Jun 23, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Congrats on the multiplier!! God bless Dr. Peter McCullough!! I hope he is able to use the money to legally expose the fraud of the medical industrial complex.

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Exposing the fraud of the medical industrial complex...............wow we could use this now.

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This is the silver lining to a very dark covid cloud. There are others too, like more folks choosing to homeschool.

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Jun 23, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

So thankful for Publix stand against jabs of the littles!

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Just say No to any vaxx until they are proven safe and free of graphene nanoparticles and other nasty toxins! Considering the current "sudden death stats" among younger people--folks had better get over the collective denial syndrome.

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I don’t even want to get my dog vaccinated for yearly rabies. It’s all a freakin Money making scam. Mars Candy owns all vets… that’s what I heard. 🙄. And dang y’all, my dog stays with me all the freakin time… so how is he going to be bitten by some “ rabid animal”.🙄. So over all this deception… but damn glad God is revealing it to us all. Just imagine still living in the Matrix with the Baaa—- ah baaa-aah’s. 😵‍💫

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I was just discussing this very topic earlier today with a friend. I think we over-vaxx our pets. BTW, Dr Mikovits says that we shouldn't even get a tetanus shot. The adjuvants and additives are just too sketchy these days. As you are no doubt aware, RFK Jr was dismissed as an "anti-vaxxer" (which he says is not the case) years ago. Now I'm of a mind to tell everyone I meet that once upon a time I had no opinion on vaccinations...but now I'm an anti-vaxxer! I've witnessed too much corruption to change my mind at this stage.

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I have a Springer spaniel and every year when he got shots he would break out .. since he was a puppy 🐶 I thought it was allergies so they gave him more shots for that too- to no avail. Then my friend who owns these dogs said I never give my dogs the shots .. it messes with their immune system!! 🙄.. so there you go - just as it’s been stated .. these vaxs were tested on dogs 🐩 to see if we parents of dogs would do what they say and their rules of Rabies would pull the wool over our eyes too. I guess it worked until now!!!! Last time I went to the vet I told them that I am not doing any vaccinations… they said No problem.. haha 😂

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Yes, all my dogs died with cancers. Hmmm. I am not getting my dog now vaccinated each year, however, I will have too when I go out of town and board him… unless I find someone to stay at my home … and that’s hard. The whole thing is a money making racket as it is with humans. I remember growing up ( I am 60) our dogs were rabbis vaxxed once for life… now it’s every year. What a farce. Good luck with your pooches. I am going to keep him from the vax as long as possible . 🤓

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Yes...farce is a word for it. RFK, Jr noted that 50 years ago or so, children got perhaps 3-4 shots. Now it's up to 70! ...and coincidentally, Austism has increased to an alarming degree. Nothing to see here, however.

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RIGHTO! There it is. Thank you, from 'the horse's mouth'(hope you like horsies!)...Another anecdote came my way this week when a friend related how a friend's cat behaved after going to vet for an injection--the cat was notably unhappy-annoyed-angry that their owner did this to them! Our pets do try to communicate with us, they just speak via telepathy.

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We live in Pa but have a home in Florida. I love Publix! I wish we had them here. It is everything Jeff says. Clean, friendly, always asking if you need help finding anything, and the fried chicken is delicious.

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Why speak so highly of Pubkix. They required all their employees to get the jab or wear a mask 8 hours a day! Screw Publix… they all COMPLIED! Employees here in AL are STILL masked up. Those who aren’t, broke and gave in to getting the jab. Free of course from your “ friendly” Covid jab center where a Publix employee who has no medical training can administer you and your child… FIVE and up, the shot. Let’s see what they do when one brainwashed and compliant customer falls over and has convulsions right there at the “ Friendly” Publix store. Sorry everyone about my sarcasm… but to think Publix is standing with us… is being gullible . Going on 2 years plus now and employees still required to wear a mask or get the clot shot.🙄🤪😵‍💫🙄😵‍💫🙄😵‍💫

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Jun 23, 2022·edited Jun 23, 2022

Depressing to hear, but I shouldn’t be surprised. Almost all businesses here in NYC complied and will doubtless again, but I was hoping a store in Florida might have been different. It’s good they doing this one thing right (the alternative is too evil to contemplate) but you’re right, it hardly qualifies for sainthood.

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There is one store I know of that did do the right thing from the beginning. Its called Seed to Table in Naples, FL. When the owners refused to require masks the local news swore they were going to lose business. The opposite happened. They've been busier than ever since.

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Love hearing stories like this!

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Thanks for your reply. I agree. I am sure you will agree with me that we… those of us climbing out of the “ matrix”, were pretty much mind blown by the amount of compliance. Out of everything going on, as well as all that has for the last two years gone on, that in itself… compliance… is the biggest scare of all😵‍💫😵‍💫

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I was in Florida last week and visited a number of Publix stores, and I second this. The staff is not just friendly and helpful, but on one occasion went far out of their way to help us find something, even though it was almost closing time. I can't speak for the chicken, as I am vegan, but they had wonderful vegan oatmeal cookies that made a perfect breakfast for travelers.

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Been a fan of Publix since first family vac to FL in early 90s. Was easy to get to the closest one, trusted what I was seeing, and preferred to other stores. Haven't been there as much due to life's commonality of 'sheet happens' but impressed by the announcement

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In response to Riki Tiki Tavi's say no to any vax, if you haven't seen this it will be an eye opener


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WOW...watch that 6 minute video!

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Next year I’m a great grandmother and not liking the future fragile teeter-totter world.

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Have you ever seen the movie "Parenthood"?...I have this image in my mind of the roller coaster scene and Steve Martin's expression.

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Not enough. They need to NOT give them to ANY minors.

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If Gillum won....oh my freaking word?!!!!! Think New York City is screwed up?! Words cannot express this deranged psycho circus escapee. Look him up. He's worthy of a Stephen King novel.

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Every vote counts!

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Jun 23, 2022·edited Jun 23, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I'm from the Northeast, but moved to Florida 20 years ago. With all due respect to those NORMAL people from that area currently under tyrannical government rule, you can keep your yankees AND your doodles. Now 'scuse me while I get my gator wrastlin' tickets. Chitlins forever ya'll!

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We live in crazy Delaware. Home of the bicyclist himself. BUT we bought acres in Santa Rosa County and WE ARE MOVING DOWN!! Love Publix!! And now love them even more!!!

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What is with the doodle explosion lately?

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And we came so close to that disaster! That’s why talk of having DeSantis run for President in 2024 makes me anxious. Florida is still heavily populated with nut jobs, who knows what would replace him🫣. No offense, Florida Man!

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I know a good bit of the rest of the country wants DeSantis for President, but the more he does for Florida the less inclined to share I become. There have to be other good people out there who can be voted in to the States who want someone like him. Past time to look for them.

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Publix - "It will not explain its decision at this time. "Damn near split a gut! Polite way of saying: "Kiss my butt." Can't wait for the woke mob and punch drunk Covidian's reaction. "Publix kills babies!"

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"..one caterauling group or another..." 🤣🤣🤣

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Or, trying to avoid alienating both pro and anti vaxxers.

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Jun 23, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

So glad the multiplier was such a resounding success! Happy to be a part of it in a small way.

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The donation to Dr McCullough was the most beneficial gift I have ever made and I thank him for saving my family from the jabs with his brilliant work. We were on the fence until hearing his information. Very grateful.

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I actually sent a couple of Dr. McCullough's best videos to my mom (she is vaxxed and 2× boosted) because he is a great speaker and his credentials and knowledge are above reproach... I thought MAYBE somehow it would deter her from getting the 2nd booster at the time. I may as well give up. She believes in these shots and will take every single one that comes out. Nothing or no one will change her mind about how great these shots are--unless God himself told her not to take them. If Dr McCullough with his experience & knowledge didn't make her think, she's beyond brainwashed..my whole family is

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Jun 24, 2022·edited Jun 24, 2022

Unfortunately my parents and in laws watch CNN and love Fauci- so they got as many shots as their doctors would give them😳!! I tried and tried to help them- I have even been a scientist at a pharmaceutical company and done cancer and stroke model development. They still didn’t believe me their own daughter and my mother-in-law as her daughter-in-law. i have even kept posting Real data and videos showing the truth on FB and Insta .. now I’m shadow banned in both places I actually resided to let God speak to them. There are verses in the Bible that states as a watchkeeper you warn people but that is up to them if they head to the warning.

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Wow..i can understand your frustration!! Your parents & in-laws should listen to you-- you have the knowledge, & credentials to understand what's going on with these bioweapon shots. That's why I think that the media brainwashing in early 2020 did something to many people & they are still stuck in that frame of mind. I was scared at 1st but I completely stopped watching ALL news. Put the TV on a station that shows old westerns & old 60s-80s shows. That made a BIG difference-plus my workplace was still open and I wasn't seeing lots of sickness or deaths like the media said would happen if people didn't isolate. I never go to the Dr unless I'm very sick. I don't get yearly flu shots or any shots for that matter.. I also stopped being afraid when I found the FLCCC Drs protocols and realized I could get everything on that list and make a covid kit to save myself. Thank God I did that because it ended up saving my daughter when she had delta. My mom's church encouraged ALL of the members to get vaccinated at the very beginning of the rollout. She will listen to them & definitely will get every shot that the CDC, NIH, FDA, etc..says to get. I tried to tell her that I know her church means well, but it is getting its "safe & effective" false information from crooked government agencies & crooked pharmaceutical companies. She and the rest of my family refuse to listen to me. I'm the crazy one that doesn't run to the Dr every year for check-ups!! 😂

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I just got off the phone with our daughter who said her father in-law is going back to the ER after he woke up and he could not walk. His legs were both so swollen he could not stand and his heart was irregularly beating. 80 yrs old and twice jabbed and two boosters. I asked him recently why he was getting the 4th shot and his reply was that he was already 80 and so what if he died from it. I think it is causing major depression in people and they feel futile about living. Sorry about your Mom and hope she stays well.

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Jun 23, 2022·edited Jun 23, 2022

My mom and dad are 80 also. My dad had stage 3 prostate cancer & mom had an aggressive uterine cancer 4 or 5 years ago and both were very lucky to catch it in time. They had surgery & minimal radiation and came through it fine. I never saw them afraid of anything my whole life until the media coverage of sars cov2 started. Scenes of New York & death tickers and cases rising. When they heard that hospitals were letting old people die so younger could have the ventilators. That people were dying alone & having to say goodbye on a tablet because of quarrantine. That there was no treatment but a new vaccine was coming--my parents were terrified. My mom didn't leave the house for almost 2 yrs. They're more afraid of catching covid than when they had cancer. They have been conditioned over the yrs to get every shot the Dr says to. My mom got a flu shot, shingles sbot, & her 1st Moderna booster all in the same week. She was in bed for a couple days with fever and aches. She said : imagine how much worse covid would be... That's how brainwashed my family is. Full trust and believes in the CDC FDA etc.. There's nothing more I can say to them. I have to stay outside when I visit them because I'm unjabbed. Thank you for the well wishes 😔

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Shows the power of aggressive P.R. - convinces people so easily.

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Jun 23, 2022·edited Jun 23, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I just donated and Give Send Go adds a processing fee and they dropped the '2' at the end! I didn't notice it until it was too late....which is probably why you are NOT seeing all the '2's. Dr. McCullough is a national treasure however. A man of true integrity. To risk it all for the truth is all you need to know. Those after his license must target him-because they are dishonest and captured.

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I noticed they add an "optional" processing fee, automatically unless you uncheck it and choose zero as the added amount. The automatic added fee was $3, so many of the donations ending in "5" are likely from C&C.

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The processing fee doesn't show up in the donation amount. Its even separate on the receipt.

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I caught the processing fee which is optional, and separate from the actual donation. The actual donation still ends at '2' -- I checked the recent donation list after I donated, and I saw my donation ending at '2' (with my comments, so I know it's mine). I received two separate donation receipts via email: one for donation to Dr. Mc, and one for the *gift* to GSG.

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It did the same to me yesterday! So I thought I’d be creative and just put 22 to virtual signal it was C&C

It changed it to 25. So you’re right you don’t have the accurate amount donated by C&C army

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Same here, 22 was turned into 25. Though I didn’t look at the actual donation listed after it went through. Maybe it still showed 22 because that’s what was sent to Dr McCullough?

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I caught that fee and deleted it before finishing my transaction. I like gsg and would support them, but it was messing up the 2-ending, and I wanted it to count. I shared the link last night in a substack comment and some non-CC people donated as well. 🎉

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I left the donation but I was assuming (yeah I know) that the donation amount would be listed separate from the donation to GSG

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One would think! The system could use some clarification. I do appreciate that they’re not crazy like the gofundme people but I really didn’t want to give them a LOT on top of my other donation. 😬

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Jun 23, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

"The Administration claims the move is part of its anti-cancer initiative. Now we see how it will work. Instead of CURING cancer, they’ll just ban everything that “thuh Science” says causes cancer. Problem solved!"

So I guess this means they'll ban the covid "vaccine" soon? Just wondering...

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My thought exactly!

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Jun 23, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I can't remember where, but I've read that the 'rash' of food production facilities is at normal levels. So it seems like these memes may be just fear-porn for the right (yes it happens). I work in manufacturing, and we've had double or triple our normal injuries and accidents in the past year. It's largely due to experienced boomers retiring and completely green new hires to replace the retirees. Sometimes it's surprising that these 18-25 year olds even know how to tie their own shoelaces. If anything is responsible for accidents in manufacturing, I'd guess it's occurring because of young new hires making mistakes.

Russian saboteurs? Give me a freaking break. That's ridiculous.

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And so was the idea that a biolab leak caused the Covid flu. Never discount any theory until there is some true cause determined, Saboteurs, Russian or otherwise does not seem outside the realm of possible this day and age IMHO.

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Considering the recent article re Bill Gates farmland grab in N.Dakota--now under investigation due to legal limitations, we should be more wary of ulterior motives and the suspects who stand to gain financial advantages. While I won't necessarily jump to conclusions re Russian saboteurs(why not CCP, or the Soros gangsters?) I still have concerns regarding many folks that seem unable to grasp the idea that the world is at war. The MSM has bamboozled too many people with myths re Ukraine vs Russia. Meantime, the war profiteering continues.

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Money is the root to all evil has never been truer than it is today.

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I can agree with this --and yet have pondered it for too many years. I now tweak it as: 'The love of money is the root of evil'. Using money and needing money are not inherently evil. When money becomes the end all/be all--and a means to control others--this is what tends to sow the seeds of corruption.

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yep, it is the love of money that is the root of all evil. It takes money to live, after all. But if you're willing to kill and maim people to make profits in the Pharma industry, then you are now falling into the problem that this statement talks about.

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Yes. This is why I call it the "Pharmafia."

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Good point. $ itself isn't evil. It all depends on the individual...otherwise C&C wouldn't be using it to multiply!

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I don't have any issues with lawyers and billable hours so much--it's just the fact that most Senators and members in Congress started as lawyers. Thus, even though they work in the Govt, they still think in terms of billable hours. It's engrained in their behavior.

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Money is not evil. It's just a medium of exchange. It's the "love" of money that is the root of all evil.

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The actual verse is "The LOVE of money is the root of all evil"..... slight difference. We all need money in one way or another, but loving it too much is the beginning of a person's slide into all kinds of detrimental activities.

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Thou Shall Prosper, by Lapin & Legacy Journey by Ramsey are fantastic books for repairing the misunderstanding of God’s given use for money. A system of money is an Incredible blessing that truly is often mislabeled as evil. It’s the fallen human heart which is evil.

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YAY!...another book for the summer reading list. Thank you.

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Yes...and "loving it too much" in my lexicon means: attached to materialism to the exclusion of god-consciousness and soul sovereignty. pax!

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The idea that the biolab leak caused covid was never a ridiculous theory. It was always the most plausible theory.

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The only real doubt in my mind was and is whether the release was deliberate. I believe it certainly was a "plandemic," but the release may have accidentally occurred before the virus was strong enough to kill as many as intended.

All labs of this type in the world need to be shut down, and their staff and sponsors should go on trial for attempted genocide.

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100 percent correct and mostly obvious. What astounds me is that people DON'T CARE. Most folks won't even contemplate the facts.

China releases a man made virus, especially designed to kill millions. According to the corrupted World Hell Authoritarian, it succeeded. 6,320,599 deaths, reported to WHO. As of 21 June 2022.

And we still kowtow to china, the creators of the largest destruction of human rights in history.

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I agree with all that!

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And Ulvade! The officials are lying. Truth needs to get out!

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Jun 23, 2022·edited Jun 23, 2022

Just because someone is bringing it to your attention now does not mean there is in fact a trend, increase, or actual problem.

A funny thing with our minds, when we are made aware of something we start to see it everywhere, especially when you go looking for it. Start actually looking for stuff there's a good chance you'll find it even if it doesn't actually exist (note how the crazies see 'racism' and 'white supremacy' in everything)

Define/identify qualifying facilities. Does an Amazon warehouse count? They do ship food stuff even if its not the primary business. How about my local farm store's warehouses? They sell spices etc for sausage making, as well as snack foods. In my town there are two companies that custom process deer in fall and the rest of the year make sausage and hams. Do they count?

How many such facilities are there in the US? If there's 200,000 such places in the country its not out of the realm of possibility that what is being claimed as an anomaly is in fact entirely normal, including multiple crashes of light aircraft (on avg there are 2 or 3 light aircraft crashes a day in the US. Airports often being near industrial buildings the odds of landing on a 'food processor' are fairly good)

What exactly constitutes a fire worthy of being counted? A single machine with faulty wiring catching fire in a 300,000 square foot building is not exactly earth shattering news.

How many incidents in 2018? 2015? 2010?

Until you can answer this stuff its fear-porn.

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Agreed. It's like liberals pointing to every heat wave, tornado, flood, forest fire, etc. and blaming them on climate change when there has been no increase in the trend of severe weather in the past 100 years. The other aspect of the coming food shortages is this. India and other countries have stopped exporting wheat in preparation for shortages in the next year or 2. India is usually a major exporter of wheat. Russia is a major exporter of fertilizer. Farmers here in the US are already not planting crops because they can't afford the increased fertilizer costs on top of the existing high prices due to inflation. When the food shortages do happen it will be because of US/EU sanctions on Russia. My boyfriend and I are buying a deep freezer and 1/2 a cow this month in preparation.

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Should also not forget that search algorithms tend to show you more of what you ask for.

I've been wanting to do new things with the kids this summer that we haven't done before. Drag racing is one of those things. Never been to a drag race myself so I wanted to watch a few runs from one of the local tracks to see if I thought the kids might be interested.

Watch one drag race video and now suddenly I'm getting recommended all kinds of drag racing and tractor pull videos. Still getting them in recommendation despite saying 'not interested' a dozen times.

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Yes. It's like "blue car syndrome". You buy a blue car or are looking at blue cars and all of a sudden you see tons of blue cars.

Additionally, we always have to remember:. News outlets exist to make money. Catastrophes attract way more attention than normal, peaceful operations. So which ones are they going to put on the news? I have the answer to that!

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I was thinking about cars as an example of this as well.

I used to never see Subaru vehicles until I bought one. After I bought one I saw them everywhere. Two years ago I sold it and today I almost never see a Subaru anymore.

The Subaru was replaced with an EV and now I see practically every EV that passes by us.

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Jun 24, 2022·edited Jun 24, 2022

haha, did the same thing with Audis. shopped for and bought 2 and I see tons of them now.

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Fear Porn? Really Well these are the facts. Food and Fertilizer Facility fires from 2020 to 2022 Pay attention to 2022 they are just getting started.

4/21/2020 SID WAINER & SON, New Bedford, Massachusetts

5/26/2020 MIZKAN FOOD PROCESSING PLANT, Stockton, California

7/8/2020 TYSON FOOD PROCESSING PLANT, Nashville, Arizona Destroyed

7/24/2020 HEMINGWAY MEAT LOCKER PLANT, Hemingway, South Carolina

8/27/2020 DOMINO SUGAR REFINERY, Arabi, Louisiana Significant Damage

10/3/2020 MR. CHIP INC., Pinconning, Michigan Pickle manufacturer Destroyed

10/10/2020 WEST LIBERTY PROCESSING PLANT, Tremonton, Utah

10/12/ 2020 ST. VINCENT DE PAUL, Temple, Texas Food Pantry Destroyed

1/11/ 2021 DELI STAR, Fayetteville, Illinois Food Meat/Poultry Processing Plant Destroyed

1/21/2021 TIEGS POTATO FOOD PROCESSING, Warden, Washington Destroyed

5/12/2021 PACTIV INC., Temple, Texas Significant Damage

5/23/2021 RICELAND FOODS, Stuttgart, Arkansas Severe Damage

7/25/202 KELLOGG, Memphis, Tennessee 1 Severe Damage

7/30/2021 TYSON’S RIVER VALLEY INGREDIENTS, Hanceville, Alabama Significantly


8/23/2021 PATAK MEAT PRODUCTS, Cobb County, Georgia Destroyed

9/12/2021 JBS MEAT FOOD, Grand Island, Nebraska Significant damage

10/12/2021 DARIGOLD FOOD PROCESSING PLANT, Caldwell, Idaho Severely damaged

11/6/2021 GREENBERG SMOKED TURKEY, INC., Tyler, Texas Severe damage

11/29/2021MAID-RITE STEAK COMPANY, Lackawanna, Pennsylvania Severely damaged

12/12/2021WEST SIDE FOOD PROCESSING PLANT, San Antonio, Texas


Severe Damage

1/2/2022 VAN DRUNEN FARMS TUTHILL PLANT, Momence, Illinois Total loss Destroyed

1/8/2022 RAW FARM CREAMERY, Fresno, California Destroyed

1/13/2022 CARGILL-NUTRENA, Lecompte, Louisiana Feed/grain plant Severely damaged

1/20/2022 WASHINGTON POTATO FOOD PROCESSING PLANT, Warden, Washington Destroyed

1/31/2022 WISTON WEAVER COMPANY, Winston-Salem, Carolina Fertilizer plant Destroyed

2/3/2022 WISCONSIN RIVER MEATS, Mauston, Wisconsin Partially burned down

2/4/2022 DIAMOND WALNUT FOOD PROCESSING PLANT, Live Oak, California Destroyed

2/15/2022 BONANZA MEAT CO., El Paso, Texas Partially destroyed

2/16/2022 LOUIS DREYFUS COMPANY (LDC), Claypool, Indiana Partially destroyed

2/22/2022 SHEARER’S FOOD POTATO PLANT, Hermiston,Oregon Severely Damaged

2/28/2022 NUTRIEN AG SOLUTIONS, Sunnyside, Washington Destroyed warehouse full of fertilizers

3/16/2022 NESTLE HOT POCKETS, Jonesboro, Arkansas Significant damage

3/16/2022 WALMART, Plainfield, Indiana Severely Damaged

3/23/2022 PEPSI FOOD PROCESSING PLANT, Piscataway, New Jersey Severe Damage

3/24/2022 PENOBSCOT MCCRUM, Belfast, Maine Severely Damaged

3/28/2022 MARICOPA FOOD PANTRY, Maricopa, Arizona Destroyed 50,000 Lbs. of food

3/31/2022 RIO FRESH INC., San Juan, Texas Onion packaging Severe Damage

4/11/2022 EAST CONWAY BEEF & PORK, Conway, New Hampshire Destroyed

4/13/2022 GEM STATE PROCESSING, Heyburn, Idaho Significant Damage

4/18/2022 AZURE STANDARD HEADQUARTER FACILITY, Dufur, Oregon Organic food distributor Destroyed

4/19/2022 NUTRIEN AG SOLUTIONS, Leoti, Kansas Fertilizer plant Severely Damaged

4/24/2022 GENERAL MILLS, Cedar Rapids, Iowa Significant Damage

4/25/2022 HORMEL FOODS FACILITY, Suffolk, Virginia Significant Damage

4/28/2022 AGRIWAY PARTNERS, Kalona, Washington Minimal Damage

4/30/2022 PERDUE FARMS, Chesapeake, West Virginia Destroyed soybean processing tank

5/1/2022 SALADINO FOOD PROCESSING PLANT, Fresno, California Severely Damaged

6/7/2022 JBS MEAT PACKING PLANT, Green Bay, Wisconsin Significant Damage

6/13/2022 FESTIVE FOODS, Belmont, Wisconsin Severe Damage

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Yes indeed fear porn.

That is all your list is without knowing how many such facilities exist, and how common such occurrences have been in previous years.

You can't start counting in 2020 and declare "well no one ever talked about it before so it must be a new thing"

For all we know, your list is comprehensive of all such cases since Jan 2020 and it actually represents a considerable decline in the number vs prior years.

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All this is true, Tom. AND, do we have figures for the the years prior to 2020?

The media want us to be scared. They want to "sell it" for ratings and money.

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And it proves, nor demonstrates anything

Without historical data, you have no basis from which to draw any conclusions.

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Well, when you put it like that….

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You are right. We need to question, but stay grounded in reality. I recommend The Conservative Treehouse site for its in-depth analysis.

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Only a ridiculous idea (lab leak) as "reported" by the mainstream everything and taken on by the vast majority in this country who also thought wearing a slave rag would save Grandma.

On what basis would it be ridiculous to suggest that a pathogen from a bioweapons lab (a.k.a. as "biomedical" research center) could leak, did leak, may be the source of the outbreak? Only vested interests and their media scum lackeys spewing propaganda would assert that the possibility of this is ridiculous.

OTOH, to assert that Russia is blowing up food storage/processing facilities is absurd. Is it possible? Sure, in the universe of all possibilities, it's possible. It could be that Russian agents here in the U.S. are randomly blowing up food processing centers because...Because the only real Christian country left in Europe with a leader who begged the European and U.S. a$$ wipes to cease their encroachment, who knew the source of the 2014 coup, etc., etc., would send agents to this God-forsaken country to blow up chickens and cereal.

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I hear ya. One notable detail re Russia, however(lest we forget that they have been US allies throughout history--the war of 1812 and WW2 comes to mind) is that there has been a national surge towards Christian orthodoxy(Putin has also crticized the Western "woke" garbage). This is not to negate the nefarious elements of a Russian 'deep state'(just as we have in the US), and yet, we may presume that all is not what it seems on the superficial level. The current collapse of the global banking construct is affecting all nations. Russia's rouble is now gold-backed, and they're in much better shape financially than the US is currently. Time will tell. Best advice I've heard is from The Art of War: "The enemy of my enemy is my ally." I'm more concerned about China's spies and tech thievery!

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Agree...I'd be more concerned about the Chinese infiltration and criminal activity in this country than Russian.

Getting picky here, but I think it's a crucial point. We allied in WWII with a communist, God-less, murderous, depraved 𝑺𝒐𝒗𝒊𝒆𝒕 𝑼𝒏𝒊𝒐𝒏 -- not Russia -- to our great shame. The Bolsheviks murdered their way to the creation of this abomination and the D.C. scum allied with 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕. The Bolsheviks did all they could to rid that amazing country of its Christianity and Christian roots. (And if one thinks the fact of present-day Russia's deep Christian faith, its Christianity have nothing to do with the crime syndicate's vilification of it, why, you just ain't payin' attention to the deeper motivations of the sick people currently "running" the "West".)

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"You must understand, the leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. It cannot be overstated. Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant and uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media is in the hands of the perpetrators.”

-- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

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Seems you and me may just be kindred spirits, Riki Tiki Tavi. 😊

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STL--Here's another clue re infiltration and the demise of the US Constitution: @Attkisson's website-'Critical Race Theory' being taught at West Point'

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Russia and China are allied against western Europe and the USA. Look at who their allies are: N. Korea, Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, Syria, etc. Just last week, Nicaragua invited the Russian military to send their soldiers, ships and planes and set upa base of operations. The Russians have those hypersonic missiles. They have said the could launch them from Moscow and they would hit London in 200 seconds. Nicaragua is only 1000 miles from the USA. So, you see my concern?

I'm telling you Jeff does not understand Russian strategy and he is misleading readers here into believing Russia is not a big threat to us unless we provoke them. In my research, Russia tells 95% of the truth and 5% lies, meaning that they want us to believe if they expand that it is our fault. IT'S NOT! They have been strategizing the fall of NATO and our demise since the 1950s. All you have to do to confirm this is read Golitsen, a prominent Soviet defector's books. DO NOT BE DECEIVED BY PUTIN. Right now they are preparing their people for nuclear war.

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I see your points and understand your concern. Russian missiles, U.S. missiles, Israeli missiles, Chinese missiles, et.al. could all hit strategic targets like London, Rome, etc. If Russian missiles end up in Nicaragua, they could easily hit U.S. targets. Yet, what would be the point? Evaporated cities that need clean-up? Who'd do the clean-up? To take over the American landmass? Your assertion re the 95%/5% can also be said of "our" side, too.

The Soviets did plan for and hope for the demise of the U.S. That is true. Is it that mindset -- that communist, deranged, God-less, anti-human, power-hungry mindset -- that has already delivered the country formally known as "America" to that we once again call Russia? Because that is essentially what this country is at this point. All without missiles.

As for what I think I know about today's Russia I base on (mostly) U.S. sources that take a different point of view on Putin, one more favorable, balanced, and without the hegemonic impulse you see. They could be completely wrong. Or partially so. Hard for me to really know.

As for Anatoliy Golitsyn (You mean him, yes?), I can see that his experience would lend itself to his POV and predictions. Our self-destruction, though, is ours and easily predictable for anyone with eyes to see. The crime syndicate in D.C. has run completely amok and communist/Marxist infiltration is complete -- but "Americans" allowed that, welcomed that.

Very involved topic, LadyfromLibertyGarage, and too much so for a Comments section. I just take the POV that our biggest enemies are right here. While Russia/China/Israel should concern us, I think we should concentrate on those enemies here -- from the "average American" by the hundreds of millions who revealed him/herself over the last two years as disloyal to liberty as any proud Communist -- all the way to the world's largest anti-American, un-Constitutional, murderous organized crime syndicate, a.k.a. the U.S. government.

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I'm in agreement with STL's purview. The enemy is within. The corruption is like a cancer, and the roots of the evil can be traced back through history. The quote I posted that came from Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn was on point with his statement's conclusion: "...the global media is in the hands of the perpetrators.” Of note is the recent article (Tucker apparently had the dialog this week) that announced that AI is sentient--coming from a Google employee. One third of the global population is hooked on video games(2 Bil), thus they have already chosen 'virtual reality' as the place to socialize and live. Another layer to the infiltration must be considered (The Matrix analogy is apt)--the 'Metaverse' is IMO, another aspect of the degradation of morality, and ethical concern for Human Beings. Amazing Polly's most recent expose on the Health Bureaucracy(i.e.,Health Security State) in Canada explains in great detail and with cogent evidence how protecting the "vaccine" is of greater importance than protecting human lives. From my POV, if you want to kill off greater numbers--just keep the injections coming...who really needs missiles? Missiles are messy--body bags are easier and cheaper. Blessings from the frontlines! [God Wins]

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While we are corrupt, we haven't yet killed a 100 million of our own people. The Russians don't care what our leaders think. They are already bought and paid for. They care what influencers like Jeff thinks; they care what you and I think. They control a wing of the left that exerts power far beyond their numbers. WE MUST STAND UP AND BE HEARD. Jeff could really help with this. Like the Devil, all the Russians have to do is create doubt and their message prevails. Very very dangerous. Those Russian ships are en route to Nicaragua.

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WMD's, as in "nukes", are old school--only as a last line of defense and as a deterrent(just like handguns and the 2nd amendment). The US Military has more advanced weapons such as DEW[also: think EMP attack]. As a point of strategic reference: Russia is an enemy of China. In "The Art of War" there is a saying: 'The enemy of my enemy is my ally.' Besides, an unseen war has been ongoing re infiltration since 1963- in my political analysis. The war we are in is primarily about who's going to run the globe for the next 100 or more years--and China is poised for this role and is now a major military power as well as an industrial goliath. Who financed Mao and the CCP?... Rockefeller and Wall St. Know thine enemy! [fact check: China's CCP leadership has issued the decree to prepare for wartime--hence the Chinese cargo vessels aren't heading in this direction. Have you noticed certain items aren't on the shelves? I have. Check out the shipping tracker--Long Beach, CA is much quieter than usual.]

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One more thing. That 40 Billion dollars we supposedly sent to Ukraine didn't go there. It's foreign aid to the countries receiving the Ukrainian refugees; it is dollars to the military complex to replace the weapons we already gave the Ukrainians, etc. Precious little is actual military weapons for the Ukrainians and that is being slow walked. So you have to ask yourself why. Then go back in time and look at who financed Biden’s first campaign for the Senate. Why, it was Armand Hammer, a known KGB asset. The Biden. Obama, Clinton tribe are completely compromised.

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Puti. And Xi February 4, 2022

Here is the text of their joint statement.


Russian invaded Ukraine on Feb.24

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Our nukes are old and untested for many years. I agree with everything you say about China, but you are missing the boat on Russia. They are about authoritarianism, i. e. World control through revolutionary means. That is communism. They have been planning this for over a century. Who trained the Chinese? Who infiltrated our halls of power first?

On February 4 at the start of the Winter Olympics, Xi and Putin met and issued a joint statement 99 paragraphs long. It cements their partnership. Here is a link. You can read it for yourself. If you do, you will see We are their military, financial, technological, and cultural enemy.

The Russians want US and Jeff to believe if they escalate the war in Ukraine or expand beyond, it will be because of our actions. This is just not true. They have been planning this for years. Ask ANY Eastern European and they will confirm this is an old tactic. I could tell you so many stories, but take a look at this interview of a Bulgarian. His outlook is quite representative.

Watch this interview. Paste this into YouTube.

Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine and the Backdrop to WWIII: An Interview Between Dalton and Nikolai

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I don’t jump on board with the Russians. However, to say what is happening with food production facilities is normal, imo is a stretch. I get the worker shortages and training challenges etc. What I don’t get on board with are the number of facilities that are burning to the ground. That’s not normal. Kinda like SADS. Unexplained or mysterious explanations of why these facilities keep burning and exploding. 🤔 And, I do not believe or trust the “officials” or media when they say move along, nothing to see here.

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Also, not much maintenance got done during the scamdemic and work from home nonsense - lack of maintenance is also an explanation for some incidents...

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Excellent point.

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And don't forget you can't get spare parts e.g. SCs are a mess and China with their lockdowns... Also, probably not many in-person govt inspections - for what they might be worth - along with backlogs e.g. the baby formula mess where a report warning of problems was sent out in Oct and sat in the DC HQ's mailroom until Feb or something b/c all the fed bureaucrats are "working" from home not answering emails....

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Yes! We are having that problem, too, with spare parts. There's a 6 month lead time for just about everything.

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What do you mean 'these memes'? Plenty of astute articles have been written about the issue.

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Bad Cattitude had a piece on the food production facility fires and el gato discounted excess fires.

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Yes, thank you. That was where I read that. I agree with him. I live in AL - poultry has been our #1 industry for decades. There are 30 poultry processing facilities on this list, most of them in the "large" category, and not one of the facilities is in the list floating around on social media.


We also have several large poultry feed production facilities in the state, and there is one from AL in the list. Why burn down a poultry feed plant to starve the country if they're just going to rebuild a brand new one?


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Jun 23, 2022·edited Jun 23, 2022

I live in TN and there are poultry houses, processing plants, feed mills, hatchery, etc..none that I know of has been destroyed--yet...

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Once is an accident. Twice is a coincidence, more than 3 starts to form a pattern. If this many fires at food processing plants is at normal levels, the industry needs to start looking into fire suppression technology and seriously review their safety practices.

1/11/21 A fire that destroyed 75,000-square-foot processing plant in Fayetteville

4/30/21 A fire ignited inside the Smithfield Foods pork processing plant in Monmouth, IL

7/25/21 Three-alarm fire at Kellogg plant in Memphis, 170 emergency personnel responded to the call

7/30/21 Firefighters on Friday battled a large fire at Tyson’s River Valley Ingredients plant in Hanceville, Alabama

8/23/21 Fire crews were called to the Patak Meat Production company on Ewing Road in Austell

9/13/21 A fire at the JBS beef plant in Grand Island, Neb., on Sunday night forced a halt to slaughter and fabrication lines

10/13/21 A five-alarm fire ripped through the Darigold butter production plant in Caldwell, ID

11/15/21 A woman is in custody following a fire at the Garrard County Food Pantry

11/29/21 A fire broke out around 5:30 p.m. at the Maid-Rite Steak Company meat processing plant

12/13/21 West Side food processing plant in San Antonio left with smoke damage after a fire

1/7/22 Damage to a poultry processing plant on Hamilton’s Mountain following an overnight fire

1/13/22 Firefighters worked for 12 hours to put a fire out at the Cargill-Nutrena plant in Lecompte, LA

1/31/22 a fertilizer plant with 600 tons of ammonium nitrate inside caught on fire on Cherry Street in Winston-Salem

2/3/22 A massive fire swept through Wisconsin River Meats in Mauston

2/3/22 At least 130 cows were killed in a fire at Percy Farm in Stowe

2/15/22 Bonanza Meat Company goes up in flames in El Paso, Texas

2/15/22 Nearly a week after the fire destroyed most of the Shearer’s Foods plant in Hermiston

2/16/22 A fire had broken at US largest soybean processing and biodiesel plant in Claypool, Indiana

2/18/22 An early morning fire tore through the milk parlor at Bess View Farm

2/22/22 The Shearer’s Foods plant in Hermiston caught fire after a propane boiler exploded

2/28/22 A smoldering pile of sulfur quickly became a raging chemical fire at Nutrien Ag Solutions

2/28/22 A man was hurt after a fire broke out at the Shadow Brook Farm and Dutch Girl Creamery

3/14/22 The blaze at 244 Meadow Drive was discovered shortly after 5 p.m. by farm owner Wayne Hoover

3/16/22 A fire at a Walmart warehouse distribution center in Plainfield, Indiana has cast a large plume of smoke visible throughout Indianapolis.

3/16/22 Nestle Food Plant extensively damaged in fire and new production destroyed Jonesboro, Arkansas

3/24/22 Fire fighters from numerous towns are battling a major fire at the McCrum potato processing facility in Belfast, Maine.

3/29/22 A massive fire burned 40,000 pounds of food meant to feed people in a food desert near Maricopa

3/31/22 A structure fire caused significant damage to a large portion of key fresh onion packing facilities in south Texas

4/13/22 Fire destroys East Conway Beef & Pork Meat Market in Conway, New Hampshire

4/14/22 Taylor Farms Food Processing plant burns down Salinas, California.

4/19/22 Azure Standard nation’s premier independent distributor of organic and healthy food, was destroyed by fire in Dufur, Oregon

5/29/22 A Saturday night fire destroyed a poultry building at Forsman Farms in Howard Lake, Minnesota

6/7/22 A fire occurred Tuesday evening at the JBS meat packing plant in Green Bay, Wisconsin

6/8/22 Firefighters from Tangipahoa Fire District 1 respond to a fire at the Purina Feed Mill in Arcola, Louisiana

6/13/22 Fire Breaks Out at a Food Processing Plant West of Waupaca County in Wisconsin

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Thank you! It is a pattern. And thank you for the list. I’ve seen it but didn’t have it handy to include as a post. It’s an evil smelling plan too. This is not normal. This govt has already proven what their agenda is and it is nefarious. Their sticking our kids and babies with experimental shots for crying out loud. And they have forcibly jabbed our adults with manipulation and threats They lied at every turn about the plandemic. The BS with Abbott labs in Michigan to cut off formula supplies. I don’t need to go through the exhausting list. Burning down our food plants is not hard to conclude is on purpose. Who exactly is behind it can be discussed.

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I live in AL, one of the largest poultry producing states in the country. We have 30 medium and large chicken processing facilities and at least a dozen very large feed manufacturing plants. The one that is listed above, the chicken feed plant in Hanceville, was heavily damaged in a fire is being replaced by a brand new facility expected to open in the spring of next year.

Fires happen all the time everywhere. After doing a little research, I'm guessing that the capacity destroyed by these fires has mostly been offset by new facilities opening.

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Will somebody please find the stats for what is normal for fires in the food production industry???? I know nothing about it BUT THAT IS AN AWFUL LOT OF FIRES (two from plane crashes??). I need to see the data.

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Here you go. The author is using mostly logic to analyze the situation. He has numbers, but not annual statistics coming from a food processing industry group. From his analysis, it seems like the number of fires might be elevated but mostly within normal levels. I work in manufacturing - demand is high, and we are short workers, almost dangerously short workers. We've had double our normal accidents where I work also.


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Well in that case, there is nothing to be alarmed about. Maybe all this normal destruction will be a positive by creating the jobs to rebuild them.

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Jun 23, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I'm amazed by our collective power for the multipliers! My heart is full and I am so happy for Dr M!

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AnonymousJun 23, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Hey Jeff...you being a legal beaver and myself a bean counter we both know there are NO coincidences

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Hedge funds bought up all the food companies.............changes coming, good and bad.

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My thoughts in all the destroyed food processing, death of cows, chickens and now sheep. The US has been inflated with terrorists from who knows where. Biden admin is placing them all over the country. I’m wondering if the terrorists are at work destroying the food supply in the US. Just a thought out loud - nothing to prove it. I suppose just another conspiracy theory. All I know is that is the destruction can’t be coincidence. There is someone up to no good.

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To ignore what is before our very eyes is a recipe for disaster. I also see too many "setups" in the realm--such as all the so-called 'experts' making predictions, i.e., global food shortages-pandemics-and climate change. If we actually had a Free Press and "legit" televised news sources we could better prepare for all these "predicted" disasters!

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There is most definitely a global food shortage coming. But imho these food processing facility fires and accidents are miniscule in comparison to the coming tsunami of shortages caused by US/EU sanctions on Russia. Major exporters of wheat like India and other countries have banned exports in preparation for the coming shortages. There's also some issue with the urea diesel exhaust fluid. US farmers are already opting not to plant crops this year because of the price of fertilizer. If these stories of accidents (or sabotage) at US food processing facilities result in people prepping for a global food crisis, then good. I just don't think they will be the cause.

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Union Pacific railroad has set a ceiling on the amount of fertilizer it will transport that is half last year's total. That's where the shortage is coming from, and it includes a urea derivative used in diesel fuel (thus creating a fuel shortage for trucks too). I believe this is being done because UP's parent company, Blackrock, wants to favor its other subsidiaries. Watch for Biden to use the Defense Production Act to make this problem worse.

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Very astute data points! We need to pay attn to Black Rock's moves now--more than ever! Also of note is how much real estate BR is gobbling up!

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Best explanation I've heard. Thanks.

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Good info.

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The food shortages are unnecessary. We must return to the tenets of "economies of scale." Support local farms. CSA. Grow our own tomatos, etc (they're way too expensive anyhow!) Big Agra is just another centralized monster we have no control of.

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Yes. The military analysts and 'legit" journalistss that I follow all say the US has been infiltrated. I'm a relative late comer to the intel re CCP's "Thousand Talents" program. Several years ago-perhaps it was around the 2016 election-I read an article published by a legacy media source re: the "thousand chairs" social media troll program. Once again-the CCP is responsible for planting disinformation on social media platforms. Considering the fact that the spooks in Langley have made Coca Cola a global brand--perhaps it is karma payback time?

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Jun 23, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

My thought on banning nicotine, the government should ban glyphosate and fluoride before banning nicotine. They cause a lot more harm on people than nicotine.

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Yes but Roundup and fluoride do not impede the spike protein and its outcome as they think nicotine does.

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Yep! Can’t have anything impeding the darling spike proteins 😤

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Good point...and I guess endocrine system disruption isn't important to them either

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Arise, O Lord, do not let man prevail;

Let the nations be judged before You.

Put them in fear, O Lord;

Let the nations know that they are but men. Selah.

— Psalm 9:19-20

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So thankful I know exactly Who is in charge!!

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Amen, sister! Here’s one of two years’ worth of daily “My Jesus” posts I wrote, beginning in 2017. I had no idea what was coming down the pike a short time later, but now I sure love the reminders of His sovereignty and power and everything else He is.

“My Jesus is the only source of true freedom, the kind of soul-deep freedom that transcends the machinations of man and overpowers the schemes of the enemy.”

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Agree wholeheartedly! Remember, "We Are Almost Home".... a fabulous song by Mercy Me. It states exactly why I keep holding on in this God forsaken world.

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I have listened to and worshiped along with that song countless times in the last few months. So beautiful.

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Jun 23, 2022·edited Jun 23, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Is it possible for this administration to do anything so asinine that it would compel the American people to demand a return to the Rule of Law?

Where does it say in the Constitution that the misnamed "federal" government (the central government in DC is anything but federal) can regulate nicotine content in cigarettes, and do so without legislation?

Once upon a time, the government wanted to ban the sale of alcohol.

It passed a Constitutional Amendment to do so.

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Via this: https://brownstone.org/articles/the-origin-and-operation-of-the-us-administrative-state/ The administrative state runs this "show". Not the Constitution. Disloyal, unconstitutional scum slithering throughout the crime syndicate's D.C. headquarters "run" this anti-liberty, anti-truth, un-American, and criminal "show".

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When, oh when will American citizens wake up and see this? Do these people even read the Bill of Rights?

Trump threatened to drain the swamp but allowed the swamp to distract him. DeSantis seems more willing to take action than any politician, we need him desperately in DC.

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Here's what I said on this subject over at Steve Kirsch's Substack: "I recommend that everyone read the Jeffrey Tucker article that Steve imbedded. (Here is that article: https://brownstone.org/articles/the-origin-and-operation-of-the-us-administrative-state/) Yet another exposé on the administrative state that actually runs the country. Tucker states and it's blatantly obvious that elections ain't gonna fix "this".

It also makes plain the absurdity of the comments seen in so many places such as, "Hope Ron DeSantis runs for President in 2024!" First, DeSantis does seem like a decent man for whom the light dawned on Marblehead (popular expression in the gulag known as MA where I used to live). He finally saw the crime -- and his role in it (and by extension his violation of his oath to the Constitution). IMO, he has worked to correct that ever since. In light of how obvious it is that scumbag bureaucrats actually "run" the country, on what basis would anyone suggest that Ron DeSantis could impact a thing by going to the D.C. crime syndicate headquarters??? Why would anyone want a man who seems decent to go there and rub elbows with the worst scum on earth??? Our "fellow" "Americans" in fancy suits and fine cars??

So many people think they're awake; they're freakin' clueless. We live in a crime syndicate, ladies and gentlemen, and voting will not fix it. Especially "voting" for "President". "

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Yes...the problem began in 1871. The US Corp. Inc was created and what I and many others failed to understand(until recently) is that we have no representatives in the Federal Govt. The rank and file in DC serve corporate interests. And those corporate interests shape public policy. My version of world history and US history has been radically revised over the last ten years. [footnote: the FDA allows GMO's in our food--and yet research has proven that these unhealthy foods interfere with the microbiome in our gut. I don't trust the Federal govt to make health choices for me!]

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Yes I believe we haven't even seen the effects or at least are starting to see the effects of GMO foods.

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I realize that in "woke" America it's not PC to talk about overweight people, but in my lifetime I've seen the numbers of terribly overweight people increase exponentially. Even overweight teens! It all starts with gut health! Frankly, convenience stores are a primary culprit in the inner city's food desert.

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It can't. This is a nothingburger, another shiny distraction from the inept failings of Sleepy Joe's administration

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The main thing that enabled this change was Wickard v. Filburn, a New Deal-era case that changed the meaning of "interstate commerce" to include nearly everything. We need a Supreme Court that will overturn that case.

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Jun 23, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

GREAT news about the multiplier. "Many hands make light work"...so honored to be a part of this.

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Jun 23, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Awesome news about Dr. McCullough's multiplier. I forget to put 2 in my donation so I am one of the others in the donations. Lol. Kudos for Publix for taking that stand against vaxxing the youngest of our children. I'm willing to bet they don't want to be included in the stories that unfortunately will come out about the deaths of these most innocent of our population due to the shots. This is what might break open the lies told about the "safe and effective" clot shots.

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I saw someone report that news media are coming out with warnings about how to avoid SIDS. Just like the radio ads alerting you to the signs of a stroke or what condition you may have if you experience heavy menstrual bleeding. This gaslighting is incredibly evil, but I don't think anyone will be held accountable.

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Have patience. At some point in the future, all these criminals will answer for what they have done and continue to do.

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For the past couple weeks I've been seeing on tv, attorney ads asking: " Did you take Tylenol during pregnancy and your child has ADHD or autism?" Another attorney ad asks: " Does your child have autism or ADHD? It could have been caused by tainted baby food." Well this is the first time in my 55 yrs that I've heard that Tylenol and baby food cause autism and ADHD. I'll place my bet on childhood vaccines

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