This is by far the best article I've seen so far.....I wondered for so long, why aren't we seeing legal direction from so many talented atty's...I knew the knowledge and talent was out there but was never finding anyone who actually put a template/guide for the masses to help did for dummies....not saying anyone is a dummy just referencing "...for dummies" books....this article gives me hope.......I want to thank you for taking the time to help the many.....Thank you and God Bless you
Ive not gotten the jab, will not despite any restrictions. I will live life around any mandates. I commend you all whove forfeited careers and adopted uncertainty. We need to come together collectively and quickly with administrators, i believe, to collect and govern funds for dispensing lifes essentials during this crisis. Otherwise, i predict many will buckle under the pressures of having to pay mortgage arrears, child care, food, and other necessities. Now, more than ever, we need to love our neighbor.
I'm right there too. I have not and will not, and might lose my job over it. Vax deadline is Dec 8. I am the main source of income. I do have an alternative in the works, but at a huge pay loss.
There will, no doubt, be class action lawsuits for those that can prove related sickness from the vax and loss of employment. Those of the class will only receive a few grand but a personal lawsuit will net ppl a large sum
I was terminated from Mercy in Springfield, Mo as of Oct 28,2021! We were told we had by the 28th to receive the vaccine or we would be terminated. I went on UNPAID leave Oct 1 and received another letter by the 2nd week of October reinerating the Oct 28 deadline for vaccine or termination. I initially submitted a first religious exemption and was denied the following morning. I submitted an appeal to that denial and was also denied the appeal after about 3-4 weeks. Lastly on my own, I wrote the “board” and begged for their Mercy to please accept my exemption and for me to be able to continue what I was called to do and loved to do.. within a 2 hour period, I received a very short response as saying their determination had already been decided and it would be upheld. To say it was one of the worst times I be been through is putting it lightly. I have been in a grieving process that it took me about 3 weeks to come to grips with an accept. It took from a medical career in a department I loved and a place I have given my life to for 26 years. And to read on a piece of paper the words, you’ve been terminated after giving your life to a cause it’s gut wrenching and heartbreaking and actually surreal. Though down deep you know it’s true when they tell you in said letter to make sure you turn in any keys and your name badge as soon as possible. This has caused pain, suffering emotionally, financially, mentally and it needs to be stopped. This mandate has been life ending for many as we know it but we have to keep our eyes on the truth and stay strong in our convictions and faith. Last years hero’s are today’s scum. Pray for a turn around and for those whose lively hood has been taken that justice will be served. ♥️
I am a practicing physician. Some of you may known that doctors bill insurance plans when they see patients at a private practice. These insurance plans usually require that the doc maintain privileges at at least one hospital in order to bill to commercial insurance and medicare. Medicare and commercial insurance are highly government controlled.
The hospital industry is also highly government controlled and regulated.
So the hospital where I have privileges changed their policy to require vaccination and i am now on suspension and if I dont get vaxxed I will lose my hospital privileges. Which means I cant bill medicare and most commercial insurance which means i lose like 90 percent of all my patients
Furthermore I am currently a partner in a group with an employment contract that says I have to maintain privileges at at least one hospital . So if I dont get vaxxed I lose hospital privileges, 90 percent of my patients and my job. And also probably part of my equity ownership buyout for not conforming to the requirements of the contract
I AM COVID RECOVERED . I had it in August 2021. I have a positive serum antibody test 10/4/2021. So because I dont want to put a substance in my body that I dont want and dont need and that may be dangerous to me; because this crazed megalomaniacs want to jab this thing in every human being, I am going to lose my entire career.
Do you see how insidious the coercion is? How perverse the financial incentives are?
The various government jurisdictions control the practice and financing of medical care so thoroughly that they can force obedience to a vaccine mandate through weaponization of these regulatory structures
No wonder people dont trust doctors anymore . We are OWNED by bureaucrats.
Hoping you are still able to work. I am sick about what is happening to our good doctors. Have there been any attempts by physicians to organize and rise up collectively against this madness?
What about those people like me who work for an agency that receives Medicaid and Medicare funding and are mandated by the CMS and have no choice to test at all. We can file for an exemption but that doesn't mean we will get it so if by January 4, 2022 we are not vaccinated we lose our job.
Do you have any info on fighting against the CMS-OMNI-bus? Thank you
I am also in the same situation. I was informed two days ago that I had until December 5th to receive the first dose and January 4th to receive the second dose. If my exemption is denied and I refuse to receive the vaccine the notice stated I would be “designated as having voluntarily resigned”.
I too am in the same boat. We were just notified by our company this past Wednesday (I think it was on 11/10/21) that we were being mandated. They said we have until 11/24/21 to hand in our exemptions., which are not finalized or approved yet, stated they should be in the next week or so. Our business is closed on the 25, and 26. They said we would know by 12/1/21 if we were approved or denied. We have to have 1st jab of poison by 12/5/21. If we do not comply we are put on a 4 week UNPAID suspension, if we decide to comply we provide them with the jab information and we can return to work. If we do not comply after those 4 weeks, we are then counted as “voluntary termination”. I’m in Missouri, I am a Telepsych Medical Assistant for Psychiatrist. I see maybe 15 patients a MONTH, face to face, they are around me 10 or less minutes, both parties wear a mask, cleaning is done between patients, and social distancing is provided during their time with me to do vitals and run through questions.
That is so ludicrous. I am so sorry that your company is doing that to you that way. It is because they don't want to get into lawsuits if they fire you. I workfor a tricounty facility with the mentally ill, a secretary, and 60 percent of the staff are not vaccinated and I sure hope they stay that way. It's unfortunate as our clients will then not get the care they need but CMS has to stop this.
I read when u do your exemption to start it with I want to keep my job. We have a form to fill out but will be using that phrase. Maybe you could also put something down like I will not voluntarily quit. Try googling thr rules on that too.
Thank you! My facility does big part mental health and other locations so dental and primary care. E also have about 60% of staff who is not jabbed. Good luck to you as well.
One difficulty with religious accommodation is that there is no objective of the mandates to accommodate, so the only possible accommodation is to not take the shot. I'm a federal subcontractor who received the ultimatum with the additional explicit instructions that it did not matter if I was a teleworker that never physically interacted with another worker nor that I had recovered from COVID-19. Clearly the objective of requiring the vaccine of subcontractors is not to stop the spread or to provide a safe workplace - which by the way a more than 2-month old shot is quite ineffective at and orders of magnitude less effective than antibodies produced by recovery. The objective is a signal of submission and loyalty to the regime, a mark of the beast if you will. There is no possible accommodation to my religious belief system rejecting the shots.
I'm distinguishing between eligibility for a religious exemption and the religious accommodation. Exemption means the requirement does not apply to you at all, accommodation means that's there's something else you can do to achieve employer objectives so you don't violate your conscience - like working on a different day to avoid working on a holiday that work is forbidden. Accommodation is impossible for arbitrary requirements that serve no tangible purpose/benefit for the employer.
Go to The healthy Plethora of information from Peggy Hall and her husband Pastor David. They have successfully helped military folks get religious exemptions
Thank you once again to Jeff on behalf of many! Just shared on several Telegram channels and I trust everyone reading will do the same, even if it's a new habit. And how many friends have you lost the past year or so? If it's close to zero, are you doing enough? Just had another hard & compassionate discussion with a long-time friend at a major food company. Looks like another lost friend, but you never know ... could end up being one of my closest, truest friends! We don't have time for lukewarm, nor does God in Revelation.
What about when private employers do not fire you but call it “administration leave” for several weeks/months? Do they still pay you? What do we do then?
Thanks Jeff! I was really down yesterday, but this is a gargantuan shot in the arm (No pun intended). I'm no lawyer but, isn't this a clear violation of Informed Consent.....among a about a dozen other things? The definition seems to leave no room for misinterpretation:
- Informed consent is the process in which a health care provider educates a patient about the risks, benefits, and alternatives of a given procedure or intervention. The patient must be competent to make a voluntary decision about whether to undergo the procedure or intervention. Informed consent is both an ethical and legal obligation of medical practitioners in the US and originates from the patient's right to direct what happens to their body. Implicit in providing informed consent is an assessment of the patient's understanding, rendering an actual recommendation, and documentation of the process. The Joint Commission requires documentation of all the elements of informed consent "in a form, progress notes or elsewhere in the record." The following are the required elements for documentation of the informed consent discussion: (1) the nature of the procedure, (2) the risks and benefits and the procedure, (3) reasonable alternatives, (4) risks and benefits of alternatives, and (5) assessment of the patient's understanding of elements 1 through 4.
- It is the obligation of the provider to make it clear that the patient is participating in the decision-making process and avoid making the patient feel forced to agree with the provider. The provider must make a recommendation and provide their reasoning for said recommendation.
- Informed consent process should ensure that all critical information about a study is completely disclosed, and that prospective subjects or their legally authorized representatives adequately understand the research so that they can make informed choices.
Excellent. Thank you so much for being one of the good guys! Any updates on lawsuits over the CMS rule. I see the OSHA crap was blocked by courts twice now, but the CMS rule affects nearly all medical workers. Thanks again. You rock!
Excellent information and God Bless you for helping us all in this time of need. For the life of me I just don't understand why this administration refuses to recognize my natural immunity. COVID-19 only negatively affected me for one day. One would think they'd be clamoring to us with such an immune system to help others.
Money...power...control... As a Nurse, the only HALF logic I can collect is that they are afraid that if the TRUTH that natural immunity produces 20 times more antibodies that people will just expose themselves to the virus instead of getting the poison! This may.. MAY.. inundate the hospitals and they won't be able to handle the influx.
Another point... THE MONOCLONAL antibodies work for those who seek treatment ASAP, less than 8-9 days (I believe).
This is the one thing I understand the least! It's almost like there's a REASON why they are so determined you will take that shot. Any reasonably curious person would really want to know what that reason was, wouldn't they? I sure would. I KNOW it makes me sound like a conspiracy nut, but seriously? What's the f'n reason?
There is an agenda to further control the people. It's as simple as that. Some believe there is even a more sinister reason - population control. Regardless, in order to usher in a one world agenda there must be a further tightening of the stronghold of the governments.
Also the CCP is experiencing floods and their damn is about to break. A third of their land for farming will be rendered useless and they will not have enough food to feed their population. They want our land for farming
This is by far the best article I've seen so far.....I wondered for so long, why aren't we seeing legal direction from so many talented atty's...I knew the knowledge and talent was out there but was never finding anyone who actually put a template/guide for the masses to help did for dummies....not saying anyone is a dummy just referencing "...for dummies" books....this article gives me hope.......I want to thank you for taking the time to help the many.....Thank you and God Bless you
Ive not gotten the jab, will not despite any restrictions. I will live life around any mandates. I commend you all whove forfeited careers and adopted uncertainty. We need to come together collectively and quickly with administrators, i believe, to collect and govern funds for dispensing lifes essentials during this crisis. Otherwise, i predict many will buckle under the pressures of having to pay mortgage arrears, child care, food, and other necessities. Now, more than ever, we need to love our neighbor.
I'm right there too. I have not and will not, and might lose my job over it. Vax deadline is Dec 8. I am the main source of income. I do have an alternative in the works, but at a huge pay loss.
There will, no doubt, be class action lawsuits for those that can prove related sickness from the vax and loss of employment. Those of the class will only receive a few grand but a personal lawsuit will net ppl a large sum
I agree wholeheartedly with you Sir!!🙏🏾
I was terminated from Mercy in Springfield, Mo as of Oct 28,2021! We were told we had by the 28th to receive the vaccine or we would be terminated. I went on UNPAID leave Oct 1 and received another letter by the 2nd week of October reinerating the Oct 28 deadline for vaccine or termination. I initially submitted a first religious exemption and was denied the following morning. I submitted an appeal to that denial and was also denied the appeal after about 3-4 weeks. Lastly on my own, I wrote the “board” and begged for their Mercy to please accept my exemption and for me to be able to continue what I was called to do and loved to do.. within a 2 hour period, I received a very short response as saying their determination had already been decided and it would be upheld. To say it was one of the worst times I be been through is putting it lightly. I have been in a grieving process that it took me about 3 weeks to come to grips with an accept. It took from a medical career in a department I loved and a place I have given my life to for 26 years. And to read on a piece of paper the words, you’ve been terminated after giving your life to a cause it’s gut wrenching and heartbreaking and actually surreal. Though down deep you know it’s true when they tell you in said letter to make sure you turn in any keys and your name badge as soon as possible. This has caused pain, suffering emotionally, financially, mentally and it needs to be stopped. This mandate has been life ending for many as we know it but we have to keep our eyes on the truth and stay strong in our convictions and faith. Last years hero’s are today’s scum. Pray for a turn around and for those whose lively hood has been taken that justice will be served. ♥️
Can you solicit, compile, and publish a list of like-minded (to you) attorneys in each US state?
UnitedHealthcare Nurses are looking for an Attorney to back them.. No one in the Houston area will talk to them
Thank you for this list. I forwarded to friends in need of a list.
I am a practicing physician. Some of you may known that doctors bill insurance plans when they see patients at a private practice. These insurance plans usually require that the doc maintain privileges at at least one hospital in order to bill to commercial insurance and medicare. Medicare and commercial insurance are highly government controlled.
The hospital industry is also highly government controlled and regulated.
So the hospital where I have privileges changed their policy to require vaccination and i am now on suspension and if I dont get vaxxed I will lose my hospital privileges. Which means I cant bill medicare and most commercial insurance which means i lose like 90 percent of all my patients
Furthermore I am currently a partner in a group with an employment contract that says I have to maintain privileges at at least one hospital . So if I dont get vaxxed I lose hospital privileges, 90 percent of my patients and my job. And also probably part of my equity ownership buyout for not conforming to the requirements of the contract
I AM COVID RECOVERED . I had it in August 2021. I have a positive serum antibody test 10/4/2021. So because I dont want to put a substance in my body that I dont want and dont need and that may be dangerous to me; because this crazed megalomaniacs want to jab this thing in every human being, I am going to lose my entire career.
Do you see how insidious the coercion is? How perverse the financial incentives are?
The various government jurisdictions control the practice and financing of medical care so thoroughly that they can force obedience to a vaccine mandate through weaponization of these regulatory structures
No wonder people dont trust doctors anymore . We are OWNED by bureaucrats.
I hope you didn't give in to tyrants. We need you.
Hoping you are still able to work. I am sick about what is happening to our good doctors. Have there been any attempts by physicians to organize and rise up collectively against this madness?
The mandate is still on hold that I know of even with CMS and hopefully stays that's way.
What about those people like me who work for an agency that receives Medicaid and Medicare funding and are mandated by the CMS and have no choice to test at all. We can file for an exemption but that doesn't mean we will get it so if by January 4, 2022 we are not vaccinated we lose our job.
Do you have any info on fighting against the CMS-OMNI-bus? Thank you
I am also in the same situation. I was informed two days ago that I had until December 5th to receive the first dose and January 4th to receive the second dose. If my exemption is denied and I refuse to receive the vaccine the notice stated I would be “designated as having voluntarily resigned”.
I too am in the same boat. We were just notified by our company this past Wednesday (I think it was on 11/10/21) that we were being mandated. They said we have until 11/24/21 to hand in our exemptions., which are not finalized or approved yet, stated they should be in the next week or so. Our business is closed on the 25, and 26. They said we would know by 12/1/21 if we were approved or denied. We have to have 1st jab of poison by 12/5/21. If we do not comply we are put on a 4 week UNPAID suspension, if we decide to comply we provide them with the jab information and we can return to work. If we do not comply after those 4 weeks, we are then counted as “voluntary termination”. I’m in Missouri, I am a Telepsych Medical Assistant for Psychiatrist. I see maybe 15 patients a MONTH, face to face, they are around me 10 or less minutes, both parties wear a mask, cleaning is done between patients, and social distancing is provided during their time with me to do vitals and run through questions.
That is so ludicrous. I am so sorry that your company is doing that to you that way. It is because they don't want to get into lawsuits if they fire you. I workfor a tricounty facility with the mentally ill, a secretary, and 60 percent of the staff are not vaccinated and I sure hope they stay that way. It's unfortunate as our clients will then not get the care they need but CMS has to stop this.
I read when u do your exemption to start it with I want to keep my job. We have a form to fill out but will be using that phrase. Maybe you could also put something down like I will not voluntarily quit. Try googling thr rules on that too.
I wish you luck. ❤
Thank you! My facility does big part mental health and other locations so dental and primary care. E also have about 60% of staff who is not jabbed. Good luck to you as well.
Exactly what my hospital is doing.
I am in the same situation! #CFHC
One difficulty with religious accommodation is that there is no objective of the mandates to accommodate, so the only possible accommodation is to not take the shot. I'm a federal subcontractor who received the ultimatum with the additional explicit instructions that it did not matter if I was a teleworker that never physically interacted with another worker nor that I had recovered from COVID-19. Clearly the objective of requiring the vaccine of subcontractors is not to stop the spread or to provide a safe workplace - which by the way a more than 2-month old shot is quite ineffective at and orders of magnitude less effective than antibodies produced by recovery. The objective is a signal of submission and loyalty to the regime, a mark of the beast if you will. There is no possible accommodation to my religious belief system rejecting the shots.
Yes there is. A religious exemption is an objection by your conscience. The Pope or no one else dictates your conscience.
I'm distinguishing between eligibility for a religious exemption and the religious accommodation. Exemption means the requirement does not apply to you at all, accommodation means that's there's something else you can do to achieve employer objectives so you don't violate your conscience - like working on a different day to avoid working on a holiday that work is forbidden. Accommodation is impossible for arbitrary requirements that serve no tangible purpose/benefit for the employer.
You’re over complicating things.
This is all nonsense. Don’t give them an inch.
You need to pursue a religious exemption.
Sorry Melissa, unless you can first remove the stronghold(s) from Eddie's thinking, you are wasting time trying to explain.
PLEASE can you give information on how to handle mandatory vaccination for military members!!! 🙏
Go to The healthy Plethora of information from Peggy Hall and her husband Pastor David. They have successfully helped military folks get religious exemptions
Thank you once again to Jeff on behalf of many! Just shared on several Telegram channels and I trust everyone reading will do the same, even if it's a new habit. And how many friends have you lost the past year or so? If it's close to zero, are you doing enough? Just had another hard & compassionate discussion with a long-time friend at a major food company. Looks like another lost friend, but you never know ... could end up being one of my closest, truest friends! We don't have time for lukewarm, nor does God in Revelation.
What about when private employers do not fire you but call it “administration leave” for several weeks/months? Do they still pay you? What do we do then?
Yes. When your not receiving income you can collect unemployment…, even if your technically still an employee
Southwest Pilots walked out
Thanks Jeff! I was really down yesterday, but this is a gargantuan shot in the arm (No pun intended). I'm no lawyer but, isn't this a clear violation of Informed Consent.....among a about a dozen other things? The definition seems to leave no room for misinterpretation:
- Informed consent is the process in which a health care provider educates a patient about the risks, benefits, and alternatives of a given procedure or intervention. The patient must be competent to make a voluntary decision about whether to undergo the procedure or intervention. Informed consent is both an ethical and legal obligation of medical practitioners in the US and originates from the patient's right to direct what happens to their body. Implicit in providing informed consent is an assessment of the patient's understanding, rendering an actual recommendation, and documentation of the process. The Joint Commission requires documentation of all the elements of informed consent "in a form, progress notes or elsewhere in the record." The following are the required elements for documentation of the informed consent discussion: (1) the nature of the procedure, (2) the risks and benefits and the procedure, (3) reasonable alternatives, (4) risks and benefits of alternatives, and (5) assessment of the patient's understanding of elements 1 through 4.
- It is the obligation of the provider to make it clear that the patient is participating in the decision-making process and avoid making the patient feel forced to agree with the provider. The provider must make a recommendation and provide their reasoning for said recommendation.
- Informed consent process should ensure that all critical information about a study is completely disclosed, and that prospective subjects or their legally authorized representatives adequately understand the research so that they can make informed choices.
Thanks for lifting my spirits today!
Excellent. Thank you so much for being one of the good guys! Any updates on lawsuits over the CMS rule. I see the OSHA crap was blocked by courts twice now, but the CMS rule affects nearly all medical workers. Thanks again. You rock!
I have not heard anything yet. Hopefully we'll have an email with an update tmro or this week. #Iwillnotcomply
Say you're Muslim = INSTANT religious exemption.
Or, ask if you renounce your citizenship, then re-enter illegally through the southern border, can you remain unvaxed as a protected politcal class?
Excellent information and God Bless you for helping us all in this time of need. For the life of me I just don't understand why this administration refuses to recognize my natural immunity. COVID-19 only negatively affected me for one day. One would think they'd be clamoring to us with such an immune system to help others.
Money...power...control... As a Nurse, the only HALF logic I can collect is that they are afraid that if the TRUTH that natural immunity produces 20 times more antibodies that people will just expose themselves to the virus instead of getting the poison! This may.. MAY.. inundate the hospitals and they won't be able to handle the influx.
Another point... THE MONOCLONAL antibodies work for those who seek treatment ASAP, less than 8-9 days (I believe).
This is the one thing I understand the least! It's almost like there's a REASON why they are so determined you will take that shot. Any reasonably curious person would really want to know what that reason was, wouldn't they? I sure would. I KNOW it makes me sound like a conspiracy nut, but seriously? What's the f'n reason?
There is an agenda to further control the people. It's as simple as that. Some believe there is even a more sinister reason - population control. Regardless, in order to usher in a one world agenda there must be a further tightening of the stronghold of the governments.
Also the CCP is experiencing floods and their damn is about to break. A third of their land for farming will be rendered useless and they will not have enough food to feed their population. They want our land for farming
Wow, have been reading everything I can get my hands on and THIS IS BY FAR the most helpful! THANK YOU!!