☕️ Coffee & Covid ☙ Saturday, March 5, 2022 ☙ CONSTRAINTS 🦠
A big Covid roundup plus we begin asking some basic questions about the Russia-Ukraine conflict that seem obvious, but the corporate media has ignored.
Happy Saturday C&C! We have a big roundup for you today, lots of news, and I start Ukraine reporting by asking a bunch of questions and pointing out a few things that just don’t add up.
🔥 Late Thursday night Florida’s Senate passed a bill, now headed for the House, that would make it a crime to transport illegal immigrants to Florida and dump them here. You probably thought that was already against the law. It also enhances a 2019 law banning so-called “sanctuary cities” in Florida. My guess, it will pass the house.
Also Thursday, Florida legislators passed a new bill prohibiting abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy, which now flies to the Governor’s desk, where a prompt signature is expected. Florida state Democrats were extremely unhappy. They called the bill “one of the most extreme and anti-freedom bills to ever pass” the state’s legislature and “a direct assault on the people of Florida and our constitutional rights.”
I want you to think about something. Imagine two state laws: one restricts a woman’s ability to get an abortion after fifteen weeks, with limited exceptions. The second law requires a woman to get a biologically active shot she doesn’t want or need every six months for life in order to hold a job or access commerce.
Now: which law is more invasive of the woman’s bodily autonomy? Take your time. I’ll wait.
Republican State Representative Erin Grall sponsored the bill in the House.
🔥 It’s working! Yesterday, Governor DeSantis announced that Sea-Lead Shipping will move part of their operations from California to Jacksonville to bypass the shipping backlog at the Port of Long Beach. He noted that the Port of Miami just recorded its busiest cargo year in history, up almost 18% over last year, with most of the additional cargo attributed to Asian imports which would have otherwise gone to California. Florida’s other ports are also up significantly. So.
😷 The Gothamist reported recently that New York City’s Mayor Eric Adams announced that NYC schools can lift the indoor mask mandate this Monday, March 7th, if there are “no unforeseen spikes.” But a city official clarified Thursday that kids under five must keep masking, because they can’t get vaccines yet. So, the people least at risk from Covid have to keep doing something that doesn’t protect them from catching Covid until they can take a shot that doesn’t stop them getting Covid which the drugmaker isn’t too sure should even be given to young kids in the first place.
It makes me wonder if something in the jabs causes brain damage.
New York’s Governor Kathy Hochul also lifted state mask mandates last week but, pounding the podium with her tiny hand, insisted that the state simply “will not stand for any bullying, ostracization, or harassment of any individual who chooses to still wear a mask.” Yay! Don’t bully people about their mask choices … Wait. Isn’t this one-sided? What about bullying or harassment of kids who choose NOT to wear masks? What about THEM? Oh well.
🔥 San Francisco’s Unified school district announced yesterday that masking in schools will be voluntary starting March 12th for middle and high schools, and on April 2nd for all schools.
Earlier, right before the three wacky wokester school board members were removed with broad public support, the board declared that the city was going to STICK with the mask mandate, regardless of what anybody else in the country is doing. So I guess they changed their minds.
🔥 The UK Express ran an article yesterday headlined, “‘End of Covid’ - SAGE stands down as UK enters new phase of pandemic.” The United Kingdom’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (Sage) was the emergency team that advised the British government about Covid and how to respond to it. The British have now pulled the plug on Sage.
“This is a remarkable turnabout of events given that just before Christmas, SAGE advisers were warning infections could hit two million per day and were pushing for further restrictions,” said Professor Carl Heneghan, director of the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine at the University of Oxford.
The Telegraph UK reported that British lawmakers have become increasingly frustrated with “pessimistic predictions” from Sage, and are concerned the group does not fully account for lockdown damage to the economy, mental health and education.
“The Government will need to review whether SAGE is fit for purpose when it comes to pandemics, particularly given its lack of clinical input and its overreliance on modelling – which we now know is no more than ‘guesswork’ – and its tendency to fixate on a particular set of assumptions,” warned Professor Heneghan.
And good riddance. Dr. Tom Jefferson of Oxford told the Express, “I think this is really good news because [SAGE has] been an absolute disaster for our society. They should have gone a long time ago.”
🔥 According to an article published late last month in Politico, assistant secretary for global affairs from HHS, Loyce Pace, was in Geneva meeting with the WHO about a potential treaty to help lay the framework for “an international response to the next pandemic.” Plus, they’ve already identified the next pandemic and you’ll never guess what it is: Equity.
“It’s clear to us that an important question that needs to be addressed through any instrument is the question of equity. How that happens, the approach we take … is something that we need to discuss with member states starting tomorrow,” Pace said.
The gist seems to be a coordinated effort to forge an international treaty minting an international vaccine passport system and giving the WHO “more power” during a pandemic. Gosh. What could go wrong with that plan? Especially with our best and brightest in charge? It’s not a bad move for the globalists who control the executive branch. It would be a better move if they controlled the senate, which must ratify any treaties, but they don’t.
Big tech is super interested in all these giant vaccine passport proposals because they want the lucrative data processing contracts, which would be enormously rewarding. There would probably be plenty of government money to go around, as each country would have to build out its own tech infrastructure.
💊 According to StatNews, the White House has “held off” buying millions of doses of Paxlovid “due to budget constraints.” Biden has discovered budget constraints? It’s another Covid miracle! But seriously, when was the last time you heard of any Covid pharma spending being “constrained?” Odd.
🔥 Many of us have been concerned about family court disputes where one parent wants to jab the kids but the other doesn’t. I’ve seen many awful stories circulating where judges have ordered kids to get jabbed as a result of these parental arguments. If the parent’s can’t agree, the Court decides.
Well, an Ontario Judge just wrote an opinion in one of these cases and it is a BLOCKBUSTER. If you have ANY interest in this issue, you should read it. If you want to be uplifted and convinced the tide is turning on the jabs you should read it. It’s also a great example of what a judge who is a strong writer can do.
Here’s a link to a copy of the order: https://www.sirillp.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Ontario-Family-Court-decision.pdf
I find it odd to be questioning the worldwide response to what is going on in Ukraine as an anti-communist since birth, and a Russia hawk for most of my life. But I just can’t get past how quickly and unanimously the very same people who were demanding lockdowns, mandates, and jabs ten minutes ago have now pivoted to a completely uniform message condemning Russia and supporting Ukraine. It’s weird.
Clearly, SOMETHING is happening in Ukraine, and ordinary Ukrainians are paying the price; just like all of us ordinary folks have had to pay the pandemic’s price. I’m calling this section of the blog the “minority report,” because I’m focusing on the stuff we AREN’T hearing in wall-to-wall coverage in the corporate media, to try to make sense of what’s happening over there.
We are currently at the “fog of war” stage where separating the truth from all the noise is a tough job. Remember March and April 2020 with Covid? Nobody knows what’s really going on. And nobody should be talking about Ukraine without understanding its geopolitical significance and history.
First you should know that, for some reason, lawmakers — mostly democrats — have been ALL OVER Ukraine, for at least ten years, if not longer. Yet we hardly ever hear about what’s called Europe’s “bread basket.” What I mean is, the same politicians who seem so very interested in the country rarely talk about it in campaigns, legislative activities, or really anywhere.
One way or another, most senior democrat politicians seem to be connected to the remote country. We already know that the Biden family is deeply connected to Ukraine, at least in the form of membership on the board of notorious oil company Burisma Holdings, headquartered in Kyiv. It’s not just Biden. One of John Kerry’s senior advisors, Devon Archer, was on the board until 2014. In 2017, Nancy Pelosi’s son, Paul Pelosi, traveled to Ukraine as the new executive director of Corporate Governance Initiative, a Scottsdale, Arizona consulting firm. It goes on.
Why? What’s happening in Ukraine that has all these dems so interested in it? Why don’t we hear more about whatever THAT is?
And let us not forget about Biden’s ignominious efforts to cancel corruption investigations in Ukraine against his family by blackmailing the country with US aid.
Once and a while we get a glimpse that not everyone seems to agrees with the Ukraine Narrative. “I think Zelensky is a puppet, and he is putting huge numbers of his own population at unnecessary risk… quite frankly what comes out of Ukraine is debunked as lies within 24-48 hours,” Retired US Army colonel Douglas MacGregor said yesterday on Fox News, for one example.
I have now seen more than a dozen examples of corporate media and random twitter influencers “repurposing” photos from prior unrelated conflicts, but falsely claiming they depict current events in Ukraine. And that was exactly what they did to us in early 2020 with Covid. Remember all those fake pictures of bloody gurneys in hospital corridors that turned out to be 10 years old and had nothing whatsoever to do with Covid?
A bunch of widely-reported Ukraine war stories have quickly turned out to be propaganda. If you’re being charitable, the media was fooled and got tricked by someone. Otherwise, it’s deliberate media malpractice. The Snake Island story was fake, the Ghost of Kyiv was fake, the photos of president Zelensky in body armor were fake (they’re old pictures claimed to be new ones).
On February 24th, Putin gave a speech explaining the Ukrainian action to the Russian people. Apparently you can’t find the speech on the Russian government’s website anymore, because it’s been blocked by Western governments and media companies as “misinformation.” They think we don’t need to be reading that stuff for ourselves. We’re too stupid or something. Well, you can find the video and transcript of his speech here: https://tinyurl.com/6ua6ahap.
I’m no Putin fan. I’m whatever the opposite of a Putin fan is. But, in all the coverage of Ukraine, why haven’t we heard about Putin’s speech? After all, it’s the OFFICIAL explanation for Russia’s “invasion.” And why hasn’t it been analyzed and debunked or contradicted or disproven or whatever? Why bury the story? It’s weird.
I can’t help but be amused by Putin’s response. Yesterday, Putin signed a new law in Russian criminalizing anyone sharing “deliberately false information about the actions of Russian military personnel in Ukraine.” Hahaha! It’s an anti-misinformation law! It’s what the leftists have been begging for, for the last two years.
If only they could have criminalized spreading misinformation about Covid, it would have made them SO very happy.
Well, they’re not too happy now, not when the Russian boot is on the other foot. Promptly responding to the new law, CNN announced it will stop broadcasting in Russia. Not because it is broadcasting misinformation about the Russian military. No, no. It’s the principle. Why would anyone think CNN could possibly be broadcasting misinformation? After all, Joe Rogan DID take horse dewormer, right?
A few other news outlets have announced they will suspend reporting from Russia, including Bloomberg, the BBC, and the CBC. I immediately noticed that these agencies are all the very same ones who enthusiastically parroted the government line about Covid the last two years. Now, I’m not accusing them of anything. I’m just saying. The law only criminalizes “deliberately false information.” DELIBERATELY false.
There’s also a tech war going on mirroring the physical hostilities in Ukraine. Google has blocked access to lots of Russian websites, including official ones. Russia has allegedly blocked access to Facebook and Twitter. All this blocking makes it much harder to figure out what is really going on. Maybe that is the goal. We’ll keep trying.
Have a great weekend! I’ll see you back here Monday to kick the week off right.
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Twitter: @jchilders98
So thankful for your sanity on the Ukraine issue. I’m feeling exactly the same way as I’ve felt over the last two years of the COVID narrative—condemned for raising questions. While we don’t have as much truth as we would like at this point, we know, or should know, that we are again being propagandized. We again must ask whose interests are being served and why?
I feel like I'm the only one wondering why the entire world is trying to erase Russia and Russians from the map over Ukraine
Yes, invasion bad. But what is the endgame here? Its definitely not about helping Ukraine.
The Russians have been literally angels compared to, say, the horrors of Yemen. That is going to change because if I'm Putin I either win in Ukraine or I'm overthrown.
Media is falling over itself to portray russian incompetence and feebleness on the battlefield. I really find that hard to accept at face value