β€œWe face a fundamentally changed security environment where authoritarian powers are increasingly prepared to use force to get their way." Oh, like Trudeau.

And lots of leaders in the West these days.

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Seriously, did ANYONE's brain immediately go to Russia or China instead of Trudeau or the US government when they read that line?

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My brain went to β€œisn’t that kind of the nature of authoritarian powers? To rule by force?”

Yeah, it’s not just China and Russia anymore. Sadly. We are watching the rise of our own authoritarian state. 😭

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Unlike tbe US, who pays, instigates & arms other people to use force...

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Right? Pot. Kettle. Black.

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Is that GlassHouse you’re standing in insured by AIG?! see: 2Big@Fail…

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When the technocrats limit how you spend money they have powerful control over your behavior, diet, freedom of speech, choice of friends and privacy without lifting a finger. Schwab promises you will own nothing and be happy. The happy part is worrisome.

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Very true.

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Is this the same USA Today that nominated a dude for Woman of the Year? Fact check this; Silly Rabbit, dicks ain't on chicks.

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What a minute there hombre. The smartest judge on planet earth just said she doesn't know how to define a woman. You questioning her... I mean him... I mean... Oh forget it.

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There are very definitive clues.

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The "results" of the Moderna trials are bullshit:


Same bullshit number games: no one under 14 days "counts," and most tellingly, NONE OF THE CHILDREN IN THE TRIAL, VACCINATED OR UNVACCINATED, GOT CLINICALLY SIGNIFICANT COVID.

The Bad Cat isn't the only one seeing this research report for the bullshit it is. But as usual, it doesn't matter. Releasing these reports are pro forma.

They're going to do whatever they want, no matter what the facts are and no matter who it hurts. And as usual, they'll make sure you don't have a choice, and are punished for disobedience.

They'll continue doing this. Again and again. To your face. Because that's what they think of you.

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It’s about getting the injections on the childhood vaccine schedule, so that the manufacturers and all the people (nurses, pharmacists, etc.) who have administered the toxic pharmaceutical products marketed by the US government, Pfizer and Moderna as β€œCovid-19 vaccines” (vaccinators) can have liability immunity permanently.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., quoted here: https://wsau.com/2021/12/31/robert-f-kennedy-jr-explains-why-fauci-is-going-after-children/

β€œThey are never going to market a vaccine, allow people access to a vaccine, an approved vaccine without getting liability protection. Now the emergency use authorization vaccines have liability protection under the PREP Act and under the CARES Act.

So as long as you take an emergency use vaccine, you can’t sue them. Once they get approved, now you can sue them, unless they can get it recommended for children. Because all vaccines that are recommended, officially recommended for children get liability protection, even if an adult gets that vaccine.

That’s why they are going after the kids. They know this is going to kill and injure a huge number of children, but they need to do it for the liability protection.”

The legislative trail:

1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act gave manufacturers immunity for liability for injuries and deaths caused by vaccines listed on the government-recommended childhood immunization schedule.

The argument used to exempt manufacturers from liability was that the government, through the Department of Health and Human Services, would monitor the childhood vaccination program, collect safety data, and report it to Congress to provide oversight and take harmful vaccines off the market.

However, the HHS and Congressional oversight required by the 1986 law didn’t occur.

See Informed Consent Action Network v. US-HHS, 1:18-cv-03215-JMF, which ended with a July 9, 2018 stipulation by the U.S. government that HHS had no records of any safety monitoring or public reporting of the childhood vaccination program, under the 1986 law, between 1986 and 2018.

2005 PREP Act, Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act, gave manufacturers immunity from liability for injuries and deaths caused by vaccines under Emergency Use Authorization.

This legislation coincided with World Health Organization International Health Regulations and Presidential Executive Orders signed by President Bush in 2003 and 2005, adding the common cold and influenza to the list of communicable diseases that could be declared public emergencies by the US-HHS Secretary, triggering cascading effects, including emergency use authorizations for pharmaceutical products and full manufacturer liability.

2020 CARES Act, Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, March 27, 2020, expanded PREP Act provisions, by (among other things) expanding the number of people allowed to administer injections without facing liability for injuries and deaths caused by vaccines under EUA.

US-HHS Secretary Alex Azar declared Covid-19 a public health emergency on Jan. 30, 2020 (effective Jan. 27, 2020) and then issued a PREP Act declaration for Covid-19 March 10, 2020, followed by a series of amendments expanding its reach. (Synopsis of original and ten amendments adopted through Jan. 7, 2022) at Federal Register (Vol. 87, No. 5, p. 982).

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Thanks for the great summary, KW!

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"...Executive Orders by President Bush in 2003 and 2005, adding the common cold and influenza...could be declared public emergencies...pharmaceutical products..." Talk about governmental overreach - what was Pres. Bush thinking?!

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Has anyone read the REAL ANTHONY FAUCI by Robert k. Junior? Curled my hair

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Everyone should read it . It is absolutely mind boggling that such evil and greed continues without accountability.

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Mary H I am so happy that Jeff is a champion of truth. Thanks for comment

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I did know there was a book out on Fauci that tells us the whole truth. Can you tell me where I can find it so I read it? Thank you.

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So let's see . . . the results of the original Pfizer trials were a relative risk reduction (RRR) of 95%, but an absolute risk reduction (ARR) of .84% -- that was a less than 1% difference of catching covid between the vaccine group and the placebo group. I read that when the trial info came out and immediately but myself into the placebo group. With a RRR hovering in the 30 - 40 % I wonder what the ARR is? Must be vanishingly low.

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Or even negative ARR. But no one cares.

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What consequences have their faced? None.

Has anyone been fired at the CDC? No

Has anyone been fired at the FDA? Nada. Some have resigned in disgust, but that's it

Have any health comissioners been taken to task for their covid policies? Nope

Has the NIH/NIAID been investigated or otherwise held to account for their failed policies? Nope

Has the American Pediatrics Association been declared a terrorist organization for their stance on 2-5 year olds in masks? Nope

In fact the only electoral consequences I've seen so far are:

- Virginia gubernational race

- SF school board

And that's it.

So yeah, if I'm Bourla or Bancel, this goose just keeps on giving. I would be legitimately shocked if they don't get an EUA - they clearly feel that they will otherwise they won't seek approval

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You know they've taken all your power when they serve you shit and call it shit to your face.

They know they can do whatever they want now. No pretense needed. Fuck you, citizen, and do what you're told.

There aren't a lot of great ways to stop it.

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The curtain has been pulled back … and now: the brick wall!

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Kaw and Order has become a NAZI regime

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The increasing inflation is going to be devastating to our fancy western quality of life.

But as the petro dollar fades, replaced with ruble and yuan payments, we'll really be screwed.

A destruction of the western world.

I guess I need to step up my preppin...

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Lucky for you Floridians you can have a functional Forest Garden up and running in 2 seasons!!

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Since Jeff can't come right out and say some stuff without getting cancelled, can anyone down here in the comments please explain to me WHY all the war mongering in the US right now? Part of the WEF plan? Next step in the great reset -- a big economic step? Smoke and mirrors before people really freak out about the vaccine side effects and a way to keep the side effects stories and the rise in excess death stories out of the news because now there's no room? Were there planning meetings for these latest events too, the way they met to plan the plandemic years before it was implemented? Or are the events just happening on their own (the conflict over there started years ago, was bound to erupt at some point, etc.), and the media has jumped on it because it makes for the most clicks since people were getting bored with covid anyway?

I confess I have not been paying much attention to the war stuff -- I'm still on trying to make sure some important family members don't get the shot. So maybe I've asked dumb questions. And I'm not asking for an explanation of the conflict -- I know that's way more complicated than can be gone into here. What I'm asking about is the why of these things: the US deep involvement, the media overthrow of covid to make room for war, and the "Putin is crazy and horrible, Ukraine is the land of angels" media spin on everything.

Thanks in advance for any insight.

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I think it’s another step in the global destabilization campaign to pave the way and obscure the central bankers as the source driving the digital IDs, Universal Basic Income, social credit scores, enslavement, Great Reset thing. Key part seems to be taking 30% of world’s wheat supply (Ukraine and Russia) off the market, to increase food inflation and insecurity, and bring in rationing tied to digitally-monitored compliance.

Useful discussion between Catherine Austin Fitts and Karel van Wolferen on the big picture, going back to post WWII, picking up speed in Oct./Nov. 1995 and then with Patriot Act after 9/11, and in full speed since Jan. 2020. They argue current β€œrollbacks” and β€œpauses” in some areas likely to be reversed in summer and fall; for example, EU set to adopt digital IDs July 1, 2022, to go into effect in the fall.


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Mar 24, 2022Β·edited Mar 24, 2022

There are a number of theories, some of them sounding a bit far-out, until one stops to think about what has been happening in the last few years. Here are a few:

1. Biden (or whoever) is trying to level the US economy to further WEF/globalist plans. This may or may not be true, as far as 'the plan', but he is certainly doing a fine job of wrecking things: inflation, supply, gas, food (not as bad yet, but coming)... nothing is or has been going well, and looks to get notably worse in a short time.

2. There is speculation that the insistence of the US in getting involved in Ukraine is tied to two issues: that Ukraine is a major money-laundering area for the US, and that there are bio-weapons research labs that were active there, in violation of international treaties. Both appear to have some solid footing, but as is often the case, we may never see actual evidence, other than that of our own eyes.

3. The sudden switch of the media is thought by some/many to simply be a continuation of what began in Operation Mockingbird by the CIA. It is unknown whether this is still an active operation, but based on how much the CIA has been involved in lawless activity, and how it has denied the same, it does seem at least plausible. The media does appear to be actively involved in propaganda, rather than just trying to spin narratives as in the recent past, using various techniques of manipulation and distraction. There is a theory that the public is more easily led when the collective attention is focused on a single issue, rather than being more spread out; interestingly, we can see in the past two years that there have not been multiple issues covered in mass media.

4. The Putin propaganda is clearly that, and for a reason: it would be easier to sell war against a crazed, rogue enemy than one who is not. The flip side is that it is easier to sell defending a country who is faultless, blameless, and practically morally perfect than one which is corrupt, venal, and untrustworthy. ANY time that the media uses such tactics, it is time to question 'why' this is happening, and to understand that while 'the reason' may change, the basis for doing so doesn't: manipulation. Although a bit of a side-issue, there is also the fact that the media has used images that they KNOW are not connected to current events in Ukraine, to try to push that very narrative, that Putin and Russia(ns) are evil: the bombing of a hospital, images of burning buildings, wives and children saying goodbye to their soldiers, the Ghost of Kyev, etc.

Theories, but not much hard evidence. There is likely plenty more to be found in regards to theories, and professed evidence, but I simply don't spend enough time online to do that kind of search...

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Thank you signcut for this in-depth presentation of theories!

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You are most welcome. :)

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He's not worried about being cancelled but actually believes that we have democracy cause we can vote between the demoCRIPS and republiBLOOD gangs.

"There is only one party in the United States, the Property Party … and it has two right wings: Republican and Democrat. Republicans are a bit stupider, more rigid, more doctrinaire in their laissez-faire capitalism than the Democrats, who are cuter, prettier, a bit more corrupt β€” until recently … and more willing than the Republicans to make small adjustments when the poor, the black, the anti-imperialists get out of hand. But, essentially, there is no difference between the two parties."

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Eli, no offense, but it sounds like you're pretty new here. πŸ˜‰ Substack isn't censoring anybody yet... It's just Jeff's style. As far as your specific questions, I don't think anyone has all the answers, but after watching all the major institutions shed the last vestiges of credibility, I automatically assume they're on the wrong side of every issue, it's just a matter of figuring out the how and why.

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Jeff’s blog goes out to Twitter and Facebook which DO censor! So he is writing for a wider audience than Substack subscribers…just so you know.

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Substack might not be censoring but trying not to alienate half of the followers is a thing…

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And he posts this on Facebook as well.

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It's a clumsy transition but the balance of power is pivoting to China, Asia, India and Russia with the Petro-Yuan replacing the Petro-Dollar. We see OPEC basically siding with Russia on the Ukraine fight. Iran has been supplying fuel to China for decades through the Chinese port at Gwadar, PK. ....The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor has pipelines to India... a population of young people where the median age is 28 yo. All this while the western population are top-heavy with "useless eaters" - https://www.statista.com/statistics/254469/median-age-of-the-population-in-india/

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What KW said! ☺️ And Jeff alluded to - WWIII could effectively stop US elections.

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Mar 24, 2022Β·edited Mar 24, 2022

Possible, but doubtful. While the legislative branch can regulate elections, it is unlikely that they would be able to force such a change with a simple majority. Also, that regulation only affects national election, i.e., Presidential. States control their own elections, and I don't think that (m)any other than the most rabidly liberal (California, perhaps) would suspend their own elections. As it has never happened before, precedent would be a significant issue.

I see this as more of a moot point discussion than a real world issue.

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Mar 24, 2022Β·edited Mar 24, 2022

Maybe you’ve forgotten the last election? Yes states control their own elections and the states in which we saw massive fraud, AZ, GA, PA, MI, etc. would not be classified as rabidly liberal, but fraud gave them control of Congress. So the precedent is the emergency created by Covid. Do you not think that a major war would create a situation with the same type use of Emergency Powers? So I should say that elections may not be suspended, but simply controlled as the last one was, leaving a government in control which basically destroys the US as a world power. It’s either that or another pandemic.

Sorry, my husband hates to have this argument with me because he simply can’t imagine or acknowledge how much and how fast the American system has been eroded. I don’t want to believe it either, but it seems to be staring us in the face, and aside from an act of God, I don’t see a way out.

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Well, what we began with was the statement that "WWIII could effectively stop US elections". Even you admit that such is unlikely, but you were apparently referencing elections that are clearly questionable instead. But that is not the same thing; I am not arguing that those states don't have serious issues, but they conducted elections, which is sounds/sounded like what you were saying wouldn't happen.

A semantics issue, perhaps, but I am something of an amateur semantic, although I have been called other names far more colorful... :)

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This article does a decent job of updating the less informed in the recent history dept.

I found it quite helpful.


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You have good theories, who knows for sure…

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Take it day by day and prepare your hearts . Today is a beautiful day in East TN. Enjoy !

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It was snowblobbing in Midcoast Maine a while ago. Blobs of snow that looked like snow on steroids fell into individual glops on the ground. Half dollar+ size & 1/2 " deep glops. Weird.

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Another aspect of the β€œnew” normal? Chem trails? Thank Bill Gates?

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We don't get chem trails here in Maine. Maybe a normal phenomenon...the temps were hovering right around the freezing point at the time. It's been plain rain since.

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Spring rains in Mich.

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I feel you are spot on in regards to starting a WW in order to stop an election from happening - not only in 2022, but 2024 also. A little voice inside my head said this the other day when it became apparent that the opposition does NOT WANT any more free elections in our beautiful country, because they have installed the power already and they plan to keep it that way. (Mind you, the clown that’s in there now is only the puppet). There is someone far more evil, cunning and corrupt running the show and more US elections don’t fit into the plan. I can just feel the huge wheel that represents our govt and way of life that we’ve known for over 200 yrs, is churning to an abrupt halt more and more every day. Who can and will go up against this force and stop it?

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God. Seriously. I don't believe God wants the US abolished at this time. But we will see. No human has as much power as God's little finger, and yet we refuse to tap into that power. Human hubris has always been the downfall of societies.

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Still happy to be living in Mississippi where things are mostly β€œnormal”

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Oh, my. So many astonishing points being made today.

(1) β€œauthoritarian powers increasingly use force to get their way.” Is this some kind of new phenomenon? I seem to recall this being the standard mode of operation for authoritarian powers for all of history. Perhaps the person saying this never studied history. πŸ€”

(2) β€œChina… spreading lies and misinformation.” Hahahaha. If people had remembered that this is just China’s mode of operation, perhaps the world would have responded with a bit more skepticism when a β€œnew” virus emerged from that place.

I, for one, was skeptical for that reason alone. I mean, when I was growing up, nobody that I knew trusted anything that came out of the Chinese government’s mouth or anything that was permitted by said government to be reported outside of China. So when the virus showed up with reports of people being locked in houses, I figured either it was (1) a convenient excuse for a totalitarian regime to exert yet more control over its people and/or (2) an even more catastrophic disease than China wanted to admit and they were desperate to save face.

So, c’mon, anybody who is awake knows that China is the preeminent example of how to conduct misinformation campaigns. They have it perfected!!!

(3) β€œConspiracy theories are doing well these days.” Yes, indeed, they do seem to be doing remarkably well. I pretty much assume that probably anything that sounds too bizarre to be true, probably is going to end up being true after all. It’s really quite strange.

All the stuff our grandparents were warning us about 60 years ago… commies taking over without firing a shot, infiltration of leftism into our educational institutions and thereby throughout our professions and governments and communities, a one world government (although someone named John who was exiled to an island in the Agean Sea foresaw THAT 2,000 years ago and warned us to be watchful and alert because it heralds the imminent return of the rightful King, Lord, Premier of the Universe) - it’s all coming true right in front of our eyes and at an increasingly rapid pace, it feels.

Now, we need that King, that Lion Aslan, to return and to make everything bad come untrue. Come, Lord Jesus, come.

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I’m old. I agree with all you say. Seeing well dressed Chinese with cell phones all over the world is telling you nothing about China actually. This whole thing is Satans plan to initiate the last days. Gods plans produce fruits. There are NO fruits in this particular Covid time. None. Just Satans rotten fruit. But many are awakening to see what is going on and seeking God. Our only hope snd joy.

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We might want to first remove the plank from our eye prior to dealing with the splinter in China’s. What I mean is our country is the king of misinformation and propaganda. Look at all the fake wars and β€œweapons of mass destruction” that did not exist, but allowed us another (sort of) conquest. Integrity requires that we be clean before we preach to others.

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It’s not true that everybody agrees the pandemic is over. The World Health Organization still hasn’t lifted the declaration of β€œpublic health emergency of international concern,” first declared Jan. 30, 2020. President Biden extended the state of emergency declaration for the U.S. on Feb. 18, 2022, indefinitely (no end point). US Health and Human Services is still making amendments to the PREP Act declaration (originally issued March 10, 2020), most recently (as far as I can tell) amendment No. 10, issued Jan. 7, 2022.

The state of emergency is currently permanent, rollbacks and β€œpauses” notwithstanding, and the cascading legal effects (nullification of civil liberties and federal constitutions and charters) are all still in place, and will be until the US withdraws from the World Health Organization.

Moderna, Pfizer and FDA are working on getting authorization for babies and children to be injected, in order to make the liability immunity on manufacturers and vaccinators permanent, by getting the injections on the childhood vaccine schedule under the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act.

More on the legal paper trails here:


And here:


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Did a write up of what I found after posting the above today, about Project Bioshield Act of 2004 and PREP Act of 2005


Also found this:


β€œAt least three US federal laws should concern all Americans and suggest what may be coming - mandatory vaccinations for hyped, non-existant threats, like H1N1 (Swine Flu). Vaccines and drugs like Tamiflu endanger human health but are hugely profitable to drug company manufacturers.

The Project BioShield Act of 2004 (S. 15) became law on July 21, 2004 "to provide protections and countermeasures against chemical, radiological, or nuclear agents that may be used in a terrorist attack against the United States by giving the National Institutes of Health contracting flexibility, infrastructure improvements, and expediting the scientific peer review process, and streamlining the Food and Drug Administration approval process of countermeasures."

In other words, the FDA may now recklessly approve inadequately tested, potentially dangerous vaccines and other drugs if ever the Secretaries of Health and Human Services (HHS) or Defense (DOD) declare a national emergency, whether or not one exists and regardless of whether treatments available are safe and effective. Around $6 billion or more will be spent to develop, produce, and stockpile vaccines and other drugs to counteract claimed bioterror agents.

The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act slipped under the radar when George Bush signed it into law as part of the 2006 Defense Appropriations Act (HR 2863). It lets the HHS Secretary declare any disease an epidemic or national emergency requiring mandatory vaccinations. Nothing in the Act lists criteria that warrant a threat. Also potential penalties aren't specified for those who balk, but very likely they'd include quarantine and possible fines.

The HHS web site also says the Secretary may "issue a declaration....that provides immunity from tort liability (except for willful misconduct) for claims of loss caused, arising out of, relating to, or resulting from administration or use of (vaccine or other pharmaceutical) countermeasures to diseases, threats and conditions determined by the Secretary to constitute a present, or credible risk of a future public health emergency...."

The industry-run US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) notoriously rushes inadequately tested drugs to market, putting their efficacy and safety into question, and turning those who use them into lab rats. It includes everyone if a mass vaccination is ordered on the mere claim of a public emergency - no proof required.

The Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act (S. 3678) is the other worrisome law, effective December 19, 2006...”

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Great research, but very depressing. Praying someone with the right political bent is paying attention and can run with this info.

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Um...are you suggesting Pres. Bush did not have the "right political bent?"

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Please read the posts by KW/Bailiwick News on Substack Inside the Covid Kill Box. It is quite the education and meticulously documented. Will turn your world upside down.

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EXACTLY!!!!!!! Everyone lifting restrictions is just trying to save the fall election. Most of them don’t ACTUALLY believe the emergency is over.

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I think they believe the emergency is over, but they don't want to give up the powers that the emergency gives them. There's a small difference. :/

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If sanctions worked, well they would work. They don't.

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"I’m sure all that WEF stuff is just a conspiracy theory, but one of the group’s publicly stated aims is to eliminate the United States as the world’s superpower. I wonder what they would have to do to accomplish that goal? Just asking."

Just read the COVID 19: The Great Reset and The Great Narrative by Klaus Schwab. It lays out the plan and agenda to crash the current world currency system to bring in a new world order, think UN Sustainability Agenda W/ WEF social policy agenda, and they'll gain public support through a narrative.. since narrative worked so well for covid.

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Tombspawn, after reading the section you quoted, I wanted to echo what someone on here said recently…conspiracy theories AKA spoiler alerts!

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Awesome report Jeff. Great Epoch Times article!!!

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Zelenksy was elected in 2019, Jeff. In February 2014 the government of Ukrainian Pres. Viktor Yanukovych was toppled after months of popular protests, and in May billionaire Petro Poroshenko was elected president of Ukraine. Just an FYI

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I believe 2019 they passed law banning Russian language! Not sure of specifics on this.

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Didn't Floridians once vote to make English our official language?

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So Psaki, & hence others, are triple jabbed. The dumfuks believed their own bullshit!!! We may outlive them yet!

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I doubt they’re jabbed with anything over than saline IF they’ve been va xxed at all

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I think they have been vaxxed. Remember, Newsome disappeared for a couple weeks with rumored bells palsy.

Believing your own bs is a common takedown for liars.

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Is she? Or is it that the PCR test isn’t that specific? Or is she just telling us she’s positive because she doesn’t want to be questioned by reporters about what a dumpster fire this administration is? Seriously, I don’t believe anything these people tell me anymore. I could see it with my own eyes and still have doubts

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Ha! I spit on Fauci's 50%!! PTUI!!! I saved an email distributed by The Worlds #1 Condiment Clinic and Apex Predator Hospital claiming 95% efficacy!!

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