Hell, I saved an email from Mayo Clinic on the day the shots from hell became available....Day one. They claimed 98.1% efficacy from getting or spreading the virus. (You gotta love the oddball number that gives the indication that any studies were done at all.) Now mind you, every other pharmaceutical on the planet lists SOME kind of potential side effect, but not this little gem. My family and I are cruising right along completely unjabbed and wary of anyone sporting a lab coat. I view the CDC, WHO, Government, and those of similar ilk the same way I view service repair technicians.....if I need you I'll let you know. Don't call us, we'll call you.

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Jul 28, 2022ยทedited Jul 28, 2022

Mayo pretty much saved my life years ago and that makes their awful response to COVID doubly disappointing. My Mayo neurologist recommended I get the jab months before it was available and despite there having been zero people with autoimmune conditions like mine in the limited - and and now known to be fraudulent - trials. Big medicine has been captured by both pharma and government and are severely harming their hard-earned reputations.

I ignored Mayo's advice and remain unvaxxed and unmasked.

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Mayo has been hard core with weekly texts that โ€œ the vaccine is safe and effective. get yours nowโ€. How can I respect the integrity of this organization? The are either stupid, which I doubt, or bought and paid for evil.

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It still pisses me off to no end thinking about all the employees that they unceremoniously kicked to the curb for refusing the "safe and effective" shots. How they're allowed to get away with this is maddening.

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And now no one can get a healthcare appointment with a โ€œreputableโ€ provider due to staffing shortages. The hospital unit I USED to work on, was dangerously understaffed before covid. Now itโ€™s so understaffed Iโ€™m surprised theyโ€™re still open! โ€œCreative staffingโ€ everywhere.

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There is going to come a time when there is going to be a TON of lawsuits. Everyone save their paperwork and be ready for the law suit charge.

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Mayo has done a lot of good for my family over the years. Sadly, I no longer have any respect for them, along with a lot of other formerly respected institutions. Big pharma must pay really good.

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They pay really good with cash and captive customers that NIH and NIAID give them.

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Do you wonder the amount of Big Pharma "cash" that is in reality our tax dollars? I do wonder what the percentage is.

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I had two hip replacement surgeries at Mayo about 15 years ago. I had the head of orthopedics as my doctor and he was absolutely wonderful. He gave me my life back as my hips were so bad no one else would do them.

What Mayo has become is highly disappointing and I no longer have any trust in them. Of all medical establiments they should have been the most suspicious but hopped on the bandwagon as fast as they could. It's too bad. They used to be the best and now? Not so much.

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I agree. So sadโ€ฆ

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I have 2 specialists that I go to at the Mayo Clinic in Arizona. Mayo is the most woke of all. They are still enforcing chin diapers everywhere, the doctors are pro vaccine and will not admit the vaccines do nothing (except cause harm). Its unconscionable. Every time I go in for an appointment I feel like screaming for them just to STOP ALREADY!! Mayo must have been paid off BIG by the liberal government and/or Soros to be so hard core in their pro covid, pro vaxx, pro mask BS.

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When you look at all the carrots and sticks at the feds, CDC, FDA, and on and on, it is no surprise that medical institutions toe the line. They are dependent on Medicare/Medicaid, funding for studies, etc. even the licensure of their facility and member practitioners are vulnerable if they do not comply. And what about all the payments for diagnosing Covid, ventilations, and and compliant death certificates.

It would take enormous courage and independence for them to make a stand and resist. Do not hold your breath.

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The evilness of all of this. All about the money. Not only do the powers that be need to pay but also all of the medical establiments that went along with it. They killed and injured people and still are. There are days where it's hard to not lose it watching everything that has happened and is still happening.

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i am assuming the hospitals recieivrd unbelievably large sums of money. that were tied to requirement to strictly follow cdc or some other guidelines. the public schools who received go s of covid money are required to institute either cdc or local health authority edicts nor else return the gobs of money.

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Same with Cleveland Clinic.

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saved your own life this time. Mayo used to be my go - to page. Not anymore. They betrayed their loyalty now

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I am supposed to return to Mayo in November for follow up scans from some procedures/issues during three trips last year. I asked my unjabbed internist here at home for input regarding hospital options other than the Mayo because of their completely rabid and anti-science COVID policies and actions. His response was that to his knowledge there were no hospitals that got it right and to stay with the certain interventional radiologists I had there if I felt they took good care of me. Since they did not pressure me to get the jab, and one of them probably saved my life, I will probably return for rechecks of these rare conditions I have. Unless God leads me elsewhere. As for the numerous texts I have received pushing the jabs, DELETE.

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Given your circumstances you're likely right in sticking with Mayo. I'm sure there are still wonderful and knowledgeable practitioners there in spite of Mayo's official stance.

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It is frustrating because you are not sure which ones have drank the kovid koolaid, so the level of trust deteriorates. I am praying they drop the stupid mask requirement as well as testing requirements within 48 hours of any surgical procedure. I'm not down for having my 14th covid brain swab EVER. At least I think that's the right number...I've lost count. UGH.

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Good strategy! Iโ€™m with you even as someone whoโ€™s a healthcare professional with 32 years of acute care hospital experience. Iโ€™m extremely disappointed in Mayo; they were the gold standard. Not anymore.

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The first thing I did when we got the poison jab into our pharmacy was pull the Drug Information Sheet from out the box. Imagine my surprise when it was COMPLETELY BLANK. Now I carry it with me to show to the disbelievers.

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Could you post copy or link?

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Go to my fb Laura Strebler Knox I'll put up a photo.

Give me a minute.

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Yeh, that's been all over the internet from the beginning. Amazing what they can get away with.

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Maybe Iโ€™ll call around to some hospitals and if theyโ€™re still requiring masks (Iโ€™ve heard of a few around here that arenโ€™t), then Iโ€™ll know where theyโ€™re at on the covid rabies scale.

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All the hospitals and larger groups are beholden to the medical powers that be. Your only hope is to find independent practitioners which do exist.

I have drawn a line in the sand that I will not wear a mask again. Only by this line in the sand being held by many will the dictatorial control that renders us slaves be defeated.

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I agree and have also vowed not to wear a mask again. The very idea makes me sick ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿคฌ

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"Covid rabies scale." Brilliant way of putting it.

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Or the โ€œCovid Astrologerโ€™s Scale.โ€

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The thought of rabies occurred to me last year when some guy in a suit coat was walking through the Mayo lobby hawking vaccines and how the Mayo is rabidly pushing them.

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How the mighty have fallen (referring to Mayo).

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Friends who have gone to the same Mayo clinic as you have had similar bad experiences, since none are injected and one adult child, the patient, has a condition that is provoked by masks. The mom says they're treated like lepers, or like they have bubonic plague, unable to walk around freely. So unscientific. I think I'll be better off in future doing my best to maintain my health while avoiding the health care "system" like the plague.

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Donโ€™t forget, this very institution refused a family to have their personal doctor come treat their relative. His resulted in the death of the individual. They went so far as to take it to court to deny this right.

If I remember correctly, Jeff was involved with the case.

That alone should bar them from being considered for ANY treatment.

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It is all so maddening. Evil. I feel like it is kind of similar to the public school system--there are a few good people trying to do good in a terribly broken system. Strangely enough, the love of money is at the root of all of the evil.

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I was escorted out by a security guard when I informed him that I do not wear a mask.

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Iโ€™m going to write a scathing letter to them regardless of what I decide to do about treatment.

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A strongly worded letter should do it. :)

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I drafted this yesterday for a local practice:

Dear Sir or Madam:

I have been a patient of _______ for nearly a year and have great respect for his skill, knowledge, and bedside manner. My complaints are not with him, but with the fact that there is a mask requirement in the building, and that at checkin, I am asked whether I have any COVID symptomsโ€”which are the same as most other viral symptoms, and which, if I exhibited any of them and was actually sick, I would not attend an appointment. This is the same approach I have always employed, back when common sense was a thing before anyone had ever heard of COVID.

Also, at checkin I am asked every time if I have been vaccinated. Perhaps you are asking this to determine if I have superior immunity, since we have all seen studies (as well as known actual vaccinated people who got sick) that have proven the vaccines not only do not prevent illness, but in fact decrease the recipientsโ€™ immunity and cause more frequent illness and even death. So whether you wish to know if I might be unvaccinated and have actual immunity, or because you are reporting to some state authority, it is protected private medical information I will no longer share. It is intrusive and nonsensical for you to ask or care.

My request to the management is to remove the mask requirement and interrogation at checkin, and leave the choice to the patient of whether to wear a mask. Most of us are completely โ€œover itโ€ and it is past time for the medical community to move on. Please restore some sanity to health care by actually following the real science.

Thank you for your time.

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That is a great letter, Janice!

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I am going to ask people who require masks to provide evidence that the masks have been tested and approved and that there is no chance they will cause harm. I want them to sign a paper saying so and taking responsibility for anything bad that happens as a result of mask wearing. We all know they wonโ€™t do that.

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Today I got braver at an appointment. I walked in without a mask. The girl didn't say anything until after everyone else went out of the waiting room. Then she offered me one. I told her I had one. But I made no move to put it on. Never once throughout the whole appointment...Win!! Funny thing is that it was a podiatrist appointment. I could almost give him a pass if he strapped a scented fabric softener sheet over his nose. HaHa.

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The Mayo and their zombie doctors were once pioneers, now they are traitors. The doctor in my latest blog is at the Mayo. He is a piece of...well, you know. I don't like to be crass. And...I had to talk to Hubs before publishing this little write up because it is so personal. Not a long read, but a heartfelt feeling!! https://sadiejay.substack.com/p/stealing-frank

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thanks for sharing. The Dr.'s are just a huge disappointment - I thought they were filled with knowledge in order to use their clinical experience and education to make the best health determinations for their patients. Guess not.

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Great job keeping the receipts!! They have been such liars throughout all this!๐Ÿคฌ

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That's rich. Lockdowns causing hepatitis in children. What it should say is the vaccine caused compromised immune systems in children along with the lockdowns seriously hindering normal immune responses and normal childhood development. "They screwed up your children and a good many parents allowed it to happen."

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Not only has that happened but it has affected the kids that weren't 'vaccinated'. Young kids need exposure early on to train their innate immune systems. Like learning language early, if you miss out it is too late and never recoverable.

In addition, this is why GVB states that infant covid shots are not only unwarranted (as they are for adults) but specifically a 'death sentence' because they will subvert the development of the innate immune system at a critical stage in their life.

It's more than a travesty.

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So many parents in my area talk about the depression and difficulties their children have had. I said what do you think would happen! You locked them down, took away their childhood freedoms, masked them, told them they could kill grandma if they didn't etc. They made the boogeyman real for these kids. Some days I could scream ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

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I know, itโ€™s so infuriating!!

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Heads should roll!!

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Trump embraced warp speed. Stop acting like he's not part of the problem.

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He also knew in his gut that Fauci, Birx and Redfield were wrong in their Virus response (attested by bringing Atlas in later in the game), but he was too concerned with re-election to shit can those criminals and change course like DeSantis did. I voted Trump twice but I will never forgive him for caving to these clowns!

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That's harsh. PDJT tried to provide a counterbalance to Fauci, Birx, et. al, by bringing in Dr. Scott Atlas. Atlas acknowledged the risks of joining the COVID team, but did it anyway. As expected, Atlas was totally destroyed by the opposition (including most of his friends at Stanford) for his correct, but contrarian views. Don't you think that Trump would have been excoriated endlessly had he taken Fauci and Birx off the team? Once they were on the team, Trump had to play with the cards he was dealt.

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BS, he was the POTUS and he can do what he wants with his employees. I do not excuse Trump for that key failure though I also am sure that the pressure brought to bear on him by the Cabal was overwhelming and probably fatal if he had not complied. So there is that. There are a whole string of men who would not comply who caught a stray bullet. The Cabal has been running this show for a long time and they do not care who is in office. The political competition is simply a way to distract Joe Public from what is really going on.

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I donโ€™t think thatโ€™s completely true. I saw the press conference when trump said we canโ€™t shut down the economy and the PRESS WENT NUTS. They said โ€œyouโ€™re not a doctor. We need to listen to the doctorโ€. I donโ€™t think Trump had any choice at that point but to step aside and let Fauci lead. I mean Fauci was the head for many years so it would seem correct to trust the expert.

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The PRESS determined who was to be trusted...

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There is always a choice and Trump screwed the pooch on that one. Now if he runs with DeSantis as his VP, Trump will dominate on the international scene and DeSantis the Pitbull will tear up the domestic Nazis. I would REALLY look forward to that!

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Did you see the press conference where Trump said โ€˜what Sweden is doing is insaneโ€™? Trump is attempting now to rewrite history.

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Are you a paid part of an effort to undermine Trumpโ€™s base?

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Jul 28, 2022ยทedited Jul 28, 2022

We need a level headed assessment of Trump's successes and failures to make a wise decision in 2024 primaries.

I love many of his accomplishments, but he made HUGE mistakes with Covid and so far has not admitted regrets. Him pretending he always did the opposite of what he was told is revisionist.

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He's not perfect and I'm beyond disappointed on the Covid front - but I agree with comments above - the pressure was too much for one man to face. He definitely SHOULD be saying more now - standing up for the vaccine injured and demanding a stop to this insanity. but he also needs to be careful so he can be re-elected and then set things straight. He also does a world of good and he's is PISSED and is going to completely clean house. Maybe that is how he exacts his justice for the American people. He is a scorned man... and he's been planning every hours of every day since he left office. No one who has double crossed him will be spared. I'm all in and I can't wait.

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Amen, Trump is the most vindictive personality I've seen and I look forward to him extracting several pounds of flesh!

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I think level headed assessments in this country ended about 60 years ago. But go ahead. Find that awesome candidate who will be able to do it with one hand tied behind his back. And vote for him/her/they.

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Trump did brag about Operation Warp Speed but it was Pence assigned to the Covid response and he was lockstep with lying Birx. (Or Brix, whatever her name is)

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Pence is vile, masquerading as Mr. Clean.

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Try Madam Scarf Face ... pretty ridiculous looking.

Three failures of Trump: 1) failure to take on Fauci and Birx ... and ridicule them to death, 2) failure to ridicule the election results, and 3) failure to achieve prosecutions for high crimes committed by government officials.

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Youโ€™re forgetting the climate we were all living in at that time. Remember the computer model from Cambridge, Oxford University, whatever it was, that claimed hundreds of millions of people were going to die from this new, never seen before, untreatable virus? Oxford! And we were subjected daily to such fearmongering from a wide array of โ€˜expertsโ€™ worldwide. And our own medical establishments.

I was just waiting through all of 2020 to see what the Demonrats and their cohorts were going to unleash on us and I was suspicious as hell about the whole thing. But on the other hand I knew enough about bio weapons to wonder; have the โ€˜scientistsโ€™ managed to create something that deadly. Maybe I needed to prepare to die soon or to deal with the loss of loved ones. It was impossible to know what was true.

President Trump likely had similar thoughts. And he was navigating the ship of state through a category 5 hurricane induced by evil traitorous beings, especially the media; and rudderless, terrified, weak citizens.

How easy it is to judge others. Obviously, you believe you could have done much better. Maybe you should run for President.

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I think that was Imperial College, London and Neil Ferguson, and his Magic Modeling Machine with 15,000 lines of code which had to be run three times and then averaged to get an result! And I don't mind the criticism ... and just saying.

It is the problems, the failures which do us in. The good things take care of themselves. Trump did a lot of things right ... and more importantly Trump did peel many layers of the onion back ... and everyone saw the lies.

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Jul 29, 2022ยทedited Jul 29, 2022

This is a good point and the only reason I am forgiving at all of the mistakes made by the president. He didn't know anything about disease or epidemiology so was completely dependent on those around him. I think this is a reflection on his underlying failure to cultivate a robust stable of trustworthy staff and advisors in all areas. There were no experts on public health he could call on to give him straight info.

Giving Pence charge over the Covid task force was a major error. Trump did bring Scott Atlas in after a while, but didn't give him any authority. Then he failed to fully act on his advice.

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Did you notice that Trump was allowed no recess appointments? Every other modern President was allowed this privilege. One Senator, just one, can call for a Senate recess. Not one did during Trumpโ€™s time. No Republican office holder stands up to McConnell. Not one. President Trump was limited to making choices that McConnell would approve.

And Iโ€™m sure great efforts were made to infiltrate his staff with traitors. I also think of Julius Caesar, when I think of Trump. He was in a pit of vipers. Law and Order in this nation only exists now as a bludgeon to be used against โ€˜We the people.โ€

Support whatever candidate you please. If heโ€™s decent, heโ€™ll be destroyed. If heโ€™s a squish, heโ€™ll covertly join the club.

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Again, I seriously doubt he'll make the same mistakes twice. He has his team I wouldn't doubt it if he fired EVERYONE (that he's legally able to) and ran the entire government with a team of 25 people - never sleeping people.

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I toss this about in my mind all the time. And I do see the points your are making. And perhaps the biggest mistake consistently has been the bad appointments. It may, however, be argued that it was politic in an 'information channels' way to have some Swamp element around, present, and available. But there is also weakness in this argument. The bad appointments did much to 'auto-suicide' the DJT presidency as anything else. One only has to look at the DOJ appointments in order to see what a disaster this all was. The DJT presidency also was not helped in the least by Covert Wokies in the Republican Party, Mitch McConnell being a glaring example. Pence should have never have been 'the chosen' for the VP slot.

It may well be that the power structure of the United States can only be taken down by the Walk-Away Movement which signals a new emerging bi-polar world. Corruption can only be displaced by the good ... or at least, something much better.

I had a bit of spurious confirmation yesterday in the form of an admission that the US intelligence agencies egregiously miscalculated in thinking the Russian economy was very fragile and could be taken down quickly with sanctions. And although I have no firm confirmation on this, it is the only thing I can think of which makes sense. Weaponizing SWIFT probably is one of the biggest single blunders in US history, and on a blunder par with Japan's decision to make the Pearl Harbor attack. In short, the Geniuses-in-Charge were totally blind to the fact that the US is bankrupt and that having a stupid virtual 'money' of no substance is no substitute for having a real money of substance supported by real industrial productive capacity and a well managed economy with low debt, and especially inclusive of the governments. The Western World leadership is a Virtual Clown Show detached from all know reality. Detached equals Insane.

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And...I blame him and his advisors for failing to secure the 2020 election years before the vote. I am sorry, but after the win in 2016 we ALL knew the other sides heads were popping off. So, how could you fail to see the future? The continuation of Russiagate lies, the outright hatred of the First Family, the jokes made about the First Lady, who could have called Latinos breakfast tacos in SEVEN languages, but never did....and many more reasons why the other side could not afford to lose in 2020 and would do anything to gain the WH. And they did. I knew they would cheat, but DT could have, in those 4 years, made a preemptive strike against what we all knew would happen. But he didn't.

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Tis a mystery which gives me a lot of pause. Putting up a fuss and a real fight over the 2020 fraud might have taken some wind of the J6 sails. Just saying.

The irony is that the Fake Pedo Pete presidency in combination with Sanctions Miscalculation Debacle may do more damage to Woke Globalism than anything else. Things in the EU, for example, look like they are coming apart at the seams. And I reckon that when the dominoes start to fall, as they seem to be doing now, the last one to fall might perhaps be the United States. But who knows for sure.

There a lot about DJT and what goes on which puzzles me.

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Yeahโ€ฆthe depth of that swamp, the thickness of the filthy sludge turned out to be a far greater challenge than any normal person could have imagined. Turns out it goes all the way down to hell. What super human being could have turned that around in four years?

And the vile beings kept President Trump busy fighting impeachments and numerous other threats to his life and the lives of his family. That continues right up until this very moment.

Who else could have withstood having the full force of hell unleashed against them and continue to fight right up until the present moment.

I see this subtle attempt to undermine support in Trumpโ€™s base. Iโ€™ve seen Trumpโ€™s character and I see yours.

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Yes, hard to head off the corruption at the pass when the swamp goes all the way to hell. I believe he was placed there by God. What comes next?? I think the next few months are going to be super ugly. We are being attacked from every direction and I don't know about you, but I am sooooo tired. The people on here are amazing.

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Covid is what really enabled the steal. I don't think it would have been possible to foresee those specific election changes far in advance. They should have fought them harder prior to the election, yes, but there was only so much that could be done in that environment.

Election integrity was too low of a priority for too long. It was too easy to take advantage of the system when Covid came along. Robust changes are needed but so far it has been drips and drabs.

I used to think the pandemic was about getting rid of Trump. That seems to be an element, but there is obviously an even bigger agenda at work.

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President Trump said over and over, โ€œOur elections are rigged.โ€ And they are. In important races, the winner is predetermined. The globalists certainly have no interest in losing that ability. They got blown out of the water by Trump in 2016 because they couldnโ€™t grasp the discontent of the people. They then upped the cheating capability to never before seen levels that couldnโ€™t be hidden. But, no matter, they feel quite safe from prosecution. Why would they stop?

I think the narrative for 2024 will be, โ€œWell, people just couldnโ€™t vote for Trump because he didnโ€™t apologize forโ€ฆโ€ฆbecause he is arrogant, etc, etc.โ€

Look for manipulated polls and narratives to support the outcomes they intend.

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You want to badmouth a businessman who set his life aside to run for President of the United States only to be completely dumped on and trashed with a proven Russian Collusion Hoax, a couple of bogus impeachment trials, a re-election that bears all of the signs of fraud in many ways, and now a faux insurrection trial all within a time span of what, 6 years? And not to mention all of the other things the purely evil democrats, left and liberals have done through comments, remarks, and lies during the entire time. He has never been a beacon of honor and integrity but we all knew that way before he ran for president but you cannot say he not an American at heart and wanted the best for the American people in the long run. People who say what you have said are the biggest problem we deal with today. Stop acting like you are not part of the problem.

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I think you misinterpreted my message. I voted for President Trump twice, I know he won in 2020 and was cheated out of his second term. He was a great president, faced unprecedented attacks, investigations, lies and collusion against him by the Deep State, the fake media, many in his own administration, all the Dems, RINOS and alphabet agency. It was extremely unfair but he was still able to accomplish so much good for our country. Now we have a demented puppet who is destroying our country at โ€œwarp speedโ€. My only complaint was that he embraced the real Operation Warp Speed and didnโ€™t overrule a lot of the disastrous Covid policies. I dint think even he realized how dirty and corrupt our government and many politicians are.

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Julie Ann, my comment was in reply to Johnny-O who started the dump on Trump. Iโ€™m sorry if you got the notice as you are not the person I was replying to. Blaming Trump seems to be a favorite thing to do in todays opinion world and the blame for everything wrong in America lands squarely on the shoulders of the Democrats and several RINOโ€™s and people who follow them. Trump was damned the whole damned time no matter what he did or didnโ€™t do. The hate was in motion the minute he beat Hillary. Again, sorry if my remark looked like it was for you. It was not.

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Well, if an idiot like me can see through all the lies of gov and big pharma, it looks like Trump is either an even bigger idiot than me, or he is in on it, each scenario making him not fit to be anywhere near a leadership position.

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I don't think it is true that Trump did opposite of what fauci said

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I think the same ... on Fauci. But also failure to perform on election fraud, lack of DOJ prosecutions, getting rid of bad staffing, and so on. Look at people like Barr and Durham and ask yourself, "What was that all about?" Spinning wheels? And Epstein? Does anyone really think the DOJ could not have secured the safety of that prisoner? The highest profile prisoner of the new century?

And so! Where has it all gone?

(Does the name Pedo Pete ring a bell?)

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After reading The Real Anthony Fauci, how could trump ever trust him? Iโ€™d bet the Robert Kennedy JR tried to warn Trump.

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Like I said. Trump is trying to rewrite history. During the transition and meetings at Trump Tower, Trump brought RFK Jr in for talks and then later made an an announcement that he would be creating a Vaccine Safety Commission with RFK, Jr as the head of the commission. It never happened. So it's not like Trump was completely unaware that vaccines have a very questionable safety record and the CDC has a long history of recommending vaccines without fully studying their side effects.

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Thanks Lisa. Thatโ€™s why he gets booed at his rallies when he mentions getting the shot. He made some bad decisions in his four years. Listened to the wrong people. IMHO

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I agree with you. Heโ€™s trying to rewrite history. What I would like to know is if he really took the full course of Remdesivir (which he claimed he took). Iโ€™d also like to know how many Covid patients died in the hospital after taking 1 or more courses of Remdesivir in the hospital.

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I agree.

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I voted for Trump twice, but he needs to stop pretending he wasnt part of the problem. Trump needs to acknowledge and apologize for being the best salesman the pharma industry ever had - because, right now, it seems like Trump and Biden are fighting for the title of Vax Salesman of the Year...

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Yes, just a little humility on Trump's part would go a long way!

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Humility is definitely not his strong point ๐Ÿ˜•

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Depends on your perception of humility. Heโ€™s had far more success in life than I can even contemplate. I appreciate his refusal to kiss media butt.

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True, but to get my vote he is going to need to admit he made mistakes, especially in the vaccine area. That is not going to come easy to him!

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I'm voting for him because the position is his - it was unfairly taken from him. Although I believe in the "master plan" and he had to lose so the true corruption (much worse than we could ever have imagined) could be exposed.

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Vote for whoever you like. And go on adding to the attacks President Trump is under ever moment of his existence. Why not?

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He's a big boy. It's not about attacking him. Despite his accomplishments, the people were not well served by many, many of the pandemic decisions and direction that came out of the White House. It does us no good not to acknowledge that, especially if he runs again.

If he doesn't run again, I say Thank you for your service, Godspeed. If he does run, though, we all have to decide if our needs are best met by him or someone else. I am not comfortable with his Covid record if he doesn't admit to mistakes and how he won't repeat them.

Politicians are exist to serve us, not the other way around.

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Yeah I meant in the sense of admitting he was wrong about something. I havenโ€™t heard a lot of that from him. It may be strategic of course, but I am not sure we can expect that from him. I still like him a lot for many reasons, but like any human being he has his faults and weak points too. I am not so much of a sycophant that I canโ€™t recognize or admit that.

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Bill shot to that. Name a politician who is humble. At least he builds stuff. Has something to show for it. Unlike Pelosi and Shimer et Al. Career pils whoโ€™ve NEVER contributed in any way

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Ron DeSantis. He admitted that he allowed the experts to dictate his Covid response for too long and he said he wished he had delved into the numbers and the science sooner.

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Oh yeah he is way better than the vast majority of politicians. He definitely understands and appreciates the average American far far more than most people in the government. Still doesnโ€™t mean he doesnโ€™t have what I consider to be faults.

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Sure you voted for him twice๐Ÿฅธ. No Never Trumper here still eaten up with Trump Derangement Syndrome.

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Well, I'm another person who voted for him twice and agree with k crybs. Expecting accountability from a politician is not TDS. Just stop. His feet need to be held to the fire - his Covid response is the precise reason he isn't sitting in the WH right now. Covid gave the democrats the perfect justification for implementing the multiple election innovations never used before. We're not asking for a complete personality change, just some insight and recognition. He just needs to say, "I was wrong, but I know better now." That's it.

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Exactly. I dislike the idea that we canโ€™t criticize him or hold him to account. He is human and not a god. Thus he has faults and I am not required to adulate him or think he can do no wrong. Criticizing him doesnโ€™t mean that I donโ€™t think he is a great deal better than most leaders weโ€™ve had recently.

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Yep! And can you imagine if he WERE able to consider some of the criticisms from his supporters (I don't expect him to listen to detractors)? He would be unstoppable.

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No, you just stop. Iโ€™ve heard too many claims of โ€œI voted for Trump twice, but I can never forgive him for blah, blah, blahโ€ not to think that itโ€™s being orchestrated. If you can look at President Trump side by side with Resident Biden and then decide your energy should be used to attack Trump, I know what you are. I suppose you prefer Mitt Romney and we all know how that went.

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Well, Willing, excuse me while I remove all the words you stuffed into my mouth. Never said I couldn't forgive him, but last I checked he hasn't even admitted any wrongdoing. But, okay. It's all MY fault he imploded during Covid. He wants to be put back in the most powerful office in the world, he's going to have to show people he can manage a "once in a lifetime crisis." Obviously, you and I aren't going to agree on this point. It would be nice, however, were you to assume good faith and not fight with straw men of your own construction.

P.S. Were I living in Utah, I would be doing everything in my power to get Romney out of office. But you go ahead and assume whatever you want.

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To all you attackers of President Trump; you are fleas after an elephant. Since the globalist are still utterly terrified of him, as evidenced by the energy theyโ€™re exerting in attempts to bring him down once and for all, you can probably get hired for some internet work. If you arenโ€™t already.

If you have just recently (past few years) come to and seen how near the edge of the cliff we all are; maybe youโ€™re brainstorming and coming up with desperately clever ideas for how our asses get saved. Like a lovely friend of mine, who is always naively thinking of clever things we can say to the enemy that will cause them to โ€˜see the lightโ€™. โ€œItโ€™s just common sense!โ€ She insists. I hate to break it to her, but like Hotel California wine, that spirit hasnโ€™t been seen around here since 1969.

Another candidate! One that will apologize and not send mean tweets, but wants to put America first. Thatโ€™s the ticket. The globalists wonโ€™t attack a nice person. He/she/they will be acceptable and do all great things and all will be well. Unfortunately, if not the Antichrist, that person will certainly be a close cohort. Or think, Mitt Romney. What a nice, handsome acceptable man! Oh, waitโ€ฆthat was tried, but sadly it so happened that Mitt had no intentions of being elected.

I have very little faith in a political solution to what weโ€™re now going through. Iโ€™m not new to this game and have been in the fight for five decades now. It cost me my marriage, but I was able to salvage the hearts and minds of my four children and their children to come. Iโ€™m convinced that cheating in elections is the norm now worldwide. I had to hold my nose and vote over and over and over again for whatever Republican turkey made it out of the primaries. Besides the fraud โ€˜Wโ€™, Donald Trump is the first person I happily voted for. Heโ€™s been and is being massively abused because of his beliefs and I am willing to fight by his side till the bitter end. I am a Trump supporter.

And as for the strange accusation that Trump is just one of the globalists playing some double agent role on the world stageโ€ฆ.really?

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It's not a matter of comparing to Biden. We're talking a republican primary situation. If Trump is the nominee, then obviously he'd be preferable to whoever they put up (probably not that worthless sock puppet of a President*) even if Trump continues to say "Operation Warp Speed was my greatest accomplishment, All Hail The Jabs!"

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Can you show me where he made such a statement and how recently? Heโ€™s still drawing crowds wherever he goes. Is he saying that at his rallies? Honestly, I have become to fatigued to listen anymore. Iโ€™m just with him in spirit.

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That fake quote is hyperbole. He has spent much of the last year talking about what a great accomplishment OWS was and made many public statements talking about how he got vaccinated and encouraging people to get vaccinated. There was the famous one of him giving a glowing introduction to the J&J heir at the Dr. Oz rally. Apart from being tone deaf about J&J being a vaccine manufacturer, he endorsed Dr. Oz who loves the jabs and boosts them every chance he gets, among other problems. Not MAGA at all.


Trump has recently toned it down due to the obvious unpopularity of the jabs but clearly hasn't taken it to heart as seen in the Alaska rally linked below by NAB where he passive-aggressively still talked up OWS.

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Too bad Trump went along with Operation Warp Speed.

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To his credit PDJT





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Just not mandating them is not good enough now. We need politicians to see the whole program needs to be reevaluated. The damage done needs to be acknowledged.

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Yes, if he is serious, he needs to start saying he will revoke every single mandate on day 1 of his term (I know he did say recently he would reinstate all the military personnel let go because of the mandates with back pay which is a great start). And how establishing a fund - paid for by Moderna and Pfizer (just like Big Tobacco) for the vax injured? He also needs to start talking about taking the big 3-letter agencies apart.

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โ€œ The Bible explains God is not the author of confusion, 1 Cor. 14:33, so now we know where it comes from โ€” the CDC!โ€

It behooves all thoughtful people to consider exactly this unseen reality. We do not wrestle mere flesh and blood but spiritual forces and principalities of darkness. Ephesians 6.

So, then. God is not the author of confusion. There is only one other superpower in the universe, albeit he is a lesser superpower. We need to acknowledge out loud that it is this devil, the great deceiver of humankind, who is the author of the confusion of the last two and a half years. Along with all the other confusion that continues bursting out into our awareness.

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Satan is the father of lies!

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I have often said, Satan knows the Bible forward and backward, and it enrages him that he has no power against itโ€™s Truth, but the evil peoples working for world domination also know the words of Revelation but have no knowledge of the truth of it. They will use the words to instill fear and depression.

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And the instrument of destruction the lesser superpower is using is the liberal democrat communists. They are truly beyond the pale and we better start rooting them out of our society at a brisk clip. There are already communist "paradises" they can be re-located to.


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Private businesses may not conspire with government to censor Americans.

Sounds like a class action lawsuit against social media if you ask me

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The censorship on media was the biggest red flag regarding the clot shot and all the covid narrative. That's the reason I would not get it. Many more reasons came along later. I learned at a young age that most of the time when people keep information from you, it's for THEIR benefit! Not yours.

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When literally everyone in legacy media is saying the same thing.... Safe and effective, safe and effective...that was the big red flag for me early on. Oh, and of course the serial offenders of big pharma rolling out their products.

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Except Obummer signed legislation into law in 2017, a law that makes it perfectly legal for the media to intentionally lie to the American people by its own government, a repeal of the Smith-Munda act of 1948 which banned the use of propaganda used on American citizens. The law was a hidden little gem inside the NDAA (Defense Authorization Act, spearheaded by generously funded Senator Rob Portman (R-Ohio).... the โ€œPortman-Murphy Counter-Propaganda Bill.... essentially a de facto Ministry of Truth, a curtailment of press freedom, a โ€œcountering disinformation and propaganda actโ€ exactly like the โ€œPatriot Actโ€ .... right, sounds um... patriotic... but is the complete opposite.... it literally set the stage for witch hunts and website shutdowns considered a source of โ€œdisinformation.โ€ https://www.technocracy.news/obama-signs-countering-disinformation-propaganda-act/ .... so....

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All of the groundwork for where we are nowโ€ฆ this incredibly bizarre moment in timeโ€ฆ was starting to get laid in 2017โ€ฆ I think

โ€ฆincluding all the strange SOROS funded TRANS activism framework

If Hillary had wonโ€ฆ I canโ€™t imagine where things would have goneโ€ฆ probably very rapidly โ€ฆ

so in that senseโ€ฆ Trump probably was a greater disruptor than we even realizeโ€ฆ because they were laying the groundwork for all of this crap at the end of Obamaโ€ฆ the average American just wasnโ€™t aware!

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Thank you Jeff and C&C โค๏ธ Likesโ€ฆ

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Wow! Evil personified.

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Annie, yes, ๐ŸŽฏ๐ŸŽฏ๐ŸŽฏ

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Yup 100% with you there.

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The news about DeSantis pushing back on ESG scores is some of the best I've heard all year. ESG will be the primary tool in the toolbox to smash quality of life for previously-prosperous nations. It *must* be put to bed or the Quality of Life Reduction program will continue.

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Waitโ€ฆ Trump listened to and did everything Fauci said. Lockdowns, development of the clot shot. What did he not do that Fauci recommended?๐Ÿค”

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Thatโ€™s surely a good one. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ

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He also took HCL when we had covid. Maybe ivermectin too.

Saw this note a few days ago, Birx admitted in her book that sheโ€™d send memos of press releases to Trump, heโ€™d mark them up, sheโ€™d get them back and publish them the way she wrote them.

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Jul 28, 2022ยทedited Jul 28, 2022

Should he run again, I will vote for Trump in a heartbeat. But I have contended from the spring of 2020 that Trump and his team totally mishandled the COVID issue. Trump can certainly take credit for having had good intentions concerning Warp Speed but what he should not do is continue to hype its results in the face of mounting evidence if its danger to physical and societal health.

If Trump discovered that a contractor cut corners in the construction of one of his buildings and through that compromised structural integrity and safety, he'd fire the contractor and not rent out the space for fear of lawsuits if not for purely ethical reasons. He should do the same with Warp Speed and its deadly and uneccessary product.

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Warp Speed was truly an enemy tactic that is killing more than itโ€™s saving. Big Pharma and Gov need to go to prison for it.

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Donโ€™t forget that they have had this clot shot in their back pockets since at least 2016. Stupidly Trump thought he saw yet another ego boosting opportunity, and pushed Warp Speed.

His biggest fault was surrounding himself with bad actors in many more areas than covid, but I still think he is 100 times better than anyone else, besides DeSantis of course.

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Yes I agree with your take.

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I work in the financial industry and the big firms have hidden all the information from the advisors or have really downplayed it. Recession is softened to be more in line with bidens definition. ESG - the advisors don't get it at all. They honestly believe it is for more sustainable environmental crap. Do not assume your advisor understands what is really going on. Chances are if they bought into the covid narrative, they are buying into biden/wef/nwo narrative.

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Do you know of any investment firms, mutual funds that are less heavily involved in all of this? Would love to get away from the giant we are currently with, which is known to be a big participant in the recent global tyranny.

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Yes. DeSantis had a press conference yesterday. He and a couple others spoke for 40 minutes on this and a couple of other important topics. It was powerful and moving. Let me find the link and youโ€™ll hear the name of companyโ€”which unfortunately I canโ€™t recall.

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When I found out how much banks are making trading carbon credits, it was yet more evidence of what a scam and money making scheme for certain people this whole thing is ๐Ÿ˜ก

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It really looks to me that the top echelon in the 'financial mafia' is okay with the whole world domination and enslavement plan. And as in organizations everywhere, most regular folks are playing the part of the clueless Useful Idiot.

One of my greatest initial failures of understanding in looking at all of this stuff was to think that such a person in such and such a position of power and influence must surely know what is going on! However, my doings in the Virginia General Assembly taught me that 'understanding' ran the gamut from dirt stuff to very aware. And just because someone is fairly sharp also does not mean automatically that person is beyond being fooled or played. As to my very imprecise read, it seems to me that the greater preponderance of 'officialdom' is sadly weighted more towards the dirt dumb side of the scale than not. Even in house legislative lawyers who actually write, put bills into 'legal' language, are kind of dumb. They know how 'the system' presently functions in what passes for the 'law' ... but many apparently either do know or 'under-appreciate' how things were and are supposed to be if we were actually following early American law tradition, custom and habit.

(Hence, I also underestimated the depth to which we, the people, have been dumbed down.)

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Well said. Critical thinking for ones self and society is conspicuously absent. How amazing would it be to sit down for a dinner with some people from history books who were great thinkers?? Churchill, maybe Teddy Roosevelt. Nobody gathers for dinner and conversation about philosophy, history or current events anymore. Current events come with rancor towards someone or some entity and colors all conversations in that arena. We were on holiday in Namibia when Trump/Hilary were going at it in Aug-September of 2016. I can't tell you how nice it was to be out of that toxic loop. And...no surprise. CNN had poisoned the whole world about Trump and all our friends over there asked about Hilary and how they thought she would be great. We laid out the reasons she could not be great and why Trump was much needed for our country. We definitely changed minds. Now we are just embarrassed to be cast into this pot of stinky Americans.

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We have seen our medical professionals fall for this scamdemic and actually have had the shots, boosters and masks. And this is their field of expertise. Trust me when I say it is the same in the financial industry. And the upper echelon in the firm spouts the same nonsense and narrative as nwo/wef and the usual global elite gang.

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There are too many competing definitions of ESG right now to be a first priority. Which is sad, because it was one of my screening mechanisms in recent years.

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Perhaps we should never take their 'fluidity' seriously. The social scoring mechanism is censorship to the end of political control and being such, is an attack on property ... and all the Rights of Liberty. Also, thinks like ESG can only function within the Fascist Public/Private Partnership model. This is itself a taking of private property in that it moves property over into the civil jurisdiction and subjugates property to civil imperium absolute and binding. I rather imagine our Liberty-loving forebears would have viewed ESG as a being an enslavement tool, pure and simple.

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As with all leftist ideas, all of the ESG definitions are highly subjective and fluid, both of which attributes make the adopters of the "standard" that much easier to manipulate.

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Jeff, is it possible to shed some light on the issue of "shedding?" Have you run across any firm evidence for or against? Also, I must admit I spit some good coffee out laughing at the Brokeback Mountain Spotted Fever......

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I have wondered that as well. Especially being on a plane full of people.

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"President Trump explained that, while he was in the White House, โ€œI just listened to Fauci and whatever he said, I did the oppositeโ€ฆ I came out very good.โ€

BUT yet, he didn't get rid of him. The biggest swamp monster of all.

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Well, yeah, except he locked down and pushed the rushed injections.

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There's one of the few times I'd award POTUS Trump four Pinocchios.

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Fauuci wad "unfireable" because he's a Federal employee and it is nearly impossible to get one fired regardless of how poor they perform or dishonesty or any negative performance parameter.

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A good example of why this nation needs Schedule F classification for fed & GSA workers. Trump wrote an EO for that in 2019. Biden's first act in office was to cancel it.

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Even assuming Fauci was unfireable, there is nothing preventing him from being re-assigned to some dead-head position. That is totally management's, the President's, prerogative.

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The reason Trump didn't fire Fauci was because Fauci was the integral front-man for the Cabal to roll out the death-shot on an unsuspecting population. The Cabal either had some dirt on Trump to blackmail him with or they bribed him with a massive bribe...or both. I'll still vote for Trump over any Nazi but I guarantee you that is exactly what happened. And don't forget, to this day Trump still supports the "vaccine" and refuses to call it what it is...a genocide weapon of mass destruction.

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Because of redistricting, Peter Meijer will no longer be my congressman. That's unfortunately because I was relishing the thought of voting against him. Not only did he vote to impeach Trump in his first vote in Congress (and coming from a conservative district where voters were not in favor of impeaching the President), he's also joined Democrats on many terrible bills, including money for Ukraine. I hope and pray he loses.

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In W Mich we have this slogan-FIRE MEIJER!

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At some point, we need to have a C & C Michigan get together. It would be awesome! โœ‹๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ

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For sure! Come to my place in Grandville!

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Iโ€™m in GR!

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Friend Sandy Verwys is too!

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If the Dems are pushing John Gibbs over Pete Meijer, they are hoping enough establishment Republicans wonโ€™t vote for an outlier and somehow whatever Democrat is running against Gibbs if he wins, will prevail in the election. Iโ€™m from farther north in Michigan but didnโ€™t Meijer get Justin Amashโ€™s seat after Amash trashed Trump for 4 years? Of course, Pete Meijer turned around and did the same thing. I wonder if Meijer Corporation founder, Fred Meijer is rolling like a top in his grave. Meijer was one of the big covid bonanza winners in this state. And I see many employees in my local store are AGAIN masking up. WTH?

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Meijer is putting out nasty, false tv ads and mailings. Iโ€™m working hard to get him out of office!!

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I see much more masking too.

Didnโ€™t people get the memo two years ago that THEY DONโ€™T WORK!

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Correction: That's unfortunate . . .

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FYI, under your post, click on the three little dots to the right, and an edit option appears.

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Wow, Fla Mom, thanks! I had no idea!

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Haha!! And the backspace and cancel button. I make a comment, rethink and disappear it. So many times. Not that your posts are delete worthy at all...

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Re Facebook censorship, although I have not seen the video, I have seen a claim that a video leaked by a Facebook employee has Zuckerberg advising his audience of Facebook executives that they should be cautious about the mRNA vaccines because long-term side effects are unknowable. If there is such a video, it's another example of the elite favoring themselves while officially shafting the regular folks.

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Zelenko said he knew the doctor who was giving ivermectin prophylacticly to Google executives in CA. I think many elites knew the truth, but the truth just wasnโ€™t allowed for us deplorables and brainwashed libs.

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I saw it. It was making the rounds over a year.

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Wow. In an honest world, it would be widely known about.

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