Vaccines are the witchcraft of treating a disease with more disease.

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Since early in this panic, I’ve thought it one big psychological operation. See how many people will comply with the myriad of “rules” dictated. In big box stores, it was “go in this door not that door, go up this aisle not that aisle, staff wear masks not customers, customers wear mask, stay 6 feet apart, close dressing rooms but not bathrooms, etc. The chaos with the shots they’ve created seems planned to me.

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Marxist tactic. Keep them confused and then they will keep looking to you for guidance. Only problem with this is that many of us realized long ago that they don’t have the answers.

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Absolutely planned, systematic, social conditioning a la Ed Bernays.

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I dont agree that it was planned. What we are seeing is systemic failure of centralized bureaucratic political organizations. Central planning fails every time. Mises wrote about this in his "Socialism" and Thomas Sowell in his "conflict of visions" People think that just b/c governmetn hires a bunch of scientists and docs and puts them in a big organization called the "CDC" that they are going to be competent or well organized or responsive. But it naive to assume. Really what you end up with is more like the post office. Or the federal reserve system; a giant corrupt crony swamp captured and dominated by the very industries these groups were intended to watch and regulate. What we are witnessing is a systemic failure of just about every major american public institution. For a while the problems were mostly in the sphere of finance but now they have bled over into healthcare and now tragically the public health bureaucracy. The educational system, the justice system... nothing has been spared this corruption and politiczation.

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Review the David Martin documents that reveal years of planning. His comments are also in the Documentary "Plandemic". Also find a copy of RFK's new book release, THE REAL ANTHONY FAUCI.

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RFKs book is $2.99 for Kindle version until Nov. 22.

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It was planned.

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There's a lot of truth to that, but it doesn't explain sufficiently. Does it have to be one overarching plan? More likely there were many plans & dreams of Big Pfarma & Big Government & Big Media. A perfect storm that came together after the ChiCom plan to develop & release the virus and lie about it, and that fit the psychology of control freaks & "liberal" fascists.

That said, just because it can be explained by smaller conspiracies, psychology & incompetence doesn't prove there wasn't an over-arching plan (NWO, Satan etc).

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I love hearing and contemplating others’ thoughts.

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I appreciate and am very grateful for the fact that I have found a huge community of intelligent rational peace and freedom loving folks. I 've had a few traumatic and tragic events in my life and at times I was scared. I decided after about 4 months of this pandemic in like June 2020, that I was not a high risk of severe diease and death and that I would NOT be afraid. I have watched my entire society transform itself into something I dont recognize, some kind of grotesque dystopian medical police state, with fear porn propaganda and craven virtue signaling , mob violence, cult like adherence to pseudoscientific dogma... really its been like living in an effing insane asylum.. IN NJ there are still people walking alone outside and driving alone with masks on. I've already decided I leaving NJ. Thank you all for being here and sharing stories

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Amen, brother. I thought I was the only one who was questioning everything last year. I don’t really know how I found the likeminded on Twitter but somehow I did and Team Reality saved my sanity. Of course, Twitter has become its own mostly insane asylum and then I followed el gato malo, a Team Reality fave, to substack. In comments to his writings, I found this substack, now in my top two authors. I live in a mostly sane, rural area but my immediate family still lives in the insanity of California. I’ve tried to communicate that all is not what they see on tv with little response. I worked, unmasked, all of last year with hundreds of people in and out of retail stores. It wasn’t until December that I knew anyone who got sick. So we all have different experiences, frames of reference my high school history teacher called it, but somehow instinctively knew to question the narrative. I love the discussions here on substack. Twitter was mostly to vicious to create anything meaningful.

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Im in NJ and Im looking at FL and South central and SW colorado, ND, wyoming, even the ozarks area. I've lived in Northern NJ most of my life. Im 30 minutes from midtown manhattan. THis place has been ruined by poor management, corruption . My family is all gone and its time to leave. I need open space. I want to have a firearms range on my property. What part of TN is good to move to?

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By the way, this is the latest from our Governor. So if you know anyone in law enforcement looking to relocate …


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I worked as a vendor for a greenhouse and thought what an amazing data trove for someone at the top. One store required masks, one didn’t, would people follow rules about which aisle to go which way, etc. one big data gathering operation.

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Spot on!

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It is and has always been.

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Fauci said

". they are seeing a waning of immunity not only against infections, but against hospitalizations and to some extent, death".

Ok so is he admitting that vaxxed people are dying as well? This doesn't make a bigger splash in the MSM to educate the herd?

Excuse me while I go scream into my pillow....

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and all the headlines (which most people will see and not read further) are just "Fauci recommends booster shot"

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I'd like to see a whole lot of the waning away of Fraudci.

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Fauci talks like he is observing bugs under a microscope, instead of fellow human beings.

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For him to view us as fellow human beings, he would 1st need to be human...

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He's like those Lizard aliens in V.

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He's still a little ticked off about having the only yearbook picture where you can see his feet. Classic Napoleon Complex.

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On the "jab more" score, fully "vaccinated" Kiss rocker Paul Stanley has covid and had to cancel part of the bands 104th farewell tour. But hey, "rock n roll all night and a booster shot everyday." Won't be long now. Say hello to Hank Aaron for me.

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It is a sad state of affairs when the rockers rage becomes a bow to pharmaceuticals. One of the most ironic to me is Rage Against The Machine requiring concert attendees to be vaccinated. 🤡😹

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Maybe a name change to Rage Against Liberty is in order.

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Your wisdom and humor is on full display with each cup of coffee and side of covid news. God has blessed you with an abundance of both, for such a time as this Jeff. Keep on keeping on

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Morning Jeff and c&c'ers.... I'm still reading today's newsletter but this seems like a partial win for your friend:

". temporarily grant your accommodation request(s) for approximately 6 months, until June 6, 2022.”

TEMPORARILY? So the employee will have to walk the plank again come June 6 2022? Why would that when come up?

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The tipping appears to be going in the right direction. In 6 months that temporary accommodation will likely be undermined to erase it's due date

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My thoughts exactly. Why temporary? Why 6 months? Makes me wonder what’s up their sleeve. It was a win, but not a big win for those employees. Still, their employment hangs in the balance. That does not sit right with me. This is a law that will be signed. So what makes this company think in six months it will be up for debate? Something stinks.

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Face saving? Vax Nazi employer hoping Florida laws are overturned? Single her out for 6 months of hatred by vaxed co-workers, force her to wear a special patch or armband like Nazis did to Jews, so she caves? This should be addressed in special session.

It should be hard to retract recognition of Conscientious Objector status, but isn't that what they're automatically doing in 6 months? Recognize her faith then unrecognize it? Maybe they'll try to get "evidence" her faith is "insincere".

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It's okay to be singled out! Take Jeff's advice and wear those yellow armbands proudly so that others can be educated. Many, many people took the jabs out of coercion. Educating them about the "boosters" may give her some additional support. As far as yanking the accommodation, six months gives them time to find alternative "accommodations" that will be undesirable.

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It's not ok if you don't WANT to be signaled out like a Jew in Nazi Germany.

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Guess it depends upon your circumstances. For me, co-workers have taken me into out of the way rooms to ask about avoiding the jab or why I don't want it or how to get around the boosters, etc. But I can see that there might be circumstances where it would be uncomfortable.

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I'd love to be in a position to do that if I were in corporate employ of Vax Nazis, I just don't think others should have to. One thing I'd press is:

"Do you think you're fully vaccinated?"

"What? Huh?"

"How long do you think Big Pfarma-Big Gvt-Big Corporate will deem you fully vaccinated when they're already pushing & requiring boosters? Do you really think they'll ever stop?"

The emerging fact/Vax Nazi/Big Pfarma/Big MONEY plan is that no one's fully vaccinated for more than a few months.

We're ALL unvaccinated in anything but the short run, so they need to look closely at all the cost-benefit evidence that's been hidden from them and fraudulently misrepresented before they double-triple-X down on Russian roulette injections that are increasingly dangerous with each shot to those vulnerable to reactions - and we don't know how many are.

That's the unintended consequence / silver lining of the Vax Nazi plan. Every few months we're ALL in the same boat and we all have to decide whether or not to be "fully vaxed".

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I hate to think so negatively but the last almost two YEARS has proven we can’t trust anybody and this is all very strategic. So shameful

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The Highwire: 2PM ET Today, 11/18/21



It’s been eight months since world-renowned scientist Geert Vanden Bossche, PhD, DVM went public with a grave warning about mass vaccination using a COVID vaccine which is ineffective at preventing infection or transmission. He outlined real potential for a colossal scientific blunder. He tried to warn the FDA, NIH, CDC, NHS and the W.H.O. against such a move, and called for an open and transparent debate in the global scientific and medical community. Since his original plea to Public Health Authorities, new data has emerged suggesting his dire predictions may be accurate!

After hours of behind-the-scenes meetings with Geert, vetting sources, researching the science around his claims, Del sat down with Geert, for one of the most important interviews The HighWire has ever produced.

If Geert Vanden Bossche is right, public health officials are setting humanity up for a tragedy the likes of which we have not experienced before. Also joining us is ICAN lead attorney Aaron Siri, esq, to talk about the massive admission from the CDC regarding natural immunity, the latest on the Biden/OSHA Vaccine Mandate, and the FDA’s attempt to delay releasing all the data on the recently approved Pfizer Covid Vaccine...to the year 2076.

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The Fauci/Gates sponsored, "Embrace Your Inner Sociopath" seminar evidently has left a lasting impression on Mickey Mouse and the Gang over at Goofy Central. Just a matter of time before big fluffy walking syringes start dispensing hugs throughout the Crappiest Place on Earth.

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"prohibits district school boards, superintendents & elected or appointed local officials from prohibiting employees from returning to work or subjecting employees to restrictions or disparate treatment."

That's good, but nothing in the bill prohibits private employers from singling out employees for disparate treatment and harassment, singling them out for hatred by co-workers, forcing them to wear special PPE - analogous to Nazis forcing Jews to wear Star of David patches or armbands.

Very disappointing, since Gov DeSantis understands that the Businesswhore "Libertarian" hands off private business dogma/mantra is nationally suicidal. Also idiotic, since the evidence now that The Vaccinated are the ones spreading the virus, and with Florida at 5 cases per 100,000.

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Baby steps, Russ. A little at a time.

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No thanks. "Republicans" love baby steps, and protect "private" tyrants like Facebook, Twitter et ilk, while Democrats use ALL the power at their disposal when they're in power. Look where that's gotten us as a nation.

With the biggest issue addressed, there will now be far less pressure to fix the problem of "private" discrimination.

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Thanks Harold! Knowledge is power

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One other thing I was wanted to mention, a friend/employee at a local Walmart told me yesterday that management had asked all the employees if a) they were vaxed and b) if they were going to get vaxed. Most Walmarts have been short staffed for at least the last year, so much so last year, they started contracting with the inventory company they use to employ their people who would have been laid off because of Covid. So. They cannot afford to lose ANY people.

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I hope that those employees refuse to give their injection status!

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The ones I know, mostly over 60 crowd, told them they absolutely won’t get the vaxes. The problem for most stores aren’t the frontline people, although there’s a shortage of them, too, but the night crew who unload the trucks.

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"Biden is a Tyrant" (11.17.21 - Rep. Anthony Sabatini) -- Rep. Anthony Sabatini refers to Biden as a "Tyrant" during special session on Vaccine mandates


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I call him *Savagetini* 🙂 he amplifies the voice of we the people!

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The cackles from the Biden peanut gallery were hilarious

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Kudos. A few thoughts from reading your report:

1. $100 says most of the deaths in nursing homes etc are now actually DUE TO the vaccine, and most of the rest due to denial of IVM etc.

2. Big Pfarma initially denying your client's objection seems to violate the 1947 Nuremburg Code. Employees submitting Conscientious Objections could supplement with an "unsafe & ineffective" evidence package, including evidence & arguments that the public is being denied informed consent. Such packages could be evidence in civil trials, even criminal trials. The employer was informed, ordered the injection anyway. The employee could state that the Unsafe & Ineffective package is not part of the objection, just helping the employer to do the right thing. On the other hand, it could be part of the objection:

"My faith, which includes The Golden Rule, prohibits me from participating in unconscionable activities such as coercion, murder, manslaughter, suicide, and harming myself or other innocent people. It also requires me to resist oppression and medical experimentation without fully informed consent, fraud or negligence. Based on the evidence I have seen, covid injection mandates violate all of these things and the 1947 Nuremberg Code. I believe employers who go along with it should be liable to civil and criminal prosecution for crimes against humanity."

3. Two days ago, I suggested tort reform to help doctors, then realized it's a terrible idea after all these years. It always sounded great, but...

In light of hundreds of thousands of doctors have now violated their oath & the Nuremberg Code, malpractice, reckless disregard for life & health, even accomplices to mass murder - by denial of HCQ & IVM etc and high pressuring Russian roulette injections.

A lot of out of work little folks will need to sue much better financed defendants, I know from experience that's easier said than done even without a lot of injected vax fans & tyranny sympathizers on the juries. Many righteous lawsuits could be an uphill battle, even declared frivolous. Then, if loser (or loser's lawyer) pays legal, few lawyers will take cases. Thinking about that, a lot of tort reform could be deceptively attractive. Maybe we should be thankful we don't have it. Maybe it's a blessing we don't.

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dr fauci actually still holds a valid medical license in NY state and I think MD as well. We could all sue him for malpratice claiming he advcated the use of an improperly tested unsafe and non FDA approved drug without proper informed consent

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He and hundreds of thousands of others should be on trial at The Hague for crimes against humanity, violating the 1947 Nuremburg Code.


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re: #2 Oklahoma has a bill on the docket that will let employees who are mandated by their companies SUE the companies for any adverse effects. That's what needs to happen in every state for private employers to stop.

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Thank you, Jeff for all the information you collect and dispense each day. I read your column out loud to my husband every morning. You can sure get him fired up! I love your snarky humor. You sometimes make me laugh out loud. Keep up the great work! You are an encouragement to all of us here in the US who remember 2019 as a little slice of heaven.

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Thanks for the blurb about the parents in Tallahassee who are suing the Leon County school board and certain named officials for secretly transitioning their daughter. I found the complaint online, and it was an enlightening if terrifying read. It appears that the school employees who are "counseling" students with discordant gender identities are either trying to inculcate the students with the ideology of gender nonconformity or engaging in medical and psychological diagnosis and treatment. If it's the latter, aren't they engaging in a professional practice for which they are neither qualified nor licensed? Are any of the relevant professional licensing boards in Florida (or elsewhere) looking into this?

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Jeff, I want to inform all your listeners that AdventHealth based in Altamonte Springs, Florida, has today informed their employees that all must get the jab by December 1 or file for a medical or religious exemption.

AdventHealth is the largest not-for-profit Protestant health care provider and one of the largest non-profit health systems in the nation with 45 hospital campuses, more than 8,200 licensed beds in nine states, and serves more than five million patients annually.

This is a sad day for the Seventh-day Adventist Church and its healthcare that lists Whole-Person Care and preventative care options as part of its mission and 100+ year history.

If this is not proof that Medicine has sold out to Fauci and Big Pharma dollars I don’t know what is. Proof is in the puddin, as they say…how many millions will the “not for profit” system report at year end? Perhaps it is time to remove their tax exemption status and call it what it is. Big Business. Pay your taxes.

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