I was diagnosed with covid pneumonia in December 2021. I had no fever or any other symptoms. But I did experience two days of severe respiratory distress. I treated it myself with deep, though painful, breathing. I also used saline nasal spray to keep the passages clean and open. I used a standard mouth was to gargle.

I contemplated going to the hospital but did not for several reasons.

- I refused the jab so I probably would not have been treated anyway.

- I did not agree with the standard treatment being given for covid


- I would rather die at home with family than

die at the hospital...ALONE!!!

As you can tell, I survived and am doing well. I went into this condition having been supplied with daily doses of vit. B, vit. D3, zinc, tumeric, and a multivit. Although elderly, my immune system withstood covid.

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If something like this would ever happen again you can look at the Frontline Covid Critical Care Alliance website which lists doctors in your area that align with the FLCCCA way of thinking (early treatment with ivermectin, not discriminating against patients, etc).

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You go Diane! 💪 If only the rest of the population were as brave as you! I have people in my family lining up for boosters, getting their first Covid 2 weeks later and then lining up for paxlovid like a bunch of sheep. Because they are afraid and weak and other things. I commend you and thank you for sharing your story. It helps everyone to be reminded and the newcomers too! 🙏

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Well done! The hospital would have probably killed you!

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Bravo 👏 👏.

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I am curious how you were diagnosed but not lassoed to a hospital bed with IV junk flowing in. Did you just tell the attending physician, "No way Jose, I'm outta here!"?

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Thank God. You are inspiring.

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I may have shared this before, but I, for one, need to read it, pray it, believe it…on repeat:

Who will stand up for me against evildoers?

Who will take his stand for me against those who do wickedness?

When my anxious thoughts multiply within me,

Your consolations delight my soul.

Can a throne of destruction be allied with You,

One which devises mischief by decree?

They band themselves together against the life of the righteous

And condemn the innocent to death.

But the Lord has been my stronghold,

And my God the rock of my refuge.

He has brought back their wickedness upon them

And will destroy them in their evil;

The Lord our God will destroy them.

— Psalm 94:16,19-23 NASB1995

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Lord, destroy them soon, and bring relief to all who are righteous.

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Please Lord, a reprieve from the evil. Otherwise, come soon!

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Aug 2, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

BEST, most timely reply, ever! Thank you for helping to keep my imploding brain between the navigational buoys.

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I hear that. I find myself just going along in my safe little world and then I stick my head out and see how completely insane everything is…and jerk it back in like a startled turtle. And pray…

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Me too. There are just days that I feel I can't stand the insanity anymore. But we have to keep moving on as hard as it has become.

Man, I'm getting tired though.

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It helps me to try to see it all from a bird’s eye view and that God Almighty can flick any or all of us off here in an instant…and that nothing surprises Him or is too difficult for Him to fix. What a Savior.

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I have to keep telling myself I know how this story will end.

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Yes exactly. Wow we are thinking the same things. How much longer will He allow this? Then I think of how I feel with my teenage son not knowing Jesus personally, and I think ‘oh please Lord- just wait for my son to know you!’ And how much the Father must think that of all His kids all over the world.

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You took the words straight out of my mouth! Wow.

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Janice, me too! Head in and out. Currently trying to be more in than out, lest my head go completely bonkers.

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Thank you for this wonderful reminder from God’s Word… I appreciate your loving responses and look forward to them just as much as reading C&C 🙏🏻

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That is very loving of you, Trudy. 😉Thank you.

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Thank you for the reminder. It was needed today

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For me, as well. As I’ve said before, Jeff has a way of making the bad news more palatable, but it’s still bad news. We have to look up and remember our redemption draws near. So thankful for Jesus! Here is something I wrote in a collection of similar “My Jesus” writings a few years back:

“My Jesus is my quiet and comforting refuge in a noisy, chaotic, and worrisome world.” When I wrote those words, I had no idea what was coming down the pike. But here we are. Have a blessed and peaceful day, Cathy!

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Thank you Janice. You as well

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Great pic Janice. I could use that one myself. Thanks!

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Thank you Janice!

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Thank you for sharing this Janice! I’ve just highlighted it in my Bible. I love the ‘95 NASB translation.

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Me too. I bet you would love the Literal Word app. Just the NASB plus the Hebrew and Greek dictionaries linked. No fluff, just a great study tool.

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I’ll look for that app! Thank you for the recommendation Janice!

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That is beautiful. Thank you.

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Don't be surprised if Alex Berenson comes after you for your accurate assessment of his reporting on Ukraine. He has a very thin skin.

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But he doesn’t mind at all casting barbs at others—like Dr Malone for instance.

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Aug 2, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Yup. I found that disturbing to deny Dr. Malone was involved in the development of mRNA technology when it is patently (he holds some patents on it) true.

How foolish and envious can you be?

I canceled his Substack.

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I did too .

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I also dropped him. I can't stand his haughty attitude when he's so wrong about so many things.

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He was right about covid lockdowns, masks and the vaccines.

His takes on most everything else seem to be pretty flawed. It is really quite amazing, he has spent two years railing against government and industry deceit. But then on IVM, 2020 election, UKR bio-labs, its just trust the government, they wouldn't lie would they?

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Yep, it's quite strange... I wonder if he's really that dense or if he's some sort of controlled opposition/limited hangout. Either way, buh-bye.

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Malone is a research scientist. Gene therapy research is a matter of seeking the next treatment approach for particular illnesses. It was never intended as a cure for any virus(the "experimental prototype" was a profit scheme created by Pfizer, etc). The Research industry is also fraught with corruption--but so is all of the medical paradigm--to include health insurance! Scams are a dime a dozen. Blame the Central Bank in Davos and the Rockefeller Inst.

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He may have been bought. If “trusted” people dial back and not go after the real news they get at the very least brownie points, if not more $ in front of the decimal points of bank accounts.

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Alex also seems to be fully bought in to J6 as well…I question his judgement.

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He is still a liberal/Lefty.

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So did I! As soon as that came out, that was it for me.

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I liked Dr Malone until he stated in headwind documentary that if you are going to vaccinate children then vaccinated the diabetic or cancer patient children since at risk. Look either the vaccine works for everyone or it doesn’t work. Dr Malone has stated mRNA doesn’t work for covid vaccines and he has concerns about it. So why say to vaccinate diabetic and sick children? Is he trying to kill them or just still thinking like a researcher instead of a Doctor. Do no harm. With that one statement about sick children he dropped from his place of honor for me.

I was a diabetic child and I would not have wanted this vaccine. I am a diabetic adult I have not had covid or the vaccine.

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Since that documentary was done he has learned more about the mRNA vaccine and its deleterious effects. Headwinds was done some months ago.

As we get more data we have the right to amend our opinions.

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Aug 2, 2022·edited Aug 2, 2022

How long ago did he say that?

A recent podcast with Mercola, he said he's requestioning ALL childhood vaccines. I think he's evolving.

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If that was a quote of Malone it sounds to me like he was saying it’s not good for any child, healthy or not.

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I didn't know that was something he said. Incredibly disappointing!

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It was done months and months ago before all the information on the dangers of the mRNA vaccines was known.

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He knew he has known he invented it.

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On epoch TV about 20 to 30 minutes from the end. Shit in Ronda Spain. Really interesting show then got to this part and I thought. Oh no he didn’t just say that? What did a sick child do to him? The scientist from yesterdays post the Vet researcher funny accent was there agreed with him. They don’t see people as people they see them research participants. Do no harm. Sick child has a life a family a place In the world. I don’t watch Dr Malone snd I’m on the fence about the Vet researcher as well. They look for profits marred by royalties and profits. This is what drives them. Trying to move away but in their hearts still part of big Pharma money train.

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Agreed. I don't put anyone on a pedestal thinking they can do no wrong (gotta keep that discernment turned on at all times), and I certainly don't trust MDs as a general rule.

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Aug 2, 2022·edited Aug 2, 2022

I think you likely misunderstood Dr. Malone. Did you know he took the first two jabs? He had a bad reaction to the second, which made him start digging.

Malone has said all along that all vaccines have side affects and risks, and that each person and his/her doctor have to make a risk/benefit analysis. But he also stated you can't cover up bad outcomes and lie to skew that analsyis.

Malone believes in vaccines and spent a career developing and improving vaccine *technology.* I don't recall his ever saying THIS vaccine was good, and certainly not universally "all good or all bad." That's literally never been true about vaccines.

Dr. Malone listens to new data, listens to his detractors, and continually updates his perspective. He admits it when he's wrong, and believe you me he knows this is about totalitarianism not health.

Go read the last several months of his Substacks. Look at the interviews, good or bad. He calls it like he sees it (based on true data-based science) but does so with respect, kindness, and firmness.

Go look... I think your read is off a bit by now.

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Thank you so much for contributing. I agree with what you have written wholeheartedly.

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So did I.

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Robert Malone was researching gene therapy seeking a better form of treatment for cancer, etc.--is my understanding. To his credit he was extremely vocal during the media hype build up in 2020-21: He categorically stated, "Don't get this vaccination."

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He sure was.

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Same. His ego does not serve him well.

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I did too.

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I thought the save thing. Alex will now go on a week-long rant about he’s not wrong. However, that will just drive traffic here to C&C because most people who read Alex know he’s wrong about the labs.

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Here is the thing with Alex (and no, I am NOT trying to be anti-Semitic): As with Victoria Nuland, her husband the Kagan family, and their in-law Kimberly Kessler Kagan (Institute for the Study of War) who all very much run our Russia policies-thinking etc, Alex's ancestors along with the ancestors of many members of the NYC intelligentsia-intellectual-media class are most likely Jewish immigrants from what was the Pale of Settlement in the Russian empire and Nuland's family supposedly were victims of the 1905-06 Pogroms...

These people have HATRED for Russia, Russians, Russian culture, the Russian church (who were no doubt involved in the pogroms) etc in their family DNA e.g. they would have grown up on stories from people who either survived pogroms or had heard first-hand accounts of them...

In Canada, the foreign minister or a very powerful member of parliament also had a father or grandfather who was a Ukrainian nationalist who collaborated with the Nazis and was probably involved in the holocaust... She obviously has HATRED for the Russians in her family DNA as well for the Holodomor-gulags etc albeit Canada also has grain, oil and fertilizer and benefits by having Russia "canceled..."

My problem is that I don't have HATRED in my family DNA for the Russians or Ukrainians, who's nationalists were also massacring Jews, or any of these people AND I DON'T WANT TO BE INVOLVED OR DRAGGED INTO ANY GRUDGES INVOLVING ANY OF THESE PEOPLE!

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My lineage is also from Belarus as are many many of my friends and associates. No one “hated Russia”, many are conservatives like myself, my great grandparents only spoke Russian and Yiddish. Hatred is not carried in DNA it’s carried in Ignorance and one’s own evil deeds. Respectfully, you don’t know what you’re talking about….

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I don't literally mean in the "DNA" ... American and Western left-leaning intellectual-foreign service-media elites (irrespective of their family heritage) which I, you and your friends are probably not members of, all seem to have a visceral HATRED of Russia that's HARD TO EXPLAIN e.g. They are canceling Tchaikovsky who I always thought was of Polish and Ukrainian descent!

And NO, its not just b/c of Vlad as there are many dictators in the world much more bloodthirsty and worst than he is - albeit I have heard the suggestion that there is intense elite anger towards him as they thought he would be a secular western globalist but turned out to be or rule as an Orthodox Russian nationalist...

If you are a member of our elite who are already required to hate Russia for whatever reason(s), throw some family tragedy talked about at home and voila... Otherwise, its hard to explain the amount of hate we are seeing from our elite being directed against everything Russian...

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Well, it actually IS in the DNA, as counterintuitive as that may sound. Whole books have been written about the concept of intergenerational trauma carried in the genes. It's actually fascinating. I think your comment is very interesting. None of this is to say that anything like that is set in stone and cannot be overcome. But the concept you speak of IS a real thing, maybe a bit more literal than you realize.

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I have not heard of these books or theories... What I had meant by "family DNA" as in talking around the dinner or holiday table or whatever and passing on the hate and ignorance... Blue checks like Berenson mainly just follow the herd BUT in the case of our [destructive] Russia-Ukraine policy, there are a handful of influential intellectuals like Nuland-the Kagans etc directing the herd and they and the herd seem unusually angry-nasty - one needs to ask and dig deeper into what their motivations might be...

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I'm a Soviet immigrant as well and along with the other replies to your comment disagree with your assessment. Your analysis also fails to take into account that Berenson is not only wrong on the Ukrainian biolabs, but on the Russia/Ukraine war in it's entirety, on the benefits of ivermectin, the 2020 election steal, on Dr. Malone and the violation of Alex Jones' civil rights. In fact, he seems to be the proverbial blind squirrel who found an acorn in the data on the lack of safety and efficacy of the vaccines and since then is nearly starving for lack of any nourishment sine he's entirely incapable of learning from past experience.

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I agree with you on Berenson being wrong on many things - maybe he has Gell-Mann Amnesia? However, he is or rather was part of the media elite. If you are part of that circle, you have to be with them 100%... If its only 98% and you try to think independently on that other 2%, the knives come out... Just ask Joe Rogan...

I know other Berenson readers in comments on his Substack have suggested that he is trying to get back into the media's good graces or something once he is proven right about COVID-Vaccines by all the other stuff he spouts off... Maybe Gell Man Amnesia?

I tend to also think: Once a bluecheck, always a bluecheck...

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Gell-Mann amnesia may be the symptom rather than the cause of Alex's curious one-hit wonder. There's more evidence that he is controlled opposition and may be acting as an asset for the CIA. Consider how laughably wrong he is on so many issues contrasted against his 'chillingly plausible' CIA spy novels. The CIA is known for using the NYT as a propaganda arm. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2012/aug/29/correspondence-collusion-new-york-times-cia Just something to consider.

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TheConservativeTreehouse.com has covered the CIA->NYT and DoJ/FBI->WaPo connections for at least a decade also. What better way to start a PsyOp than to get a million folks to listen by "proving" efficacy is for shit, then mislead them on all the other narratives. That's a known issue at this stage of the PsyOps, mixing in just enough truth to gain credibility to disassemble facts to minimize followers of the other conspiracies being shown as fact.

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I'm a Treeper and have been ever since before the Trayvon Martin case (though I mostly lurk) and couldn't, for the life of me find a Conservative Treehouse link where Sundance explains the connection. They Guardian link I posted is an old Glen Greenwald article, which I figured would do in a pinch.

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Maybe he is more of a wannabe CIA agent and just another useful media idiot trying to suck up to the establishment... The thing is: He was an investigative reporter covering the lies of the pharma and marijuana industries and how the govt agencies and the media collude and cover for them... Oh but everything else they do and tell us is gospel... Gell-Mann amnesia right there...

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You are wrong, most Russian Jewish immigrants love their Russian heritage. That doesn’t necessarily mean they would support war with Ukraine. Check your sources.

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You said "most" and "their Russian heritage" - I don't get the impression that neocons like Nuland and the Kagans etc who staged 2 coups in Ukraine, want to do regime change in Russia and then carve up the country, have much love or respect for Russia and Russian culture (e.g. Orthodox Church)....

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Berenson is right about a lot but I think he has a huge blind spot when it comes to the media, which he was once part of. And maybe he has some interest in those labs?

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Everyone has a bias. It's natural.

He may not have done enough research or the source of his research may not have been reliable.

That happens.

The problem with Alex is that he can't accept correction. He has a very thin skin and lashes out. He doesn't realize how awful it makes him seem.

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Everyone does have a bias, but the facts are staring him dead in the face. But yes, he has no room to accept correction. Pride. Might be why he no longer works for the MSM.

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My sister had Covid (Delta) and was scared to go to the doctor or hospital. She was unvaccinated and had heard stories about how she would be treated. She eventually got so sick, her family called paramedics and they took her to the hospital. Her family was told they could not come in with her. By some miracle, she had her phone. She was able to come to and call her family to come get her.

The next day, my brother-in-law went into the hospital and insisted they were able to visit her. When they said no, he got louder and made somewhat of a scene. So again, by some miracle, they said that someone could come be with her for an hour a day.

My niece was the one to stay with her during most of the following days for the next month. This is what she found out was happening during the hour (sometimes a little longer) that she was there.

1) They dropped my sister’s food off at the door of the room and wouldn’t let the patient know. They would pick it up about an hour later. So if the patient doesn’t know it’s there and can’t walk (like my sister), they don’t eat. This is why my sister kept telling her family that she hadn’t eaten and she was hungry. My niece finally caught them doing it and called them out. They said they weren’t allowed to come into the room.

2) No one would give her a bath because “she had covid.” They wouldn’t even wipe her down. Nothing. For a MONTH.

3) She didn’t have a catheter but was given a pee pad and told “to just go.” The pad was clean when my niece was there but again…no bath.

4) Her hair was matted and hadn’t been brushed or put up. Her hair is down to her waist so my niece spent her time for several days just brushing it.

5) They kept moving her to other rooms and would leave her phone chargers behind so her phone (the only line of communication with the outside world) would go dead. Thankfully, my niece would just show up with new chargers.

6) She had a nurse who yelled at her and threatened her that if she didn’t lay on her stomach they would intubate her. The nurse slapped her hand.

7) They put an alarm under her body so if she got out of bed they would know.

8) They gave her Remdesivir and lied about it being the same as Hydroxychloroquine.

9) Her IV bent backwards so she told the nurse but the nurse told her if she moved she would die. So my sister ripped out the IV. She was then labeled as a problem patient. She was then given drugs to sedate her. Apparently something for Bipolar Disorder, which she doesn’t have. She was hallucinating and hearing voices. My niece caught it and took her off them.

10) She has PTSD from everything.

The list goes on. And get this…it all happened at Baylor. BAYLOR!!!!!!

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What you describe has been happening in hospitals, and other healthcare facilities, for at least the past ten to twenty years. I've seen it firsthand as a registered nurse, family member, and patient; the "care" we once knew has been extinguished. I trace it back to a time when they took nurses out of their uniforms, and associated school caps and pins, and put everyone in the building in scrubs. Leveled the field and dissolved respect for professionals. Then replaced the critical-thinking, educated, compassionate nurses with a variety of complicit order-taking, dismissive, dispassionate people. People who have no problem leaving a food tray outside the room. Who could not care less whether the patient has had a bath or mouth wash, let alone a linen change. (The huge death toll in nursing homes were more likely the result of this "standard of care" across the board, as opposed to the virus, as soon as visitors were banned.)

There has definitely been a silent coup ongoing in healthcare since the emergence and acquiescence of corporate managed care. I don't expect it to get well soon, if ever. Those were the days my friend....

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Time for a parallel health care system.

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A million times yes!

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I agree completely! PM back rubs were routine when I was an LPN back when. Our basic care is unheard of today. Patient is on his own!!

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Yes, I remember that! I was very ill when I was pregnant (MANY years ago) and the nurses back then are amazing! One of them gave me a back rub, mini massage to relax me every day- I never forgot her kindness!

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There are a few of these nurses left. No back rubs that I know of, but when I was unconscious on a ventilator for covid (delta) last January, a nurse painted my fingernails in an attempt to uplift my spirits when I woke up. I remember a couple nurses also brushed and braided my formerly long thick hair....

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That is great to hear! I'm glad there are some good ones still around. I'm sorry to hear you had to deal with all that, (covid, and having to be ventilated) and I hope you are doing OK now.

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Aug 2, 2022·edited Aug 2, 2022

Thank you! I’m still on supplemental oxygen 6 months after leaving the hospital, but by the grace of God, I’m still alive and home with my family. From what I understand, no one in the hospital really expected me to make it. I do just about everything I used to do, just now tethered to an oxygen concentrator.

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Completely agree with you. I hate everyone in sloppy scrubs! When I was working, the nursing staff had locker rooms. We were expected to change from our uniforms and shoes when we left the hospital... part of infection control. Now everyone is called "nurse". I left the profession when "someone" decided the RNs should work 12 hour shifts. I loved my work but it got harder and harder to do it.

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Susan, I completely agree with you on the issue of everyone in scrubs. I am not a nurse but I have been a patient in the hospital and it's hard to know who is a nurse anymore- since everyone is wearing the same thing. The other thing that I have found irritating is the fact that MA's (medical assistants) have taken over the roles that nurses used to have in doctors offices and other medical facilities, and yes, they think of themselves as nurses. Some of these people have very limited medical education- it's often a 6 month course at a Vo tec place. Most of them don't know even basic medical terminology or understand medications. I find myself having to actually explain everything to them! I am sure it's because they can pay them so much less than a nurse, but it's the patient who suffers! Please know that I am NOT saying all MA's are this way, I have encountered some that have been doing it for many years and are wonderful but the majority in my area are dreadful!

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So are so right! I am a retired RN (right before the pandemic hit) and that is absolutely what has been the demise of healthcare: corporate managed care. Its all about the money now; not the patients!

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Sooooo sad! Patient comfort was #1 but not any more. Today every patient needs an advocate!!

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And an escape plan.

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Yup. My dementia suffering mother in a nursing home would get pitchers of cold water every day but they did not fill the glass—but she didn’t even have the wherewithal to pour nor lift the glass. We would find her dehydrated. They probably did that so they wouldn’t have to change the bed often. After she died we heard there was a sexual predator operating there on staff while she was there. He was arrested eventually. I cannot dwell on that horror very long. But I bet it’s not rare. I will take care of it myself if I get a whiff I’m heading to one.

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That's so very sad. I say the same thing, but so did my MiL. Horrible Dementia bought her a bed in the closet of Assisted Dying, where she was found cold and dead, strangled in the bedrails, probably trying to make it to the loo. I'm hoping to gauge my decline better than she.

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So horrible and tragic. I’m sorry.

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Are there avenues for training as a nurse that will teach the "old ways?" My daughter is interested in the healthcare field, but I'm not sure if there is anywhere for her to learn, or practice, the right way.

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Aug 2, 2022·edited Aug 2, 2022

I’m afraid not. Once they stopping training in hospitals, things went downhill. I went to a school that combined both intense hospital training ( with nursing Sisters) and heavy on the sciences. Took 4 solid years - no summer break. The 2 yr AA colleges are churning out ill-prepared candidates. The “ good old days” consisted of a team: an RN, an LPN and several NAs.

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At the risk of sounding like Whitney Houston, I believe the children are our future 😂 Our future doctors and nurses can be taught a better model of care, but someone who knows better has to step up.

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Something worse than neglect has to be at the root of this kind of behavior.

None, NONE, of the dozens of nurses I’ve worked with over decades would EVER have allowed this sort of mistreatment, let alone provided it.

There has got to be something Evil, something truly dark and nefarious that has turned some of the most selfless human beings into abusers and torturers. And practically overnight.

Now, the years-long staffing shortages preceding co vid definitely have taken their toll on morale and on the amount of time nurses are able to spend at the bedside.

And the heavy-handed implementation of hospital protocols for everything under the sun. Very little room even for doctors to deviate, quite honestly. (Example, newborn born to mom with intrauterine infection known as chorioamnionitis, which is frankly, a largely subjective diagnosis [not always, but often] were, as of a few years ago, automatically required to be admitted to the special care nursery for preventive IV antibiotics and frequent vital signs and observation, in case they had contracted sepsis. While it may be true that these babies are at increased risk for sepsis - how much, I don’t know, and it can’t be enormous - there was NO wiggle room for private MDs to keep baby in mom’s room with frequent nurse assessments. So, breastfeeding is harder when mom and baby are separated, baby is subjected to risks and harms of antibiotics and IV, bonding is harder when baby is separated, etc, etc. But because hospital legal department said “this is recommended by American Academy of Pediatrics, so if you don’t follow the protocol (if you don’t comply) and the baby gets sick, you have no legal leg on which to stand,” docs kinda had to go along. I mean, nobody wants their butt sued. And frankly, there isn’t enough time in a day to sit and have conversations about this w parents. So parents just get told, “this is our policy.”)

Anyway, there are protocols out the wazoo, so when covid came and folks never imagined it would last more than a few weeks, plus everyone in hospitals was being scared to death with images of northern Italy where hospitals were overrun, I think staff just checked their brains at the door and didn’t even bother to think or to question.

Nevertheless, this kind of treatment is HORRIBLE. It should NEVER be happening.

It HAS TO COME from the pit of evil, I just don’t see any other way. Not saying that every staff member is possessed by evil. But clearly some evil power has influenced their hearts and minds. This is NOT NORMAL HUMAN BEHAVIOR. NOBODY does this, not even to their dogs.

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This is all happening by design as detailed in bailiwicknews.substack.com. Our tax dollars have funded it. Money laundering on steroids.

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Thank You, Jesus, for that precious and wise niece!!!

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My best friend's mom was murdered at Verde Valley Medical Center in Cottonwood AZ.

Family called paramedics in January and she was transported there with Covid. Neither she nor any family members were vaccinated so no one was allowed in the hospital to visit. She had her phone and was fine the first few days, taking herself to the bathroom etc. After the protocolled 2 doses of run-deathis-near she took a turn for the worst, could no longer get herself up, was bedridden pretty much and became dependent on oxygen. Family was allowed in after about 30 days when she started bleeding and they thought she was going to die. They got the bleeding under control, ICU doc told the family that he did not agree with what the "suits" were doing by way of COVID protocols but there was nothing he could do, he encouraged them to figure out how to move her out of that hospital. She had finally admitted to the family that the nurses were too busy to take care of her, her teeth had not been brushed, no shower, no effort to help her get up to move around. So the family figured it out and had an ambulance all ready to take her to a different place in Phoenix. BUT her anxiety (which she had issues with and was taking medication for -although they could never figure out if the hospital was treating her properly for this) got out of control and she couldn't breathe on her own, didn't want to go etc. They told the family she was not going to make it and that they could all come in and say goodbye. Once they took away the oxygen mask she struggled for a few hours and then passed away. 37 days it took the hospital to kill her. A very healthy 69 year old, many grandchildren and a great grandchild. VERY VERY heartbreaking....

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Aug 2, 2022·edited Aug 2, 2022

I'm so sorry for your loss. The tragedies are endless it seems.

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That is awful. Oh my gosh it makes me want to cry. I can’t even fathom how difficult that has been. It is pure evil and criminal. I’m so sorry for you and her family. 😞 This is why I am so angry. It’s hard to let go of the anger when stories of things like this are surfacing more and more. So much that can never be undone.

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I knew there was something stinky as soon as word of the plandemic was out. January of 2020. My thought process has always been to question everything. I remember my dad...he would never take a sick pet to UC Davis because "they experiment on pets there." I always thought he was a bit paranoid. He did not suffer fools and let them know it...he was a bit overbearing and VERY skeptical. He passed in 2005. I am very grateful that he passed this trait on to me. Turns out, Dad was spot on. I am so glad he is not here to see this. I got a tetanus booster for a trip to Africa in 2016. But, they are never touching me again. I don't care what I have going on. I am healthy and in January of 2020 changed what I ate. Quit all processed crap and I even lost 60 lbs as a bonus. But...Dad was so right. God bless all these souls. And may the perpetrators of this evil upon God's children be made to suffer in hell for their deeds. Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord.

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My good friend's husband was killed at Valley Medical Hospital in Washington State. Same story. He didn't want to go and we tried to get him out. The day before my husband was to take him him home with an AMA, they put him on a ventilator and said he would die at home if he didn't stay in the hospital. My friend didn't have the strength to fight the protocol. Forcing oxygen into his lungs burst the sacs and scarred them so he could no longer take in air. The pressure caused him to bleed from his nose and mouth. She was not allowed to touch him and only one son got to visit for only 15 minutes a day. When they took him off the hellish machine, he died leaving three sons: 17, 15, and 8 - and her a widow. Every time I drive by that "hospital" I rolled down my window and yell "murderers." I don't trust doctors or nurses and consider them complicit and guilty.

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The medical world is being turned upside down on its axis. I'm not sure they will ever regain trust from us again.

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I’m so sorry... Is this Yakima? I’m in the Tri-Cities.

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Absolutely tragic and totally unnecessary. Thank you for sharing this story. I only pray some day you and your family will receive relief 🙏🏻

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Thank you for taking the time to write this. Solidified my fear of going to the hospital, since we're not jabbed.

These comments are sorted by 'Top First'. So, after reading this, I scrolled up to Janice-Words Beyond Me and copied the prayer to an index card. The Peace of the Lord is astounding!

Praying that your sister has recovered fully.

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This is the type of behavior that we used to read about from abusive nursing staff decades ago. Its unimaginable that it is occurring again in 2020-current. I suppose there was some sort of written agreement in the covid management protocols that gave a legal exemption to medical staff in regards to medical malpractice and abuse but its just mind boggling the evil that occurred. I was a RN for 27 years and I am so sorry for your sisters experience. This should have NEVER happened.

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Yes, that legal exemption is called the PREP Act. In a declared emergency, if hospitals follow the defined protocol, they can't be sued.

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Ah yes...the old 'get out of jail free card'! PREP Act! Hopefully going down the line of those 'amendments' some great lawyers will be able to sort these cases out. It was tragic what happened.

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That is just horrible. I'm so disgusted by her treatment. First do no harm is just wishful thinking these days. After working in the veterinary field a hamster is treated with more compassion.

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I thought for sure the Beagle atrocities would get us some traction with all the animal lovers. I didn't hear their loud cries and calls for investigation.

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My animal lover sister never said a word when I sent her the beagle photos and article. Long profane tirades about republicans and such but when I asked her (she lives in Ireland) if she knew that Irish farmers are being ordered to cut herds by 30% and did she hear about what was going on in Sri Lanka —she says not a word. I received texts about my lack of jabs however. Interventions. She laughed at the Canadian truckers and called them ultra right nuts.

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Love...but not love. These last 2 years have divided families like no other time in history. The Civil War was bad, but it was just America. This is what "they" want. The disconnect from the ties that bind. I am sorry about your sister. What a tragedy. I don't know about you, but I wait for news of those in my family who are jabbed. I always pray it is always good news. So far so good.

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Another sister apologized for being hurtful snd invited me for a visit. Then took back the invite because she didn’t want her unvaxxed and shunned daughter to find out her mom was hanging out with me unvaxxed but not her daughter unvaxxed. This is totally nuts but just what TPTB want. I also am nervous about all the jabbed family members and their futures. It’s so sad.

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Lots of people emulating ostriches these days. Maybe facing the truth really does hurt.

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"Mass Formation."

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Sadly, you are probably correct. I think our pets get more compassion.

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That is beyond horrendous. It is one thing to hear accounts of this from places, but to hear it almost first hand makes it real. I don't know about anyone else, but I feel a connection to the peeps here on C&C. You are all a great bunch of human beings.

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Yes, we are and smart too! Jeff has helped us stay informed, help others and remember it is going to be over!

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Many medical staff across the country, to world, were trying to murder their patients. Looking back there’s no other word for it.

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Baylor is woke. The university is a big joke.

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I spent a month in the hospital in 2011. I have never recovered from the sadistic treatment I received.

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That probably had you on high alert when experimental vax came out

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Was way before covid…2011

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Yes but did it make you trust doctors and the whole medical complex less and was it helpful in seeing what’s going on with pandemic? I had a few bad experiences with medical system and that made me more skeptical and I question every medical treatment/intervention

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Same. I've had MANY bad experiences, including a 3-day stay in the hospital in 2017 plus horrific, mind-blowingly bad follow-up care for several months afterward-- just in time to cement my extreme distrust of the medical-industrial complex to the point that I vowed that no matter how sick I ever got from covid I was NEVER going to a doctor or hospital or listen to a word those monsters had to say about any of it. Instead I researched my butt off and filled my "covid kit" with everything I'd need to treat myself and my family at home.

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Aug 2, 2022·edited Aug 2, 2022

Omg, it’s horrible. I’m so sorry it happened to your sister. Just imagine other patients whose relatives weren’t so insistent on visiting or were denied. Can the hospital be sued?

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What an awful, awful experience. That PTSD will be with her for some time.

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That sounds awful. I’m so sorry for her and your family.

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Did your sister survive all this? If yes, how is she doing now?

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She did and is doing okay. She still has bad dreams about being in the hospital and PTSD along with difficulty breathing. The panic attacks have gotten better but not totally gone away. The Remdesivir really did a number on her.

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I somehow escaped PTSD, but having scarring in my lungs from the ventilator and am still on oxygen 6 months after leaving the hospital. I’ll keep your sister in my prayers.

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Wow. That is horrible. I’m so sorry.

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Thank you! Hard lessons for sure, but definitely a good learning!👍

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It's terrible that Dr. Stephan Guffant and others were treated so terribly in the hospital. Sadly many share similar stories of negligence, mistreatment from our hospitals.

Hospital protocol kills--


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They are called "hellspitals" for a reason. Stay away from the mainstream medical and dental community. They are partvof the problem. Look for independent thinking medical professionals. They are out there.

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I so appreciate your daily encouragement! Because the covid/vaccine issue is "controversial" and "divisive", I have been advised not to mention it in my Bible study class at church, however, I WILL NOT stop mentioning it to individuals in one-on-one conversations. A close friend got a booster shot in May and is now seriously vaccine injured. Another church member I met recently told me that her pulmonologist has confirmed that her asthma is due to the shot she received. I have helped people get ivermectin. I encouraged our niece not to get jabbed while pregnant, when her entire family was pressuring her to do so. How can I be silent? I refuse to live by lies.

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Live not by lies.

If more people lived this way....

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Thank you for your encouragement. I don't understand why the church can speak out against abortion or human trafficking, but not the toxic shots. I feel as if I am in Nazi Germany, watching people being taken to the concentration camps. Nearly 30,000 reported deaths on VAERS now, and it is said to be under reported by at least a factor of 10.

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I know. 😓

It has been incredibly perplexing and disorienting, as a Christian.

We ended up leaving our church of many years, primarily because of their stance re disease prevention. We didn’t care to participate, and after two years of TV church, we needed to be in person somewhere. (The church also has gone woke, so there was that too.)

If anyone were to ask me about our perspectives on the church’s “we want to honor the government and love our neighbors who are afraid” rhetoric, my response would be “well, based on your criteria for making decisions, what would prevent you from turning over to the Gov a list of unV church goers?”

A la 1930s Germany, what would keep you from providing a list to the Gov of your neighbors, church goers, friends who aren’t pure blood German? Why would you NOT provide them that information?

It’s awful.

And the Christian Medical and Dental Association - a National group of Christian physicians - even has been promoting the jabs, scorning those who decline based on use of aborted babies, and still require it for attending their international continuing Ed conference!!!! 😭😭😭. It’s appalling.

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I totally agree with you. I remember reading about a few churches that would not allow the un-jabbed to attend. I wish I had spoken up earlier. The "vaccine" data didn't seem so certain at first, and there was this feeling that, if I counsel someone not to get the jab, and then they die of covid (maybe because they couldn't get early treatment!!) I would be blamed. I had to wear a mask yesterday while having a medical procedure done. I felt like a criminal! I will put up with it for doctors' appointments, but I will not go back to wearing a mask in stores, restaurants, etc.

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Me too. I have refused masking since summer of 2021. Just flying once and a nursing home visit. It got easier and I just don’t give a flip anymore.

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Agree completely. I won’t be a part of this. I would love a congregation but in a rural area NOBODY I know who attends a church sees what Satan is doing with them. It’s creepy.

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Sadly, my local priest was advertising the nearest vaccination center on our church's Facebook page last summer. It broke my heart (and I didn't give to our annual Bishop's appeal as a result of the Church's cowardice in the face of such tyrannical overreach by the State).

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Our sending agency for international missionaries mandated the vaccines for ages 16 and up!! I was so upset that I wrote to express my concern and was told they talked to doctors and were confident they did the right thing. They were ignorant of the doctors whom they needed to talk to. We had always given very generously, and didn't feel we could totally abandon our missionaries by giving nothing, but our gift was much less than usual. There were some churches in our area who, themselves, held vaccine clinics!!

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“ refuse to live by lies”… me too. I also refuse to bow down to evil!

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Churches should have defended their constitutional rights when the lockdowns happened. Instead they are the arm of the corrupt and deep-state, Big-Pharma-captured hand of government. To add insult to injury, they are part of the secret ferrying of illegals all over the US.

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I won’t go to church because of the deep complicity of most of them to the devils dark powers and principalities that rule them. Nice people but so duped.

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Regarding the Sarasota Memorial Hospital (SMH) story, I have some additional details.

This spring I was at SMH for a kidney stone...my impression of SMH was appalling. Excessive long waits for ER service, lack of beds (they actually have 3 "pods" of ER beds, but due to lack of doctors & nurses - wonder why? - they don't open 2 of the 3 pods until after 9am, so visitors to ER sit in the waiting room/lobby for HOURS)...many of the nurses quit when forced to jab and turned around and were hired as "Travel Nurses" at triple the pay and no requirement to be jabbed.

At a recent Republican candidate event in Sarasota, two incumbent hospital board candidates were at a table at the event. I introduced myself, described my experiences, and asked them why they allow this to happen at SMH under their watch. What was their response...?!?!?

They responded first that SMH is the "greatest hospital in Florida and everyone knows that"...my response was so what if patients can't get treatment. They then described at length how great and important they (the two incumbents) are...I again asked about patient experiences like mine. Guess what their answer was...? Wait for it...

They suggested I should find another hospital if/when I'm sick.

Let's C&C multiply these folks into office!


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Good for you for confronting the board candidates! And what an asinine and arrogant response for them!

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The cost of Pelosi’s carrier battle group bodyguards. Incalculable. I used to fly F4 Phantoms from an aircraft carrier in the 1980s. For an airplane that initially cost $4M (in 1970s dollars) the cost per flight hour was reported to be $20K. The carrier battle group is WAY more than the carrier. Each carrier will have dozens of other ships with it - cruisers, destroyers, replenishment ships for food and fuel, multiple submarines, and satellite support. Now consider the fighters today cost $100M or more. Just their operating cost per hour is close the entire annual income of someone working for minimum wage. The CBG budget for one day of operations would deplete most billionaires nest egg within a day or two. Her bodyguard cost is incalculable. I just don’t get why we’re going through the charade. The CCP controls American politicians, all the way up to the President, and all the senior leaders in Congress - including Pelosi. They are all controlled by CCP blackmail and bribery. Nothing under the control of these American traitors is going to happen without the approval of Beijing. Watching this all play out gives me the same feeling I have when watching pro wrestling. It’s all scripted. I just don’t see the end game yet.

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The conspiracy theorist in me says that Xi and Joe have this planned so that both will be able to puff up their chests for their voters (in the case of China, that term is used very loosely) and claim they "won" without causing an actual ware. For Joe, this is just before the mid-terms and he hopes it may bolster the Dems. That's a very dangerous game.

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Well Xi will get a thumbs up 👍 and smile emoji 😁 from me if he rids the world of that useless witch.

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I keep thinking of all the rhetoric for WWIII we've heard the past year and the Gulf of Tonkin and other false flags to enter wars... if we really have a new world order coming on, and if Russia and China are just acting their role in the play (as is often described for each WW), it would seem like an orchestrated attempt to get citizen buy-in for the war...

I hope they're not THAT corrupt or insane, but the past 2+ yrs makes me think we've already seen the evil is off the charts...

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$90M for the Taiwan visit alone... And they have taken an entire floor of a hotel - 48 rooms....


WWIIIsteria: Nancy Pelosi Does Taiwan Memes (The Face That May Launch 1,000 Ships!)

- America’s favorite stock-trading granny & Helen of Troy checks up on her chip investments (on taxpayer's dime), let's hope she doesn't embarrass us (or worst) and more Nancy Pelosi does Taiwan memes!


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Aug 2, 2022·edited Aug 2, 2022

Actually, Alex Berenson is the useful idiot. He’s been very useful in finding the truth about COVID, the effects of pot, and uncovering the collusion between the Feds and Twitter in censorship. But for everything else, Trump, election fraud, ivermectin, early treatment, Dr. Malone, Ukraine, and bio labs, he is a useful idiot for the ruling class. Alex thinks that history will prove he was right all along about COVID, and that the Twitter blue checks, and all of his former upper crust Manhattan colleagues and NYT cronies will accept him back into the fold. He apparently sees himself winning a Pulitzer and magically rising from the ashes to become the editor of the NYT. HE, along with you, Jeff, Dr. McCullough, and Dr. Malone, could be on the “Mt. Rushmore” of truth tellers in this most bleak moment of human history, if only Alex would turn his considerable critical thinking skills and reporting instincts to the truth on these other topics. But, he patheticly grovels on these topics before his ruling class masters in the vain hope he will be returned to the club.

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Yeah, feels that way. He’s only skeptical about the vaccines and pot.

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URGENT - South Africa National Health Act

If this act passes, someone who becomes a disease case, suspected case, or contact, they will be forced to isolate in government institutions, forced medications, and will not be able to leave until the government says so.

Public comments until Aug 5.


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Again, please read bailiwicknews.substack.com. Similar provisions exist in legislation passed in this country over the years. We must end the medical emergency powers held by HHS czar.

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I've thought about this a long time. In the end, I don't really think it matters as much as it seems at first. Some of it is simply too outrageous to pull off without a standing army and cold blooded genocide a.k.a. Polpot and others. And that would trigger (pun intended) the kinetic war they cannot win.

IIRC, we have a federal identification law still on the books from 10+ yrs ago that was to replace state driver's licenses. But nobody has one. Do you know why? 10th amendment. States refused to pay for it, just ignored it. 10th amendment.

Federalism and 2A are the keys to 1A and sustained freedom. Nobody said it would be easy.

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BTW, when I read about the cray-cray left hoping for an excuse to shoot us because they think we can't beat nukes and F22's, I'm reminded of Mike Tyson's observation on his opponents: "Everybody has a plan until they're hit in the face."

The people advocating for a kinetic take over think they're insulated from it, just like they think they're insulated from the truly powerful folks turning on them once the tyranny is installed. They do not really understand the nature of war. Nobody escapes unscathed, and if you cannot defend yourself, you are easy prey for any skilled opponent. They simply don't understand how war changes civilized people.

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Almost unreal!!!

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Aug 2, 2022·edited Aug 2, 2022

They're trying to align with the WHO Pandemic treaty which as of yet, doesn't exist.

Also the NY Governor comes to mind with what she's trying to do and is appealing the court's decision.

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I think this is one of those red lines that can't be quietly crossed in America. Half the population knows the truth about all this tyranny, and those same people are angry and armed to the teeth. You simply won't be able to safely incarcerate en masse in the fly over states without many armed confrontations.

Leading into the '08 Financial Crisis Wealth Transfer, I remember reading a paper published by a DC think tank that specialized in Geopolitical Warfare Strategies. In it, they concluded Russia had long considered taking America via invasion from the southern border. In the end, Russia decided it would never work because there were too many guns that could never be defeated.

I promise you there are a billion guns in America, a trillion or more rounds of ammo. They cannot take it peacefully. They cannot take it forcefully. The only way they'll take it is through attrition, whereby the next generation or two doesn't believe we need to defend our freedom.

Teach your children of the tyranny of COVID and all these other evil things. Show them the African country's legislation based on WHO hopes to say a cold is a threat, so anyone could be incarcerated. And show them how it did NOT happen in America with 2A, but did happen in major Western countries where they gave up their guns recently.

We probably have to scare the shit out of them to make sure they understand the gravity of the situation. Freedom is one generation away from tyranny.. didn't Ronnie R. say something close to that?

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So sick of pelosi doing whatever the hell she wants with zero accountability for any of it. Insider trading and using taxpayer money to gallivant all over Asia for reasons that have zero to do with what her actual job is in this country. WTH are WE paying for this! She’s a criminal. And we all know it. I know this sounds bad….but at this point…..Let China shoot her down. Do us all a favor. 😒

We have zero say about where our tax money goes. We have no representation! This is all criminal. This regime writes blank checks to whatever they feel like.

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Yeah, except shooting her down would be a good excuse for a war. Which we do not need or want - no war.

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I’m not suggesting we retaliate. 😉

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We should retaliate by sending flowers and chocolate.

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I was just about to leave the post and comment about the enormous financial cost of the military buildup for Pelosi’s visit, and then you said it yourself!

What a joke.

And as if people aren’t smart enough, if they know about her recent investment and legislative activities, to recognize that this visit is 100% self-serving. There is absolutely no other reason for her {her, of all people} to be poking the beast right now. None.

It’s almost like she and the former VP are TRYING to start another war, or something. Maybe o deflect attention from Ukraine and from the disastrous economy here at home. Of course, a war in the South Pacific won’t hurt our economic woes or supply chain or anything, so no worries about that.


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Per Intel Slava, 8 fighter jets took off from Okinawa a few minutes ago. This is costing a bloody fortune.

300 police to manage traffic. 3 militaries on high alert. 5 days of live fire practice in the strait.

She must be sooo happy basking in all the attention to her precious self. 🤮

(Last night scheduled arrival was posted as 9:20. Changed to 10:00.)

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Nailed it! She is loving that all eyes are on her and she can do whatever she wants. Her fangs are dripping with saliva as the most powerful woman in the world 🤮

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Yeah, too bad we can’t ignore her. But when you’ve got militaries on high alert.....

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Yes, the cost! I can't believe how much of our money has to go to her trip to Asia for what purpose? What is she supposed to be accomplishing?

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She’s deflecting attention for hubby's court appearance Wednesday!!!

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"Maybe o deflect attention from Ukraine"

Yes. They finally realize they have lost, badly. So need a pr "win" to replace the real world loss..

The economic woes can't be papered over because we all suffer them directly to some degree, from filling the gas tank to food shopping.

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I recall that starting a war for being unpopular is suppose to reverse that sentiment?

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You mean, like we were supposed to rally behind Pedo Joe & suck up his $5+/oil & hyperinflation cuz the Ruskies were picking on our best bud gov money laundering pal?

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The knives are really coming out for Berenson now, aren't they? I don't agree with many of the things he says outside of his vaccine work but let's not forget who we should really be mad at, the perpetuaters of this whole scam. Hang those people.

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"the knives?" Correcting or amplifying on Alex Berenson's coverage of the labs in Ukraine is not knifing him.

So, you want to cancel anyone who dares to question Alex Berenson's reporting? Aren't we all fed up with that?

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Nice strawman argument. Could you point to where I said cancel him? There's a lot of people coming out against Berenson recently, especially for things written months ago so it seems a bit targeted. Again, if you read my initial post I don't like the things Berenson says outside vaccines. Criticize him all you want, it's warranted, just know the Faucis of the world want to see that.

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Aug 2, 2022·edited Aug 2, 2022

Steve, I appreciate where your coming from as I try to be specific in what I write and get really tired of the, "so what you're saying is ... (something totally different)" responses. I've long thought it was bad faith but I now think many people just don't understand logical fallacies, they think this is how people debate each other. It's yet another symptom of our educational decline as people used to be taught this stuff in schools.

As to Berenson, he certainly has no problem trashing others some seemingly out of the blue (Malone as an example). He's now on a tirade against Alex Jones, who I'm not a fan of personally, but also seemingly out of the blue. It's almost as if he picks people just to stir up his followers emotion and get people riled up. It's his prerogative and seems to work for him I guess (he has tens of thousands of paid subscribers) but it definitely has the feeling of a carnival barker about it. People who questioned his motives in the Twitter lawsuit got threatened with lawsuits of their own as Jordan Sactchel found and Robert Barnes is now seeing in the Alex Jones brouhaha.

There is an unseemliness there that many find off-putting, myself included. Pointing this out doesn't mean "long knives" are out for him IMO, it just means that his behavior is odd and people should be wary. I'd certainly never send him money, but that's just me.

(Update: Just to clarify that I'm not Jeff Childers but use "Jeff C" over about a dozen different substacks, mostly covid related. The similarity to our host's name is a coincidence.)

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Thanks Jeff and thanks for putting out great articles every day. For posterity, my comment was only addressing the concerted effort against Berenson and the timliness of it. It's obvious there have been some discussions of it or some call to arms against him. I don't disagree with what you wrote but I just caution others because, as we've seen in this thread, people "on the same side" develop hero worship and will tear down proponents, discounting everything they've ever said. As certain parts of this movement now set their sights on Berenson it means people will take their eyes off persecuting the faucis of the world because Berenson is now enemy #1. With hero worship, people will act more vengeful against perceived traitors than against the real enemy.

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Criticizing Berenson has not a darn thing to do with holding Fauci accountable. They are not mutually exclusive events. Oh, puh-leeze.

When Alex is wrong, he's wrong and there's nothing wrong in saying so.

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Again, point to where I said those things.

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Bravo, bravo. Well stated.

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"knives out" for Alex is graphic. It suggests stabbing or eviscerating. I am sure you didn't mean to be so hyperbolic. Language matters.

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You're purposely ignoring what I wrote. The argument is not about the word knives. Where did I say to cancel him?

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I think some of these people are trolls = paid agitators.

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Ok...so let me see if I understand your language. You are cautioning about people knifing Alex but not about silencing him.

If the knifing wasn't fatal he wouldn't be silenced, right?

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I've yet to see anyone fatally wounded by a metaphorical knifing. Well, except metaphorically.

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I see nothing wrong with his language. Knives out is a commonly understood rhetorical expression. Everyone understands what it means and if they don't, they can easily figure it out from context. Why are so many so conditioned to be afraid of expressions? Political correctness/wokeness run amuck.

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I don't agree with many of the things he says *inside* his "vaccine work."

Misinformation, disinformation, propaganda & lies need correction.

If correction means "knives" so be it. 🤷

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I don't see any problem with pointing out deficiencies or slanted "facts." It's helpful and corrective. It's important to keep it polite however. We are rapidly losing our civility and if we want to hang onto our civilization we are going to have to make an effort to be civil.

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I'm not concerned about being "civil" when people are literally being killed around me. If we lose our civilization, it won't be from a lack of civility.

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If you are not civil you can 't persuade using language. Of course there is the persuasion at the point of a gun. I prefer persuasion by language.

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An observation on the Apocalyptic—which Mr Childers also offers from time to time with an “I’m just sayin’” tone:

1st Horseman—white horse, crown, bow. White is the color most associated with the medical profession. “Crown” in the Greek here is “stephanos”. The Latin? “Corona”. “Bow” is “toxon” whence we get “toxic” and “toxin” because archery was a delivery system for poison in John’s day (heavy Greek armor kept arrows out of most vital spots, so flesh wounds were made much worse by stuff like snake venom.) Corona, toxic punctures, allusion to things medical. Also, the First Horseman goes “conquering and to conquer”, probably meaning “unstoppable”—as the mad jab campaign was for so many who didn’t want it but had to submit.

So I’m just sayin’. First Horseman.

The Third Horseman is famine and inflation. Both of which are brewing now and will, in the estimation of Michael Yon, claim a billion lives. That’s biblical proportions. And there’s no stopping that either, at this point.

So before the Third comes the Second, of course. He is war and bloody mayhem having to do with the West (his sword is a Western-style blade from John’s day, unlike that of the Fourth Horseman, whose blade is associated with Eastern militaries).

IF, therefore, we are living Revelation 6, it seems that the war and mayhem must begin quite soon.

We all can see how that is lining up as we watch.

Just sayin’.

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I grew up learning the pre-trib interpretation of all of this, which of course was always a relief, but as an adult came to see thing differently, although not necessarily of the view that WE were going to have to go through it all... more that these horrors were done in the first century and we are just awaiting the final complete fulfillment of the reality of The Kingdom. I guess I never really fleshed out the details, because, well, various reasons.

But, boy, there sure are SO MANY parallels happening over the last year and a half. It’s really hard not to see them, for those who know apocalyptic Scripture.

I keep praying that my loved ones who aren’t ready to meet Jesus will be ready. Because if we are in the era of the horsemen, he is coming soon. Even so, come, Lord Jesus. And help us endure until that coming.

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Much of my understanding of End Times prophecies comes from GH Lang’s works on Daniel and Revelation. Written in about 1948.

Yeah, I’m not sure about the pre-trib rapture doctrine and I don’t think the “harpazo” will include just everybody who claims Christianity.

What we have is a series of major depopulation events—I just didn’t think that they would be planned as such by people. But they are.

In the section on the Four Horsemen in Lang’s book he states, “It will be a dreadfully depopulated earth over which the Beast will reign and to which Messiah will later return”.

This meshes perfectly with the grain harvest of chapter 14 followed by the harvest of the grapes for the wine press of the wrath of God. Both harvests represent death on a massive scale, but the grape harvest will be upon Christ’s return. It seems, then, that the first fruits will be taken up pretty soon?

All we can do is watch and pray in hope.

“…and they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony and they loved not their lives (even) unto death.”

We need to be courageous in the face of this storm.

Let us Keep the Faith.

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Yeah, I doubt anyone thought the depop would be PLANNED by humans.

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I am with you. Wouldn't a Reverse Rapture be nice? All the evil people are sucked into hell? I have a 7th Day neighbor...very intelligent. He believes that the Beast will arise on the wings of the climate change agenda. If you know the history, the Catholic church changed the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday centuries ago, by divine decree of the Pope. My neighbor states that this fact alone will confirm the mark of the Beast upon all people when "they" order us all to rest on Sundays to give the earth a rest for one day of the week. By embracing this order, we are thus embracing the MOTB in the chaos that is delivered to us under the mantle of a climate crisis. And....I just read yesterday that our old buddy Klaus is stating that private automobile ownership should be abolished. So...I am wondering if my neighbor just might be correct. I am covering myself and taking both Saturday and Sunday off from now on.

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A reverse rapture! Hadn’t thought about that. That’s be awesome.

Re Sunday worship, I believe the early church gathered on Sundays to commemorate the Lord’s resurrection. Not that I want to debate it here.

Re auto ownership, it’s weird, but I read just the other day that philanthropath Rockefeller bought and then dismantled public transportation such as electric trains etc back in the earlier 1900s, in order to promote private auto ownership in order to drive his big oil businesses. And now we have his philosophical offspring advocating for the opposite, as a way to crush individual freedom and mobility.

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What God has planned will come on His time. So if I have to live through it, I will do it as it is His will. I have to admit, the low hanging karens and kevins in my area won't handle it well or survive it. So there's that upside.

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Bravo to these brave 4 individuals running for the Sarasota Hospital Board, They seem to be fine people and well qualified to sit on this board. I hope they win in a big way. Jeff if you do find out any way we can donate please post tomorrow. One step at a time taking over from people who have lost their way.

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WWIIIsteria: Nancy Pelosi Does Taiwan Memes (The Face That May Launch 1,000 Ships!)

- Move over Debbie and Dallas: America’s favorite stock-trading granny & Helen of Troy checks up on her chip investments (on taxpayer's dime), let's hope she doesn't embarrass us (or worst) and more Nancy Pelosi does Taiwan memes!


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Though that picture of piglosi in a bra and panties almost made me hurl. Ewww!😵‍💫

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The original meme is her telling Zelensky that it "wasn't so bad, now let's get you some missiles...." ;)

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