A poem.

There lives in Florida a dude named Ron

Who certainly knows what’s right and what’s wrong

His son is a boy, two daughters are girls

But Disney would rather they be transgender squirrels

But Ron is no dope, He simply said "nope"

To the Creeps and the Freaks that make us all hurl

See, the Mouse unmasked was revealed as a rat

Non-binary furries and political hacks

Twisted and kinky and mutants quite stinky

With a CEO Ding Dong that's also part Twinkie

But never to fear, Ronnie Boy is here

To keep girls as girls and boys sporting winkies

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Erik, Longfellow would be proud.

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Dr. Seuss maybe😁

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There are so many comments on these Substack Newsletters. I'm a cut to the chase kind of simple man. I go down the lines of comments and look for the, what would you call them...the Logos for the different commenters? Fortunately yours is an easy one to pick out with the active flames and unique appearance. I'm almost to the point where I just look for your logo and call it good.

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You're too kind....and obviously off your rocker🤣

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My wife says that all the time. But she married me so...

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Dr. Seuss has been cancelled, haven't yhou heard? He's been labelled one of those Ray Cysts. Please try and keep up.

(heavy sarc mark goes right here....)

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Sorry. I'm still trying to calibrate the loss of Pepe Le Pew.

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A small free edit for your publication:


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I love the stinky and Twinkie part!! Good job!!

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You’re a poet, and you know it! Lol

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Love this, Eric!!

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Eric. I would love to hang with you for a day. It would be one of my best days ever!!!!

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The trap is in the middle:

"vaccines are working"

No, Nikki, they're not. They think they're letting us breathe today, with the intention of mandating jabs tomorrow.

Celebrate the win, but don't be fooled. It ain't over by a long shot.

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Yes, and every tv morning host, celebrity, etc. that's recently been Covid positive & fully vaccinated fails to mention the complete vaccine failure when returning to the airwaves. They have no shame, just lots of $$$/ sponsors!!!

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Vaccine are working.....NOT!





Here's Pam Popper's 5 minute take on this upcoming conference


Well worth the listen :-)

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So, they'll ALL be in the same place at the same time....hmmmm?🔥🚁🚀 Rambo 18???

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Let's find the links they are using on May 12th, and let our voices be heard at 10× the level of the response April 12, (which crashed the WHO's website,) on the new proposed pandemic "instrument!"

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Why isn't Daszk in prison?

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Because he's the genius that helped develop SARS-COV-2 for the Cabal, that's why. He just helped the Globalists attack and take down the free world. They owe him!

(At least, that's my personal opinion.....)

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Some say he is CIA?

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So right! I wanted to change it to "VACCINES AREN'T" working too. The second I hear this kind of stuff out of any mouth, my ears block them and my mind puts them into the enemy camp. I am hoping as more and more "real" people come to their real sense and see that they have been manipulated to take an UNPROVEN/UNTESTED injection that can cause future health issues, it did not protect them from the very virus the government and drug company said it would protect them from, and they will rebel and say no to anything and everything covid related from here on out. Covid is the new word for the cold virus. The cold virus always could have, sometime did and will be deadly for some as it turns into pneumonia or other lung issues. I cringed last night watching a commercial of doctors advocating for injecting 5 years old! This is such a deadly path!

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Yes, I went to a Turning Point USA presentation in MO last night, Dr. Peter McCullough was the speaker. He said the White House is holding a Covid Summit in May, with the the tag line: a shot in every arm.

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Waiting for Nikki to say her Twitter Account was hacked ~ a la Joy Reid.

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Apr 21, 2022·edited Apr 21, 2022

Jeff,,maybe we can multiply you for once !! Taking on those cases and then some

cray-cray-cry- baby who loses takes you to court.. I bet you would get multiplied bigly!!

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That’s one reason to subscribe! Gives him the financial opportunity to fight for others who can’t afford to pay for their legal fees.

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I would love to subscribe, but the rate is too high for me. But I can participate in a multiplier.

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His subscription was too high for me too, so I made a one-time contribution of $100. I think that's fair.

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How and where were you able to make the contribution?

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Click on the Subscribe button on this webpage, then on the next screen look for the link "Other subscription options" just above the brown button. You can make a one-time "gift."

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I couldn't find the one-time contribution through the "other subscription options." However, I found a "Donate" button on this page that did work: https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/p/-learn-how-to-get-involved-?s=r

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I have always hoped he would make a subscription for a more affordable yearly or monthly. I think people are a little shy to donate 500/year.. or 50/mo..

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As I understand it, these price levels are set by SubStack, not by Jeff.

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I agree we should multiply Jeff!!!!

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Jeff - can't you create a second-tier subscription rate? I don't care if I get your subscriber-only posts, but would be happy to have a smaller, automatic donation set up.

For those who haven't noticed it, there's always a link at the bottom of the posts ("how you can help") and you can make a donation there. But yes, it would be great to do a multiplier!

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He has a 'single donation' link somewhere, and one can donate through it any time. It's separate from the Substack subscription link.

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Substack sets the subscription rates, so no, he can't.

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I actually thought the exact same thing. How can we do this?

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Is there a way to start a give go send 'Jeff Childers Legal Defense'. all donations ending in a 2??

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@Julie Points for the original alliteration “cray-cray cry-baby,” but unfortunately I have to cancel you for misspelling “loses.”

Looses rhymes with nooses.

Otherwise, good show. 😎

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@Fred Bennett, Oh no canceled again!! Thanks for the correction and it has been noted...I suppose I needed that second cup of coffee before posting

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Apr 21, 2022·edited Apr 22, 2022

What a sweet response to a pedantic crank. Cancellation rescinded. 😁

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For a mother of a toddler who flew often during Covid, including when I was 8 months pregnant, thank you lawyers. I will thankfully multiply you and wish I could shake your hand and would gladly have been a part of your lawsuit.

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Just watched a video of Captain Bob Snow. 31 years a pilot. American Airlines said inject or you’re fired. Under duress he got injected. 6 min after landing a plane with 200 people aboard at DFW, he went into cardiac arrest. Hospitalized with wires everywhere. Will no longer be allowed to be a pilot. His life forever changed for the worse.

I hope he sues the life blood out of American Airlines and everyone connected to this travesty. 😡

Imagine being a passenger with these pilots injected against their wills and trusting them with your life! Ugh

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God... Please protect this man.

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Rachel-Ruth Wright, Billy Graham's 47 year old granddaughter suffered mysterious 2 heart attacks (with blood clots) in January and again on Easter weekend. The Graham family openly advocated for the killer shots. May God protect and open the eyes of the blind.

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That is sad, but yes they were outspoken about everyone should get them since they were safe and effective 🤦🏼‍♀️

The question now is will they admit the injections caused this? I doubt it. Zero accountability.

My best friends father in law said if he got covid (75 yr old) it would kill him. Never got covid. Got the jab. Since the jab he suddenly has failing kidneys and is on dialysis, blood clots, heart issues, and cancer! All in the 4 months following the jab! As I type this he is on his 6th day in the hospital because he kept bleeding out every time they tried to put in his port. Now he’s getting blood transfusions along with the dialysis, and just got out of surgery for FOUR stents being placed! Now he’s still bleeding so they had to extend his hospital stay. His whole family knows it was the injection!!! He will not admit that is what is happening!! He asked his doctor and the stupid ass doctor says nope. Nothing to do with the jab!! Grrr 😡

Covid wouldn’t have killed him but this jab will!!

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when your grandfather is a friend/pastor to every president for decades you are likely bought into what the government is saying/doing

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The democrats face on that video is so funny. He was determined to defend reedy creek that he inadvertently became a libertarian conservative. That democrat may need PTSD counseling. He was snorting into the microphone with nostrils flaring. lol 😂

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Thank you for reminding me to cancel Netflix! Haven't watched it eons. In the comments I wrote"Too woke for our tastes". And I'll send the money we're saving to Coffee and Covid or Jeff Childers if he would please multiply himself!

Big thank you for all you do- with grace, dignity, kindness AND humor.

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Hey we already have a woke filter it’s a face diaper! Whoever you see someone wearing one filter yourself as far away as possible! BLM and love is love yard signs work for this too.

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Houses with a star spangled banner are non-woke. Almost 100% true

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Here in Canada our flag is the sign of deplorables.

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Correct. And usually have beautiful yards!

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Yes. Mug nappies DO have one valid function: they label the wearer pretty accurately.

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"the mandates are dropped, vaccines are working" - Ah the new mantra of the left. Of course the vaccines are working, just not the way they think. If working equals destroying immune systems of people and leaving them MORE susceptible to disease then yes they are working great.

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A thought: watching the normal, hardworking, (with decency + common sense!!) Americans wake up and realize that a huge portion of their government, educational system, and the corporate boards, have all been taken over by a group of deviants, child molesters, (the proper description of those writers and producers who made "Cuties!") and flat out sociopaths, (Anthony Fouci, IMO) has been is some ways incredibly gratifying!

God Bless the moms and dads who have taken on these corrupt, chlid abusing, grooming, anti-educational school boards!!! God Bless every doctor fighting their state medical boards and politicians trying to prevent them from providing safe and effective early treatment to their patients!!

God Bless the Army of Attorneys now gathering for the fight of the millennium to protect human freedom!!!

And God Bless the judges who still respect our Constitution and the Rule of Law!! And God Bless the rare politician fighting the agenda!!

Finally, if you have not canceled Netflix yet, watch "Jimmy Savile, a British Horror Story." It only scratches the surface a tiny, tiny bit. But if you go "down the rabbit hole," the information about our (humanity's) "elite" (who are nothing of the sort,) is truly stunning.

So, so many pedophiles, child abusers, and even satanic ritual abuse. I am sorry to say this is real, but I now have heard enough from people I trust to know the unthinkable is real.

We must align with God, and move away from the darkness. This is not a new evil, it is a very ancient one, and we are fools if we believe it is gone. Today, it shows it's horrible face everywhere.

The hyper sexualization is only one facet. Man-boy love, "sex before 8, or it's too late!" Is another. (Most gay men got that way from sexual abuse by adult men, while they were children,, though the blue checks will lynch you for saying it.) Also, if you are a woman, and courageous, watch the recent Playboy Expose. All in plain sight, yet no one spoke out.

But no more!! The population is waking, and this wickedness is out in the open for all to see. It is time to take our home back from this evil and banish it from all our lives. Amen.

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There are consequences that follow behavior. Disney is starting to figure that out.

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Yup. Fantsyland is looking a lot more like Frintierland these days. Time these clowns get their clocks cleaned and get brought out into the light. The very thing cockroaches hate, and run from. Light.

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Yes! "Natural Consequences" -- the parenting innovation of the 80's.

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Kind of like "Natural Immunity"!

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“I had to double-check the date to make sure that it was actually April 20th and not April 1st.”

There are two “fools days” in April: the 1st and Earth Day.

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The problem with the "woke filter" idea is that, between the takeover of Netflix by 'progressives' and the slow bleeding out of their third-party content library by other greedy media entities looking for their own slices of the streaming pie, the woke filter would show close to zero results.

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True. The real woke filter is never giving Netflix any more money.

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I canceled my subscription yesterday after seeing the show about pregnant men. I just can’t🤦🏼‍♀️

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I just did the same thing. I told them too much nudity, sexual deviant shows, no family entertainment, and no morality.

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How about an iNotwoke category?

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That's what I was thinking! 😏

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Netflix "woke filter" returns zero results? Sounds like a win!

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Regarding the USPS having a 'covert operations' branch: Perhaps you could investigate to see how many US agencies fund and populate SWAT teams. Seems to me I remember learning the Dept. of Education (!) has a SWAT team.

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No wonder we have to keep bailing out the USPS ~ surveillance is expensive.

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Exactly my "thoughts"

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Here is the link to the Huff post article from 2011. Can you imagine how deep these SWAT Teams are embedded now and how many more there are since the reported of the 73 in this story?

Quote from article: "Among those federal agencies laying claim to their own law enforcement divisions are the State Department, Department of Education, Department of Energy, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the National Park Service, to name just a few."

I wonder how many taxpayers know they are funding $$$$ SWAT Teams for the USPS, Dept. of Education, National Park Service, Fish and Wildlife, etc. under the guise of the Offices of Inspector General.


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Reading today's C&C I stopped and just smiled as I thought about the Saturday Night Live back in the days when Dan Aykroyd, John Belushi, Chevy Chase, Jane Curtin, Laraine Newman, Gilda Radner, Dana Carvey, Will Farrell, and so many other real comedians would take the world news and events and make us laugh until we cried. That was entertaining entertainment! I suppose this is why I read The Babylon Bee today. It's better to laugh with pleasure than to cry with sorrow.

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Apr 21, 2022·edited Apr 21, 2022

Omgosh. You are too funny. The music is exactly what was needed for the clip!

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