Another excellent one in the books!! Thank you for sharing real news with us (including your witty sense of humor sprinkled in). So grateful to hear Florida’s open for business. Oh, and about the hospitals... our family and all of our friends have already seen what you described numerous times. I don’t know anyone at this point that would even go to a hospital. Pretty sad. If we get sick... all of us have already made our medical decisions clear, we’ll take our chances at home doing natural medical care and with online doctors AFLDS who will actually treat us with dignity and with solid medical care.

I imagine you must be exhausted... but thank you for being a voice of reason and truth. We have family and friends in Oregon, Washington, Nevada, and Michigan and I share your emails with all of them. Just to give them some hope that they really need.

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Who is John Galt? Lately your posts have been reminding me of that story from many years ago. God bless you and thanks for the updates.

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Oct 14, 2021Liked by Jeff Childers

Bravo Governor DeSanta Claus!!! We ❤️ You!

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Here is a brief discussion of the non- status of the joe biden 100 employee vaccine mandate. It does not exist! Companies imposing it on employees are doing that of their own volition:


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A hospital in Wesley Chapel FL just slowly killed a 24 year Navy Veteran. He was completely healthy and was turning 50 years old on October 15th. When he went to the hospital in early September his oxygen level was at 80% After 9 days they put him on a ventilator and the hospital would not respond to any calls from the family and would not allow visitation. Before he was on the vent he told his ex wife everyday that every new nurse that came into shift asked him if he was vaccinated and he was getting worried for his care because he hadn’t been vaccinated. He had pneumonia and the hospital never treated that. They put him on the vent and kept him sedated with Fentanyl for over 5 weeks!! A long term side effect of Fentanyl is hardening of the lungs. They slowly killed him, held him hostage from his loved ones, denied a hospital transfer the family set up, never called to let his family say goodbye. That man shouldn’t be dead. If he would have had the correct treatment for pneumonia he could be at home decorating his house with his sons for Halloween like he did every year. Somethings got to give!!

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If anyone has resources to help this family please let me know. My email is lsoltis86@icloud.com this whole family served for our country and the fact that a 24 year veteran was killed like this because of this hospital is damning. The oldest son was told this morning by the doctor that if his father would have been vaccinated he wouldn’t be dead!!! This is NOT OKAY!! I went to the Advent Health Facebook page and their reviews shows this family was not the only victim to this!

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I love your commentaries!! Recommend them to all my friends. I read yours right after my daily Bible devotional. Thank you for keeping us updated!

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Jeff, one piece of data that I have been unable to find on the CDC site is vaccinated vs. unvaccinated deaths. The CDC site has everything from how many in the hospital, tested, % tested, seven-day average, and many other categories. But no Vaccinated vs. Nonvaccinated deaths. Do you have a source for that information?

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The U.S. isn't tracking that data. Israel and UK are.

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You can't check into a hospital without giving them your vaccinated status. So the government is keeping the Data from us. I would love to know the ratio. My guess is if we knew it would blow up their whole vaccinated vs non-vaccinated story. I wish Desantis would put that number out for Florida.

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Good morning Kenneth, view a post on Rumble .com from 9/30/2021 called "URGENT!! Spread Like Wild Fire it will give you a source to find these numbers. CDC is not reporting them accurately. The web site CMS which is for Medicare and Medicaid align with DHHS to collect this data. I work with the site daily and can say that this is very close to actual number. Especially the part about if someone dies with in the 1st 14 days of receiving the vaccine CDC is saying they were not vaccinated. Its about 22 minutes long, but very educational.

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Thanks, I will check the site out ...

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I can't help you with your specific request, but have you come across Steve Kirsch et al's 56-page analysis regarding vaccinated deaths? Jaw-dropping. Following is an introductory excerpt:

"Estimating the number of COVID vaccine deaths in America"

By Steve Kirsch, Jessica Rose, Mathew Crawford

Last update: Oct 8, 2021

Abstract: Analysis of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database can be used to estimate the number of excess deaths caused by the COVID vaccines. A simple analysis shows that it is likely that over 150,000 Americans have been killed by the current COVID vaccines as of Aug 28, 2021.

At this point, two separate stopping conditions have been satisfied:

1. The vaccines kill more people than they save

2. The vaccines have killed over 150,000 Americans so far.


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Try this one on for size. Excellent expose.


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Thank you! This is cited on page 1 in Kirsch's report but I've yet to visit it. I'll take a look now.

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I know posting links can get a bit overdone, but this blows the lid off the criminality cookie jar. OUT.


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Ah, yes - Dr. Martin: a few months ago I saw his interview with Fuelmich (who didn't, right?!) Even so, I've downloaded the audio of your link to listen to while I make dinner. And slowly but surely I'm progressing through your first link. Thanks again, Eric.

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Though this does not answer Jeff's question about the post-injected, this podcast with Dr. Malone is excellent, well worth the listen. https://youtu.be/28xqpV6cmcU

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"SW CEO Gary Kelly changed his story, again. On Tuesday he told ABC News no one was going to be fired for not being injected. “We are not going to fire any employees over this.”

Hahahahaha! Atlas Shrugged!

Brave Americans 1, Vax Nazis 0!

Lying Kelly knows no one can stop SW from accepting ALL exemption "requests", since he has no right to judge the sincerity of anyone's faith or philosophical objection.

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