I've got a sense, like Mengele, these pieces of garbage will all disappear to some far off land out of public purview and escape their much deserved retribution. Then again, we humans certainly like to celebrate our demons, don't we? He'll be back in a year hosting"Dancing With the Psychos." Klaus Schwab doing the rhumba with Walensky. (Oh, dear Lord!) If Trudeau goes I'm gonna party like it's 1999. May Boris find the comb he's been looking for.

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When I read about Boris, my first thought was Trudeau is next, going to the land of away. When this happens, we will be partying with you.

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Don't party prematurely.

Justin Castreau is repulsive, and ridding him would be a good first step, but Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland is at least as WEF connected, a lot smarter, and probably wields more power behind the scenes.

But the sad reality is that the Canadian Parliament is enormously compromised, as could be inferred when an MP asked about WEF connections and was cut off.

Now here's the fun part: I just tried to find that clip. This is what I got: https://twitter.com/ZNeveri/status/1495526945739751425

Fortunately yandex.ru directed me to the clip on bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/video/j54waUUPhxoG/

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I love it when they get caught! If that's conpromised video and audio, wow, can you imagine what great quality is!

Yes...aware of the infiltration...and still believe truth and freedom will prevail.

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some governments have 4, 5 or more members of the wef in them

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You are prob right but when I watched Chrystia on msm she did not seem too bright…. I don’t think she knows how to pull strings

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And when Ding bat Resident Joe Joe goes… our party will be an Explosion. Just imagine everyone chanting : LETSGOBRANDON 🎉🎈🥳🍾🥳🎉🎈🍾

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Please, Lord, let Trudeau be next!

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ITs not just Trudeau, he is a mouth piece.

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I can only hope it's contagious over here too.

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I'm with you. Unfortunately, that's not gonna do us any good. We have an entire administration that needs to be dismantled.

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We have an entire deep state that needs to be in prison, or worse.

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Well. The UK parliament just went bye bye too. Not just Johnson. The whole bunch got flushed down. Here’s hoping we see the US govt fall and not just the puppet 🍻

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The minor prophets speak of this… the End Times… but not the way our infiltrated church fear mongers us to believe. The minor prophets speak of the End Times as the End Times after 7,000 years of rule … I take that to be the worldwide satanic Canal is going down… and perhaps a 1000 years of peace. Interesting how nations are reverting to gold and rubles and we hear talk of natural cures for diseases and free energy. Hmmm🤔. God surely is amazing, eh.

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Maybe, just maybe the cards will fall here in the same fashion. The leakers are getting restless.

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including nearly ALL cabinet positions and departments...starting with the DOJ and zeroing in on the military via the Pentagon....we need to smoke them all out and try them

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And DOD. And DHS. And DOJ. And HHS. And DOE.

Please feel free to add others.

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ABOLISH the Federal Reserve (which isn’t really federal) and the IRS and Departments of Education, Interior and Transportation, etc...

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How could I forget the IRS? 😉

The problem with getting rid of two of the alphabets that I mentioned -- DOD and DOJ -- is that they're Constitutional cabinets (along with Treasury and State). So without amending the Constitution, those two would have to stay, but would need some serious overhaul.

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Almost exactly what I was going to say. Maybe a little prayer as well.

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Hahaha. I just posted the same comment THEN saw yours. Globalist pretty-boy narcissist-sociopath sex-pest zero-IQ Trudeau-Castro MUST GO.

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tru-DEAU needs to GO... repeat ...

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I pray you are right why it has lasted this long only God knows

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Hey, probably took him a while to do his hair!!

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Reminds me of Veggie Tales song “ Where, o where is my hair brush???”

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my family lovef the veggie tales... the cebu song was my fav


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Thx for the link! I listened and enjoyed!! My school kids loved these videos!!

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Looks like Guy Fiere gone bad.

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The Britts have always loved the messy look. Remember Rod Stewart?

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Yes, you’re right!

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Unfortunately, a lot of them have multi million dollar mansions in Palm Beach Florida (Pelosi and Zelensky come to mind).

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If they'd all leave the mainland that would be great! The fact that they've relocated to Miami is either a guidepost to those of us who are concerned about futures in blue states, or just more swamp pollution threatening the DeSantis vision.

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And Dubai.

And the Cayman Islands.

And... and...

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Don't leave Draghi out!! ;)

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Love your sense of humor.

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Perfect comment Eric, especially loved "Dancing with the Psychos"....so damned funny to even imagine...Klaus would wear his pink beach outfit with his little chastity patch minutely placed of course (if you've never seen Klaus strolling the beach in the nude (almost), search the net....)

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Any sarcasm re Schwab is always appreciated. I believe the comparisons to Dr Evil are on target, with Harara as mini-me. I did however hear from a credible intel source that the man wearing the weanie cap on the beach is a doppleganger for Schwab. Not sure what to believe at this stage. Just as I don't believe the acting resident is the real Joe B.

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Doppleganger for Schwab? Maybe but I've also got Tik-Tok vid filed away of the WHO director in very short shorts shaking his booty at some kind of function while he swills wine. If you're going to stage a double, I doubt it would be done for a negative outcome and I've been following Schwab for a long time and never seen any references that it wasnt him on the beach. However, in our current reality, everything is questionable.

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Right!...I hear you loud and clear. Just as Zelenskeyy ( a Young Global Leader WEF grad)can be seen dancing in tranny heels patting the butt of another black leather clad dancer in that particular viral vid. No question in my mind that transhumanism and tranny-ism go hand in glove.

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No one can predict when the war will end. It's been a long road. May ye endure all psyops with humor and grace!

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Something pretty big happened on July 1st. Shinedown (a major rock band that debuted in the early 2000's with over 5.5 million monthly listeners on Spotify, for those who don't know) released a concept album entirely focused on the events of the last couple of years. Can I recommend an unofficial multiplier that everyone go stream (or even purchase) the new album, even if you aren't necessarily a fan of their style?

Some sample lyrics:

"Hip, hip, hip hooray

Yeah, the world is a stage

Where you can act out loud and rattle the cage

And remove any doubt that you're enraged

Like a fool, I guess, at the end of the day

You might be woke but not awake"

"All hail, power to the people

Except you, you check the box we don't like"

"We've had enough of all these pointless points of view

Just cash the checks, you'll never have to tell the truth"

Perhaps my favorite:

"We don't need supervision

We don't want your religion

Too many cooks in the kitchen

And now we know

You don't know what you're doing

You don't care who you ruin

Just keep the fantasy moving

It's a hell of a show"

Some sample interludes:

"Welcome to Planet Zero. Planetary regulations require that you check your screens for a list of all approved speech, protected classes, and accepted behaviors. We hope that you enjoy your stay."

"We hope that you are enjoying your stay. We're always here to provide you with standardized experiences, as well as state-approved entertainment and re-education. Please remember, planetary regulations require that you provide clean papers upon request by any and all authorities. Thank you."

It gets better. I don't want to spoil all the surprises.


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Love Sully! Looking forward to seeing Shinedown at Rocklahoma in September. One of the few, besides Five Finger Death Punch (check out Living the Dream from 2020 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOkkWIOkWl8) with the balls to call this crap out. And beware those who are offended by profanity, but Kid Rock has a new anthem, very catchy: We the People: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyFnLqJx-uU

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I love Shinedown. I am glad to know that we share similar views. I will definitely purchase their new album. Thanks for sharing!

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Atlas Falls, 2020 when all this craziness started, driving to work with hardly anyone else on the roads, this song chilled me to the bone. I love Shinedown.

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Thanks for the tip. Just listened and they have a new fan!

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May I suggest you check out Starset as well. It's my favorite band. Specifically listen to Devolution and Infected.

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Check out Skillet's album Dominion too, for a lot of the same reasons

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Oh yeah, isn't their lead singer John Cooper the one who has a T-shirt that says "I could sh*t a better president"?

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Hell to the yes! Shinedown is a household name for us...thanks for the intel

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"Daylight" is fantastic!

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Saw Santana a couple weeks ago and he said to the crowd, “The media pushes fear and we need love!” Wise man.

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Artistic Intelligence is superior to Artificial Intelligence. It's this profound human trait that renders transhumanist buffoons like Gates obsolete. Moody Blues drop a ton of clues back in the day...the Threshold of a Dream(1969) intro posed the question of AI vs Human consciousness: First Man:

I think...

I think I am.

Therefore I am!

I think...


Of course you are, my bright little star...

I've miles and miles of files

Pretty files of your forefather's fruit

And now to suit our great computer

You're magnetic ink!

First Man:

I'm more than that

I know I am...

At least, I think I must be

Inner Man:

There you go, man

Keep as cool as you can

Face piles of trials with smiles

It riles them to believe

That you perceive

The web they weave...

And keep on thinking free

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Somehow I fear what will come after Boris. While he instituted the worst of the covid measures, he also was one of the first, if not the first, western leaders to lead his country out of the dystopia that is covid.

The covidians are not beaten, not by a long shot. There is still clamor for vaccines, endless boosters and mandates for kids. The fact that Eric Adams wants to force NYC kids says a lot about how much support such measures have. Then, masks. They just won't die. And I see them coming back in places because even now people still intuitively think they "help"

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RE: masks...yesterday, while flying to Hawaii, the Karen sitting behind me, double masked of course, lectured her poor son (13ish) when he did not immediately put his mask back on after drinking some water...”keep your mask on! You will get sick! It’s just too dangerous! Remember that I love you!”

What in the actual f*ck? That poor kid. Husband, sitting next to her, said nothing...pathetic.

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Yes, our county has re-instituted a mask mandate in county buildings (only...so far) and they are hiding behind 'CDC guidance' SMDH. Primary for county offices is in August. Sadly, R's don't even have viable candidates in some of the deep blue districts.

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I've never worn a stupid mask and I never will. These morons can shove em up where the sun doesn't shine.

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A Revolution of Consciousness is the only answer. New York is a center of the Covid Cabal. Flee with your children!

Mass Refusal To Comply would also be effective. . These are evil people. The mRNA shots kill. Do not be fooled; Dr. Zev Zelenko saved thousands of lives with his protocol---New York deprived him of the medicine which he used to do that. The entire administration is in the hands of those who accept such behavior.

Half of New York has already fled the tyranny.(an exaggeration, yes, but you get my drift.) Staying there is begging to go the way of Sodom and Gomorrah in my view. Evil kills.

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Folks are fleeing the wacko leftist strongholds mostly headed south; we Southerners are hospitable people, but we like keeping our red-state status. Georgia is already turning purple😩

So if you are coming here for relief, remember why you left; don’t repeat your voting patterns & recognize the fallacies of liberalism.

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Exactly right! Same in Florida! Unfortunately in my area most of the folks coming here from the Eastern states are actually bringing their socialist leaning leftist politics with them. Its sickening and very scary! Please DON'T New York my Florida!

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The problem with this plague of communist locusts is that they do not care, at all. They only care that they get theirs. If they suck the life out of one area with their miserable voting preferences, they just move on to the next and do the same. I have zero hospitality for them.

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It just occurred to me that the insane extremes of the left, in places like New York and California, may just have hopefully expected a percentage of emigration, spreading their liberal agenda throughout the country, especially into Red states. Between illegal immigrants freely flowing across southern border and being moved about the country in the dark of night, mainly to red states or red districts in blue states, and census shenanigans, progressive plans to take over the country from within appear to be moving full steam ahead and the brakes have been disabled.

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Yep, and war is inevitable. If you want to keep your Constitutional Republic, you are going to have to fight for it.

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I noticed a federal courthouse has the mask requirement banner on its webpage. I thought the ruling from Florida's federal court did away with the fed's masking mandate. Was that only for airlines? If it works on planes, can't it work in buildings? Are we going to have to suffer a thousand cuts for each bit of relief from government over-reach? Seems so.

But more than the never-ending useless masking, something more insidious might be found in the slow, quiet roll of "Real ID" - the "voluntary" alternative to the state driver's license. They will be necessary as of May 3, 2023. The Real ID "allows" access to government buildings and airports, access which once unquestionably belonged to Americans - before 9/11, the NDAA, and the birth of DHS. It seems mask requirements are on a level with Real IDs, nudging people slowly into the loss of their freedoms.

Every day we move closer to the prison of digital ID. Please say No. Don't take the free candy or grab the shiny ring - there's a nasty barbed hook hiding there. "Travelers who do not present a REAL ID-compliant license or acceptable alternative beginning May 3, 2023 will not be permitted through the security checkpoint." https://www.dhs.gov/real-id/real-id-faqs

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Oh, I pray that does not happen! That digital ID nonsense will be the beginning of the end for all of us!

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How does the Real ID go along with a loss of freedoms? Genuinely curious since I have one.

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You should be able to walk into a federal building without showing ID, even it this means going through a metal detector. This was once a basic right as an American.

Real ID is most likely logged into a reporting/tracking system. If you're comfy with that idea, that's your choice, but many of us prefer to be outside the radar and not have every little visit be logged, studied, and perhaps used against us in the future.

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I’m really not, I just hadn’t given it a lot of thought. Was largely sleeping pre 2020. Voted Bush and all that....

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A few years ago I saw a documentary about Ancient Rome, written and presented by Boris Johnson. It was very interesting; and made me realize what an intelligent and erudite man he was. Ever since, I have been puzzled by his insistence on presenting himself as an oafish buffoon. It is definitely a persona; not the real man. Early in 2020 I saw him swivel on a dime, suddenly going for lockdown, literally a day after he was all for herd immunity. I could tell he had been nobbled; the change was so dramatic. I don't think he ever believed in lockdowns personally and I wonder who is really running the show. I am not a fan of Boris Johnson, but I fear his replacement.

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I completely agree. He is being moved out to be replaced by worse.

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Coming to a country near you soon!

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The fact he did have all those parties showed what he believed.

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When they turn on a dime, someone from the Epstein operation has just handed them a manila envelope with photos or a USB with video.

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Yep, the devil you know...

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If the Guidestones were under constant surveillance, then there should be evidence of tampering. I mean someone had to have set the explosives. Right? As for the sudden “awakening” to the threat of China, one has to ask, “why the hell are they allowing China to buy up crucial farmland and other realty here??” It’s certainly not with “good” intentions. Let’s talk about the purging of our military over the vax” and recruitment dropping to all time lows. Now there is chatter about recruiting foreign nationals into our military!! WTH??? How is THAT good for national security?? Oh, and they will give foreign nationals waivers on the vax. Something they won’t allow for the military members that they are purging. It has NEVER been about covid. Never

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I'm more to the thought it was an act of God, similar to the way He destroyed the George Floyd wall and statue.

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Speaking of that criminal, I'm sure you saw the ruling against Chauvin for violating the criminal's civil rights. I mean...you just can't it up. Violations of basic human and civil rights across this country affecting every single man, woman, and child over a respiratory infection. Violations so egregious they make your eyes water, but a judge finds Chauvin guilty of having violated the civil rights of Floyd. Can't. Make. It. Up.

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Speculation was there was a built in device to go off whenever the makers wanted it to, but from the video it looks like perhaps someone dropped off the explosive via drone.

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While I don't know if it is technically possible, it is certainly "possible" the explosives were planted way back when the things were erected - to be set off at the appropriate time. Clearly I read far too many spy novels ...

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Lol! Good point! I keep hoping that God smote it ❤️

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Me too!

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Actually your theory makes the most sense to me. As to the 'novel,' we are obviously living in one, if you look at the facts of the past two+ years....

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That's the current speculation I've seen everywhere. Video looks like it could have happened that way as well, however, supposedly they claim you can see it dropped off via drone.

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Car captured on security cam, driving away, shortly before explosion. (Allegedly)


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I thought the exact same thing!

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Intelligent questions in my view. The answer is that our current government, in it's highest levels, is either unfathomably stupid, or utterly treasonous.

Either will destroy us. And perhaps already has. I too fear the next iteration of "leaders." Here and abroad.

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It's treason. It's time to stop giving them a pass by pretending it's incompetence. Everything from day one of the installation of the two village idiots has been purposely damaging to the United States..

1. Release Binary Bio Weapon in order to grab unconstitutional power through enlarging the totalitarian police state - check

2. Allow Marxist terrorists to riot unchecked, undermine police, and give criminals a pass - check

3. Day one agenda, kill off US energy dependence - Check

4. 1st Quarter roll out the second part of bio weapon with the mRNA shots - Check

5. Start full court press to finish completely destroying the educational system and groom children with sexual deviancy to better break the moral fabric of society - Check

5. Utterly destroy the supply chain - Check

6. Begin destruction of the food chain - Check

7. Start push for gun confiscation - Check

8. Start the push for Government run digital currency to control and surveil every aspect of citizens lives - In Process

9. Complete subjugation of citizens into dependent serfs who own nothing and are "happy" - In Process

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Excellent! Great list.

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Right! And why then is FBJ sending our oil reserves to China?

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Just posted a video on the military. It’s affecting so many people I know! And the military is really messing with them🤬🤬🤬

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I have three children in the military, 1 in the Army, and 2 in the Navy. All three took the jab early on before it became known that it's poison. They either got a placebo, or they are so very lucky to have come through it unscathed.

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Unlawful orders, which means they were not orders. May God bless Navy Lt. Billy Moseley.

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Very thankful because the military’s number are horrific with the jab. My oldest had to get it too🙏🙏🙏

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Possible lightning bolt from God.

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Car captured on security cam, driving away, shortly before explosion. (Allegedly)


Someone mentioned "energy directed weapons" (EDM). (An alt media personality.)

Sometimes things are what they appear to be though.

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Well said. I watched a video that said Canada actually owns more land in the states than China… we are a farming community in middle of Canada from what we can see here my thought would be that they appear to be Canadian companies but owned by China

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Did Lightning Strike the Mysterious Georgia Guidestones? — New Video Leaves Some Skeptical - https://tinyurl.com/49p3dax5

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Thank you for your insight!

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A lightening strike explains why the video failed to capture anyone planting explosives. Also the pattern of the demolition is better explained by lightening rather than explosives. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WAiuT_WLwVg&t=1094s

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Jeff, love you funny tidbits you throw in and I giggle at every one!! Your C&C is a bright spot every morning! Thx!!

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666 miles is definitely NOT a coincidence. Evil is being exposed... climate change, the shots, crime in urban areas, etc...

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Normally, I’d break out the popcorn here 🍿, but a potato is more apropos for Boris 🥔

Regarding the Georgia Guidestones, this kind of feels like destroying the evidence under the guise of vandalism 🤔

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Howzabout hash browns? Sliced & diced Potatoes BoJo. 😎

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Sounds yummy, although I was thinking pub-style fish and chips 🐟🍟

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Thank you for picking Feds 4 Medical Freedom to multiply. We are on the front lines fighting the medical tyranny of this administration. We were excited to have the 5th Circuit grant our en banc request. The fight continues. Thanks again.

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So the gent named Pincher gropes young men. Best aptonym of the year!

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What I wanna know is why is it only NOW that the smart people in NATO are figuring out that China is a threat?

My mama taught me when I was a young kid that China {and the then Soviet Union} was a threat. I’ve grown up with a strong distrust of the Chinese government, and I recall at some point wondering why we as a country chose to purchase so much of our stuff from them? Didn’t seem exactly wise to become reliant on our ENEMY for stuff, or to give them our hard earned dollars.

So if I knew that as a kid, why is NATO only now arriving at that conclusion. So strange.

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I remember Rush saying, time and time again - DO NOT TRUST THE CHICOMS!

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Like everything else; follow the money

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Unhealthy North American plebes & corporate slaves need to be fed a lot of cheap unhealthy food.

Due to much of our younger (and elderly) populace "living" on below poverty line wages & many being dependent on government "programs" (stamps, currently "digitized") or government cheques (directly deposited) they require cheap "goods".

Thanks in very large part to Wal-Mart: North America factories became unable to produce the same type of uber cheap Dollar Store and Wal-Mart/Target Market "goods", due to "minimum wage" standards.

Every other large North American retailer, in order to be able to marginally "compete" with Wal-Mart and "All Our Crap is Made In China" Stores, were forced to purchase crap (and move the manufacturing of crap) to 3rd World Countries who have no such "minimum" standards.

Some "higher end" retailers have "more discerning" clientele. Their shoppers drive High Ticket vehicles and wouldn't be caught dead buying the SAME EXACT CRAP being sold in a Dollar Tree, albeit under different "branding" and packaging, in poor people stores.

At double & triple the Crapmart & Great Canadian Stupidstore & Chinada Tire store pricepoints.

Which is how North America (Wal-Mart et al) caused one of the "shifts".

They aided & abetted China, who has now got us ALL by the short and curlies.

That's just the way I see it though, and have done my level best to BOYCOTT all concerned, since 2001.

Watch "The High Cost of Low Price."


Also, enjoy this parody: "I got friends with low wages."


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Another thing many people don’t look at is cost per use. The demand for cheap lowered the value as well as the cost. Some items are worth paying the higher cost. Not many will research the differences before making a purchase anymore.

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Many can't afford "quality" so they opt for qty and "less expensive".

I'm old school.

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Also heard part of the reason companies went to China wasn’t just for cheap labour but because there are no regulations my thought was how is that any different than Mexico. Why China? there are plenty of unregulated places closer to home.

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Because China controls a good bit of the raw materials. The government there has actually dictated to companies that they have to move operations to China to get those raw materials.

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It's simply a narrative to feed to the masses through the propaganda outlets. It's all a big game to Davos.

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Thiis section of the story about Boris Johnson caught my attention…”In typical British understatement, they’re calling Pincher the “Chief Whip sex pest.” So why is Hunter not a scandal of similar proportions here? Do we have more leniency toward deviancy?

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Yes. Yes we do, sadly. Deviant behavior is being normalized here.

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You’re right of course, and I really don’t know how to fight it, except to pray that God acts to bring our nation back to Him.

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Just saw a great video from Lilly Tang Williams, a Chinese immigrant who is running for Congress in New Hampshire. Her tag line - I fear that the country I love is becoming the country I left. One, she'd better watch her back. Two, maybe she needs a multiplier?? https://www.lilytangwilliams.com/

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