Four astounding CDC admissions; Twitter cancels the inventor of mRNA technology; CMS sets a new deadline to fire uninjected nurses and doctors in 26 states; and more...
For God's sake, please tell people to stop getting tested. Why isn't this being said more often? No tests, no pandemic. "Cases" are fiction. Stop the testing. You know when you are sick. They are doing behavioral modification to convince people they might be deadly sick with no symptoms; that you now need a doctor to tell you you're sick; that the doctor will then prescribe a 'cure', which of course doesn't work, but hey, money! Your body has a natural intelligence. Listen to it. What happened to years and years of 'go to bed, drink fluids, it's just a 24-hr bug'? People die every year, but now we can't tolerate death? Stop driving if that's the case, as there are lots of deaths from auto accidents. All of a sudden, we need tests for cold or flu? Please will someone with influence speak up? If they are right and you can drop dead without symptoms, the human race would have gone extinct long ago. Just sayin....stop testing.
My daughter got sick. I wasn’t going to test her because to me if she’s sick she’s sick and I don’t care what it is. I went to a clinic to have her tested for strep because she had a sore throat and I like to rule that out. The Dr wanted her tested for Covid, so we did it. She was positive
Hope your daughter gets over this quickly. My husband is sick and he's behaving with it the same way he's done for 30 years. We are not getting tested. Don't trust that our doctor hasn't drunk the Kool aid.
Yeap people have forgotten what it is to just be sickly with something... So what if it's Corona, stay home least like you used to pre covid... You'd feel sick and stay home until better
I'm with you, Maggie. I'm so tired of hearing, "I've been exposed. Now I have to wait until I have some symptoms, then I can be tested." Really? DO NOT TAKE THE TEST, FOLKS. WAKE UP!
It saddens me, though. We have ministers, Popes, Prophets, bishops to tell us what to do morally; we have the IRS to tell us how much tax we must pay; we have doctors who make all our medical decisions; we have the government to make all the rest of our decisions. WHO THINKS FOR THEMSELVES ANYMORE? I'm a loner among my friends. They all follow blindly without any studying or research at all. When the internet has made research so easy, nobody is reading for themselves. Nobody is searching for truth. Thank goodness for columns like this one. One tends to find like-minds, and I enjoy that. Thanks to all of you.
Yes, situations like this tend to help us find other like-minded folks, and that's a good thing. When the media is trying to make us feel like loonies and freaks for thinking, we are blessed to have forums such as this where we can see we are not alone.
Unfortunately some of us can't stop getting tested. With my religious exemption the only way I can keep my job as a nurse is to get tested weekly. It's such a joke. I wish I could stop getting tested. I agree with you though, all people who can stop, should.
I am so, so sorry you are being put in this position. I keep telling my husband how lucky we are to be retired. We have a young friend who has been pushed into a corner and took the shot and now regrets it. I feel so bad for people who just want to do their jobs. But this is a challenging time that is asking us to choose what matters most to us. For me, health has always been number one. The tests have been shown to have graphene oxide, which is bad news. Also, think about them. If there is a contagious virus that's so bad you have to wear a mask, the test should be spitting or breathing on something, not shoving something way up your nose. Apparently, where they are 'testing' is right near a cranial nerve, and they are potentially depositing stuff like graphene oxide there. Whether that's a conspiracy theory or not, the test is faulty and doesn't make sense, and people are having sores develop from repeated testing. Most of all, people are being put into adversarial situations at work and being mistreated; our friend is an example. I think in the end, she is going to give up her job and start over, because they are going to insist on a booster now, and she isn't having it. My husband and I moved this year to get to a place we felt would be more free. A lot of folks are leaving their jobs, and I know that is very hard. A lot of people are moving. Again, that can be hard. But there are places to live that are free and healthy, and having been in an abusive relationship long ago, I know that sometimes you just have to make a hard choice to save yourself when you find yourself in a bad situation. I think the Universe is telling you that you can stay there or go somewhere where you will be valued. I believe there is somewhere you will be welcomed and treated like a valuable person. I hope you find a way to get out of that situation into a better one. My opinion is that complying a little is always a mistake.
Thank you so much for your encouragement. I’m taking steps to get out of the hospital setting. Im also uncomfortable with routine testing, i’ve Lost all faith in the system so who knows what’s in those tests. I also am using my 3 months of vacation pay before I quit so I can use those Bennifits instead of losing them and I won’t have to test during that time. I’ve considered moving multiple times but unfortunately hospitals are a law unto themselves even in more free states. Many hospitals in Texas, for example, still have vax mandates. It’s an extremely difficult time for health care workers. They are trying to starve us out and the levels of coercion within the hospitals is insane. I watch doctors and nurses openly mock patients who aren’t vaxxed. When confronted about why they think what they do they have nothing to back up what they think other than it’s what Biden it Fauchi or the CDC said. Not one of them has read an actual study. Not only that, but the level of cognitive dissonance is astounding. I work in surgery and even there we are seeing vax injuries. There has been ASTRONOMICAL increases in bowel resection cases because the microclotting from vaccines can cause parts of your intestines to just die from lack of blood flow. All vaxxed patients. No one bats an eye. Despite the fact that we did more of those cases in 2 months after the vax rollout then in the previous two years combined. It’s crazy, there is too much at stake if they question the narrative. So they don’t.
Oh my, you sure have confirmed the anonymous videos of nurses speaking out. It takes such courage to hold onto your beliefs, and I respect you for doing so. I think sometimes the universe gives us a kick in the butt to get us to make changes we wouldn't have otherwise considered. Like moving or changing professions. I often look back and am relieved I wasn't accepted to vet school, as it is not a profession I could have stayed in. Modern health care is becoming a customer generating system rather than a care system. Those who, like you, really care, won't be able to stay as people are killed or harmed instead of helped. I know how hard it is for you, but I also know you are smart and talented, and maybe it's time to take a chance on a new place and/or a new profession that you love. Even for less money. I so respect you and wish you all the best in the coming year. Don't give in, don't sacrifice your health or values. Don't stay in a job that kills your soul. You will be supported if you set out to give yourself a better situation where you are happy and appreciated. You deserve it. Wish I could stay in touch and cheer you on, but you are in my thoughts, you and all the other people being tried and tested by these difficult times. Don't be afraid to make a big change. You'll be glad you did.
If a parent withholds food from a child, they are arrested and the child removed from the parent. If government withholds therapeutics and now monoclonal antibodies from sick citizens, they receive bonuses or retire with $300k plus pensions.
I would venture to guess that CDC's "blunder" on Omicron percentages, really isn't a blunder at all, (not that I trust any of their numbers), but I think they realized if the majority of cases are Omicron, (which the cat already escaped the bag on it's mildness and vax evasion), then it doesn't support the fear and jab agenda so they needed to get back to mostly "Deadly Delta" to justify jabs - it's deliberate.
It’s been fun watching our entire family become acutely aware of the nonsensical and manipulative goings on within TV commercials promulgating the use of pharmaceutical drugs as a veritable panacea to all of life’s problems. (Yes, the same industry that since 2002 has paid out somewhere in the vicinity of $20 billion dollars in settlements due to fraud, corruption, making false claims, and HIDING SAFETY DATA). Source:
These commercials are a hoot: There’s Sally and Grandma scaling up a dusty trail with Sargent Scruffy, Grandma’s pet Labradoodle. But alas, Grandma is out of breath and seriously off kilter. She seeks to sturdy herself against the nearest available spruce. Sally is bummed. Grandma feels like doo-doo. The day is shot. Here comes the announcer with words of hope and encouragement: “Plenki is FDA approved and stops asthma in its tracks........” Grandma looks great….sprinting down the trail, leaving Sally and Sargent Scruffy in the dust, hopping through the dandelion fields, flying a kite and scaling pine trees like a possessed chipmunk. We all say - almost in unison - “WAIT FOR IT!”...........The announcer continues: “Don’t use Plenki if you have elbow grease, bad judgment, cold symptoms, pimples or cold sores. Side effects include: dizziness, worsening asthma symptoms, liver disease, thrombosis, anaphylaxis and death….which could be fatal. Try Plenki today.”.....................It never gets old. : )
I love when they say "people that are allergic to Plenki should not take Plenki... as if it was just something they would know, and if they did then why? But here is a really awesome parody of those commercials
Or they say Plenki can reduce UP TO 50% of asthma attacks. CAN reduce? UP TO 50%? So it may reduce nothing or only 10% and you could die from it...? Give it some serious thought before you sign up for that $3500/month pharmaceutical subscription...
I love your commercial! Very true, but also very funny. --- I love it when the real ads have death as a possible side effect. I always ask my husband, "Why would you take it if it could kill you?"
"the average length of stay (ALS) for a Covid patient is dropping fast, too. In September 2020, the ALS was about 8 days. That’s been cut in half in the most recent data to only about 4 days, and is still trending down sharply.."
Not so sure about whether that can continue, or will stay low. The problem is that the supply of monoclonal antibodies - if they are the reason AVERAGE hospitalizations have been shortened - has dried up AGAIN. Don't know if it's because they "ran out" or if it's "punishment time' again. But it **could** cause hospitalization rates to rise if people can't get treated without being admitted. Or can't get treated at all.
Editing to add: Oh I see you mentioned that below the paragraph I referenced. Thank you. People need to know that if they get sick with this nonsense, they may find it harder to get treatment (so find some treatment before you get sick, and have a mini-pharmacy on your own premises)."
I read in another substack, I think, that they are going to stop making the antibody treatments starting in January, because they aren't effective against Omicron. In other words, why make them to help some, if we're not going to make as much $$$.
In the old days, like 3 years ago, public health officials would never have tested the population at this level. The reason..You only need a controlled sample of how an actual virus is infecting the population.. We can thank Brix, Fauci and all their friends for turning on this faucet of todays madness.
Yeah, that Malone guy is a real screwball. : ) I kicked Twitter, FB, et al to the curb years ago. Stopped using Google altogether. They plant misinformation and disinformation at the top of their search results and bury - or flat out remove - relevant information that they don't want you to see.
2. Double standard: Pfizer, JJ, Moderna, "CDC" & FDA can tweet whatever they want on covid & vaccines, however misleading, half true, withholding critical info for informed consent etc.
And they are getting away with it because or sick, corrupt, twisted, evil government protects them. Congress? What a joke! It’s infuriating. I’m running out of words in the English language to describe them and what they are intentionally doing.
Yep. Our main enemy is not the commie-Dem. The traitors in our own tent do far more damage - RINOs & fake "Libertarians". "Ls" aka LoLibertarians are 1-Way "free trade", open-border, open-immigration, de facto socialist-globalist. Businesswhore RINOs & "Ls" are why we lose & never take back turf even when we're in the majority.
Does anyone have info. on FL colleges and universities that do no require students to be vaccinated and do not discriminate against unvaccinated students? I read this on the UTampa site - "The University will not require vaccination nor proof of vaccination, as per Florida Senate Bill 2006." Our son is applying to college and schools here in MA are not an option. TIA
Keep in mind while a college cannot ask if you are injected with poison…they will in fact sneak in the back door. Florida Southern did it to my son. They implemented a system on how to find out without actually asking the big question. It was shameful. And then they use that info to discriminate by way of “testing” uninjected people, masking and making the uninjected quarantine and participate in contact tracing. 😡 The quarantine did not come with an option for online if you had to miss classes and also came with no refund if you failed because you couldn’t attend classes. 🤦🏼♀️
My son withdrew right before school because he couldn’t allow them to do that to him. We applauded him. And get this…he is half way through his degree by way of Oregon State but refuses to go back their. So he was just sure he’d find a Florida college to finish his degree. Nope. Because Oregon is 4 quarter system and Florida schools are semester systems in order to go to a Florida school he would have to redo most of his first two years! Florida Southern was the only one that accepted at least more of his credits after he hounded them and hounded them via course descriptions and comparisons. So now, after all that. He is doing Oregon State online because as of yet they aren’t forcing online students to inject themselves 🙄 with poison. But if they can I’m sure they’ll find a way to force them too. 🤦🏼♀️
So now he can finish quicker even though he was hoping to show he graduated from a Florida college rather than the shameful Oregon State. Sorry so long.
My advice: ask a lot more questions than just injection questions. 🤷♀️
Sorry I didn't respond sooner. I just saw your question in my email. Apparently since December my C&C emails have been going to spam.
It was Florida Southern that did it. They had all students submit a card voluntarily verifying their "vaccination status". It was not required. If you submitted a card then you were entered into their "drawing" to win prizes. If you did not submit a card you were ineligible to participate in the awards. Then later, they used the cards to tell students if they did not submit a card they would be required to mask, test, and participate in contact tracing. So the back door was - we don't require you to tell us, but if you don't participate in the rewards program, then we know by default. It was shameful. That was back in August. The Florida legislature has now passed laws about injection status and such, so I'm not sure how that effected the students now. But at the time there was no recourse for my son so he withdrew his enrollment and they promptly kept his $300 application fee even after being confronted with what they were doing.
The Democrats couldn’t be setting up an end of the pandemic miracle just in time for the 2022 mid-terms could they? Hail Uncle Joe “Brandon” (and his pals) for ending the pandemic.
Hmmm interesting view. They're slowly shifting the narrative. Home test kits they will not get reported and therefore even bringing the case counts down. Damn you Brandon
I picked up a couple of the Binax test kits my local library was giving out for free, just to see what all the fuss is about. The instructions tell you to be sure and register/report your results to a web site - fat chance. I hope people don't do that or else they'll be in another government database.
Why not actually end the pandemic by encouraging doctors to prescribe ivermectin. Trump didn’t do it, so Biden could use this against him. Yeah you lose your EUA for these shots, but take your money and to fight another day, but they won’t.
So on the unknowable reason that the percentage of Omicron cases went from 73-22%, I have a different take. Who benefits from this change? Omicron is good for those of us who see it as the end of the pandemic. Not so good for business. If Delta is still the reigning virus, good news for the vax peddlers, not so good for you and me. But if they've proven anything it's that they are consummate liars.
Tune in next year for more Keeping Up with Kovid. You just never know who will show up at the xiden whitehouse onstage along with dr Fauci.
Episode 1: Another ambiguously gendered YouTube star will be stopping by to give medical advice (I know I always rush out to make a medical decision when a teenager who makes a lot of YouTube videos tells me I should).
Episode 2: Kylie Jenner weighs in on motivating people to make better health decisions (She’s already a billionaire but the government purchased 50 million lip kits, so get in line for your second booster for a chance to win one).
Episode 3: Billie Eilish performs a vaxxit and taxxit ballad about the benefits of following government health advisories (If you don’t take her seriously, you should, one of her middle names is Pirate).
Classic! "Episode 1: Another ambiguously gendered YouTube star will be stopping by to give medical advice (I know I always rush out to make a medical decision when a teenager who makes a lot of YouTube videos tells me I should)."
Name change, lol. free subscriber. poor. formerly Dawn. Yesterday I lost my oldest email account permanently due to microsoft "alias" rules. None the less, I'm back. So my overly analytical thoughts on today's C&C narrative are firstly, I hope Robert rocks on the Joe Rogan show and billions see it (and I hope he doesn't have to go into hiding, aka doctor Zev, or something much worse, aka German graphene hydroxide scientist-omg, aka recent upstate NY pathologist-omg, aka some countries presidents-6-omg of 7, over the last 24 months. May God bless and protect them and their families). Can't do nothin' on Twitter's fart checker, typo, Not, opinions. As far as reduced isolations go, I was thinking that "they" may have perfected their transfection, you know, shedding technique with the "unusually high and not found naturally" number of mutations found on the moronic (anagram omicron) variant. So "they" shorten it to 5 days when viral load is high. Just sayin'. At least it's not in the lettuce, that we know of, at this point. With the reduction of 73% to 22% moronic variant, I say that is just to push more boosters, that of course still work on the delta variant to prevent severe illness, hospitalization, and death. Is that still the most up to date definition of vaccine Today? Now the children. Are they recently injected with experimental mRNA gene therapy vaccines? hmm. I will leave that atrocity alone for now. It is just to painful to think about. God bless, help, and heal them and their families too. OK, the hospitals. Perhaps the staff are leaving in droves as they witness first hand what is happening to the population that have been vaccinated and CMS just needs an excuse to cover their ass's. They knew injured children would break medical staff's hearts. And then there's vaccine hesitancy of course. You know the remaining delusional, unclean, conspiracy theory anti-vaxxers. CMS has to take out the hospital staff so no one tell on them. Get rid of and discredit the witnesses. Sorry for the cynicism today guys, but I gotta get this s--t out. This "Manufacturing Of A Mass Psychosis-Can Sanity Return To An Insane World" - Academy of Ideas channel, is getting to me. Love and light to you, EIOUA aka Dawn, lol. I'm going for a walk.
I only read what the CDC has to say so I can have a good laugh. I can’t wait to see what they’re walking back on a daily basis to fit the rhetoric of the day. It’s such nonsense and we are not blind anymore. What makes my skin crawl is when there are victims of their nonsense that could have been helped if certain treatments were accepted as helpful instead of being held hostage for political purposes. We are sitting ducks for an agency and others who have no remorse.
The real reason they cut the quarantine? 2 weeks paid sick leave if you test positive & have to quarantine. Can't have the plebs profiting off their policies...
For God's sake, please tell people to stop getting tested. Why isn't this being said more often? No tests, no pandemic. "Cases" are fiction. Stop the testing. You know when you are sick. They are doing behavioral modification to convince people they might be deadly sick with no symptoms; that you now need a doctor to tell you you're sick; that the doctor will then prescribe a 'cure', which of course doesn't work, but hey, money! Your body has a natural intelligence. Listen to it. What happened to years and years of 'go to bed, drink fluids, it's just a 24-hr bug'? People die every year, but now we can't tolerate death? Stop driving if that's the case, as there are lots of deaths from auto accidents. All of a sudden, we need tests for cold or flu? Please will someone with influence speak up? If they are right and you can drop dead without symptoms, the human race would have gone extinct long ago. Just sayin....stop testing.
Not gonna happen. 2 weeks paid sick leave if you test + and have to quarantine...
My daughter got sick. I wasn’t going to test her because to me if she’s sick she’s sick and I don’t care what it is. I went to a clinic to have her tested for strep because she had a sore throat and I like to rule that out. The Dr wanted her tested for Covid, so we did it. She was positive
Hope your daughter gets over this quickly. My husband is sick and he's behaving with it the same way he's done for 30 years. We are not getting tested. Don't trust that our doctor hasn't drunk the Kool aid.
If he gets worse remember early treatment is key! FLCCC protocol is on their website
Yeap people have forgotten what it is to just be sickly with something... So what if it's Corona, stay home least like you used to pre covid... You'd feel sick and stay home until better
I'm with you, Maggie. I'm so tired of hearing, "I've been exposed. Now I have to wait until I have some symptoms, then I can be tested." Really? DO NOT TAKE THE TEST, FOLKS. WAKE UP!
People don't realize they're being trained to just do whatever medical stuff they are told instead of listening to their bodies. It will not end well.
It saddens me, though. We have ministers, Popes, Prophets, bishops to tell us what to do morally; we have the IRS to tell us how much tax we must pay; we have doctors who make all our medical decisions; we have the government to make all the rest of our decisions. WHO THINKS FOR THEMSELVES ANYMORE? I'm a loner among my friends. They all follow blindly without any studying or research at all. When the internet has made research so easy, nobody is reading for themselves. Nobody is searching for truth. Thank goodness for columns like this one. One tends to find like-minds, and I enjoy that. Thanks to all of you.
Yes, situations like this tend to help us find other like-minded folks, and that's a good thing. When the media is trying to make us feel like loonies and freaks for thinking, we are blessed to have forums such as this where we can see we are not alone.
NEW COVID-19 TEST CONTAINS DANGEROUS SUBSTANCE << sodium azide. >> ( Jon Rappaport)
If true ...Yikes. Permissable amounts: none
Unfortunately some of us can't stop getting tested. With my religious exemption the only way I can keep my job as a nurse is to get tested weekly. It's such a joke. I wish I could stop getting tested. I agree with you though, all people who can stop, should.
I am so, so sorry you are being put in this position. I keep telling my husband how lucky we are to be retired. We have a young friend who has been pushed into a corner and took the shot and now regrets it. I feel so bad for people who just want to do their jobs. But this is a challenging time that is asking us to choose what matters most to us. For me, health has always been number one. The tests have been shown to have graphene oxide, which is bad news. Also, think about them. If there is a contagious virus that's so bad you have to wear a mask, the test should be spitting or breathing on something, not shoving something way up your nose. Apparently, where they are 'testing' is right near a cranial nerve, and they are potentially depositing stuff like graphene oxide there. Whether that's a conspiracy theory or not, the test is faulty and doesn't make sense, and people are having sores develop from repeated testing. Most of all, people are being put into adversarial situations at work and being mistreated; our friend is an example. I think in the end, she is going to give up her job and start over, because they are going to insist on a booster now, and she isn't having it. My husband and I moved this year to get to a place we felt would be more free. A lot of folks are leaving their jobs, and I know that is very hard. A lot of people are moving. Again, that can be hard. But there are places to live that are free and healthy, and having been in an abusive relationship long ago, I know that sometimes you just have to make a hard choice to save yourself when you find yourself in a bad situation. I think the Universe is telling you that you can stay there or go somewhere where you will be valued. I believe there is somewhere you will be welcomed and treated like a valuable person. I hope you find a way to get out of that situation into a better one. My opinion is that complying a little is always a mistake.
Thank you so much for your encouragement. I’m taking steps to get out of the hospital setting. Im also uncomfortable with routine testing, i’ve Lost all faith in the system so who knows what’s in those tests. I also am using my 3 months of vacation pay before I quit so I can use those Bennifits instead of losing them and I won’t have to test during that time. I’ve considered moving multiple times but unfortunately hospitals are a law unto themselves even in more free states. Many hospitals in Texas, for example, still have vax mandates. It’s an extremely difficult time for health care workers. They are trying to starve us out and the levels of coercion within the hospitals is insane. I watch doctors and nurses openly mock patients who aren’t vaxxed. When confronted about why they think what they do they have nothing to back up what they think other than it’s what Biden it Fauchi or the CDC said. Not one of them has read an actual study. Not only that, but the level of cognitive dissonance is astounding. I work in surgery and even there we are seeing vax injuries. There has been ASTRONOMICAL increases in bowel resection cases because the microclotting from vaccines can cause parts of your intestines to just die from lack of blood flow. All vaxxed patients. No one bats an eye. Despite the fact that we did more of those cases in 2 months after the vax rollout then in the previous two years combined. It’s crazy, there is too much at stake if they question the narrative. So they don’t.
Oh my, you sure have confirmed the anonymous videos of nurses speaking out. It takes such courage to hold onto your beliefs, and I respect you for doing so. I think sometimes the universe gives us a kick in the butt to get us to make changes we wouldn't have otherwise considered. Like moving or changing professions. I often look back and am relieved I wasn't accepted to vet school, as it is not a profession I could have stayed in. Modern health care is becoming a customer generating system rather than a care system. Those who, like you, really care, won't be able to stay as people are killed or harmed instead of helped. I know how hard it is for you, but I also know you are smart and talented, and maybe it's time to take a chance on a new place and/or a new profession that you love. Even for less money. I so respect you and wish you all the best in the coming year. Don't give in, don't sacrifice your health or values. Don't stay in a job that kills your soul. You will be supported if you set out to give yourself a better situation where you are happy and appreciated. You deserve it. Wish I could stay in touch and cheer you on, but you are in my thoughts, you and all the other people being tried and tested by these difficult times. Don't be afraid to make a big change. You'll be glad you did.
The PCR test is scheduled to retire in 1-2 days. Let's see how the testing goes from there.
If a parent withholds food from a child, they are arrested and the child removed from the parent. If government withholds therapeutics and now monoclonal antibodies from sick citizens, they receive bonuses or retire with $300k plus pensions.
I would venture to guess that CDC's "blunder" on Omicron percentages, really isn't a blunder at all, (not that I trust any of their numbers), but I think they realized if the majority of cases are Omicron, (which the cat already escaped the bag on it's mildness and vax evasion), then it doesn't support the fear and jab agenda so they needed to get back to mostly "Deadly Delta" to justify jabs - it's deliberate.
That's a really good point! My mind went to Delta, but stopped at the question mark.
astute !
Ok, here’s a slightly relevant bonus:
It’s been fun watching our entire family become acutely aware of the nonsensical and manipulative goings on within TV commercials promulgating the use of pharmaceutical drugs as a veritable panacea to all of life’s problems. (Yes, the same industry that since 2002 has paid out somewhere in the vicinity of $20 billion dollars in settlements due to fraud, corruption, making false claims, and HIDING SAFETY DATA). Source:
These commercials are a hoot: There’s Sally and Grandma scaling up a dusty trail with Sargent Scruffy, Grandma’s pet Labradoodle. But alas, Grandma is out of breath and seriously off kilter. She seeks to sturdy herself against the nearest available spruce. Sally is bummed. Grandma feels like doo-doo. The day is shot. Here comes the announcer with words of hope and encouragement: “Plenki is FDA approved and stops asthma in its tracks........” Grandma looks great….sprinting down the trail, leaving Sally and Sargent Scruffy in the dust, hopping through the dandelion fields, flying a kite and scaling pine trees like a possessed chipmunk. We all say - almost in unison - “WAIT FOR IT!”...........The announcer continues: “Don’t use Plenki if you have elbow grease, bad judgment, cold symptoms, pimples or cold sores. Side effects include: dizziness, worsening asthma symptoms, liver disease, thrombosis, anaphylaxis and death….which could be fatal. Try Plenki today.”.....................It never gets old. : )
"thrombosis, anaphylaxis and death….which could be fatal." WHAT??? DEATH IS FATAL??? I didn't know that...I feel so used....
Love that!
I love when they say "people that are allergic to Plenki should not take Plenki... as if it was just something they would know, and if they did then why? But here is a really awesome parody of those commercials
I couldn't quit laughing!!!
"don't use if you have bad judgement" LOLOL
Or they say Plenki can reduce UP TO 50% of asthma attacks. CAN reduce? UP TO 50%? So it may reduce nothing or only 10% and you could die from it...? Give it some serious thought before you sign up for that $3500/month pharmaceutical subscription...
When my mother asked me what was so funny, I tried reading it to her but couldn't get through it from laughing so hard
It's so true! That's why it so darned funny!
I love your commercial! Very true, but also very funny. --- I love it when the real ads have death as a possible side effect. I always ask my husband, "Why would you take it if it could kill you?"
My comment to my husband also. "Who would risk taking this drug?"
"Or maybe … instead of “people” … it was based on what the NFL and Delta Airlines could tolerate. Just saying." DING DING DING !!!!!
"the average length of stay (ALS) for a Covid patient is dropping fast, too. In September 2020, the ALS was about 8 days. That’s been cut in half in the most recent data to only about 4 days, and is still trending down sharply.."
Not so sure about whether that can continue, or will stay low. The problem is that the supply of monoclonal antibodies - if they are the reason AVERAGE hospitalizations have been shortened - has dried up AGAIN. Don't know if it's because they "ran out" or if it's "punishment time' again. But it **could** cause hospitalization rates to rise if people can't get treated without being admitted. Or can't get treated at all.
Editing to add: Oh I see you mentioned that below the paragraph I referenced. Thank you. People need to know that if they get sick with this nonsense, they may find it harder to get treatment (so find some treatment before you get sick, and have a mini-pharmacy on your own premises)."
I read in another substack, I think, that they are going to stop making the antibody treatments starting in January, because they aren't effective against Omicron. In other words, why make them to help some, if we're not going to make as much $$$.
In the old days, like 3 years ago, public health officials would never have tested the population at this level. The reason..You only need a controlled sample of how an actual virus is infecting the population.. We can thank Brix, Fauci and all their friends for turning on this faucet of todays madness.
Yeah, that Malone guy is a real screwball. : ) I kicked Twitter, FB, et al to the curb years ago. Stopped using Google altogether. They plant misinformation and disinformation at the top of their search results and bury - or flat out remove - relevant information that they don't want you to see.
Re: Twitter bans Dr. Malone
Do we really have to take this abuse?
1. Check out Berenson vs Twitter
2. Double standard: Pfizer, JJ, Moderna, "CDC" & FDA can tweet whatever they want on covid & vaccines, however misleading, half true, withholding critical info for informed consent etc.
3. Is Twitter a party to violating the 1947 Nuremberg Code?
And they are getting away with it because or sick, corrupt, twisted, evil government protects them. Congress? What a joke! It’s infuriating. I’m running out of words in the English language to describe them and what they are intentionally doing.
Yep. Our main enemy is not the commie-Dem. The traitors in our own tent do far more damage - RINOs & fake "Libertarians". "Ls" aka LoLibertarians are 1-Way "free trade", open-border, open-immigration, de facto socialist-globalist. Businesswhore RINOs & "Ls" are why we lose & never take back turf even when we're in the majority.
Does anyone have info. on FL colleges and universities that do no require students to be vaccinated and do not discriminate against unvaccinated students? I read this on the UTampa site - "The University will not require vaccination nor proof of vaccination, as per Florida Senate Bill 2006." Our son is applying to college and schools here in MA are not an option. TIA
Here you go. State by state universities requiring jabs! My daughters college search will start with this information!
Keep in mind while a college cannot ask if you are injected with poison…they will in fact sneak in the back door. Florida Southern did it to my son. They implemented a system on how to find out without actually asking the big question. It was shameful. And then they use that info to discriminate by way of “testing” uninjected people, masking and making the uninjected quarantine and participate in contact tracing. 😡 The quarantine did not come with an option for online if you had to miss classes and also came with no refund if you failed because you couldn’t attend classes. 🤦🏼♀️
My son withdrew right before school because he couldn’t allow them to do that to him. We applauded him. And get this…he is half way through his degree by way of Oregon State but refuses to go back their. So he was just sure he’d find a Florida college to finish his degree. Nope. Because Oregon is 4 quarter system and Florida schools are semester systems in order to go to a Florida school he would have to redo most of his first two years! Florida Southern was the only one that accepted at least more of his credits after he hounded them and hounded them via course descriptions and comparisons. So now, after all that. He is doing Oregon State online because as of yet they aren’t forcing online students to inject themselves 🙄 with poison. But if they can I’m sure they’ll find a way to force them too. 🤦🏼♀️
So now he can finish quicker even though he was hoping to show he graduated from a Florida college rather than the shameful Oregon State. Sorry so long.
My advice: ask a lot more questions than just injection questions. 🤷♀️
What was the "back door," the "system" OSU used to get to your son?
Sorry I didn't respond sooner. I just saw your question in my email. Apparently since December my C&C emails have been going to spam.
It was Florida Southern that did it. They had all students submit a card voluntarily verifying their "vaccination status". It was not required. If you submitted a card then you were entered into their "drawing" to win prizes. If you did not submit a card you were ineligible to participate in the awards. Then later, they used the cards to tell students if they did not submit a card they would be required to mask, test, and participate in contact tracing. So the back door was - we don't require you to tell us, but if you don't participate in the rewards program, then we know by default. It was shameful. That was back in August. The Florida legislature has now passed laws about injection status and such, so I'm not sure how that effected the students now. But at the time there was no recourse for my son so he withdrew his enrollment and they promptly kept his $300 application fee even after being confronted with what they were doing.
OMG! Just unbelievable. Thank you for explaining. (Evan spam is in collusion??)
this was kind of depressing lol I found myself looking for the B (boosters) to axe b/c so many colleges are requiring vax!
omg thanks so much!
Thank you!!!
Afaik, DeSantis has banned vax mandates, period, with stiff penalties for noncompliance. So *any* FL school is likely to be safe!
The Democrats couldn’t be setting up an end of the pandemic miracle just in time for the 2022 mid-terms could they? Hail Uncle Joe “Brandon” (and his pals) for ending the pandemic.
Hmmm interesting view. They're slowly shifting the narrative. Home test kits they will not get reported and therefore even bringing the case counts down. Damn you Brandon
I picked up a couple of the Binax test kits my local library was giving out for free, just to see what all the fuss is about. The instructions tell you to be sure and register/report your results to a web site - fat chance. I hope people don't do that or else they'll be in another government database.
Why not actually end the pandemic by encouraging doctors to prescribe ivermectin. Trump didn’t do it, so Biden could use this against him. Yeah you lose your EUA for these shots, but take your money and to fight another day, but they won’t.
So on the unknowable reason that the percentage of Omicron cases went from 73-22%, I have a different take. Who benefits from this change? Omicron is good for those of us who see it as the end of the pandemic. Not so good for business. If Delta is still the reigning virus, good news for the vax peddlers, not so good for you and me. But if they've proven anything it's that they are consummate liars.
I agree, coordinated messaging is always very suspicious.
Tune in next year for more Keeping Up with Kovid. You just never know who will show up at the xiden whitehouse onstage along with dr Fauci.
Episode 1: Another ambiguously gendered YouTube star will be stopping by to give medical advice (I know I always rush out to make a medical decision when a teenager who makes a lot of YouTube videos tells me I should).
Episode 2: Kylie Jenner weighs in on motivating people to make better health decisions (She’s already a billionaire but the government purchased 50 million lip kits, so get in line for your second booster for a chance to win one).
Episode 3: Billie Eilish performs a vaxxit and taxxit ballad about the benefits of following government health advisories (If you don’t take her seriously, you should, one of her middle names is Pirate).
More to come so don’t miss an episode!
Classic! "Episode 1: Another ambiguously gendered YouTube star will be stopping by to give medical advice (I know I always rush out to make a medical decision when a teenager who makes a lot of YouTube videos tells me I should)."
Name change, lol. free subscriber. poor. formerly Dawn. Yesterday I lost my oldest email account permanently due to microsoft "alias" rules. None the less, I'm back. So my overly analytical thoughts on today's C&C narrative are firstly, I hope Robert rocks on the Joe Rogan show and billions see it (and I hope he doesn't have to go into hiding, aka doctor Zev, or something much worse, aka German graphene hydroxide scientist-omg, aka recent upstate NY pathologist-omg, aka some countries presidents-6-omg of 7, over the last 24 months. May God bless and protect them and their families). Can't do nothin' on Twitter's fart checker, typo, Not, opinions. As far as reduced isolations go, I was thinking that "they" may have perfected their transfection, you know, shedding technique with the "unusually high and not found naturally" number of mutations found on the moronic (anagram omicron) variant. So "they" shorten it to 5 days when viral load is high. Just sayin'. At least it's not in the lettuce, that we know of, at this point. With the reduction of 73% to 22% moronic variant, I say that is just to push more boosters, that of course still work on the delta variant to prevent severe illness, hospitalization, and death. Is that still the most up to date definition of vaccine Today? Now the children. Are they recently injected with experimental mRNA gene therapy vaccines? hmm. I will leave that atrocity alone for now. It is just to painful to think about. God bless, help, and heal them and their families too. OK, the hospitals. Perhaps the staff are leaving in droves as they witness first hand what is happening to the population that have been vaccinated and CMS just needs an excuse to cover their ass's. They knew injured children would break medical staff's hearts. And then there's vaccine hesitancy of course. You know the remaining delusional, unclean, conspiracy theory anti-vaxxers. CMS has to take out the hospital staff so no one tell on them. Get rid of and discredit the witnesses. Sorry for the cynicism today guys, but I gotta get this s--t out. This "Manufacturing Of A Mass Psychosis-Can Sanity Return To An Insane World" - Academy of Ideas channel, is getting to me. Love and light to you, EIOUA aka Dawn, lol. I'm going for a walk.
I only read what the CDC has to say so I can have a good laugh. I can’t wait to see what they’re walking back on a daily basis to fit the rhetoric of the day. It’s such nonsense and we are not blind anymore. What makes my skin crawl is when there are victims of their nonsense that could have been helped if certain treatments were accepted as helpful instead of being held hostage for political purposes. We are sitting ducks for an agency and others who have no remorse.
The real reason they cut the quarantine? 2 weeks paid sick leave if you test positive & have to quarantine. Can't have the plebs profiting off their policies...