I Say that POS Fauci is trying to avoid an arrest ! Let’s face it . He is compared to Dr Mengela!! For 50 years he has managed to slip investigation…they can’t let him get away with it …He has so much blood on his hands . There are more ..DR Birx ? Etc … wow !! Hope Rand Paul is relentless!!
none of "them" ever get arrested. They are all in it together. Even the right/left paradigm is a joke. Two wings of the same bird. It's an illusion or perhaps a DELUSION.
you are right. if the reps had not been in to the game, why did only 3 or 4 stand up ? where was all the rest ? and none of the dems stood up to stop the disastrous train, indeed they fueled it. Remember how before november they promised no obligatory jabs, there are even compilations online, of how several dems said before the camera they would never ever get the injections. But soon as they had the house, they changed tune. Disgusting bunch of people are politicians, all of them. Except for a few and they are despised by all - Paul, Johnson and some others... they really fought for the people. But they were sidelined by the opposition and their camp alike.
She never “ changed her mind. “ None if these criminals Ever took this shot. If any pretended to it was a placebo. We must stop believing anything they put in front of us
From 2008 to 2013, years in which I interacted with members of the Virginia's General Assembly, I gradually came to understand that there was only one man in the entire Assembly which understood how American government should work. This man, a delegate, was a reader and had a great grasp of history of all kinds, including law and of legislative bodies. The rest of the lot ranged from clueless useful idiots to people who had a good grasp of how 'the machinery' worked in present time, but very little in the way of good historical, economic perspective. Of all of them, the Obama-like radical Dems had the best idea of the subversive game being played by their party elite. Also, most upper level Rs insiders were pretty much 'in on it' in some way or another. They were all okay with Sustainability, the public/private partnership, and so on ... garbage which should have been thrown out the window. And it became evident that people in the Republican Party get 'promoted' only if they can 'be relied upon.' Occasionally some good people get in. You know they are good people because they are relentlessly assailed and mercilessly, hounded until they are driven out. (So don't assume that all of these people are smart, in on it knowingly. Most in government are as dumb as stones ... even though this in no way excuses the damage which we people perpetrate.)
I was in the Soviet Union it 1968 ... in Moscow and then Leningrad. Back then as a young lad of around seventeen I could see that people 'going up the ladder' in Soviet society had much higher levels of intellectual attainment than what Americans were getting through their already then failing schools. And if anything has saved Russian from being taken over by the Woke Globalist West post the 1992 fall, it is most likely to be attributed to a superior educational system in hard sciences, historical studies, languages and so on. Plus, and after fifty some years, nobody with a brain was heavily bought into the Soviet ideological nonsense.
The Soviet System was an ideological system of Woke. And when Putin says to Ksenia Sobchak, "You don't really want to go back to all of that," ... Putin is referring to the Soviet version of Woke. Only I must say, our version of Woke is a thousand time more insane ... and more lethal.
Right. When dealing with a corrupted DOJ it is naive to expect that justice will be served. Also of note, DC has been a ghosttown since the pLandemic began. The government infrastructure is in free fall. And no WEF Build-Back-Better scheme will provide the answers to our woes. We the people are in the driver's seat--even if we don't have a map...yet.
Or worse, to borrow a thought from author Steven Covey: You can have the best map of New York in your possession, but it won't help you much if you are trying to navigate Washington, D.C.
I heard that Rand Paul’s wife was privy to them learning that remdesivier was going to be the only approved med early on for Covid and they made a ton of money on that knowledge. I don’t know if that’s true but in the end these are all actors.
I don't know about Rand Paul--I would hope that's not true--but an article about ivermectin a while back mentioned that very few senators showed up for Sen. Johnson's hearing where Pierre Kory spoke because so many have ties to Big Pharma. I can't remember many of the specifics, but one was Romney with ties to Gilead.
I watched the entire forum and Sen. Johnson was the only Senator there, which makes sense. It was his show. All the others at the table and on Zoom were doctors or researchers or patients harmed by the "vaccine."
I'm actually talking about an earlier hearing where Pierre Kory talked specifically about ivermection. I found the article: "The Drug that Cracked COVID" by Michael Capuzzo in Mountain Home Magazine. Definitely worth a read.
Yes, Pierre Kory testified in front of the Senate in early December 2020. Almost everyone walked out, including Romney, and they wouldn’t even listen to him. Senator Ron Johnson has been amazing, but the last time I heard he is behind in the polls. Del Bigtree interviewed him on The Highwire last Thursday 8/18/22. It’s worth your time to watch.
He did recently disclose that his wife purchased shares of Gilead Sciences about two weeks prior to the WHO declaration.
No one is absolutely pure and only he knows what's in his heart. You're gonna need mighty big lungs if you hold your breath waiting for politicians to actually change anything.
Bernie Sanders is corrupt too compared to some of the others he hasn't accrued/acquired as much wealth. He only has 3 or 4 houses and maybe a handful of millions in assets?
He did recently disclose that his wife purchased shares of Gilead Sciences about two weeks prior to the WHO declaration.
No one is absolutely pure and only he knows what's in his heart. You're gonna need mighty big lungs if you hold your breath waiting for politicians to actually change anything.
Yes, we need Rand; however, he always asserts that he won't get the vaccine because he had Covid while he fails to mention the data on vax injuries and deaths. Thus, he implies you should get the vax if you didn't have the virus! Similarly, many Republicans running for office had to put it out there that they were vaccinated (of course) but that doesn't mean it should be mandated. Why did they have to say they got the jab? Playing both sides of the fence --- not the way to help the American people who deserve the ability to have freedom over their own bodies and to know the facts about what is in those jabs and the fatal consequences........
Rand Paul seems to be a half loaf ... good on somethings, not so vociferously strong one others things? I can't quite figure him out, especially if I put him side by side with Ron Paul.
Deleted my earlier comment after seeing this. Thanks for posting this, much better to provide evidence than just make accusations. I agree it does look unseemly.
This is from NEJM Jan 31. If you read through this, remdesivir looks like a miracle drug - given on the evening of day 7 and patient felt better on day 8. I remember Sanjay Gupta talking about it positively very early, but I think it was in March. Nobody knew how bad it was until much later. https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2001191
Remember Trey Gowdy, talking so tough with all those hearings? No justice was ever obtained. Just a lot of hot air to try and defuse the right’s anger.
If you want to know who has the power, and why nothing is being done about this mess and “ all they do is talk”, go listen to The Highwire’s latest episode where Del Bigtree sits down with Senator Ron Johnson. It will enlighten you to who and why. I have greater respect for Senator Johnson after watching this.
I am so so sorry about your vaccine injured child! Prayers! I was awake to what was happening but more so when I saw VAX2 (on CHD’s site) I am praying for all of the injured. God bless you!
Growing up in the 1950's nobody that I was aware of had these weird conditions. Some kids were 'quicker.' Some kids were 'slower,' but none really debilitated. What put me over the edge with all of this is a growing awareness that 'autism' had to come from somewhere. None of it growing up ... and then suddenly everywhere? You know ... cause and effect. There has to be a cause and effect for everything.
What really hurts is the breach of faith ... across the entire 'system' which does not work for anyone but the for the grifting 1%. And then again, there is the enormous damage done to everyone else ... to people like you. And no fault of your own!
I just wish that people fighting against the vaccine industry would say 'neurological conditions' or something along those lines, instead of autism. Unfortunately, since autism is an exclusionary diagnosis, being assigned to kids all the way from just being quirky to a full on lack of all verbal communication, it's just a terrible diagnosis. It should be broken down better and separated into what seems to actually be several different neurological conditions. And those kids who are just different from their peers and maybe harder to control for purely personality reasons shouldn't be diagnosed with anything but an independent spirit. I don't know if some parents just like the attention of having an officially labeled "special needs" child, or if it's like ADHD and ultimately gets diagnosed by teachers who are looking for obedience in all their students, but I really do think that separating the fairly useless diagnoses of autism would go a long way in the fight against vaccines.
Two vaxx injured kid here. Since late 80s early 90s. Parents like me were warning people for decades. It seems it had to come to this for most people to see the truth. Sadly
FWIW...reading the stories it does seem it could be 1) a simple mistake 2) a small amount of money (less than $15k, especially when compared to the Pelosi cartel) 3) she "lost money" on the transaction.... I would be more apt to give him a pass on this as long as he continues to own up to it. as an aside this reinforces the case that members of Congress should be prohibited from owning individual stocks in the first place
Remember a couple of weeks ago when he was introduced at a Seattle Mariners game and was roundly booed? Seemed insignificant at the time but I wonder if that shook him up. This guy is a world-class charlatan who has used his public image as a protective shield (e.g. "I am the science"). Previously he could count on public backing as a defense against the accusations, without it he has nothing and is just another corrupt old man.
Seattle booing Fauci had to shake him up because he was in woke Seattle! If they are booing him, you know the game is up. He is very scared now and it’s only going to get worse. It’s so hard to celebrate and I want to but knowing all that he did to our country…gain of function bio lab virus deaths and vaccine deaths, I just want all of them in jail…we need justice. I am afraid if we don’t stamp them out, like cockroaches they will multiply. I am a Republican but our leaders did not protect us. The only one who led was DeSantis. The rest went along. I am so disgusted with all of them, Trump included. He let Fauci play him like a fiddle.
Sen. Ron Johnson and Rep. Thomas Massie are two more that have spoken out. There are perhaps, out of hundreds in Congress, 10 or so that speak the truth and truly represent The People. In all truth, it is We The People who must peacefully and assertively demand change.
I am so glad to know of these leaders….our Texas leaders let us down big time, especially Senator John Cornyn. Abbott did ok but when you see DeSantis at work, Abbott looks weak.
Trump is not God and I firmly believe he did the best he could do. He shut the border to China which made a huge difference but the deep state was too powerful at the time to put a stop to what was happening.
Look at the order he signed as he also was in charge during the start of Warp Speed. Don’t allow yourself to be fooled. He’s no better than Bernie. Who I originally supported and defended until I couldn’t anymore
He tried but covid was already here when he shut down the border. It was too late…that action should have taken place in December. Our intelligence knew about this virus as far back as late October. Too little too late.
Better late than never. He was up against an awful lot of opposition to doing that. And we don’t know what was going on at the time. He may have been waiting for more information to see how bad it really was. And there was NOTHINGS that could be done to stop it from spreading around the world. What happened at the local level was far more ineffective and destructive despite the offers of help.
I’ll give him a break but I first read about the pneumonia virus in China in late December. Our response was way too slow and yes it was going to spread all over because it had been out there since September. Possibly even in the US the year before. Search summer pneumonia virus retirement home near Fort Dietrich. This is all so scary and awful because what is next? We have only now to possibly stop this madness once and for all.
We may not see justice during our time here on earth but believe it will come to them eventually. Everyone pays for their sins. I firmly have faith that they will pay dearly. That being said I would give all my worldly belongings for a front row seat wherever that may be.
Tonya, I think Trump intentionally put Fauci out in front so that Fauci would look bad because he knew he would end up destroying himself. Think about it, at that time if Trump tried to come out and say Fauci is lying and "don't take the vaccine" he would have been crucified! Most people were panicking and buying into all the fear mongering from the left. By letting Fauci keep talking the people could wake up and see for themselves what a lying fool he really is. I do think it was all part of his strategy. Like Trump or not, He is not a dumb man by any means and is always several steps ahead of his opponents.
I don't believe Trump lost the election. There is too much evidence of voter fraud now to make it quite clear that this election was over thrown. Did you see 2000 Mules? If not, you have to see it. I don't think you will have the same opinion after you see it. I have seen more evidence in these two years than I would have liked, and all of points to a complete overthrow by the demonized left. The left had this planned since 2016 and I believe Trump knew it because he stated several times "they are going to cheat".
I agree with you. It’s tragic. The riots were all orchestrated too but the swing voters believed Fauci and Biden did get those votes which helped legitimatize their blatant voter fraud.
Fred, I have followed Trump since I was 16 and one thing I do know for sure is that this man is steps ahead of his enemies. Let's just see how this plays out. I firmly believe he knows the playbook of the Deep State and every move he makes is for a reason. He has been luring them in. They were going to steal the presidency from Trump no matter what. This was in the works since 2016 and he knew it. He even said it on t.v that they were going to cheat. He did win the votes but the deep state flipped them and did all of their other shenanigans in the middle of the night. I would be happy to share all the evidence to validate that claim. However, I believe this had to happen in order to really get things right and we are going to see the right made wrong.
First I've heard of it. But with it being in Seattle, well then ... quite a statement as to changes in attitudes perhaps.
I am afraid of this. That is, if 'they' don't get called out on this by way of criminal prosecutions, 'they' will do it again. But with a manufacture biological agent a thousand times more lethal.
What 'saved' us this time is that the biological agent had a 99.6% recovery rate. Just imagine what 'they' could do with Health Terror Mandates, lockdowns, social scoring badgering if a large percentage of the population was dropping dead right and left? And they were the cause of it?
Exactly!! If we don’t root them all out this time, it will be far worst next! And that includes Republican leaders who stayed silent. Saying nothing is allowing it to happen.
Oh, it is worse than that. The Napoleon of The Jabs said he WAS science, not THE science ... a more imperious claim I have not heard since Caesar ordered citizens to worship him as a god.
Tried to mention RFK Jr. book on the (Canadian public media) CBC news website reader comments
for Fauci retirement article. That caused a ruckus of anti-RFK sentiment and deactivation of my comment. I was taken by surprise. No Inclusivity, Diversity and Equality of opinion allowed.
You have a worse problem with censorship in Canada than we do in the US. In the last couple of years entrepreneurs have created new platforms for free speech. With most of Canadian media government funded you don't have that. However, you can use the US platforms to get the message out: Truth Social, Parler, Gab, GETR, Rumble, locals.
Or , as I informed my 83 year old father back in the summer of 2020,” Dad, Fauci is a fucking sociopath and monster. Anything he says is a lie. “. He went on to get the shots. He was terrified. He wouldn’t see me when I flew into FLA. he said “ you know wfst they’re doing to people flying around who stop in Canada with quarantining them right ? I informed him he was actually shedding ( this was 2020) and was a threat to ME. Sadly he was too scared to see his eldest for what is probably the last time
Very good summary of the book. I thought much as you did about Fauci. He was too glib, too tv polished. I never trusted him and dug into the crypts to find Dr Judy Mikolovitz, (sp), and what Fauci did to her during the AIDS/HIV wars.
The RFK book should stand but the media has a funny way of forgetting everything detrimental to their Leftist agenda. That people follow along blindly is amazing, but we have been trained over decades to believe what is tv news. Mike Wallace did a 1976 interview with a woman affected by the vaccine they gave for Swine flu. They pulled it off the market but not before thousands suffered from a safe vaccine. Masks don’t work, double mask. No one in the Biden presidential campaign was going to get any vaccine proposed by Trump. 6 months later THEY were pushing and mandating that same vaccine. Now they are pushing the pivot back to being all Trump’s fault. The footage, the written word is all there, things that never made sense are suddenly supposed to and suddenly we believe them. Create chaos and the voices of reason can’t be heard above the panicked ones, egged on by the manipulators.
That's why I rely on Dr. Malone, Dr. McCullough, Dr. Cole, Dr. Risch, Dr. Atlas, Dr. Makary, Dr. Kheriaty, Dr. Kory, Dr. Bhattacharya, and a few others.
And all we have to do is look at how these brave, extraordinary doctors are demonized! Look at Simone Gold AFLDS, still in federal prison! And this is the United States of America????
Every wonder why Rand Paul only goes so far with Fauci and not calling him out 100%, it’s because Rand Paul and his wife have traded on the stock market with insider information!!
No one, including you, is perfect and will sometimes make decisions others don’t agree with. But let’s not throw out the baby with the dishwater! There are some good and honorable men and women in Congress, not many, but some. Let’s work to get rid of the despicable deep state swamp and see what that accomplishes! And all complainers need to get involved and do something to get the change we desire!
Agree with your overview and desire for Fauci, Birx, and many others to not “get away with it”, but this endgame cannot happen until our legal warriors become much more effective than they are today. Maybe Jeff could encourage the needed adjustments?
America is in deep enough trouble for its defenders, who are trying to keep it from being destroyed from within, to get serious about winning in spite of all the obstacles -- biased judicial system, inept/traitorous legislative/executive branches, communist subversion, etc. Need to shift focus from symptoms to root causes, per insights of Ref-A and Ref-B.
Signs Of Being Too Weak To Win:
* The US Constitution and federal laws have been violated by those who experimented on Americans (eg, by imposing on them experimental lockdowns, experimental gene therapies, experimental suspension of Hippocratic Oath for doctors) without complying with legally-required due process (eg, Administrative Procedure Act, National Research Act, Belmont Report, etc), and WE REMAIN SILENT.
* Our Judicial System routinely acts to impede the review of substantial evidence of the above crimes and the granting of relevant discovery, and WE REMAIN SILENT.
* Many of the above criminal bureaucrats, including judges and members of at least some state medical boards, have sworn to “support and defend the US Constitution”, and by violating it are thus committing treason, and WE REMAIN SILENT.
More-Effective Approach?
* For good reason, our military uses different teams to work different aspects of defending America.
___* The same needs to happen here, to include the cross-team coordination that our military uses to improve their overall chances of success.
___* Team focuses must be adapted to fill key gaps (eg, teams must also attack the lower-level lawbreakers -- such as general counsels, who are responsible for keeping their agency within the law -- that enable people like Fauci to break the law)
* A useful way to proceed might be to organize into:
___* “Good Cop” Lawyers (to play nice, but smart, within existing biased judicial system)
___* “Bad Cop” Lawyers (to attack judicial system biases with “no holds barred” approaches)
___* “Constitutional” Sheriffs (to bypass judicial system obstructions to evidence review and discovery by working with friendly state AGs to establish citizen grand juries to indict those who appear to have acted illegally)
Becoming More Aware Of Threats America Faces
* The atrocities often discussed online are just the tip of an iceberg, most of which is hidden from view by intent, so care must be taken to not let these items distract us from the more-important targets -- like EUA approval for a US/China joint venture to edit the human genome and the root cause of accelerating decline of America.
* Should be a wakeup call for Americans that very few are aware of the two important targets mentioned above, much like in the days before Pearl Harbor in WW2.
* Those interested can find more about these two targets in the references below.
Much of the public is so ignorant or doesn't want to know because it is too stressful.
The next push towards corruption is going to be ranked choice voting. This is how you keep a Lisa Murchowski or a Gavin Newsome. It allows legal theft and fraud. If I was in Alaska now I would be furious.
Thanks for noting “ranked choice voting” is a serious problem, was not on my radar.
Also agree that much of the problem is ignorance/head.in.sand, so our job is to inform others as best we can re magnitude/gravity of the situation, correct terminology (eg, few moms would allow their kids to inject a “bioweapon”), etc.
But also think that Bezmenov’s point, about the “loss of religion in our culture” being a “root cause”, is spot on and of utmost importance, so fixing this weakness needs to get serious attention from the defenders of American freedom. CCP agrees and focuses its attacks accordingly:
* See “Enemies Within The Church Documentary” (22:04-23:33 = CCP statement)
Agree, but think a big part of it being “hard to mobilize to fight back” is the communist subversion techniques that are in use. These act to keep Americans from uniting solidly behind efforts to recover their freedoms, by encouraging Americans to focus on their differences, and then argue about these, in order to distract them from uniting in their fight for freedom.
The best offense/defense to such communist subversion is to “strike with the power of your spirit and morale superiority” (Yuri Bezmenov, circa 1983)
Bezmenov’s “Love Letter To America”, from ~40 years ago, which describes these methods pretty well is available on Amazon and via pdf download from:
One positive today is our 2 new School Board members, members of Moms for Liberty, and endorsed by Gov. DeSantis. Their goal is to stop CRT, Woke, and get the porno library books out of our schools.
Avoiding arrest should be the least of his worries. Capital punishment should be on the table for him, the EcoHealth CEO, and all the fellow travelers that created this bio-weapon and perpetrated this psychological warfare on the world in order to get the "great reset" rolling. The list is long, but time is on our side.
The “Deep State” is not one party ... it moves effortlessly between parties ... marching meticulously to its goal. “We” happen to be acutely aware of it at this moment ... did it not exist when W was advocating for The Patriot Act? ... marching meticulously
Just a reminder that Imposter Beijing Biden was part of the first attempt to get the "Patriot Act" approved in the 90's. It failed. So, they left it on the shelf until they could find a better inciting event. Sure makes you wonder if they really did allow 9/11 to happen... :O
No wondering at all about the events of Sep 11. Well orchestrated "operation" from the inside. Was another state, located somewhere on the Mediterranean, involved? Some have offered evidence to that effect, but either way -- very, very clear what that terrible day was -- a Deep State operation. Once these psychos saw that they could tell the "American" people such an absurd story and have them buy it hook, line, and sinker, they knew they could tell "Americans" 𝒂𝒏𝒚𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈. Hence, the "COV!D" operation.
Yes. But I think the internet and the hundreds of thousands independent researchers and journalists have drastically shortened the time to find the facts to expose the plots. We had unprecedented censorship on the COVID attacks, yet many of us knew it was a psyop by June 2020. How? Every country and media outlet pushing narrative in lock step with literally identical words. Instant and total shut down of 100 years of viral spread response without data. Suppression of front line doctor information... on and on. But it was obvious at a minimum that it was too big to be coincidental.
Point being, the law of diminishing returns for those bold operations is far advanced now. Each attempt must be followed by more and more overt and violent action. The point of deciding "true violent totalitarian action or do nothing" is coming. My hunch is it revolves around the midterm election results.
I did some research on 9/11 and came up with the conclusion too, it was well orchestrated and a certain man who got exalted after the fact may have had his grubby little fingers in it as well. Putting it mildly.
I was five when that happened. What I remember about it was my mother. She cried. A lot. That's what helped me remember being home from school (kindergarten) and sitting on the living room floor with the funeral on -- and my mother crying...
Years later -- I don't know -- six or seven years later, my father hauled out his copy of The New York Times with its coverage of the Warren Report. He'd held on to it. He and I were always the first up in the morning, and I loved our time together at the breakfast table before anyone else was up. This one particular morning, he told me that he wanted to go over something with me. OK...He then proceeded to tell me what the Warren Report said -- and the reasons it was virtually all a lie. I remember being struck. Something in the newspaper is false? How could that be?
We had a long talk that morning, my father patiently explaining in terms his only girl (three brothers) could understand. I was enthralled...and that set the stage for hanging a question mark on everything official regardless of its source. If it's official, I must question it. I have done that my whole life.
My father and his three brothers all served in WWII and my father got recalled for Korea, so they all served their country. My favorite uncle, my father's elder brother, declared once, "This country 𝒓𝒖𝒏𝒔 on bullshit." I've always remembered that, too. :)
Wonderful story and memories with your father! It must be a daughter- dad thing, because my father drummed it into me to always question authority, question everything! And (I think this is irony) I became a deputy sheriff-lol! I retired a little over a year ago (refused test/jab). My father said, I can’t believe you’re becoming a cop! Well, I know why he said it. He’s been gone at least 10 years, a truck driver his whole life, but VERY well read. I learned so much from him, especially about God.
Well, yours is a wonderful story, too! I love that you were a deputy sheriff. (Sheriffs have an enormous role to play in restoring this republic...)
My father's been gone a long while now, unfortunately, as has my mother. I have my father to "blame" for my coffee addiction. Started early getting used to the taste and sitting there at the kitchen table, the two of us sipping our coffee together and chatting...:)
I think people's reaction to the COVID operation exceeded their wildest dreams. I've seen Bill Gates actually look pleasantly surprised at how long people have wanted to cling to their own captivity. I get the feeling he's eager to move on to the next, but will milk this one too. I think he has his sites set on a much bigger coup d'etat. And he seems amusingly detached from the outcome though. That's probably one of the ways he rationalizes all the harm that's been done. After all, they can all rationalize that none of us were actually "forced" to accept all this nonsense. In a sense, it's been the biggest volunteer operation I've ever seen.
YES! You are 100% correct! I think that it was partly an IQ test. I flunked math and science. But, I do know that putting an untested experiment into my body is quite dumb. That’s also why I never got a flu shot. No, I don’t trust my government. And now I don’t trust the: FDA, CDC, NIH, WHO, UN (I never did)…
W knew about the Twin Tower before HE landed in Florida. It was staged to look as though he was reading to school children when interrupted with the news. Why is there no inside camera footage of the plane hitting the Pentagon? Why was there no recovery of bodies from the Shanksville, PA crash? Lot’s of unanswered questions, just like the JFK assassination.
𝙍𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩? Honest to God. Found by a "passerby", according to the official story. A "passerby" amidst all that chaos and terror noticed an almost wholly-intact passport in the dust and rubble? Of one of the hijackers? On a domestic flight? (Hey, guys. I'm gonna bring my passport with me just in case...)
That pesky Pentagon thingy...Lol! that seems to be such a masterpiece of misdirection. Camera crews were hustled away from filming and reporting . It smells to high heaven. That hole in the building.....that was a missile strike inho. a plane definitely did not do that.
The WTC story was two airplanes ... and seven buildings were destroyed. And so, just on the surface of it ... the math and the cause and effect allegation does not add up, is preposterous. And with virtually nothing outside the WTC boundaries lines touched?
And they got away with this one Scot-free. And so ... why not Covid? (Hum? That's how they think.)
I Say that POS Fauci is trying to avoid an arrest ! Let’s face it . He is compared to Dr Mengela!! For 50 years he has managed to slip investigation…they can’t let him get away with it …He has so much blood on his hands . There are more ..DR Birx ? Etc … wow !! Hope Rand Paul is relentless!!
none of "them" ever get arrested. They are all in it together. Even the right/left paradigm is a joke. Two wings of the same bird. It's an illusion or perhaps a DELUSION.
you are right. if the reps had not been in to the game, why did only 3 or 4 stand up ? where was all the rest ? and none of the dems stood up to stop the disastrous train, indeed they fueled it. Remember how before november they promised no obligatory jabs, there are even compilations online, of how several dems said before the camera they would never ever get the injections. But soon as they had the house, they changed tune. Disgusting bunch of people are politicians, all of them. Except for a few and they are despised by all - Paul, Johnson and some others... they really fought for the people. But they were sidelined by the opposition and their camp alike.
I recall VP Harris declaring she would never take the jab because it had Trump’s prints on it only to change her mind.
She never “ changed her mind. “ None if these criminals Ever took this shot. If any pretended to it was a placebo. We must stop believing anything they put in front of us
From 2008 to 2013, years in which I interacted with members of the Virginia's General Assembly, I gradually came to understand that there was only one man in the entire Assembly which understood how American government should work. This man, a delegate, was a reader and had a great grasp of history of all kinds, including law and of legislative bodies. The rest of the lot ranged from clueless useful idiots to people who had a good grasp of how 'the machinery' worked in present time, but very little in the way of good historical, economic perspective. Of all of them, the Obama-like radical Dems had the best idea of the subversive game being played by their party elite. Also, most upper level Rs insiders were pretty much 'in on it' in some way or another. They were all okay with Sustainability, the public/private partnership, and so on ... garbage which should have been thrown out the window. And it became evident that people in the Republican Party get 'promoted' only if they can 'be relied upon.' Occasionally some good people get in. You know they are good people because they are relentlessly assailed and mercilessly, hounded until they are driven out. (So don't assume that all of these people are smart, in on it knowingly. Most in government are as dumb as stones ... even though this in no way excuses the damage which we people perpetrate.)
I was in the Soviet Union it 1968 ... in Moscow and then Leningrad. Back then as a young lad of around seventeen I could see that people 'going up the ladder' in Soviet society had much higher levels of intellectual attainment than what Americans were getting through their already then failing schools. And if anything has saved Russian from being taken over by the Woke Globalist West post the 1992 fall, it is most likely to be attributed to a superior educational system in hard sciences, historical studies, languages and so on. Plus, and after fifty some years, nobody with a brain was heavily bought into the Soviet ideological nonsense.
The Soviet System was an ideological system of Woke. And when Putin says to Ksenia Sobchak, "You don't really want to go back to all of that," ... Putin is referring to the Soviet version of Woke. Only I must say, our version of Woke is a thousand time more insane ... and more lethal.
Agree. "Good cop / bad cop" & we've all been played
Right. When dealing with a corrupted DOJ it is naive to expect that justice will be served. Also of note, DC has been a ghosttown since the pLandemic began. The government infrastructure is in free fall. And no WEF Build-Back-Better scheme will provide the answers to our woes. We the people are in the driver's seat--even if we don't have a map...yet.
Or worse, to borrow a thought from author Steven Covey: You can have the best map of New York in your possession, but it won't help you much if you are trying to navigate Washington, D.C.
Righto! When you're in the swamp-- beware of gators and wear waders!
After 50 years of watching, I sadly believe you’ve got the right idea.
Thank God for Rand Paul.
I heard that Rand Paul’s wife was privy to them learning that remdesivier was going to be the only approved med early on for Covid and they made a ton of money on that knowledge. I don’t know if that’s true but in the end these are all actors.
I don't know about Rand Paul--I would hope that's not true--but an article about ivermectin a while back mentioned that very few senators showed up for Sen. Johnson's hearing where Pierre Kory spoke because so many have ties to Big Pharma. I can't remember many of the specifics, but one was Romney with ties to Gilead.
I watched the entire forum and Sen. Johnson was the only Senator there, which makes sense. It was his show. All the others at the table and on Zoom were doctors or researchers or patients harmed by the "vaccine."
I'm actually talking about an earlier hearing where Pierre Kory talked specifically about ivermection. I found the article: "The Drug that Cracked COVID" by Michael Capuzzo in Mountain Home Magazine. Definitely worth a read.
Yes, Pierre Kory testified in front of the Senate in early December 2020. Almost everyone walked out, including Romney, and they wouldn’t even listen to him. Senator Ron Johnson has been amazing, but the last time I heard he is behind in the polls. Del Bigtree interviewed him on The Highwire last Thursday 8/18/22. It’s worth your time to watch.
17 min ago
edited 10 min ago
He did recently disclose that his wife purchased shares of Gilead Sciences about two weeks prior to the WHO declaration.
No one is absolutely pure and only he knows what's in his heart. You're gonna need mighty big lungs if you hold your breath waiting for politicians to actually change anything.
I can't believe that about Rand Paul. Sorry...but that's a bridge too far.
I heard the same about Rand Paul. Think about it- republicans could have shut this down along with election fraud- IF THEY WANTED TO! RINOS!
Totally agree. Republicans could have done WAY more to help/ stop this
Did any of the Republican senators do or say anything about the January 6 political prisoners?
That’s exactly what I says about Bernie. And then it was clear.
Bernie Sanders is corrupt too compared to some of the others he hasn't accrued/acquired as much wealth. He only has 3 or 4 houses and maybe a handful of millions in assets?
You may be right but I never heard thar. Could you post where you read this about Rand Paul?
17 min ago
edited 10 min ago
He did recently disclose that his wife purchased shares of Gilead Sciences about two weeks prior to the WHO declaration.
No one is absolutely pure and only he knows what's in his heart. You're gonna need mighty big lungs if you hold your breath waiting for politicians to actually change anything.
Yes, we need Rand; however, he always asserts that he won't get the vaccine because he had Covid while he fails to mention the data on vax injuries and deaths. Thus, he implies you should get the vax if you didn't have the virus! Similarly, many Republicans running for office had to put it out there that they were vaccinated (of course) but that doesn't mean it should be mandated. Why did they have to say they got the jab? Playing both sides of the fence --- not the way to help the American people who deserve the ability to have freedom over their own bodies and to know the facts about what is in those jabs and the fatal consequences........
Rand Paul seems to be a half loaf ... good on somethings, not so vociferously strong one others things? I can't quite figure him out, especially if I put him side by side with Ron Paul.
Precisely. He's head and shoulders above any other senator, for sure, but he's half the man his father is, sad to say.
Spot on.
Deleted my earlier comment after seeing this. Thanks for posting this, much better to provide evidence than just make accusations. I agree it does look unseemly.
This is from NEJM Jan 31. If you read through this, remdesivir looks like a miracle drug - given on the evening of day 7 and patient felt better on day 8. I remember Sanjay Gupta talking about it positively very early, but I think it was in March. Nobody knew how bad it was until much later. https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2001191
Remember Trey Gowdy, talking so tough with all those hearings? No justice was ever obtained. Just a lot of hot air to try and defuse the right’s anger.
He made it public. We became better informed. I think Paul Ryan was a huge problem as Speaker.
Why? What exactly has he done? Frankly, everything is just a show and nothing will happen to these people.
Not being argumentative. It's just what I see and feel.
We all feel discouraged.
If you want to know who has the power, and why nothing is being done about this mess and “ all they do is talk”, go listen to The Highwire’s latest episode where Del Bigtree sits down with Senator Ron Johnson. It will enlighten you to who and why. I have greater respect for Senator Johnson after watching this.
really, because I can't get over the fact that his biggest donors are the Kochs and he wants to do away with Social Security and Medicare.
Well, social security and Medicare should be gotten rid of and they'll fall apart on their own anyway. They're just ponzi schemes.
I *wish* there were some GOP-ers with the balls to eliminate SS and Medicare. Sigh.
Unfortunately it appears only to be the socialists' wetdream.
I am so so sorry about your vaccine injured child! Prayers! I was awake to what was happening but more so when I saw VAX2 (on CHD’s site) I am praying for all of the injured. God bless you!
Growing up in the 1950's nobody that I was aware of had these weird conditions. Some kids were 'quicker.' Some kids were 'slower,' but none really debilitated. What put me over the edge with all of this is a growing awareness that 'autism' had to come from somewhere. None of it growing up ... and then suddenly everywhere? You know ... cause and effect. There has to be a cause and effect for everything.
What really hurts is the breach of faith ... across the entire 'system' which does not work for anyone but the for the grifting 1%. And then again, there is the enormous damage done to everyone else ... to people like you. And no fault of your own!
I just wish that people fighting against the vaccine industry would say 'neurological conditions' or something along those lines, instead of autism. Unfortunately, since autism is an exclusionary diagnosis, being assigned to kids all the way from just being quirky to a full on lack of all verbal communication, it's just a terrible diagnosis. It should be broken down better and separated into what seems to actually be several different neurological conditions. And those kids who are just different from their peers and maybe harder to control for purely personality reasons shouldn't be diagnosed with anything but an independent spirit. I don't know if some parents just like the attention of having an officially labeled "special needs" child, or if it's like ADHD and ultimately gets diagnosed by teachers who are looking for obedience in all their students, but I really do think that separating the fairly useless diagnoses of autism would go a long way in the fight against vaccines.
Two vaxx injured kid here. Since late 80s early 90s. Parents like me were warning people for decades. It seems it had to come to this for most people to see the truth. Sadly
Sen. Paul is not a "lying, sleazebag." Give me a break. We need more like him.
No one's perfect. No one. However, I reserve the right to have my own opinion of Rand Paul and it does not encompass corruption or incompetence.
FWIW...reading the stories it does seem it could be 1) a simple mistake 2) a small amount of money (less than $15k, especially when compared to the Pelosi cartel) 3) she "lost money" on the transaction.... I would be more apt to give him a pass on this as long as he continues to own up to it. as an aside this reinforces the case that members of Congress should be prohibited from owning individual stocks in the first place
Remember a couple of weeks ago when he was introduced at a Seattle Mariners game and was roundly booed? Seemed insignificant at the time but I wonder if that shook him up. This guy is a world-class charlatan who has used his public image as a protective shield (e.g. "I am the science"). Previously he could count on public backing as a defense against the accusations, without it he has nothing and is just another corrupt old man.
Seattle booing Fauci had to shake him up because he was in woke Seattle! If they are booing him, you know the game is up. He is very scared now and it’s only going to get worse. It’s so hard to celebrate and I want to but knowing all that he did to our country…gain of function bio lab virus deaths and vaccine deaths, I just want all of them in jail…we need justice. I am afraid if we don’t stamp them out, like cockroaches they will multiply. I am a Republican but our leaders did not protect us. The only one who led was DeSantis. The rest went along. I am so disgusted with all of them, Trump included. He let Fauci play him like a fiddle.
Sen. Ron Johnson and Rep. Thomas Massie are two more that have spoken out. There are perhaps, out of hundreds in Congress, 10 or so that speak the truth and truly represent The People. In all truth, it is We The People who must peacefully and assertively demand change.
I am so glad to know of these leaders….our Texas leaders let us down big time, especially Senator John Cornyn. Abbott did ok but when you see DeSantis at work, Abbott looks weak.
I need to amend, Ted Cruz actually came out hard against vaccine mandates and masking.
Trump is not God and I firmly believe he did the best he could do. He shut the border to China which made a huge difference but the deep state was too powerful at the time to put a stop to what was happening.
Look at the order he signed as he also was in charge during the start of Warp Speed. Don’t allow yourself to be fooled. He’s no better than Bernie. Who I originally supported and defended until I couldn’t anymore
Some seem to think being President is like being a monarch. Just give the order and presto, it’s done.
He tried but covid was already here when he shut down the border. It was too late…that action should have taken place in December. Our intelligence knew about this virus as far back as late October. Too little too late.
Better late than never. He was up against an awful lot of opposition to doing that. And we don’t know what was going on at the time. He may have been waiting for more information to see how bad it really was. And there was NOTHINGS that could be done to stop it from spreading around the world. What happened at the local level was far more ineffective and destructive despite the offers of help.
I’ll give him a break but I first read about the pneumonia virus in China in late December. Our response was way too slow and yes it was going to spread all over because it had been out there since September. Possibly even in the US the year before. Search summer pneumonia virus retirement home near Fort Dietrich. This is all so scary and awful because what is next? We have only now to possibly stop this madness once and for all.
We may not see justice during our time here on earth but believe it will come to them eventually. Everyone pays for their sins. I firmly have faith that they will pay dearly. That being said I would give all my worldly belongings for a front row seat wherever that may be.
Tonya, I think Trump intentionally put Fauci out in front so that Fauci would look bad because he knew he would end up destroying himself. Think about it, at that time if Trump tried to come out and say Fauci is lying and "don't take the vaccine" he would have been crucified! Most people were panicking and buying into all the fear mongering from the left. By letting Fauci keep talking the people could wake up and see for themselves what a lying fool he really is. I do think it was all part of his strategy. Like Trump or not, He is not a dumb man by any means and is always several steps ahead of his opponents.
Possibly but Fauci is a prime reason Trump lost the election. Fauci played him and many many people have died as a result.
I don't believe Trump lost the election. There is too much evidence of voter fraud now to make it quite clear that this election was over thrown. Did you see 2000 Mules? If not, you have to see it. I don't think you will have the same opinion after you see it. I have seen more evidence in these two years than I would have liked, and all of points to a complete overthrow by the demonized left. The left had this planned since 2016 and I believe Trump knew it because he stated several times "they are going to cheat".
I agree with you. It’s tragic. The riots were all orchestrated too but the swing voters believed Fauci and Biden did get those votes which helped legitimatize their blatant voter fraud.
What? Not a dumb man?
Trump is the idiot who handed Fauci the shank to stab his presidency in the back. He's so stupid that he keeps on doing it to this day.
Fred, I have followed Trump since I was 16 and one thing I do know for sure is that this man is steps ahead of his enemies. Let's just see how this plays out. I firmly believe he knows the playbook of the Deep State and every move he makes is for a reason. He has been luring them in. They were going to steal the presidency from Trump no matter what. This was in the works since 2016 and he knew it. He even said it on t.v that they were going to cheat. He did win the votes but the deep state flipped them and did all of their other shenanigans in the middle of the night. I would be happy to share all the evidence to validate that claim. However, I believe this had to happen in order to really get things right and we are going to see the right made wrong.
More 5-D chess from the WilyCoyote himself (Trump) luring those dastardly Dems to their political doom, huh?
First I've heard of it. But with it being in Seattle, well then ... quite a statement as to changes in attitudes perhaps.
I am afraid of this. That is, if 'they' don't get called out on this by way of criminal prosecutions, 'they' will do it again. But with a manufacture biological agent a thousand times more lethal.
What 'saved' us this time is that the biological agent had a 99.6% recovery rate. Just imagine what 'they' could do with Health Terror Mandates, lockdowns, social scoring badgering if a large percentage of the population was dropping dead right and left? And they were the cause of it?
Exactly!! If we don’t root them all out this time, it will be far worst next! And that includes Republican leaders who stayed silent. Saying nothing is allowing it to happen.
Oh, it is worse than that. The Napoleon of The Jabs said he WAS science, not THE science ... a more imperious claim I have not heard since Caesar ordered citizens to worship him as a god.
Review of RFK book re; Fauci:
I bought Robert F. Kennedy Jr's book. It's excellent.
Tried to mention RFK Jr. book on the (Canadian public media) CBC news website reader comments
for Fauci retirement article. That caused a ruckus of anti-RFK sentiment and deactivation of my comment. I was taken by surprise. No Inclusivity, Diversity and Equality of opinion allowed.
You have a worse problem with censorship in Canada than we do in the US. In the last couple of years entrepreneurs have created new platforms for free speech. With most of Canadian media government funded you don't have that. However, you can use the US platforms to get the message out: Truth Social, Parler, Gab, GETR, Rumble, locals.
Or , as I informed my 83 year old father back in the summer of 2020,” Dad, Fauci is a fucking sociopath and monster. Anything he says is a lie. “. He went on to get the shots. He was terrified. He wouldn’t see me when I flew into FLA. he said “ you know wfst they’re doing to people flying around who stop in Canada with quarantining them right ? I informed him he was actually shedding ( this was 2020) and was a threat to ME. Sadly he was too scared to see his eldest for what is probably the last time
Very good summary of the book. I thought much as you did about Fauci. He was too glib, too tv polished. I never trusted him and dug into the crypts to find Dr Judy Mikolovitz, (sp), and what Fauci did to her during the AIDS/HIV wars.
The RFK book should stand but the media has a funny way of forgetting everything detrimental to their Leftist agenda. That people follow along blindly is amazing, but we have been trained over decades to believe what is tv news. Mike Wallace did a 1976 interview with a woman affected by the vaccine they gave for Swine flu. They pulled it off the market but not before thousands suffered from a safe vaccine. Masks don’t work, double mask. No one in the Biden presidential campaign was going to get any vaccine proposed by Trump. 6 months later THEY were pushing and mandating that same vaccine. Now they are pushing the pivot back to being all Trump’s fault. The footage, the written word is all there, things that never made sense are suddenly supposed to and suddenly we believe them. Create chaos and the voices of reason can’t be heard above the panicked ones, egged on by the manipulators.
That's why I rely on Dr. Malone, Dr. McCullough, Dr. Cole, Dr. Risch, Dr. Atlas, Dr. Makary, Dr. Kheriaty, Dr. Kory, Dr. Bhattacharya, and a few others.
And all we have to do is look at how these brave, extraordinary doctors are demonized! Look at Simone Gold AFLDS, still in federal prison! And this is the United States of America????
No, this is not the United States we knew.
They gave her six months and in one of the worst jails in the country.
Get article and I read the book…EXCELLENT!
Every wonder why Rand Paul only goes so far with Fauci and not calling him out 100%, it’s because Rand Paul and his wife have traded on the stock market with insider information!!
Rand Paul gets his point across quite effectively when questioning Fauci. Sen. Paul is so good at it that these clips go viral.
No one, including you, is perfect and will sometimes make decisions others don’t agree with. But let’s not throw out the baby with the dishwater! There are some good and honorable men and women in Congress, not many, but some. Let’s work to get rid of the despicable deep state swamp and see what that accomplishes! And all complainers need to get involved and do something to get the change we desire!
Agree with your overview and desire for Fauci, Birx, and many others to not “get away with it”, but this endgame cannot happen until our legal warriors become much more effective than they are today. Maybe Jeff could encourage the needed adjustments?
America is in deep enough trouble for its defenders, who are trying to keep it from being destroyed from within, to get serious about winning in spite of all the obstacles -- biased judicial system, inept/traitorous legislative/executive branches, communist subversion, etc. Need to shift focus from symptoms to root causes, per insights of Ref-A and Ref-B.
Signs Of Being Too Weak To Win:
* The US Constitution and federal laws have been violated by those who experimented on Americans (eg, by imposing on them experimental lockdowns, experimental gene therapies, experimental suspension of Hippocratic Oath for doctors) without complying with legally-required due process (eg, Administrative Procedure Act, National Research Act, Belmont Report, etc), and WE REMAIN SILENT.
* Our Judicial System routinely acts to impede the review of substantial evidence of the above crimes and the granting of relevant discovery, and WE REMAIN SILENT.
* Many of the above criminal bureaucrats, including judges and members of at least some state medical boards, have sworn to “support and defend the US Constitution”, and by violating it are thus committing treason, and WE REMAIN SILENT.
More-Effective Approach?
* For good reason, our military uses different teams to work different aspects of defending America.
___* The same needs to happen here, to include the cross-team coordination that our military uses to improve their overall chances of success.
___* Team focuses must be adapted to fill key gaps (eg, teams must also attack the lower-level lawbreakers -- such as general counsels, who are responsible for keeping their agency within the law -- that enable people like Fauci to break the law)
* A useful way to proceed might be to organize into:
___* “Good Cop” Lawyers (to play nice, but smart, within existing biased judicial system)
___* “Bad Cop” Lawyers (to attack judicial system biases with “no holds barred” approaches)
___* “Constitutional” Sheriffs (to bypass judicial system obstructions to evidence review and discovery by working with friendly state AGs to establish citizen grand juries to indict those who appear to have acted illegally)
Becoming More Aware Of Threats America Faces
* The atrocities often discussed online are just the tip of an iceberg, most of which is hidden from view by intent, so care must be taken to not let these items distract us from the more-important targets -- like EUA approval for a US/China joint venture to edit the human genome and the root cause of accelerating decline of America.
* Should be a wakeup call for Americans that very few are aware of the two important targets mentioned above, much like in the days before Pearl Harbor in WW2.
* Those interested can find more about these two targets in the references below.
___* Ref-A = https://ugetube.com/watch/dr-david-martin-no-more-mister-nice-guy-red-pill-expo_Uz8Jf4f2R83mDGk.html
___* Ref-B = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9TviIuXPSE&t=18s
Timelines For Ref-A and Ref-B
* EUA to edit human genome
___* Who Did It = Ref-A (36:09-38:00)
* Some hidden parts of iceberg
___* The Felony = Ref-A (07:35-09:24)
___* The Bioweapon in Covid.Shots = Ref-A (11:33-15:00)
___* The Privateers = Ref-A (16:00-19:22)
___* The Pirates = Ref-A (25:03-27:44)
___* The Orchestra = Ref-A (31:35-34:48)
* Accelerating decline of America (concerning parallels between 1980s and today)
___* Japanese Martial Arts Analogy = Ref-B (11:30-13:33)
___* Focus of Communist Attacks = Ref-B (0:40-4:05)
___* Vulnerable Societies = Ref-B (4:06-6:16)
___* Theory of Subversion = Ref-B (6:17-9:18)
___* Stages of Communist Attacks = Ref-B (9:19-11:29)
___* Details, examples, etc = Ref-B (11:30-58:59)
___* Effective Prevention = Ref-B (59:00-1:03:23)
Much of the public is so ignorant or doesn't want to know because it is too stressful.
The next push towards corruption is going to be ranked choice voting. This is how you keep a Lisa Murchowski or a Gavin Newsome. It allows legal theft and fraud. If I was in Alaska now I would be furious.
Thanks for noting “ranked choice voting” is a serious problem, was not on my radar.
Also agree that much of the problem is ignorance/head.in.sand, so our job is to inform others as best we can re magnitude/gravity of the situation, correct terminology (eg, few moms would allow their kids to inject a “bioweapon”), etc.
But also think that Bezmenov’s point, about the “loss of religion in our culture” being a “root cause”, is spot on and of utmost importance, so fixing this weakness needs to get serious attention from the defenders of American freedom. CCP agrees and focuses its attacks accordingly:
* See “Enemies Within The Church Documentary” (22:04-23:33 = CCP statement)
* Documentary available at https://enemieswithinthechurch.com/
The Left is coming at us from all directions. It's hard to mobilize to fight back.
Agree, but think a big part of it being “hard to mobilize to fight back” is the communist subversion techniques that are in use. These act to keep Americans from uniting solidly behind efforts to recover their freedoms, by encouraging Americans to focus on their differences, and then argue about these, in order to distract them from uniting in their fight for freedom.
The best offense/defense to such communist subversion is to “strike with the power of your spirit and morale superiority” (Yuri Bezmenov, circa 1983)
Bezmenov’s “Love Letter To America”, from ~40 years ago, which describes these methods pretty well is available on Amazon and via pdf download from:
* https://ia800602.us.archive.org/11/items/love-letter-america/love-letter-america.pdf (edited, also includes "World Thought Police")
* https://ia802308.us.archive.org/34/items/1984-yb-love-letter-to-america/1984%20YB%20Love%20Letter%20To%20America.pdf (images of book pages)
We're pulled in so many directions.
One positive today is our 2 new School Board members, members of Moms for Liberty, and endorsed by Gov. DeSantis. Their goal is to stop CRT, Woke, and get the porno library books out of our schools.
Avoiding arrest should be the least of his worries. Capital punishment should be on the table for him, the EcoHealth CEO, and all the fellow travelers that created this bio-weapon and perpetrated this psychological warfare on the world in order to get the "great reset" rolling. The list is long, but time is on our side.
The “Deep State” is not one party ... it moves effortlessly between parties ... marching meticulously to its goal. “We” happen to be acutely aware of it at this moment ... did it not exist when W was advocating for The Patriot Act? ... marching meticulously
Just a reminder that Imposter Beijing Biden was part of the first attempt to get the "Patriot Act" approved in the 90's. It failed. So, they left it on the shelf until they could find a better inciting event. Sure makes you wonder if they really did allow 9/11 to happen... :O
No wondering at all about the events of Sep 11. Well orchestrated "operation" from the inside. Was another state, located somewhere on the Mediterranean, involved? Some have offered evidence to that effect, but either way -- very, very clear what that terrible day was -- a Deep State operation. Once these psychos saw that they could tell the "American" people such an absurd story and have them buy it hook, line, and sinker, they knew they could tell "Americans" 𝒂𝒏𝒚𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈. Hence, the "COV!D" operation.
Yes. But I think the internet and the hundreds of thousands independent researchers and journalists have drastically shortened the time to find the facts to expose the plots. We had unprecedented censorship on the COVID attacks, yet many of us knew it was a psyop by June 2020. How? Every country and media outlet pushing narrative in lock step with literally identical words. Instant and total shut down of 100 years of viral spread response without data. Suppression of front line doctor information... on and on. But it was obvious at a minimum that it was too big to be coincidental.
Point being, the law of diminishing returns for those bold operations is far advanced now. Each attempt must be followed by more and more overt and violent action. The point of deciding "true violent totalitarian action or do nothing" is coming. My hunch is it revolves around the midterm election results.
I couldn't agree more
I did some research on 9/11 and came up with the conclusion too, it was well orchestrated and a certain man who got exalted after the fact may have had his grubby little fingers in it as well. Putting it mildly.
Just like Lee Harvey Oswald killed JFK. What innocence people had in 1963 (my birth year)…never to be the same again.
I was five when that happened. What I remember about it was my mother. She cried. A lot. That's what helped me remember being home from school (kindergarten) and sitting on the living room floor with the funeral on -- and my mother crying...
Years later -- I don't know -- six or seven years later, my father hauled out his copy of The New York Times with its coverage of the Warren Report. He'd held on to it. He and I were always the first up in the morning, and I loved our time together at the breakfast table before anyone else was up. This one particular morning, he told me that he wanted to go over something with me. OK...He then proceeded to tell me what the Warren Report said -- and the reasons it was virtually all a lie. I remember being struck. Something in the newspaper is false? How could that be?
We had a long talk that morning, my father patiently explaining in terms his only girl (three brothers) could understand. I was enthralled...and that set the stage for hanging a question mark on everything official regardless of its source. If it's official, I must question it. I have done that my whole life.
My father and his three brothers all served in WWII and my father got recalled for Korea, so they all served their country. My favorite uncle, my father's elder brother, declared once, "This country 𝒓𝒖𝒏𝒔 on bullshit." I've always remembered that, too. :)
Wonderful story and memories with your father! It must be a daughter- dad thing, because my father drummed it into me to always question authority, question everything! And (I think this is irony) I became a deputy sheriff-lol! I retired a little over a year ago (refused test/jab). My father said, I can’t believe you’re becoming a cop! Well, I know why he said it. He’s been gone at least 10 years, a truck driver his whole life, but VERY well read. I learned so much from him, especially about God.
Well, yours is a wonderful story, too! I love that you were a deputy sheriff. (Sheriffs have an enormous role to play in restoring this republic...)
My father's been gone a long while now, unfortunately, as has my mother. I have my father to "blame" for my coffee addiction. Started early getting used to the taste and sitting there at the kitchen table, the two of us sipping our coffee together and chatting...:)
I think people's reaction to the COVID operation exceeded their wildest dreams. I've seen Bill Gates actually look pleasantly surprised at how long people have wanted to cling to their own captivity. I get the feeling he's eager to move on to the next, but will milk this one too. I think he has his sites set on a much bigger coup d'etat. And he seems amusingly detached from the outcome though. That's probably one of the ways he rationalizes all the harm that's been done. After all, they can all rationalize that none of us were actually "forced" to accept all this nonsense. In a sense, it's been the biggest volunteer operation I've ever seen.
I don’t think Gates rationalizes anything. Look at his father. To him, it’s all quite “normal”. We’re the ones with the problem.
YES! You are 100% correct! I think that it was partly an IQ test. I flunked math and science. But, I do know that putting an untested experiment into my body is quite dumb. That’s also why I never got a flu shot. No, I don’t trust my government. And now I don’t trust the: FDA, CDC, NIH, WHO, UN (I never did)…
W knew about the Twin Tower before HE landed in Florida. It was staged to look as though he was reading to school children when interrupted with the news. Why is there no inside camera footage of the plane hitting the Pentagon? Why was there no recovery of bodies from the Shanksville, PA crash? Lot’s of unanswered questions, just like the JFK assassination.
Two 9-ton steel and titanium jet engines "vaporized" at the Pentagon, but investigators found the passengers' DNA for identification???
𝙍𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩? Honest to God. Found by a "passerby", according to the official story. A "passerby" amidst all that chaos and terror noticed an almost wholly-intact passport in the dust and rubble? Of one of the hijackers? On a domestic flight? (Hey, guys. I'm gonna bring my passport with me just in case...)
That pesky Pentagon thingy...Lol! that seems to be such a masterpiece of misdirection. Camera crews were hustled away from filming and reporting . It smells to high heaven. That hole in the building.....that was a missile strike inho. a plane definitely did not do that.
The WTC story was two airplanes ... and seven buildings were destroyed. And so, just on the surface of it ... the math and the cause and effect allegation does not add up, is preposterous. And with virtually nothing outside the WTC boundaries lines touched?
And they got away with this one Scot-free. And so ... why not Covid? (Hum? That's how they think.)
And they are thinking correctly.
Follow Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth on YouTube.
So glad others are awake here. Boy oh boy. You’d think these paid shills would just give up