This is the same playbook they used for SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). When babies started dying after getting vaccinated and they had no other way to explain the deaths, they made up SIDS. And now we have SADS. Their nomenclatural creativity is impressive.

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What's really "SAD" is that it has taken COVID for (most) everyone to see just how much vaccines have affected our kids. God bless Children's Health Defense (Robert Kennedy Jr.) for the work they have done in the past and continue to do. Wish I had known about them when I started having kids.

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same! the media spun JFK jr as a tinfoil hat wearing nut job. And to think of all those moms out there who got gaslit when their perfectly healthy children suddenly had autism. I grieve for them. My own daughter had a seizure after a round of vaccines when she was 6 months old - I remember asking, is that ok to give so many shots at one time? daughter has had a chronic debilitating neurological condition that started around puberty. She almost went blind and is on daily epilepsy meds. This is like a stake in the heart.

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I truly believe that school aged kids who develop mild attentional disorders are vax-injured. Then they are put on drugs that make things worse. Knew someone whose 2nd grader was "diagnosed" by the teacher. Sadly, pediatrician was happy to go along with that. Fortunately, Mom said no way. Kid turned out just great. Well-adjusted, productive, insightful adult who is thankful for parents who didn't;t just drug him.

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really great to hear this. I heard over a million families took their kids out of school during the lockdowns when they saw all the BS the teachers were doing, and chose to homeschool or set up co-ops. I have some hope for some of these kids.

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I completely agree that vaccines can cause and/or exacerbate attention disorders but I don't think it is an either/or situation. My 11yr old son has ADHD-inattentive and has never been vaccinated. He has shown symptoms since he was young. He is not yet medicated but we are considering it because it is starting to affect his confidence and learning. He is homeschooled but I'm sure if he was in school we would have been pressured to medicate him.

I should probably mention that I also have ADHD-inattentive. I wasn't diagnosed until my mid-30s. Being on medication has been life changing for me personally. I think the problem with attention disorders is that adults expect and assume that young children can sit and pay attention for long periods of time. When they can't schools try to treat it with medication instead of letting kids be kids. In our homeschool, more has been learned by trying, doing, succeeding and failing than me lecturing them hoping they remember what I'm saying.

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I don't know if attention disorders are caused by vaccines. Most of them are little.boys, sitting down quietly and reading is not normal, they "do" things. That being said, those serotonin drugs are poison.

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Yes. Yes they are.

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ADHD was actually created by the public school system so they could have a diagnosis to explain away kids who wouldn't just sit and obey the whims of the all powerful teacher. They wanted an excuse to drug the independent thinkers in the classroom. I highly recommend everyone check out the documentary, The War on Kids. It goes into that as well as so much else that is wrong with modern schooling (not the same as education, by the way.)

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I went to Catholic elementary school in the 60s. The nuns sent us outside every day for at least 30 minutes of recess, whether it was hot or cold or icy or snowy. I recall kids running around and burning up energy. Maybe that idea should come back!

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I did too! And it was 3 times during the day as I recall. Nobody was on medication. I swear half the boys in my son’s class were on some kind of medication.

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I went to a public elementary school in the 80s. We had 30-40 minutes of recess at lunch. And, when the weather was nice we went outside at least one other time, if not two times, to play for 15 minutes or so.

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you are 100 percent correct - they got to burn off their energy. My daughter who went to school in the early 2000's and actually is one of those kids who can't sit still, would come home bawling her head off when the teacher wouldn't give them recess - she would say "I couldn't get my energy out, Mom!" tears streaming down her face. That and a ridiculous 20 minute lunch -- I cannot BELIEVE they give these kids so little time to eat and then harried parents working 2 jobs end up giving them processed food to eat - I did that too - oh, if I could only turn back time, I would have joined a home school co-op and taken my kids out of school.

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Completely agree. And mostly it’s boys. Meant to make them easily controlled.

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Yes, the little people with the most potential for power in the future. Gotta nip that in the bud!

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It's very generous of you to assume they actually want to teach them anything besides obedience. :/

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I'm so very sad for your daughter and your family. I absolutely KNOW what vaccines can do because I saw it with my own eyes. A good friend had a baby daughter in 1984. She was a beautiful, absolutely normal child until she was about 8 months old. Almost immediately after an MMR injection, she began to have frequent seizures. Her mental and physical development was arrested. Her parents were part of a huge class action lawsuit but the damage was done. Today, her daughter is 38, totally retarded and has never really improved beyond an almost infant intellect, in a wheelchair because she can't walk, she can't talk, and is totally dependent on others. Her father died about 8 years ago, his heart was broken all these years. Her mother cares for her alone now, but she is 76 and worries what will happen to her daughter when she is gone.

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Well said. My awakening to this is too late to have prevented my agreeing to all the jabs that the pediatrician suggested for my kids. I’m kicking myself for allowing the HPV shots for my twins along with the tons of other useless things while at the same time I nodded and smiled with the back to sleep bs. I let my babies sleep on their tummies with good airflow across their mattress once they could lift their heads. No weird helmets because they spent their first 6 months laying on the back of their heads. Which is another cause a problem and come up with a solution to side effects they should have foreseen. Anyway I did reject the last round of shots suggested this year for the graduating high school crap they wanted to inject as I had read RFK Jrs book on fauci.

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A have a good friend who has 4 adult children. 2 have severe autism. She has never connected shots with their condition. In fact, I told her I was not taking the wacko jab, and she looked very surprised. And this lady is so intelligent and cynical about so much else. Just not the shots. :(

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I'm hearing anecdotes that SIDS went down during COVID lockdowns because kids missed required screenings and shots.

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Wow. Have you all watched Candace Owens’s multi part podcast on all the infant vaccinations ? Eye opening.

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Jun 11, 2022·edited Jun 11, 2022

She's great. It's too bad in her interview with Trump she let him shut her down when talking about the Jab. She should have mentioned 20K dead (at the time) on VAERS.

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The warp speed campaign that Trump enacted(and is still supporting) is traitorous. But we're all supposed to ignore that because he's the better option, right? Biden is despicable but something still doesn't smell right to me about how this went down with old trumparoonski

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Trump is another actor

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I don't think you [or I ] know what Trump has been dealing with since leaving office.

Cut him some slack.

You never saw Trump take the shot. He may have to talk about the shots to keep "the Evil people " from killing innocents.

Over all Trump told us what he wanted to do, and accomplished most of his ideas.

We have no idea what he's dealing with. You really have to parse his words to understand him. He deserves our support .

Nothing is real about this "show" that's going on now.

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Trump is dealing with killing people by lying about the poison VAxx.

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This is an interesting take written by Tom Rentz today:. https://tomrenz.substack.com/p/jabs-the-secret-weapon-against-trump?utm_source=email&s=r

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Its too bad he good still be proud of warp speed and what he did to get the jab out. But still be honest about what’s happening now.

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Ya, what's taking Trump so long? He's still Jab pushing and promoting scummy RINOs.

Paging Ron DeSantis, cleanup on isle 45!

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They create sh** out of thin air when things go side ways.

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Yes, and rather than cover up anything, I believe more eyes will open a out how harmful most vaccines (and Big pHarma) have turned out to be. So many lives. And even parents who went to jail to cover up for vax injuring babies. Disgusting.

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Yes. Demonstrably proven when parents did NOT take their infants in for childhood vaccines during the lockdowns, and SIDS cases dropped significantly.

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Maybe if they get tired of having to type carefully in order to prevent mistakes, confusion, and miscounts with SIDS/SADS, they'll just go with honesty and simplicity and combine them into SVID ~ Sudden Vaccine-Induced Death, no need to even bother with the uninformative and pretentious "Syndrome."

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SIDS was from sleeping.

SADS the same.

These people need to wake up.

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THIS was brought up in another channel and discussed. THIS ⬆️ is 🎯

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I think this is the malign creativity Nina jankowicz was talking about!

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Talking or singing?

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Once you know, it’s all painfully obvious.

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Me neither!

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An internet search reveal Justin Bieber's net worth to be $200 million. That's enough of a cushion to allow him to skate by for the rest of his (hopefully long) life. If he does indeed believe that the jabs are responsible for his and his wife's condition, he absolutely needs to speak out, to hell with his career. A lack of integrity by people who know the truth but remain silent in fear of public backlash is how this Covid train keeps barreling down the tracks. It takes just one very public figure to take a stand, put on the armor of God (Bieber is reportedly a Christian), and take the slings and arrows of a hostile and evil media to turn the tide against this burgeoning bio-medical security state.

Plus, I don't think his career would take much of a hit from a public statement. I bet his fans would follow him to another label, or he can start one of his own.

My $.2.

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Exactly! THANK YOU. Nailed it 🎯

I’d give you $10 for your .2 cents.

Where is the courage??? Our service members, fireman, police all run to the front line of battle and give up their lives to protect others. Why can’t we ordinary citizens do the same? I ask again. Where is the courage and strength?

I have zero sympathy for the Biebers. Sorry, sympathy isn’t my strong suit. Stand up already! Do the right thing already! He has 30 MILLION young people listening to him/them. DO THE RIGHT THING AND SPEAK THE TRUTH. PEOPLE ARE DYING!!!

This is maddening.

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Thanks, Sunnydaze. I didn't even think about the huge megaphone Bieber holds and the influence his truth-speaking would have on millions of young people who listen to him. It would indeed be a revolutionary act. Good point.

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He’s doing a lot. And carefully.

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Sorry, but I disagree. Carefully went out the window when they knowingly murder our citizens and are going after our children. Nope 👎🏻

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Does anyone understand strategy and tactics around here?

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As most of us here tend to be Republican, we know exactly what strategy and tactics mean: big talk, pretend to do something, and nothing changes. We've all seen it way too many times.

Remember all the talk about how President Trump was playing 12-D chess and we needed to "trust the plan"? Turned out there was no plan and he was being badly rolled by the corrupt deep state. Yet our side keeps listening to frauds like Lindsay Graham go on Hannity fuming about how he's "going to get to the bottom of it" and time after time nothing happens. But this time it's different! people say. No it's not different, people just won't let go of their delusions. Hopium is powerful.

He is not doing a lot and carefully, he's telling his fans about his condition but specifically not naming the cause. There is no 12-D chess here, he simply does not want to deal with the media backlash and resulting cancellation attempts.

Stop making excuses for people, it's embarrassing. He has no obligation to take on this cause, that's his choice. But stop pretending it's part of some grand plan.

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Totally agree Jeff. Bieber needs Eric Clapton's courage.

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Great comment! I fell for the Republican BS for Decades because I wanted to believe they were good people who were on my side. Ha! No more! I’m way more Conservative than anything else but no more excuses for the Republicans failures.

Listen to the Kendall and Casey Podcast on Apple podcasts for a cynical host who went from Republican to Libertarian for the exact same reason. Rob calls out the Schadenfraude on both sides which keeps me sane.

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"Hopium." LOL!

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No grand plan implied.

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I understand what you are saying. But no. We’ve been playing defense since March 2020. People are dead. Not just “adverse reactions”. There are people who are dead. It’s time to launch a full on offensive assault on these murderers. No more hiding behind tact and carefully. The strategy…. Offensive assault with the truth head on. No holds barred. Leave it all on the field. No stone left unturned. Blood, sweat and tears, courage. Front line battle. No more waiting for someone to ride in on a white horse and save us.

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But you expect Bieber to be the White Knight?


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I get it and it is frustrating but...They. Would. Cancel. Him.

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Respectfully, So what? How many of our nurses, firefighters, doctors, military people and blue collar workers got cancelled and still had the courage to stand up for the truth? Some lost everything. They didn’t have 200 million in the bank to pay their bills. I don’t care anymore that they would cancel him. I just don’t care. We need to stop protecting people who have the means to be a voice of truth, but shrink down and hide instead because they are afraid. This is an all out war and assault on America and her citizens. Two years is way too long to only play defense. It’s past time for people to use their “influence” to speak actual truth and damn the consequences. This is still AMERICA!

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Indeed. Plus the people who would cancel him are in the minority. They have loud megaphones and are powerful, that's all. I bet a whole bunch of others would become fans of Bieber (it not his music) if he did the right thing and spoke up.

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Plus in a short while our money will be worthless

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I get it and I agree. But he isn't obviously strong enough to take that step. Is it wrong? I think so. I was just stating the reason he wasn't speaking out. It is sad and wrong. I apologize if I offended. I was not in any way excusing his behavior.

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Oh you didn’t say anything to offend. No not at all! I agree that he just isn’t strong enough to take that step and it is sad. Maybe at some point he will. And, even though I may have come across as uncaring to his circumstance I do feel bad for what they are both experiencing. They were lied to and manipulated just like everyone else. Its the lack of courage that frustrates me, especially when we see what is happening to our country and our citizens. I was just giving examples of everyday people who have dug deep and found the courage needed to stand. I hope he finds his courage because he has an enormous megaphone that could be used for good.

I appreciate your thoughtfulness about this subject, and thank you for weighing in. 😉

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We've been playing defense for longer than 2 years. Sadly, that's what got us to this point in the first place.

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Jun 11, 2022·edited Jun 11, 2022

I’m old enough to recall the resistance to the war in Vietnam in the 1960’s-70’s. Back then it was considered cool for celebrities to express doubts especially while the American public watched the horrors nightly on the evening news. How far things have turned as the propaganda machine keeps so many people in a state of ignorance.

Two world class musicians from that generation have gone against the grain speaking out and even collaborating on some protest songs: Eric Clapton after he was vaccine injured, and Sir Van Morrison because he’s Van the Man and doesn’t care what people think of him. But it’s very reassuring to see how much of an effect these guys have made waking up so many of their fans even as the music media tries to rip them apart with lies and condemnation.

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And as a "Christian" Justin should be more concerned about the Truth and his future residence then his earthly career. Like Sunnydaze said, he has an audience of 30 million; by choosing to not admit it was the jab, he is leading others astray by omission.

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While our spirituality always needs to be in the forefront regarding our conscientious actions, our religious affiliations can not necessarily be seen in the same light. Just look at the way the Pope has been pushing the entire globalist agenda; or how so many leaders in houses of worship still jabber about the jab. And how it is to see churches and synagogues that first refused entry to the unvaccinated only to then allow them to sit in the back rows away from the clean and holy. When I saw that, it felt like I was in my hometown in Georgia in the 1960’s where segregation reigned supreme.

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"the pope"? WHAT pope? As soon as God'sSpirit indwelt me and I began to READ the bible it came crystal clear that the "pope", touted to be "the vicar of Christ" in this world, is a fraud. Vicar means in another's place. There is not now nor will ever be any replacement for the Christ, Jesus. HE represends Himself and no one else ever could. Thus the organisation built upon the position and person of "the pope" is a sham. And I grew up in that organisation. That guy sis a stuffed frock with a funny hat, and full of marxist and socialist ideas which are antithetical to everything Jesus spoke whislt He was here amongst us. Pay him no mind. Exacty as he pays none to you.

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Amén tío. Wish I could like this twice.

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The Pope also decries The Wall, yet he's surrounded by a 35-ft thick wall. Also speaks out against gun ownership, while he has a private military blessed by God himself.

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He know exactly how to talk to 30 million young people. He’s leading them to an understanding of what’s going on. Give the guy—and his sincere efforts—the time he and his truth require.

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I truly hope you are right, Mzlizzi, because he will have a lot to answer for on judgement day ..which may be sooner than he realizes at this rate. 😳

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Sounds scary for him.

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It was shocking to see Clapton viciously attacked for simply revealing he had been injured by the vaccine. God bless those guys for speaking out.

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How quickly the covidians turn on their own. We're in quite the pickle.

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I see what you did there. BIDENFLATION caused your $.02 to now become $.2!

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Ha! Thanks. Morning coffee did not kick in yet...

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Eric Clapton spoke out. He got beaten up in the media and attacked by the social media mob, but not totally canceled.

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Bell's Palsy ALSO presents with one-sided facial paralysis and has long been associated with vaccine injury. So they told Justin Bieber to call his Bell's Palsy by a more exotic name (Ramsay-Hunt Disease) in order to misdirect the public.

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I don't recall ever hearing about Ramsay Hunt Syndrome before, so I looked it up on Medscape, as well as Bell's Palsy. It said, "Ramsay Hunt syndrome is thought to be the cause of as many as 20% of clinically diagnosed cases of Bell palsy.[6]" That reference is from 2009. It calls Bell's "idiopathic facial paralysis (IFP)."

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Good for you... and that was never mentioned in the article

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Unless he gets his health back his career in the music industry is pretty much over anyway.

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I agree. He needs to speak out more on the pedophila evil in the entertainment industry as well. They all do!

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He IS speaking out.

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Respectfully, No he isn’t. He’s telling his fans he has a virus. They are both beating around the bush and avoiding the actual truth. He is speaking to 30 million young people who have been brainwashed by the celebrities, media, their teachers and this govt. Telling people he is going to rest and do facial exercises to get better is NOT speaking out. We want the TRUTH. We NEED the actual truth. No more code talking to protect his livelihood. Sorry. Nope. No passes for the Biebers. Not when the little people in this country have stood up and risked everything and some who lost everything for the truth.

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Ok ... he actually DOES have a virus affecting his 7th cranial nerve ... that virus is generally a reactivation of the herpes zoster virus aka chicken pox. But this is mostly always seen in MUCH older people. Or those whose immunity has tanked. Now why would Justin's immunity tank? I wonder? Vaxxed? Boostered? This is what needs to be said out loud.

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Thank you. You said it better than I did. I didn’t mean to sound like I was saying he wasn’t being truthful about have a virus. It was the follow up and omission about what’s really going on that I was referring to. Brushing it off and saying he’s going to do facial exercises and rest and leave it at that. Much more needs to be addressed. Thanks again for clarifying that. 😉

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All this speculation is a good thing.

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He is doing something more important than “telling.” He is SHOWING.

You do understand “young people,” no?

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Show doesn’t work without tell.

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I appreciate the strategy discussion. 😉 I’ll close with this and we can respectfully disagree with each other. People are seeing (being shown) inflation, the stock market drop like a dead fly, 401k’s being depleted every single day, the VAERS numbers, unexplained deaths, our military being gutted and woke, the global agenda…. And there are still MILLIONS upon Millions who are still supporting this garbage. When you own the information transportation you have the advantage. They are explaining away the deaths with their made up SADS. They make up new words to describe every evil thing they are doing and make excuses for every single thing and the media spreads the lies like wildfire. People are still going to their doctors for testing and boosters all over the world. People are still wearing muzzles two years later. The people are being shown this ridiculous garbage. But unless we stand up and speak the truth…. It will be falling on millions of blind and sleeping people.

No athletic game is won by only playing defense. Without offense you are playing with one arm tied behind your back and at a huge disadvantage. I am simply saying that along with so many other people risking it all to speak the truth…Bieber doesn’t get a pass. He is in more of a position to reach millions than most any other people. No more excuses for him to just beat around the bush and hope his fans are able to read between the lines. Nope 👎🏻 Not when his fans “young people” have been spoon fed information their whole lives.

Faith without works is dead.

The truth will set you free - applies to everything.

Have a good weekend. 😉

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Showing! Bingo!

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Sunnydaze, what makes you think he’s aware enough to know this is an effect from the vaccine? If his doctors are on board the vaccine train, I don’t think they’d say anything to him about it. So he’d need to listen to others or some some of his own research. I’m not sure why you say he knows it’s vaccine related.

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He won't admit it's the Jab as he will lose his contracts. Not that he needs more money. He's allowing the farce to continue with his silence.

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Jun 11, 2022·edited Jun 11, 2022

After viewing that video and reading up on his condition, I think he will be lucky if he is physically ABLE to make more money. I'll pray for his recovery.

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Wow. That’s awful. Heartbreaking.

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If he was allowing the farce to continue, he would be showing anything, especially in such detail.

What he’s doing is more effective than saying This is The Jab’s Fault.

Look how fast they shut up Nicky Minaj when she blurted about her uncle in Trinidad.

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with his condition, and it worsening rapidly as it seems to be doing, he does not HAVE a career anymore anyway. Unless it might be as an honet pull no punches spokeman against the non-vaccine injections.With a paralised face, he's done singing professionally, and likely making any type of public appearances as he used to do.

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He could definitely be the Kyle Rittenhouse for jab injury

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Agree. He and his wife should say the shots could have caused their medical issues. Because it's very possible.

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Well, there's your new shirt: "Suddenly and Unexpectedly." SUDS - Sudden Unexpected Death Syndrome

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With the tagline - "Just rinse that thought right out of your mind!"

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Jun 11, 2022·edited Jun 11, 2022

Big Harma: “Our hands are clean 🤷🏻‍♂️“

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LOVE IT!!! (The acronym, not the reason you had to create it.)

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What a coincidence that the coincidences are piling up. How many coincidences go into an adverse event? It's a complete mystery. "Experts" baffled again. Hard to believe that people can be this naive.

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Right. So, according to the narrative, any (supposed) benefits aren't coincidental, but any negative effects ARE coincidental..... smh

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If much in way of benefits are demonstrated will be way beyond coincidence, will be nearly serendipitous.

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I would say that these human behaviours are more "predictable" than "unbelievable." That's what's so scary about them, to me. The only thing hard to believe about the Salem "witch" trials and the Nazi concentration camps is that they actually made it into history books. I recently read that when the Allies liberated the camps in Germany and eastern Europe, their soldiers reported that the local people in these areas *did not believe* what was found in the camps. Allied generals ordered that these local people be made to dig the graves for the bodies found. Only then did the local civilians ever-so-unwillingly shed their "naiveté." No one WANTS to believe the depths of human evil. Only those with an inner compass irrevocably set to truth and reality can bear it.

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Sad to say I believe we have only seen the tip of the iceberg and the bodies will continue to pile up more and more. Remember when the told us in the beginning about the morgues over flowing with bodies? Covid deaths will be nothing compared to Covid vaccine deaths. Justin Bieber may not have time to tell his Covid vaccine story as his body is reacting fast now with several huge issues. It’s in his head, potentially brain, like his wife. Those evil “people” have set their sights on the 2030 depopulation plan. Sorry to be a downer but we need to be prepared. This is war and many innocents die in war. If we are silent in our own circles we are as much to blame. May God help us all.

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Great post.

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Funny that absolutely none of my pureblood friends/family have had any "sudden and mysterious" things happen to them. Not one.

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We have about 20 in the immediate family ages 80 to 5. No shots. Each who got Covid lived. Several had “a flu” but never got tested. We praise the Lord for his hand of protection and mercy and fear no evil.

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Sounds just like our group! 🙌🏻

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None of mine have either.

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Well, they will deny coincidence; they will produce information that the underlying contributing factors have been present in people for a long time.

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From "safe and effective" to "sudden and mysterious". Good job Big Pharma. 🖕

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Perfect phrase! Can I share that Jeff?

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Of course.

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It’s on Gettr with a credit to Jeff. 😊 will add to truth social next.

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Yep. It’s all in the marketing.

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"marketing" = "getting the brain's attention"

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Shouldn't "People aged under the age of 40" be "People aged 5 and up" should get their hearts checked? Or would that be too obvious and make people think?

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How about, "People with recently sore left arms?"

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Fauci couldn’t even remember which arm he got the shot in… we saw him get it live on tv in one arm and then a few days later when asked about his experience he rubbed the wrong arm and said it was just a little sore. LOL

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To give you some hope and calm, Drs Peter McCullough and Pierre Kory said in last week’s FLCCC weekly update, that if you’ve had no issues with your heart and it’s been a year since your last “vaccine,” to try not to worry too much. Your hubby has passed a milestone perhaps? Best of luck!

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I'm hopeful this will be the case with my husband, who received both initial doses in March 2021, thinking it would "protect" his elderly mother. Given what we know now, he won't be "boosting."

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I hope he remains well and both of you blessed. Cheers. I bet he will do well, schneile.

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Thank you very kindly! I was glad to read your comment.

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You are so welcome. Just keep saying, All will be well. All will be well. And breathe deeply every day. We will all come out of this stronger and better. I just know we will!

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My Uncle had just gotten a perfect bill of health, took the shot and BAMMO, quadruple bypass! They have no idea what hit him. It's still a mystery a year+ later! My Aunt died of a heart attack after her jab. Her Dr refused to see her without it although she had no medical issues. They were 71/76 years old. No co-morbidities.

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Yet you'll see people, even here, who'll dismiss it with 'guys, not everything is the jab'. I get that, but when totally healthy people stroke out at 4x the normal rate... it's the jab.

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Yes, it is! But hearts and minds are blinded by the evil one.

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Just say NOto the shots Simple, Safe, Effective

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“diagnosis of nothing.” - We all should get screened asap. "It's a show about nothing."

Patient: "Well doc, what's the diagnosis?"

Doc: "I can't find anything wrong with you."

Patient: "No!!! I'm too young to die!!"

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I pronounce thee “comment of the day!” Awesome. This “skit” will go viral.

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Love the Seinfeld reference. A show about nothing. 😂

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Maybe it's me but the crack in the vessel where the light shines through seems to be getting larger thankfully.

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Healthy, 38-year old teacher and soccer coach we know died from a blood clot! Really?? C'mon man! My step mom has already had breast cancer and a possible blood clot and COVID since taking her clot shots.

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All of my neighbors have been injected. The RNs on one side are both home sick cause the tests told them they were, and the older folks on the other side both look and are feeling poorly -- and now the latest news is the wife was just diagnosed with breast cancer (no family history) which has spread to her bones. Just last summer they were all bragging about getting their shots and boosters.

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I'm so sorry for your stepmom.

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Yeah, now she's on cancer medication for the next 5 years at least. Pharma making even more money and probably totally unnecessary...

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Now the US just needs to remove the idiotic prohibition against unvaxxed non-citizens, although I've heard it's not widely enforced at land borders.

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For sure! My daughter's husband cannot come to see us because he's smart enough NOT to take the shots at 29 years old.

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Tell him to just jump on a northbound caravan in Mexico - they leave daily, non-stop all they way to the US - easy-peasy! Nobody will check anything at the border.

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Is he able to get to a land border crossing? Apparently they don't usually ask. He won't be able to enter Canada (unless he's Canadian) but Mexico has no restrictions.

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We’re going to see them this year but hopefully it will not be needed by next year. We can keep the Mexico thing in mind though. They live in Norway.

So extremely happy that we don’t have to test to come home now. That was stressing me out!

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I'm still not planning on any international travel, not until ALL of this is cleared up. Too risky. My friend got covid while visiting Portugal, and was made to stay an additional 14 days!

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our overlords will make certain this never ends. Never in the history of the world has there been such a "safe and effective" means of total control over every aspect of life handed to government controllers.

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They will try, anyway.

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We are waiting for the removal of the restriction against unvaxxed non-citizens entering US, so that we can visit our children in the US. We haven’t seen them in two years.

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It appears the next step in the plan is global digital currency which will require a global ID. The PTB are working very diligently to make that happen soon. That ID will incorporate health regulations as well. I don't expect those of us who haven't given in will be traveling very far -at least physically- in the future.

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Yeah, good luck with that

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I'm so sorry. So much senseless idiocy and suffering in the service of people not getting a flu.

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I think they only check certain methods of entering? The more common ones but there may be a way.

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We can only fly. They check the documents at the boarding airport. If you don’t have them, you will not be allowed to board.

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Can you fly to Mexico and come in through land?

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We will have to apply for Mexican visa. They will ask many questions such as where we will be planning to stay when in Mexico and why we want to go to Mexico.

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Mexicans may not ask too many questions, but on Thursday, April 21, 2022, DHS extended COVID-19-related land border entry requirements. Non-U.S. travelers seeking to enter the United States via land ports of entry and ferry terminals at the U.S.-Mexico and U.S.-Canada borders are required to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and provide proof of vaccination upon request.

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Some recent posts about the latest made-up syndrome that say it well and these are three of the experts I follow in addition to Drs Malone and McCullough.

1) Dr. Urso. @richardursomd

"Stop Pretending to not see the obvious. Actuaries have found 40% higher deaths rates in ages 18-64, since the beginning of 2021."

2) Aaron Kheriaty, MD. @akheriaty

"New levels of systematic mendacity. Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) is not a thing. These are cardiac deaths. Stop pretending we don't know why they are elevated. Just f***ing stop. Enough of this. It's only a mystery if you are blind."

3) Brian Lenzkes, MD. @BrianLenzkes

"When multiple people get food poisoning at the same time, public health quickly traces the source of the outbreak & closes the plant. When multiple young people die of sudden cardiac death or suffer severe neurologic conditions, public health scratches their head."

The epidemiologists should be able to make relatively rapid progress in testing hypotheses because unfortunately, the number of cases keeps growing and they can create data collection methods to capture variables to rule in or rule out as causal, contributing, and/or associated.

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I find the most infuriating part of all of this is that THEY DO KNOW what is causing all of this and continue to act as if they don't have a clue.

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Silence is particularly golden when you’re being paid to zip your lips.

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"Public health scratches their head" and deposits another check from Big Pharma.

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I just shared these on FB. "Fact checkers" in 3...2...

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A healthy 40 year old body does not deteriorate and die in one year for no reason. If the only difference is an experimental drug injection the intelligent and unrestricted mind would focus on that.

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I bet you a lot of real epidemiologists are out of work at this time when they are most needed.

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Re: SADS. I first heard it was "Sudden Arrhythmic Death Syndrome" but that was apparently too close to the truth so they quickly rebranded "Adult". In unrelated news, a seemingly otherwise healthy 39-year-old male coworker died in the sleep of an apparent heart attack during the last week. That's three in the past year (first one last August) in my ever shrinking circle. I'm kind of numb to this now from stories on the Substacks and now real life, and very alarmed that whatever thin protection against COVID wears off, but the after effects may last a lifetime. And doubly alarming as someone who works in outside sales in NYC and had to get one to keep my job - well, I survived my single J&J shot, for now. Hopefully I'll be able to sue for damages someday.

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Same here … me a colleague got the single JJ for that reason.

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So did my cousin. Her job requires her to travel internationally. She felt deeply bullied and betrayed.

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They got my husband too. He got really bad vertigo a few weeks after his second Pfizer, and then got COVID a few weeks after that ,and while he was out sick, his employer told him he had to take a third shot to keep his job. He declined another shot and his health is fine for now. He was close enough to retirement. I begged him not to take the first two. Live and learn I guess. 😔

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Ivermectin works on the spike protein. Visit flccc

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Please drink pine needle tea every day. (Anecdotally) it helps the body remove spike protein. At best it will help. At least it won’t hurt you.

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Seeing a few more normal people on the buses in Seattle, but they are almost all timid little masked creatures. I sat near a woman in the back of the 15X, she gasped something about "no mask" and then curled up into a little ball against the window for the next 30 minutes.

These weak people are so battered and ruined by the endless psy-op.

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I'm in Boston and I'm surrounded by blue tyrannical zombies but their feverency is wearing a bit..

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ride your bike then. Far healthier than the bus, usually at least as fast, and you don't have to sit near paranoid freakazoid gummit drones.

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Are they shedding spike and prions all over me? Disgusting.

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I 100% agree that Bieber knows the jabs caused his and his wife’s issues. It’ll be interesting to see how long his affliction lasts.

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And when he actually says it!!

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I flipped through the comments under his video looking for any mention of the jab … nothing. Sadly people are not seeing the obvious.

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You don't think Instagram could have removed them? There has been *some* censorship reform, but it is by no means a level field out there ...

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Instagram is owned by Facebook/Meta.

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Yes, indeed.

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Or are the comments being censored.

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That's more likely.

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LOL you walked right into that... I was bemoaning a friend of mine being injured from the shot. My husband said, "The information is out there. They are just too stupid to see it."

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Stupid? Or scared? Either of repercussions, or of having to face reality square up, and admit they've been deceived by those in whom they put their trust.

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Ha theres still people wearing masks. I thought the mask was “to protect others” ? People are truly braindead.

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I think people are ready to acknowledge the cause of these sudden, mystery illnesses on healthy young people.

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Took Rock Hudson a while before his publicist confirmed AIDS.

Is Justin Bieber the new Rock Hudson?

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Beyond the acronym of SAD it is just that sad. My daughter just sent me an article from Dr Niel Chesen who said he has seen 4 cases in the past few weeks of Ramsay-Hunt syndrome and all were recently boosted. Said he had never seen a single case in 32 years within his ophthalmology practice.

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Another indicator of an issue-- clinicians who have little to no experience with a condition, because it's relatively rare, who report seeing cases

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😮 Steve Kirsh just wrote a phenomenal substack on the statistics related to this

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"scientists [are] still not 100 per cent clear on what genes cause this.”

right off the bat its lies, genes dont cause this, at best you could say epigenetics

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They are reaching to spin this as similar to long QT syndrome

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Exactly. They think we won’t catch their wiggle-words.

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