Aug 9, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

"Thoughts and reflections. My first thought was that President Trump needs to thoroughly sweep his property for electronics when he gets back. It might not be so much about what the FBI took, as what they left behind. " - THIS!!!

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My concern is what these scum-of-the-earth "law enforcement" "officials" will 𝒊𝒏𝒔𝒆𝒓𝒕 into the 𝒅𝒐𝒄𝒖𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒔...

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OMG! They would NEVER do anything like that! NEVER! I tell you! /s

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And, that being said, it seems they hold the cards. But they are playing chess with a skilled player.

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I think he has already done that and knows it is bugged. I also would not be surprised if he used that to his advantage.

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If I'm intelligent enough to assume that all my devices are potentially/likely recording all the time, a politician and high-stakes businessman has certainly learned to think that way years ago.

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As outraged as I am, have you considered that this is the same guy who handed us over to Fauci/Birx/Wray? Not the brightest

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That's completely fair, but I believe in giving credit where credit is due. Trump is very far from a perfect decision-maker, but he has absolutely demonstrated savvy as a negotiator and small-p politician. People like to point to some of his large business missteps, but there are at least as many successes that showed an uncommon grasp and- for better or worse- cunning where intrigue is concerned.

No question he got played by the biofascists, and no question he still won't admit it - Trump's leadership style, like almost all others in his arena, includes never admitting fault. But when I'm thinking objectively, I try not to fall into the trap of equating a big, serious mistake with that person having never been otherwise smart or competent.

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People who graduated medical school & passed board exams were also also scammed.

I don't expect a president to learn medicine, any more than to learn rocket science. There is a point where you have to rely on others. And he had an infested pool to draw from.

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I don’t think you’re outraged at all….

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Well then, you're simply wrong. This is an outrageous breach of the law.

I've already contacted my Congressman and one of my US Senators demanding they take action. How about you?

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I guess it’s a fair question. But it might be the case that he did not suspect them of working against him like the Democrats goons have been. He KNOWS they are out for his blood.

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indeed. He believed every one of them. tried to put Fauxi out of the way but to no avail. He should know there are other forces at play and he probably knows them. If he only spoke up who is behind all this masquerade. I don't believe in the antichrist.

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Maybe it is he who has recorded them!🤔

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and, if so, enjoyed every moment as only he could, lol ~

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I am sure the place has been bugged for awhile... They may have been planting evidence as part of the raid...

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Hear my voice, O God, in my complaint;

Preserve my life from dread of the enemy.

Hide me from the secret counsel of evildoers,

From the tumult of those who do iniquity,

Who have sharpened their tongue like a sword.

They aimed bitter speech as their arrow,

To shoot from concealment at the blameless;

Suddenly they shoot at him, and do not fear.

They hold fast to themselves an evil purpose;

They talk of laying snares secretly;

They say, “Who can see them?”

They devise injustices, saying,

“We are ready with a well-conceived plot”;

For the inward thought and the heart of a man are deep.

But God will shoot at them with an arrow;

Suddenly they will be wounded.

So they will make him stumble;

Their own tongue is against them;

All who see them will shake the head.

Then all men will fear,

And they will declare the work of God,

And will consider what He has done.

The righteous man will be glad in the Lord and will take refuge in Him;

And all the upright in heart will glory.

— Psalm 64:1-10

“Behold, God is my salvation,

I will trust and not be afraid;

For the Lord God is my strength and song,

And He has become my salvation.”

Therefore you will joyously draw water

From the springs of salvation.

And in that day you will say,

“Give thanks to the Lord, call on His name.

Make known His deeds among the peoples;

Make them remember that His name is exalted.”

— Isaiah 12:2-4


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You said it sister! Or rather God said it and you republished it...

; ))

In these dark times we need both action and prayer. Neither alone will suffice. Read Kennedy's "Letter to Liberals," and then send it to everyone you know who is still "sleeping."

We are loosing everything that 500 years of human and Divine effort have achieved in the United States of America.

The Rule of Law. Freedom of Speech. Protection from Search and Siezure. Bodily Autonomy. Protection from Warrantless Arrest.

And now they have fully weaponized "Law Enforcement" to attack political opponents, including a President.

I don't care if you worship Donald Trump or hate him--- what just happened is wrong, unless there is actual solid evidence of some Great Crime.

(Which I cannot believe there is. If that were true it would have proven long ago, in the previous "witch hunts!")

We need to take this nation back to Justice, Integrity, Government By, For, and Of the People, county by county, state by state, and finally, as candidate Kari Lake advocates, "Fire the Federal Government!"

Or at least a huge portion of it.....it's criminality and incompetence is utterly beyond belief.

If Presidents and Vice Presidents were to be arrested post office, my desire to see Bush and Cheney in the hoosegow after the totally Illegal War in Irag, and the government created mortgage meltdowns and 2008, would have been fulfilled!

But Donald Trump only helped this nation, and every one of us by strengthing us economically and internationally, as well as militarily, WITHOUT escalating wars upon our Earth, (despite his offensive personality, to many, myself included.)

Joe Biden is working to kill us all, it appears, as a nation and as individuals.

Could we please go after him instead?


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For those who have not read your referenced RFK, Jr. Letter to Liberals, here it is:


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Thank you!

Download, print, and share, everyone, PLEASE!!

Or just forward the link to everyone you in your email....

; ))

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At what point does the important stuff start? I skim-read the first page or two, then stopped when he/she/it/they started giving a defininition of "liberal".

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So this document explains to those who haven't figured it out yet, that everything the government did in response to Covid-19 actually made the situation VASTLY worse. It provides studies, links and references to mountains of data proving the vax worsens outcomes for people, that lockdowns destroyed our lives, livelihoods, supply chains internationally, creating a catastrophe for millions of human beings, and that there were safe and effective treatments for SARS-COV-2 all along, purposefully withheld, to force the "vax only" agenda, and that government and big tech worked together silence the voices that were telling the truth about the situation.

So for anyone still in the dark as to what happened, a literal "distributed coup" on the whole world, created in order to, IMO, bring in digital passports and digital currencies and the absolute END of Freedom and Liberty as we know it, are in it.

Additionally we know these products are killing people at a shocking rate while attacking female and male fertility.

So it is a wake up call to those still pretending our government's actions were reasonable and acceptable during the past 2.5 years.

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Aug 10, 2022·edited Aug 10, 2022

Thank you! So, it sounds like I dont need to read it, as I already know and agree with all that. :)

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Those are even more spot on than usual! Thank you!

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All Jesus. I had the second one saved before I read today’s post, then He led me to Psalm 64 when I searched the word “secret.” So thankful for His always applicable truth and encouragement.

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The Lord loves a secret...

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“ But God will shoot at them with an arrow;

Suddenly they will be wounded.”

Yes, Lotd, and soon.

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YES...thank you for this.

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Thank you so much! This was needed very badly right now.

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So glad that you went there! I'm going back through the OT and I'm currently in Psalms... many applicable chapters! God put a great one upon your heart!

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One of my go-to Psalms is 139 to pray with my kids’ names inserted. So powerful and comforting.

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It would be so wonderful if Trump himself could read this. Do you know what church he attends? Maybe you could send it to him via his church. I just know he would love that.

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I'm glad one cruise line dropped their vaccine requirement, but I'm still waiting for a cruise line to offer an unvaccinated only option.

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They didn't want me then. I don't want them now.

It will be interesting to see how this policy change will impact their business from two aspects:

1. How many who didn't take the shot will be happy to get on one of their boats after all that's happened?

2. How will the militant jabbed feel about being in such close contact with - it's gotta be less than 6'', right? - gasp, those who chose to kill grandma and not do their part?


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Aug 9, 2022·edited Aug 9, 2022

At the end of the day, we vote with our dollars. The cruise lines have suffered because they haven’t been welcoming to the “rest” of us. If we refuse to do business with them now, what’s the message? If they drop vax mandates and sales that shoot up — that’s a vote. If they drop max mandates and sales stay flat or decline that’s a vote as well. Not doing business with them because of their past terrible behavior isn’t going to get any message across.

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I agree. We can find other ways to enjoy travel and spend our money. Forget those businesses that did not stand up for human rights.

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Click on the link, they didn't even completely drop their requirements! They require vx cards OR a negative test, and you still have a great chance getting stuck if they have an "outbreak". Other lines plan to offer "exemptions", good grief. And I refuse to wear a stupid muzzle.

They may get more customers because now they accommodate unvxxed spouses, but how many are there?

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I won't take the bs "test", I won't wear a mask, and I don't want to get stuck somewhere in their bs "quarantine" because somebody onboard caught a cold. I don't go there unless they completely drop their convid hysteria.

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Agree with all of the above! I also don't like their test prior to boarding policy- I believe you have to go to one of those "official" testing sites to do the test. There is now a evidence that some of those places are selling DNA information gathered from the tests to China.

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I used to enjoy going to MSG in NYC. They had a vax mandate that excluded me up until relatively recently. I would love to go and chase after normalcy again but it seems like I just can't do it. I don't want to give them my money and pretend like the abusive relationship was just normal. Don't want my hundreds to thousands on tickets and $15 for a beer then? You ain't getting it now.

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Cheers to you and your resolve!

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There's still the odious testing with the sword of Damacles hanging over passengers should they pop positive. Hard pass

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No worries - guests bring their own test and I have a nice supply of negatives on hand all the time. 🤣

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This pure blood says NEVER!!

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Don't know. They didn't want us for over a year and now they want our money. With how fickle groups are the unvaxxed will likely get locked in their rooms at the first sneeze from someone

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I'm on the fence on this one. I like cruising, though I've only been on four of them. I live in Puerto Rico, so cruising is less expensive than otherwise because I don't have to fly to a departure port; we have one right here.

I'm toying with the idea that since NCL is the first to drop the jab requirement, if I cruise in the future it will ONLY be with them, that the entire rest of the industry is dead to me. And, IINM, NCL does cruise the Caribbean out of our ports here in San Juan.

That's where I stand, though it's two-faced of me, because EVERY restaurant in Puerto Rico that banned the unvaxxed is dead to me. Won't go in, won't order UberEats, won't have anyone bring me home something if they go to that restaurant. They will never, ever get another dime from me.

So...I struggle with my NCL wishy-washiness.

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I hear you. Walmart is mostly dead to me after the person running their twitter account tweeted ‘sore losers.’ After the election, however sometimes you can’t find an ingredient elsewhere and there are SO many companies to boycott (Amazon, etc) so sometimes I do get something there

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I know what you mean- I would love to support only patriot owned businesses- but unfortunately there are none in my area that I know of- All the big box stores have woke, liberal policies, or ties to China, etc. It really is like awful options when it comes to shopping. Unless you live in a very small town, or a rural area, there are usually not a lot of family owned small businesses around anymore.

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I hear you too. We use Food Lion more and more because they were very good about no masks, never bothering us. We have cut down elsewhere, but as you say, sometimes one cannot find what one needs elsewhere. I shop mostly online eBay, not that they are good, but maybe much better than Amazon which I have not used for years now. It's really America in civil war now (by other means), and this all is the sorry fallout.

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Yeah my thought too. I am not a fan of cruises though so really have no desire to go on one anyway.

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Aug 9, 2022·edited Aug 9, 2022

Some of the cruise lines did more than that. My neighbors went on a cruise several months ago (they are vaxxed) and she said that the families of all the unvaxxed children were subject to segregation. They couldn't be in the same areas as the other guests. I swear we are regressing as a society, instead of progressing!

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Cruise ships are floating garbage producers. Where do you think they dump all their literal shit? They are also creating a huge divide by promoting certain businesses and bad talking local businesses. Living on a very popular cruise destination island... I can recommend getting away from the herd.


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They dropped the vx requirement but still require bs "tests".

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Been on NCL twice, can't say I liked them better than other cruise lines. We did go to Cuba before that got shut down. My husband and I really like cruising. Yes, it was pretty "crappy" the way they treated everyone that wasn't "vaccinated". I'm now feeling sorrier for the crew on all these ships that haven't figured out yet why there are recurring cases on board. It's not only the passengers who have kept Covid alive and well on ships, it's the crew. The people who have been cruising all this time are so arrogant about how testing is keeping some cases off the ship and some think it's a great idea to keep testing as a way of "keeping the crew safe". As Jeff has said several times if the testing stops, Covid will just go away. Absolutely no clue what they've done to themselves. The ships will start having issues similar to the airline dilemma.

I, too, would like to see a fully unvaxxed ship go out and compare rates upon return but we all know that's not going to happen.

And just to clarify, Royal Caribbean dropped the vaxx requirement last week. Up until then, you had to get "special permission". I have been in a letter battle with them for months re: their stupid policies and protocols. Everything from calling out their "dubious" healthy sail panel to telling their (then) CEO to get his head out of his a$$. Their answer is always (paraphrased) we have to look out for the health and safety concerns of everyone and also adhere to the rules and regulations of the ports we visit.

Make no mistake, the "unvaxxed" still have to test while the "vaxxed" do not. This is true of both cruise lines, so far.

I have a christian friend tell me recently she was praying for a sign that she should take the shot. Somebody handed her a free European river cruise. So after all this time she took the shots to go.

That's a line I will not cross!

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Perhaps there was another way for her to interpret the sign that she missed. Agree with you completely...I will never cross that line.

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My thoughts exactly!

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sounds more like she succumbed to the demons...

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delightful thought, but they couldn't get away with such a policy ~ even if they wished to, which they don't.

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Even if they wanted to, it would be impossible to enforce, it seems to me. How do you prove someone *isn't* vaxxed?

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Trump knew this was coming. According to his son Eric the safe was empty 😂 I think Trump knew it would happen. I hope he set them up and had lots of paper trails and documents that implicate these criminals and then it would have to be entered into evidence if they arrest and charged him. Trump is smarter than this. I think it was expected at some point. But I expect this to get worse until all these sleeping Americans wake the hell up.

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Aug 9, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I can't get the vision of that empty safe out of my head 🤣

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Should have left only a "Lets Go Brandon" t-shirt in the safe 😉

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Oh my that would have been pure comic gold!!!! 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂

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Too funny

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Best comment of the day!! 😂😂😂

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Just need Geraldo Rivera standing there.

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Aug 9, 2022·edited Aug 9, 2022

Turns out the Judge who signed off on this (Bruce Reinhardt) is a low-level flunky who is not an Article III judge. There was no presidential appointment or Senate confirmation, he's just a local hack according to Ron Coleman.

But that's not the best part, before he was a judge he was mixed up with Epstein to his eyeballs, even defended him! He was accused of unethical conduct back then too. You can't make this stuff up.


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Aug 9, 2022·edited Aug 9, 2022

He’s a U.S. Magistrate - not a low level flunky. Yes, Magistrates are Art. I judges, as are US Bankruptcy Court judges but they are still federal judges.

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Low level flunky is a relative term. In the federal judicial power structure he is a peon yet he had no problem approving a raid on a former president? Something that has never been done before in US history?

This is why we lose, who cares if he's a federal magistrate? No one is arguing if he has the authority to sign a warrant, of course he does. However, this is not for a low-level hood dealing drugs but the former president. Stop nitpicking legalistic minutia and look at the big picture.

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Aug 9, 2022·edited Aug 9, 2022

US Magistrate Judges are fully federal judges. They're by no means "peons." It is precisely their jurisdiction to issue federal criminal search warrants, as well as adjudicate federal civil and criminal trials.

You are, however, correct that this has never happened against a former president. But that has nothing to do with their level in the federal court system.

In other words, it wasn't like the US Attorney skipped over the US District Court judge to find a "peon." They went to the proper official charged with signing off on the search warrant: the U.S. Magistrate Judge.

None of that should be confused as me liking any of this. Again, this is in fact a MASSIVE and unprecedented abuse of power by the DOJ. It is indeed a Rubicon moment that has deeply damaged our nation.

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Flunky or not, he is still a magistrate - but, note also the representation of the US by Wifredo A. Ferrer - also involved in Epstein matters while a US Attorney. I don't understand his involvement - as near as I can tell, he's now a private attorney.

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Ethical flunkies don't sign off on warrants to raid the former president of the United States, they kick it upstairs. People may have a given power but that doesn't give them them a green light to violate 250 years of tradition and potentially cause a constitutional crisis.

Don't get me wrong, I don't think you are defending this but I'm pointing out that just because someone can do something it doesn't mean they should. This thing stinks on just about every level.

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Darn right about that. Do you know anything about Ferrer’s involvement?

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No I had not heard of Ferrer until your comment. Something to dig into.

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Aug 9, 2022·edited Aug 9, 2022

Heh! Heh! Maybe he had his own bugs planted!

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I think the same thing. He didn't become a great businessman by being an idiot. I think what the Lefties mean for his destruction and the destruction of America will be turned around and used against them in a huge way. They are trying to provoke us into acting like it is the summer of 2020 when they had their summer of violent extremism and lawlessness. Not falling for it.

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Exactly! I hear rumors there were feds at Trumps place last night taking pics of people and getting license plate numbers for people there in support of him. FBI are dirty rotten criminals.

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He is wily. I wouldn’t want to be his enemy.

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You’d think as the former POTUS and a very rich man Trump still has some powerful friends to give him a heads up hear and there…

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The IC is betting that not enough Americans will be outraged enough to do anything.

I’m so afraid they maybe right about that.

One more time:

If we don’t get up and shut this down it won’t get shut down.

Let me tell you something folks all you who are God fearing and God honoring Listen up

God ain’t gonna do for us what we can do ourselves.

Proof me wrong, where’s the scripture

Gently lay your scriptures to the side now pick up your pitchforks and let’s all meet and surround Washington DC

We need a minimum of one million to get it done.

We don’t have hurt no one nor burn anything down just go in and just take it back.

One million or more can do this, those who physically can’t go can go on strike while praying that God will go before us.

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Aug 9, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

“We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you.” 2 Chron. 20:12b.

Indeed, when Jehoshaphat was warned that a vast army was coming against him, Jehoshaphat was alarmed, but he RESOLVED to INQUIRE OF THE LORD before doing anything else, and all the people came together to seek the Lord. Through His prophet Jahaziel, the LORD told them: DO NOT BE AFRAID OR DISCOURAGED because of this vast army. FOR THE BATTLE IS NOT YOURS, BUT GOD'S." And, supernaturally, God fought the battle and won!

It's clear that we are in a battle that we cannot win without the supernatural hand of God. Let us continue to pray and seek Him, for the battle belongs to the LORD!

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Excellent! Thank you! We must keep our eyes fixed on Almighty God and pray without ceasing!

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If I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or if I command the locust to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among My people, and My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray, and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. II Chron. 7:13-14; For it is time for judgment to begin with the household of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the gospel of God? I Peter 4:17. Those who call themselves Christians are the key to the outcome of our country. We allowed prayer to be taken out of our schools (I remember in second grade when it happened and my first through fourth grade school teachers were Christians) to allowing anti-Biblical ideas, first with evolution to now CRT (I was busy homeschooling my 6 children; I confess, I wasn't paying attention to what was going on in public education). We allowed the destruction of unborn children first by viewing them as a burden financially and emotionally, limiting the number we had rather than seeing them as blessings from God; then, ultimately, through abortion (child sacrifice). The devaluing of life led to euthanasia, child abuse, legalizing homosexuality, etc. We, too, chased after the idol of materialism, never content always lusting for more. Like Daniel, who was living in the consequences of Israel forsaking God, we must seek the LORD by prayer and supplications, with fasting, sackcloth, and ashes confess not only our sins but the sins of our nation. Daniel 9:3-19. Pray for God's mercy; we deserve judgment.

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YES and Amen! As Americans, we have "forgotten the Lord our God, failing to observe His commands, His laws and His decrees. We have eaten and have become satisfied. We have built fine houses and settled down. Our herds and flocks have grown large, and everything we have has multiplied. Our hearts have become proud, and we have forgotten the Lord our God." Deut. 8:10-14 (paraphrased)

Jesus, have mercy on us as we confess our sins and the sins of our nation before You.

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Just had this conversation with hubby last night. We are so far down in a black hole I truly believe ONLY God can get us out. I hear people who see as much as we do that things will get better as they always have. Sorry, not true this time. This is a different world. The powers that be have the ability now to take us all down and they will.

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EXCEPT...Greater is HE Who is in us than he that is in this world! God will have the final say; no where in God's Word does He EVER lose to His enemies!

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One of my favorite verses!

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This government has Instilled a justified fear of persecution for free speech and demonstrations. While huge protests are happening in many parts of the world, the people are silent here in the US. You are not allowed a voice for freedom and against government oppression. While antifa and BLM riots may be carried on for months and include arson, looting, assault and murder, protesting a stolen election results in solitary confinement for trespassing. The esteemed physician Dr. Simone gold is a political prisoner as we speak.

This corrupt administration, aligned with it’s deep state continues to push the envelope. Selective prosecution is the rule. Hillary Clinton’s personal server stocked with classified documents is given a pass. The Biden family’s payoffs from Ukraine and China are given a pass. The dirty and incriminating laptop of Hunter Biden is hidden by the FBI during the fake impeachment of Trump.

We are ruled by a dirty and corrupt government. The window for cleansing it is rapidly closing if we do not put an immediate stop to further nefarious government actions. I only hope that our kids do not end up cursing our cowardly submission to government’s tyrannical disrespect of the people it was created to serve.

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I think that it is already too late, the window is barely cracked at this point.

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Become part of the solution to government over-reach at downsizedc.org. They have 6 nonpartisan bills: One Subject at a Time (would vastly improve transparency!), Read the Bills (no hiding junk in the bills), Write the Bills (enforces separation of powers), Restore Federal Parole, End Judicial Findings, and End Qualified Immunity.

The action you take is to sign on to support those bills you like. When 300 people in your congressional district are signed up, downsizedc will organize you to go visit your Rep and Senators to advocate in groups of 5 - 6 each time for those bills. This happens over and over creating real pressure on the politicians to cosponsor the bills.

Several of these have already been introduced into Congress. Just need broader support.

Government is founded on the consent of the people. We need to stand up for massive reform now.

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People don't make waves because they're in debt up to their eyeballs and scared to lose everything.

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I don’t know. My friend was a strong Trump supporter and a patriot but she was afraid to put up a Trump sign in her yard for fear of her neighbor’s disapproval. Her neighbor had no such concerns about displaying her Biden sign. This taught me that, for all our righteous anger about the state of our country, very few will do even the least thing to fight for it. We just seem to want to go along to get along. I would in in despair if I didn’t know that all things are in His hands.

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This is so true. My Trump yard sign (which I kept up long after the election) affected my relationship with my oldest daughter. She was so mad, she pulled it out of the yard and stomped on it. We're okay now, but now she knows that I know how she really feels about me and my views.

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Well said MM. I could not agree more. They are in the process of stealing our nation. Right out from under our collective noses.

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All while some of us are too timid to put a yard sign out for fear of what the neighbors might think!

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Yep. The "others" have no problem acting like asses. I think it's time to stop giving a crap about what people think and OFFEND AWAY.

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Or fear of what they might do. Who wants their car keyed or worse or their house egged or worse. That’s the problem with progressives, they can’t be civil. I don’t like Biden signs but it would never even cross my mind to vandalize someone’s property over it.

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Your last sentence. That thought has played in my mind so many times since this "COV!D" crime happened. Displaying cowardice and obedience, grown people in this country revealed themselves for what they really are. When it dawns on the young what their parents and other "adults" permitted to happen -- and even celebrated -- these "adults" would do well to only suffer "cursing" by the young.

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My husband and I were teaching in Iran from 1977 to 1979, and we observed first hand Carter's and America's betrayal of the Shah of Iran and all the events that led to his downfall and the return of Ayatollah Khomeni, with all that has led to since that time. Many young Iranians today are asking their parents how they let this happen, "Why did you allow this, why did you not step up when you could and stop it?" I can see the same thing happening here down the road, when our now young kids will be asking the same thing about what happened to our country.

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Aug 9, 2022·edited Aug 9, 2022

Kari Lake's take was great, but responses to the raid from DC GOP politicians have been typically wimpy. McCarthy threatened to investigate and "leave no stone unturned"! I'm sure the DEMS are shaking in their boots over that.

We don't need interminable grandstanding hearings "discovering" what we already know and that result only in strongly-worded reports. We need swift impeachments, convictions, and removals from office! Start with Garland, Wray, Myorkas, Granholm, and Fauci. If the GOP were serious, they'd be writing and publishing the Articles now.

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Exactly. I don't have faith McCarthy will do much of anything.

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It’s all talk. Unfortunately

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He’s a hack just like the rest of them. 🤮

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Nor do I. He needs to prove himself in the court of actions, rather than just talk.

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Scott in South Carolina (fresh off an endorsement of Lisa Murkowski) put out a statement of how we must let the investigation play out or some such establishment suck-up nonsense.

People like this are either as naïve as young children, compromised, or actively part of the conspiracy. How can we not do better than this in South Carolina of all places? Can somebody primary this buffoon?

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Super disappointed in Scott. Wrote him of the minute he endorsed Murkowski. What a damn shame. Rinos gonna be rinos.

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I believe SC has open primaries, which is suicidal. It's how RINO Nancy Mace win her primary. And yes, Scott is a swamp creature whom I've always been leery of.

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I don't have faith in any of them to do anything meaningful. I disagree with Dan Bongino in his exhortation to "no matter what, vote this November for Republicans." Well, if they want my vote, they are going to have to AT LEAST say something about this event and the unequal treatment of the J6 defendants. And maybe Trump might start speaking out more forcefully on behalf of his supporters who have been rotting in jail for the last 18 months.

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Thought Articles of impeachment were submitted for joe a couple of times, but refused by pelosi and dem majority house. From social media, there seems to be more than one legislator who has an ongoing draft on joe and others. Pray that nothing bidens the midterm elections and red wave comes through.

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While back-bencher Republicans may have submitted articles, it's the GOP leadership that needs to signal this will be done. And the way to signal it is to publish the articles now, despite their not being brought to the floor by the Democrats. Promises of writing something maybe - if we feel like it - some time after the midterms, just won't cut it.

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"The raid’s rationale remains unknown." I think we all know the rationale: keep Trump out of office at all costs because they know if he gets back in, their goose is cooked.

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And all those he has endorsed. They hate the power he has.

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Supposedly a conviction by a kangaroo court in DC for mishandling documents or something else can keep someone off a ballot... And the Blue states will make sure of it...

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They can't legally keep Trump off the ballot (probably), although I'm sure they'd try, and sticking him with the burden of fighting it in court might be worth it to them even if they eventually lose. I've given up trying to predict what Judges will do -- but what they SHOULD do is smack down any attempt to keep Trump off the ballot, even if somehow he's convicted.

The Supreme Court has held that the U.S. Constitution's lists of qualifications for Constitutional offices are exhaustive. The Federal government can't add extra qualifications by statute. So the clause in 18 USC 2071(b) stating that the convicted person "shall be disqualified from holding any office under the United States" cannot apply to the Presidency, because it would add a qualification not in the Constitution. (I'm guessing we could also show the legislative intent was not to include the Presidency, but we needn't get into that since it's unconstitutional to include it anyway.)

The Federal government also can't order a State to keep someone off its ballot, probably not even if there's an actual Constitutional disqualification. The Federal government may be able to stop the disqualified candidate from taking or holding office, but it can't stop the State from voting for him.

States likewise can't add new qualifications for Federal office, and they can't keep someone off the ballot based on failure to meet that spurious qualification. So even if a State, by its own choice, wanted to keep Trump off the ballot based on 18 USC 2071, it couldn't do so.

That said: Blue States keeping him off the ballot wouldn't matter much, since by definition, he's going to lose those States anyway. Where it makes a difference is swing States with Blue governors and/or legislatures -- States he could win, but that have governments which want to stop him from winning.

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In Michigan, they booted off the ballot all the top GOP candidates for governor - some for "signature problems" and one they had arrested for January 6th... Albeit that was a local race - I am not sure about a Presidential or other Federal offices as like you said....

HOWEVER, after the Civil War, the GOP stopped former Confederate Dems from running for Congress for awhile... That may also be what they are trying to do with Jan 6 albeit I don't recall the mechanism used back then e.g. Congress passing a law or the courts that had kept the Confederates from running for awhile... Seems like a stretch but again, we are already in Banana Republic land and the GOP in Congress, especially Mitch, wants Trump gone...

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Granted, I'm assuming that law and logical consistency still matter, or at still make a difference at the margin...

The post-Civil War disqualifications were based on the 14th Amendment, Section 3. The relevant clause uses the word "insurrection", and I'm sure it's no accident that Democrats picked that of all words to describe J6. Since this is a Constitutional disqualification, it could be grounds for a State to keep someone off the ballot. But there's still a due process issue, since someone has to determine whether the candidate was in fact involved in insurrection, and a State can't just arbitrarily declare that he was. I don't think courts ever addressed this during Reconstruction, since there was a blanket amnesty and pardon for almost all former Confederates in 1872.

There's also a plausible argument that this clause doesn't apply to President Trump anyway. The Constitution (arguably) does not consider the President to be "an officer of the United States", and Trump doesn't fall into any of the other categories listed in Section 3. The really funny thing is that this makes him the only President or credible candidate for President who CAN'T be disqualified for insurrection, since everyone else falls into at least one of those other categories (e.g. Biden as a former Senator, DeSantis as a State executive branch official, etc.)

(Conclusion: I will do ANYTHING to put off doing real work...)

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I suppose the current Congress in its lame duck session or something could pass some sort of a new law... After all, the GOP reps who voted for impeachment have been losing their primaries and have nothing to lose after the Midterms. Dem Sinema might be leery of voting for it BUT Mitch McConnell will do everything in his power to pass it e.g. even sacrifice Romney (to make up for Sinema) who would love to have the media love and give him attention...

The Dems and RINO VA Governor are doing nothing to give extra protection to Supreme Court justices either... They might be intimidated enough by now to uphold or refuse to take election qualification cases...

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I NEVER forget that judges are first of all LAWYERS.

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Aug 9, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

"Get cruising" - Nope. I'll boycott those that committed war crimes (coerced people into a medical experiment) FOREVER.

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Yep! I won’t be forgetting anytime soon. 😏

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As the child of an immigrant from cuba I can tell even Fidel Castro would have done a better job. I don’t hear much reporting on this this am. And this news was suppressed. I have the WSVN app on phone for hurricane reporting and they never sent a push notification to inform about the raid. FBI take paper and will plant paper. You don’t do this without a sinister plan.

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"As the child of an immigrant from Cuba I can tell even Fidel Castro would have done a better job."

Castro had the benefit of hiring Cuba's best and brightest communists.

Our tyrants are tied by a system based on quotas. We are dealing with a tyranny staffed with JV players. They're vicious...but incompetent. This is our greatest reason for hope.

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Gonzalo Lira recently did a video (2022.06.12 My Run-In With A Glowie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GpQx4aDlC98) discussing this which I talked about and summarized in:


"You might be wondering: Why do these young Feds (aka “glowies”) working for the Regime all look so obviously Gay and stick out like, well, like “glowies”? After Obama took over, it probably became almost impossible for a straight white Christian male who leans center-right or conservative politically, culturally or socially to be hired by the FBI as a young agent (and you won’t find any at the universities the FBI probably recruits from).

In other words, everyone the FBI and other Fed agencies have been hiring for the past decade would have an obvious and DEEP LOATHING of the fellow Americans they are tasked with targeting to the point where they are unable to blend in or have normal conversations-interactions with them."

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That’s discouraging. All FBI agents are gay and sycophants. Obama is rumored to be the same so makes sense.

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Sobering thoughts

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I hope so I am very disappointed this am. I considered driving to MAL but then thought you know what? What if they are watching taking pics? My home could be raided too decided to watch the news and hope for the best. Boy was I right. I know one person said she was going with hubby I hope she took a train and wore a mask.

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The response to the Jan 6 stroll around the capital was meant to intimidate any future resistance to what's going down. Our primary focus from now on should be to:

1) stay unvaccinated

2) refuse further "vaccines", if vaxxed

3) stay out of jail

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1) Keep your focus on Jesus Christ!

Fixed it for you.

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Yes, J6 was successful - and continues to be successful - in intimidating those considering civil disobedience, or even just showing up in support. We have had a ringside seat where we are being well schooled in Fascism 101.

But this is just one act in a play with dozens of acts. Let it be true that the best is yet to come.

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Yes, they were showing us that the backbone of what used to be America has now been assigned second class status.

Violent Floyd rioters: Good!

J6 loiterers: Evil Incarnate!

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They are about to release vaccine for limes disease or in study now. People are volunteering for the testing. You would have to be crazy to be Guinea pig for this.

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I have heard that Lyme Disease was a bio weapon. Early on.

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It first showed up across the river from the lab or something like that? I’m starting to believe.

But why so long on a “vaccine” for it?

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OMG, I pray for those people, you are right, crazzzzy to ever take any type of "injection". Twilight Zone lockdown.

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your right, and add a 4, to pray, to bring God back to this nation.

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Yes! We must not bow before this evil, corrupt government now in power.

Stay strong in God. Suffering awaits us, but we will win.

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Diana, this is so true. And the fact that we all think this way is evidence the Left has won and I hate them for it. I even thought of taking my flag down today because it no longer represents the country I grew up in.

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Biden is worse then we could have ever imagined. Trump decided not to prosecute Hilary for her crimes Bc he didn’t want to set the example. Now the door has been swing open. Democrats better hope republican that comes in doesn’t go after Joe his brother his sister and his son. Daughter looks suspicious to me as well. These democrats are acting like they will never lose power and this is more concerning than anything else. We need to multiply trump but by sending checks In mail no winred.

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NAB, they think they've won and act like they've won, but they haven't. Part of the strategy is to demoralize us by acting like it is all inevitable. Game over.

Not quite. The fight is just underway. Resist, speak truth, and never acquiesce for the sake of a quiet existence under this burgeoning tyranny. Much suffering awaits us, but truth and justice are on our side. It will take years, but we will win.

(I am a patriot, but I don't fly my flag at this point to protest our illegal government.)

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Thanks, Doc! Appreciate the encouragement. Time to gird my loins and put on the armour of G-d.

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You bet! I am polishing my armor right now!

Hang in there!

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Tales From the Great Reset: Inside an Election Fraud Brainstorming Session

- Election fraud needs a Great Reset. I secretly sat in on a state Secretary of State brainstorming session as they try to come up with new ideas to make election fraud great again for the Midterms!


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I think this happened in the Washington state 3rd Congressional district. Joe Kent has a 1,000 vote lead over Jamie Buetler now!

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Kari Lake's strategy as well.... The only thing they can do is try to drag out the count as long as possible to figure out where the gaps are and to try and plug them with ballots from somewhere...

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It is up to all of us patriots to get involved in our elections. Whether it’s being a poll watcher or volunteering to be an election judge or keeping the pressure on your county and state elected officials to take every step to insure there is election integrity, we must all keep this issue at the forefront! If you haven’t already, start attending your county GOP meetings. You’ll meet some of the elected officials including your election commissioner. I think they will understand we are serious about eliminating fraud and are paying attention if we take the time to get involved!

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What we really need is a detailed breakdown or short easy to understand whitepapers or brochures about how local politics and party politics work in each local area as it can vary considerably by state, county and city-town-township level e.g. Bannon talks precinct positions and I had no idea such positions existed whereas AZ just changed the law to make them appointed positions...

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I'm a resident of Michigan but currently living in Mexico. I'm debating between forgoing the upcoming election vs. a mail in ballot. As important as I think this election is, I'm concerned that my mailed ballot won't be properly allocated. I would love opinions on this because I've been flip-flopping on what to do.

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Supposedly you can take to an Embassy BUT then it goes to DC and the Post Office... Only thing would be mailing it to someone you trust and have them turn it in to the registrar or dropbox on Election Day BUT you better check the state laws on that so they do not get into trouble....

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Thanks. An immediate family member can return it but none of them live near the district where I'm registered. I think I'll request a ballot and then decide as the election gets closer.

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Aug 9, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

It’s a sad day for our country, but you left us with the perfect ending.

“We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you.” 2 Chron. 20:12b.

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Internal polling must be horrendous for the Democrats to throw this deep of a Hail Mary.

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The age of voting is over. They didn't steal the election just to have Biden soil his trousers in front of the Pope.

That sure looked like a stolen election in 2020. Practically every action our vile regime has taken ever since has cemented that thought in my mind.

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While I agree, I also believe elections can only be "cleanly" stolen if they are close.

Landslides cannot be carried off by midnight mules and other disgusting techniques. If they people I know are any indicator, all over our nation regular people have woken up to the fact that this entire Covid Con was a government induced catastrophe and the only ones standing up to it a tiny handful of Republicans.

I think a HUGE red wave is coming, and I think the Blue desperation is running D.C.

But God willing, they are finished.

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I hope you're right, but since the Rs were completely uninterested in investigating the curiosities of the 2020 election, I don't think it matters. Why are they going to fight for us now? Their only interest is in feathering their nests.

I agree that only close elections can be stolen, but the Democrats own the metropolitan areas, even in Red States. They can always crank out votes to make any election close. And I am sure they have...and will continue to do so.

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THIS! I mean, what is the incentive for Republicans to oppose anything or to speak out? And this will be another election where they win by default (because the Dems are SO terrible) and they won't feel compelled to actually do anything.

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My fear is that they will be blatantly stolen, and the united swamp will stare us in the face and say, "yep. What are you going to do about it?"

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"Fear" is of the Enemy. Keep working to wake the sleeping and know God is on the side of Truth and Justice. It's just that it's always up to us to choose both and make them Manifest on Earth.

If that task were impossible Creator would never have sent us here in the first place.

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You haven’t seen 2000 Mules then. Hundreds of thousands of fraudulent votes in precisely the key elections run by Democrats. It was not just a few.

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I have seen it. But, people are forewarned now. It's different. So many newbies are jumping in to hold Repulican party election posts and are switching their party affiliation from Dem to I or R.

There is hope. Just do everything you can, or are called, and keep Faith. We CAN win.

Corruption always destroys itself in the end. It's just up to us to hasten that death.

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I'm pretty scared of that, doc, because it doesn't leave us a lot of places to go.

This stuff- especially because of the raid- will probably be the focus of my own stack today instead of what I had intended to write about.

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Looking forward to reading your thoughts, Guttermouth.

America as we knew it ended in November of 2020. Republicans are not a true opposition party; their silence in the aftermath of Biden's "win" was very telling.

Resistance or dhimmitude under this evil regime are the only options available at this point. I am heartened by their ineptitude and by the number of people who see through what's happening.

You are in a great position to survive what's coming, Guttermouth. Don't laugh, but I think you are being called by God.Kinda like her: https://naomiwolf.substack.com/p/is-it-time-for-intellectuals-to-talk

Hang in there. Stay positive. It will take years, but we will win.

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Yep. I’ll never forget how profusely Pres. Trump praised US Sen. Jim Inhofe at the Tulsa rally.

When I wrote to Inhofe in December demanding to know what he was going to do about the stolen election, I heard nothing for months.

Several months later I received a reply back from Inhofe stating that the election was won by Biden and had been thoroughly investigated and that the federal courts had all adjudicated that it was fair.

3 lies in one paragraph, and a knife left in Trump’s back.

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It's disheartening, but at least we now know that, but for a handful of Rs in congress, we are on our own.

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That's good of you to say to a dirty heathen like me, doc. Thanks as always for your wisdom and kindness. :)

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I will add you and your family to my prayer list. In return, I ask that you beseech Odin to unsheathe his sword and strike those who come to harm me and my family. Semi-colon/ hyphen/ closed parenthesis...

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Thank you very much. We all appreciate sincere prayer in this house.

We usually say, "Odin guide my hand." In the end, you have to be your own instrument in this life, but you can hope to be empowered.

So, Odin guide your hand. :)

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Liking your comment!

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Tales From the Great Reset: Inside an Election Fraud Brainstorming Session

- Election fraud needs a Great Reset. I secretly sat in on a state Secretary of State brainstorming session as they try to come up with new ideas to make election fraud great again for the Midterms!


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But this will just push their polls lower. The smart dems understand that this is not the way to go.

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"smart dems" is an oxymoron.

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I disagree. There are still some old school dems out there that are the hippies of old. No wars. Government too big, etc. They don’t agree with what this regime is doing.

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Agreed, I am an old hippie of long ago. I do not agree wIth what the “government” is doing. I have been thinking lately of all the things I fought for and against back in the day, they seem to be exactly the same things. The wolves appear to be dressed as sheep.

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I’m curious though, where does that leave you on voting day? When you don’t agree with the policies of your party, how do you vote?

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They go along to get along then.

I know NO ONE as you describe.

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And brain damaged apparently.

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Very true!!

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Seems we’re well past concern about poll numbers. As, Dementia Joe said, they don’t think they need our votes.

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Aug 9, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

It's probably already been reported by you, but what ever happened with the Dr. Simone Gold "held captive in prison" fundraiser? I sent a few bucks but would like to know anyway. Thanks. When you know please make it a lead sentence as I never miss opening the site each day.

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Thanks for asking. I had gone back to letters from last Thurs - yesterday to see if I missed it.

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He has said several times that he had been working on finding out, but didn’t have the information as yet. Not sure what is causing the delay though.

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Have not heard about total amount I gave as well imagine Jeff was distracted by the raid like the rest of us.

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as a foreigner (English) im gobsmacked at what your government and fbi are doing, if this was reversed the left would have burned the country to the ground by now

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Great words of wisdom, Jeff. Every move they make is calculated. I can’t believe I now live in a country where Gestapo tactics are brazenly used. Where Democrats sit by smugly and say nothing. Our GOP in Washington is the other side of this coin of corruption. Will they actually say something?

They have weaponized every bureaucratic branch. They no longer bother to hide it. They are telling us boldly now we are a banana republic. There seems to be no recourse except to God. Governments have become evil throughout the Bible and through the times up and through today. I am afraid Jeff’s scenario will prove true and we will see a President walked out in handcuffs. The media and the Republican Party allowed this travesty to happen when they allowed an election to stand. “Unprecedented” is the word I have heard repeatedly, like it’s never happened before, but should have, and now we’re making sure, you know it can and will happen. The Rubicon has been air boated across.

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I agree with you 100%, evendown to the use of Gestapo tactics. I was thinking that before I read Jeff's post today. I am sad to say, the America we grew up with, even up to 2019 is GONE. Only with God's hand will things change, and I believe they can change. I left my eyes up to the Glory of the Lord. Amen

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I think I will write to mine today and ask that question.

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I'll say it: the raid isn't where we crossed a line. It only showcases the line that was already crossed, in highjacking the highest election in the country. The government had already been weaponized against its own citizens (anyone recall the IRS going after conservative organizations? And let's not even talk about how long the FBI and CIA have been targeting politically inconvenient people), some jackals in DC had already lied, contrived, and falsified in order to try to bring down a sitting President, and other jackals have worked diligently to spill American blood all over the world to profit themselves and their owners.

In other words, our becoming a banana republic isn't something that happened yesterday; it's just that some are now seeing the fallout of having already become a banana republic...

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Exactly. Well put.

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