A Stalinist purge of pro-lockdown media appears to be underway; odd data from Beijing; Biden announces a NEW war on disease, you'll never guess which one; more countries drop mandates; and more...
That last tidbit was exciting news. That a bill is pending that could allow off label prescriptions. I assume this means known covid-killers like ivermectin, hydroxycloroquine, and fluvoxomine could be available to the masses. This should be a top priority. And I wish the politicians running for office in 2022 and 2024 would push open access to all these meds as well.
The US is going to run empty, and Florida is going to sink into the sea. I would say DeSantis for president, but who is going to take the wheel in Florida then ?
I think they might be keeping Biden 10 ft away from everyone for other reasons...and if he did get COVID, I'm sure nobody would ever tell us. Unless Biden needed an excuse to hide from Truckers.
Wow I need to check that. But it dawned on me since he is 80 that it might happen. And it looked like he had dementia. See if his wife is with him. If they are holding hands. Have not seen that in a while.
Like everyone else here, I have come in the three short weeks since I was introduced to C&C to eagerly look forward to each morning’s post. C&C keeps me abreast of current developments as does no other source. Thank you so very much.
And Lord knows I need the optimistic take you bring right now in your read of the currently developing trends that you are reporting.
But I am struggling to embrace the optimism. And here’s why. Though we are seeing these various acknowledgments and changing positions in regard to masks, lockdowns, the leakiness of the vaccines, the superiority of natural immunity, and even in regard to some of the adverse reactions such as heart and clotting issues… what I am not seeing is the needle moving on the big narrative as spun and controlled by Fauci, et. al.
-Vaccinations continue to be touted and embraced as the only solution to this virus
-All opposition or critique is dismissed out of hand and derided as misinformation generated by fringe nutcases no matter how credible and credentialed the scientists, immunologists, epidemiologists, and physicians might be.
-The medical bureaucracy and mainstream media continue in lockstep promoting the government narrative
-The armed services are discharging for misconduct all who refuse the jab
-The effectiveness of the propaganda campaign of the past two years is evidenced by the numbers of people still wearing worse than useless cloth masks and submitting to more jabs
-The pharm companies continue to press for authorization to vax younger and younger children, and are getting the authorizations
-No one with any ability to do anything is expressing alarm over the numbers of deaths and adverse effects being reported by VAERS
You know the Golden Rule. Fauci has the gold and therefor rules the narrative by virtue of the fact that he has hundreds (thousands?) of PIs, research hospitals, research universities, scientists, pharmaceutical companies, etc. feeding at the trough of his vast funding resources and connections.. Their income, livelihood, and prosperity is dependent on his good favor and largess. It’s impossible to overstate his power.
This coupled with the fact that the scenario that has played out in the US and across the globe over the past two years has been developed and scripted over some twenty plus years now by pandemic response role playing and planning exercises involving NIH, CDC, FDA, the US Defense Dept., WHO and government representatives from nations across the globe. The lockstep global response to this virus did not happen spontaneously. It was globally coordinated as a result of strategies adopted at these exercises over the years. I’m inclined to think likely with good intentions on the part of many. But this does not preclude the possibility of a manipulation of the planned response by powerful players with ulterior power grab or money agendas.
So all this is to say there are forces and factors behind all of this that run deep and wide…and with LOTS of money at stake. Lots.
I’m just not confident that this juggernaut can be throttled. There are far too many people who believe to this day that government has their welfare and well-being at heart and that men and women in white coats with a stethoscope around their neck know what they’re doing, and that the media is unbiased and giving them the truth.
On another note. I’m not in a position to need the whole enchilada C&C service you offer, but if there were an open contribution option I would gladly kick in some coin to support C&C.
Agree. I don't think we'll be free from mandate mania (now or future) until the average person understands the real risks of these vaccines. Many of the vaccine injured are still denying the vaccines were at fault.
Please remember it took 20 years before it was acknowledged that cigarettes cause cancer, and many battles must be won before victory is declared in war. One battle at a time
I'm worried too, but I'm hopeful ... the government takes FOREVER to change a policy once it gets going, and then for some reason, they always want to pretend that they are changing things for some other reason entirely that what's really going on. So Fauci won't ever be fired....he'll "retire"....the vaccines will go away .... because we have "better" ones.....it just takes time. The collateral damage is all the people who will never stop being afraid of the wuhan flu.
It is always smoke and mirrors with these puppet masters. While we fret and fume over mask mandates which everyone with a brain know don’t work, our doddering resident in the WH is being led off the podium yesterday by his wife for a brief appearance, clearly having no idea what was going on, both wearing the “new k(kinda)n95 designer” masks. Meanwhile, the FDA is requesting Pfizer submit an EUA vaccine for children under 5 years of age. Pfizer has admitted, (sheepishly), that their tests so far have had dreadful results, but forge ahead. That is what slight of hand and a corrupt government is all about.
That scene was the most pathetic, embarrassing and shameful thing I've seen from Biden yet. America elected this person? Really? And if so, how unbelievably uninformed and asleep were all those voters?
I have to be hopeful because as it appears so many other countries are abandoning this craziness, is the U.S. content to be the "last one in the room" playing this game? Surely not! The narrative seems to suddenly be falling apart...first slowly, and then hopefully the pace will suddenly accelerate. Perhaps the sudden implosion at CNN is a sign of things. Who is next? All the nutjobs pushing this narrative must be removed from office and from their positions of power, and the speed of change could certainly pick up if Dems lose control of the House and Senate in November. They might even ease up sooner than that for fear of losing in the election and in an effort to salvage their positions. From what I hear from former Dems I know, from Hispanics in this state (CA), and a lot of new conservative blacks, the election could be a washout for the Dems this time.
Wise words indeed! I tend to get only small blips of optimism via chargers such as Jeff, but overall the situation remains grim - as you so eloquently explained. I am always looking to find ways to UP my fight against the evil agenda. I will soon have more time for such endeavors “courtesy” of my employer demanding I take the injections or submit to weekly (BS) testing, both of which I refuse to do.
Al X, I am sorry you find yourself in this situation with your job. We all salute you for your commitment to your personal health and liberty. May you be abundantly blessed and recompensed for the sacrifice of this job if it indeed comes to that.
Absolutely true summary post. I’ve come to believe it’s too late to stop this juggernaut. Behind this Covid-19 situation lies the Reset. COVID and it’s convenient “remedy” was just a means of advancing this agenda.
I love this verse! In fact, I adopted it as my signature verse a few years ago. We indeed take courage knowing that He is the arbiter of all these things!
I think what we're witnessing is essentially a repeat of the famous Stanley Milgram Experiments of the 1960s. Most participants in Milgram's experiments - as many as 65% - continued to "electrocute" their fellow participants to the highest level of volts simply because a perceived person in authority (i.e., a "doctor") told them to do so. Thus, obedience to authority appears to be learned social behavior. Most people are very easily shanghaied and manipulated -- especially with sophisticated tools of propaganda (e.g., tel-lie-vision) and other coercive threats (e.g., loss of job). Of course, our so-called institutions of "higher learning" also fail miserably at teaching critical thinking skills. I wish more people could learn to think for themselves and grow some damn backbone. On one hand, they are capable of researching what designer dog or car to buy; yet they unquestionably "trust the science" and voluntarily take an injection simply because some so-called doctor - Fauci et al - or other bumbleheaded idiot tells them to. It's tragic to say the least.
Very well said Dale Smith! I wholeheartedly agree….and yet…I keep thinking that sometime very soon the wheels are going to come off the vaccine bus. The sheer numbers of injuries and deaths dictate that empirical evidence alone - that which people see among their family and friends, will lead to a groundswell of information getting out. In spite of the lies from medical professionals, government stooges (Fauci et. al.) complicit media, etc. The truth WILL come out! I can’t begin to predict what will happen at that point, but maybe there will be enough brave souls to simply soy NO to it, that there will be no choice in the matter. I pray that something will end it soon!
Dale I am with you. Here in CA I am worried sick about my young children's future in school, my oldest is scheduled to start 1st grade next fall. I will homeschool (and am terrified at the thought, since I am not a patient parent) if the shot or masks are required for attendance. I want to scream out my window every afternoon when I see the high school and elementary school students walk down the sidewalks with their masks on. I want to smash my car in a ditch when I hear the ads on the radio promoting the shots as "safe and effective"...
My current solution: I've started sticking posters and stickers on light poles trash cans etc in my neighborhood: "Masks are useless, take them off! Smiles are contagious, share one today" and other simple messages like that. I print the stickers from RFK's sticker gallery and put them around the grocery store and the gas station. If I can get just one more person in my community to wake up then I feel like I am making a difference.
Also have started donating to campaign funds all over the place for those promoting freedom. I write angry letters to dr's that are quoted in AP articles (or where ever) chastising parents for not lining up to get their kids in on the experiment. I always tell them they belong in jail for their criminal behavior. I hope they may lose a wink of sleep hearing from an angry concerned parent.
Most of the time I feel hopeless and depressed at the state of affairs. Communities like this and posts from Jeff and others like him ALWAYS make me feel a little better knowing that there are more like me out there. I remind myself to be grateful for what I do have and that my situation could be a lot worse like many that are suffering job loss and loss of family relationships.
I guess we just keep trying to fight as best we can with the help and advice of Jeff and others....and keep our fingers crossed!
Kasha, you’re a hero and an inspiration to us all! That’s the spirit! You showed me that even though I’m an old, deaf, retired guy there are lots of ways to promote the truth and challenge the error and corruption. Thank you!
Good morning Jeff, I’m sure I’ve said this before but I think it’s important for you to hear that your daily posts are the highlight of my morning. So much good information delivered with humor and sarcasm. What more could a girl want while drinking her morning cup? Thanks for all your hard work. We appreciate you. 🌵🌵 Cheers from Arizona (another free state)
Timely! I've been on my comment soapbox this morning about the administrations low-hanging fruit plan. I'm so pissed off about it: "Biden Administration restarts cancer moonshot initiative, aims to cut cancer deaths by 50% over 25 years; effort will focus on access and prevention, no new research funding proposed". Hmmm, from what point in time? Where is the benchmark, pre-vax cancer levels or post-vax cancer levels when the number of cases skyrocketed due to forced vaccination of an experimental therapeutic? Thank you as always for this morning information and entertainment.
Good gosh, my brain hadn't even gone there. I was so stuck on the disappearance of our current Covid Vax that I hadn't though some stupid new drug would be invented.
Re: The cut cancer initiative…I’ve believed for years now that if the “powers” would allow it, there would have been a cure for cancer, maybe many different cures. But there’s no money in cures. 😢
There is infinitely more wisdom in seeking out how to take care of yourself through natural means as opposed to being coerced into injecting unknown substances, bereft of long term safety data and proven to have short term toxicity, into your body. Certain pharmaceuticals may have their place, but they reside very low on the totem pole. THIS particular medical intervention is deserving of a swift burial or cremation....along with its creators.
With stats readily available that show the virus is 99% survivable by those under 50 and 97% survivable by those over 50, WHY was a vax even necessary (except to make money for big pharma and stock holders AND to euthanize many)?
The vaccine program has followed the typical attitude these days: take pills for the problem, or in this case, take a "vaccine". No discussion of health improvement through weight loss (or discussion of how many overweight people had worse outcomes with Covid). No discussion of food, vitamins, etc. I just read that people in my particular age group take an average of 12 medications! I take none, and it's not just good luck.
correct...had those two cheap, widely available drugs been allowed to be used early in 2020, when it was known they work, many hundreds of thousands would not have died and the vaccine would not be needed.
Oh... the vaccine would not be needed...I think I just figured it out! It's all about the money for pharma! :-)
Agree on the widely available therapeutics utilized elswhere that are banned here. I suspect the sky high obesity and overweight rates in the US play a large role as well. Of course those of us who advocate the importance of healthy weight, exercise, vitamin D, and diet are considered fringe by msm. It is a shame because an honest conversation about real, modifiable risk factors may have had a positive effect on some choosing positive lifestyle changes. Two years is plenty of time to improve one's metabolic profile but instead we closed gyms and gave out free Krispy Kreme in exhange for a non neutralizing mrna product. Thanks for the post, Jeff. Love your substack and legal insight. Thanks for continuing to fight the good fight and bring hope to us all.
By now, we are the fattest country on earth, I think. And with obesity come a whole host of health issues, all of which require lots of Big Pharma drugs forever. I have decided that they really don't want people to get thin or healthy. It's not profitable. I am 72, and when I was a kid, a teen, and even into my 20's I didn't see any morbidly obese people...ever! None of my elementary and high school classes had fat kids or fat teachers. Now it's all normal, typical, not unusual. People are often pushing for "fat acceptance" so they don't have to do anything about their weight.
Please remember, back then people cooked and ate real food, because not all women worked outside the home. Now, many women have to work, or want to work. They come home late, tired, they fix processed foods, or they bring home fast food, some women work late or nights, and their kids have to cook or fend for themselves. Processed food is full of crap, usually high in calories, fats, and sugars. Leading to being overweight or obese.
Finally, people should be accepted as they are, short, tall, fat, thin, black, red, brown, yellow, white.
They're not all fat, "so they don't have to do anything about their weight." You don't know their circumstances, but you think you're better than they are because they're fat.
We should be able to have honest conversations about obesity being a risk factor for worse outcomes with covid and worse health in general. I believe that is a factor that effects the covid outcomes in the US versus other countries with lower rates of obesity. We should be able to talk about that.
I agree. The whole "fat acceptance" movement deters discussion of the problem. And people don't realize it wasn't always like this. But I'm seeing overweight people having terrible health problems caused directly by their weight. And their doctors aren't helping them as far as I can see.
Maybe, yes I am. Anyone can prepare decent food rather than eating junk, despite working and caring for children. I've always worked, and I've always cooked food rather than buying crap. It's what you choose to stuff down your gullet, ultimately.
Couldn't agree more. It's such a difference looking back at old photos and how trim practically everyone was. We have certainly fallen a long way from that.
Re: comparing death rates by country, did any other country in the world PAY hospitals "bonuses" for COVID cases/treatments/deaths? All those other countries have some form of "nationalized" health-case, am I right? -- so fewer incentives to inflate the numbers....
"Politico reported that Wyoming Representative Liz Cheney, who voted to impeach Trump and has been ejected from the state Republican Party, has raised $2 million"
No doubt - NONE whatsoever - from the DNC and related Democrat deep pockets, and NOT from Wyoming constituents.
Liz Cheney has received generous donations from none other than “W” Bush. It isn’t about raising the Dems, it’s about out raising any Republican challenger who might primary her out. Wyoming is a red state, that is why these pseudo Conservatives have infiltrated these seemingly negligible states.
I’m concerned that the Cheney team will seed the “challenger” ticket with a half dozen cohorts to dilute the opposition.
I’ve noticed here that an unpopular incumbent can prevent a successful primary challenge by making sure there’s a dozen of them. Then they can win the primary with 25% because all the challengers s split the rest into tiny slivers.
And the Conservatives love Tulsi Gabbard. She’s on Fox prime time almost nightly, but beware, she is a globalist, who will never change her party affiliation.
The Commies are notorious for eliminating their own "useful idiots" who'll not likely have the 'berries" for the next phase of dictatorship. Beware the lull before the market crash.
It's a shame they want 600 bucks for 60 pills. At least you could get your hands on ivermectin in a day or so.
Or order from India (3 weeks to deliver). safegenericpharmacy.com I got 100 tablets (12mg each) for $80 +$30 delivery.
Or the paste, right from Amazon. Basically a 200 pound person would use a fingernail length of paste (squirt it on a cracker). 20 bucks a tube. Still available! Or go to tractor supply.
$20 a tube? That's some serious inflation. I don't remember exactly what I paid a year ago, but I'm pretty sure under $5 a tube when I bought a six-pack.
Or, if you don't like the idea of there possibly being impurities because it's animal grade, Frontline doctors suggest ordering the injectable version, which is completely pure. Just squirt it onto some mashed banana or applesauce. Also available on the site above at very reasonable price. 1 ml = 10 mg ivermectin.
Not for me. I use a lot of it for livestock and already had it on hand and know it. I don't use the paste stuff, they sell a pure liquid that is injectable. We don't inject for anything other than cattle. Everything else gets it orally, except for collie dogs. They are allergic to it.
I grabbed a cup of coffee this morning. Opened my C&C email and I couldn’t drink my coffee because the smile on my face was so big and of course I kept laughing out loud. 😂 As soon as I got to the Lizard Cheney part I was able to sip 🤤 My immediate thought about her raising $2M was, nope. Not from Wyoming people! That money was slithered in by soros funding, dnc, and probably the bush regime. I doubt one penny came from any solid, Patriot, America loving Wyoming citizens. I have way too much respect for the people of Wyoming to stop using common sense, and think they would throw her anywhere other than into the pile of horse shit out behind the barn. Go Wyoming!! 🇺🇸
PS - I LOVE reading through everyone’s comments. I love the different perspectives. I love the back and forth. You make it hard for me to get anything done throughout the day 😂
Just donated to Hageman. Covid has turned me into a political donation fiend! I had NEVER donated to a campaign before in my life. I've always voted, but never put my money where my vote was.
That last tidbit was exciting news. That a bill is pending that could allow off label prescriptions. I assume this means known covid-killers like ivermectin, hydroxycloroquine, and fluvoxomine could be available to the masses. This should be a top priority. And I wish the politicians running for office in 2022 and 2024 would push open access to all these meds as well.
Here in Ontario, fluvoxomine is actually officially recognized as hospitalization prevention as of 2 months ago.
Is this SB 1184 / HB 687? I believe this one protects doctors’ rights to free speech as well.
Don't hold your breath.
The US is going to run empty, and Florida is going to sink into the sea. I would say DeSantis for president, but who is going to take the wheel in Florida then ?
I think they might be keeping Biden 10 ft away from everyone for other reasons...and if he did get COVID, I'm sure nobody would ever tell us. Unless Biden needed an excuse to hide from Truckers.
or died from it ? they might hire a look alike. No one would even notice.
I think that ship has sailed. I think he is a double. Different ears and his chin is different. Look at older photos against the current.
Wow I need to check that. But it dawned on me since he is 80 that it might happen. And it looked like he had dementia. See if his wife is with him. If they are holding hands. Have not seen that in a while.
Poor bowel control
Like everyone else here, I have come in the three short weeks since I was introduced to C&C to eagerly look forward to each morning’s post. C&C keeps me abreast of current developments as does no other source. Thank you so very much.
And Lord knows I need the optimistic take you bring right now in your read of the currently developing trends that you are reporting.
But I am struggling to embrace the optimism. And here’s why. Though we are seeing these various acknowledgments and changing positions in regard to masks, lockdowns, the leakiness of the vaccines, the superiority of natural immunity, and even in regard to some of the adverse reactions such as heart and clotting issues… what I am not seeing is the needle moving on the big narrative as spun and controlled by Fauci, et. al.
-Vaccinations continue to be touted and embraced as the only solution to this virus
-All opposition or critique is dismissed out of hand and derided as misinformation generated by fringe nutcases no matter how credible and credentialed the scientists, immunologists, epidemiologists, and physicians might be.
-The medical bureaucracy and mainstream media continue in lockstep promoting the government narrative
-The armed services are discharging for misconduct all who refuse the jab
-The effectiveness of the propaganda campaign of the past two years is evidenced by the numbers of people still wearing worse than useless cloth masks and submitting to more jabs
-The pharm companies continue to press for authorization to vax younger and younger children, and are getting the authorizations
-No one with any ability to do anything is expressing alarm over the numbers of deaths and adverse effects being reported by VAERS
You know the Golden Rule. Fauci has the gold and therefor rules the narrative by virtue of the fact that he has hundreds (thousands?) of PIs, research hospitals, research universities, scientists, pharmaceutical companies, etc. feeding at the trough of his vast funding resources and connections.. Their income, livelihood, and prosperity is dependent on his good favor and largess. It’s impossible to overstate his power.
This coupled with the fact that the scenario that has played out in the US and across the globe over the past two years has been developed and scripted over some twenty plus years now by pandemic response role playing and planning exercises involving NIH, CDC, FDA, the US Defense Dept., WHO and government representatives from nations across the globe. The lockstep global response to this virus did not happen spontaneously. It was globally coordinated as a result of strategies adopted at these exercises over the years. I’m inclined to think likely with good intentions on the part of many. But this does not preclude the possibility of a manipulation of the planned response by powerful players with ulterior power grab or money agendas.
So all this is to say there are forces and factors behind all of this that run deep and wide…and with LOTS of money at stake. Lots.
I’m just not confident that this juggernaut can be throttled. There are far too many people who believe to this day that government has their welfare and well-being at heart and that men and women in white coats with a stethoscope around their neck know what they’re doing, and that the media is unbiased and giving them the truth.
On another note. I’m not in a position to need the whole enchilada C&C service you offer, but if there were an open contribution option I would gladly kick in some coin to support C&C.
Agree. I don't think we'll be free from mandate mania (now or future) until the average person understands the real risks of these vaccines. Many of the vaccine injured are still denying the vaccines were at fault.
The expose reports that the deaths from the jabs are way higher than reported and that many are dying from jab caused illnesses
Please remember it took 20 years before it was acknowledged that cigarettes cause cancer, and many battles must be won before victory is declared in war. One battle at a time
But we don't have 20 years...look what the left has accomplished in just TWO years! This needs to end now.
Agree & understood! Unfortunately our courts tend to be slow & we are fighting a war against a worldwide giant
We can't count on the courts .. it's past time to be on our knees.
Agree 100%. We need to use all resources. God is definitely busy. I look at all of the eyes that have been opened. Lemonade made from lemons for sure!
No sugar added
My 83 year old father scoffs at the cigarette cancer admission. He said “even as little kids we called them Cancer Sticks.”
I'm worried too, but I'm hopeful ... the government takes FOREVER to change a policy once it gets going, and then for some reason, they always want to pretend that they are changing things for some other reason entirely that what's really going on. So Fauci won't ever be fired....he'll "retire"....the vaccines will go away .... because we have "better" ones.....it just takes time. The collateral damage is all the people who will never stop being afraid of the wuhan flu.
It is always smoke and mirrors with these puppet masters. While we fret and fume over mask mandates which everyone with a brain know don’t work, our doddering resident in the WH is being led off the podium yesterday by his wife for a brief appearance, clearly having no idea what was going on, both wearing the “new k(kinda)n95 designer” masks. Meanwhile, the FDA is requesting Pfizer submit an EUA vaccine for children under 5 years of age. Pfizer has admitted, (sheepishly), that their tests so far have had dreadful results, but forge ahead. That is what slight of hand and a corrupt government is all about.
That scene was the most pathetic, embarrassing and shameful thing I've seen from Biden yet. America elected this person? Really? And if so, how unbelievably uninformed and asleep were all those voters?
There is supposed to be a documentary/movie coming out with documentation of vote fraud. It's called "2000 Mules."
I have to be hopeful because as it appears so many other countries are abandoning this craziness, is the U.S. content to be the "last one in the room" playing this game? Surely not! The narrative seems to suddenly be falling apart...first slowly, and then hopefully the pace will suddenly accelerate. Perhaps the sudden implosion at CNN is a sign of things. Who is next? All the nutjobs pushing this narrative must be removed from office and from their positions of power, and the speed of change could certainly pick up if Dems lose control of the House and Senate in November. They might even ease up sooner than that for fear of losing in the election and in an effort to salvage their positions. From what I hear from former Dems I know, from Hispanics in this state (CA), and a lot of new conservative blacks, the election could be a washout for the Dems this time.
Wise words indeed! I tend to get only small blips of optimism via chargers such as Jeff, but overall the situation remains grim - as you so eloquently explained. I am always looking to find ways to UP my fight against the evil agenda. I will soon have more time for such endeavors “courtesy” of my employer demanding I take the injections or submit to weekly (BS) testing, both of which I refuse to do.
Al X, I am sorry you find yourself in this situation with your job. We all salute you for your commitment to your personal health and liberty. May you be abundantly blessed and recompensed for the sacrifice of this job if it indeed comes to that.
Absolutely true summary post. I’ve come to believe it’s too late to stop this juggernaut. Behind this Covid-19 situation lies the Reset. COVID and it’s convenient “remedy” was just a means of advancing this agenda.
"I have told you this so that you might have peace in me. In the world you will have trouble, but take courage, I have conquered the world."
–John 16:33
So true. Our only hope in this world and the next.
I love this verse! In fact, I adopted it as my signature verse a few years ago. We indeed take courage knowing that He is the arbiter of all these things!
I think what we're witnessing is essentially a repeat of the famous Stanley Milgram Experiments of the 1960s. Most participants in Milgram's experiments - as many as 65% - continued to "electrocute" their fellow participants to the highest level of volts simply because a perceived person in authority (i.e., a "doctor") told them to do so. Thus, obedience to authority appears to be learned social behavior. Most people are very easily shanghaied and manipulated -- especially with sophisticated tools of propaganda (e.g., tel-lie-vision) and other coercive threats (e.g., loss of job). Of course, our so-called institutions of "higher learning" also fail miserably at teaching critical thinking skills. I wish more people could learn to think for themselves and grow some damn backbone. On one hand, they are capable of researching what designer dog or car to buy; yet they unquestionably "trust the science" and voluntarily take an injection simply because some so-called doctor - Fauci et al - or other bumbleheaded idiot tells them to. It's tragic to say the least.
Eggzaktly, Mary Kate!
Very well said Dale Smith! I wholeheartedly agree….and yet…I keep thinking that sometime very soon the wheels are going to come off the vaccine bus. The sheer numbers of injuries and deaths dictate that empirical evidence alone - that which people see among their family and friends, will lead to a groundswell of information getting out. In spite of the lies from medical professionals, government stooges (Fauci et. al.) complicit media, etc. The truth WILL come out! I can’t begin to predict what will happen at that point, but maybe there will be enough brave souls to simply soy NO to it, that there will be no choice in the matter. I pray that something will end it soon!
Fauci has to go. He can't live forever. Judgment awaits him.
“Hope springs eternal!”
Dale I am with you. Here in CA I am worried sick about my young children's future in school, my oldest is scheduled to start 1st grade next fall. I will homeschool (and am terrified at the thought, since I am not a patient parent) if the shot or masks are required for attendance. I want to scream out my window every afternoon when I see the high school and elementary school students walk down the sidewalks with their masks on. I want to smash my car in a ditch when I hear the ads on the radio promoting the shots as "safe and effective"...
My current solution: I've started sticking posters and stickers on light poles trash cans etc in my neighborhood: "Masks are useless, take them off! Smiles are contagious, share one today" and other simple messages like that. I print the stickers from RFK's sticker gallery and put them around the grocery store and the gas station. If I can get just one more person in my community to wake up then I feel like I am making a difference.
Also have started donating to campaign funds all over the place for those promoting freedom. I write angry letters to dr's that are quoted in AP articles (or where ever) chastising parents for not lining up to get their kids in on the experiment. I always tell them they belong in jail for their criminal behavior. I hope they may lose a wink of sleep hearing from an angry concerned parent.
Most of the time I feel hopeless and depressed at the state of affairs. Communities like this and posts from Jeff and others like him ALWAYS make me feel a little better knowing that there are more like me out there. I remind myself to be grateful for what I do have and that my situation could be a lot worse like many that are suffering job loss and loss of family relationships.
I guess we just keep trying to fight as best we can with the help and advice of Jeff and others....and keep our fingers crossed!
Kasha you are fighting a good fight! Keep it up, you’re more powerful than you know!
Kasha, you’re a hero and an inspiration to us all! That’s the spirit! You showed me that even though I’m an old, deaf, retired guy there are lots of ways to promote the truth and challenge the error and corruption. Thank you!
There is a one time option as well.
You forgot the part that they're still pushing for the digital ID connected to your health, bank, income, social ratings, etc.
Good morning Jeff, I’m sure I’ve said this before but I think it’s important for you to hear that your daily posts are the highlight of my morning. So much good information delivered with humor and sarcasm. What more could a girl want while drinking her morning cup? Thanks for all your hard work. We appreciate you. 🌵🌵 Cheers from Arizona (another free state)
Amen, Cindy!! Totally agree!
Same here!
I, too, am from Arizona, and love starting my day with Coffee and Covid!
Living in the not free state of New Mexico, makes coffee and covid even more valuable! We have hope because of Jeff's reports! Thanks again!
If you ever need to escape for a few days I'm only 5-6 hours drive! :-)
I agree I actually had a little twinge of sadness thinking when these shenanigans are all finished there’ll be no more C&C
Ohhhhh, never tho,t of that aspect! Not good!
Timely! I've been on my comment soapbox this morning about the administrations low-hanging fruit plan. I'm so pissed off about it: "Biden Administration restarts cancer moonshot initiative, aims to cut cancer deaths by 50% over 25 years; effort will focus on access and prevention, no new research funding proposed". Hmmm, from what point in time? Where is the benchmark, pre-vax cancer levels or post-vax cancer levels when the number of cases skyrocketed due to forced vaccination of an experimental therapeutic? Thank you as always for this morning information and entertainment.
"low-hanging fruit plan" 😂
And the "Wow, look at the next bright, shiny object!" plan.
Hey everybody....look over THERE!
I strongly suspect that "healing" cancer will have something to do with Big Pharma "vaccines"!
Good gosh, my brain hadn't even gone there. I was so stuck on the disappearance of our current Covid Vax that I hadn't though some stupid new drug would be invented.
BUILD BACK BETTER - Gene Editing with Vaccines is another way Technocrats can use CRISPR/Cas9 technology to "BUILD BACK BETTER" (Transhumanism) -- https://groups.google.com/g/town-square-news/c/AsIvgyRYVlg
Many years ago I heard or read some things about mRNA techniques as a possible "cure" for cancer. Obviously it didn't go anywhere.
The cancer comment is a Red Herring.
I'll definitely agree with that.
For sure!
BUILD BACK BETTER - Gene Editing with Vaccines is another way Technocrats can use CRISPR/Cas9 technology to "BUILD BACK BETTER" (Transhumanism) -- https://groups.google.com/g/town-square-news/c/AsIvgyRYVlg
Re: The cut cancer initiative…I’ve believed for years now that if the “powers” would allow it, there would have been a cure for cancer, maybe many different cures. But there’s no money in cures. 😢
Yep, absolutely agree with you. And most likely more to do with a particular nutrition than a pill.
Stem and berries!!!! 😂🤣
Yeah, that was a big LOL.
Yes, that was a new one for me!
There is infinitely more wisdom in seeking out how to take care of yourself through natural means as opposed to being coerced into injecting unknown substances, bereft of long term safety data and proven to have short term toxicity, into your body. Certain pharmaceuticals may have their place, but they reside very low on the totem pole. THIS particular medical intervention is deserving of a swift burial or cremation....along with its creators.
With stats readily available that show the virus is 99% survivable by those under 50 and 97% survivable by those over 50, WHY was a vax even necessary (except to make money for big pharma and stock holders AND to euthanize many)?
"Follow the money trail" isn't just a pithy saying.... there's meat on them there bones. : )
The vaccine program has followed the typical attitude these days: take pills for the problem, or in this case, take a "vaccine". No discussion of health improvement through weight loss (or discussion of how many overweight people had worse outcomes with Covid). No discussion of food, vitamins, etc. I just read that people in my particular age group take an average of 12 medications! I take none, and it's not just good luck.
You already know the answer to why Africa fared better - Ivermectin.
Or the hydoxychlorine, which they all take daily for malaria...
correct...had those two cheap, widely available drugs been allowed to be used early in 2020, when it was known they work, many hundreds of thousands would not have died and the vaccine would not be needed.
Oh... the vaccine would not be needed...I think I just figured it out! It's all about the money for pharma! :-)
Agree on the widely available therapeutics utilized elswhere that are banned here. I suspect the sky high obesity and overweight rates in the US play a large role as well. Of course those of us who advocate the importance of healthy weight, exercise, vitamin D, and diet are considered fringe by msm. It is a shame because an honest conversation about real, modifiable risk factors may have had a positive effect on some choosing positive lifestyle changes. Two years is plenty of time to improve one's metabolic profile but instead we closed gyms and gave out free Krispy Kreme in exhange for a non neutralizing mrna product. Thanks for the post, Jeff. Love your substack and legal insight. Thanks for continuing to fight the good fight and bring hope to us all.
By now, we are the fattest country on earth, I think. And with obesity come a whole host of health issues, all of which require lots of Big Pharma drugs forever. I have decided that they really don't want people to get thin or healthy. It's not profitable. I am 72, and when I was a kid, a teen, and even into my 20's I didn't see any morbidly obese people...ever! None of my elementary and high school classes had fat kids or fat teachers. Now it's all normal, typical, not unusual. People are often pushing for "fat acceptance" so they don't have to do anything about their weight.
Please remember, back then people cooked and ate real food, because not all women worked outside the home. Now, many women have to work, or want to work. They come home late, tired, they fix processed foods, or they bring home fast food, some women work late or nights, and their kids have to cook or fend for themselves. Processed food is full of crap, usually high in calories, fats, and sugars. Leading to being overweight or obese.
Finally, people should be accepted as they are, short, tall, fat, thin, black, red, brown, yellow, white.
They're not all fat, "so they don't have to do anything about their weight." You don't know their circumstances, but you think you're better than they are because they're fat.
You and Marpop are being fat bigots.
We should be able to have honest conversations about obesity being a risk factor for worse outcomes with covid and worse health in general. I believe that is a factor that effects the covid outcomes in the US versus other countries with lower rates of obesity. We should be able to talk about that.
I agree. The whole "fat acceptance" movement deters discussion of the problem. And people don't realize it wasn't always like this. But I'm seeing overweight people having terrible health problems caused directly by their weight. And their doctors aren't helping them as far as I can see.
Maybe, yes I am. Anyone can prepare decent food rather than eating junk, despite working and caring for children. I've always worked, and I've always cooked food rather than buying crap. It's what you choose to stuff down your gullet, ultimately.
Well, at least you admit it.
Couldn't agree more. It's such a difference looking back at old photos and how trim practically everyone was. We have certainly fallen a long way from that.
If they allowed ivermectin et al, that would mean that they would have no need for the jabs. No jabs, no billions in the bank account.
That's pretty basically it!
Re: comparing death rates by country, did any other country in the world PAY hospitals "bonuses" for COVID cases/treatments/deaths? All those other countries have some form of "nationalized" health-case, am I right? -- so fewer incentives to inflate the numbers....
Yep. Pretty telling when the US government looks as evil as China.
The government has become pretty tight with China. Similar playbook?
"Politico reported that Wyoming Representative Liz Cheney, who voted to impeach Trump and has been ejected from the state Republican Party, has raised $2 million"
No doubt - NONE whatsoever - from the DNC and related Democrat deep pockets, and NOT from Wyoming constituents.
Agreed! And that nonchalant link to Hageman was classy! 😏
Liz Cheney has received generous donations from none other than “W” Bush. It isn’t about raising the Dems, it’s about out raising any Republican challenger who might primary her out. Wyoming is a red state, that is why these pseudo Conservatives have infiltrated these seemingly negligible states.
I’m concerned that the Cheney team will seed the “challenger” ticket with a half dozen cohorts to dilute the opposition.
I’ve noticed here that an unpopular incumbent can prevent a successful primary challenge by making sure there’s a dozen of them. Then they can win the primary with 25% because all the challengers s split the rest into tiny slivers.
It's funny how the Democrats just love Liz Cheney (and her father) now. During the Bush era they constantly demonized Cheney.
And the Conservatives love Tulsi Gabbard. She’s on Fox prime time almost nightly, but beware, she is a globalist, who will never change her party affiliation.
I wonder how much time she actually spends in Wyoming?
Yeah, certainly from GOP squishes as well.
We can only hope that Wyoming Republicans are astute and informed enough to vote her out. She needs to change her registration to Democrat.
Biden is proof that even a corpse can be a super-spreader
The Commies are notorious for eliminating their own "useful idiots" who'll not likely have the 'berries" for the next phase of dictatorship. Beware the lull before the market crash.
Yes! Look at this as 'buying the dip'. It's an opportunity to strengthen your own position while they re-posture for their next attack angle.
It's a shame they want 600 bucks for 60 pills. At least you could get your hands on ivermectin in a day or so.
Or order from India (3 weeks to deliver). safegenericpharmacy.com I got 100 tablets (12mg each) for $80 +$30 delivery.
Or the paste, right from Amazon. Basically a 200 pound person would use a fingernail length of paste (squirt it on a cracker). 20 bucks a tube. Still available! Or go to tractor supply.
$20 a tube? That's some serious inflation. I don't remember exactly what I paid a year ago, but I'm pretty sure under $5 a tube when I bought a six-pack.
I got 12 tubes for $36 from Stateline Tack a year ago. Still have 7 tubes left.
It use to be $5.99 at TSC and most online vet supplies, it’s now 7.99 per tube
Ivermectin 50/ 3mg capsules for $29.40. It's the exact same ingredients -- just some cellulose and starch added to the medication to make a pill.
Or, if you don't like the idea of there possibly being impurities because it's animal grade, Frontline doctors suggest ordering the injectable version, which is completely pure. Just squirt it onto some mashed banana or applesauce. Also available on the site above at very reasonable price. 1 ml = 10 mg ivermectin.
WOW nice find! That place seems badass legit. Not a single warning like 'the FDA says you could die and get aids if you eat this'.
And here's a comment from a review...
I buy Ivermectin from HomeLab Veterinary for the following reasons:
The price is good, plus it’s 10% off if you buy 3 and 20% more off if you buy with Bitcoin.
I just squirted it into a glass of pop or grape juice. It completely eliminated the bad taste.
Is it hard to figure out the right dosage?
Not for me. I use a lot of it for livestock and already had it on hand and know it. I don't use the paste stuff, they sell a pure liquid that is injectable. We don't inject for anything other than cattle. Everything else gets it orally, except for collie dogs. They are allergic to it.
It's 1cc per 100 pounds.
I grabbed a cup of coffee this morning. Opened my C&C email and I couldn’t drink my coffee because the smile on my face was so big and of course I kept laughing out loud. 😂 As soon as I got to the Lizard Cheney part I was able to sip 🤤 My immediate thought about her raising $2M was, nope. Not from Wyoming people! That money was slithered in by soros funding, dnc, and probably the bush regime. I doubt one penny came from any solid, Patriot, America loving Wyoming citizens. I have way too much respect for the people of Wyoming to stop using common sense, and think they would throw her anywhere other than into the pile of horse shit out behind the barn. Go Wyoming!! 🇺🇸
PS - I LOVE reading through everyone’s comments. I love the different perspectives. I love the back and forth. You make it hard for me to get anything done throughout the day 😂
We've seen in other places that the big money doesn't always win!
be interesting to see what country wins the gold in athletes dropping dead this Olympics. May be the only reason anyone actually tunes in.
I wonder if this is a way of pulling out of the Beijing Communist games without actually boycotting them which is what should have been done.
Totally agree. We should BOYCOTT the Olympics!
Gasp! Horrible thought!
Just donated to Hageman. Covid has turned me into a political donation fiend! I had NEVER donated to a campaign before in my life. I've always voted, but never put my money where my vote was.