Dec 7, 2021Liked by Jeff Childers

Hey, governor. How about we decline using the faulty C-19 testing altogether and make our Florida case numbers go to zero?!? Iā€™m in.

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The Covid state of emergency only exists in the imagination of the TV audience.

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Your father is scared out of his gourd, which proves how successful the COVID fear porn campaign has been.

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Panic-stricken people can't listen...

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You are not alone; your situation is distressingly quite common.

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Donā€™t feel bad my sisters mother In law is double jabbed and she does t want to be around my side of family so I spent thanksgiving with dog. We both had steak sweet potatoes and broccoli. It was kind of nice to be honest and the dog was so happy! These people donā€™t make sense.

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and I assume it was negative.

let's not call them idiots, they're just misinformed.

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I'm sure Bill de Assholio will slither his way down to Florida after retirement and snuggle up right next door to the Wicked Witch Pelosi. They must have gotten intel that people don't die here.

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"Bill de Assholio". The commenters on this site are particularly witty! I thought "de Assholio" was going to visit Newsom in California? /sarc

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Newsom? You mean Nuisance?

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Imagine beavis & butthead saying that.....Assholio

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Jeff, thank you so much for your daily updates! They are a major contribution to my mental health these days.

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Dec 7, 2021Liked by Jeff Childers

Can a mayor of a city do that? Is it Constitutional? What case could someone make in Federal court to challenge the mandate?

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Absolutely not! Donā€™t forget itā€™s an experimental drug. No one can mandate anyone take it. Informed CONSENT applies. Comirnaty is the only approved drug, and as far as I can tell it doesnā€™t really exist, at least not in any practical sense. Bottom line, you canā€™t get it. And a court has agreed it isnā€™t interchangeable: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/judge-allen-winsor-pfizer-eua-comirnaty-vaccines-interchangeable/

No attempt to force medical treatment is within the authority of government. The fact that this drug is experimental just makes it worse.

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My daughter in Chicago says she believes she was given comirnaty. Can't elaborate so I'll leave that as it sounds

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She can believe all she wants, but until you show me a vial with the name printed on it, itā€™s legally distinct and not The FDA approved version. Not that it makes it any better, butā€¦

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She is entitled to have a receipt that lists the vaccine. It's important to know since the Comirnaty ingredients are not the same as BioNtech - https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/judge-allen-winsor-pfizer-eua-comirnaty-vaccines-interchangeable/

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Sounds like she can sue, if side effects!

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You need the receipt.

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Except Comirnaty is not produced for USA yet. But, yes, in theory, you are absolutely correct.

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Sadly it sounds like she was lied to. I can state with near certainty that ā€œCOMIRNATY (COVID-19 Vaccine, mRNA)ā€ does NOT exist in the United States marketplace and ā€œPfizer-Biontech Covid-19 Vaccineā€ is still under EUA.

The FDA's own National Drug Code database proves it.


All drugs under FDA oversight on the market, including prescription, OTC, and vaccines (even with EUA or less) must have a National Drug Code, searchable in the FDA database both for finished and unfinished products.

Search terms for ā€œComirnatyā€ or ā€œBiontechā€ do not return any results for either FINISHED or UNFINISHED products (except for below with the familiar EUA Pfizer-Biontech). Go ahead and search for ā€œTylenolā€ or ā€œMotrinā€ just to make sure it works. Flu vaccines, narcotics; it all comes up. But not anything related to ā€œComirnaty.ā€ Even if it were in the UNFINISHED products with an NDC, it would not be shipping for a while... and it's not even in that category.

Searches for ā€œPfizerā€ reveal 7 vaccines listed as ā€œPfizer-Biontech COVID-19 Vaccineā€. Why do they have 7 when Moderna and Janssen only have 1? Every single Pfizer vaccine is STILL listed as Emergency Use Authorization when you click the + icon to read more about it. Current as of 12/7/2021.

If you search for ā€œCOVID-19ā€ under FINISHED products you get results that include Moderna and Janssen drugs ā€“ Janssenā€™s says ā€œunapproved drug otherā€. It doesnā€™t even have an EUA. I don't know what that means, but it isnā€™t appealing.

Comirnaty could not possibly be shipping without an NDC and then would need lot numbers assigned. There is no way to deny that fact. So where is it? The database is updated daily. For now though it DOES appear the FDA approved a vaccine that DOES NOT EXIST, and the old drug is still EUA, many months after announcing an ā€œFDA approval.ā€

Also, seems obvious to me that legally distinct means exactly that. In a court of law, they could not be used interchangeably for legal action regardless of their ā€œidenticalā€ ingredients ā€“ and this has been upheld by a court as Chili Pepper pointed out above.

One other point, to compare this situation with ibuprofen vs Motrin is wrong. Itā€™s never happened that we know of so there is no comparison. This isnā€™t a generic drug issue. All generic drugs are also, of course, in the NDC database. A better comparison would be like Bayer, a drug company, who owns Monsanto, a genetic crop company (they do actually own them), making, for exampleā€¦hypotheticallyā€¦

ā€œBayer-Monsanto Super Pain Medicineā€ using mRNA to tell your cells to create pain blockers, under Emergency Use Authorization, because there are no other pain drugs on the planet that can block pain. To get EUA, you must show that there is no other drug available to treat the condition. Note the use of the hyphenated name of both companies, and then a non-unique name for the drug. Then to get approval from the FDA, having Monsanto alone take the formula and call it ā€œMonsanto painBLOKā€. It's all I could come up with in the moment. Except ā€œpainBLOKā€ doesnā€™t actually exist, so everyone thinks ā€œBayer-Monsanto Super Pain Medicineā€ is also approved and neither company is legally liable for any adverse effects; they are legally distinct. But itā€™s the same formula, thatā€™s been transferred to a subsidiary with a unique trade name. But that subsidiary isn't actually putting it in the marketplace.

In the case of Comirnaty and Pfizer-Biontech they don't even claim that they are identical - only that they can be used interchangeably.

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It seems our elected leaders sometimes think they are kings and can do whatever they want. The law and Constitution and separation of powers don't seem to matter. So realistically, these corrupt politicians can DO anything. The question is will the people comply, or take them to court to stop them. That seems to be where we are at with all of these unconstitutional mandates. What's most unbelievable to me is not the actions of these corrupt politicians; that is to be expected. What is astounding are the masses who applaud them, especially those who have traditionally been skeptical of Big Business. I sadly count many of my own family members among them.

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I'm no legal expert, but I don't think a mayor has authority to do something like that. Perhaps a governor, but certainly not a mayor. Powers not expressly granted to the federal government are held by the individual states. Key word being "states", not cities, or counties, or school boards, etc.

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Not even a governor. Peggy Hall explains it.


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Oh and, Jameal a 30 year old kid at work went 2 years with no covid. Gets the shot last month and tested positive for covid last week. Effective my ass.

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depends what they're meant to do

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Apparently they're meant to give you covid.

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Dec 7, 2021Liked by Jeff Childers

'The Wall Street Journal published an op-ed yesterday headlined, ā€œOmicron: Keep Calm and Carry On.ā€ If thatā€™s not enough of a signal that the Narrative is dead, I donā€™t know what to tell you.'

The narrative might be dying in the U.S. but Europe is still in denial ... or rather, still LYING! Yesterday the great Irish anti-COVID warrior Dave Cullen posted a video in which one of Ireland's "leaders", in support of further useless draconian measures, was shown stating that we KNOW that the unvaxxed are causing all the problems and the we "it's clear as day" that the vaccines are working. I have neighbors who want to take as many jabs and boosters as needed to allow them to vacation in Europe. They're insane.

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But to keep them from jabbing us whilst they play "Planet Jonestown"

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Jeff warning - my friends are going to their winter homes already! My guess is your "winter wave" will be mostly due to Pennsy and NY and NJ snowbirds traveling down to Florida.

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How about activating the List to urge DeSantis & the legislature to provide inexpensive early treatment packages to all takers without having to go doctor shopping? e.g.:

HCQ, Ivermectin, Zinc, D, Azithromycin, C, Melatonin, Quercetin.

None of that is under patent, so it would hardly dent Florida's budget even if packages were given free. Cost would be a tiny fraction of monoclonal antibodies, hospital time etc.

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Yes! PLEASE let's do that. This would not only save lives and serve as a model to the rest of the country, but would also help discourage parents from vaxxing their kids.

Among those I have talked to, they do it -- not to protect Grandma -- but because they have seen a family member die of Covid and it makes them very susceptible to Covid scare tactics and they think their kid may be next. And thanks to the federal government's effective propaganda campaign, they no idea that Covid is treatable. If Florida could be a loud and proud proponent of early treatment, this could be a real gamechanger for the likely future vaccine school mandate. But we need to do it soon -- before the EUA turns into full approval!

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Pharmacists in MI are only receiving one box of IVM per month. That isnā€™t a case, so I understand from the attorney/physician on the OANN special this evening. Suspect they are also throttling HCQ. Luckily, they have a compounding pharmacy in their area, and that entity is whipping up batches for the canned docs who are starting independent practices. He also noted that the Henry Ford Hospital where he worked ONLY doles out deadly Remdisivir. Pts who are positive < 10 days sick, especially those needing supplemental oxygen are put on that protocol. No other options. Fauci is a criminal and if he isnā€™t tried and convicted in this world, he will be judged and found wanting, I suspect.

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Thatā€™s an experiment Iā€™m willing to take part in! I love this idea.

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Would be interesting to see statistics based on full-time/part-time residency status...

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Wow. Did not even give that a thought. That will definitely increase our numbers in Florida.

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Plenty of Canucks, too.

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First, I no longer trust anything that comes out of Dr Marc Siegel. He works for Fox, therefore Fox tells him what he may say. In April of 2020 he went on saying how HCQ saved his 90 yr old Dadā€™s life in NYC when that place was the hellhole for anyone over the age of 80. Shortly after the powers that be, Big P put an end to HCQ and nary a word was spoken by him again. Last week he was heard to tell people that Biden was bad for not being more stringent in containing Omnicron before it got out of Africa. He advocated, (again), jabs, jabs and more jabs. He added as an afterthought, that natural immunity could play a part as well. Iā€™m surprised he didnā€™t mention masks as well, since around here, theyā€™re growing again like mushrooms.

Jeff, the numbers can be manipulated any way they want. I have been keeping the Michigan stats since April of 2020. And there is manipulation in virtually every release. Because there is testing daily and weekly in schools here, (they are compensated for having to quarantine and test for close contact with CoVid monies), the numbers are high and I can see every wave coming depending on what this governor wants accomplished. All orders come from the top in DC as she is a junior communist. I pay more attention to the death numbers which are quietly padded with what is termed methodology. It literally means sheā€™s digging up deaths from last year to pad her numbers. While the emphasis is on cases because that gets people to the booster table, deaths are all thrown together in the big pot with a number that scares the crap out of people when they periodically throw it up there. Since we are not privy to what influenza deaths would be in a two year span, this becomes more sinister. I can say from our government websiteā€™s silly graphs, that no one really follow, 80+ has outstripped the next category, the 70 to 79 class by two thirds more. It has been that way since the start and remains so.

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I used to think Dr. Marc Siegel was a voice of reason in the wilderness, but once he started advocating getting at least one shot even after natural infection, I began to think he's suspect.

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Can you teach people over their indoctrination programs? I've been following the local school boards now for some time and working towards changing the political biases of my local board. I have now officially given up this hopeless hobby. Our school system is the largest socialist system that the US has had running for many years. We are not going to turn that boat around, in my opinion. It is totally taken, from school board members to teachers to all of us that have been through that indoctrination system. So no I don't think we can teach people about the virus. Like schools we're just going to need to go on with our own lives and create new institutions that don't incentivize the fauci mentality. We are in treacherous times.

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Oh! I actually just read about this. So, those who are indoctrinated will not listen to reason because they have faced their beliefs from a place of fear. Instead, if we approach their freedoms or lack of freedom and get them to think forward from the place we are at, that is supposed to be effective. I have not mastered it yet but it warrants thought.

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We all need to "think forward." What IS the planned End Game?

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I'm not certain what "their" planned End Game is but I'm waking up to mine and it demands of me that I show up in creating it. I KNOW that blaming others for our own individual issues is the way to ruin a human's soul. I KNOW that taking families apart will ruin our civilization. So I'm all about creating things that aren't that.

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Thanks for the idea Ruth! It would appear that I'm an eternal optimist, in that I still look for ways to reach out to people who, with their ignorance, would deprive me of my freedoms. I will try this technique, as sometimes I'm stuck with having to be in proximity with one of these toxic minions and I might as well have some fun with them. I have to have fun at their expense or I start hoping that they'll come around and I've had them manipulate me with that for years.

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PLEASE report back!!

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Do you have a link to this "approach". I am not agreeing to looking for lefties to try to straighten out, only use this novel technique if I'm trapped by one of these zombies. I was frustrated when I heard people like James Lindsey (https://newdiscourses.com/author/jameslindsay/), Bret Weinstein (https://bretweinstein.net/) and Douglas Murray describe methods for turning lefties around, given their lefty backgrounds. I think all of them have absolutely failed in that endeavor as have I, though I didn't say it could be done. I'm not sure what wakes the zombies up. But I'd be willing to look at an idea. So, if you have a link, I'll give it a read.

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Sorry, I do not. Also, I do not seek them out. I read it and did not save it but I thought it was good advice.

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The only hope is vouchers so we don't have to lobby anyone, just vote with wallets and feet. Could've had vouchers in California 28 years ago, but corrupt Vichy "Republican" teachers union whores helped the commies kill it, then again 10 years later.

In Republican dominated state after state, Vichy Rs kill vouchers, including Texas.

This is why the only hope to save the USA is to purge RINOs in the primaries.

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Do you know of any groups that are furthering the voucher ideas? I'm in the market for supporting another way.

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I've been out of it since the Cali initiatives, but I'll look into it.

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FTA: "Increasing population immunity via booster programmes and vaccination of teenagers will help to increase the currently limited effect of vaccination on transmission, but our analysis suggests that direct protection of individuals at risk of severe outcomes, via vaccination and non-pharmacological interventions, will remain central to containing the burden of disease caused by the delta variant."

Regarding conclusions in the above paper, which is the basis for the Lancet article cited by Jeff:

1. The study admits that vaccination has a limited effect on transmission, but that boosters "will help".

2. The study points out that protection of high risk individuals should be a prime focus.

3. Yet researchers push vaccination and non-pharmacological interventions for that population, versus pharmacological interventions, i.e. Ivermectin etc.

It is obvious, that no matter what the study results are, the researchers will turn themselves into pretzels to stay within the accepted narratives. The following article explains why:


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The part of his book that scares me the most is the interbreeding between big pharma and US dark arts institutions (cia, dhs...).

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Makes you wonder if there are any institutions left that aren't infested with corruption.

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Link fans, the Lancet letter: The epidemiological relevance of the COVID-19-vaccinated population is increasing


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Brandon 0 for 3 now

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What a great gift for Pearl Harbor Day!

Except for the bit that claims the vaccine is effective. That misinformation will change.

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As a CA refugee living in Nevada, I will tell you that Sisolak is very similar to Gavin in his ridiculous postering. I'm doubtful that the extra healthcare cost will actually be implemented. And even though signs are up everywhere to mask, my family never wears them and we are not hounded like we were in CA. In fact, even in the DMV here, we got our business done while breathing freely and were not asked too cover up.

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I am noticing something startling in mid Michigan where I live. Covid is not talked about publicly, only in small whispers, unless you are some crazed with fear person reiterating the line of get your jab because the hospitals here are being overwhelmed. If I had a $20 for every time Iā€™d heard overwhelmed hospitals I would have a couple hundred now.

We, who bother to research have heard of the heart issues suffered by young males in their twenties after injection. Here I am noticing a phenomenon of strokes in people in their 70ā€™s to early 80ā€™s. I know of 5 such instances within the last week. One resulted in death. These were all relatively healthy oldsters, vaccinated and boom! I have to wonder if there is a connection? But since no one talks, there is no way to create a data base. Something to keep an eye on in other areas.

Heard in the hair salon. Masked stylist says she wears the mask, even though she is jabbed for her husband who wonā€™t jab, to protect him. Huh? Then she says her mother had the first two injections and got CoVid. She goes on to say, the good thing is sheā€™ll have natural immunity until she can get the booster in 90 days. Again, huh? Now the trust the science people know natural immunity is good for only 90 daysā€¦exactly. We canā€™t make this stuff up. I now know more people who were boosted or double Vā€™d and contracted CoVid than those unVā€™d who got it. But the hospitals here are overwhelmed with unVā€™d people who got itā€¦

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This is a great site to check hospital data, but only the hospitals who are registered with Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) as of June 1, 2020. https://protect-public.hhs.gov/pages/hospital-utilization

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Maybe the numbers are wrong on the R naught thing? Geez I was so hoping everyone was on HCQ and IVM zinc etc and florida is done. Maybe the New Yorkers moving down. I hate Deblasio. New Yorkers need to stay and fight for New York! Beautiful city I will never visit again. Mostly Bc I am unvaxxed and all that is left is liberals that donā€™t understand me.

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Would be interesting to look up vax % in florida. I think it is the vaxxed spreading this.

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We should be urging DeSantis & the legislature to provide inexpensive early treatment packages to all takers without having to go doctor shopping, including visitors. e.g.:

HCQ, Ivermectin, Zinc, D, Azithromycin, C, Melatonin, Quercetin.

Then publish how many who were hospitalized or died according to:

a. Visiting vs residents.

b. Took the package vs not.

c. Vaccination status.

d. Age, obesity etc

Those packages would be cheap, so it would hardly dent Florida's budget even if given free. Tiny fraction of the cost of monoclonal antibodies, hospital time etc.

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Please call or write his office and request this. I will do it tomorrow.

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I will but it's a drop in the bucket unless Jeff Childers activates his list. He's actually recommended basically that policy in articles, but, far as I know, hasn't activated the list on it. It would protect Florida and be a model for other R states when it keeps deaths & hospitalizations down. There's little time to start, almost too late to get the other states copying it for the season.

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This makes sense. I think Governor will get there and Dr Ladapo is an enlightened man. I take all the supplements and take HCQ once a week as prophylactic. Front line doctors prescribed it to me and have been taking all thru pandemic.

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We should probably write him too. Anyone have his email?

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It wonā€™t let me paste. Google Governor DeSantis email will pop up.

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I sent the following to Gov DeSantis at GovernorRon.Desantis@eog.myflorida.com & Dr. Ladapo at health@flhealth.gov, cc: COVID-19@flhealth.gov. Here's the Ladapo version.

Florida Surgeon General Joseph A. Ladapo, MD, PhD

re: Covid preventative and early treatment packages

Dear Surgeon General Ladapo,

I urge you to consider establishing clinics or some other program to provide inexpensive preventative and early treatment packages to all takers, including visitors, without having to go doctor shopping. e.g.:

Ivermectin, Zinc, D, Azithromycin, C, Melatonin, Quercetin, and HCQ.

This would keep Florida's death and hospitalization numbers low even during seasonal outbreaks. The charge could cover actual cost -- minimal if Florida negotiated the price. It would hardly dent Florida's budget even if given out free. Surely it would save Florida money, since it would be a tiny fraction of the cost of monoclonal antibodies, hospital time etc.

Florida can publish hospitalization and death according to: visiting vs residents, took the package vs not, vaccination status, age, obesity etc.

It would be a model for responsible states. If done soon, they will have time to copy Florida for at least part of the season, saving life and liberty nationwide.

Best Regards,...

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Will do the same right now.

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I have DeSantis. I mean Ladapo. Only thing I find is health@flhealth.gov but that's the general FL DoH address, far from direct.

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Just got around to reading that Lancet publication... I'm dumbfounded that this was allowed to be published. Either way it will never make it to light or day but the proof is right there.... The vaccinated are perfect carriers of this crap yet the government and employers want to mandate it. Ridiculous.

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