CDC wants a perpetual state of emergency; great multiplier news; a Mit mass mask mailing project; UF didn't falsify data, but UF professors falsified allegations; sudden unexpected deaths; and more...
I keep going back and forth on this mask business. Part of me wants to reach out and slap every nimrod that subscribes to this jackassery, yet there is another side of me that thoroughly enjoys having my very own personal utilitarian butler that announces Mr. and/or Mrs. Numb Nut as they approach my oxygen rich space. It makes it a whole lot easier to know who NOT to engage in conversation. I generalize, of course. I empathize with some of these folks who have been unwittingly duped by the "scare machine." You can see the desperation in their eyes.
Bret Weinstein (Darkhorse podcast-highly recommend), the other day, was talking about masks as a sort of reverse Star of David phenomenon, which made all the “bad” people visible by their noncompliance. I agree with you that I will, in some ways, miss being able to quickly identify who “my” people were by their facial nudity. I had exchanged huge knowing smiles with fellow facial nudists over the past two years. It was nice to know who else was in on the joke.
All of these emotions are understandable, mask Nazis are obnoxious, overbearing, and generally repugnant. But overall, I’ve come to the conclusion that they are simply AFRAID. They’ve somehow been convinced that, 1) Covid is VERY deadly and 2) masks work. Plus it’s a human trait that people want some level of control in a scary situation. “we can DO this! We’re all in! It’s the new normal!” The media, the government, medical professionals, etc. did an outstanding job of creating this mindset among people.
Here’s an example to illustrate my point about fear. I went to Lenten service yesterday evening where we had a guest Pastor. He and his wife were masked almost the entire service. He took his off during the sermon only. They’re probably in their late 60’s, highly intelligent, Christians (not atheists!), probably apolitical, maybe CNN watchers, definitely “follow doctor’s orders” people. I could see the fear in their eyes! It was extremely sad to me. I gave them a big smile and wished I could’ve hugged them, but that would have totally terrorized them!
AND, we’re in Texas where almost NO ONE wears a mask! The mask mandate is long gone!
Great perspective. The younger SJW in me leans towards your empathic take.
My current version, who has endured two years of watching people devolve into insanity that includes seeing my wife fired from a job at which she excelled because of her refusal to take an experimental drug, is leaning more towards the vengeance and crushing skulls side.
As I said. It's a struggle. I may have to revisit Camus to rediscover my humanity.
My stomach churns when I hear a that a pastor is living in fear. What kind of teacher of the gospel of Jesus Christ would not listen to the words from the Saviors mouth and from Father God, "I John 4:18 (NKJV) -There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love." Mark 4:40 (NKJV) - But He said to them, “Why are you so fearful? How is it that you have no faith?” Joshua 1:9 (NKJV) - Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” And this man is speaking out in the name of God? I think not! Run from him and any pastor, teacher, leader that is bound by fear which is of the devil.
Sadly, you just described my mom, dad, 2 aunts, brother, etc.. The fear porn definitely damaged them. Almost no one wears masks in our rural area. I have just given up trying to reason with them. The only way they'll come back mentally to their former normal selves is when corona isn't mentioned anymore...we all know that won't happen. They honestly believe cvd is a death sentence and they only follow the corrupt CDC guidelines. I guess I'll never see the inside of my parents house again 😪
I'm so sorry. This morning I read on the CDC website that as of the end of February 100% of all cases were omicron. Then I read on the NIH website that the vaccines are not effective with the omicron variant. Your family will never hear that in the news and even if you suggest they investigate, they are lost in the fog. It's very hard when the lost are the people you love. :(
lol, yes. The masks alert you to at least one of the following "caution" warnings: liberal politics, low intelligence, agoraphobia, misanthropy, atheism, cowardice, CNN-watching, Biden voting, hypochondria and/or anxiety disorders. I would add the "immunocompromised" here, but since masks don't work, any truly immunucompromised people who really on them for "safety" will be sorely disappointed (or dead.)
I never fell for the party line on masks, etc, and yeah it pisses me off. But awhile back I was in a sewing store (a hobby of mine) and got to talking to an older woman. I explained to her how to sew a hem on a particularly tough fabric. She was nice, confused, didn’t know how to use youtube. Someone’s very nice grandmother I imagine. And she was wearing a mask. She was sweet and vulnerable and had been duped into being afraid. I can no more be angry at her than I would a dog that was being abused. So we must focus our anger on the Abusers and stop them. Because those assholes don’t kick a dog just once.
Thank you for that illustration.. I hadn't thought of it in that light. My parents are 80, and I am saddened that time is going by that we could spend together instead of divided on these issues. My daughter & I refuse to be pushed or coerced into getting the jabs just so we can go inside their house. Just because their jabs didn't kill or damage them--yet- doesn't mean it couldn't hurt us.
I agree, a lot of nice people have been terrified and misled. They can't imagine that "all those people" are wrong, or worse, intentionally lying for evil motives. Especially their own doctors. It's too big a ask for people who need to trust and rely on the medical profession to get them to not trust them.
VeryVer, that’s a pretty comprehensive list! 😂 I posted a comment after reading yours…IDK, maybe agoraphobia would fit my scenario, but not really. We need a new word, Covidophobia?
I'm not proud to say that I find myself saying snarky things when I pass someone masked outside. Not to them directly, but to the person I might be talking with on the phone "... and there are so many crazies still masking OUTSIDE" timed so that they'll hear it.
It's really obnoxious and I should probably stop.
(Actually, seriously typing this out makes me realize I need to stop: 1) I agree that they've been duped and are victims and 2) the human tendency is to double down when we're criticized, so shaming probably just leads to a tighter grip on that precious mask.)
I feel the same Jasmine. I can't help but judge and disapprove. It's followed by asking God to take my judgement (which hasn't helped yet--I need to be stronger).
I share a similar struggle. Over the past two years I've come to equate the mask with a political party armband. Knowing that it's useless against any virus, it's simply an exercise in virtue signalling.
I've been confronted a few times by suburban soccer moms screaming at me because I was not wearing a mask in places where it was not mandated. As time passed, I found myself automatically going into fight-or-flight mode every time I went to the local Costco, Whole Foods, or other place where mask orthodoxy was at the seventy five percent or above level.
It took my older son pointing out my absurd behavior, particularly as he witnessed the toll it was taking on my already tenuous mental health. Thus, I've gone from looks of bewilderment and disgust - sometimes coupled with choice words under my breath - to simply avoiding eye contact.
I can't feel sorry for these people because it's still a choice and a display of wilful ignorance. However, like the line from the movie Barfly, "I seem to feel better when they're not around."
Whenever the NY witch installs mask mandates on a whim I just stop going out. God told me once after I was yelled at by a stupid twat at the store for being free-faced, 'you don't need to be around those people.' He's right. My mental health is better away from them.
Now in NY's brief free-faced period I just look at the masked's feet. They want it that way.
My biggest issue is the friends that are close to me that are not for forcing masks but just wear it anyway when they go to the grocery stores or some other crowded place. They can't even see the pure futility of this viewpoint.
I empathize with you. Mask wearing has come to outwardly display aspects of humanity that would have otherwise largely gone unnoticed. By that I mean you are constantly made aware that you are in a way disconnected from the masses around you. It's not that you thought you were really 'connected' when there were no masks but it wasn't constantly in your face to remind you.
Yes, it feels like we've been trapped in a very bad horror movie for the past two years. I can't help but feel that these masked maniacs are simply idiots and their stupidity has taken a toll on all of us, especially the youngest who will never be able to forget it.
I was on the other side of this. I only wore a face shield in public as I found I was too claustrophobic to wear a mask. I think I was told 3 times in 2 years to put a mask on with my shield and one of those times was under airport conditions. For two years out in any public setting I smiled as big as I could and made eye contact whenever possible. I was not giving up on smiling! The people wearing masks need to see as many smiles as possible to help guide them back into a world of smiling faces.
I hear you, Jasmine. Our better angels and all that. It’s hard though when you’ve been subjected to neighbors calling you “unpatriotic,” “uncaring about your community,” “selfish,” etc for the past year and a half. When a neighbor who lives down my street told me that “the unvaccinated just need to go and DIE and be LAST for medical care,” that’s when I finally lost it. I told him point blank, “That is an unethical, immoral position to take and as a healthcare clinician for over 30 years, I find your sentiments shockingly cruel.” Everyone deserves proper care. Everyone. No physician, NP, or PA should ever discriminate or hold such ugly, heartless beliefs. He shut up after that. We should forgive ourselves a bit of pettiness and fun ridicule after what we’ve been through the last two years.
I've considered saying to the students I pass outside as they are walking home or to their cars, "I like your mask". It's so obviously condescending, maybe they'd get the hint...?
They have been conditioned by parents and teachers who they naturally trust to do this. They don’t even know the science, only what Pfraud-ci says.
They need someone to encourage them to “look it up,” think for themselves, and realize there is such low risk to themselves or others. How to fit that into 4 words is hard. Idk. But “So.”
How about "If you take off the mask you can smell the bullshit"? I also hang posters on the light poles with sayings like "Hey KIDS, take your mask off and throw it in the trash. Breathe, smile, live, remember it's your right!" or "Take your mask off and throw it away, don't be afraid of fresh air" every few days someone would rip them down so I would put new ones up!
You’ll make George Soros very happy with such a mask. He fears and hates Putin, who will not play the globalist game-especially not the LGBTQxyz part. Beware of the passions the mainstream media promotes.
Don't fool yourself about Putin. Putin is not the bulwark against globalism that people are making him out to be. He's simply coming at this from a different direction.
Russia has been all-in on Covid insanity. Ask any Russian (my wife, for example) about the level of digital social controls that already exist in Russia. Russia will be next country to institute a Chinese-style social credit system unless Canada beats them to it.
As for Ukraine, it's like a turfwar between The Crips and The Bloods. I'm hard-pressed to take sides in such a conflict. I'm horrified by the senseless collateral damage.
I was saddened yesterday to see the developmentally disabled supermarket employee walking home alone yesterday with his face still masked. I can't believe none of his friends or coworkers has let him know unmasked outside the store is ok!
I have developmentally disabled daughter and we have refused for two years to muzzle her. We stick out like a sore thumb as the doctors and parents have brainwashed the disabled community into thinking they have to wear one. It’s so sick. So incredibly sick it makes me sick to my stomach. And they are injecting them all. We are the only ones in our circle of friends that have refused to participate in this abuse. 😞
Some don't want to risk losing job or appear to be dissenting.... Psychological coercion develops a "Better Safe than sorry" mindset in the victim akin to Stockholm Syndrome -
Jeff predicted several weeks ago when the cruise ships were dropping the mandates that the only people wearing masks would be the fully vaxed. Here in Ventura County, CA dropped the mandates for the fully vaxed a few weeks ago, I go into stores and am only one of at most a handful not wearing a mask. How right was he!
Hey Eric. Can you post again the link to that Ukraine video exposing all the media lies you posted a few days ago? I’m trying to find it to send to someone who is ready to wake up. But I can’t find it anymore.
It's sad, I know, but I have taken to reading the obituaries and the number of "sudden" and "unexpected" deaths, especially in young people, is terribly high. So, so sad.
I now understand the "code words" though, as my dear mom just passed away from pancreatic cancer (after having all three of her "recommended" shots) when there was zero history of cancer. When you're grieving with family members who believe in the shot "safety and efficacy" it's not the best time to blame the shot. Sigh.
As a side note, I managed to get her vax card and looked up her lot numbers and every single shot lot had a high recorded death rate. Guess my mom was one of the "unlucky" ones.
I am so sorry to hear of your loss Julie, moms are precious. I worry about my almost fully vaccinated huge family. I can’t imagine losing them all and hope it won’t happen.
But I am increasingly becoming more and more angry hearing of these senseless deaths and knowing there are people out there responsible for this and getting away with it. Not just unknowingly responsible, but KNOWINGLY responsible for murder. We cannot let ourselves be distracted by this Ukraine/Russia ruse to keep from following through with accountability and justice as much as we can in this life. In the next, they will have to face God’s accountability.
So sorry to hear that. I wish my sister and her family hadn't been so excited about the jabs. They didn't even need them in Wisconsin, really. Now I worry about them all. Our local paper also has what looks like a higher than normal occurrence of "unexpected deaths" in younger people as well. One poor younger fellow had a heart attack, but survived.
I’m so sorry. Our son had to get it as he’s in NROTC. I wonder if I’ll have grandchildren or worse, if he’ll have long-term health implications from the mRNA getting into DNA.
The second one, he did. Not horrible, just sick for the weekend. But he had Covid less than a year before. This was before people started objecting and getting exemptions.
Wow that press release was awesome and savage. It had loads of supportive citations and advocated for both pilots and the passengers:
“The defendants fail to take into account that in addition to the millions of Americans who can’t safely obstruct their breathing because of a medical condition, tens of millions of Americans vehemently object to anyone ordering them to wear face masks,” they wrote. “The FTMM worsens transportation safety as some people violently stand up for their right to breathe freely, and many flight crews have become increasingly hostile to any passenger who dares remove his/her mask for any reason.”
A key part of this lawsuit correctly claims reduced oxygen supply in the airliner cabin, adjusted to 8,000 feet above sea level in ascent to cruise altitude, is a generalized health risk to all passengers, pregnant mothers and those with COPD or lung disorders. -- The percentage of oxygen can fall from 20.9% at sea level to about 16% at 8,000 ft cabin pressure. The addition of a mask restricts breathing and interferes with normal respiration with consequences that can further reduce arterial oxygen saturation for the duration of the flight. Add to that an accelerated heart rate with possible psychological implications including a panic attack. -- The additional complaint is that the Covid mask interferes, confuses and delays the effective wearing and fitting of the on-board emergency oxygen mask that drops down in case of sudden cabin pressure loss or a "fume event" that can happen while on the ground or at any time after takeoff. I covered some of these problems in a post last Feb 8th. -
Most people who fly have no idea the oxygen level goes down when they go up. Also, I've never seen a flight attendant warn passengers about oxygen levels going down as they enforce the mask policy. Do you smell a class-action lawsuit?
Yay, Crissy! I’ve hoped and prayed this goes away before my son turns two. We have family on the other side of the country so I refuse to give up flying.
"If people want CDC to be responsible, to be able to report in a timely fashion, in a quick fashion, we have to have the authority to collect those data,” Dr. Walensky told CBS’s 60 Minutes.
Amazing statement considering that they say they are witholding data to avoid us morons from misinterpreting it. Doesn't it feel good to know that not only are they protecting us from disease but are also protecting us from data that we might misinterpret.
I'm told by someone who should know that this whole potential "loss of data collection" issue is just a smokescreen. Apparently, the real reason the government agencies want the emergency to continue is the emergency declaration gives them vastly flexible budget authority to move funds around anyway they want irrespective of legislative appropriations and temporarily removes most policy limitations on the use of agency funds. is FUNGIBLE especially digital "money". Exhibit #1 - All through the 90's the budget was listed as balanced when in reality it was not balanced at all and the dollars were scapped out of the social security budget which was running a surplus. Since ss didn't need these funds in that budget year the federal govt replaced the dollars taken out with iou's. Thus ss had an increase in future funds to be received (accounts receivable) and the federal govt had an increase in accounts payable which of course was and will never be paid back. Now ss will be bankrupt sooner than if the account had been fire walled off from the general budget. Remember Gore & Bush with their lock box bullshit?
For supposedly being some of the most astute in their field of research, they seem to have misinterpreted the data, so they are actually all stupid, or, they are co-conspirators and accomplices in lies and setting up circumstances that have caused significant harm to citizens, morbidity and mortality.
What has the CDC done with the information it has collected? Not much from what I have seen. So what are we going to lose if they are cut off from this data? Nothing from nothing is NOTHING!
Since having emergency powers hasn't seemed to help them gather information well, maybe taking away emergency powers will help. We can call it an experiment. Doesn't Tony "Liar Pants" Fauci like experiments?
Data collection methods and sources have been adequate for decades and published in MMWR (Mortality & Morbidly Weekly Report); w/o emergency measures.
They have grown to an unhealthy size and need to be downsized. Congress needs to be cutting items from spend, not adding more. Praying the republic can survive through to midterm elections, and that the lord shepherds the voters to choose wisely.
Masks for Romney serve multiple purposes. He is often pictured wearing double masks - what a bonehead. They also serve to muffle whatever he is trying to spew.
Yeah I love the mask mailing idea, but I trashed all of my masks when our county ditched the mandates several months ago but still have one for taking my mom to dr. appointments, going to have to go out an buy one now to send to Mitt. You can always just write Trump 2024 in Sharpie on the front of the mask, that's what I will do if I can find one, going in search for one later today.
Around here anyway (CO) they are giving them away for free all over the place. Our King Soopers grocery had a bunch of N95s recently with a sign which (no joke) said "courtesy of the CDC".
Not sure if this is helpful or relevant, Jeff, but just FYI you have at least a few leftists in your following. I consider myself a liberal, and have just watched in horror as so many of my fellow Dems have gone off the deep end. But most of them are just worried about their children and their future and are not the ones we hear about the most. People who call to abuse the staff are in their own special category and we should probably use the term "crazy" regardless of where their political affiliations lie.
The media is deeply divisive, and though I agree that most of the worst offenses recently have come from the left - and I won't be voting blue any time soon - I wish we could find a different divide to focus on, something like: authoritarians vs the rest of us. I'm pretty sure that once you take out the loudest and most obnoxious people from all parties, we have something like 85% of Americans who are on the same side.
These lines from a recent Dr. Robert Malone post gave me such hope:
"Like many others who were formerly associated with the “left” but have been transformed by the events of the last two years, Mr. Greenwald is rapidly becoming a constitutional conservative. As am I, just for the record."
Sadly, where we are now is imho the inevitable end result of the first principles of statism, authoritarianism, and mob rule (aka 'democracy'), and that's why our Founders designed a government that would have limited, enumerated powers, with elected representation and intra-governmental checks and balances. Also sadly, we failed to see the value of the design and have allowed it to be frittered away to our current, dangerous, state of affairs.
Yes, there are definitely Democrats who are anti-mask/no jab folks. I know this because I’m the only Conservative in the family. Yet they were, for the most part, in agreement with me on the COVID/jab/mask/mandates issues. Unfortunately, the mask/mandate fanatics are a loud and boisterous group so they’re all we see.
I agree. I'm conservative but I live in a deep blue part of the country. I can live with policy differences and I think a lot of my friends on the left can too. It's the recent rise of authoritarianism that has really made things uncomfortable. I feel that I can no longer share in honesty with many people (although not all). I'm unvaccinated, but like many, not anti vaccine. What's happened this last year has been really hurtful - constant threats to my livelihood, name calling, coercion, shunning by family, etc. Now that we're coming out of it, I feel like I've survived a ship wreck and am kissing the dry ground. But I'm also slowly coming to grips with the horror that was the ship going down. Where do we go from here?
Stan, we simply have to soldier on and live our lives as we choose. I have gotten to the point of "I don't give a fuck" when it comes to the bullies, martyrs and fanatics. I simply laugh and move on. I've also joined a few Conservative groups in my town so I can have sane conversation without having to constantly censor myself when around family.
In 2021 there was a local story here about a high school football player who died after getting tackled. In BC (before covid) times this would have been a big story. What killed him? Illegal hit? Equipment issues? Nope. Nothing. Not a peep. I knew right then it was a clot shot death. Nothing to see here. Move along.
Goosebumps! 55k!!!! I am so thrilled to be reading Coffee and Covid every morning that always includes insight into *solutions*, and not just the problems; along with a good dose of morning humor. You're a blessing.
Another point these nut case maskers might look into is the environmental impact of these damn things. It's an old article, but even here on the farm where we've never masked up, the damn things are found everywhere. What a nice, gross present for Romney!
I keep going back and forth on this mask business. Part of me wants to reach out and slap every nimrod that subscribes to this jackassery, yet there is another side of me that thoroughly enjoys having my very own personal utilitarian butler that announces Mr. and/or Mrs. Numb Nut as they approach my oxygen rich space. It makes it a whole lot easier to know who NOT to engage in conversation. I generalize, of course. I empathize with some of these folks who have been unwittingly duped by the "scare machine." You can see the desperation in their eyes.
Bret Weinstein (Darkhorse podcast-highly recommend), the other day, was talking about masks as a sort of reverse Star of David phenomenon, which made all the “bad” people visible by their noncompliance. I agree with you that I will, in some ways, miss being able to quickly identify who “my” people were by their facial nudity. I had exchanged huge knowing smiles with fellow facial nudists over the past two years. It was nice to know who else was in on the joke.
All of these emotions are understandable, mask Nazis are obnoxious, overbearing, and generally repugnant. But overall, I’ve come to the conclusion that they are simply AFRAID. They’ve somehow been convinced that, 1) Covid is VERY deadly and 2) masks work. Plus it’s a human trait that people want some level of control in a scary situation. “we can DO this! We’re all in! It’s the new normal!” The media, the government, medical professionals, etc. did an outstanding job of creating this mindset among people.
Here’s an example to illustrate my point about fear. I went to Lenten service yesterday evening where we had a guest Pastor. He and his wife were masked almost the entire service. He took his off during the sermon only. They’re probably in their late 60’s, highly intelligent, Christians (not atheists!), probably apolitical, maybe CNN watchers, definitely “follow doctor’s orders” people. I could see the fear in their eyes! It was extremely sad to me. I gave them a big smile and wished I could’ve hugged them, but that would have totally terrorized them!
AND, we’re in Texas where almost NO ONE wears a mask! The mask mandate is long gone!
Great perspective. The younger SJW in me leans towards your empathic take.
My current version, who has endured two years of watching people devolve into insanity that includes seeing my wife fired from a job at which she excelled because of her refusal to take an experimental drug, is leaning more towards the vengeance and crushing skulls side.
As I said. It's a struggle. I may have to revisit Camus to rediscover my humanity.
My stomach churns when I hear a that a pastor is living in fear. What kind of teacher of the gospel of Jesus Christ would not listen to the words from the Saviors mouth and from Father God, "I John 4:18 (NKJV) -There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love." Mark 4:40 (NKJV) - But He said to them, “Why are you so fearful? How is it that you have no faith?” Joshua 1:9 (NKJV) - Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” And this man is speaking out in the name of God? I think not! Run from him and any pastor, teacher, leader that is bound by fear which is of the devil.
Exactly right. Although the grace of God is for all fallible humans, pastors included. But I agree that it displays a deplorable lack of faith
Sadly, you just described my mom, dad, 2 aunts, brother, etc.. The fear porn definitely damaged them. Almost no one wears masks in our rural area. I have just given up trying to reason with them. The only way they'll come back mentally to their former normal selves is when corona isn't mentioned anymore...we all know that won't happen. They honestly believe cvd is a death sentence and they only follow the corrupt CDC guidelines. I guess I'll never see the inside of my parents house again 😪
I'm so sorry. This morning I read on the CDC website that as of the end of February 100% of all cases were omicron. Then I read on the NIH website that the vaccines are not effective with the omicron variant. Your family will never hear that in the news and even if you suggest they investigate, they are lost in the fog. It's very hard when the lost are the people you love. :(
lol, yes. The masks alert you to at least one of the following "caution" warnings: liberal politics, low intelligence, agoraphobia, misanthropy, atheism, cowardice, CNN-watching, Biden voting, hypochondria and/or anxiety disorders. I would add the "immunocompromised" here, but since masks don't work, any truly immunucompromised people who really on them for "safety" will be sorely disappointed (or dead.)
I never fell for the party line on masks, etc, and yeah it pisses me off. But awhile back I was in a sewing store (a hobby of mine) and got to talking to an older woman. I explained to her how to sew a hem on a particularly tough fabric. She was nice, confused, didn’t know how to use youtube. Someone’s very nice grandmother I imagine. And she was wearing a mask. She was sweet and vulnerable and had been duped into being afraid. I can no more be angry at her than I would a dog that was being abused. So we must focus our anger on the Abusers and stop them. Because those assholes don’t kick a dog just once.
Thank you for that illustration.. I hadn't thought of it in that light. My parents are 80, and I am saddened that time is going by that we could spend together instead of divided on these issues. My daughter & I refuse to be pushed or coerced into getting the jabs just so we can go inside their house. Just because their jabs didn't kill or damage them--yet- doesn't mean it couldn't hurt us.
I agree, a lot of nice people have been terrified and misled. They can't imagine that "all those people" are wrong, or worse, intentionally lying for evil motives. Especially their own doctors. It's too big a ask for people who need to trust and rely on the medical profession to get them to not trust them.
Absolutely right.
VeryVer, that’s a pretty comprehensive list! 😂 I posted a comment after reading yours…IDK, maybe agoraphobia would fit my scenario, but not really. We need a new word, Covidophobia?
Don’t forget skilled tv watching!
Wonderful comment. I'll add, if I may, vanity (the Devil's favorite sin) and sanctimony; they tend to go hand-in-hand.
Virtue signalling in addicted stage ...
I'm not proud to say that I find myself saying snarky things when I pass someone masked outside. Not to them directly, but to the person I might be talking with on the phone "... and there are so many crazies still masking OUTSIDE" timed so that they'll hear it.
It's really obnoxious and I should probably stop.
(Actually, seriously typing this out makes me realize I need to stop: 1) I agree that they've been duped and are victims and 2) the human tendency is to double down when we're criticized, so shaming probably just leads to a tighter grip on that precious mask.)
I feel the same Jasmine. I can't help but judge and disapprove. It's followed by asking God to take my judgement (which hasn't helped yet--I need to be stronger).
So true
I share a similar struggle. Over the past two years I've come to equate the mask with a political party armband. Knowing that it's useless against any virus, it's simply an exercise in virtue signalling.
I've been confronted a few times by suburban soccer moms screaming at me because I was not wearing a mask in places where it was not mandated. As time passed, I found myself automatically going into fight-or-flight mode every time I went to the local Costco, Whole Foods, or other place where mask orthodoxy was at the seventy five percent or above level.
It took my older son pointing out my absurd behavior, particularly as he witnessed the toll it was taking on my already tenuous mental health. Thus, I've gone from looks of bewilderment and disgust - sometimes coupled with choice words under my breath - to simply avoiding eye contact.
I can't feel sorry for these people because it's still a choice and a display of wilful ignorance. However, like the line from the movie Barfly, "I seem to feel better when they're not around."
Whenever the NY witch installs mask mandates on a whim I just stop going out. God told me once after I was yelled at by a stupid twat at the store for being free-faced, 'you don't need to be around those people.' He's right. My mental health is better away from them.
Now in NY's brief free-faced period I just look at the masked's feet. They want it that way.
"They want it that way." Unfortunately, I am increasingly dehumanizing these people which is truly troubling for me.
I think you're reacting to their dehumanizing of themselves and their demand that you do the same.
My biggest issue is the friends that are close to me that are not for forcing masks but just wear it anyway when they go to the grocery stores or some other crowded place. They can't even see the pure futility of this viewpoint.
'Free faced'. I like it!
I empathize with you. Mask wearing has come to outwardly display aspects of humanity that would have otherwise largely gone unnoticed. By that I mean you are constantly made aware that you are in a way disconnected from the masses around you. It's not that you thought you were really 'connected' when there were no masks but it wasn't constantly in your face to remind you.
Yes, it feels like we've been trapped in a very bad horror movie for the past two years. I can't help but feel that these masked maniacs are simply idiots and their stupidity has taken a toll on all of us, especially the youngest who will never be able to forget it.
I was on the other side of this. I only wore a face shield in public as I found I was too claustrophobic to wear a mask. I think I was told 3 times in 2 years to put a mask on with my shield and one of those times was under airport conditions. For two years out in any public setting I smiled as big as I could and made eye contact whenever possible. I was not giving up on smiling! The people wearing masks need to see as many smiles as possible to help guide them back into a world of smiling faces.
Please read my post for a different take…
I hear you, Jasmine. Our better angels and all that. It’s hard though when you’ve been subjected to neighbors calling you “unpatriotic,” “uncaring about your community,” “selfish,” etc for the past year and a half. When a neighbor who lives down my street told me that “the unvaccinated just need to go and DIE and be LAST for medical care,” that’s when I finally lost it. I told him point blank, “That is an unethical, immoral position to take and as a healthcare clinician for over 30 years, I find your sentiments shockingly cruel.” Everyone deserves proper care. Everyone. No physician, NP, or PA should ever discriminate or hold such ugly, heartless beliefs. He shut up after that. We should forgive ourselves a bit of pettiness and fun ridicule after what we’ve been through the last two years.
Mic drop. I’m so glad you voiced this to him. Good work.
I've considered saying to the students I pass outside as they are walking home or to their cars, "I like your mask". It's so obviously condescending, maybe they'd get the hint...?
I think it would backfire.
They have been conditioned by parents and teachers who they naturally trust to do this. They don’t even know the science, only what Pfraud-ci says.
They need someone to encourage them to “look it up,” think for themselves, and realize there is such low risk to themselves or others. How to fit that into 4 words is hard. Idk. But “So.”
How about "If you take off the mask you can smell the bullshit"? I also hang posters on the light poles with sayings like "Hey KIDS, take your mask off and throw it in the trash. Breathe, smile, live, remember it's your right!" or "Take your mask off and throw it away, don't be afraid of fresh air" every few days someone would rip them down so I would put new ones up!
You can't beat a 'Stand with Ukraine' mask for the most scientific protection.
Saves you from the plague and from Putin.
You’ll make George Soros very happy with such a mask. He fears and hates Putin, who will not play the globalist game-especially not the LGBTQxyz part. Beware of the passions the mainstream media promotes.
Don't fool yourself about Putin. Putin is not the bulwark against globalism that people are making him out to be. He's simply coming at this from a different direction.
Russia has been all-in on Covid insanity. Ask any Russian (my wife, for example) about the level of digital social controls that already exist in Russia. Russia will be next country to institute a Chinese-style social credit system unless Canada beats them to it.
As for Ukraine, it's like a turfwar between The Crips and The Bloods. I'm hard-pressed to take sides in such a conflict. I'm horrified by the senseless collateral damage.
Agree wholeheartedly, ej. Good post. Thank you.
Thank you.
And now suddenly the icon does function. Must have a delay on it or something...
I was saddened yesterday to see the developmentally disabled supermarket employee walking home alone yesterday with his face still masked. I can't believe none of his friends or coworkers has let him know unmasked outside the store is ok!
I have developmentally disabled daughter and we have refused for two years to muzzle her. We stick out like a sore thumb as the doctors and parents have brainwashed the disabled community into thinking they have to wear one. It’s so sick. So incredibly sick it makes me sick to my stomach. And they are injecting them all. We are the only ones in our circle of friends that have refused to participate in this abuse. 😞
Bless you ~
Aww thank you 😊
Some don't want to risk losing job or appear to be dissenting.... Psychological coercion develops a "Better Safe than sorry" mindset in the victim akin to Stockholm Syndrome -
Jeff predicted several weeks ago when the cruise ships were dropping the mandates that the only people wearing masks would be the fully vaxed. Here in Ventura County, CA dropped the mandates for the fully vaxed a few weeks ago, I go into stores and am only one of at most a handful not wearing a mask. How right was he!
Good point!
Hey Eric. Can you post again the link to that Ukraine video exposing all the media lies you posted a few days ago? I’m trying to find it to send to someone who is ready to wake up. But I can’t find it anymore.
Thank you!!! 👍🏻
😂🤣😂love your comment!
It's sad, I know, but I have taken to reading the obituaries and the number of "sudden" and "unexpected" deaths, especially in young people, is terribly high. So, so sad.
I now understand the "code words" though, as my dear mom just passed away from pancreatic cancer (after having all three of her "recommended" shots) when there was zero history of cancer. When you're grieving with family members who believe in the shot "safety and efficacy" it's not the best time to blame the shot. Sigh.
As a side note, I managed to get her vax card and looked up her lot numbers and every single shot lot had a high recorded death rate. Guess my mom was one of the "unlucky" ones.
So sorry, Julie, but thank you for reporting on this. Your mom was a crime victim, it appears.
Yes murder 1
I'm sorry to hear of your mom's passing. May God bless and comfort you and your family during your time of grief. 🙏
I am so sorry to hear of your loss Julie, moms are precious. I worry about my almost fully vaccinated huge family. I can’t imagine losing them all and hope it won’t happen.
But I am increasingly becoming more and more angry hearing of these senseless deaths and knowing there are people out there responsible for this and getting away with it. Not just unknowingly responsible, but KNOWINGLY responsible for murder. We cannot let ourselves be distracted by this Ukraine/Russia ruse to keep from following through with accountability and justice as much as we can in this life. In the next, they will have to face God’s accountability.
The shots were Fauci’s dream: to be able to experiment on a large group. At least that’s my opinion.
Dr. Mercola said they’d never been able to get mRNA into a form they could use for humans and this was the opportunity.
I am so sorry for the loss of your mom.
So sorry to hear that. I wish my sister and her family hadn't been so excited about the jabs. They didn't even need them in Wisconsin, really. Now I worry about them all. Our local paper also has what looks like a higher than normal occurrence of "unexpected deaths" in younger people as well. One poor younger fellow had a heart attack, but survived.
Very sorry for your loss. 😞
No not unlucky just taken advantage of? Boy is that an understatement.
I am so so sorry about your Mom! Prayers for you and all who knew and loved her.
Wow. 😢
Julie, this is so very sad. God be with you in your grief.
I'm so sorry. Hugs to you.
I’m so sorry. Our son had to get it as he’s in NROTC. I wonder if I’ll have grandchildren or worse, if he’ll have long-term health implications from the mRNA getting into DNA.
You can ask him for his vax numbers and look up How bad was my batch at:
There are different codes for each batch and company (Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson). He may have gotten saline (did he have a reaction to the shots?).
The second one, he did. Not horrible, just sick for the weekend. But he had Covid less than a year before. This was before people started objecting and getting exemptions.
10 airline pilots sue the CDC over the Federal Transportation Mask Mandate (I’m one of them):
Press release:
Wow that press release was awesome and savage. It had loads of supportive citations and advocated for both pilots and the passengers:
“The defendants fail to take into account that in addition to the millions of Americans who can’t safely obstruct their breathing because of a medical condition, tens of millions of Americans vehemently object to anyone ordering them to wear face masks,” they wrote. “The FTMM worsens transportation safety as some people violently stand up for their right to breathe freely, and many flight crews have become increasingly hostile to any passenger who dares remove his/her mask for any reason.”
Good Luck! You forgot to mention the GoFundMe page for legal expenses:
Hopefully more people will stop using gofundme considering how they were quite willing to steal money from the Canadian truckers.
Agreed! I will never use them again.
Exactly! Will never give thru that organization
Agreed. But these things take time...
GoFundMe! Arrrrgghh! When will we learn! Use giveSendGo.
Why is anyone using go fund me after what the tried to get away with with the Canadian Trucker supporters? Tried to walk away with $10 million!
Screw go fund me.
A key part of this lawsuit correctly claims reduced oxygen supply in the airliner cabin, adjusted to 8,000 feet above sea level in ascent to cruise altitude, is a generalized health risk to all passengers, pregnant mothers and those with COPD or lung disorders. -- The percentage of oxygen can fall from 20.9% at sea level to about 16% at 8,000 ft cabin pressure. The addition of a mask restricts breathing and interferes with normal respiration with consequences that can further reduce arterial oxygen saturation for the duration of the flight. Add to that an accelerated heart rate with possible psychological implications including a panic attack. -- The additional complaint is that the Covid mask interferes, confuses and delays the effective wearing and fitting of the on-board emergency oxygen mask that drops down in case of sudden cabin pressure loss or a "fume event" that can happen while on the ground or at any time after takeoff. I covered some of these problems in a post last Feb 8th. -
Most people who fly have no idea the oxygen level goes down when they go up. Also, I've never seen a flight attendant warn passengers about oxygen levels going down as they enforce the mask policy. Do you smell a class-action lawsuit?
Thank you, from someone who might have to fly in the States in the not-too-distant future.
Yay, Crissy! I’ve hoped and prayed this goes away before my son turns two. We have family on the other side of the country so I refuse to give up flying.
The press release is excellent and here is the
direct link to the filed suit:
I love this lawsuit and these plaintiffs. May they get lots of media coverage and win!
Bless you! We travel in July and I’m hoping it gets dropped before then.
"If people want CDC to be responsible, to be able to report in a timely fashion, in a quick fashion, we have to have the authority to collect those data,” Dr. Walensky told CBS’s 60 Minutes.
Amazing statement considering that they say they are witholding data to avoid us morons from misinterpreting it. Doesn't it feel good to know that not only are they protecting us from disease but are also protecting us from data that we might misinterpret.
I'm told by someone who should know that this whole potential "loss of data collection" issue is just a smokescreen. Apparently, the real reason the government agencies want the emergency to continue is the emergency declaration gives them vastly flexible budget authority to move funds around anyway they want irrespective of legislative appropriations and temporarily removes most policy limitations on the use of agency funds. is FUNGIBLE especially digital "money". Exhibit #1 - All through the 90's the budget was listed as balanced when in reality it was not balanced at all and the dollars were scapped out of the social security budget which was running a surplus. Since ss didn't need these funds in that budget year the federal govt replaced the dollars taken out with iou's. Thus ss had an increase in future funds to be received (accounts receivable) and the federal govt had an increase in accounts payable which of course was and will never be paid back. Now ss will be bankrupt sooner than if the account had been fire walled off from the general budget. Remember Gore & Bush with their lock box bullshit?
They lie on top of lies on top of lies.
For supposedly being some of the most astute in their field of research, they seem to have misinterpreted the data, so they are actually all stupid, or, they are co-conspirators and accomplices in lies and setting up circumstances that have caused significant harm to citizens, morbidity and mortality.
The investigations for prosecution must occur.
What has the CDC done with the information it has collected? Not much from what I have seen. So what are we going to lose if they are cut off from this data? Nothing from nothing is NOTHING!
Cut them loose! Nothing to lose!!
Since having emergency powers hasn't seemed to help them gather information well, maybe taking away emergency powers will help. We can call it an experiment. Doesn't Tony "Liar Pants" Fauci like experiments?
Data collection methods and sources have been adequate for decades and published in MMWR (Mortality & Morbidly Weekly Report); w/o emergency measures.
They have grown to an unhealthy size and need to be downsized. Congress needs to be cutting items from spend, not adding more. Praying the republic can survive through to midterm elections, and that the lord shepherds the voters to choose wisely.
Masks for Romney serve multiple purposes. He is often pictured wearing double masks - what a bonehead. They also serve to muffle whatever he is trying to spew.
If we can find Trump 2020/2024 masks, that would be even better 😂
Or maybe DeSantis 2024
Yeah I love the mask mailing idea, but I trashed all of my masks when our county ditched the mandates several months ago but still have one for taking my mom to dr. appointments, going to have to go out an buy one now to send to Mitt. You can always just write Trump 2024 in Sharpie on the front of the mask, that's what I will do if I can find one, going in search for one later today.
Around here anyway (CO) they are giving them away for free all over the place. Our King Soopers grocery had a bunch of N95s recently with a sign which (no joke) said "courtesy of the CDC".
I have a Trump 2020 (never wore a mask) but I don't want to waste it on Romney
I never wore a mask either so will have to see if I can scrounge off others. I will definitely give it a try.
I’m sending him mine!
I have several cloth masks that I cut slits and holes in to breathe better when forced to wear. They’ll be flying out to Mitt “post haste”. 😁
Not sure if this is helpful or relevant, Jeff, but just FYI you have at least a few leftists in your following. I consider myself a liberal, and have just watched in horror as so many of my fellow Dems have gone off the deep end. But most of them are just worried about their children and their future and are not the ones we hear about the most. People who call to abuse the staff are in their own special category and we should probably use the term "crazy" regardless of where their political affiliations lie.
The media is deeply divisive, and though I agree that most of the worst offenses recently have come from the left - and I won't be voting blue any time soon - I wish we could find a different divide to focus on, something like: authoritarians vs the rest of us. I'm pretty sure that once you take out the loudest and most obnoxious people from all parties, we have something like 85% of Americans who are on the same side.
I make a great distinction between liberals (classic liberals) and leftists, who are anything but liberal
Agree but very few are aware of that distinction.
These lines from a recent Dr. Robert Malone post gave me such hope:
"Like many others who were formerly associated with the “left” but have been transformed by the events of the last two years, Mr. Greenwald is rapidly becoming a constitutional conservative. As am I, just for the record."
Sadly, where we are now is imho the inevitable end result of the first principles of statism, authoritarianism, and mob rule (aka 'democracy'), and that's why our Founders designed a government that would have limited, enumerated powers, with elected representation and intra-governmental checks and balances. Also sadly, we failed to see the value of the design and have allowed it to be frittered away to our current, dangerous, state of affairs.
Exactly this. It was never red vs blue- it was always freedom vs tyranny. Those of us that are not conservative are many!
Yes, there are definitely Democrats who are anti-mask/no jab folks. I know this because I’m the only Conservative in the family. Yet they were, for the most part, in agreement with me on the COVID/jab/mask/mandates issues. Unfortunately, the mask/mandate fanatics are a loud and boisterous group so they’re all we see.
I also know many masked/jabbed Republicans…so…
I agree. I'm conservative but I live in a deep blue part of the country. I can live with policy differences and I think a lot of my friends on the left can too. It's the recent rise of authoritarianism that has really made things uncomfortable. I feel that I can no longer share in honesty with many people (although not all). I'm unvaccinated, but like many, not anti vaccine. What's happened this last year has been really hurtful - constant threats to my livelihood, name calling, coercion, shunning by family, etc. Now that we're coming out of it, I feel like I've survived a ship wreck and am kissing the dry ground. But I'm also slowly coming to grips with the horror that was the ship going down. Where do we go from here?
Stan, we simply have to soldier on and live our lives as we choose. I have gotten to the point of "I don't give a fuck" when it comes to the bullies, martyrs and fanatics. I simply laugh and move on. I've also joined a few Conservative groups in my town so I can have sane conversation without having to constantly censor myself when around family.
The problem is 95% of the public would not have the attention span or mental capacity to interpret this daily bog and your comment above.
Yes. Sadly, I'm afraid that this is true
Might as well get used to this narrative: "Died Suddenly and Unexpectedly." Coincidences will be having their own "multiplier."
It's increasingly a line from the local obituaries.
In 2021 there was a local story here about a high school football player who died after getting tackled. In BC (before covid) times this would have been a big story. What killed him? Illegal hit? Equipment issues? Nope. Nothing. Not a peep. I knew right then it was a clot shot death. Nothing to see here. Move along.
Goosebumps! 55k!!!! I am so thrilled to be reading Coffee and Covid every morning that always includes insight into *solutions*, and not just the problems; along with a good dose of morning humor. You're a blessing.
Another point these nut case maskers might look into is the environmental impact of these damn things. It's an old article, but even here on the farm where we've never masked up, the damn things are found everywhere. What a nice, gross present for Romney!