Alarming rates of cancer in the U.S.; CDC admits it made pandemic mistakes and announces full reorganization; Biden sets up another major public health agency on par with CDC,FDA: and lots more...
Results in a database or not, I have not taken a single covid test ... ever. Seeing how long this will last. I also wanted to be the last person on earth to carry a cell phone, but failed at that. My resistance so far for the tests, holding strong. I have had to make changes to my lifestyle, but worth it to me.
Lucky you work made me test but I can say they handed me the swab and I was not very aggressive about swabbing any portion of my nostrils. I did this fake testing for four months until the system to track and trace broke down no one reported the glitch. You would sign up for testing and it would say there were no slots available so I stayed home and didn’t test. I was working from home all thru the fake testing period lasted 8 months. 4 months I didn’t test Bc the website was broken. Haha. I stored all the notices said no appointments available and when HR came to see me I emailed them the notices. HR said ok fixed the system and testing was discontinued 3 days later. Ha! I guess I can say I haven’t tested either since the swab never touched my nose. I used a slide of hand and mirror to conceal what I was doing. Whatever! Stupid rules. Some went to test no appt. I can’t imagine why when said needed appointment and must follow instructions.
You could follow the example of my CA sister, who was also forced to do this. She never put it up her nose, just snorted on it. She didn’t want any of the poison that might be on the swab to enter her body.
Didn’t give them any DNA not even a puff of air. I held my breath and pretended to put swab in nose. Swab is in my hand no where near nose. I’ve never had symptoms and all tests were negative Bc I faked the test. Once I saw I was doing the swabbing I said this is going to be a walk in park. China will never have my DNA.
Excellent. A young guy in an apprentice program here just did the appearance of swabbing and then later when they forgot about him just marked down as having tested negative. I have a box of those tests around and take it with me when I travel. Had it over a year now. Never used them nor were asked to prove anything. Got a Walgreens test once the first time I flew during covid. Never asked for any proof so I said to myself “fook it. “
This is great when it works. My job made me test to keep my job when i had the exemption. They made you take a PCR test and there was no way around that part.
You are awesome. I took 1st 2 shots before I knew how dangerous they are. Well my husband wanted to take us to France so I added a booster myself on my card when my husband ( against my advice) got his Second booster. No shot but all the credit. Texas does not digitize so no worries.
Yup, same here with no shots, tests, or frankly even a sniffle since January 2020. It's like we live in a different world from the conditioned masses.
As to the cell phone thing, we are in complete agreement. Who decided that no matter where I am in the world, some yahoo can ran ring a buzzer in my pocket and I have to answer like Pavlov's dog? No thanks. I love being disconnected and frankly to hell with these people. Thirty years ago this was the norm and had been since the dawn of time. Now people feel anxiety if they can't instantly connect with others? Yet another sign of a deeply neurotic, mentally-unstable population.
OK I would not put myself in the 'deeply neurotic, mentally-unstable' category but I do keep a cell phone with me most of the time. Hubby and I drive 10+ year old cars. Our moms are both in their 80's. I am self employed and my clients expect me to be available at least during business hours and hubby is in sales, same. I have all notifications (except weather alerts, I am in tornado country) turned off so am not one of those constantly looking at my phone but I do see them as a necessary evil in this world today.
Yeah , that was maybe a bit over the top on my part. Nothing wrong with having a phone for emergencies and the like, I have one for that but usually keep it off. I was referring to people who either have an emotional need, or feel entitled, to reach others instantly. This was unheard of just over a generation ago now many people become anxious with out it. It's not a healthy sign.
I am the only one with a cell phone. My husband refuses to get one and stands by that. He is the smart one. He still uses the landline!!good for him for standing by his principles.
Yes, but we also were into landlines and answering machines. I try to not even answer my landline. If they want, they can leave a message. If my cell phone goes away, I will not be sad. I will be the first to throw it into the bonfire. My mom is 94 and hubs works on the Bering Sea and my daughter is stationed in Poland. I loathe that phone. Definitely a "cell" phone. Telegram desktop is great. Like I have said...I write on my blog when something inspires me. This topic happens to be one that I wrote about. Short.
True, but having had emergency calls when I was not at home (yeah I still have a land line as reception in my home office sucks and so use it for business calls) for both my mom and my MIL I am very grateful they were able to reach me quickly.
I’m with you on this. Life was better when we weren’t available by phone 24/7. I survived just fine for 45 years without one. All you see these days is people looking at their phone. It’s sad that even when in a group you see so many young kids each on their phone but not communicating with those they’re with. I think it’s been a huge negative for our society.
I don’t have a voice mail set up ever. They can call my land line—I still have an answering function there. I know but it’s the best I can do as I kind of have situations I need a cell phone.
I am now too much of a substack and podcast addict to not have a phone.
I agree in principle, though. Back in the early 2000s I held out as long as I could. I finally had to get one when my parents moved out of the country in 2004 and I had to have all time availability to my grandmother.
Same here! I thought I would have to take one when my FIL was admitted to a nursing home back in May, but sadly he was quickly transitioned to hospice care and the facility did not require testing for visitors in that case. Tangentially, he was diagnosed with a grade IV glioblastoma on Holy Thursday and dead six weeks later despite "successful surgical resection." Yes, I blame the multiple mRNA shots.
I’m very sorry. The nursing home I visit has a 2 page health questionnaire and still take temps. I mark no for symptoms sign it and ignore the invasive part asking for all my shot details. As I said above “fook ‘em”. 🖕
Me too, almost. My husband and I had to take one to leave the country and get back home on a work business trip. Don’t get me started on force testing!! It’s BS. And to keep us from entering into our own country to get to our own homes is unimaginable. Anyway.
Other than that - nope! And I’ve lost my bff because I wasn’t willing to “test” for their peace of mind 🙄
We have never let our daughter who is special needs EVER participate in their phony crap. I will not subject to her to any of this! We refuse to be in their numbers game, or controlled group. 💪🏻
Another covid virgin here, Lee! And I intend to remain one. No need to sacrifice on that altar. Just use common sense as in the olden days of “influenza.”
I choose non-participation just like I've done with flu shots. I put in many years of taking care of myself and building my immune system the old-fashioned way with cold and flu (average two colds and one flu per year), including raising three kids going through same. No serious cold or flu symptoms the past eight years because of life choices to reduce stress and increase peace and contentment. Why voluntarily over-stress or override my immune system with foreign substances and cellular messages, in addition to the ones I am already exposed to?
First reason being, it's a snapshot in time of something that is constantly evolving (both myself and RNA). Second, questionable accuracy. Third, further digitization and categorization of me for a snapshot in time of questionable accuracy. Fourth, questionable ingredients. Fifth, demeaning to do in public setting. Sixth, if only positive results are reported (i.e., not normalized) it contributes to misleading conclusions. Seventh, it's time and possibly money wasted when I don't even believe in them. Eighth, compliance could be perceived that I think others should take them or should be asked to take them. Ninth, it puts money in the pockets of people I don't think should even have that money. Tenth, even if cycling is set to infinity, I prefer my immune system to provide natural immunity which is the best defense.
I would be there with you but in 2020 I had to have a kidney removed and had to get tested before doing any procedures. Thank God that the jab was not out then or the hospital may have forced me to take it and that would NOT have happened and I would not be here to tell my story. My kidney doc left the hospital because of their policies around covid and is now completely independent.
And I want to buy a dumb phone but how would I read c&c sitting at the beach.
Last person reminds of the Last Man challenge. Every Super bowl, there is competition to see how long you can go without knowing the winner of the Stupid bowl. You're out when you aquire The Knowledge.
I’ve never had a Covid test either and don’t plan to. And I wish I never had a cell phone. Can’t stand knowing the corrupt government tracks our citizens.
Yeah. The entire big pharma, medical experts, cdc, medical community and their drug pushers aka doctors are never going to be trusted again. I am going to do my best to not feed that evil beast ever again.
I’m also a retired RN and am very disturbed at the decline in our healthcare system. My goal is to eat fresh healthy food, exercise, get outside every day and stay away from the healthcare system, particularly hospitals (where I worked for 32yrs). And no more vaccines! I haven’t had any since 2019 and have been doing great.
YES!!!!!! About 5 years ago I had started a very natural health movement to take care of my own self. We use lots of supplements and non western medicine. I even don't have any vaxes in my kid. I was around a ton of people who had covid in jan. I was sick with covid like symptoms but I never tested positive even though I tested 3 x when sick. I do think it was covid but I am one who tests negative?? Or it was a faulty test.
Clearly the CDC has blown it on Covid with one failed policy after another. However the real villain here is the corrupt FDA which approved the mRNA shots despite an obvious horrendous safety profile. They are the ones that *allowed* the poisoning of America, the CDC just promoted it (which is bad enough). If something bad is coming, why isn't the scrutiny aimed at the FDA?
I think Jeff is right in that truth is coming out, and it's the awful adverse effects of the shots. The CDC and the useful idiot Walensky are being set up as the fall guys. The captured FDA won't be touched as it's too valuable to Pharma.
having a new pandemic focused division says you're thinking about the right things. I hope they are going to throw the WHO and Gates under the bus with the CDC. Keep all the lovely power local. Who needs international Marxists mucking about in domestic policy?
Never! This administration is ALL in with the NWO! They are Marxists! They will continue to lie, cheat, and enrich themselves while they systematically take away our rights.
I believe tptb are going to throw the cdc under the bus when the truth about this horrible vaxx comes out that will not be able to be ignored. It will be "it's the cdc's fault. Oh and Trump's too." Like ignore who pushed the illegal mandates and censored all contra information - biden and his administration.
But what about this other agency? Supposedly independent. Same 🤬different smell? I don’t trust anything coming under this current administration. Do we need more bureaucracy?
I predict the Trump administration mentions regarding vaccine mishandling and malfunctioning will increase. If he is the nominee, it will be nonstop. Nothing else they have pulled out of the hat has gotten him removed from the stage, but endless interviews of people injured by the vaccine will. The same people that we weren’t allowed to talk about when Biden was mandating the jab to keep your job.
An interesting concept. You're suggesting the democrats will be pushed into a corner deciding between losing to Trump or admitting jab injuries to beat him. Fascinating.
Some of the smartest Democrats I knew truly believed Trump was ordering the removal of mailboxes two years ago so that people would have a hard time mailing their ballots (hello, Mailgate!). Same people really believed a newly concocted vax gave them 95% protection- because Pfizer and the media said so.
So yes, I firmly believe it will take next to nothing to convince too many the vax issues are all on Trump. And I adore the guy.
It took just hearsay to give national exposure to the woman who claimed Brett Kavanaugh was a high school ringleader for gang rapes. And so many still believe that!
Trump always intended that early stage ivm and hcq be used as a choice to prevent and early treat, and never that vaccines be mandated. What a different world we would be living in now…
The rebellion of the FDA , CDC etc caused studies to be done on ivm and hcq in later stage hospital setting only during Trump’s time so ivm and hcq could be “debunked.” Saw a doc so proud saying the doc saved the EUAs by changing the studies’ parameters.
The Doc killed millions of people tho.
Trump’s ship mor may not have sailed for 2024 but he was up against a lot, fingers in every hole in the dike.
There probably are enough stupid voters but they long ago lost any real credibility in blaming Trump for much of any of it.
He suggested treatments that turned out to work. He suggested opening back up by May which proved to
be the best course of action.
He absolutely eschewed L/R partisanship at his own peril in building out the leadership of
Warp Speed in accomplishing that which all the "experts" had been clamoring for money to do for years - universal vaccination with breakthrough technology.
Maybe he would have but Trump didn't mandate anything. And tried to go back to life as normal. But gaining the White House and plugging the drain in the swamp was too important for the WEF and China and Trump had to be defeated at all costs.
No one who can tie their own shoes believes Biden got 81 million legitimate votes.
Trump is a formidable opponent. I’ve said before, I didn’t give him serious attention until he crudely and awkwardly knocked the Traitor John McCain off his pedestal back in 2015. Oh, the media outrage! Trump was done before he got started, the media said that night and he must, must, must apologize! But Trump refused to apologize and doubled down and I fell in love with the Bull in the China Shop with a heart for the people.
How many times has it been said, ‘We’ve got him now! He’s done now!’? So much like David, King of Israel, dancing through the nets and snares of his enemies, our enemies.
“ No one who can tie their own shoes believes Biden got 81 million legitimate votes.”. Great line! May I borrow it?
So interesting. Something horrendous occurred with shocking amounts of morbidity and mortality and it was all Trump’s fault, they’ll say. All other actors and details down the memory hole…
the media will never cover the vaccine injured, because they are 100% responsible for covering up the injuries and deaths. It will be like Epsteins client list.........we will never see who they are.
Oh, they will cover them non stop if Trump is the nominee. Technically, he is the one who got them from underway. I voted for him and proudly so, but I fear we get crushed if he is the nominee because of this. It will take so little to convince the majority of the country it was his fault bad things happened to so many who got the jab. Look how many still think he is Putin’s puppet; arguing with them is fruitless.
I don't see his supporters walking away, either. What I do see is endless, 24-hour coverage of vaccine injured people being interviewed and having it mentioned endlessly that Trump rolled out the vaccines. That will be enough to mark him as absolutely evil - even though he had nothing to do with the mandates and people losing their jobs over them courtesy of Biden (or whoever is running things). All the suppressed information that was banned will be out in the open and will be manipulated to have it all pinned on Trump.
Trump is a fighter. Jeff today wrote something about being attacked personally just makes him fight all the harder. And I thought of Trump. There exists a list out there of all that’s been thrown at him. Pretty astounding what he has withstood. He doesn’t retreat under the bed and quiver.
I fully agree with you. If trump is the nominee, and even if not, he will be the one blamed because he was part of roll out. Even though it is the FDA and the CDC and crouchie who pushed it.
"We Democrats told you at first not to trust the Trump vaccine, but then the Experts told us it was fine, but guess what - those were TRUMP'S EXPERTS! We should have never trusted Trump's vaccine!"
It's the only pivot they have. Almost guaranteed they will take it.
Jeff, Jeff, Jeff… fuzzy brain for sure!!! Never stick anything from China up your nose or any other body part!!! Besides, if the test worked, wouldn’t it pick up a cold??? Aren’t the two “viruses” supposedly in the same family??? Remember, papayas and goats test positive with a PCR test…
the tests for home are not PCR, you still need a lab to run those and get their worthless results. The home test is a rapid antigen for the nucleocapsid of covid, which will only be present on an acquired infection, likely airborne.
Ivermectin helps fight dengue fever, yellow fever, and zika. May even be helpful with HIV. Follow the brilliant doctors and scientists at And join their weekly webinar on Wednesday nights from 7:00 to 8:15 p.m. Eastern
If only we could get it cheaply over the counter. I know of a source to get it here in Canada but it is $230 per box including shipping. Crazy and not worth it just to get over the coof a bit faster. I would like to get it for my friends who are vaccine injured, if they would accept, but at that price who can afford it? I imagine they'd have to take it for longer than for a viral infection.
OMG, that's highway robbery. I posted about this yesterday but I always post too late in the day for most to see it.
I buy it direct from very easily from India. Very affordable. Here's the rest of my post:
I don't believe it matters which brand of ivermectin to buy. I bought the smaller 6 mg tablets to make dosing easier. I also bought hydroxychloroquine from them. I used both when I had "covid" a year ago. They work on two different pathways and are complementary. I have since learned from Dr. McCullough via my pharmacist son that providone-iodine taken with water and snorted into the sinus's is extremely effective. BTW, if you start researching ivermectin on the internet, you will find anecdotal evidence of LOTS of uses for this. I'm beginning to understand why BigPharm is so desperate to keep us in ignorance about this marvelous therapy.
The shipping box had a return address in Singapore with no labeling to indicate that the package was from a pharmacy. Those Indians are pretty smart.
Thanks! Good to know about the meds from India. I'll save that info. I used a telemed doctor in S. Florida to get an RX for iv. last year just in case I needed it.
Got the meds from a compounding pharmacy also in S. Florida. Mailed to me overnight.
Are you in Canada? I was hearing that customs was seizing any ivermectin shipped into Canada, although that was last year and haven't heard anything about it in a while. I am currently recovering from covid which has been exactly like a cold, I couldn't find povidone iodine but have been doing nasal rinse with diluted hydrogen peroxide instead, and it seems to have shortened the duration.
I'm in Florida. Been using this Indian pharmacy for years. The Feds said customs would do the same thing here. Never heard another word after that. I think it is all BS. Just like the IRS and the threat of audit. Can you imagine the manpower required to screen packages coming into the country? The shipping box had a return address in Singapore with no labeling to indicate that the package was from a pharmacy. Those Indians are pretty smart. Walmart has povidone iodine.
For people at greater risk for severe disease, it still would be worth it.
You might research Nigella sativa black seeds. Apparently they contain an ivy like compound and can be used adjunctively when ivy unavailable. Dr Been had a video about it awhile back. And I think it’s on FLCCC website too.
Try Dr Syed Haider, there's a pharmacy he uses that will fill the rx and ship to you. Also try an herbal formula called lian hua qing wen jiao nan, take it as early as possible, esp if you have a fever. It also works for the flu. My unvaccinated friends who got covid took this and ivermectin. No long covid and done with symptoms in 3-5 days.
Yep, I realized that nothing in any of the Frontline-style protocols is specific to the COVID virus, so my new plan is to maximize immunity all the time through nutrition and nutraceuticals, avoid vaccines, including flu, and if I get a viral respiratory illness just use the protocol.
Healthcare is STILL under threats from medicaid that funding will be cut if healthcare employees aren’t jabbed and masked. Federal bureaucrats are still busy decimating US healthcare system. Can these federal agencies be sued? Will anyone dare? Retaliation is a given. 😡
I thought that was already decided by SCOTUS that allowed the mandates for healthcare workers. Until that is overturned, the best is to hope for the mandate being done away with, just like the CDC guidance. We are truly fooked tho, 95% of the doctors and nurses are jabbed, and their health is at risk from them. We may find ourselves without a healthcare workforce the moment they are most needed. Military force too; also jabbed up.
My friend was admitted to a rehabilitation part of a nursing home. The minute her current support agency wrote her off and she had to go on Medicaid all her rehabilitation efforts stopped cold and she was shoved into the regular nursing home area. No doc visits. No rehab. Lots of meds. She’s only 60 snd she is starting to realize this is now her forever home. Her family is uninterested in helping her. A group of us have tried to give her some assistance but our hands are now tied. We take items to treat her and visit. It’s sad but she also does nothing to help herself.
That is awful. Our HC system is so awful. Having been an advocate for my mom it is a constant battle to get them the care they need. After a fall my moms PCP recommended PT - talked to the administrators about whether this could be in home vs having to drive her to PT. They said that depends on the insurance. (she has a med sup in addition to medicare) I said well if the insurance does not cover in home, she can just pay out of pocket. They said, you can't do that. WTF? She was willing to pay for the PT herself in order to get it in home and they refused it!? Turned out the insurance did authorize in home but crazy they would not take her money.
Terrible. Same happened to my mom as my friend. Mom admitted to rehabilitation area. Then she was shuttled to the main nursing home area. And Medicaid. Over medicated with psychotropic drugs which fried her brain almost overnight. She then spent every waking hour walking up and down the hall and not paying attention to anyone. Until she fell and broke her hip. She never walked again. Supposedly she had Parkinson’s but we doubt it. Never saw a clear diagnosis but murder by health care system IMO.
So sorry about your mom. Stories like this and yet there is a growing/large segment of the population clamoring for government healthcare as it's more 'compassionate'....
Replacement for the CDC? Laughable. But scary too. This means that the regime and all its evil minions will come up with something even more dastardly in their new creation. Buckle up for even more shameful and disgusting ways to strip us of our freedoms and try to control our every move, all while we are working to pay the IRS goons they are trying to sic on us. No thanks! That “new” organization needs shutting down before it ever gets started.
Super healthy 67-year old brother-in-law got the jabs in mid-February, 2021, started having headaches in March, got diagnosed w/glioblastoma in May, sadly passed away in late June. We didn't even think of what could be the cause until Ryan Cole started putting out vax cancer data. His arc perfectly fits into that Ethical Skeptic chart.
Yes Doug. My aunt 71, had a massive brain bleed last Saturday or Friday. Yesterday she passed away. She had lupus but I am certain s he was vaxd even though I have not asked.
My college roommate, 44, 3 mos ago was diagnosed with stage 4 endometrial cancer. Has a 18% chance of surviving. She is double vaxd. I have no doubt we will start seeing many many more. I've also seen several young children coming down with brain cancers.
It truly is horrible. So evil. And so sad to see people buy into the lie and fear. I worry for my handful of vaxd family members. :( Did so because they thought they had no other choice… to do the things they wanted. For me, my health is of utmost for anything, second to God.
My aunt's ovarian cancer that had been remission for 3 years came roaring back in 2021, and spread everywhere. She died in the spring of 2022. I know of several younger women currently newly dealing with cervical cancer, breast cancer, etc. It is awful.
Jeff, I cannot go a day without reading your blog! I would definitely have withdrawal symptoms as you make me laugh each and every time I read them! Your sarcasm gets me every time and I so appreciate all the useful info I can get when starting my day! Thank you so much! TG
"Safe and effective" rapidly gathers the same panache as "I'm from the government, and I'm here to help."
As for the economic utility of academic credentials... well, there isn't any. It's what you accomplish in life where the rubber meets the road.
I loved the analogy to the invisible clothes and the King!
I was reading it the other night to my toddler, and he had all sorts of “forbidden” but common sense and critically thinking questions such as, “mom, that’s obvious, he has no clothes, why not tell him” and so on.
What happens to some of our society members once they become adults and stop thinking for themselves?
Since it has long been known that all of the Covid "vaccines" are carcinogenic, it isn't even remotely a coincidence that they have been driving a true epidemic of cancer.
The CDC should be abolished because it is no more a federal government agency than the Federal Reserve.
In the absence of a thread, or any way to reference one, I can't respond.
So should the FDA what? Every corporation and government agency has corruption. If you can't trust anyone else, how do you know you can trust yourself?
This is not a time for high fives bc CDC is doing a build back better reorg.
“This “re-org” is just puppet show pantomime to make happy noises like they “did something” while ratcheting the choke chain of top down dictatorial power tighter, concentrating it in fewer hands, and extending its reach. What you say is always the opposite of what you’re doing.
"...this is real, no joke soviet style government theater."
Any such re-org is only to increase gov't power and control over us. Never forget that they are following an agenda and a plan that has been laid out years in advance. They are still on the offensive and pressing a full court press. Once the Bolsheviks took power in 2020, they immediately went on the offensive and they will never stop. They are only just beginning.
Results in a database or not, I have not taken a single covid test ... ever. Seeing how long this will last. I also wanted to be the last person on earth to carry a cell phone, but failed at that. My resistance so far for the tests, holding strong. I have had to make changes to my lifestyle, but worth it to me.
Lucky you work made me test but I can say they handed me the swab and I was not very aggressive about swabbing any portion of my nostrils. I did this fake testing for four months until the system to track and trace broke down no one reported the glitch. You would sign up for testing and it would say there were no slots available so I stayed home and didn’t test. I was working from home all thru the fake testing period lasted 8 months. 4 months I didn’t test Bc the website was broken. Haha. I stored all the notices said no appointments available and when HR came to see me I emailed them the notices. HR said ok fixed the system and testing was discontinued 3 days later. Ha! I guess I can say I haven’t tested either since the swab never touched my nose. I used a slide of hand and mirror to conceal what I was doing. Whatever! Stupid rules. Some went to test no appt. I can’t imagine why when said needed appointment and must follow instructions.
You could follow the example of my CA sister, who was also forced to do this. She never put it up her nose, just snorted on it. She didn’t want any of the poison that might be on the swab to enter her body.
Didn’t give them any DNA not even a puff of air. I held my breath and pretended to put swab in nose. Swab is in my hand no where near nose. I’ve never had symptoms and all tests were negative Bc I faked the test. Once I saw I was doing the swabbing I said this is going to be a walk in park. China will never have my DNA.
Ive never taken one. I would piss on it. They could keep whatever they wanted.
Don't negotiate with commies
if you want to take a home test, substitute your own cotton swab for the one in the kit
Yep that’s what I’ve done the whole time with the home test.
I actually had thought you had to use their swabs for it worked with the fluid in the vile. But i'd surely do this if it worked.
I blew my nose into a tissue then rubbed the official swab in that. It was positive, so it must have worked.
Yes, I actually thought the same thing, although I have never taken one of the tests so maybe someone else will chime in.
Great advice!
Excellent. A young guy in an apprentice program here just did the appearance of swabbing and then later when they forgot about him just marked down as having tested negative. I have a box of those tests around and take it with me when I travel. Had it over a year now. Never used them nor were asked to prove anything. Got a Walgreens test once the first time I flew during covid. Never asked for any proof so I said to myself “fook it. “
This is great when it works. My job made me test to keep my job when i had the exemption. They made you take a PCR test and there was no way around that part.
Same here. Would love to have had the luxury of never taking any test.
Although when I got Covid, I wanted it documented that I now had natural immunity.
You are awesome. I took 1st 2 shots before I knew how dangerous they are. Well my husband wanted to take us to France so I added a booster myself on my card when my husband ( against my advice) got his Second booster. No shot but all the credit. Texas does not digitize so no worries.
I’m personally hoping many, many presumed “fully vaxxed” people did what you did and are safe(r) from adverse events.
Of course that would REALLY skew the VAERS data but they’re not looking at it anyway.
Go to , everyone!!! It’s a real eye opener.
Yup, same here with no shots, tests, or frankly even a sniffle since January 2020. It's like we live in a different world from the conditioned masses.
As to the cell phone thing, we are in complete agreement. Who decided that no matter where I am in the world, some yahoo can ran ring a buzzer in my pocket and I have to answer like Pavlov's dog? No thanks. I love being disconnected and frankly to hell with these people. Thirty years ago this was the norm and had been since the dawn of time. Now people feel anxiety if they can't instantly connect with others? Yet another sign of a deeply neurotic, mentally-unstable population.
OK I would not put myself in the 'deeply neurotic, mentally-unstable' category but I do keep a cell phone with me most of the time. Hubby and I drive 10+ year old cars. Our moms are both in their 80's. I am self employed and my clients expect me to be available at least during business hours and hubby is in sales, same. I have all notifications (except weather alerts, I am in tornado country) turned off so am not one of those constantly looking at my phone but I do see them as a necessary evil in this world today.
Yeah , that was maybe a bit over the top on my part. Nothing wrong with having a phone for emergencies and the like, I have one for that but usually keep it off. I was referring to people who either have an emotional need, or feel entitled, to reach others instantly. This was unheard of just over a generation ago now many people become anxious with out it. It's not a healthy sign.
I am the only one with a cell phone. My husband refuses to get one and stands by that. He is the smart one. He still uses the landline!!good for him for standing by his principles.
I’ve heard them called a tracking device that happens to have
phone capabilities, LOL. Truth hurts.
Yes, but we also were into landlines and answering machines. I try to not even answer my landline. If they want, they can leave a message. If my cell phone goes away, I will not be sad. I will be the first to throw it into the bonfire. My mom is 94 and hubs works on the Bering Sea and my daughter is stationed in Poland. I loathe that phone. Definitely a "cell" phone. Telegram desktop is great. Like I have said...I write on my blog when something inspires me. This topic happens to be one that I wrote about. Short.
True, but having had emergency calls when I was not at home (yeah I still have a land line as reception in my home office sucks and so use it for business calls) for both my mom and my MIL I am very grateful they were able to reach me quickly.
Faraday cell phone pouch. "Break glass in case of emergency"
I’m with you on this. Life was better when we weren’t available by phone 24/7. I survived just fine for 45 years without one. All you see these days is people looking at their phone. It’s sad that even when in a group you see so many young kids each on their phone but not communicating with those they’re with. I think it’s been a huge negative for our society.
I don’t have a voice mail set up ever. They can call my land line—I still have an answering function there. I know but it’s the best I can do as I kind of have situations I need a cell phone.
I am now too much of a substack and podcast addict to not have a phone.
I agree in principle, though. Back in the early 2000s I held out as long as I could. I finally had to get one when my parents moved out of the country in 2004 and I had to have all time availability to my grandmother.
Same here! I thought I would have to take one when my FIL was admitted to a nursing home back in May, but sadly he was quickly transitioned to hospice care and the facility did not require testing for visitors in that case. Tangentially, he was diagnosed with a grade IV glioblastoma on Holy Thursday and dead six weeks later despite "successful surgical resection." Yes, I blame the multiple mRNA shots.
I’m very sorry. The nursing home I visit has a 2 page health questionnaire and still take temps. I mark no for symptoms sign it and ignore the invasive part asking for all my shot details. As I said above “fook ‘em”. 🖕
So sad!😭
How sad!
Me too, almost. My husband and I had to take one to leave the country and get back home on a work business trip. Don’t get me started on force testing!! It’s BS. And to keep us from entering into our own country to get to our own homes is unimaginable. Anyway.
Other than that - nope! And I’ve lost my bff because I wasn’t willing to “test” for their peace of mind 🙄
We have never let our daughter who is special needs EVER participate in their phony crap. I will not subject to her to any of this! We refuse to be in their numbers game, or controlled group. 💪🏻
Another covid virgin here, Lee! And I intend to remain one. No need to sacrifice on that altar. Just use common sense as in the olden days of “influenza.”
High-fiving Carol.
I choose non-participation just like I've done with flu shots. I put in many years of taking care of myself and building my immune system the old-fashioned way with cold and flu (average two colds and one flu per year), including raising three kids going through same. No serious cold or flu symptoms the past eight years because of life choices to reduce stress and increase peace and contentment. Why voluntarily over-stress or override my immune system with foreign substances and cellular messages, in addition to the ones I am already exposed to?
From one Covid testing virgin to another, stay strong!
Standing with you, Lee
First reason being, it's a snapshot in time of something that is constantly evolving (both myself and RNA). Second, questionable accuracy. Third, further digitization and categorization of me for a snapshot in time of questionable accuracy. Fourth, questionable ingredients. Fifth, demeaning to do in public setting. Sixth, if only positive results are reported (i.e., not normalized) it contributes to misleading conclusions. Seventh, it's time and possibly money wasted when I don't even believe in them. Eighth, compliance could be perceived that I think others should take them or should be asked to take them. Ninth, it puts money in the pockets of people I don't think should even have that money. Tenth, even if cycling is set to infinity, I prefer my immune system to provide natural immunity which is the best defense.
I would be there with you but in 2020 I had to have a kidney removed and had to get tested before doing any procedures. Thank God that the jab was not out then or the hospital may have forced me to take it and that would NOT have happened and I would not be here to tell my story. My kidney doc left the hospital because of their policies around covid and is now completely independent.
Thank God it turned out well for you and you’re still here.
I’ve also never had one. Doing everything I can to avoid them.
Never tested, masked, jabbed nor tracked.
And I want to buy a dumb phone but how would I read c&c sitting at the beach.
Last person reminds of the Last Man challenge. Every Super bowl, there is competition to see how long you can go without knowing the winner of the Stupid bowl. You're out when you aquire The Knowledge.
I’ve never had a Covid test either and don’t plan to. And I wish I never had a cell phone. Can’t stand knowing the corrupt government tracks our citizens.
There is no reorganizing of the CDC and its bedfellows.
It's simply a case of "..but honey, I've changed." Umm, no.
The only way they regain trust is to all quit and never come back.
“Trust comes on foot, but leaves on horseback"... Johan Thorbecke,
I love this! It gives me hope for change.
Yeah. The entire big pharma, medical experts, cdc, medical community and their drug pushers aka doctors are never going to be trusted again. I am going to do my best to not feed that evil beast ever again.
Agreed. I am a retired nurse and have completely lost my faith in doctors and medicine!! so sad what medicine has become; nothing but corporate greed!
I’m also a retired RN and am very disturbed at the decline in our healthcare system. My goal is to eat fresh healthy food, exercise, get outside every day and stay away from the healthcare system, particularly hospitals (where I worked for 32yrs). And no more vaccines! I haven’t had any since 2019 and have been doing great.
Me too.
That’s our Me Too movement!
YES!!!!!! About 5 years ago I had started a very natural health movement to take care of my own self. We use lots of supplements and non western medicine. I even don't have any vaxes in my kid. I was around a ton of people who had covid in jan. I was sick with covid like symptoms but I never tested positive even though I tested 3 x when sick. I do think it was covid but I am one who tests negative?? Or it was a faulty test.
Just another operation to funnel massive taxpayer funds to the administrative state. And another layer of control. Disgusting.
Omg so perfect, “honey, I changed.”
This is no reorganization for good. This is the Demtards doubling down for the future - nothing good will come of it - watch and see.
be put in jail.
Clearly the CDC has blown it on Covid with one failed policy after another. However the real villain here is the corrupt FDA which approved the mRNA shots despite an obvious horrendous safety profile. They are the ones that *allowed* the poisoning of America, the CDC just promoted it (which is bad enough). If something bad is coming, why isn't the scrutiny aimed at the FDA?
I think Jeff is right in that truth is coming out, and it's the awful adverse effects of the shots. The CDC and the useful idiot Walensky are being set up as the fall guys. The captured FDA won't be touched as it's too valuable to Pharma.
I fear this is the opening for the WHO takeover. I hope I’m wrong.
having a new pandemic focused division says you're thinking about the right things. I hope they are going to throw the WHO and Gates under the bus with the CDC. Keep all the lovely power local. Who needs international Marxists mucking about in domestic policy?
The Globalists need international Marxists mucking about in domestic policy. They will fight hard to keep them.
Never! This administration is ALL in with the NWO! They are Marxists! They will continue to lie, cheat, and enrich themselves while they systematically take away our rights.
This is my fear too! We need to keep our eyes on the WHO "amendments".
WHO, WEF, anything global needs to be treated as enemy, clear and present danger
My fear too
I’m thinking this too!
I believe tptb are going to throw the cdc under the bus when the truth about this horrible vaxx comes out that will not be able to be ignored. It will be "it's the cdc's fault. Oh and Trump's too." Like ignore who pushed the illegal mandates and censored all contra information - biden and his administration.
The ‘memory holes’ are very deep. If the media basically ignores it, a lot of people will forget it ever happened and be after the next shiny thing.
But what about this other agency? Supposedly independent. Same 🤬different smell? I don’t trust anything coming under this current administration. Do we need more bureaucracy?
Your skepticism is highly warranted
I predict the Trump administration mentions regarding vaccine mishandling and malfunctioning will increase. If he is the nominee, it will be nonstop. Nothing else they have pulled out of the hat has gotten him removed from the stage, but endless interviews of people injured by the vaccine will. The same people that we weren’t allowed to talk about when Biden was mandating the jab to keep your job.
An interesting concept. You're suggesting the democrats will be pushed into a corner deciding between losing to Trump or admitting jab injuries to beat him. Fascinating.
Some of the smartest Democrats I knew truly believed Trump was ordering the removal of mailboxes two years ago so that people would have a hard time mailing their ballots (hello, Mailgate!). Same people really believed a newly concocted vax gave them 95% protection- because Pfizer and the media said so.
So yes, I firmly believe it will take next to nothing to convince too many the vax issues are all on Trump. And I adore the guy.
It took just hearsay to give national exposure to the woman who claimed Brett Kavanaugh was a high school ringleader for gang rapes. And so many still believe that!
Trump always intended that early stage ivm and hcq be used as a choice to prevent and early treat, and never that vaccines be mandated. What a different world we would be living in now…
The rebellion of the FDA , CDC etc caused studies to be done on ivm and hcq in later stage hospital setting only during Trump’s time so ivm and hcq could be “debunked.” Saw a doc so proud saying the doc saved the EUAs by changing the studies’ parameters.
The Doc killed millions of people tho.
Trump’s ship mor may not have sailed for 2024 but he was up against a lot, fingers in every hole in the dike.
There probably are enough stupid voters but they long ago lost any real credibility in blaming Trump for much of any of it.
He suggested treatments that turned out to work. He suggested opening back up by May which proved to
be the best course of action.
He absolutely eschewed L/R partisanship at his own peril in building out the leadership of
Warp Speed in accomplishing that which all the "experts" had been clamoring for money to do for years - universal vaccination with breakthrough technology.
Maybe he would have but Trump didn't mandate anything. And tried to go back to life as normal. But gaining the White House and plugging the drain in the swamp was too important for the WEF and China and Trump had to be defeated at all costs.
No one who can tie their own shoes believes Biden got 81 million legitimate votes.
Trump is a formidable opponent. I’ve said before, I didn’t give him serious attention until he crudely and awkwardly knocked the Traitor John McCain off his pedestal back in 2015. Oh, the media outrage! Trump was done before he got started, the media said that night and he must, must, must apologize! But Trump refused to apologize and doubled down and I fell in love with the Bull in the China Shop with a heart for the people.
How many times has it been said, ‘We’ve got him now! He’s done now!’? So much like David, King of Israel, dancing through the nets and snares of his enemies, our enemies.
“ No one who can tie their own shoes believes Biden got 81 million legitimate votes.”. Great line! May I borrow it?
Sure. Be my guest.
So interesting. Something horrendous occurred with shocking amounts of morbidity and mortality and it was all Trump’s fault, they’ll say. All other actors and details down the memory hole…
Oh yes. And TDS is a real thing.
the media will never cover the vaccine injured, because they are 100% responsible for covering up the injuries and deaths. It will be like Epsteins client list.........we will never see who they are.
Oh, they will cover them non stop if Trump is the nominee. Technically, he is the one who got them from underway. I voted for him and proudly so, but I fear we get crushed if he is the nominee because of this. It will take so little to convince the majority of the country it was his fault bad things happened to so many who got the jab. Look how many still think he is Putin’s puppet; arguing with them is fruitless.
They will even bring back the death counter. Betting that VAERS becomes a highly valued and legitimate database too if he's the nominee.
Donald Trump has a movement and a base like has never been seen before. I don’t see his supporters walking away.
I don't see his supporters walking away, either. What I do see is endless, 24-hour coverage of vaccine injured people being interviewed and having it mentioned endlessly that Trump rolled out the vaccines. That will be enough to mark him as absolutely evil - even though he had nothing to do with the mandates and people losing their jobs over them courtesy of Biden (or whoever is running things). All the suppressed information that was banned will be out in the open and will be manipulated to have it all pinned on Trump.
You have seriously nailed it! This is exactly it. And may be why we have yet to see the information come out. ....timing
Trump is a fighter. Jeff today wrote something about being attacked personally just makes him fight all the harder. And I thought of Trump. There exists a list out there of all that’s been thrown at him. Pretty astounding what he has withstood. He doesn’t retreat under the bed and quiver.
Agree. but it doesn't change how others who could be swayed may view the narrative.
I fully agree with you. If trump is the nominee, and even if not, he will be the one blamed because he was part of roll out. Even though it is the FDA and the CDC and crouchie who pushed it.
Of course he will be blamed. But is this it? Is this what kills the movement? I think not.
Yeah. I see THIS.
"We Democrats told you at first not to trust the Trump vaccine, but then the Experts told us it was fine, but guess what - those were TRUMP'S EXPERTS! We should have never trusted Trump's vaccine!"
It's the only pivot they have. Almost guaranteed they will take it.
Wow. Just wow. Out of all the scenarios I have imagined, this has never hit my radar.
I went and wrote a little article on this, linked above.
The best antidote to gaslighting is keeping receipts and knowing that some kind of gaslighting is coming!
Jeff, Jeff, Jeff… fuzzy brain for sure!!! Never stick anything from China up your nose or any other body part!!! Besides, if the test worked, wouldn’t it pick up a cold??? Aren’t the two “viruses” supposedly in the same family??? Remember, papayas and goats test positive with a PCR test…
the tests for home are not PCR, you still need a lab to run those and get their worthless results. The home test is a rapid antigen for the nucleocapsid of covid, which will only be present on an acquired infection, likely airborne.
The antigen tests are LESS accurate than PCR if you can believe that.
You are right… I should have said both tests are useless…
Oh I forgot to say! If ivermectin is an effective anti-viral, you should be able to take it whether or not your specific virus is C-19.
Yep! It works for influenza, and I forget which others have demonstrated efficacy.
Ivermectin helps fight dengue fever, yellow fever, and zika. May even be helpful with HIV. Follow the brilliant doctors and scientists at And join their weekly webinar on Wednesday nights from 7:00 to 8:15 p.m. Eastern
If only we could get it cheaply over the counter. I know of a source to get it here in Canada but it is $230 per box including shipping. Crazy and not worth it just to get over the coof a bit faster. I would like to get it for my friends who are vaccine injured, if they would accept, but at that price who can afford it? I imagine they'd have to take it for longer than for a viral infection.
OMG, that's highway robbery. I posted about this yesterday but I always post too late in the day for most to see it.
I buy it direct from very easily from India. Very affordable. Here's the rest of my post:
I don't believe it matters which brand of ivermectin to buy. I bought the smaller 6 mg tablets to make dosing easier. I also bought hydroxychloroquine from them. I used both when I had "covid" a year ago. They work on two different pathways and are complementary. I have since learned from Dr. McCullough via my pharmacist son that providone-iodine taken with water and snorted into the sinus's is extremely effective. BTW, if you start researching ivermectin on the internet, you will find anecdotal evidence of LOTS of uses for this. I'm beginning to understand why BigPharm is so desperate to keep us in ignorance about this marvelous therapy.
The shipping box had a return address in Singapore with no labeling to indicate that the package was from a pharmacy. Those Indians are pretty smart.
Thanks! Good to know about the meds from India. I'll save that info. I used a telemed doctor in S. Florida to get an RX for iv. last year just in case I needed it.
Got the meds from a compounding pharmacy also in S. Florida. Mailed to me overnight.
Are you in Canada? I was hearing that customs was seizing any ivermectin shipped into Canada, although that was last year and haven't heard anything about it in a while. I am currently recovering from covid which has been exactly like a cold, I couldn't find povidone iodine but have been doing nasal rinse with diluted hydrogen peroxide instead, and it seems to have shortened the duration.
I'm in Florida. Been using this Indian pharmacy for years. The Feds said customs would do the same thing here. Never heard another word after that. I think it is all BS. Just like the IRS and the threat of audit. Can you imagine the manpower required to screen packages coming into the country? The shipping box had a return address in Singapore with no labeling to indicate that the package was from a pharmacy. Those Indians are pretty smart. Walmart has povidone iodine.
They are certainly screening any homeopathic remedies. Friends have had theirs held up with obvious evidence that the package was examined.
Thanks, you're probably right. My local Walmart didn't have povidone iodine, at least not anywhere I could find.
Thanks for this info. I noticed they have a place to upload a prescription. Is a prescription required for Ivermectin or Hydroxycholoroquine?
Awesome! Thank you so much!!
Thank you so much for this link!
Order from AllDayChemist. Ships out of India but company recommended by Dr Ardis.
You can order Ivermectin, HCQ and prescription drugs.
Buy the horse paste.
I get the paste, DuraMectin, from Very affordable.
🎵I am Mister Ed🎶. 🐴 has a section devoted to the ‘ivy’. You might find something helpful there.
Someone sent me the horse paste..
I’ve used the horse paste for a year and a half, once a week. No problems with *C.
Yes, that is a lot.
For people at greater risk for severe disease, it still would be worth it.
You might research Nigella sativa black seeds. Apparently they contain an ivy like compound and can be used adjunctively when ivy unavailable. Dr Been had a video about it awhile back. And I think it’s on FLCCC website too.
Yes! Nigella seed oil for Covid.
Try Dr Syed Haider, there's a pharmacy he uses that will fill the rx and ship to you. Also try an herbal formula called lian hua qing wen jiao nan, take it as early as possible, esp if you have a fever. It also works for the flu. My unvaccinated friends who got covid took this and ivermectin. No long covid and done with symptoms in 3-5 days.
Yes, I meant to say this. In Africa it is taken weekly to prevent many things.
Yep, I realized that nothing in any of the Frontline-style protocols is specific to the COVID virus, so my new plan is to maximize immunity all the time through nutrition and nutraceuticals, avoid vaccines, including flu, and if I get a viral respiratory illness just use the protocol.
Yet another physician who is swearing off v🪓 as a result of all of these eye-opening shenanigans. If I correctly remember you. 😉
You do. And precisely.
Healthcare is STILL under threats from medicaid that funding will be cut if healthcare employees aren’t jabbed and masked. Federal bureaucrats are still busy decimating US healthcare system. Can these federal agencies be sued? Will anyone dare? Retaliation is a given. 😡
I thought that was already decided by SCOTUS that allowed the mandates for healthcare workers. Until that is overturned, the best is to hope for the mandate being done away with, just like the CDC guidance. We are truly fooked tho, 95% of the doctors and nurses are jabbed, and their health is at risk from them. We may find ourselves without a healthcare workforce the moment they are most needed. Military force too; also jabbed up.
Yes, exactly! Look at what is happening to the young doctors in Canada!
My friend was admitted to a rehabilitation part of a nursing home. The minute her current support agency wrote her off and she had to go on Medicaid all her rehabilitation efforts stopped cold and she was shoved into the regular nursing home area. No doc visits. No rehab. Lots of meds. She’s only 60 snd she is starting to realize this is now her forever home. Her family is uninterested in helping her. A group of us have tried to give her some assistance but our hands are now tied. We take items to treat her and visit. It’s sad but she also does nothing to help herself.
That is awful. Our HC system is so awful. Having been an advocate for my mom it is a constant battle to get them the care they need. After a fall my moms PCP recommended PT - talked to the administrators about whether this could be in home vs having to drive her to PT. They said that depends on the insurance. (she has a med sup in addition to medicare) I said well if the insurance does not cover in home, she can just pay out of pocket. They said, you can't do that. WTF? She was willing to pay for the PT herself in order to get it in home and they refused it!? Turned out the insurance did authorize in home but crazy they would not take her money.
Terrible. Same happened to my mom as my friend. Mom admitted to rehabilitation area. Then she was shuttled to the main nursing home area. And Medicaid. Over medicated with psychotropic drugs which fried her brain almost overnight. She then spent every waking hour walking up and down the hall and not paying attention to anyone. Until she fell and broke her hip. She never walked again. Supposedly she had Parkinson’s but we doubt it. Never saw a clear diagnosis but murder by health care system IMO.
So sorry about your mom. Stories like this and yet there is a growing/large segment of the population clamoring for government healthcare as it's more 'compassionate'....
Yep. You have to find somebody privately. The home health agencies are only insurance based.
Replacement for the CDC? Laughable. But scary too. This means that the regime and all its evil minions will come up with something even more dastardly in their new creation. Buckle up for even more shameful and disgusting ways to strip us of our freedoms and try to control our every move, all while we are working to pay the IRS goons they are trying to sic on us. No thanks! That “new” organization needs shutting down before it ever gets started.
Super healthy 67-year old brother-in-law got the jabs in mid-February, 2021, started having headaches in March, got diagnosed w/glioblastoma in May, sadly passed away in late June. We didn't even think of what could be the cause until Ryan Cole started putting out vax cancer data. His arc perfectly fits into that Ethical Skeptic chart.
Yes Doug. My aunt 71, had a massive brain bleed last Saturday or Friday. Yesterday she passed away. She had lupus but I am certain s he was vaxd even though I have not asked.
My college roommate, 44, 3 mos ago was diagnosed with stage 4 endometrial cancer. Has a 18% chance of surviving. She is double vaxd. I have no doubt we will start seeing many many more. I've also seen several young children coming down with brain cancers.
It truly is horrible. So evil. And so sad to see people buy into the lie and fear. I worry for my handful of vaxd family members. :( Did so because they thought they had no other choice… to do the things they wanted. For me, my health is of utmost for anything, second to God.
Soooo sad! My sympathy to you and yours.
My aunt's ovarian cancer that had been remission for 3 years came roaring back in 2021, and spread everywhere. She died in the spring of 2022. I know of several younger women currently newly dealing with cervical cancer, breast cancer, etc. It is awful.
Too bad. She seems like she would've understood Mattias Desmet's Mass Formation Psychosis theory.
Jeff, I cannot go a day without reading your blog! I would definitely have withdrawal symptoms as you make me laugh each and every time I read them! Your sarcasm gets me every time and I so appreciate all the useful info I can get when starting my day! Thank you so much! TG
Totally agree, Terry!
You wrote something of this quality while sick? Impressive!
I wrote this while feeling OK.
Good writing Mark!
I was 14 when I saw the Beatles in Toronto.
Would you believe my ticket for the afternoon show was $4.50 ??? It was.
Even tho we in nosebleed seats I screamed a couple of times with excitement as I was sure, Paul looked at me! Lol.
I realized pretty quickly if I screamed, I couldn’t hear them... so was then a lot more quiet.
Lots of salient points in your writing. Bravo!
#Beatles4ever #FJB ;)
Excellent article!!!!
"Safe and effective" rapidly gathers the same panache as "I'm from the government, and I'm here to help."
As for the economic utility of academic credentials... well, there isn't any. It's what you accomplish in life where the rubber meets the road.
I loved the analogy to the invisible clothes and the King!
I was reading it the other night to my toddler, and he had all sorts of “forbidden” but common sense and critically thinking questions such as, “mom, that’s obvious, he has no clothes, why not tell him” and so on.
What happens to some of our society members once they become adults and stop thinking for themselves?
Just look around at so many sheeple!
Since it has long been known that all of the Covid "vaccines" are carcinogenic, it isn't even remotely a coincidence that they have been driving a true epidemic of cancer.
The CDC should be abolished because it is no more a federal government agency than the Federal Reserve.
So should the FDA. Except everyone is bought with big Ph. How can we trust anyone?
In the absence of a thread, or any way to reference one, I can't respond.
So should the FDA what? Every corporation and government agency has corruption. If you can't trust anyone else, how do you know you can trust yourself?
Another great coffee and covid. But you hit the ball out of the park in the final paragraph😂😂
Someone please get Dorothy to throw a bucket of water on old Liz!!!
Bad Cat has an interesting take on the "reorganization" of the CDC, and it's not inspiring.
Thanks for this link.
This is not a time for high fives bc CDC is doing a build back better reorg.
“This “re-org” is just puppet show pantomime to make happy noises like they “did something” while ratcheting the choke chain of top down dictatorial power tighter, concentrating it in fewer hands, and extending its reach. What you say is always the opposite of what you’re doing.
"...this is real, no joke soviet style government theater."
Any such re-org is only to increase gov't power and control over us. Never forget that they are following an agenda and a plan that has been laid out years in advance. They are still on the offensive and pressing a full court press. Once the Bolsheviks took power in 2020, they immediately went on the offensive and they will never stop. They are only just beginning.