If states can pull out of the National School Board, can we also pull out of the CDC and stop our state from funding them/following them? The more I read their "studies" (for a REALLY sad & funny read - look at their Zika advice), the more I realize that this bloated, worthless bureaucracy needs to go. They have no more public trust, are 100% political and aren't remotely doing what they were created for.

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The CDC is doing exactly what it was created for. It’s just that their objectives are very different from those the citizens thought it was for!

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Are these their own self-created objectives? Reading RFK’s book about Fow-chi, and it sounds like the CDC became irrelevant decades ago but has since crafted reasons of their own for their continued existence.

I mean, we don’t really need them anymore. The diseases they are trying to control are not actually all that significant. Not to mention that their means of control has remained pretty narrowly focused on pharmaceuticals, and not much meaningful discussion of lifestyle and non-pharma ways of supporting living free of disease.

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I'm reading RFK's book, too. I don't understand how Jaws retained his position after Ted Kennedy, Waxman, Pelosi, et all knew he squandered $374 million given to NIAID for AIDS research and was using EXACTLY the same techniques then as in the past 2 years to suppress the use of off patent existing drugs. He was a murderer for personal power and enrichment then, and he is the same now. Responsible for many thousands of deaths. Some of the people in Congress now were also in Congress then. So they knew who this mengele was at the start of 2020 and did nothing to stop him when they had the power to do so. Because why??????

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Inventing the Aids Virus by Peter Duesberg is also an exellent book.

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You’re probably exactly right.

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Doesn't alot of their funding come from drug companies, or is that the FDA?

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It’s FDA but to be fair, I don’t know the funding structure for CDC.

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I get the sense that not many American are aware that the CDC is a private corporation that holds medical patents and profits from them. I gather they are “chartered” by congress to provide “guidance”. Based on what I have seen, and also read about it might be a better choice to opt out of their sphere of influence.

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Is it the CDC Foundation that's private and can take bribes? I mean donations.

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Ummmm, is it not a federal agency? The employees are federal employees.

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They’re like the Fed, quasi government, privately funded, unaccountable. I had no idea, but now they’re totally discredited and irrelevant in my eyes.

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Thanks for the clarification.

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I was not aware that they are federal employees…yet not working for a federal agency. Are you also suggesting that they do not own patents on vaccines?

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Here's a link to the chart of federal agencies. It's also a good visual for how bloated the federal government is.


CDC "has patents" in the sense that it protects its research from corporations or individuals who would rely upon CDC inventions, and then, attempt to patent it for themselves for profit. So, the CDC (or any federal science agency, like the NIH, US Geological Survey, or whomever) has a portfolio of patents it can license to anyone who wants to pay for them.

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Is it setup like the United Postal Service which are an independent federal gov’t agency

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Brilliant idea, exit bureaucracy!

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I really appreciate the news you bring to our attention. You find the nuanced stories from various parts of our country that have wide interest and reflect signs of hope. God bless you!

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RE: The "opening" of England. I have an acquaintance in Wales who, except to get triple vaxxed, tested and see her GP for multiple medical issues, has literally not left her house for 2 YEARS!! She is always double masked, gloved, sanitizes all her "click and deliver" household items before they come into the house and any family member allowed to visit has to Rapid Test before they enter. Two days ago she felt flue-y and took a test - POSITIVE! She is absolutely livid...

RE: Our neighbor to the North. https://www.redvoicemedia.com/video/2022/02/a-canadian-man-speaks-eloquently-about-the-death-of-democracy-and-trudeau-the-tyrant/

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Covid Psychosis…there are many of them now🙃

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They deserve their own little Potemkin villages….safely away from he rest of us.

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Yup, I've told my friends it's going to be like ripping a bandaid off a sore for these people to return to normal life. I still see people riding bikes and walking outside w masks on. I just want to scream at them (politely, of course).

I think we all know fully vaxxed people who got 'Vid. And they still say, "well, it would have been worse had I not been vaxxed". There's some science for ya!

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I often scream at them. Politely sometimes, impolite often.

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I just watched the video you posted. While our closest neighbor goes full communist, our washington "elites" are either silent or contemplating how to achieve the same thing in a country of armed citizens.

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Send her the picture of "The Simpsons" Nelson Muntz pointing and going "Ha Ha".


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She should have stopped breathing air. Simple.

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As much as it is a relief to hear restrictions in the U.K. are disappearing into the rat-hole where they belong, it still leaves these damnable “health” passports in place to force in this so-called social credit system. The “great reset” cabal are still fully invested their decades old scheme. We must stay alert!

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Precisely this. I sense that this is a just trough between waves, and intermission if you will. Far too many frogs leaving he pot. Unfortunately for humanity, the Reset Cabal have no plans to reverse course so yeah as you said, best to keep an eye on the horizon.

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Didn’t the UK already get rid of their passport garbage? I thought I saw that. ?

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Why no significant effort to stop the hospital exemption? By the way what happened with it?

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Yeah I had heard that too and looks like Jeff confirmed it! 👇🏽

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"So be encouraged, and HELP. Do NOT go back to sleep. Do NOT forget."

DO NOT FORGIVE. They are complicit in medical mass murder. That deserves zero forgiveness.

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Oh you have to be careful there. Not forgiving can be like drinking poison and expecting the one you're angry at to die. You can forgive and still seek justice.

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Forgiveness can only happen if they repent. Will they? Doubtful. There is nothing to forgive until they do. They are evil.

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Wrong. Read my comment again. Hanging on to anger does harm you. Whether they repent or not, "vengeance is Mine, says the Lord." And forgiveness is not forgetting. They must be held accountable, but anger and bitterness will eat you up and tear you apart.

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Physically that's what their vaccines do. Rock and a hard place right?

I'll take the vengeance in this world thanks.

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Justice, yes. That NEEDS to happen. Whether you want to live with unforgiveness is your choice, but perhaps one that will not benefit you in the long run. That energy is best put toward as finding justice and like Jeff said, not going back to sleep and DOING things so we continue to push back, continue to seek justice. I for one would love to see that collective energy be the reason we root out all these worms and allow them to feel the consequences of their actions and pay retribution to all they harmed. We do need to hold them accountable, but not forgiving them is a personal choice, but not one that is usually beneficial to the “unforgiver.”

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Late last week after the budget passed the House, Republican congressman Randy Fine said “following the law is not optional. These school districts broke the law, and they were broken for nothing.” The budget — supported by Governor DeSantis — doesn’t affect any school programs of any kind.


In NYC, thousands of employees were fined ....their JOBS, PENSIONS and means of support were taking away from them for refusing to be profit center guinea pigs for LYING BIG HARMA and refusing to violate the tenants of their faith. More thousands will be let go unless the courts start to rule in their favor. If they could, BIG HARMA'S political friends (dems and rinos) would roll this unconstitutional punishment across the nation.

The "rebelling" administrators were treated with MERCY. The workers in NYC were NOT.

The administrators still have jobs and can support their families.

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Thought you had a typo until I realized how perfect that phrase is - Big Harma. Thanks for that-

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Who would have thought that Norways glaciers & Christmas villages would be the next hotspot? 🤣🎅🏻❄️

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The landscape is insanely majestic…if you like that sort of thing. I do.

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Don't forget ICELAND!! Its beautiful

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Naahhh they’ve shot up the whole

country and their cases are through the roof. They do not deserve my vacation $$$!!

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I’ve already contacted my travel agent friend for a few options. I’m of Scandinavian descent.

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Everything was going so well and then you said "just declare a state of emergency and freeze their bank accounts". NOT FUNNY! I've since recovered, just to be clear.

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Yes it was LOL. Why not use a page out of Trudescu's playbook?

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The thing to keep in mind is that Desantis COULD have, especially so soon after the tyrant did in Canada. It would have been sadly, more “acceptable” now. But the clear difference is that Desantis DIDN’T choose that dictator route, he isn’t choosing power over justice. HUGE difference in morality here for a similar circumstance, sort of.

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Please please please create a lower-tier subscription option. Many of us cannot afford $50/ month but very much want to contribute SOMETHING.


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I don't know what all those leftists in Alachua County are going to do without their face diapers! That guy at the restaurant who didn't want to talk with me about it is going to have a hard time. 😂

And BTW Jeff, I don't trust Boris wild hair farther than I can spit as he's a WEF lackey. There's something else behind this sudden change.

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Is there anything we can do for Canada? I feel terrible for those poor people.

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I do too, but you should be thinking about how you'll deal with the same thing here. Biden has extended our COVID Emergency and various departments in our government are already prepositioned to handle "domestic terrorists" like us.

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Exactly! We are next. The regime here will do the same and worse. We better have some plans in place. I hope we have learned how to proceed since Canada paved the way for us. ♥️

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: )

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Block the "Peace Bridge" from the south side.

That is a classic infrastructure attack. Trudescu can't do anything about American truckers blocking it other than beg uncle dementia Joe to do something. You have to inflict financial pain on your opponent. The truckers who blocked the north side cost their opponent $13 million AN HOUR for 8 days. That's $2.5 billion damage.

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Didn’t Biden just declare a state of emergency? I thought it was due to our truckers preparing for their own convoy

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He extended the one already imposed earlier.

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And there’s no end date! It will go on as long as the cabal are in charge.

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Ad infinitum.

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NM is accepting refugees.

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Wait….In order to leave an Australian quarantine camp as a foreign national, you must pay before you are released?? Not the Onion, right?

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Will you be addressing the new pandemic that is coming soon? HIV? Not sure whether this is the one Gates is talking about, but they are sure setting up the world for another horror. Just evil.

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Before the mRNA rollout, and the changing of the ‘vaccine’ definition I did a whole lotta reading up on “prior art” , published science and even some fringe material related to the battle against corona viruses and the development of mRNA biotech. Very little of what I read inspired confidence and none of it was good. Terms like ‘Pathogenic Priming’ and ‘Antibody Dependent Enhancement’ caused me to dig a little bit deeper, and when the vaxxines entered the picture after 6 months of what has turned out to be “inadequate” testing, I was downright horrified. Sure there is a great deal of scientific information, but then there are simple things like: All the animals died in testing BEFORE the covid-era, and NO animal testing was performed during the 6 months…that’s a granule on the tip of the iceberg.

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I also started studying the moment I heard about the shots coming and especially the mRNA. I made my decision early to not get those. My fears have been realized unfortunately.

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Right?! It gives me no pleasure to be proven correct by the feedback we are getting after having done due diligence and utilized informed consent. Very few did, and a lot of them are experiencing some very serious remorse not to mention illness. Trust and Faith are for church, critical thinking is for science and informed decision making. It is pretty telling that they tried to fuse the two into Scientism in order to quash and dissent as far as getting injected. Trust and Follow the Science?! I AM the Science? You are a Science Denier? These expressions are more something to be found in a coercive cult…..

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“Trust and Faith are for church, critical thinking is for science and informed decision making.”

I would respectfully disagree with your stated view above. Trust and faith, in One who has been proven to be trustworthy and faithful, makes perfect sense, and helps us bridge gaps in understanding - which we all have to deal with, including ‘scientists’ of every description. Critical thinking is a universal asset in every area of life, and certainly is of value in regard to the Christian faith.

No doubt, there will be many who reject those views/beliefs of mine - and there may be those who mock me for holding them. I accept that, but my hope and prayer is that the day will come when they see and understand that it is true, even though it may be hard to embrace.

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I'm of the opinion that the mRNA is overhyped but somewhat dangerous especially in the first few weeks. It was found over a hundred years ago that putting another mammal's blood in your system was not good for you. Nothing has changed.

The lipids and nano-particles are a different kettle of fish. We need more research on how to nullify them and have them ejected from your body.

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I’ve heard there are scientists that are working to combat the vaccine injury, but haven’t done any research into this. Have you run across any info in your research? It would be comforting to know there is some work on helping those who will be maimed by the horrible vaccines. There has to be some way to combat it before it starts taking hold on body systems, or is it too late?

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Or will it be small pox or hemorrhagic (currently occurring in China) or bird flu? So many choices …so EVIL!

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I found the following to be a good summary of hiv/aids/pcr testing and how we got where we are.


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And yet the maskers speckle the landscape like dots on an empty canvas. Apparently, informing people that there is indeed no fire in the building offers little comfort.

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Why I left my church. It’s just creepy looking in the pews now. Total compliance with what I see as Satans plan from the beginning. I will not return. Sermons on fellowship and community while not even a damn coffee pot is set up in “the fellowship hall”. No community outreach. No kids or young families anymore. When I get an uncomfortable feeling sitting in what is supposed to be Gods house then I’m gone and something is wrong. Bet satan laughed his arse off when he first emptied the churches then pounded them into submission.

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From the beginning I was appalled at the masking in church. Satanists completely cover their identity at a Black Mass, both for anonymity and because the evil one cannot abide the "image and likeness" of God. No one would listen to me. The final straw for me (after sitting in a corner unmasked during Mass) was when the priest got up and gave his homily--"Be not afraid!" I about laughed out loud! My new parish never masked and did nothing about the overflow into marked off pews (especially since every pew was jammed with people!). Keep on searching. There are truly faithful religious leaders who know what's going on and don't comply.

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I totally agree. There are many churches that did not agree. While my church was closed I went to a charismatic church. My want was no fear, Biblical messages and praising the Lord, long and hard. I found that. When my home church reopened after being closed for 3 months, the pastor was adamant about not masking but he did not prevent anyone from doing so. Still that first summer 2/3’s would mask. Now, I am double churched. My husband will not leave our home church, so I attend both. It is worth the search to find other options.

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I am keeping my options open. I live in a very small rural community and all are like what I am seeing. I know there are others out there. I dabbled in the charismatic churches years ago and I am drawn back there. I need to see some joy and faith in action. True worship. I am praying about that. But getting my own faith ducks in order at the moment. My entire life of trust in anything was blown to smithereens last fall. Like Jonah the whale spit me up on a foreign shore and only God greeted me there. God is still in charge. But we have free will. Peace! I believe we are being prepared for what needs to happen in time.

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For Roman Catholics who were betrayed by the Novus Ordo parishes closed and masked, please look into the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM) parishes. FSSP and SSPX.

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Yeah, after two years of doing online church, because we refused to go along with what is now obviously charades, we too have left. Ours managed to continue coffee and donuts (donuts... when diabetes, which is caused by crap diet, is a huge risk factor for the very disease they fear) albeit outside in a tent. But, based on their logic for continuing masks, there is no reason for them to not turn over names of non-compliant parishioners who don’t abide by other govt edicts, should govt determine that is needful for public health.

It’s really sad.

And yeah, it is quite clearly a spiritual battle. We do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities and rulers of darkness.

May God lead you to a new body of discerning, likeminded believers. He seems to be doing that for us, and it is truly refreshing.

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Would Jesus submit to the mask?

Would Jesus take the Roman's compliance shots?

Or at the covid19 testing center, would he flip the tables...

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Exactly. I believe Jesus would call out in no uncertain terms, those wanting to jab tiny children and all children with experimental but forced chemicals into their innocent bodies for WHAT it is: child sacrifice.

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According to the 'Ho in NY Jesus would be all -in on team vaxx-mask. The 'Ho is dead wrong.

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Would he have enforced empire you ask? Moneychangers in the Greek and Roman world were those who warred, won and then started their own currency.

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Our church never shut its doors, was sued by Ventura County, and won. We did not comply; with masks or mandates.

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God bless Rob McCoy. We're at a different LA County Calvary Chapel that went online only for about two months then outdoors until the Supreme Court ruling in Dec 2020 when we went back indoors. I thought our pastor did a good job threading the needle (so to speak) but Pastor Rob has been absolutely fearless through this whole ordeal.

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There are pastors like Sean Feucht who traveled the country holding worship services even in states with strict lockdowns. He was constantly written up in the msm for "super spreader" events. But in faith and joy he reached many thousands of hopeless people with the gospel of HOPE. My daughter has said, and I agree that this is the time in the church where the wheat and chaff are separated. Hold on to your faith. It is the greatest treasure anyone can have. As you look at the evil brought about by the desire for money and power remember that it has always been this way. Those that reject their God become hungrier and more desperate to fill the void that is left. What is happening is that it is accelerating as the end draws near. I do not think that covid is ending. It may have a new face tomorrow but it is an event that (along with world wars, famines, and pestilence) is the beginning of the end. "therefore stand".

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Get back in church. THE CHURCH needs you, just find one that stands on the word of God and not man!

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Feb 22, 2022
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See my response below. And yes, ours also has tended to social justice since its founding, but in the last two years that really came into predominance.

Laments for justice after Geo F in our prayers of confession. But have we heard any laments for justice on behalf of those losing jobs due to forced injections? <crickets>

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I get blank stares when I bring up to even family members that my SIL will lose her job despite she was almost murdered in the hospital just 4 months ago by Remdisivir and the subsequent vent “treatment”. She now has to fight to keep her job. Evil.

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Once people have been driven to panicky insanity, a mere soothing preparation for a speech isn’t going to stop them.

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Another little nugget from Canada: the individual provinces are discontinuing their Covid vaccine pass system. However, Canada’s government is implementing a nationwide Covid pass system to replace those, which is alarming when combined with this indefinite state of emergency.

All the more reason that here in the US, HR 550 needs to be defeated- this is the bill to consolidate vaccine databases into one national database. Last I checked it was still sitting in Senate committee but had passed the House. Anyone know anything else about this?

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Stand for Health Freedom may have info. We have been getting action information and witness forms to fill out on bills and witness forms for FDA proposed nastiness. Federal and congress as well. Different state chapters of the above. We have been able to thwart some Democrat crap here in Illinois.

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My sister in law is a teacher at a Catholic school in Broward country. Today she received notification that teachers would be permitted to go mask-less, just in time for the you know what! The archbishop of Miami is in lockstep with the cabal as usual

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Amazing how the church (all of them) hierarchy have slipped so effortlessly behind this and the transgender tyranny.

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