It was a name I didn't recognize at all.
I've been following Gonzalo off and on, often wondering about the week he "disappeared". Can you provide more about him being compromised?
He was picked up by Uke police, his laptop taken, & imprisoned for a week.
He's not allowed to talk about his week in jail. He is almost certainly being monitored & watched at the very least.
Thanks ~ was wondering if there was something new. After his "disappearance", I became more skeptical of his reports whenever I ran across them.
I've been following Gonzalo on Twitter and YouTube since March. He didn't give details of his incarceration, and he was careful with his criticism of Ukraine for about a week or so after his return, but he hasn't been holding back since then. Yes, he is being monitored and watched, but he doesn't seem to care. He is also frequently on a channel called The Duran. I'm just saying that I don't think he is compromised.
I follow others on Ukraine as well, and watched a recent talk by Mearsheimer yesterday. They are saying this war isn't going to end anytime soon because all sides are too determined to be "the winner".
With that said, I agree with you on the US military. From the beginning, it has seemed as if the US State Dept wants further escalation and the US Military doesn't. Will wiser heads prevail? I don't know. This is definitely fear-porn from Gonzalo which is unusual, but what he is warning is definitely a possibility which can't be ignored. The other thing which happened last week is Russian airstrikes in Syria at the US Al Tanf base. There was very little coverage in the media because of Jan 6 hearings.
The real question is whether or not the people in power see a multi-polar world or WW3 as a bigger existential threat to US/Western interests. One or the other is going to happen.
I followed Nightvision until he disappeared. Moon of Alabama also gives excellent analysis. And stacker Mark Wauck follows a lot of good analysts & then adds his take.
Retired General McGregor gave an excellent summary yesterday.
Intel Slava Z gives Russian propaganda (generally backed by video & photo evidence).
Putin himself said this (phase?) will be over in the fall.
I have read they had 2 laser weapons in testing. One has been successfully used already, incinerating drones.
The other is a space laser that can supposedly take out satellites.
My guess is that is what they would use ahead of nukes. Sans internet, we'd be fighting blind.
I follow Moon of Alabama as well. That's where I got the link to the recent Mearsheimer talk. Their post today is a must read. When I read things like it, I have to wonder if the Ukrainians can hold out until the fall.
Sperm study misleads by using median, rather than average or simply presenting the small data set. Could be nearly half have zero motility, median would be the same:
The vaccine is neither safe nor effective. It provides a temporary resistance to covid which quickly wanes while damage from the spike protein continues for as long
A time period as they have studied. It damages the immune system, it causes clots, strokes, heart attacks, heart inflammation and damage, repeat covid infections, menstrual cycle irregularities, sperm decrease and decrease in sperm mobility, miscarriages, a syndrome where the entire lining of the uterus sloughs off in on big piece, Bell’s palsy, various neuropathy and neurological issues such as nerve damage and paralysis, tinnitus, severe allergenic reactions which have resulted in death. Sudden adult death syndrome … to name a few.
Follow the real science not the $$$cience. I’m happy to provide studies showing all these side effects. Do not get the vaccine. And if you did, you need to be checked for heart issues twice a year and should consider treatment to prevent vaccine injuries.
Adverse effects of COVID-19 vaccines and measures to prevent them | Virology Journal | Full Text
Thank you!!
Joe can't even go up a flight of stairs or ride a bike yet alone run a country. I believe this destruction is planned in order to institute the New World Order. What will be interesting is who will be the ultimate leader of this order.
Regarding Ukraine, it does seem as if Joe is hedging his bets with both sides which I think will ultimately backfire. Farmers, throughout history, have used lots of different forms of fertilizer so depending on Ukraine and Russia seems to be a convenient excuse to continue not to produce the necessary food.
As my father used to say, if you try to sit between two chairs you end up falling through both. Joe should be told that.
Biden should start using the name Uncle Sam.
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“Adverse Effects of COVID-19 Vaccines and Measures to Prevent Them.”