Dr. Scott Gottlieb, former FDA, current Pfizer board member. Hmmm...

Thank you for your work Mr. Childers. You make my morning coffee even better.

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Good catch since Mr Childers did not directly make that connection!

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I have to wonder if he is related to Sidney Gottlieb...

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Is Covid Zero anything like Coke Zero? They both leave a bad taste in my mouth.

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I thought covid removed your sense of taste...or was that smell? I can't keep up anymore. :(

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Thanks for devoting space in C&C for our situation up here in Canada. Trudeau Sr. did invoke the War Measures Act in October 1970 and that was probably justified. It was basically Martial Law with expanded arrest, search and seizure powers and so forth. However, Trudeau Jr. aka "eau de Turd" has learned from Fauci et al about the power of semantics. Change some definitions such as "cases" and "pandemic" and voila-you can do what you want. Call peaceful protesters terrorists and voila, you can seize their assets. I get that the blockades had a huge impact on trade on both sides of the border. Like heavyhanded covid-related lockdowns/business closures didn't? Don't for a minute think that this is not about the boot on the back of the neck. Justin is frantic to stay in Klaus Schwab's good books. You will own nothing and be happy. Or else.

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100% agree. He keeps using the same words and talking points, and all of it is the EXACT opposite of what is going on. He could so easily have ended all of this with a million other options... instead he chose the biggest wrong decision. It is purposeful, and just another attempt to silence opposition. Unfortunately, the truckers don't have much else to lose, and they are backed into a corner. Praying every day for Canadians and an end to this madness.

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Of course they would wait to publish the study that immunocompromised kids and young people are at no increased risk. They didn't want anything "muddying" the waters while they were approving the covid shots use for kids. They didn't want to do anything to compromise the millions of covid shots they are giving to our kids. Disgusting.

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It is disgusting.

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Curiouser and curiouser...

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I think in that last sentence that you meant to say that masks are UNnecessary.

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Indeed, and even if they were necessary, they wouldn’t work.

All theories about how masks might have some useful effects are swept away by numerous, empirical studies showing that they don’t affect respiratory virus transmission at all.

Even the WHO in 2019 wrote a halfway decent review of masks & respiratory viruses, finding no support whatsoever for them.

That chunky report, which also showed that school & business closures had no effect & neither did border restrictions (possible exception of small islands, provided the inhabitants don’t mind total isolation for years).

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Right you are. Any diminimous benefits of masks OR lockdowns of society is clearly outweighed by the negative consequences. Bacterial pneumonias and the like on the one hand, and diseases and deaths of despair on the other. Ryan Cristian of TheLastAmericanVagabond.com has a whole page dedicated to links to the peer reviewed science, on the inefficacy, and medical contraindications against using masks, outside of a clinical or acute care setting.

I like to think of myself as being "vaccine injury-aware"... But I would certainly hold you up as a courageous whistleblower, and a "darling", as well.

Thank you, for speaking out as you have done. As we see negative effectiveness, and the clear danger signals from the mRNA Gene Therapy start to mount (including a huge pile of dead bodies and severely injured experimental subjects) - I can only hope that your timely warnings from a year or more ago, will become widely known, and your public reputation rehabilitated.

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident." - Arthur Schopenhauer

I think that's what you call a "pivot", these days.

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This from the dude who says "Racism, Eurocentrism & Xenophobia has been at the core of US immigration policy since it was begun" and "Martin Luther King never dreamed of a color-blind society." Despite nearly all immigration since The 1965 Immigration Act was 3rd-world, and King said he DID dream of a colorblind society where people are judged by character not skin color.

Off topic, but folks should know who they're upvoting.

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Off-Topic and unnecessary. Yeah it's also divisive, and it is as ignorant as it is STUPID. Anyone with minimal understanding of US history knows that the first thing you quoted, is true. US immigration policy began with the Chinese EXCLUSION ACT... I don't think that your second quote is accurate - so please include a link.

If it is correct - I'm pretty sure that you're excluding relevant context from which that was plucked - "Hauptsturmführer".

King DREAMED of a colorblind society - but also knew that wasn't remotely achievable as a practical matter in the foreseeable future - after 500 years of overt racism and enslavement.

Your acutely elitist, Eurocentric, racist and xenophobic perspectives are dripping off of your username, and comments. When you wish to join the human race, in moving past such stupidity - we'll welcome you with open arms.

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Weak. YOU are the only racists these days.

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Stupid, and wrong. But thanks for advancing your agenda in the daylight.

By "YOU" do you mean anyone with a basic knowledge of history?

I'll take your lack of a link as acceptance by tacit procuration.

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The good book 📖, says (basically) in Lev 5:1,

If you don’t step up and testify against something that you know is wrong, that you have either witnessed or come into information about, you’re guilty of sin. Thank you for speaking out, Dr. Yeadon. 👏🏻👏🏻

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Thank you again for your honesty and for speaking out.

You mentioned "Conspiracy Theories" in your talk. I'm not into those myself. I prefer to do "research into "Covert Operations"'. You could call this 'Private Intelligence Analysis', if you like. It requires strong critical thinking skills, in addition to access to information. Because there's often Red Herrings and manufactured leads, just left, lying about, and meant for you to find them. So you need to pull back and look at the big picture. Not all evidence is equally as meaningful or organic.

If you find a car, left in the Lot at Logan Airport's short term parking... Stuffed with suicide notes and Korans - that may be something that was deliberately left there for you to find - to establish a false narrative. If the other evidence from the attacks proves that rest of that story is impossible...you can ignore that car.

Anyways I encourage you to join the Community of Covert Operations Researchers, Political Researchers, and Private Intelligence Analysts. The first step is abandoning that thought-terminating cliche', and Neuro-Linguistic Programming buzzword. "Conspiracy Theory" seems to really take flight in common usage, right about 1948. No later than the mid to late 60's, we find evidence that it's been weaponized, to describe and belittle people. https://history-matters.com/archive/jfk/cia/russholmes/104-10406/104-10406-10110/html/104-10406-10110_0001a.htm

I'm sure that you've been called an "Anti-Vaxxer" more than few times in the last year or so... It works a bit like that.

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Yes, understood. I use the term conspiracy theory with my tongue in cheek.

No silly insults bother me any more. They only suggest I’m close to target!

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How can any semi intelligent person not see what “they” are doing? Wrapping things up nicely in time for the you know what? It boggles my mind it is so obvious, yet if you try and tell this to a brainwashed person they look at you like you have two heads!

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They don't pay much attention so it just appears "natural" to them.....

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Jeff, just as we’re all hoping that DeSantis is in the process of grooming someone with patriotic and individualistic ideologies to fill his snappy alligator shoes when he moves on, I’m hopeful that you are also strategizing a similar approach with SEVERAL different proteges as you prepare to navigate through these future choppy waters. In the words of that kick ass little Grandmaster humanoid alien dude: “Do or do not. There is no try.”

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Not if he re-ups the power of hospitals to deny human rights and kill patients with impunity for $$$. If he does it, I'm done with him. Long-time DeSantis donor here.

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From the Epoch Times: In 1988, the Emergencies Act replaced the War Measures Act, which Trudeau’s father, then-Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, used in 1970 during the October Crisis when Quebec separatists kidnapped and killed Quebec cabinet minister Pierre Laporte.

So this “Act” Has been used before… and isn’t it interesting that is was used by dear old Dad….

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Ah, yes. I remember it well... Like father; like son. French speaking Quebec desperately wanted to be free of the rest of the country. But as I recall, they didn't actually kill LaPorte. They only meant to kidnap him but he died when they stuffed him in the trunk of the car for hours. My father-in-law despised Trudeau, Sr and would, no doubt, feel the same about Princess Justine. How he got elected is a mystery - sort of...

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"Installed" is a better word than elected... just like Biden was installed and most definitely not actually elected

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In Canada all votes are on paper, you show ID to get the ballot and all counting is done in front of reps from each party. So he did get elected mostly by Ontario.

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My understanding from Canadian friends in the Windsor area (former SE Michigan resident) is that Justin was elected due to voter apathy in the Canadian provinces outside of Ontario and Quebec. As you said, "blue" areas in Ontario - Toronto and its suburbs - fell in line for Justin.

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if they can hack trump in the white house, they can hack voting machines

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When I traveled through Quebec I met many people who hated Pierre Trudeau with a passion, as well as his offspring. Interesting that the current Premier of Quebec said "we don't need Emergency powers -- we have no emergency here."

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During the last election, one man was responsible for electing Turdeau. And that man was Erin O'Toole. I swear, Erin O'Toole and Doug Ford could be twins.

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Because O'Toole was unelectable?

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Feb 15, 2022·edited Feb 15, 2022

He wasn't a conservative execpt in talk. He tried to appeal to Ontario by agreeing with everything the Libs said. His big miscalc was "why change if there is no difference?" and he lost now he's out as leader.

You call them RINO's in the USA. They are called "red tories" up here.

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Great observation. Why have Undocumented DemComs when you can have the real deal?

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Good ole Lucky Pierre. Like "father", like "son"

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I see what you did there....

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Feb 15, 2022·edited Feb 15, 2022

So it appears they timed the latest outbreak and removal of restrictions to the last booster. So if they have another booster then we can time the next outbreak? Business model sounds like the plot of the Three Stooges episode Pest Man Wins where they sneak into homes and infest them with all types of vermin then wait a few minutes and then knock on the front door asking if they need Pest Contol Services. I always thought of Dr Falsie as a Stooge too.

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It was a few months ago when I noticed YouTube running ads for a new monthly AIDS shot...given the amount of digging we have all been doing as of late I figured it worth noting. Fast forward to the terrible New Strain of AIDS discovered which is especially dangerous to heteros. Could this be a cover for the Antibody Dependent Enhancement and Pathogenic Priming we were warned about over two years ago...?? One has to wonder.

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There’s going to be a laugh heard ‘round the world when

Biden makes his little speech and every tiny prediction Jeff has made gallantly takes life. I laugh daily at these goons, this one will be good for some great big belly laughs.

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Who knows what will happen in Canada, assuming Parliament approves the Emergencies Act within seven days, as required by law. What worries me is that AG Garland has prepositioned our own government to treat many of us as terrorists. Is Canada the opening act, with Joebama following suit and declaring Martial Law to stop our Truckers/protests?

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Reminds me to see if GiveSendGo is up & running again and donate to the US protest. Down last night "for maintenance". I suspected an attack. Hopefully they aren't dumb enough to use Amazon servers like Parler did.

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Here is an article containing the statement they just released:


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So now the Biden Junta has donor names to single out for harassment, selective IRS scrutiny etc.

GiveSendGo should've expected this. Inexcusable sloppy security.

They should immediately delete donor names after confirming donation, or at least move them off of any device connected to the internet, to unconnected storage, then destroy them when the campaign is complete. While stored, they should be under heavy encryption.

There's no compelling reason to keep identifying information. If donors need to prove donations for refunds, they have the confirming email and bank record.

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Thought you would appreciate this article from Rebel News:


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All good ideas. I expect new patriot-minded services to emerge that will:

-be hosted on distributed non big-tech servers

-keep donors identities secure

-distribute funds immediately (or hourly, daily, etc) to recipients

-optionally use crypto, including privacy crypto like Monero

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Yep. As to GiveSendGo, I figure it's growing pains, but if they don't soon implement bulletproof security as we've suggested, I'll have to stop using them. I emailed them an hour ago. No reply yet. No doubt they're swamped dealing with this and the explosive growth of their platform (courtesy of the fascists at GoPf-ckMe).

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The more they squeeze....

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Well, it's up, but I can't tell what to donate to. Anyone know which campaign or campaigns are credible?

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Freedom Convoy 2022. Looks like donations are still continuing to come in.

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I mean for the US convoy. For the Canadian protest, I donate to Adopt a Trucker, since they had the wisdom to use GiveSendGo in the first place, whereas the Freedom Convoy 2022 people scolded donors who suggested they switch to GiveSendGo.

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Any word on whether DeSantis is going to sign or veto that crazy hospital indemnity law?

I'm surprised that he didn't say much about it. Makes me not trust him at all... Dude is shifty like most politicians.

A little history on authoritianism from him. Sounds like a Trudeau type law.

Freedom? Nah, they destroyed that cause terrorism, no, cause covid, no, cause BLM etc.... Cause truckers...


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DC was scheduled to implement double vaccine passes starting today (as opposed to only one shot for the past month). Instead they did away with them altogether. Because science…or something.

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More likely because . . . cherry blossoms.

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An interesting article in the NYT tracks some of the 2.0 changes. But the most interesting part is if you scroll down to where they have maps of the world of "hot spots" and vaccination rates. In so many cases, the most vaxxed places are also the hot spots. So. Weird. https://www.nytimes.com/live/2022/02/15/world/covid-19-tests-cases-vaccine

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Astounding that it actually IN the NYT!

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Well the NYT doesn't point out that most of the hot spots are the most vaccinated places -- you have to look at the maps and see it with your own eyes. I'm sure they depend upon their readers not to do that. :)

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Jeff I too am in the free state of Fl but my kids are still in masks at school. Have you heard of the NAIS targeting private schools and children for indoctrination? My children attend such a school in Melbourne FL. We had

No idea it was a liberal school but rather thought we were enrolling in a Christian school. They follow the NAIS script.

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The pivot has been so swift and dizzying, I am about to fall over. The wretched 3 of Michigan, Governor, SOS, and AG are all up for re election. They have been silent as the lambs for the last months. Meanwhile, several huge Liberal counties are dropping mask mandates for schools before the end of the month. The Governor allowed a provision in the education bill that said MDHHS would no longer mandate masking in schools. Some health departments openly violated that provision, but most left it up to school boards. The more a school followed CDC guidelines, the more ESSR monies they got, so as you can imagine many school districts masked away for a second year. Now that the monies are allocated and the shifty shift needs to be made, MAGIC!, masks are no longer needed. We easily forget that last year at this time, Michigan was entering another surge of the original Alpha strain that lasted through Easter into May. Propaganda commercials for pregnant women and children to get jabbed, courtesy of MDHHS CoVid monies still abound on every network and masks are still required on most college campuses. When the Michigan State Spartans have maskless faces at the Breslin again, I will believe he’ll has frozen over. And yet, I can see it happening in time for March Madness. Thanks for the morning pick me up, but don’t get me started on the Canadian trucker crisis. Yeah, it’s a crisis for democracy for trucks to park around the the capital, OR something..Good day!

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