May 23, 2022·edited May 23, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Stealing a line from Dr. Simone Gold:

"I know I'm early but I'm also anti-monkeypox jab".

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Considering our inept and compromised CDC and FDA I’m almost anti- jab for anything!

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May 23, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I am DONE with vaccines. I’m also trying to eliminate from my life as many pharmaceuticals as possible. I think they’ve been manipulating our healthcare and our food supply for years and we never even thought to question them... as we continued to get sicker.

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May 23, 2022·edited May 23, 2022

I’m doing the same. In fact, I discovered a cure for my arthritis that is not something my doctors ever mentioned.

You should also take a peek at C h l o r i n e D i o x i d e... just be sure to go look in non-mainstream places.

It’s nuts that in 2022 I’ve completely lost trust in our healthcare system.

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Would you mind sharing about your arthritis cure? I’ve gotten a 90% improvement from use of ivermectin, but I’m a perfectionist!

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Obligatory “this is not medical advice, check with your doctor before starting on any sort of alternative therapies”

It’s boron. You can buy supplements if you aren’t interested in taking it from the box.



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I have taken boron for general stiffness. Works for me. YMMV

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Thank you!

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Thank you for reminding me about CD. I have very bad arthritis and I’m staying away from what was prescribed to me. After researching the medication, I found that it’s not supposed to be used long term! Isn’t the “doctor” suppose to know this? Or the pharmacist? I’m going the holistic route after 58 years. Any suggestions would be greatly helpful and appreciated.

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DMSO. 50 year history of proven success. Dr. Stanley Jacobs.

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DMSO is almost impossible to find these days. Plus, DMSO is a carrier chemical, it carries everything through the protective skin layer.

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Can you elaborate?

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Don’t forget our water too!

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You're right - where's the Dems concern over clean water? Pharmaceuticals in the water supply; no big deal for the "environmentalists"!!!

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Same here. Currently weaning off my only prescription med. Never doing another vaccine.

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May 23, 2022·edited May 23, 2022

Look into homeopathy. It works for people, animals and plants.

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Big Pharma wants continued customers forever. The only way to do that is keeping people sick. Kudos to you for taking this step. I have done the same many years ago; pharmaceuticals and skin care products (i.e., deodorant, toothpaste, etc...) have all been changed over to natural ingredients only!!

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Deodorant took me forever. Finally found one I liked just last week. Using Tom’s of Maine fluoride-free toothpaste for about a month and I love it.

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Isn't that Tom's taken over years ago by Colgate? I found out when I was still taking a homestead magazine. There are toothpastes with only natural ingredients like Weleda, Desert essence, auromere, jason and the lot. No shampoo ingredients there. No PEG or sodium laureth sulphate for my teeth.

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Baking soda is far superior to any commercial toothpaste, and it is way cheaper.

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I did not know that. Where can I find these others?

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I had some heavy metal testing done and found out that I had high levels of aluminum. That's why I switched to natural deodorant. I am sure a large number of our population has heavy metal toxicity!!

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May 24, 2022·edited May 24, 2022

many years ago my dentist told me we don't even need to use toothpaste. and since I always hated mint, I happily stopped. I've had no problems because of it.I trusted my dentist's advice

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I gave up COX Cable TV last week. Getting 19 stations with my own antenna. I kept their Internet and my Bill dropped by two-thirds.

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BINGO! Did you read my mind? We never had these health problems, diseases, etc. BEFORE Rockefeller and company got their claws into us.

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Rockefeller funds all of our medical schools and pharmaceutical companies!!

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May 23, 2022·edited May 23, 2022

Have done that years ago, after my childhood got from sick to sicker by taking more and more Pfizer. Mom did not know any better than to feed me whatever the doc prescribed and then it got worse. Since I stopped I have been healthy, minus a few spots where homeopathic took care of it. Unfortunately to become an American I had to take 7 shots....

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That's terrifying me right now with my husband immigrating here. Even we "find a way around" the covid shot, he still needs all the others too. :(

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First, try to check the titers. Maybe he doesn’t need that many. It’s possible to have some infections subclinically without knowing.

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I think you are on the right track.

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I’ve become very anti jab too! I’m even analyzing my dog’s meds now! I don’t trust anything pharma anymore!

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Just went to the vet. He gave me ivermectin for the heartworm years ago and says it covers completely if you give it on regular basis (contrariwise to the former vet who wanted to check dog every year, and gave me an attest for the rabies shot, which is now its 4th year and going strong. Thankfully I found this great vet. If I have an ailment I am going to him LOL

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Straight ivermectin?

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the prescription was ivermectin plus, but I found the straight ivermectin online and am giving that now. Her test was negative, so it works just fine. Less than half the price.

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Plus the dog won't get covid. Bonus!

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Vaccines are just as toxic to our dogs and cats too. When we take our dogs to the vets, we have them measure their antibodies to the various shot rosters (rabies, bordetella, etc...). If their antibodies are elevated, then we don't repeat any vaccines. Its the least we can do for them!!

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I'm going to do that! Thanks for the idea, that hadn't even occurred to me. And I'm sure it doesn't occur to most vets either.

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The test is called a, "titer". Have your vet take the blood, spin it down and ship it yourself to the labs, usually universities. U of WI at Madison and Cornell are two I highly recommend. I just shipped to U of WI for parvo and distemper and it is $45 plus shipping.

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It is a little more expensive to check for antibodies, but if you love your pets as much as we do, its worth it not to keep giving them all of these toxic vaccines.

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I despise Shawn Hannity because I say he is responsible for shortening the life of my cocker spaniel and bringing unnecessary misery to his end.

A decade ago, Shawn was pushing some Chinese made dog food. He didn’t identify it as being Chinese made, of course. I switched to it, and within a few months my dog’s kidneys failed. We have to be vigilant for our pets, and I think you are right not to trust.

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"I despise Shawn Hannity(.)" No further explanation required.

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You are so right! Money grubbing tick tock, worm of a supposed man!

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What happened to Sean Hannity? He didn't come across as swampy before.

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He’s also been driving me crazy with all of his “ask your doctor” stuff about the jab. No! Most doctors didn’t study the studies & went along with the narrative!😡

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I did ask my doctor. She said take the shot. I said I'd rather die. End of conversation.

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You are so right about the ask your doctor narrative. I’ve gotten some good advice from doctors on things that don’t involve pharmaceuticals but most of the time when they want to give you a pill I try and find another way

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My exposure to Hannity comes from occasionally watching Tucker Carlson and forgetting to switch off the TV immediately at the end of Tucker's show. Hannity was shilling the shots out of fealty for Trump and appears to have been forced to change his tune in much the same way Trump has now that he finds himself being booed at rallies with the mere mention of the "really super great and safe" vaccines.

Very little in reality separates Hannity from dopes like Richard Cohen and Max Boot dating back to all three being lead cheerleaders for the Iraq War. Hannity has never changed his tune and now he's joined the DNC and the neocon/RINO axis salivating at the prospect of a hot war with Russia.

At least Tucker had his "I was for [the war] before I was against it" moment back in 2004 and has been consistent in his criticism of neocons, wars of choice, and Pax Americana. Although I find myself agreeing with Tucker on most things and I appreciate his bravery, I can only take his show in small doses.

How I long for the days of sober and rational television reportage like the MacNeil/Lehrer Report.

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Sorry to hear about your dog 😕

For those who can’t do a raw diet, there are a couple of pet foods I think are still made in the U.S. The one I fed my dogs was Timberwolf Organics. They used to make it in Florida. It’s been a few years though, so if interested, email and ask them. I think it’s still made here

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I buy only the natural, high quality cat food now. The regular cat food always made my cat sick-it’s garbage. I’m sorry for the loss of your precious pet. I’ve been there.

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So sorry about your sweet puppy!

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Me too! I've never trusted the medical establishment, I've always found doctors to be ignorant and arrogant, an unbearable combination, but of course over the past two years, any shred of trust I had left in modern medicine disappeared. I stood firm against the vaccines and my husband and I even decided we aren't going to chance it with any of the childhood vaccines for our little one on the way, and yet I found myself at the vet getting my dog his annual shots like it was something completely different. We're going to be moving soon and I'm going to try to find a good natural medicine vet.

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Good job! try to find one, they are out there! I have to drive 40 miles for our vet and he knows. I am glad I found him !

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You definitely have to request the antibody titers. We go to a "holistic" vet who still keeps pushing the vaccines each and every time. Just like traditional medicine, you have to be your own advocate!!

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The veterinarian business is just as untrustworthy as regular doctors. I question everything now. If I only knew years ago what I know now. Ignorance is not bliss.

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You are so right!! Question everything!!

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Yep, only c,d,q, and z for me.

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K2 & Mg

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Dr. Simone Gold, a woman after my own heart. ❤️

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She’s a fighter! Strong woman! 💪🏼🇺🇸

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May 23, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

FYI BFLMan, my friend who was hospitalized in January (a comment you ❤️ed yesterday) came home right before Easter after being in 3 facilities - on a vent, then tracheostomy then weaning off the vent then more rehab. She's still on O2 but is her old self: feisty and anti-covid narrative as ever. Haven't seen her yet and told her I'd be crying when I do. I said they'd tried to kill her but her Vit D3 level was too high. Praise God they weren't successful! She told me her husband was giving her IVM in the ICU before they vented her.

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🤣that’s awesome!

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Did the the experimental biologicals such as Astra Zeneca cause the monkey pox? Made with chimpanzee adeno vector. What other non mRNA vaxxes based on this vector? Why is this being kep quiet. Also adeno41 causing hepatitis in toddlers. Where did that come from?

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The whole Monkey Pox is another scam and fear propaganda. They have been trying this one out for over 20 years, with movies and the random news story. Then they go back in history and cherry pick these bits to be used to stir up more fear.

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I saw that tweet and just laughed. Thanks for sharing.

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“ The problem was, it was 70,000 POUNDS, not tons. ”

Pounds, tons… billions, trillions. Don’t bother the regime with details, they have a country to destroy.

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May 23, 2022·edited May 23, 2022

It’s 933 1.5# cans per state. Who picks the lucky babies who get to eat for a week?

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Depending on who & where it was made, those babies might not be so lucky.

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Get your babies over on formula used years ago sterilized water, carnation can milk and karo syrup. Many 50 something babies thrived on it.

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Goats milk and brown rice syrup. Carnation is cows milk.

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Yes, to goats milk. Surprisingly you don't hear much about it but it's the closest match to human milk. Luckily the goat interest in the US has been exploding making them plentiful!

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I was born in 1963 and my mom gave me goats milk.

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Not a good idea. Goats milk, liquid baby vitamins and very little sweetener. Formula is full of corn syrup which is what Karo syrup is and that sets up the body for obesity.

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That's what I grew up on, and my daughter born in 1970 had it too. There weren't infant formulas at that time. People survived!

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Maybe its the first experimental batch from the labs of Gates and Bezos.

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Heard a theory that they caused this baby food shortage to force vaccinated moms to breast feed and infect their babies with the poison. It’s evil but so are they. Wouldn’t put it past them at all.

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I think you are right. Another 2 years of Biden and we are Brazil.

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The 5.5 million Brazilians who migrated north are going to be super PO'd if they have to make that trek back.

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"...they have a country to destroy." A true statement.

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Millions, billions... reminds me of a joke first told years ago about George W Bush.

"Mr President, there's been a mine collapse in Brazil, and 8 Brazilian miners were killed."

"Why, that's shocking! Say, how many million are there in a Brazilian?"

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May 23, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers


You have done an amazingly wonderful job with Coffee and Covid. In fact, you are my touch point for sanity and truth! Having said that, I believe that God orchestrates our circumstances to grow us into the next level. Listen to His small, still voice. If you decide to go for the Tesla job and it doesn’t seem to be a good fit after awhile, you can always come back to Coffee and XXXXX. Or do both!!!

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May 23, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I agree! Jeff go for it!!

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Elon Musk would be blessed to have Jeff Childers. It would certainly be an interesting position. But I don’t want to lose him😫

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Only if both! Even only weekly C&C would work.

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May 23, 2022·edited May 23, 2022

Re: the jabs. I was out knocking doors for a Senate candidate yesterday, and got to talking with a guy and his wife who launched into a tirade about Biden, but then started talking about the covid situation. Said they had gotten their 4th shot, he had a lot of health issues, which he detailed in mind numbing detail, then said and 'We both got covid a few months ago" And his wife piped up 'and it would have been so much worse had we not been vaccinated"...and she is a nurse! He landed in the hospital, but they actually treated him with steroids and several drugs I did not recognize (not run death is near and a vent) but bottom line. Just when I think people are wising up, I get a story like this! SMDH.

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A friend recently told me that her very naturally minded son-in-law (not immunized for any childhood diseases, thinks that no mother should have an epidural during childbirth due to potential harms to baby, etc, etc) GOT THE INJECTION!!!!!! 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

I have acquaintances who absolutely would be very naturally minded in their approaches to health…. eat organic, non GMO, buy the Eikhorn wheat to make bread {whatever the old, pre-GMO wheat is that’s supposed to be less allergenic}… injected THEIR KIDS!!!! Their young, elementary age KIDS!!!! 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

SO bizarre. It’s like they didn’t even stop to question what, in normal times, they would have questioned.

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It's stunning. The most hippy-dippy, natural health-minded people have no problem getting their body modified by this politicized, corporate product.

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Totally baffling! 😳😳😳

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It's explainable. It was a well orchestrated psychological operation to drive fear through lies and propaganda and it's not over. Rational thought and logic become difficult for many when their thoughts are driven by fear and fear for their families. The evil ones that are perpetrating this on us know this. They have spent decades perfecting their methods.

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Also in case anyone is wondering who the traitors are in their own states. We know at the National level, it's almost all of them. https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/meet-globalists-here-full-roster-davos-2022-attendees

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I know. I lost all my friends from my yoga/natural community. People that were anti-vax before took it. Even natural health practitioners. I can only think that their left ideology over rode common sense. Leftists have been brainwashed to remove the creator GOD from their lives and have replaced GOD with as you say Hippi/Dippy philosophies.

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And I know of numerous people who were previously anti-vaxxers for childhood vaccines and who refused to vaccinate their kids for anything, and then when covid hit they jumped into the covid vax pool without a second thought.

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This sounds like my nephew and his wife. No vaccines for their twin girls until Covid. Then they kept the girls home and isolated until they turned 12 and could get the “vaccine.” It’s so crazy. Their girls are now terrified to go anywhere in public. One of them almost had a breakdown when her grandmother wanted to take them out to supper. It took a lot of coaxing and telling her they wouldn’t sit close to anyone in the restaurant and they would all wear masks. Kids will never recover from this. PS the girls are homeschooled so no worries that they will contract Covid from another student. This fear is criminal.

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Were natural health-minded people. Were. They have all been spiked.

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Like logic out the window!

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That's not a universal, I assure you.

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Yes, one of my daughter's midwives (they do home births) had been very anti-vax for all the childhood vaccines. But when the COVID shots came around, she was posting angry Facebook posts about the people who refusing to get jabbed. It's inexplicable.

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It leaves me wordless. It's very concerning how powerful the brainwashing is.

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I agree 100%. And it’s non-stop, still.

I recognize from time to time, in myself, how I’ve been programmed and it freaks me out.

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It's fear and fear is of the devil. He is loving this deception of the people whom God loves.

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“Circumstances do not make the man; they merely reveal him to himself.” - Epictetus. To himself -- and everyone else.

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Excellent and such an appropriate quote at this time.

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May 23, 2022·edited May 23, 2022

I have lost so much respect for many people I know who defend the jabs and who I held in such high esteem and thought were highly intelligent. I have lifelong friends in this category that I now hesitate communicating with. Talking to them is walking on eggshells. The hostile attitudes from them is beyond normal I think. Do the jabs have a component that accelerates aggression?

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Actually, there is an evil spiritual component. I saw a video from a Greek Orthodox priest (in Greece) and even though every instinct was telling him to not get the shot, he went along with the crowd and got it. The next day, he couldn't stand being in his church and then it got worse! He started hearing, then seeing demons who made it more difficult to present himself at church. He finally went to an exorcist who literally had to pray the demonic out of him. Scary stuff.

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Wow! I believe in the evil component. This is why masking is evil, especially on children. Our smiles and laughter are what makes us human and special…God’s creation.

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Smiles, laughter, happiness creates serotonin in our bodies.

"Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that mediated satisfaction, happiness and optimism. Serotonin levels are reduced in depression, and most modern anti-depressant drugs, known as serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), act by increasing the amount of serotonin available to brain cells." Millions today have no natural serotonin being generated. Therefore, angry, depressed people are the result.

Be thankful Jeff is giving us a daily dose of serotonin.

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Excellent comment! I TOTALLY agree!!!!

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I can completely relate to that. And yes, there has got to be a component for accelerating aggressive, but mostly stupidity.

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It's like a gambler after they finally decide to place their bet they are all the more sure they are going to win!!!

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We’re visiting friends in TX and went to a great BBQ joint last night.

No masks in sight - at least until this one 40-something guy who looked well dressed, started to enter then quickly put on a black N95 mask as if he’d almost forgotten.

Entire restaurant was packed to the rafters with happy, unmasked people eating BBQ - except for this one Branch Covidian and his mask.

It’s the weirdest thing. What the hell are they thinking? Do they think all those other hundreds of happy people are going to die?

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IMHO It's called spike protein. "One of the key biological characteristics of SARS-CoV-2, as well as several other viruses, is the presence of spike proteins that allow these viruses to penetrate host cells and cause infection." Natural spike proteins made by your own body will not hurt you and dissipate when they are done with their job. Man-made synthetic spike proteins are killers and stay in the body far longer. A person cannot keep injecting these killer spike proteins into their bodies time after time after time after time and not have it do something to their brain. Tiny little blood clots all throughout the brain? Not enough to kill you right away but enough to change your brain electronics.

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Good question.

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It’s beyond confounding.

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Not really since tbe shot has nothing to do with health. They probably need it for work or to see a broadway show.

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Even more confounding! Who submits to an injection of genetic substance… to see a show??!!!

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My grown kids did it for a vacation.

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So did my otherwise UberConservative sister and her husband - who both already had it before any vaxxes available. Wanted to cruise down the Rhine ...

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I have a dear friend who despises Biden and all of this horrific propaganda and manipulation but she got the shot because she she said she could not give up traveling. I said "You can't travel if you're dead or incapacitated". She had no reply.

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Astonishing. When people think it’s ok to comply with that kind of bullshit rule, it just perpetuates that kind of bullshit.

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May 23, 2022·edited May 23, 2022

They live among us. My neighbors actually vaxxed their kids to go on a cruise. That's right, they actually risked their lives and risked long term disablement to go on a freaking four day cruise. The hilarious part: they went and said it was miserable because the majority of the 100% vaxxed cruisers got COVID and they shut everything down. You can't do anything for people like this as they are beyond help.

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I know have a cousin talking all about things he does to be healthy at 65 but took the jab and last fall had a blood clot to move causing a stroke (mild). I wanted to say so badly do you think it might have been the jab? Now talking about monkey pox and I am saying they are using all this. Really want to scream wake up!!

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It’s amazing how Whole Foods and Natural Grocers-type of stores were mask nazis. Baffling. Yes, Whole Foods is Amazon now, but the clients haven’t changed since the takeover/buyout.

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One of the best comments I saw early on was: "All the people who would never be caught dead eating GMO food are now themselves becoming a GMO!"

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They are actually Marxists and anything their statist heroes declare is the truth. The state is their God and if their God states the unvaccinated are the issue, then they believe the unvaccinated are the issue. Facts have no relevance to ideology.

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Not the case on the West Coast. Those types of stores only required masks when the state required them to. After that, is totally optional.

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My point was that they were rabid about it, chasing people down even after things were loosening up. I’m on West coast and rarely wore my mask in Fred Meyer/Kroger.

I stopped wearing a mask in Nat Grocers months before Kate Brown said it was ok to take them off. Their corporate offices said, don’t demand it.

Whole Foods was the worst.

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Ugh. Sounds awful - but it wasn't my experience.

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No common sense in use!

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I absolutely believe brainwashing has really occurred. It’s a puzzle to identify where the hardcore stuff is coming from. I know it’s all around us, but some have no armor or there’s holes in their armor. Spiritual protection for some that provides discernment and deflects attacks?

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But many of these people are those whom I considered pretty solid Christians. Besides that, I don’t necessarily think that my spiritual discernment or closeness to the Lord is really much different? But, perhaps, by God’s grace, it has been. Well, yes, by God’s grace, my husband and I have been given eyes to see.

But, I ask, why us but not others in our circles?

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My bf and I ask the same question. And he was fired after 17 years. Luckily, I was able to retire after 23 years…no test, no jab for either of us. I knew 2+ years ago that this was evil. I just KNEW. Why do some of us “get it” and others can’t “see”?

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Discernment by the power of the Holy Spirit.

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My friend and I were just talking about this tonight! We don’t get it either. It is baffling to us. We saw through this right away and others who we thought were intelligent people have eaten up everything that has been spoon fed to them. Vax. Double vax. Biden is doing a fine job. 😱 I don’t get it.

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I love scenes from “Jesus of Nazareth”…Jesus speaks of those who think they SEE, but they do not. Only with FAITH shall you see. And for many people, they have no faith. I’ve learned through my life to have faith…in a beautiful power I cannot “see”, nor is it physically tangible. I simply KNOW. The grace of God is indescribable.

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Some people are just afraid of death so they must not have truly embraced the word of GOD. That's all I can think of to explain it.

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Yes! Fear of becoming sick and/or dying is a powerful motivator.

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Psalms 23:4 (NIV)

Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

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Einkhorn is the heritage wheat. We switched to that as well. There’s a learning curve to baking with it though.

I have no words for the other. 🙄

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I just purchased a number of different types of wheat berries, including einkhorn and a grain mill, in case flour becomes unavailable. Can you tell me how baking with einkhorn is different from baking with regular flours? I make sourdough bread with whole wheat flour and bread flour and, with my last batch, substituted einkhorn for the 2 cups of whole wheat, and it turned out great. However, I've never baked anything with only einkhorn.

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I’m not much of a baker so don’t know all the specifics. My Mom is the one who told me about the differences. There’s a book that has all the info and recipes specifically for einkorn. The author is Carla Bartolucci

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Wow! I just found out that Carla Bartolucci died a year ago: After a brief illness, Co-founder and CEO of Jovial Foods and Bionaturae, Carla Bartolucci, passed away at the age of 53 on May 22, at her home in Italy, surrounded by her family. https://www.specialtyfood.com/news/article/jovial-foods-co-founder-ceo-passes-away/ Only 53 after a brief illness . . . I'll bet it was the jab. So sad.

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I’ll bet it was the jab too. Very sad

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Thank you!

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May 23, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

un-frickin-believable...my brother in law just said almost the exact same thing yesterday. He urges us to get both boosters like he and his wife did because they are "good stuff" right after he told us about how he and his wife both got really sick with COVID.

I think the COVID boosters also knock out the critical thinking part of the brain. I'll call it Orwell region - with it gone, people can hold opposite views at the same time and not notice anything wrong.

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Maybe thats why they got “omicron” ? People are destroying their immune systems.

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I believe that is true...

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We have a friend who told us he got the jab because he looked at a us gov website that said it was safe and that was enough for him :/

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👅😂😂😳🤣 and we’re the stupid ones???

On another note I have a friend who is fighting for his life with aggressive leukemia… he is totally anti-jab but has been PCR tested quite a bit for work. Johns Hopkins says they can vaccinate with the PCR…

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"Johns Hopkins says they can vaccinate with the PCR… " ?? Could you explain that statement?

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https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8863138/ They have been vaccinating cows with nasal swabs in some places... so it's not a leap. But you know the fact checkers...

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Well, all the fact checkers are now saying no, but here is part of the article from Johns Hopkins... I try to screenshot everything because they can take things off the internet so fast... https://hub.jhu.edu/2020/11/25/theragripper-gi-tract-medicine-delivery/

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I was confused by the statement of "vaccinate with the PCR". To my muddled brain, that sounds like you can get a PCR test and a jab at the same time....and that's what your link above is saying! So why bother with the PCR test? I thought the PCR was testing (very poorly) for the existence of a specific item, i.e. covid. If you had it, THEN you would (stupidly) get jabbed.

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Source or link to that J. Hopkins' statement?

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I can't find the same one but I linked a few articles... I'll keep searching...

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Yes the 'would have been worse if I hadn't been vaccinated' response is the new mantra of the brainwashed.

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"I think the COVID boosters also knock out the critical thinking part of the brain. I'll call it Orwell region". Brilliant! I'm using that in the future.

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I have close friends that are the same way…..and all but 1 have had major issues…heart inflammation, bleeding from the ear!, possible heart attack but could find no reason(?), blood clots so bad in a leg it had to be amputated at the knee and now the other leg is under watch! And yet they still say, oh yes. I got the latest booster.

I also am in MO and really thought we were smarter than that here…ha!

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Sad, isn't it!? I spent most of 2020 and early 2021 trying to educate my friends and family, but fear trumps critical thinking. I have mostly given up except for anyone who indicates they might be open to questioning the narrative. It's not worth the aggravation any more. I just pray.

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Best thing any of us can do….HE is in charge anyway!

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BFF father in law is having blood clots while simultaneously bleeding non stop because his blood is too thin which requires him to keep having blood transfusions. While also experiencing stage 5 kidney failure. All since getting his jabs! But he was worried covid would kill him 🤦🏼‍♀️

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Donna! Is your tongue still in one piece?

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That's the problem. They have been westernized and don't know what real medicine is. Having conservative values and being wise to good health practices does not go hand in hand.

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May 24, 2022·edited May 24, 2022

uuuhhh... then why would it be in my state that it's mostly conservatives who are refusing the shot and don't want to mask while the leftwingers can't stop wearing their masks and are screaming that everybody needs to get the shot??

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May 23, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

We need you in Florida and fighting for the Constitution!

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Jeff is in Florida!

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Yes I know we need him stay

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Stay on the Constitution.

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There's all kinds of "fighting for the constitution" as a lawyer. The first line of the oath I took as a newly-admitted lawyer: "I will support the Constitution of the United States ... ." I did my best throughout my career never to forget that.

Personally, I think it would great to be one of Elon's Legions and to have Elon's money and values behind me as a lawyer. To have access to the most up-to-date resources, to fund discovery and to engage the best experts and as many as needed, to be able to perform jury research and to have mock trials of important issues, to be part of a "trial team" and have an army of lawyers sparing no cost and deposing and taking statements from fact witnesses and reviewing documents, to get media access, to use the latest and greatest trial technology. These people will kick a** and take names.

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May 23, 2022·edited May 24, 2022

Yes, but he’s asking us if he should toss his hat in the ring with Musk or stay in Florida!

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I agree! We need him fighting for the constitution!

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Assuming he knows that haha

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May 23, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Please alert readers to the administration's move to agree to the WHO amendments on pandemics, lock downs and other health dictates. Write your senators and oppose this. It opens the door for global governance. This is a critical issues that is being agreed upon by our public officials and with out much public awareness. Again, educate yourself, write your senators!!

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While it is "health related", keep in mind that over the last 10 years they have linked EVERYTHING to health - climate change, gun control, gas cars, transgenderism, parents protesting as school board meetings, who is POTUS, etc... And it doesn't even have to be a real emergency - only a potential emergency. And I can guaran-damn-tee you that they will see EVERYTHING as a potential health emergency.

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The regime is doing an end run around Congress using the UN/WHO as its vehicle.

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The WHO live stream 75th World Health Assembly is on now via childrens health defense live network….

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The US gov is running the play: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2783866

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Thanks for providing the backdrop to this issue. Unfortunately, JAMA and the medical community seem to have converted science to their own ends. The article disguises the details under helping people. Having been in the medical community for 30 years, global anything usually means individuality and individual treatment and freedom will be sacrificed for some statistical reason. Medical treatment is as much an ART - if not more - than a science.

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So, just this morning I received a letter back from Oregon Senator Jeff Merkley. Pretty much said he thinks the WHO is important because it keeps us apprised of health events, like we all just experienced. I have been thinking about how to respond without sounding like a crazy conspiracy theorist. But I’m just not sure how I’m going to accomplish that. I like what Neil Kellen says below.

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For some reason I cannot see what Neil has posted. Kudo's to you for thinking how to provoke a more in-depth, thoughtful reply to your senator. Our representatives need to be educated as well. My first response would be as American citizens, we have the Constitution of the United States.

That document guarantees our independence from any power outside our country as well as provides for states' rights. Ceding any of our freedoms - even health, is simply against the Constitution - ask Jeff to weigh in. I'm no expert.

However, if we fought the British to be independent from foreign interference of any kind - who gave the President authority to cede ANY of our freedoms - even under the auspices of global health - an oxymoron itself - since there is and never will be assurances of a global doctor who can sport a magic injection to put us all on one level health standard. It is a great idea and a failed protocol. Socialist programs in places like the UK are hard fact examples of how well top down dictates work. They want to scale it up to global???

My question to the Senator would be - do we have to agree to a global authority in order to take advice or suggestions? There is no one-size-fits-all health standard. The recent Covid pandemic proves that. Sweden remained open, Australia shut down. The facts of Covid are still pouring in and do not confirm that shutdowns, mask wearing or even the vaccine stopped Covid. Statistics did not bear out what the WHO initially recommended, then reversed course. We are not a third world country. To date, I'm taking a broad risk to say that every prediction from our own CDC has been reversed, changed or proven to be wrong.

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Too funny, it was right under your first comment... my comment ended up in a different order... anyway, here it is:

Neil Kellen 6 hr ago

While it is "health related", keep in mind that over the last 10 years they have linked EVERYTHING to health - climate change, gun control, gas cars, transgenderism, parents protesting as school board meetings, who is POTUS, etc... And it doesn't even have to be a real emergency - only a potential emergency. And I can guaran-damn-tee you that they will see EVERYTHING as a potential health emergency.

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Karen, unless you really believe that your senator is looking out for the "people's" best interest, you will not change their mind. I know all of my Democrat senators are in on the agenda and will not change their minds. At this point, I feel like any time I write against their agenda they are making a list of all the conservatives who disagree with them. Maybe conspiracy thinking here, but I know how Homeland Security is working to find "terrorists" right?

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I write to them to bug, bug, bug, bug them. I've been doing it for the whole time they have been in office. Wyden 26 years and Merkley 13 years. Both were US Reps for a decade before becoming senators. Funny that OR instituted ALL mail in voting in 1998 and we have not had a republican since then. Actually not funny!

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Definitely not funny, it really stinks, doesn't it?

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I know, I hesitated before I sent the article. But sent it anyway. I'm tired of being silent.

Jake Posobiec was detained in Switzerland today, Bongino just put a short video about it on TruthSocial. So, there ya go. We are so screwed.

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My letter said he is "monitoring the WHO's global health response closely".

What a dirt bag.

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Maybe is a form letter or standard response letter. Received a relatively lengthy letter from OH Dem Sherrod Brown.


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Here is mine on Facebook. It's public so you should be able to compare. https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=10227787270013057&set=a.1850115778484

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It definitely had that look to it. I can’t believe he could have been that articulate 🤣

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I got a letter from Sen Merkley (OR) this morning after I wrote him a couple of weeks ago on the topic. He is monitoring the situation closely. LOLOLOLOL.......evil man.

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🤣🤣🤣 i sent him the comprehensive report about vaxs and covid. He probably listed me as a commie.

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Where are you, I'm in Bend.

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Compatriots, I'm in Corvallis. Love hearing from you.

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We Oregonian outcasts have to stick together!

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Tillamook. We love Central Oregon and visit Eagle Crest yearly for the past 20 years. Kids and their families lived in Powell Butte and Redmond for a decade but now they are in WA and CO.

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Both beautiful places, we have been in C.O. for 30+ years, and I was born in Portland, hardly recognize Portland or Bend!

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Haven't been to the Tillamook area in years, but I know it's beautiful.

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May 23, 2022·edited May 23, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Again, if you haven't seen this. The covid scamdemic totally covered in one post. ON NIH.GOV !!! At least read the 1st paragraph. Wow!


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Wow - I had to keep scrolling back to the top to double check the source. The hall monitor must have been asleep when this one passed by.

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I’ve printed this article to mail (anonymously of course) to my (once) brilliant, 73 year old, fast asleep brother who I no longer speak to. Will this red pill him? One can dream 😴

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May 23, 2022·edited May 23, 2022

My 3 adult children barely speak to me because I’m the nutcase in the family that has tried to warn them about these jabs (and the W.E.F.’s & Gates’ efforts to depopulate the earth.) Their faith is in the guber-mint agencies and the W.H.O, not their old mama who loves them and wants them to have long healthy lives. 😔 sigh. Grandkids are jabbed too 😢.

And 7 of them got Covid anyway. B-I-L came down with colon cancer, and hubby’s best friend developed lung blood clots and A-Fib. They found him passed out on the bathroom floor and rushed him to the hosp.

Hubby took the first jab (J&J) but finally I showed him enough evidence that these jabs were harming (and killing) people and he said no more vaccines of any kind for him. I’m so glad I followed my instincts and never got the poke.

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I read a statement a few days ago that said "Will you trust the men who want to depopulate the world with your health care, breathable air, and food?"

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I guess I’m not the only one this has happened to! Sounds very familiar!

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Thanks for sharing this! Just did a print of this article... I can't imagine it will be available for long...

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Amazing that this article snuck through!

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Good article!

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The first paragraph alone made me realize I needed to print this before it disappears.

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Read that the other day. He really lets them have it! 👍

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Wonder how fast this will be taken down??? How does one save it for before that happens? I did screenshots but it took like 30 of them to capture it all.

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Use a service like https://archive.is/

Just paste the URL there and it will make a copy of the page.

Here's a copy I just made: https://archive.ph/QOr10

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Thank you for this! Excellent. Wish I'd known about this two years ago when I came across an excellent article by Oral Health of Canada. They'd written a terrific article on the uselessness of masks with 36 citations. A short while after reading it, I thought I'd better go back and grab that...Of course, it was already gone!

Thankfully, someone saved it: https://www.schillingshow.com/2020/11/24/why-face-masks-dont-work-a-revealing-review/

The above will show you the note that Oral Health left as the reason for their removal of the article. (I'm saving this page using your link right now!)

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If you have Adobe, you can download the PDF version. (Look toward the right-hand side of the page for the link to the PDF.) I did this and also printed out a hard copy from the PDF.

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Thank you SheThinksLiberty - and - Based Florida Man.

I was able to archive it and have printed off three hard copies for my adult kids who think the jab is their “lifesaver.”

More like a “bitter pill” ( with adverse and/or deadly consequences.)

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I'd be curious what they think after reading it. Can we break on through to the other side?

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May 23, 2022·edited May 23, 2022

Down load on your phone. There's a "PDF" button at the top of the page, on the left. (Android.)

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Thank you Bandit. I was able to PDF, and print it out from my iPad.

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Glad I could help out someone. 😊

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It was always already stored in the Wayback Machine. They have 122 copies of it today.

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You can save it as a pdf - upper right corner. I saved it that way. Also what B FL man suggests.

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Thanks Birdingmom. 👍🏼

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A friend sent to me in a pdf file. If you feel comfortable giving me your email address, I can send it to you.

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This article is brutal! How is this on the NIH website?

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Dude tells it like it is, huh?

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Sure does. Totally lays it on. It's a game changer really being so based and honest and hosted by the NIH!

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Maybe the writer told them he would go 'public' if they took it down.

(NIH - Public - I'm being sarcastic)

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Excellent read. I'd recommend reading it all. I just forwarded this to those on the fence and future booster patients.

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Yes. I saw this the other day. Excellent. I have followed Dr Blalock for 20 years. Straight up good guy and very smart neurologist and neuro surgeon.

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Yes! I’ve been passing the link around and even posted on FB…can’t believe it’s still up👏.

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May 23, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

You are a brawler. Also, you enjoy the fight for what is right. You would be great with Elon. Like many others, I need my daily C&C. It has the perfect combo of news and snark. We all need to start the day with a smile and a chuckle.

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Start the day? It takes me half a day to get through the letter and the comments!

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“The federal government is investing in machines that suck giant amounts of carbon dioxide out of the air in the hopes of reducing damage from climate change.”.........Sorry guys. Nature beat you to it.....they are called TREES!

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Nature has beat them to pretty much everything. Life would be much better if we all remembered that we are a part of nature, not a separate entity.

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🙌 EXACTLY, what I was thinking when I read that part.

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May 23, 2022·edited May 23, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers


It’s time for another gushy ‘thank you’ and for me to express my appreciation for you. It’s been over two years I have had coffee with you every morning. God bless you.

What Elon is fighting for and our Constitution are one and the same. If there is any way you can do both, please do. I know that’s asking a lot but God will show you the way if you feel that’s where you are drawn.

Let us know how we can help you. And again, thank you, Sir!

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I thought Musk was looking for product liability attorneys.

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May 23, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I think defending our Constitution is priority #1 right now. Elon Musk will find plenty of hard core Lawyers to defend the lefts attacks on him personally and his company. You have done an amazing job and we need you to continue to fight for the Constitution!. So, If I get a vote, that would be a hard NO!

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And suddenly Elon Musk looks like the man with all the answers??? Has he truly come to ‘save the day’?

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May 23, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

You would be the bomb for Elon. But if that means we lose C&C....idk

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The Monkeys should be warning us of CDC medical "experts" and their ongoing "jab and die" program.

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MONKEYsteria: Best Monkeypox Memes

- Monkeypox (the "K" is silent) is COMING to get you, but the memes are already here!


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Do both!

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AnonymousMay 23, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Hey Jeff, Bill here in Georgia and truly look forward to your daily C&C blogs. Would it not be awesome to become a legal beaver for Elon....what a line item to place in ones CV.

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May 23, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Only take the Tesla gig if you get time off to keep writing C&C!! I could not start my day without your biting wit and truth serum.

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