May 16, 2022·edited May 16, 2022

Pennsylvania’s democrat lieutenant governor, a covidian government thug demands the public take a dangerous shot. For a flu-like symptom with a 99% survival rate.

He takes it, showing it's safe. But wait, he gets a terrible blood clot. And a stroke!

Thus we call these jabs the Clot Shot and the Stroke Poke.

And they still push this on children!

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Michigan and PA seem to do things almost exactly the same. Coincidence? Or planned? Michigan’s newest mdhhs commercials show 20 something’s frolicking at concerts, courtesy of the clot shot making it safe to frolic once again. Moral: keep your clot shots up to date. More clot shots! Whoopee!

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Two states that Trump won in 2020, but used a multi-day counting scam to overthrow the people's vote. That they are covid tyrants goes with their modus operandi.

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Michigan jab ads are horrible-using children!!

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Michigan is horrible. I am reminded daily of why we left.

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Do you think we will take it back? I'm hopeful.

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I'm not optimistic. I know people who believe that Whitmer is doing a good job.

As a life-long Michigan (now former) resident, I watched as Michigan continuously shot itself in the foot both economically and politically. The Detroit Lions and their fans are a microcosm of the Michigan mentality. Let that one sink in.

Much of this has to do with the fact that notoriously corrupt and deep-blue Wayne County affects election outcomes as we saw with Whitmer in 2018 and Trump and John James in 2020. Oakland County has also become bluer. Otherwise, Michigan is sea of red with bastions of blue in highly populated, albeit isolated counties.

Although we moved south, I continue to contribute to Chief Craig's campaign and will continue to do so. Chief Craig is Michigan's best hope, in my humble opinion.

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What happened to the days you got a respiratory infection and you drank chicken soup, rest and got over it like a boss? Perhaps China has changed this but now to cure a respiratory infection need worldwide communism. #chickensoup&rest.

Maybe just for s&g’s add vitamin D zinc and quercetin some magnesium for good measure.

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I got COVID. Healed in bed naturally. Nasty cold. I’m 63. Slim female. I take supplement and eat right.

I do not take drugs. I trust God. I do not want any child masked or jabbed because I’m afraid of death. That’s ridiculous. Besides I’m not afraid of death. Jesus decides my last breath not a virus☺️. I’m disgusted with how so many Americans gave away their freedoms away just like that because of fears of a virus albeit the media sure did play it up and still are but most are waking up I hope. Trump should have never shut our country down for even an hour. People should have rebelled. By obliging this shut down the tyrannical dictators came out full swinging and don’t want to give up that power. The Democrat leftists and even some RHINOS. They showed their true colors. They distain America and her constitution. Ben Franklin said those who would give up their liberties for a little safety and security deserve neither their liberties or safety and security. Americans you have failed the test. Our children will pay the tab. 😡

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They have been working on society for hundreds of years. Why some of us didn't take that road and others did is up for great contemplation. There's a great video called A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing by EWTN that explains the extent of how this was done. Have a watch when you have time. It's enlightening. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ue2BaHXA8w

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I wonder what that study where Fauci scared the monkeys came back with? Maybe that fear is so debilitating that affects your immune system and mole hill becomes a mountain? They scared every to death those first few weeks and some have held tight to fear. I’m not afraid anymore do what I want when I want. I’m waiting for US to release that requirement of testing prior to returning to US and I am traveling again. Counting the days!

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No meetings on the schedule yet for the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee to discuss the children's COVID "vaccines". I believe they were looking at June to discuss children under five years old, but will undoubtedly spring it on us at the last minute.

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Sen. Chris Van Hollen hospitalized after stroke


Just another "coincidence" folks... Move along to Ukraine and abortion....

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Has Franklin Graham recovered from his heart issues last summer? He was a jab advocate too.

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Pericarditis and had pericardium removed. Then his niece had two heart attacks they called Broken Heart Syndrome. I call it broken brain syndrome for being a sucker for this mess.

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May 16, 2022·edited May 16, 2022

It ended up being diagnosed as SCAD: Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection.

But still.

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May 16, 2022·edited May 16, 2022

The EXPLAIN talking points for Fetterman say the clot due to atrial fibrillation which is a significant risk factor for clot and stroke. He may have had a fib prior to jab. Born in 1969, he's ~53, and on the young side for stroke without underlying cardiovascular comorbity, which a fib would be. But now end up questioning onset of arrhythmia.

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The Mainstream Media in the country continues to demonstrate and prove on a regular basis that they are a hazard to the physical, emotional and mental well being of everyone. They are the true enemy. They are liars, scumbags and accessories to mass murder. In summary, They Totally and Unequivocally Suck !!

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Just read this msm description of Republicans.

I got this from the Organic Prepper which has a link to the leftist Salon magazine or whatever they call themselves.

The unbelievable double speak describe themselves as victims of right wing oppression. What damn country do they live in?

My comment are below their remarkable B's.


A large percentage of Republicans and the larger white right actually believe that they are in an existential struggle for survival against Black and brown people and "illegal aliens" who want to "replace them," sinister "secularists" who want to outlaw Christianity, "critical race theory" aimed at brainwashing their children, a "liberal media" that deliberately lies to them, and a cabal of "elites" and "socialists" who are treasonous and determined to destroy the "real" America.


If by survival they mean survival of the American Way, rule of law, civilization, democracy, morality, freedom of speech and expression, then YES, it is a struggle but it is NOT against some anonymous POC, anyone who respects fundimental rights is an ally.

Yep, the folks (TV, films, celebrities) who constantly mock and denigrate Christianity then have nothing to say about a stone age religion that is both mysoginist and pedophile. Those secularists decided that church was banned but weed stores and casinos were allowed to remain open. Sinister indeed. Literally.

crt is socialist propaganda and is not supported by the vast majority of parents. Tax dollars going to leftist positions against the will of the people.

If it wasn't so sick, I'd have to laugh that ByeDim's handlers have to retract his words about the injections. Would his ministry of Truth have censored him?

Hell, the elites and avowed socialist don't even hide trying to destroy the USA as it currently exists. WEF, WHO, UN, plus the exposed Deep State of the Obama rule. (is HE the little man behind the curtain, madly pulling levers?)

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What a coincidence! That Salon description is suspiciously similar to the recent grotesque Rolling Stone screed calling all Republicans white supremacists obsessed with race and white reproduction. Somehow. Weirdly, these nutjobs fail to see they're describing themselves. Bizarre. Anyway, caught it on the Mike Gallagher show, didn't catch the author's/title.

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"Liberal media deliberately lies to them..."

Hmm. Hey Salon, maybe go back and read your own article? Because if you try to tell me it isn't full of lies, then all you've done is proven you're a liar.

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Fact check: true

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Yes. This.

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May 16, 2022·edited May 16, 2022

We can add US Sen Chris VanHollen (D-Md) to the post-jab stroke victim list, in the hospital now.

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It will be interesting when more congressional covidians stroke out, possibly changing the balance of power.

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that could really help us earlier than expected. Wait till one dies

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Here's hoping!

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Oh, LOL! (Um, does that make me a bad person?)

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Glad to know these bastards got high on their own supply. They won't last long...

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Here’s another reason to leave California—they just passed SB 866 (https://chrisbray.substack.com/p/our-democracy-illustrated), which allows 12–17-year-olds to get injected (among other things) without parental permission. This is part of a slate of medical tyranny bills up for vote in California. People can see my “Letter to the California Legislature” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-california-legislature) for details on the bills and instructions on how to fight them—AB 2098 being the most egregious as it threatens to strip the licenses of doctors who spread “misinformation” (i.e., scientific evidence that counters the narrative).

Jeff, you mentioned the US/WHO machinations to end national sovereignty in your 5/11 post and said you’ve “held off writing about this developing story because it isn’t clear to me what can be done to stop the revised agreement from being signed.”

I’m a few days behind on Stacks so forgive my delayed response, but there is a *LOT* people can do, and I would be grateful if you could help get the word out!

I published my written comment demanding the rejection of the proposed IHR amendments here:

• “Letter to the US HHS Office of Global Affairs” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-us-hhs-office-of-global)

I provide instructions on multiple ways people can submit their own comments after the post. As of right now, we have 14 days left to submit written comments (see the countdown timer here for the latest: https://worldcouncilforhealth.org/campaigns/stop-the-who/2022/05/24-hours-left-comment-at-the-stakeholder-listening-session-for-75th-world-health-assembly/74090/). People are welcome to link to my letter to amplify the arguments if desired.

Additional resources and details can be found at the end of these posts:

• “Dialogue With a Curious Injectee” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/dialogue-with-a-curious-injectee)

• “Letter to the Menticided: A 12-Step Recovery Program” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-menticided-a-12-step)

Dr. Tess Lawrie’s World Council for Health (https://worldcouncilforhealth.org) is leading the charge on this, and I am honored to be joining forces with them to #StopTheAmendments, #StopTheTreaty, and #StopTheWHO. WCFH would make a wonderful candidate for a future Operation Multiplier campaign :-)

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The bill calling for an unvaxxed registry similar in concept to that for sex offenders, with similar treatment and status in their society is pretty heinous as well. Those are seriously demented, demonic pieces of human debris running CA. Thanks to their "green" madness, they should be roasting in the dark, soon.

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May 16, 2022·edited May 16, 2022

That roasting in the dark will give them a little preview of where they will end up for eternity.

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I'd think with all those flames it would be quite bright.

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I wrote a letter to the HHS Office of Global Affairs as recommended, but why should I have any confidence that lots of letters will have any effect? My experience with these governmental authorities is that they do what they want to do, no matter how loud the public outcry is. What about former Congresswoman Michelle Bachman's idea to get GOP legislators to do a general strike and not pass any bills until Biden rescinds the amendments? I'm sure many would not go along with this, but even a large minority of GOP lawmakers could have an effect. I'm actually not optimistic about anything working at this point.

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Stopping the IHR amendments is only the first and most urgent action that’s part of a multi-front campaign. A crucial part of the long-term strategy is alerting people to the threat the WHO poses and the dictatorial powers that would be granted to an unelected bureaucrat and (alleged) genocidal war criminal. Getting the word out about these amendments and the treaty is not only about encouraging people to submit comments so they are flooded with objections (the WCFH’s last campaign for comments to the WHO reached 415 million people), but it is also about raising awareness and building an international #StopTheWHO movement.

There is no greater threat to our liberties, rights, and the future of humanity than this. We will ultimately be calling for all member states to withdraw from the WHO, but people need to understand why this is such a threat and take action to stop each attempted power grab while we still can:



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May 16, 2022·edited May 16, 2022

Robeft Malone sums it up under 2 minutes


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Wouldn't it have to be enough to count the body as 'not a quorum?' (Spoiler alert: It wouldn't be enough.) And wouldn't the Dems be thrilled to have an even bigger numerical advantage if Rs refuse to vote (it's just an abstention, I think)?

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I get form letter back

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May 16, 2022·edited May 16, 2022

Maybe reps would consider supporting Legislation.

Rep Chip Roy "introduced H.R. 419 — No Taxpayer Funding for the WHO Act — back in 2021 because it doesn't deserve one red cent of YOUR money.

Under NO circumstance should US taxpayer dollars EVER fund a corrupt, CCP-dominated entity like the @WHO."

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Take action for freedom has a form sends emails. With one click, it pulls your own US House Rep, your US Senator, as well as the House and Senate leadership (Rick Scott, Marco Rubio, Mitch McConnell, and Kevin McCarthy), and sends them the email.


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Thanks, I thought the comment period had ended.

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Yes, we found out it had been extended after the initial deadline, thankfully.

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May 16, 2022·edited May 16, 2022

I am very upset as I write this. This shot is causing so much damage. Two women, close to me, but not related are suffering from a very rare auto-immune disease called transverse myelitis. What are the odds of this? Both started out not being able to walk and had horrific neuropathy in one leg and foot. The myelin that surrounds the nerves of the spine is disintegrating, thus exposing raw nerves. (Similar to MS). There is no cure. Both women were triple vaxed and healthy before getting jabbed. One had her drivers license taken away - removed by her doctor. My other friend is a few steps behind with her condition, so not sure how this will go with her. She just started treatment in the form of pain relievers (which don’t work) and p/t. We are watching a nightmare unfold.

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Transverse Myelitis is a common AE in VAERS and was on the infamous list of clot shot problems Pfizer listed in one of their document dumps.

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Hi. I love your bio.

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Wow that's terrible. For the jab-damaged, this must be so frustrating when people like Trump, Biden, and the CDC told them the jabs were safe.

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Right! Best listen to the independent docs, not the politicians.

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My niece recently diagnosed with intrinsic factor, intestinal metaplasia, atrophic gastritis, pernicious anemia, and according to a pet scan - pre-cancerous lesions on the outside of her stomach. Not sure what her treatment will be, as she has to see an oncologist soon. All this came up so quickly. And yes - She is 3x vaxed. She felt sick after the first 2 jabs, but took the third one anyway.

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Another great C&C! But…amazon gift cards as rewards? Amazon? They’ve promised their employees up to $4000 each per year towards abortions. I, for one, am DONE with amazon and their radical, murderous agenda (and let’s not forget what they did to Parler).

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May 16, 2022·edited May 16, 2022

What I do now is I search for things on Amazon, see what I want, see who the retailer is, then I go to the retailer's website when possible and purchase directly from them.

For smaller retailers who don't have a presence in my/your state, you may not have to pay sales tax (I just bought a Hydroflask from backcountry.com; they didn't charge the 11.5% PR sales tax; I also bought some Himalaya cheese dog chews the same way, avoided sales tax AND shipping).

So that's been my approach for the past year or so. Buy direct, when possible. F Amazon when possible.

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Yup, been boycotting Amazon for about two years now. I may check it for reviews on a product I'm interested in but will then go find it elsewhere for buying, even if I have to pay a bit more.

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The reviews on Amazon are unreliable. The sellers give out free products or pay people to write favorable reviews. The only Amazon reviews I read now are the negative ones. At least they give some idea if the product is defective or the reviewer is an idiot.

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You guys are pikers! I haven't bought anything from Amazon since it's birth. I look at books now and again, but never buy.

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LOL well you win this round. I was a pretty dedicated Amazon shopper until two things: it removed Ryan Anderson's book on transgenderism, and made even more obscene profits during the lockdowns while small businesses went under.

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Honestly, I don't buy stuff online at all. Therefore, Amazon isn't that hard to avoid. 😉😋

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Wow. Well, you've got me totally stumped as well as probably 99.99% of all of us.

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FYI, Trader Joe's has those Himalayan dog chews, very reasonably priced.

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Thanks for the tip.

Got TJs in the States where I visit family, but no TJs here in Puerto Rico.

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Yep, also if you have no issues dealing with Walmart, many times they have the same item for the same price or lower price. Walmart delivery is quicker than non-Prime Amazon too.

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WM is at least as bad. Their foundation is demonic, financing the CRT and BLM and LGBTQxyz bullcrap in schools and out in the world. Just so you know.

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Had no idea. Thanks for the heads-up, and now I'm even more glad I didn't buy it from them.

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May 16, 2022·edited May 16, 2022

I have gone the Walmart route at times as well (although they do charge sales tax for shipments to PR). In fact, I looked there (and a few other prominent places) online for my Hydroflask, but they didn't have the particular one I wanted. So that led to a deeper search, and that's how I found backcountry.com.

I have a West Marine here in Puerto Rico, but they didn't have the one I wanted in-stock so I went to their website to see if I could order it. I could...and pay $37 shipping plus 11.5% PR sales tax.

backcountry.com charged $-0- sales tax, and just $5.95 shipping. Ordered 10pm Sunday night, arrived that Friday, less than 5 full days later. To Puerto Rico. From Utah.

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Great for you! I find I have to do a deep dive for some stuff too.

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Hey, that's a great idea. I'm going to try the same.

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I recommend that anyone working for companies subsidizing abortion (man or woman since men can now get pregnant) submit for such subsidies as many times per year as possible. If you can "get pregnant and need an abortion", say, 6 times a year that's a cool $24 grand in your pocket! And due to HIPPA, the company cannot ask for proof that a procedure was done. Is this a great country or what!

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Or, take each of those $4,000s and help 6 pregnant women carry their babies to term.

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Employees are too stoopid to take the pill, which is free on their employee insurance plan? We're to believe pregnancy just happens to these poor victims. 😒

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I guess this is a joke? It’s if a woman gets pregnant and wants an abortion. They wouldn’t just hand over cash each year. Your buying from them will subsidize the abortions… And last time I checked, men can’t get pregnant.

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No joke, Dorothy. Companies have publicly announced that they will pay travel expenses if employees need to go to another state to get an abortion if they are restricted in their own state if/when Roe v Wade gets overturned. So, overwhelm their system by traveling for abortions frequently.

Liberal "science" now includes men in the population of people who can get pregnant. (Microsoft even introduced a pregnant man emoji) It's ludicrous, but if they believe it I say you can go ahead and exploit that belief.

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Hoist them on their own petard. Make the enemy live up to their own standards (or however Alinsky's Rules for Radicals puts it).

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As a native Pennsylvanian, I was shocked that I

actually found a picture of Fetterman in a suit. Once. When he was sworn in as Tom Wolf (In Sheep's Clothing) lieutenant governor. While I'd love to claim a lunch with Mr. Childers and would gladly leave the penal colony of Pennsylvania to do so, I have to admit that the picture is only of Fetterman's torso. Perhaps he was wearing basketball shorts.

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Saw possibly same photo on search results for John Fetterman. CBS had item, EXPLAINER: What do we know about John Fetterman's diagnosis.

They explain the stroke was due to his experiencing atrial fibrillation for too long ......

Must have been a press release (PR) or talking points because a search of his name & "what do we know" showed ABC, Yahoo, and nearly every other 'news report,' right down to podunk stations had the same EXPLAINER title show up in the results. Once upon a time, there was at least an effort to do a little research based on the PR and write an article.

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Preaching to the Coronamania choir:


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FLATTEN THE FEAR ~ love your yard sign/bumper sticker!

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Another excellent article (as usual, Mark!). Thank you for your writing in these years.

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"Involved people need affirmation". Indeed, we do. Thank you.

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I just read your writing for the first time. I’ll join your choir and follow you now.

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May 16, 2022·edited May 16, 2022

re:CA exodus

1) a lot of the CA folks are coming to GA and are driving up the prices of real estate. I’ve been told multiple times it’s CA money doing it and they’re buying everything. To the point that people that have lived here there WHOLE lives can no longer afford housing.

I feel bad for the Californian’s but I’ll be honest, I don’t f*cking want them here. They screwed up their state and who’s to say that they won’t bring their crap way of thinking to my state (which was already struggling to begin with).

2) this is an important question, who EXACTLY is buying up California real estate at inflated prices that are allowing these escapees to come to GA and massively outbid locals?

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I think we also have a large population that have migrated from Washington state and New York. Florida is also feeling the real estate hikes from the influx.

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They'll turn tail and run if that disgusting Stacey Abrams manages to successfully steal this election for herself. I'm worried, especially with all the carpetbaggers.

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I am too. The only person that should win this election is Kandiss Taylor, but she’s not even being spoken about.

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Calif. has the largest population, so more people leaving. Californians can’t find housing to buy in CA. There are lots of rich people, more work from homers strict zoning, and few homes.

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This morning, I tested positive for nothing and am recovering at home.

My symptoms are mild. I'm grateful for others taking the vaccine and booster so I knew not to. The vaccines are saving lives.

I will continue to quarantine in my local bowling alley.

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Hopefully, you'll get that booster ... ahem, chaser.

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The rampant homelessness is another reason people are leaving. California has around 200k homeless, they are everywhere and most appear to be drugged out of reality. Newsom and his cronies have created a real public health emergency and they won't do anything about it.

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"Do?" Why would the "do anything about" what they have created to bring us down more notches to the Third World?

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We should follow the bravery of the Churchgoers and do the same this to our out-of-control liberal evil politicians!!!

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It would certainly be satisfying to hog-tied our Colorado governor and staff. 🤔

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we want to possibly retire there. I scared of your Governor . I think he needs to go

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🤔 My sister lives in CO Springs. I am sure she would agree. 🤣

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Zero COVID is not possible because its never going away because of the complete Stupidity of injecting the Planet with non-sterilizing Experimental Gene Therapy products that didn’t work properly. COVID is never going away so get used to it.

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Covid is nothing worse than the common cold. The apparent plan is to rename the Cold and Flu as "Covid-19" with mandates. If you believe Germ theory is a lie, then you also believe there is no virus. Either way, no virus has been isolated to prove SARS-CoV-2 actually exists... So.

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Be aware: bio labs are getting a foothold everywhere. We have four in discussions right now in Massachusetts. They go under the label “life science” buildings. It includes inhumane animal testing. Bio labs create dangerous pathogens, bio weapons and handle dangerous chemicals.

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My husband and I left CA over a dozen years ago. Why? High taxes of all types, environmental laws that resulted in mass exodus of manufacturing companies overseas(I was a manufacturing engineer) so I kept on losing my job. My hobby was showing my intact dogs in conformation (beauty) shows, obedience, agility, tracking and herding. The state was putting egregious restrictions on owning intact dogs. They were taking away my ability to pay for my hobby and they were taking away my ability to have my hobby. I was a life long dem until I went to Sacramento to lobby against these bills and I was told I was a dog abuser and dog fighter because only those people have intact dogs. CA actually codified owners of intact dogs as being irresponsible in their Animal Control handbook. The people who I voted for thought I was scum and refused to talk to me. That opened my eyes.

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Agreed, it’s really bad here in CA. I just can’t stay in this prison that’s not getting any better (in spite of the gorgeous weather, flora and fauna), so I’m sorry if my move causes higher real estate prices elsewhere. Trying to jump ship!

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I wish kids were receiving a prize other than an Amazon gift card. We should all be using Amazon a lot less.

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Even Bezos is willing to go public against Biden now, though; don't give up on Providence.


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don't forget he wasn't shut down during plandemic and he made a KILLING from all the fear porn by media

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Goes without saying, but I'll appreciate any pushback by people formerly on the other side.

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Biden served his purpose. Remember that the same people controlling Biden also control Kamala, et al.

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