☕️ Coffee & Covid ☙ Thursday, May 5, 2022 ☙ FOCUS 🦠
We need to focus; a new study finds microplastics in lungs for some reason; another DC super-spreader; Uber ends mask mandates; censorship metastasizes; an op-ed against hesitant evangelicals; more...
Happy Cinco de Mayo, C&C! It's Thursday, and today’s roundup includes: a call for everyone to avoid the latest distraction; a new UK study finds mysterious micro plastics in 85% of tested patients’ lungs; another DC super-spreader; Uber ends mask mandates; Twitter censorship spreads; another sudden and unexpected sports death; an op-ed shaming hesitant evangelicals; and in the minority report, more kooky war decisions by Biden.
🪖 Tomorrow I’m deploying a multiplier for heroic Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI), who is under constant attack for running a senate minority committee researching vaccine harms and covid-related government corruption.
![Twitter avatar for @SenRonJohnson](https://substackcdn.com/image/twitter_name/w_96/SenRonJohnson.jpg)
![Twitter avatar for @Mediaite](https://substackcdn.com/image/twitter_name/w_40/Mediaite.jpg)
🚨 The last two hectic news days have successfully distracted the country from covid. On Monday, for example, Pfizer produced another eighty thousand never-seen documents, and it’s hard to even find TWITTER discussing them. Everyone wants to air their thoughts about the Supreme Court; leak or law. Even the comments on this blog have been filled with zingers twanging between our liberal readers (a feisty minority) and our conservative readers.
Guys. This is a trick. We must not fall for it, not when we’re finally getting somewhere.
We all need EACH OTHER. Some dusty old book once said, “a house divided against itself cannot stand,” and psychotic ne’er-do-wells have been busily using that advice as an instruction manual while we have been just as busy forgetting all about it.
We can win this thing if we hang together. We can’t allow our varying views on things like the Supreme Court’s draft decision to fracture the effort to rescue ourselves from some kind of final covid solution.
It is not too hard to imagine that the leak was premeditated and carefully timed, like everything else in the pandemic has been. But it’s just another red herring dressed up as some kind of surprising and alarming new development. The truth is that the draft decision, if entered, would change VERY LITTLE in most states, but the long-feared specter of the “Downfall of Roe” threatens to crack a gigantic fracture into the majority block forming to oppose heavy-handed, intrusive government.
How convenient.
To our new colleagues who fled here from the left, trying to understand what’s really going on in this out-of-control world: this particular pendulum has been swinging back for a long time, nearly fifty years. There’s almost nothing new here. The draft decision was predicted since back when the Court agreed to take the case, nearly a year now, and before that, when the Court swung majority conservative. Don’t let the lying talking heads confuse you that this is some brand-new, politically apocalyptic development that just crashed into Earth like an invisible comet or something.
Keep your eye on the ball.
I encourage my colleagues on the right to use GRACE. We are just as triggered by all the time-tested, government-crafted behavioral hotbuttons as are our friends on the left, but the opposite direction, and it is no time for triumphalism. By itself, the decision changes very little. It corrects one of the worst-reasoned legal decisions in the Court’s history. But all the real work remains to be done at the state level. And most of THAT job will be accomplished through gentle persuasion, not premature victory laps. Persuading folks be much easier if we stand together with the new group of people finally starting to see the radical left’s various unseemly obsessions.
Choose NOT to participate in this newest manufactured crisis. Keep your eyes focused on the mandates dangling over us, hanging by fishing line. They’re the real threat. And where’s that slimy weasel Fauci gotten to now, and what exactly is he up to?
😷 A new U.K. study from Hull York Medical School sampled human lung tissue samples and found thirty-nine kinds of microplastics in 11 of the 13 lung tissue samples of patients scheduled for surgery. That’s 85% of the patients. How could this have happened? It’s an enigma.
The most commonly found microplastic was polypropylene (23%). The researchers were surprised. They did not mention face masks. But coincidentally, the most common microplastic used in covid face masks is polypropylene.
Tissue from male donors contained nearly six times the microplastics as did tissue from female donors, and some particles were as large as 1.4 millimeters. Gross.
🔥 The media threw its annual gala White House Correspondent’s Dinner last Saturday, where reporters and their politicians celebrate each other and crack jokes about republicans like Governor DeSantis. On Sunday, Business Insider ran an article headlined, “Biden Mocked Fox News Hosts At The White House Correspondents’ Dinner, Saying They’re All ‘Vaccinated And Boosted’ At The Event.”
Specifically, what Biden said was, “I know there are a lot of questions about whether we should gather here tonight because of COVID. Well, we’re here to show the country that we’re getting through this pandemic. Plus, everyone has to prove they are fully vaccinated and boosted. Just contact your favorite Fox News reporter. They’re all here. Vaccinated and boosted.”
Vaccine passports, shots and boosters. But Biden spoke too soon.
Biden’s lame joke attempt was that some Fox anchors have been questioning whether the jabs work, yet there they were, all jabbed up.
But yesterday, CNN ran a story headlined, “Journalists From Multiple News Outlets Test Positive For Covid After White House Correspondents Dinner Weekend.” Uh-oh!
Hahahahaha! It’s another vaccinated super-spreader event in DC.
The article notes that ABC’s Jon Karl, fully-boosted and newly testing positive, was seen shaking hands with Joe Biden at the dinner. White House Correspondents’ Association President Steven Portnoy told MSN that “We worked hard to publicize our protocols and encouraged those eligible to get booster shots in the weeks leading up to the dinner. Our event implemented protocols that went beyond any guidance or regulation issued by the CDC or the DC health department.”
They went BEYOND the CDC’s requirements. And it still didn’t stop transmission. Those vaccine passports are just working great, aren’t they?
It’s almost like vaccine passports aren’t really about stopping transmission of the virus or something. Bizarre.
😷 In case you missed it, Uber finally ended its much-reviled automobile ride-sharing mandate late last month. “As of April 19, 2022, riders and drivers are not required to wear masks when using Uber,” the San Francisco-based company announced on its website.
🔥 Twitter just suspended Dinesh D’Souza’s account for his new “2000 Mules” movie about election fraud in Atlanta during the 2020 elections. Now, we TRIED to warn everyone that all the “emergency” covid censorship based on the notion that “you could hurt somebody with that disinformation” would soon become normalized, and would spread like a bad STD to literally every single other area of the political body.
Now look. There are strange, oozing censorship bumps growing everywhere. I just didn’t think it would spread that fast. Thanks experts!
🔥 Unsurprisingly, all the Trump-endorsed candidates won in Ohio’s primaries this week.
💉 Yahoo Sports reported last week that former Arkansas offensive lineman Brian Wallace, 26, died suddenly and unexpectedly Friday of multiple consecutive heart attacks. It’s unknown whether he took the safe and effective shots.
Thoughts and prayers for his family.
🔥 Ed Stetzer, dean at christian Wheaton College, published a critical op-ed in USA Today on Wednesday titled “Some Evangelicals Spread Falsehoods About Covid Vaccines While The World Is Desperate.” Shame on those evangelicals.
Stetzer compared disinformation to sin, begging evangelical Christians to stop “falling into disinformation,” and just take their shots already. He PROMISED that the shots are completely safe and effective — all the GOOD doctors say so — and they don’t pose any single risk of any kind to anybody. So stop being stupid. It’s just RIDICULOUS that evangelical Christians are twice as likely to rule jabs out completely as compared to other groups (30% to 15%).
In his column trying to shame christians into rolling the long-term dice on the experimental drugs and potentially permanently polluting their bodily temples, Stetzer quoted Franklin Graham, who compared people who agree to take the jab to the Good Samaritan.
It’s JUST like that, Graham said.
Hahahaha! It was a self-own. Brother Graham, by glibly re-purposing Jesus’ parable, accidentally condemned himself. Jesus’ main point in that parable was actually a sharp critique of hypocritical and out-of-touch RELIGIOUS LEADERS. Hypocritical and out-of-touch religious leaders like Franklin Graham, say.
You really can’t make this stuff up. Mass formation psychosis?
🚀 Two weeks ago, the Washington Post reported that, right after Biden pledged nearly a trillion American dollars for Ukrainian military aid, Russia sent a formal letter to the U.S. warning that shipments of sensitive weapons from the United States and NATO were exacerbating tensions in Ukraine and could lead to “unpredictable consequences.” Probably bad ones.
So of course, this week Nancy Pelosi and her squad met with Ukrainian president Zelensky to photo-op the delivery of ANOTHER $33B more military aid money.
Why add $33 billion to the original $800 billion pledged just two weeks ago? Will that extra $33 billion finally get the job done? The $800 billion wasn’t enough? Why poke the Russian bear just to add an extra 3%? I can’t figure it out, so I’m just grateful that our best and brightest are in charge.
Have a terrific Thursday, and I’ll see you back here tomorrow for more.
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As a Christian, nothing makes me more frustrated than having long time Christian friends fall for the covid narrative. As a Christian, we should be leading the charge on insisting on truth telling. One of the reasons I refused to wear a mask is because I knew the insistence on its effectiveness was a lie. Yet many of my friends shrugged their shoulders and said we needed to "obey" out of "love." That attitude is not love, it's cowardice. Real love is telling the truth even when it hurts someone's feelings or it's unpopular. It's been a struggle to see so many cave to whatever the government or pastor tells them to do when those directives are completely lacking in Biblical truth. Truth telling can be messy and difficult, but why would anyone want to be lied to or participate in a lie? Do what is right, even if you're the only one doing it.
Thank you for graciously calling for unity, Jeff, and I 100% agree!
I covered these terrorize-distract-and-divide tactics in my first post:
• “A Primer for the Propagandized: Fear Is the Mind-Killer” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/a-primer-for-the-propagandized)
In that piece, I describe the recipe for controlling the populace:
“Whip up a witches’ brew of anger, envy, and, most importantly, fear, escalating emotions to a boil so as to short-circuit our faculties of reason and logic.
“Isolate us from one another, supplant real-world interactions with virtual feuds, label nonconformists as a threat to the group, and pump the public with a disinformation campaign designed to confuse and atomize. In essence, foster a cultlike mentality that shuts down thought to guarantee assent.
“Cultivate and wield our cognitive biases—especially ingroup bias, conformity bias, and authority bias—against us in a comprehensive divide-and-conquer policy that keeps us too busy squabbling amongst ourselves to recognize and unite against those corralling us into a Matrix-like collective delusion that enables the powerful to extract our resources for their own gain.
“This ideological mass psychosis is religion—not science. If this were about science, the Media–Pharmaceutical–Big-Tech complex would not be memory-holing every dissenting voice, vilifying every thought criminal, and censoring every legitimate inquiry in quest of the truth.”
“This is not a partisan issue. Those who wish to control us have made it such because disunited lemmings are easier to steer than independent, critical thinkers.”