We hoped the vaccine would work???? Are you freaking kidding me??!! A desperate Hail Mary wing-and-a-prayer approach was the best answer? "Trust us, we're the government, we know what's best." And lest we forget, altering the course of humanity and obliterating the lives of millions based on something that has all the ramifications of a flu bug maybe wasn't the best strategy? Anybody else getting tired of dealing with the perpetually stupid?

FREEDOM: https://theimaginaryhobgoblin.substack.com/p/freedom

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Not perpetually stupid. Perpetually malevolent.

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They're stupid, malevolent, moronic, evil, ego driven, power mongers, etc......The people that swallow this garbage, I'm sorry....are researched challenged, blind and stupid in regards to this issue....this includes most of my family. (And no, I would never engage in that approach....unless they REALLY wanted to "throw off the gloves."

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Mine also. These college indoctrinated, I mean educated, are the worst of them for being deaf, blind, and dumb. ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ And I say that even as I love them dearly.

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My son, who taught math at a university, says the PhDs are the stupidest. And, of course, by virtue of their advanced degree, they lead and head all the departments.

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But the PhDs were the most hesitant group when it came to the covid vaccine. Maybe some PhDs are more indoctrinated than others and narrowly focused.

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The group who adhered to the narrative the most were those with bachelor's and master's degrees, educated in their field but missing the critical thinking component of the education. At least according to some articles.

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Bachelors- you think you know everything

Masters- realize you donโ€™t know anything

PhD- realize no one else knows either

It was a PhD who told me that

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Actually, somehow, the higher education seems to destroy critical thinking.

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I agree. The higher the degree the worse their logic.

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It may be time -- a propitious time -- to take off the gloves. Maybe not for those you've described that are in our families that we want to stay on good terms with despite their incorrigibility and stupidity. Certainly, though, for the "expert" class, the political class (those who've earned our repudiation for their infidelity to liberty and Constitution-violating acts), the "leadership" of corporate "America" like the airline CEOs who lack even a single cojone among the whole lot of them, etc. Maybe the gloves come off for this cohort. They've all earned it, IMO.

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We got guns now.....lots of 'em. We ain't dead yet.

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Oh, yes. We are very much ๐’‚๐’๐’Š๐’—๐’†. ๐Ÿ˜Š

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Gloves off! May the Source be with You!...who said that speaking Truth was going to be easy?

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What is the specific action you propose? Iโ€™m intrigued.

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Piss off, Troll

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Jun 26, 2022ยทedited Jun 26, 2022

New2Florida responded to my post above with the following email: "Unkind. My question was honest and sincere. Not snarky or intended to criticize. I agree with the poster: CDC, FDA and other 3-letter agencies have grown bloated and opposed to voters. Just curious if anyone had thought through practical steps. Genuinely curious. " 1. Why does his/her post not show up with all the other comments here? 2. When I read N2F's posting, I immediately thought it was from a 3 letter agency "operative", trying to get someone to naively write some incriminating verbiage, to be used against said person at a later date. Most people realize sites like these are monitored, I hope. One needs to be careful of what one says these days. What a person says in haste, anger, or jest today could be used to incarcerate them tomorrow.

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This is a legitimate question. I oppose the attacks that followed it

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Nice try. Legit self defense. Y'know to keep us free....unlike a certain Northern Territory that is under tyrannical rule.

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If you're asking for practical steps, that's going to be difficult when we're dealing with individuals (mostly unelected) who have a very clear agenda, habitually change the definitions of key words and phrases and have no regard for the Constitution or the law. Why is it we can slam Dr. Simone Gold behind bars for simply for opening her mouth while Dr. Death and company, despite the overwhelming evidence of massive wrongdoings and blatant corruption, walk the streets freely? It's an abomination. Practical steps may need some augmentation. Peace, brother.

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Good point. They are accomplishing their intent. Good on ya for calling it out.

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And the worst part after that was allowing it to be mandated. To any sector. Abolish the CDC! Abolish the NIH! Abolish the NIAID! Abolish ALL 3 letter agencies! Abolish all non-elected Washington positions that create the swamp of power that canโ€™t be drained!

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Jun 25, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Completely agree the CDC, NIH and NIAID need to go. These agencies have no legitimate benefit, and the regulatory capture by the pharmaceutical industry over the FDA makes the agency not only unhelpful, but very dangerous as well. They are trying to pass a "Future Framework" this week eliminating human testing for updated covid vaccines so they can rely only on mice or in vitro test tube experiments and measure only antibody response which means literally nothing clinically. If it's not already obvious by the worthless flu and covid vaccines we have already seen, wait until a dangerous concoction makes its way out into the market. Oh, wait..

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Excellent comment, Josh. Thank you for bringing up that absurd "Future Framework". We need to be on the lookout for that and make phone calls to alert our "elected" Congress critters what's about to happen on that front.

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Jun 25, 2022ยทedited Jun 25, 2022

Thanks. I suggest people looking for more info to read this blog and take action and call AND write their lawmakers, both Federal & State. The FDA is trying to get this insane policy approved this upcoming week and they don't want people being aware. https://tobyrogers.substack.com/p/the-fdas-proposed-future-framework

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I hope my emails get through in time. I just finished sending all you suggested the email on this policy. Ugh, these folks are relentless.

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Many of the institutions have been used as cash cows and the herd has been led into the pasture of corruption and the obfuscation of facts! Every last one needs to be dismantled--and I doubt they can be rebuilt. They're corrupt beyond the point of fixing. The foundation is rotten to the core.

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Jun 25, 2022ยทedited Jun 25, 2022

The original poster is spot on. All 3 letter agencies need to go. Somewhere along the line (or maybe they never ever worked in our interests) they have morphed into horrendous political tools of the deep state and further globalist totalitarian concerns over American individual liberty and American sovereignty. I can not think of a single instance in the last twenty years when any of these three letter agencies worked in the interest of American citizens instead of against them. Get rid of them all, as they are of zero use to us.

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Dangerous concoctions are already on the market! Experimenting with the children and babies is beyond evil.

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I agree. I say abolish every non-Constitutional cabinet agency. That would leave only four -- State, Defense, Treasury, and Justice. (The Post Office was actually a part of the original Constitutional framework for these departments; it was replaced, eventually, by Justice.)

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What would be the steps to achieve this (beyond, of course, winning elections)?

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The fact that the V wouldn't work was obvious from the drug trials from both Pfizer and Moderna -- less than 1% difference between drug group and placebo group for Pfizer and just over 1% difference for Moderna. I guess the gov't didn't read the trials, nor its own report on those trials (which included the above data).

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The government couldn't see past the $ in its eyes

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Always follow the $$!

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And yet they continue to push it and now with the littles โ€” this goes well beyond stupidity & ineptitude โ€ฆ pure evil.

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They lie. And they are good at, from the mindless masses perspective. Not ours.

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Jun 25, 2022ยทedited Jun 25, 2022

Say it like it is Eric!!! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

To further support the point of where the "hope" strategy of the failed injections are, check out FOIA from Nova Scotia.

Plus, they all knew. When the EUA for Pf was granted, the "protection" data was already on the downslide.


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Eric...planting an idea for your substack. "Hope is Not a Strategy" is the title of a book to teach sales people how to strategically sell. Perhaps an Eric-ized pic?

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Got tired of dealing with the perpetually stupid a decade ago.

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Way beyond exhausted with the lunacy

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Brix/Johnson twitter link video censored due to age appropriateness - age restricted due to adult content. To view it, you have to log in to twitter.



Comments viewable.

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This worked for me without logging in.


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Thanks! I was just about to look for a recording of this. I wasn't aware of nitter.

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Yeah hope man... like Baracks hope and change lol. Uhug. What a joke.

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a global experiment on billions of people founding on "hope"...maybe the worst crime in human history...

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Read where someone said hope is the new science.

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But but but "Hope And Change" got a slick-talking Kenyan elected to POTUS ... twice! Now you're telling me hope is baaaddd? /s

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Jun 25, 2022ยทedited Jun 25, 2022

And, speaking of more "hope", specifically related to the baby shot travesty and "their" confidence in the data...which shows their lack of confidence in the data...here's an excellent resource.


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Theyโ€™re hoping you think they are just incompetent.

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Open letter:

Dear Mom, I know I wasn't at all expected or planned, but thank you for having me. I've had many ups and downs in life, but to experience love, kindness, hopeful sunrises, grandeur sunsets, the miracle of giving birth and raising three awesome kids have only made me appreciate life more and more with each day. Love, your baby, Lee

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I wonder what percentage of the population could say that they were a planned and wanted child? Small, I would betโ€ฆI know I wasnโ€™t. Out of our family of 11 - 7 were accidents or surprises. Probably typical. I was a late life unplanned pregnancy for my mother. My husband was the result of an unwed teenage pregnancy, put up for adoption. Etc. etcโ€ฆ.We say the pregnancies were surprises or even mistakes - but without exception, every one of the individuals were deeply loved and treasured in our family,

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Love this Freebird!

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You know what though? All of these people were still born in spite of Roe being a thing

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Yes. My daughter also. But that doesn't mean that I believe I had no choice in the matter.

She knows that after getting pregnant accidently I carried and delivered her intentionally.

She will not live in a location where her rights today are any less than mine were back in 1995. And I cannot fault her for that.

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Beautiful! Precious!

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Jun 25, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Sen. Ron Johnson is great, but it was Congressman Jim Jordan who held Birx's feet to the fire. Jim Jordan for the next Speaker of the House!

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But it's Sen. Ron Johnson's relentless efforts to bring the truth about early treatments, vaccine adverse events, etc.

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No doubt about it. I was just saying that the exchange with Dr. Birx was between her and Jim Jordan, not Ron Johnson. Jim Jordan is a representative, not a senator.

By the way, I tried to view the video again from Jeff's e-mail, and Twitter said: "Age-restricted adult content. This content might not be appropriate for people under 18 years old. To view this media, youโ€™ll need to log in to Twitter." !!!!!!

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Jun 25, 2022ยทedited Jun 25, 2022

But they might make him wear a jacket for that position! May be too much to ask.

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Candace Owens put out a good live video yesterday, on FB, aimed at pro choice people. She explained how the education system has created the pro choice movement and how it was built on lies.

I just had this conversation with my son yesterday who challenged me 5 years ago on my abortion stance. I am very grateful to him. I was pro-life except for โ€ฆโ€ฆ Now I am pro lifeโ€ฆ period.

What I explained to him was that growing up in the 80โ€™s all I was taught was my body my choice. It was all about safe sex and condoms and if that failed there was abortion. It was the law of the land. There was no alternative. I did not understand it was ok to have a different view. If anyone dared to challenge that they were ridiculed and angrily put in their place.

When I became a Christian in the late 80โ€™s my view instantly changed because I now understood the value of a life. However, unfortunately as Christians we are also taughtโ€ฆ but what about rape and incest. Therefore as Christians we are still taught to believe in pro-choice, really. Iโ€™m pro-lifeโ€ฆ. Except forโ€ฆ.

Either life is sacred or itโ€™s not. A woman raped still carries a life that matters. What do we do with that? The church has failed in this. I failed to understand the ramifications of this thought process that the โ€œchurchโ€ had taught me.

But, not every pro-choice person is a murderer. We must not lack the compassion to have intelligent conversations about this reality. And we must not lack the compassion to help these women who have grown up being taught that these real life babies are living breathing humans and not a clump of cells to be discarded because of convenience or even coercion from others.

The extreme pro choice people do make me angry still. But Iโ€™m trying to choose compassion for them as well, as hard as that is. I do lack compassion because some of the arguments surround birth defects and genetic problems with the unborn. I have been challenged over the last 30 years because my daughter was born developmentally/intellectually disabled. What would I have done 30 years ago had I known ahead of time? I was pro lifeโ€ฆ exceptโ€ฆ back then. We did know there was a possibility something was wrong in utero. It was brought up that we could terminate the pregnancy. Without even knowing for sure something was amiss!! That was just a possibility!! And that was in the early 90โ€™s. My daughter is now 29 years old and brings so much joy to our family and everyone who knows her. It has been a difficult and sometimes excruciating journey. But did we make the right decision even though we couldโ€™ve terminated and walked awayโ€ฆ you bet we made the right decision. Without question. I am a different person today because of the lessons I have learned because of my daughter. And not one person in our family or circle of friends is the same, because of her influence. Thank you Jesus!

Like I said, Candace Owens did a good job explaining her story as a previous pro-choice woman. She now stands for LIFE! As do Iโ€ฆ. no exceptions.

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I saw that video last night and I was thrilled. Candace pointed out that the sexual indoctrination of public schools by planned murderhood started in the 70s, and she's absolutely correct. 46 years ago in 1976, when I was in 7th grade, our "health" class included our teacher passing around various forms of birth control so we could see what they were, look at the packaging, understand how to use each example, etc. It was a weirdest day of my young life. I was being raised in a single parent family with no mom, but my dad was a judge and I was raised in a Christian household. In addition to knowing that my Christian faith, (let alone my own father) would not have approved of this, I felt positively grossed out that my teacher was using critical class time to do this - and didn't even have the decency to split the boys and girls into 2 separate groups to give us some privacy. I look back at that now, and realize she was absolutely grooming us. And due to the delicate subject matter you better believe none of us had any comfort level whatsoever to tell our parents what was going on.

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When I learned that the Rockefeller Inst. had funded the Women's Lib movement in the 70's I was gobsmacked! The roots of the American family breakdown were planted.

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It was like you were writing my story. All your points are very similar to my own including having a special needs daughter (mine is 28) and YES brings joy to everyone! Thank you for your postโค๏ธ

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Youโ€™re welcome. We are in the same special needs community family then. Hugs to you ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿป

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I believe rape and incest pregnancies are about the same statistical probability as dying from covid.

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Youโ€™re right Debra!

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Unlike COVID1984, them not birthing abominations doesnโ€™t actually affect you

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Can someone with access to FB please post Candace's video to someplace other than FB? As a steadfast FB Refusenik, I'll have to skip it otherwise. Thanks.

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Jun 25, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

You have to go to Daily Wire. Facebook only shows the teaser.

And you have to subscribe to Daily Wire, grrrrr. But I guess they have to make money somehow.

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I also subscribe and recommend it. They are producing Hollywood-quality movies now, all excellent and completely non-woke.

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Jun 25, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I subscribe to Daily Wire, and they are one of the best investments (along with my paid C&C subscription) I've ever made. Plus, not everything is behind their paywall, there's lots of free content.

That said, I can't find this particular video at DW, either.

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Jun 25, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I wonder where it went. Iโ€™ll scroll fb and make sure thatโ€™s where it tried to send me.

I should buy a subscription, Epoch Times newsletter is good too. Iโ€™m doing a trial right now. My folks, late 80โ€™s are big fans of the print version yet got the shots. ๐Ÿฅฒ

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I think this is the one. It's from IG https://www.instagram.com/p/CfNDMjJpJqX/

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Jun 25, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Yes, thank you so much. Weโ€™ve all been brainwashed. I did know how PP was started, but of course its all been swept under the rug.

I was in high school in the early โ€˜70โ€™s and the mantra was zero population growth, boy did I buy into that. Never had an abortion thank god, but never had children either.

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Kbb, here it is!

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Thank you!

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kbb...I 100% understand your FB position. The thing is there is a lot of interesting content available on FB that is not subject to the censorship. I still have a page but that's only so I can see the other content that interests and even educates me.

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We're at a place now where the rubber meets the road: Convenience may work to our collective disadvantage. By boycotting FB, or You Tube for that matter--we vote with our wallets. This sends the message to the supreme media tycoons on high that we don't want their version of Free Speech(which is not Free, and not uncensored.)

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So true. I gave up my FB for that reason and just yesterday deleted 86 Yelp reviews since I couldn't delete my user profile.

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When it finally dawned on me approx 5 years ago that Zuckerberg was a deep state ally, that was it for me. Don't miss it one wee bit!

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I agreed with your thinking 100%. It is difficult sometimes as it seems most everyone uses Facebook to communicate these days.

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Disney's new Toy Story has queer toys in it. Disney is down 50% in the stock market. Disney does not care about our boycotting of their sick productions. If I boycotted FB or You Tube neither one of them would hold an emergency board meeting.

If you think the regular folks have any power, either by their votes or their wallets you are dreaming.

But you go ahead and do whatever you think will make a difference. We all should follow our conscience.

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I might agree that one person boycotting Disney or FB won't make a dent--but this is not the point. The devil is found in the details: If consumers follow the money, and exercise conscientious discipline when buying any product--they do in fact affect any 'brand's' desirability. I have never suggested that conscious consumerism is the magic bullet--rather it is part of a menu of choices and actions that citizens may embrace that will upset the status quotas. Your decisions at the grocery store do matter--and if more people stopped eating processed junk--the stuff would eventually end up in a landfill. It doesn't sell unless people are buying! pax

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Riki...we are living in a country that is no longer Free. The shots have killed hundreds of thousands and the CDC says nobody has died from the shots. The DOJ is corrupt. The border is leaking humans who have the equivalent of a 4th grade education and they are being taken care of in every possible way. Congress is filled with criminals on both sides of the isles. Inflation has been created on purpose. We have the most advanced medical systems in the world and yet more people die here from chronic health problems, per capita, than in any developed country. Our educational system is rated somewhere around 43rd in the world. We had an election stolen away from the rightful winner and yet not ONE thing has been done to prevent the same thing from happening again. America is falling apart and you are worried about Disney and processed food. Well, great, we each get to decide what needs fixing the most in our opinions. Yes Disney sucks and so does processed food and Fluoride in the water. However we, the general public, will not be fixing anything.

All we will do is bitch about it.

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My FB page was just hacked. They got my password and email and changed it all but kept my name and picture. After spending hours trying to try to get it back and reported to FB to no avail I decided to create a new page. They won't let me saying I don't meet Community Standards. I had never been suspended or had any history of problems. I used my page for friends and a lot of craft ideas, etc. I find it hard to believe you can't communicate with anyone there. They have a Help Center and Support page but like I said....no help for my situation. Frustrated to no end.

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We all need to consider creating alternatives to many of the niceties we have been relying on--we are at the beginning of a new timeline! Exciting (and yet- inconvenient).

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I was able to pull it up on youtube.

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Thanks for the tip. Here's the link:


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I understand. I wish I had somewhere else to post it. I hate fb and am on there only minimally.

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Thank you for sharing your experience! Personal choice and an individual's sovereign rights are part and parcel of respect for our life and the lives of others. I heard an interesting definition of "compassion" (John Lamb Lash): "Communicating one's passion", hence Com-passion. re Candace Owens--she'd make a better Senator or Congresswoman than the majority we see in office today.

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No exceptions for the rare situations where the motherโ€™s life is at risk if she continues to carry the pregnancy? Rape and incest seems ideologically pure, but how does one determine whether itโ€™s the mother or the baby that holds higher value when a choice must be made?

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The problem there is that it gets expanded -- the mother's "emotional" or "mental" life. Or cases where the possibility of death is slim. If it indeed is that ultra-rare case (and I have known one - Hi Julie N), wouldn't the overwhelming majority of mothers choose their child?

In the cases of rape or incest, why is the child to be put to death for the crime of his parent?

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You took the words out of my mouth. We can have a conversation about when the mothers life is in jeopardy but the saying goes give an inch and they take a mile. The Jane Roe lie, about gang rape set in motion an abortion industry for 50 years. They got an inch and took a mile. Abortion on demand, abortion for birth control, abortion for young people who want to have sex without taking responsibility for the baby it will conceive, abortion paid for with tax payer dollars, abortion without getting parental consent, etc.

And I agree, Iโ€™ve not met a mother who would chose abortion to save her own life, but Iโ€™m also aware I donโ€™t know everyone or every situation either.

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Well said, Sunny!

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Your own faith goes on about sins of the father ๐Ÿ‘

Also, in many cases where the life of the mother is in danger, the baby isnโ€™t viable or healthy either.

Who knew that there were so many maskbrains on both sides?

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The problem is defining "life of the mother." Unfortunately, it can currently mean the emotional or mental health of the mother, which is what's usually the case where this is invokes. Regardless, the overwhelming majority of abortions, ACCORDING TO PPs STATISTICIAN, are for the *convenience* of the mother.

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These arenโ€™t people I want breeding anyhow ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ Why erode our bodily autonomy (taking an alternate route to Shanghai) merely to make life more aggravating for our children, having to deal with the descendants of these people?

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Bless you, Sunny!!

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Well said, thank you!

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Well said!!

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well said. Thank you.

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Link the Candice Owens video?

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Thank you. Candice is a Rock Star in my world. I remember watching her videos when she was just a You Tube tadpole.

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Love Candace!!

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Jun 25, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

It may shock Joe to hear this given his track record thus far, but Yes. Yes you were wrong to get involved in the war between Russia and Ukraine. Yes you were wrong to leave Afghanistan the way you did (leaving troops and equipment and massive instability behind). Yes you were wrong to close the Keystone Pipeline (further exacerbating our economic instability and putting us in a position of dependence upon Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, etc).

Joe, youโ€™ve been wrong about everything. In fact I can (likely) predict the future of what youโ€™re going to do. โ€˜Yes, you were wrongโ€™ pretty much sums up your entire presidency at this point.

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He was wrong, but right on track with the elite agenda. ๐Ÿ˜

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As long as HE sits in HIS seat, I guess thatโ€™s about the best we can hope for going forward.


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Soooo wrong soooo many time and still has a job!!!

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I am a member of the Covid-19 vaccine control group. That means I am unvaxxed. I am an 82 year old Delta survivor. Had it in December 2021. I am a person that tests on a regular basis. On January 17th my antibody test showed measurement of spike protein at 205.0. I tested again June 7th and my antibody spike protein has risen to 1026. This shows that natural immunity does not wane like the vaccine immunity, but becomes stronger. I have been exposed to people with Omicron and remained healthy. Testing was done by Labcorp.

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I'm so glad to see that other people are paying attn to spike proteins and the body's innate autoimmune function! I'm still in the dark about how much the jabb'd ones are shedding...or not shedding?

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You write that you, "studied this issue closely when I litigated the mask case through appeal. I won that case โ€” the only appellate case in the country finding mandatory masking presumptively unconstitutional โ€”"

Could you please cite that case, so we can look it up? We are litigating now to gets masks off of kids in other states. Greatly appreciated!

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Jun 25, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Not Jeff, but hereโ€™s the appellate court ruling: https://www.1dca.org/content/download/748047/opinion/201661_DC13_06112021_130157_i.pdf

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This will help many more kids

Thanks enormously!

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Thank you for this link!

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Jeff won based "on the strength of Floridaโ€™s explicit right to privacy and medical autonomy, which had been well-developed mostly by abortion cases, particularly the โ€˜Gainesville Woman Careโ€™ case"

It looks as though FL state law was the primary reason for the victory, so it would seem to be quite dependent on each state's laws/constitution.

And as Chris said, I'm commenting to see Jeff's reply...

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Iโ€™d like to know more, too. The most pro-abortion states, such as Calif. and NY, are the most fascist on โ€œvax and maskโ€โ€”so why didnโ€™t they add bodily autonomy to their state charters.

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Commenting here just to be notified if thereโ€™s a reply. Also extremely interested in this one.

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Also interested in the reply. And why government bureaucrats and various other officials were able to require individuals to wear an unapproved, untested medical device or have an experimental medical intervention performed without examining or knowing anything about the health or medical history of each person. One size fits all medicine is just plain bad, on so many levels. This should never be allowed.

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commenting to be notified.

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Commenting to be notified also

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Jeff, I called attention to your McCullough Operation Multiplier in the updates section after the piece I published yesterday (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/i/60878565/stop-the-persecution-of-doctors-and-scientists-like-dr-peter-mccullough-and-dr-pierre-kory). I realize my audience is likely a subset of C&C, but hopefully it helps get the word out :-)

I also have a section where I linked to our past C&C discussions about DeSantisโ€™s effective use of framing with โ€œCOVID theatreโ€ (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/i/60878565/help-me-viralize-philanthropath-and-philanthropathy).

I would love your and the C&C Armyโ€™s assistance with injecting the terms โ€œphilanthropath,โ€ โ€œphilanthropathy,โ€ and โ€œphilanthropathicโ€ into the zeitgeist through repetition and association with Bill Gates, George Soros, Klaus Schwab, and any other socio/psychopaths masquerading as philanthropists.

For more details, see my three-part series titled โ€œAnatomy of a Philanthropath: Dreams of Democide & Dictatorship.โ€ The first part is available to the public (the next two parts will be unlocked on Monday and Wednesday respectively):

โ€ข Part 1: A Mostly Peaceful Depopulation (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/anatomy-of-a-philanthropath-dreams)

It would be amazing if anytime someone heard โ€œBill Gates,โ€ for example, they would automatically think โ€œphilanthropath.โ€

Any assistance with this culture-jamming endeavor would be appreciated!

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Appreciate the words and will add them, my initial example: where x is concerned, bill gates is a (social) philanthropath

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This term--"philanthropath"-- needs to be added to the mainstream lexicon and Websters!

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Please and with a cherry on top! ๐Ÿ’

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Anthony von "Munchhousen by Proxy," Fouci, ....Please!

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Thatโ€™s a good one! Iโ€™ve been using Dr. Mengelfauci ever since I published an essay of that title around a year ago (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/dr-mengelfauci-pinocchio-puppeteer) and keep hoping it will catch on.

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..."the Governmentโ€™s pandemic overreach has badly backfired. And the backfiring isnโ€™t done yet".


I also am enjoying 'my body, my choice' blowing up in libs faces yesterday.

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You are correct the govt. backfiring and over reach isn't over by a long shot. Unfortunately.

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"DR. BIRX: I think it was /hope/ that the vaccine would work in that way."

That should constitute a sufficient confession in this capital murder case, many multiple counts, to warrant execution, IMO.

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Dr. Birx is truly an idiot. There's no way she was supposed to say that.

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She must have dropped her cue card somewhere. "YOU sit in YOUR seat."

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The money being generated by the selling of baby parts to highest bidder is highly profitable. A California journalist exposed this on tape and he now faces charges on federal level by democratic party office holders. I guess America will make a choice to live in a state that supports selling of baby parts or a state that values life. This issue is not just about abortion but the industry that thrives on it.

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"the fact is, when the government said that the vaccinated were protected from catching covid, that was a LIE."

The game is over, but neither one of us Met fans watched it. Other guy asks me, "Did the Mets win?"

I say, "Yes"...because I *hope* they won.

That is a lie. "Yes" is a lie, because I *know* I don't know the answer.

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I guess the answer the govt would give here would be "Yes?".

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I still donโ€™t understand how trump allowed these people to speak no filter in front of public and let Fauci say the only way out was vรญa vaccine with no therapeutics or early treatments.

Birx and Fauci are a disaster! Hope? What about the people left at home no medical care until couldnโ€™t breath and then all the hospitals did was vent and run death is near. There canโ€™t be enough exposure to all of frauds.

Jordan should be a multiplier for next month.

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Why fraudci got to stay, well a bit of the "damned if you do or damned if you don't". In the face of people getting wound up about scary news of people dropping dead etc due to bat virus, how would the media run the dismissal of "the leading expert" w/o the evidence that has accumulated since 2020?

My thought that there was some gaslighting of DJT; info shared about HCQ and IVM and then when he would bring them up in his unscientific way of speaking, fraudci, collins, et al would make him sound like a total loon.

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Like the whole โ€œinject Lysol into your veinsโ€ idiocy ๐Ÿ™„ That is not what he said but the media and the left (oops sorry that is redundant I guess) ran with this lie ๐Ÿ˜ก

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Simply put - Unborn lives matter.

The court had the courage to defend this. May we all do the same in the days to come.

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Yes, along with many others who have fought this fight for nearly fifty years. We cannot be grateful enough.

It's going to be very interesting to see what churches have to say on Sunday morning. It should be something along the lines of, "Hallelujah, the Lord has heard our prayers and reversed this great evil" with people cheering in the pews. We shall see. If it's ignored or discussed in terms of how we must be "sensitive to people's feelings" then that very might well be a sign that it's time to find a new church.

Our family's church is biblically sound but has been showing signs of turning "seeker sensitive" as of late with worship starting to feel like a Pink Floyd concert. Seems more aimed at pleasing man than God. This Sunday will be make or break for us.

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Agreed. Will churches rejoice or stay silent? Will they have the courage to stand up or cower for fear of the radical left? Will they be that shining light?

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Technically, the court didnโ€™t have an opinion on that. They ruled that interpreting the Constitution to protect a โ€œrightโ€ that does not appear in the document nor any federal law was a mistake. Regardless of anyoneโ€™s stance on abortion, logical people must acknowledge that this was the correct ruling and is a first step toward repairing 100 years of activist judges intentionally misinterpreting the Constitution in order to expand the role of the federal government beyond any scope envisioned by even the most ardently Federalist founders.

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You said it perfectly!

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I am really intrigued by the point about Blue states holding abortion rights yet Inslee here in WA still has fired thousands of employees for not jabbing. Even requiring med documentation of jabs that are neither safe or effective to attend university.

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Goes to show theyโ€™re massive hypocrites. Shocking, I know.

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The Blue tribe is a bit schizophrenic these days, it appears to me.

Bodily Autonomy solves everything and is manifestly true, if you can think clearly, IMHO.

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I thought about the theory from a few days ago that the Russians could be behind the food processing plants being destroyed. One main reason I think thatโ€™s NOT the case is that the MSM would be all over it if there were any shred of evidence linking this to them. The MSM LOVES to blame the Russians! So them being quiet about it points to whoever is controlling them being behind this as well. Just my two centsโ€™. If someone sees a flaw in my logic, Iโ€™d love to hear more.

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I had the exact same thoughts on the matter.

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