☕️ Coffee & Covid ☙ Thursday, February 3, 2022 ☙ MEDIA PURGE 🦠
A Stalinist purge of pro-lockdown media appears to be underway; odd data from Beijing; Biden announces a NEW war on disease, you'll never guess which one; more countries drop mandates; and more...
Happy Thursday, C&C! Today’s roundup includes a New York Times article challenging Narrative 2.0; a Trotskyite purge of the liberal media appears to be underway; odd data coming out of the Beijing Olympics; Biden announces a new war on disease; more European countries drop mandates; the Czech supremes squash injection passports; Virgina enters the “suing the rebel counties” phase of its mask wars; some great news about election fundraising; and DeSantis endorses doctors.
🔥 OPERATION MULTIPLIER: I got some preliminary feedback on our recent Operation Multiplier effort for Governor DeSantis. My source says we “raised a ton of money.” Great work, team! I will get us some more precise figures and status everyone as soon as the numbers are available.
🖋️ WRITING TEAM: There’s some good progress from the team but we clearly haven’t heard from everyone who signed up. If you haven’t updated your status in the comments for the first assignment, go ahead and do so. I’m planning to release the next assignment soon.
🔥 Problems for the Narrative! The New York Times ran a fiesty article yesterday headlined “U.S. Has Far Higher Covid Death Rate Than Other Wealthy Countries.” Whoops. And with all those great corporate hospitals and CMS mandates and everything. So. Weird.
But, it gets worse. The Times included a chart at the top of the article. The chart has two panels; the first shows the US at the peak with two other first-world countries for cumulative deaths since day one; the second shows the US as the ONLY first-world country above 20 Omicron deaths per 100K, by miles.
Japan is the lowest, with no injection mandates; actually it has an active anti-mandate program.
Now, lest anyone panic, 20 deaths per 100K for Omicron deaths is still one tenth the cumulative death rate of 200 deaths per 100K. But still, you’d think the US would be doing better with all our massive healthcare apparatus, freely prescribed remdesivir, and a giant Covid hospital-industrial complex. But apparently not.
An interesting side comment in the article confirms my Narrative 2.0 hypothesis, noting that “American lawmakers [are] desperate to turn the page on the pandemic, as some European leaders have already begun to[.]” Which lawmakers could the Times be referring to? It doesn’t say. But if it were Republicans, you could be sure that the Times would have pointed that out.
The Times implies that low injection and booster rates are causing the US’ woes. But that doesn’t explain Japan, an inconvenient outlier on their charts.
Nor does the Times try to explain why the US’ death rates were higher than most other first-world countries from the beginning, before injections were available. I’ve mentioned this before, but a friend of mine who is a legit genius told me this in March 2020: “if you want to survive Covid, stay out of the hospital. You’ll know I’m right when third-world countries do better; it’s because they don’t have ready access to hospital care like the first world does.”
Two years later, I still haven’t heard a better explanation for why first-world countries with all their lockdowns and mandates experienced higher Covid mortality rates than Africa.
🔥 Last night, Covid Commander Joe Biden, or somebody who holds his phone, tweeted this:

Seems timely, since lots of doctors are predicting astronomical increases in cancer rates. For some reason.
So … if I’m right, it looks like he’s going to end one medical emergency and fire up another one.
🔥 A lot of weird things are afoot. Yesterday I reported about George Soros speaking at a conservative think-tank advocating for free markets and calling for President Xi to be replaced. Later in the day, media widely reported that CNN’s president Jeff Zucker had abruptly resigned, joining pro-lockdown news fixtures Rachel Maddow and Whoopi Goldberg, who both stepped out this week; CNN’s Don Lemon has also now been targeted with stale accusations that could lead to his departure.
Zucker claimed he was resigning due to — and I am not making this up — an undisclosed consensual romantic relationship with a woman in the office he’d been dating for years that everyone already knew about. He should have just said he wanted to spend more time with his family. It is almost certain Zucker has been forced out for some reason. I’m not the only one who thinks that. Fox News reported that a “CNN insider” called the story “bulls—“, saying “I think it’s absurd he has to leave [because] of it.”
A few months ago, Rachel Maddow assured viewers that injections would shut down the virus: “Now we know that the vaccines work well enough that the virus stops with every vaccinated person… The virus does not infect them…It cannot use a vaccinated person as a host to get more people.” Uh huh.

But this week, Maddow announced she is taking a “hiatus” from her prime-time MSNBC show to work on “other projects,” like making a movie with Ben Stiller. She says she’ll be back “in a few weeks.” Makes sense, right? Omicron surge, war with Russia, elections, State of the Union; sounds like a great time for a prime-time news anchor to take a couple months off. I’m in for a $100 that says she won’t be back.
Also this week, celebrity anchor tenant of the View Whoopi Goldberg was suspended, and is now threatening to quit, after she was suspended for — again, not making this up — saying the Holocaust was “not about race.” She even followed the standard rehab playbook, apologizing on Stephen Colbert’s show and then on the View the next morning. True, it was a dumb thing to say, but we all know that leftwing fixtures like Goldberg say dumb things all the time without consequence.
It has also been widely reported this week that a Florida bartender filed suit against Don Lemon for a 2018 “sexual assault” consisting of what sounds like a drunk Lemon grabbing the poor bartender’s stem and berries, and making a remark that this family blog will omit, but clearly Lemon is gay and when inebriated has some concupiscently aggressive tendencies. And if the allegations are true, he’s not super nice either.
What does that remind us of? Well, it reminds us of how Lemon’s co-anchor Chris Cuomo was taken out just a few weeks ago, doesn’t it? Cuomo was fired from CNN after allegations of sexual misconduct and that he sought information about the women who were coming forward with sexual misconduct allegations against his older brother, ousted Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo. Another one bites the dust.
Taken altogether, this is starting to look a lot like a Soviet-era purge. Zucker is Trotsky, if you like. All the Trotskyites are being targeted and removed. Why? I don’t know. This isn’t a conservative playbook, that’s for sure. It sure is interesting, isn’t it?
Who’s next?
💉 Ruh roh. The AP reported on the Beijing Olympics yesterday in an article headlined, “Virus Infections For Olympic Athletes, Coaches Rising Faster.” Faster than what? Everybody else. The article reports that as they arrive in China, athletes and coaches are testing positive at rates several times higher than other groups; the coaches and athletes have a 2.9% positive rates compared to only 0.66% for staff and media.
The article does not suggest ANY kind of explanation; it just reports the news straight. But I will speculate even if the AP won’t. It seems to me that athletes and coaches are probably the MOST injected and boosted group at the games.
Not a great look.
💉 Democrat Senator Ben Lujàn, 49, suffered a massive stroke late last week and had surgery for it, which included removing a part of his skull to relieve pressure. Fortunately, the surgery was effective and Mr. Lujàn is expected to make a full recovery. It’s so odd and tragic that such a young, healthy man would experience something like this, which is usually seen in the frail elderly. I wonder what could have caused it. Probably we’ll never know.
With Lujàn out for recovery from his surgery, Republicans presently hold a 1-vote majority in the Senate. It’s ironic in some ways that I’m not going to spell out so I don’t get canceled. But you know.
🔥 The censors have, apparently, lifted the embargo on flu comparisons. Story after story compares Covid mortality to flu rates. For example, the UK Telegraph printed a graph yesterday titled “Covid Is Becoming as Lethal as Flu.” That kind of talk used to get you canceled. Now it’s pervasive. Weird.
🔥 Sweden and Switzerland have announced they are joining Norway, Finland, Ireland, Denmark, and the UK in ending all Covid restrictions. It’s spreading.
🔥 The Supreme Court of the Czech Republic struck down vaccine passports for restaurants, clubs, and hotels yesterday, setting a one-week deadline for the government to respond. “Measures cannot aim to indirectly force citizens to be vaccinated,” the judges ruled.
😷🔥 Meanwhile, back in Virginia, where the odious Loudon county school board is defying the governor and not providing parents with a masking opt-out, the state’s first Cuban-American attorney general has joined parents in a lawsuit against the district. Sound familiar? It’s the same thing we went through here in Florida. We had to take eight counties to court to force them to comply with the law. My office obtained two writs of mandamus ordering Duval and Alachua counties to follow the law.
Maybe the Loudon county school board members should call their peers down here and find out how it went. It might save some time.
🔥 According to a Politico analysis of Federal Election Commission data on the latest campaign finance reports, GOP candidates in November’s midterm elections are already outraising Democrats in several key races, with at least 53 Republicans raising more than $500,000 last quarter, compared to only 38 Democratic candidates. You can compare this to the fourth quarter of 2019 — the same point in the last election cycle — when 60 Democrats raised more than $500,000, but only 27 Republicans did.
Politico observed that the GOP’s candidates doing so well in fundraising — Republican candidates were the top-raising candidates in many of the most competitive open seats — is an ominous sign for Democrats trying to hold onto their slender majority. They might want to consider doing something big to try to shift the momentum. But what?
One thing you might want to take note of: Politico reported that Wyoming Representative Liz Cheney, who voted to impeach Trump and has been ejected from the state Republican Party, has raised $2 million — almost five times as much as challenger Harriet Hageman. Hageman’s donation page can be found here: (https://tinyurl.com/yv2a8m2c).
🔥 Check out this wild headline from the Daily Mail UK yesterday: “White House Is Terrified Biden, 79, Will Get Covid Because It Will Show Vaccines Aren’t Fully Effective And Will Be Used Against Him After He Promised To ‘Shut Down The Virus’.”
The article explains that the White House is “taking extraordinary efforts to keep Biden from contracting COVID-19,” such as denying water to anyone except Biden in meetings (so they won’t have to pull their masks down), requiring everyone in his presence to wear N95’s, and keeping Biden more than 10 feet away from everyone else in a room. The Mail explained that “a breakthrough case could erode public confidence in the shots and be used as a political cudgel against a president who was elected to bring an end to the pandemic.”
But can public confidence in the shots possibly be eroded any further?
Biden spoke at the National Governor’s Association dinner at Mount Vernon but did not stay to eat, according to the Mail.
Kooky. But the article also shed some light on Narrative 2.0. The Mail reported that “for months, Biden aides have fretted that the people who are most protected against COVID-19 remain the most cautious, a dynamic they view as a drag on the nation’s economic and psychological recovery.”
🦸♂️ In a press conference yesterday morning, Governor DeSantis said that he supports a bill pending in Florida that would protect a doctor’s right to prescribe off-label medication, when appropriate, without fear of losing their license. So.
Have a terrific Thursday! I’ll meet you back here tomorrow for more Covid fun and games.
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Twitter: @jchilders98
That last tidbit was exciting news. That a bill is pending that could allow off label prescriptions. I assume this means known covid-killers like ivermectin, hydroxycloroquine, and fluvoxomine could be available to the masses. This should be a top priority. And I wish the politicians running for office in 2022 and 2024 would push open access to all these meds as well.
I think they might be keeping Biden 10 ft away from everyone for other reasons...and if he did get COVID, I'm sure nobody would ever tell us. Unless Biden needed an excuse to hide from Truckers.