Jul 14, 2022Β·edited Jul 14, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Special shout out to Mr. Childers and his amazing staff. I called their office last week, stressing out over my son's college vaccine exemption. His assistant offered helpful tips - free of charge - and I was notified yesterday his exemption was approved! Forever grateful - and will become a new subscriber.

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The very fact that these criminal organizations -- "American" companies, colleges, universities, etc. -- demand or expect a written "request" for an exemption -- medical or religious -- violates Title VII. As someone with nearly 20 years in human resources who left her last job where she'd worked for over ten years over the slave rags, I can tell you from direct experience that if I had π‘’π‘£π‘’π‘Ÿ asked someone in follow up to provide evidence of their religious practice or medical circumstances, I would have placed my company in jeopardy of a lawsuit for Title VII violations.

No one requests an exemption; they π’Šπ’π’—π’π’Œπ’† it. The onus falls upon the institution to make reasonable accommodation. The institution must prove "undue hardship". What the scum have done is reduce this standard to the point of uselessness. They can just π’”π’‚π’š it's too hard to accommodate because...science.

Despicable. Glad you got your exemption, but it should have never involved calling a law firm for advice on how to properly beg for your and your son's rights.

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Even more so, have converted to completion, have transitioned from the Jurisdiction of Liberty (thou shall not infringe upon) to the state's civil jurisdiction of Simon Says Jump. This is the inflexion point, the one of no return to the sunshine of years gone by. Everyone is either going to Jump, or the increasing numbers of the many are going to resist. 'They' have removed all Liberty, and like the song says ... 'there's nothing left lose.' (And thanks for the informative comment!)

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that happened to me as a doc at a hospital in North NJ. The valley hosp in Ridgewood NJ imposed a vax mandate before the state did. I requested a medical and rel exemption b/c I had covid in aug 21 and the mandate was for nov 21. SO I had demonstrated immunity with antibodies and T cells. THe hosp said NO to any exmptions on the ground it would be hardship> But they had already been allowing me work there for all of 2021 since the vax rollout started until through the summer will no ill effects to anyone.

It was all politics and ideology and money

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I'm very sorry, MiFly.

Did these HR creeps have the decency to 'splain to you just what would make accommodating you a "hardship"? You who would wear a surgical mask. You who would wear protection like a surgical gown? You who would wash your hands 5,000 times a day. You who would "distance" if a scared patient asked you to. You who had had the illness and recovered. You who could "test" on a regular basis? Did these π’π’π’–π’”π’š 𝒄𝒓𝒆𝒆𝒑𝒔 have the decency to tell you the basis for denying you your fundamental God-given and Constitutionally-protected rights? Or did these π’π’π’–π’”π’š 𝒄𝒓𝒆𝒆𝒑𝒔 just π’”π’‚π’š it was a "hardship"?

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Hearing that makes me cringe. I am retired. I just want you to know, I feel for all of you in health care… and any work field for that matter, that you had to suffer this. It’s horrible that anyone has to apply to anything, or get tested each day, or wear a mask in order to work. We know it’s communism and their global 20/30 Agenda . Stay strong . God is ALWAYS with us.

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Do you wonder about the "hardships" they are now experiencing with all of the vaccinated getting covid and closing down for 1 to 2 weeks? You are right, it is power and greed to the max.

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The illogical acts of designating some businesses and organizations as essential in 2020, before any 'vax'. I was picking up hours in a big box home improvement store while seeking FT job. While many businesses shut down, their employees decided to do lots of home repairs and update projects. The place was swamped with contractors and DIYers. The corp was slow to adopt each recommendation --

limiting number of customers in store (that didn't last long, but the local police checked the store periodically), one-way in and out, plexiglass between customers and cashiers, floors taped for 6ft distancing, etc. And yet, the store was so busy, and my close contact with people was probably similar to being at a parade or carnival.

The novelty of being home wore off gradually and store became less crowded however as I recall, Q2 of 2020 was extremely profitable and Q3 profit was also above the forecast made in 2019.

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The whole thing was a disgusting exercise of gov overreach. these governors with rare exception like desnatis and Noem are craven petty tyrants and syncophants. In NJ where I live the dept of health got a petition from like 100 docs and nurses and scientists and a request for a meeting and public hearing to review the data justifying lockdowns school closures, masks and vax mandates and we were ignored . even now in NJ we are under an exec order to mask up in health care facilities. ITs utterly disgusting none of these groups or people have any credibility left. I went to home depot several time. i installed a transfer panel and portable generator in my home to my circuit breaker and had to get suplies and the place was packed.

I refused to wear my mask.

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Another prime example of how far down the rabbit hole we are. We are wasting valuable time fighting the gaslighting.

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We have been doing that, albeit at a lesser level, for some two decades. Well I recall Rush's lament that every day he got up hoping to work on something new and positive, only to discover that the leftists had launched some new vile attack that put Rush (and we conservatives) on the defensive.

I believe that is part of the progressive strategy: Tie us up like Gulliver with thousands of tiny strands of harassment, regulation, and interference so as to stop all patriotic, conservative forward motion.

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Yes we are

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Thank you! We have spent the last two years asking for permission from the tyrants to have our Constitutional rights rather than just exercising them and forcing their hand. Early in 2020 when they threw out the ADA federal law and there was zero repercussions… I knew we were in a lot more trouble than we realized. The mob disregarded our rights and laws and dared us to do something about it. Unfortunately, we didn’t do anything except comply. A small percentage stood up and some challenged them in court. And they mostly all won from what I’ve seen. All their fear tactics of fines and such…I haven’t heard that anybody actually paid any. But they scared businesses and people into submission. A travesty. And look where we are now. Fighting for due process for prisoners wrongly and criminally imprisoned with bogus charges or no charges brought. An airline industry with a shortage of pilots and workers, a military being depleted silently, healthcare facilities and doctors that are not anything desired by the people any longer because we know we are better off saving ourselves if possible. The list is too long to put in print.

It is DESPICABLE because Americans didn’t have a clue that they have rights that supersede any government. Nobody HAD to comply. Shameful.

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Politely requesting that our civil liberties are returned to us is not the answer.

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Don’t forget how George Floyd was thrown into the mix.

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Communism -captured -America.

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Isn't it fascinating how the Woke ideology-to include CRT-and the Transgender dialog all seem to support one another in some type of psyop-juggernaut. The younger ones who believe that Capitalism is the evil culprit have been indoctrinated in a new form of Bolshevism. History repeats when its lessons aren't learned.

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The state of Washington has accepted both medical and religious exemption letters and forms from their employees and staff but have denied 100% of them. Some valuable employees were transferred into 100% remote positions and are not allowed on state property as an employee, even though many offices close regularly due to covid outbreaks among the vaccinated employees. A non-vaccinated employee has to go as a private citizen, off the clock, if they need to go into an office or onto state property. The Governor just released a decision that all unvaccinated and non-fully booster employees and state contractors will be fired on July 1, 2023.

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Yup. And my closest friends husband is one of those employees who’s exemption was granted because he had a lawyer with him at the time of his β€œinterview” and promptly let go afterward because there was no position for him….afterwards πŸ™„. So he took a remote job with less pay (out of necessity only) and is not allowed on govt property πŸ™„

It has been shameful to watch what is happening in AMERICA! It’s infuriating that they are getting away with this. And if one more person says it’s Washington citizens fault for electing these tyrants I’ll probably scream. My friend DID NOT vote for even one of these evil doers. Not one! And neither did the majority of Washington! The PNW was ground zero for the past four decades to get the cheat dialed in with mail in fraud ballots IMO. Speaking as a 40 year resident Oregonian who has since fled.

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Fled? To FL maybe? :) That's what we did.

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Yup πŸ˜‰. We’re in Central Florida. Where r u?

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Ah! Wonderful! We're in the Panhandle. So, so happy. We left the NE having been born and raised there. Simply intolerable.

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I have a friend in hospital with a blood infection and will need heart surgery in upcoming months. He's been in the hospital for two weeks and wants to go home. The hospital won't release him unless he has a nurse--and yet the hospital(Johns Hopkins) cannot provide a nurse to check in on him daily. The reason? Because so many nurses and doctors have quit due to CV-experimental injection protocols and mandates. This is what we're facing: nurse and doctor shortages due to the medical tyranny of Pharma-influenced Hospital administrations.

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Exactly! And the cancelled flights on airlines is NOT a glitch. They are covering up everything they did with lies and more lies.

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In truth--the global reset is underway and the infighting has to do with who is going to manage the next banking paradigm. Just say NO to RFID chips! Use cash often. And boycott every major corporation. Support local. Economies of scale is the solution. pax

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They shall reap what they've sown, Debra. They're already starting to.

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Yes, all the rules went out of the window for covid. Big Dow company made its employees answer questions to defend their religious objections to vax (some of the questions were combative). Were people/companies that scared? Of the virus or fed gov ?

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"American" corporate "leadership" has shown itself for what it is. They cooperated with a crime, aiding and abetting the criminal scum running the "operation".

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You are, of course, right in what you say. And the bigger the outfit, the more connected they tend to be. However, it's a complex thing, with many levels. Some, especially the biggest corporations are 'in on it' to large degree, if not completely. These would be they kind of corporations sending delegates to the WEF and other NWO front groups and organizations. Others are merely delusional, have drunk the Kool Aid from years of media and schooling propagandizing. These would be victims, the useful idiots and so on. Fear to the point of causing insensible irrationality is the enemy's chief weapon. 'They' continually terrorize us and terror is always an exercise in fear.

I really like and admire C & C. So smart how this leadership goes about things ... and mostly attacking the perps ... and in a so very intelligent a way, always persuading at the margin. Eventually, the Diabolic Cretins and Dear Leaders of the world can't hide what they are doing to us, because how does one hide a 40% of mortality in the vaxed. How does one hide all those high profile celebrities and sport figures toppling over? The major question, however, is how much pain, oppression, outright tyranny will we all have to endure before sanity is returned unto ys? And remember, the Evil has invaded every aspect, quarter of life. And it truly was a March through the Institutions over many decades. Things will never be the same again ... and this thing is and will continue to test us as we have never been tested before.

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First, the vast majority of people (some 90 plus percent) were scared out of their wits ... that the Federal power or their State government would utterly destroy their lives, remove them of their means of livelihood if they did not jump when Simon Says jump through this or that hoop! And it must be admitted that this fear is rationally based in that the Federal power and many, many states have demonstrated their utter and unreserved willingness to coerce and terrorize their 'subject-citizens' into an abject total submission to this or that edict, mandate, law and/or invented right.

As to the virus, the majority of people were catapulted into an absolute 'oh my God I am going to die' state of mind by all of the media induced fear porn grounded in a fraudulent misrepresentation of the 'virus' by false data, dubious testing, false attribution mortality, all manner of falsely twisted and distorted studies and so on. Remember! It was all along a real Fauci-like Clown Circus scripted from on high and pushed by the Fake Media. They 'flooded the zone' so to speak with an overwhelming tidal wave of misinformation, disinformation. And the masses swallowed it hook, line and sinker.

In that 99.6% of people recovered from whatever they got, the biggest lie of all was the lie of the Pandemic. A 99.6% recovery rate by applied logic combined with a proper application words by definition cannot possibly add up to a 'Pandemic.' However, it appears that people living in the contemporary upside down inverted world would rather go about seeing purple skinned phantoms at every twist and turn than buckle down to the serious hard business of ferreting out truth from lies. As to the fear and panic which ensued, it may be said that in fear reason takes flight. And absent reason, we of our senses.

Thanks for your comment!

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Daverkb, your point about the evil that the "governments" represent is well taken. That cohort of scum and their uniformed, taxpayer-paid enforcers do have that kind of (illegitimate) power, and as we have seen, they enjoy exercising it.

That said, all the fear porn in the world should have no impact at all on a courageous people. That's what all the other marketing tells us -- that we're in the "home of the brave". Thus, what the majority revealed about itself? Beyond redemption, IMO, given the carnage that has ensued. The majority cooperated with a crime -- and they're too self-absorbed and/or dumb to even know it.

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Well, I have to confess. I still have moments when an irrational fear seeps in and threatens to upset the apple cart. Sure thing! But one then has to find his or her way to backing away from it. Or else be consumed. And not always so easy.

Here an item from the Bible which almost every one remembers, that "Before the cock crows, thou shalt deny me thrice." So Peter, a disciple faltered. Why? Because of fear! And I figure if fear can cripple Peter, that's probably the most of us.

My wife and I have relatives and they are all vaxed up. We passed on to them information, good information ... but the hold of the government/media complex over minds is overwhelming. Sometimes, one can almost imagine people having TV cables plugged into their heads! As it was, we did our best ... and all I can further say is that there are going to be a huge number of very angry pissed off people once these people catch on to the Grand Deception. If there is one thing people really loath, it's being lied to and made a fool. I can't wait to see it happen, how it will progress, what forms the unraveling will take. And already we see it happening as the BRIC countries head for the exits, decoupling from dollar tyranny ... and with the Woke Demonic West becoming more isolated by the day. They Walk-Away grows by the day.

Thanks for the time in writing. And God Bless!

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The Institutions have been infiltrated with Woke liberalism and ultra left dogma. The minions merely toe the line for the status quo. It's lockstep.

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Agree. EVERYONE should be exempted, period, just for being human.

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if the shot actually prevented infection spread and transmission, and had a better safety profile more people would voluntarily take it

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@SheThinksLiberty. Thank you for this. First time I have heard it stated this way from HR. Tucking it away for future reference. πŸ™

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You're welcome! This topic makes my head explode as you can probably tell.

Early in my career as a hiring manager and later as a recruiter and then a manager of recruiters, I got training on lots of things related to the ADA, Fair Employment, illegal interview questions, etc. Here's one--"Do you have a car?" Illegal/discriminatory? Yes, it could be. Unless a personal vehicle is a bona fide job requirement, asking someone if they have a car could be construed as discriminatory. The "safest" way to ask this question to get at the candidate's ability to show up?? "Do you have reliable transportation?" That reliable transportation could be getting a ride from your mother or riding your bike. It is not the business of the recruiter or hiring manager π’‰π’π’˜ a person shows up for work as long as they do.

Now? Now we're in an environment where HR thinks it can ask personal questions related to a person invoking their right to a religious accommodation?? Making them "prove" it? I can hardly stand it. I worked for nearly 40 years with just under 20 in recruiting and I could not be more ashamed of that profession as I hear about the egregious violations of personal dignity, privacy, individual rights, and the personal medical and religious information of employees and candidates. 𝑨𝒏 𝒂𝒃𝒔𝒐𝒍𝒖𝒕𝒆 π’…π’Šπ’”π’ˆπ’“π’‚π’„π’†.

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Thank you for confirming (from a professional in the HR field) what many of us knew and have been sickened by. You are correct. It is an absolute disgrace. If I think about it too much I want to cry.

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You're welcome. I understand. I left my job. I simply would not/could not comply -- and this was before "Americans" started ordering their fellow Americans to undergo another medical intervention (first the masks) as a condition of employment. I knew that was where things were going and I would have no part of it.

I had a conversation recently with someone I worked with years ago about a role working for her as a contract recruiter. This woman and I had had a very good working relationship. She knows what I can do and she knows I'm reliable...The company where she now works is a federal contractor, so they "have" to be "vaccinated". And recruiters must tell candidates that being "vaccinated" or getting "vaccinated" against "COV!D 19" is a condition of employment.

Among other things I said to her was that we both know this is illegal. It is also immoral and unethical and I refuse to do it. She wanted me to think about it (Good money...) and she'd "ping" me the following week to check in.

Guess who never "pinged" me.

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I’d be honored to shake your hand some day! πŸ’ͺ🏻

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glad to hear this! that's awesome! I am going thru my son's college list and asking if they're requiring vax for incoming students this fall (he'll be attending the year after this) and if the answer is yes, they are off the list! by that requirement, they've told me enough already - even if it's the state's fault. down the road I want my kid in a sane college in a sane state.

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This resistance and vehement refusal to comply to the tyranny is the ONLY way we will stop this insanity. It’s always about the money. Deny the money and things will change. God bless you!πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

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I wouldn't mark them off the list. We were just approved by probably one of the toughest schools out there (top ten and apparently ground zero for all the Covid "data" being put out there). If we could pull it off there... I think it is very doable everywhere else. Just write an air tight letter.

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that's great! I guess I worry that the NEXT op will be a whole new set of rules ... plus my son is looking at public universities only so they might not be as flexible as private ones? unless you're talking about a UC or U Mich or something, I do think private colleges have more flexibility? Did you see New Jersey is passing a law mandating that ALL colleges in the state (including private) have to follow their health directives?!!? that's what scares me. there are enough great unis in sane states. PLUS likely he will continue to live in that state after graduation for at least a little while. So sanity is a good goal.

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Here is a link from the organization β€œNo College Mandates” … the link contains every state college and university with their current mandates rules: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11BrDadiUGN-vQBe7Jolcb_-aWhLT7S2AkWOkSX49M40/edit#gid=1883815625

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I have been looking for something like this list unsuccessfully up until now. Thank you!

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They're missing a few for Florida. Gulf Coast University and Florida Southwestern State College in Ft. Myers and Santa Fe College in Gainesville.

I know for sure there's no jab mandate for Santa Fe since I'm attending now.

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Amazing resource-- thanks a million!

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thank you!

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Thank you Maureen, Flagler College in St. Augustine - no mandates.

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Jul 14, 2022Β·edited Jul 14, 2022

My son went to a small college in an area of Pennsylvania that is not populated by vaxx idiots. Even at the height of the shutdown, he and his friends were out partying and doing what they wanted. Told everyone to F-off! The college couldn't afford to enforce and the community at large didn't care.

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was it Grove city by any chance

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No. Wilkes-Barre

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You are right to be scared. It is real. And the bowing is unbelievable. But the person who said money is right. Its the only way. I work for a CC district who has been mandating it. BUT 2 yrs later, after major decline in students, is finally considering dropping it.

NOTE awfully convenient the gov has no more money for it anymore and the school I’m guessing is not getting kickbacks anymore.

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As long as we have Title IV of the Civil Rights Act, I think we are safe. I hope so, anyway.

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Maybe not! Civil Rights are not Unalienable Rights. Civil Rights (a state grant/permission) Law transports the people out of Liberty into the civil state. And back in the day, John Adams uttered the same complaint before the Massachusetts high court, that King Geo. III was transporting the Colonists out of Liberty into Admiralty (courts). The Declaration of Independence also rejects this kind of bait and switch. How do we know? Because there is all that talk about 'unalienable rights' and Creator (God) in the Declaration, the purpose of which was to establish standing and jurisdiction with regard to the argumentation being put forth in the Declaration. Basically, the writers of the Declaration were saying that God's creation creates a separate jurisdiction upon which the civil state cannot enter and violate. This is the Creator/creature distinction and that same distinction even applies to patent law. That is one has to make, invent something which then cannot be violated or infringed upon. One cannot simply dash about appropriating everything in sight willy-nilly. Ditto for the Rights of Liberty ... and same the 'thou shall not infringe upon' language applies. In short, God's act of creation make God the Sovereign (the patent holder of his creation in perpetuity ... and the civil state cannot violate God's Law (patent) and His grants (rights, permissions, privileges) to His people. Not infringing is a jurisdictional concept. 'Not infringing' means 'cannot enter into, transgress, infringe upon).

Hence, we need American constitutional restoration ... and a whole lot of USC Title snipping.

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Amen...keep saying it plz

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This is incredible news! What do you mean by airtight letter, for vaccine exemption? In general guidelines that can be shared would be wonderful!

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I could not agree more.

You’re doing the right thing. ❀️

We are in New England and had to pick a college during lockdown.

My daughter ended up at the university of Florida …and although the blue county is bat shxx crazy… the school has totally left her alone. There is ZERO pressure to vax.

The college transition is stressful enough … without adding that pressure to these kids. My daughter says now… being in Florida was such a blessing as she watched her friends in New England β€˜liberal’ schools really struggle.

We’re about to make a college list for my second child. And we’ll be doing the exact same thing!! Smartest thing I’ve ever done for my kid.

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The Free State of Florida is the only place to have been through this ordeal! So grateful to live there!πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

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We are also from NE and our son is heading to FL for college in the fall for the same reasons.

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I live in Gainesville, FL where UF is. It is a very blue county, but thankfully, we have the most amazing Governor in Ron DeSantis. If it wasn't for his leadership, UF would be forcing vaccine mandates as well. You are right, this county is bat sh** crazy. It is really difficult living as a conservative republican in a blue county!!

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What was clearly revealed during this pandemic is how the college towns are all under the control of β€˜liberals’ … whose ideology no longer aligns with my own conservative viewpoints.

Impossible to get excited about exorbitant tuition at any of these woke colleges… pushing this awful agenda.

So true. DeSantis is a blessing in this whole mess.

DeSantis for president. Childers for the next Florida Governor. πŸ’ͺ🏻

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Stay strong. Watch this video of Ed Dowd who has exposed the level of death and disability in the Millenial ranks ages 25-44. 61,000 deaths with a few months after the corporate jab mandates. 61,000 deaths!!! All backed by insurance company, corporate and funeral home data. SOLID DATA. More deaths in several months compared to all 10 years of soldiers killed in Vietnam approx 59,000. ed Dowd and his partner have been facilitating meetings at colleges and universities and presenting the data and then saying to them when they all sue you and come for your endowments, you can’t say you didn’t know. I’ve never seen a guy so hell-bent on righting this wrong. anecdotally a good friend of mineβ€˜s daughter asked for an exemption at Indiana University law school. She got it in less than a week. Things are changing, stay strong.


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Where is the SOLID DATA from insurance, corporate and funeral home data? I have heard noise about it and seen the report of one mid-size insurance company. I could use more conclusive data. Hope you can direct me. Thanks, M

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I hope your son spreads the word and all students refuse to comply. If only there was a way for everyone to band together and not pay these colleges, academia wouldn't be able to conduct this horror show. I've heard of too many people who just automatically go ahead and get the vaccine without even trying an exemption or waiting it out to see how far the institution or employer will push it. No one should "obey" these sick pharma/political tyrants!!!!!! It truly is a horror show -- wearing masks and injecting experimental vaccines...........

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That’s so awesome! Any advice that can be shared with the group would be πŸ™Œ

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So does this mean that, technically, Governor DeSantis is the opening act for Jeff Childers tomorrow??

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πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚

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Wish I could be there; currently in MA, avoiding clashes with the woke!😝

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There are plenty here to stand up to! Protests are planned to coincide with Jeff’s and Gov. Ron’s speeches, so I hope they’re upping security at the Waterside.

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Be alert! Be careful! God bless!πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

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I do believe you’re correct, Sharon!

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Love this idea!

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Jul 14, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Remember that the NYT is the mouthpiece for State Department/CIA. The Times ran this article because the deep state wanted them to do so. Every single word was crafted and approved. Otherwise they would never have had access to Epps. The whole J6 false flag operation is exactly the sort of thing the CIA is really good at. This makes me Think that Epps doesn’t work for the FBI, but was contracted by the CIA. You are correct - it is β€œbattle space preparation.”

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Jul 14, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Joe’s next stop: a brand-new β€œannual” conference called I2U2, where Biden will meet with India’s prime minister and announce two billion dollars of bribes, I mean aid, to India for β€œfood security,”


Note the term "food security"


Security implies TPTB will be securing food supplies for who?

and for what purpose?

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I’m an RN who lost her job from the vaccine mandate in Washington State last fall. I was just offered my position back if I want it, and my exemption will now be accommodated. The reason is the staff shortages.

It feels good to see things come full circle, from utter insanity back to reason. My beautiful state is one of the absolute worst liberal run madhouses, hope other states are seeing this turnaround.

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I’m a healthcare professional and am thankful I’m no longer part of the corrupt healthcare system. It took a turn for the worse when the EPA, CDC, CMS, OSHA, and the FDA all began to impose regulations that took valuable time and financial resources away from the mission of caring for patients. When the β€œAffordable Care Act” was implemented it profoundly impacted the way hospitals, private physicians and other health related businesses had to conduct business which greatly diminished the quality of care and impacted patients in a negative way. I now use my experience to volunteer in areas within my realm of expertise and help people on a one-on-one basis (obviously without charge). It has greatly saddened me at the decline of healthcare in our country but I’m thankful I’m no longer part of it. Personally I’ll avoid seeking medical care except for acute emergency situations. And no more vaccines ever again!

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As a retired RN (I retired right before the plandemic hit), I agree with you 100%. I used to love being a medical professional and helping people; its all I ever wanted to do, but you are right, The Affordable Care Act changed everything. The medical arena became more money oriented and much less patient oriented. Like you, I do everything I can to stay healthy and not be a patient. Too scary to think about going into the hospital. And no vaccines for me either!!

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Ask for more money. The rat b-stards owe you big time. My niece did and got a lot more money. They know the unvaxxed will be the only ones healthy enough to work soon.

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Congratulations!! πŸ’ͺ🏻 I am so happy and for you… and to hear a success story… your ultimate vindication gives us all hope.

Your willingness to take a stand makes a difference. May God bless you and your family.

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Are you going back? It doesn't seem like this would be a welcoming place--more like a resentful one. Also in WA state here--it has been so RUINED by the one-party rule over the decades. Corrupt and lawless cesspool. If I see one more press "conference" of King Inslee wearing his face diaper, I will vomit.

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Also from WA state. We are trying to thwart King Inslee by sending Initiatives to the Legislature (veto-proof). Check out www.letsgowa.com. There are 11 Initiatives to help repair what Inslee and the dominate party has done to our beautiful state.

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I’m in North Carolina and we need all of these initiatives, too. LET’S GO NC!

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Just like Oregon and CA. What has happened to our gorgeous west coast? Hum, mail-in ballots for one. Cushy, mild West coast lifestyle for another. πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ And that’s just a start …

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Glad to know you were asked back. Yes, WA state is a mess politically. Hope you're registered to vote and make your voice heard this fall in WA!

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Not so for state employees and contractors. July 1, 2023 they all either vaccinate and boost or they are fired. I am concerned the school districts will be next and then who know after that.

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Also concerned. Recall that WA state has quarantine "camps" set up just like Australia. How people can get offended that much of this reminds many of us of Nazi history is beyond me. It all starts with these small things and then gets worse.

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The carnage from this clot shot will be in full force by then. Unfortunately.

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Tell the to go Fxxx themselves and work somewhere else!

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Jul 14, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

When Joey B arrives in Saudi . The snub of all snubs would be if the Saudi prince just sent some underling to greet AF1. " Im so sorry Joey B, but the royal prince was called away on more urgent matters of the state."

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"... at the Russian embassy... or in Moscow..."

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Thank you Jeff. People are tired of J6, tired of ridiculous Brandon anything, talk of an upcoming recession when anyone over the age of 14 knows we are in one big time, RIGHT now. Pre bought propane for my country, winter fill. Same amount, $900. more this year than last. Yeah, we are not waiting on a coming recession, it’s HERE.

And covid ever lurking in the background waiting, just waiting.

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Laurie, your comment sounds like a creepy horror movie trailer! Love it.

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Man applying for a position in the biden administration states all his qualifications. The one that seals the deal, β€œoh, by the way, I’m a pedophile.” β€œYou’re hired!!!

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They need someone they can blackmail.

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Yes, and they also see a comrade in arms.

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I’m attending the β€œMoms For Liberty” event in Tampa. Looking forward to your presentation tomorrow! Thank you for all you do. I’ve been a supporter and big fan since the start of your daily C & C.

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Ya know, those ex-three letter agency folks have to go somewhere once they leave those jobs for whatever reason. I once worked for one of those agencies and went on to work elsewhere to earn my keep.

My observations:

1) While one works for such an agency, social media posts are best kept vanilla, because said agencies monitor employee activities. Heck, it took years before those employees were even allowed to have any social media accounts.

2) Depending on the position, people either can't talk about their prior affiliation with such an agency, or they just won't because it's uncomfortable. People, once they find out, ask stupid questions, or they say stupid and/or ignorant things. So, it's best not to mention it.

3) There are many good and honorable people who work for these agencies who are distressed about what's been happening, but they had best not say so in public if they want to stay employed. Not surprisingly, a lot of people are exiting those agencies because the atmosphere has become toxic and, you know, mandates.

4) Surprisingly (or not), a vast number of the employees are "liberal". Prior to Obama/Biden, people's cars weren't adorned with political bumper stickers at all. The Hatch Act was taken absolutely seriously, and people were fired if they even thought about attending a political event. During the O/B election, that changed. The leftists and virtue signalers came out of hiding in droves. You couldn't swing a dead cat without hitting at least 8 of 10 O/B bumper stickers in the parking lot. I heard comments like, "it's our turn," and "now we'll show them who's boss." The political commentary, heretofore absent from the workplace, became more common, and it always disparaged conservatives. When Obama came to visit one such agency, people lined the hallways to swoon over him. Personally, I never liked the guy and thought he is/was a grifter, but it was during that time the entire atmosphere changed. IMO, the divide fissure began then and has grown into a canyon of mega proportions.

So, if you find people from these agencies working in other places, try not to judge them and let their actions speak for them, because actions always speak louder than words.

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I'm not surprised in the least that many in those organizations are leftists; as a college degree is a requirement, it is almost a given that those hired within the last 40 years or so would be left-leaning.

But as far as the ranks being filled with good guys that are only just now leaving? I'll call BS on that; the garbage that is coming out is not new, only news now. That they stayed so long had more to do with the cushy life of being a fed than anything else. I'll give credit IF that's why they're leaving now, but with the caveat of 'what took so long?'

As a retired fed, from an agency that didn't require degrees and was actually effective for a notable period during my time, I've worked with FBI before. Let me say just how pathetic I, and many others, found them to be; pansies of the first order, whose fear was apparently a reason to bail out of doing the job. Only the presence of others kept them there, but even then they hung back and tried to avoid any contact. The recent video of Uvalde immediately brought that to mind.

At best, I consider them Famous But Incompetent, and at worst, they and the other alphabet agencies are treasonous criminals, doing the bidding of, and protected by, the left, their own rotted agencies, and the badge they tarnish by their simple employment.

But that's just me...

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"I was just trying to support my family, I totally have strong principles and convictions that I stick by, except when there are consequences for doing so, I'm sure you understand."

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The NAZIs all said something similar - "I was just following orders..." OR "I had no idea what was going on with the camps or where my Jewish neighbours disappeared too..."

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Or turning a blind eye

Is no excuse

I saw this great quote-

If you ever wondered if you’d have loaded Jews onto the train…. Now you know.

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1/4 to 1/3 rabidly would have loaded unvax'd [OR FILL IN THE BLANK GROUP] into the boxcars while 1/2+ would have looked the other way or shrugged or cheered them on but otherwise do nothing... Maybe the remainder would have either resisted or meekly complied...

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Absolutely. Sibel Edmonds documents all this in A Classified Woman.

These agencies have been cesspools for years, it is only becoming too big to hide now.

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Bottom line, elections are pretty much a farce. No matter who is in the White House, the country is REALLY run by the 3-letter agency bureaucrats. Look up 'number of pages in the Federal Register' if you doubt me. The SC slapping down the EPA is just the tip of the iceberg. The vitriol towards Trump came from his intent to dismantle some of this mess, Congress needs to starve the beast if we really want to make America great again. If they had worked together, they might have had a shot at it.

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Sorry but I saw a comment not too long ago from another "agency person" who said someone who worked for the supposedly neutral agency that's supposed to objectively analyze budgets-legislature had bragged to him how they always made the #s look bad to give the Dems in congress ammunition - this was DURING THE REAGAN ADMINISTRATION!!!

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I signed a NDA that prohibits me from talking until after I'm dead, but I could tell you some similar stories that would get pantyhoses in a real wad and make toes curl upward. We've had a uni-party for decades. They're all opposite sides of the same coin and bureaucrats in the upper echelons are very adept at playing the ends against the middle to get their way. That does not mean every employee of these agencies is bad or complicit. When I spoke up I was sidelined never to be included in projects or promoted again. Not only did that make my life difficult, but it made it difficult for me to find other employment inside the beltway, and I and my family have since moved far away to avoid the deep state stench. Everyone has their own reason for staying on and they have to reconcile within themselves how much of the crap they're willing to take. For the young GS-07 or wage grade employee that might mean the difference between putting food on the table or starving because they're jobless. And when all the good people have gone, the bad ones are left to do as they wish.

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"young GS-07" earns what these days? $50k+? As $50k is what the average American earns....

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If you're living in WDC, that's not near enough to make ends meet. I now live in the Midwest and am making it on less than 1/3 of what I earned working in WDC. While there, the cost of living was so high that it meant barely making it from paycheck to paycheck.

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Yep, I was a GS-7 decades ago and couldn't live off it. Had to wait eagerly for each paycheck to pay for rent/food.

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Having been there myself, I don't really buy the 'be subverted or starve' line; it ain't that hard to make a choice to do right, or wrong. And if they really did/do stay for that reason, then they by definition can't be 'good guys'; allowing, accepting, and committing wrong, quite possibly illegal and/or unConstitutional in order to protect a check isn't exactly a Hallmark of being a 'good guy'.

Maybe it's easier to stay. Maybe the money is too hard to resist. Maybe they think they can say or do something 'in the future'. Maybe a lot of things, but the bottom line is that they stayed, and if not participated, then tacitly approved by silence, which then implicates them down the road, and prevents any real resistance. In the end, not much different than those who are/were willing in their complicity.

The easiest person to lie to is oneself, because that person WANTS to believe everything you (the generic 'you') tell them, and will find a way to do so...

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Everyone somehow justifies their actions or non-action by placing blame elsewhere. People who stay in jobs do so for a number of reasons. They're much like subjects of domestic psychologial abuse. They tend to hunker down and live in denial. Because the intentsions of most are basically good, they have a hard time believing the government they work for is nefarious. I was raised to trust that my government had my best interests at heart. I entered government service believing that. I was alturistic and thought everyone with whom I worked thought the same. I met so many good people along the way. Some I have known for 40+ years and could call at 3:00 a.m..

My awakening from that trust was a difficult road. It's a super hard thing to come to grips with that, and divorcing from it is akin to finally acknowledging that your spouse was cheating and gaslighting you from day one. (Been there, done that.) Regardless, everyone has free will and has to live with him or herself, and in the end will have to answer for what they have or have not done in final judgment. I am beyond judging why people do the things they do, because I can't fix them; I can't fix stupid, I can't fix immoral, I can't fix marcissim, and I certainly can't fix sociopaths and/or psychopaths. I don't have to associate with them, but I can "fix" me, and maybe by being kind, generous, and trying to see things from another's point of view - empathy, I can be a better person and make things in my little world just a bit better.

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Jul 15, 2022Β·edited Jul 15, 2022

I spent over three decades in gov't service, but I saw what was happening well before that time ended. Luckily, I was in a agency where I was able to do my (legal) job and not have to agree with any current administration. Even that ended, however, and so I retired early.

I think you may mistake 'empathy' with condoning either wrong action, or trying to rationalize inaction as something possibly good, if it is helpful to the individual; it isn't, it is simply self-interest. Which isn't intrinsically wrong, but it isn't exactly exemplary either.

Because, again, I've been there, working with guys I could trust to help me didn't mean that they weren't crapping all over other people, or the law. Not doing it to me, while appreciated, didn't make their actions, or necessarily them, better, regardless of my personal feelings.

Generally speaking, objectivity trumps empathy.

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I am quite objective, that's why I can't excuse, approve, or condone, but I do try to understand why people do what they do and why. There's zero excuse for cruelty or evil. Doing it to me opened my eyes when I spoke up, but that doesn't mean I've become so cynical and hardened as to have no empathy for those who either don't see, refuse to see, or are stuck without seeing a way out.

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>> 3) There are many good and honorable people who work for these agencies who are distressed about what's been happening, but they had best not say so in public if they want to stay employed. Not surprisingly, a lot of people are exiting those agencies because the atmosphere has become toxic and, you know, mandates.

If they're honorable, they wouldn't "not say so in public if they want to stay employed."

That's what honor means. They're going along to get along. Fine if you don't want to call them villains, but they're not "good" or "honorable" if their principles have no ultimate bearing on their actions. Especially when their jobs give them undemocratic power over people's lives.

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Yes! There is a local lawyer in my town who has found her niche as a 'covid lawyer' and has had a raft of success stories in helping people who were denied exemptions, she also speaks frequently in local conservative groups. She talks about the 'golden handcuffs' of too many of her clients. Big paycheck, big house, big car payments and zero margin if they lose a job. Employers 'know' this, and that they can then put the screws to people to get them to do all sorts of things out of fear of their financial house of cards coming tumbling down. She is 100% right and pretty ballsy for saying so since it is those same people who are loading up her billable hours.

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As we all know the financial house of cards means absolutely nothing to the dead. It's important to understand that existing is not living and dead is dead on this earth. People need to stop thinking about the materialism in all of this and think about the livability factor. Starting over is not fun but being able to start over is something too. Many do not have that option today. They got the shot and are dead.

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Great point. I got fired for taking a stand, long story, in my 20's and my next job paid half what my previous one did. Leaned that always having FU money in reserve is a must. But I have heard too many people argue 'can't afford to lose my job' as justification. Guess they don't have a FU fund.

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BS to that. If they were true Americans and CARED they would speak out. They are gutless spineless and unAmerican

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Jul 14, 2022Β·edited Jul 14, 2022

Fascinating that you point out it all changed when Obama came to the WH.

It has been my opinoin that things got a lot more corrupt when he became prez. This would seem to confirm my suspicions. Conforming to laws etc. never seemed important to him. B/c after all, it's a lot easier to 'win' when you can just pick up your golf ball and throw it instead of trying to hit it from where it landed....

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I would agree that there's at least a plausible story for why these ex-gov people would be moving to tech companies, other than an intentional government takeover. Bear in mind, an offer of "Hey, come work for me and I'll double your salary" is hard to turn down, especially if your prospects for further promotion in government service are slim; and twitbook etc then get to tell people they are "taking misinformation seriously" by hiring "experts" from ex-gov.

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True. I saw many of the young "talent" leave to pursue the bucks...

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ITS clear the global warming cult does NOT want us plebs and non-Davos people flying when you consider:

1) Heathrow forcing arbitrary flight cuts...

2) Not enough air traffic controllers being hired in the USA and others forced out over vaccine mandates.

3) Ditto the latter for pilots...

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Thanks - reading C&C is the best way to start my day! PS love all of the multipliers! Can we have another for Ron Johnson or maybe Daily Clout/Naomi Wolf to help support their lawsuits?

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Jul 14, 2022Β·edited Jul 14, 2022

Both Ron Johnson and Naomi Wolf are fearless putting out investigative reports that should be in a free society front page news and why aren’t we discussing Russia China and Iran arriving on our southern Latin American border in communist Venezuela??? https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/naomi-wolf-the-ccp-has-infiltrated-the-american-health-system-covid-injections-produced-by-ccp/

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We have already done Ron Johnson a month or so ago. He’s been a hero for the unvaxed! Maybe Jeff could just add the link again for those interested.

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Will someone, a 3rd grader, ANYBODY, PLS inform the president that there’s oil right here in the good old USA, and he won’t even have to BEG a Saudi β€œking” for it?!? And it’s kinda more GREEN to get it from OK, TX, even Alaska than it is to fly to Saudi and back, beg awhile, cross your bony fingers and have it sent over from there. Oh, and it’s cheaper and it employs Americans. I mean… SO…

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Jul 14, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

2 things-


Just out this morning on left leaning Bari Weiss’s substack. More cracks in narrative

And then your piece on the CIA and FBI ex employees taking jobs at Big tech - check out this book called β€œTrue Believer: Inside the Investigation and Capture of Ana Montes, Cuba's Master Spy” biography by special agent in DIA, Brave search the story. Went under the radar because she was arrested right after 9/11. Will make you wonder how many more of these are out there. And also considering what is happening in our military....

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Thanks for sharing that article. It's worse than I thought. I suppose I naively thought that scientists and researchers at the CDC, FDA, and NIH who dissented from the official narrative were voicing their opinion inside their agencies and just outnumbered by zombies. Maybe 15-30% considering early on, so many of them weren't even getting vaccinated themselves. Nope. Per the article, most of the ones who disagreed with approving boosters for adults >40, and vaccines for children didn't even voice their opinion openly to their colleagues much less to their superiors. The dissenter discussions were held privately in Signal groups. I can foresee a future hearing with the heads of these agencies truthfully answering Ron Johnson's questions with "there were virtually no dissenting voices on these recommendations among our scientists and researchers within X agency". What selfish cowards. And they're shameless because they consider themselves to be victims.

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Hi Mr. Childers and to all the C&C army! Huge update from operation multiplier for Feds 4 Medical Freedom!

Just got this shared with me from F4MF 501(c)3 sponsor- and you all broke the site and Maxed out the weekly bank account limit (which they are working on or have resolved)!

β€œLooks like you had an incredible day yesterday! The site was overwhelmed by the number of donations!

The donations you received yesterday and today, looks like it totals to $88,116.59!”

The donations ranged so far from $2 to $1022 with the most common donation amount of $22! This is a huge testament to the power of the C&C Army!

As a member of F4MF, I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart and more updates will follow as F4MF gets more updates! If your bank card does not go thru, please try again! Thank you thank you thank you!

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Thank you for all you do! C&C is a true army of patriots who love this country and TRUTH! WE FIGHT WITH YOU!

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WOW. This C&C donor sez thank you for the shout-out!

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Ya gotta love it when we "break the bank!"

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you all literally broke our bank! ha. much love!

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Jul 14, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

do some digging on the original funding for the social media companies and you will find there was significant intelligence agency involvement

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I believe RFK's book--the last chapter--gets into that.

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